Daily Shmutz | COMMENTARY / OPINION  | 1/28/24



Fault Lines Across the Nation…   ATTORNEY BOBBIE ANNE COX

The Texas v Biden Border Standoff Explained

JAN 28, 2024 – I have been receiving a lot of inquiries about the Texas v Biden border standoff that is taking place these past few days, so I feel compelled to explain it and clear up some of the legal inaccuracies that are floating around.


As a way of background, since Biden took over the White House three (very long) years ago, he has allowed upwards of SIX MILLION people into our country through our southern border. Some report that number to be more like NINE MILLION. And those are just the ones that our law enforcement has “caught.” There are likely millions more that have gotten in undetected… they are called the “got aways.” To put this into perspective, the Obama administration considered 1,000 attempted illegal crossings in a day to be a “crisis,” and yet under Biden, the number of actual illegal crossings are approximately 9,700/day using December 2023 numbers. That’s about 10x’s the number that Obama considered a “crisis.” (Oh, fun fact… guess who were members of Obama’s team that set the 1,000/day attempted entries standard… Wait for it… VP Joe Biden and Deputy Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas)!

The people entering our country are coming in record numbers and are unvetted, which means Biden is not checking who they are (no valid ID’s required), whether or not they have any diseases, or whether or not they have a criminal record. Check out these statistics from the US Customs and Border Protection agency (which oversees the Border Patrol):

Furthermore, under Biden’s unfortunate reign, hundreds of known terrorists have been caught trying to enter our country. That of course does not take into account the number of terrorists who have entered undetected, nor does it account for those who mean us harm, but are not formally on our terrorist watch list.



Jonathan Pollard: The Hostages, My Captivity and Rejection of the Netanyahu Terrorist Release Deal   [18:30]   Machon Shilo

January 28, 2024


UN Employees TOOK PART in October 7 Genocidal Massacre of Jews, Only 12 Are Fired  By Pamela Geller

January 27, 2024 – I will restate the obvious, October 7th should end the United Nations.

Just as the League of Nations was liquidated because of the advent of World War I and it had clearly failed in its primary purpose, the United Nations must too be abolished because it has become the very thing it was established to  oppose – another Holocaust. Instead it is an arm of the global jihad and it is aiding and abetting in Jewish genocide.  It has failed in its primary purpose and should be dismantled.

The League of Nations was established at the end of World War I as an international peacekeeping organization just as the United Nations was founded over seventy years ago in the wake of the Holocaust to ensure “never again.” Democracies, both nascent and well-established, comprised the majority of the founding nations of the UN. America was confident that the UN would be an organization which would work in tandem with American national interests in promoting the welfare of humankind and the basic rights of every human spirit.

UNRWA is a Terrorist Organization


Israel’s Isolated Generals   Caroline Glick

January 27, 2024 – Shortly after Hamas’s Oct. 7 invasion of Israel, its sadistic massacre of 1,200 Israelis and kidnap of 246 men, women and children from southern Israel, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his government declared war on Iran’s Palestinian proxy. The government set four war goals: the military eradication of Hamas; the eradication of Hamas’s civilian regime in the Gaza Strip; the return of all the hostages; and the permanent pacification of Gaza to ensure that it will never pose a threat to Israel again.

Almost immediately thereafter, anonymous “senior IDF sources” began grousing to the media about the government’s war goals. “Sources in the General Staff” have been regularly cited advocating for replacing the goals of the war with others that rule out Hamas’s eradication and the permanent pacification of Gaza.

A few weeks into the war, the Biden administration began insisting that the government set out its vision for postwar Gaza while making no effort to hide what it expects the plan to include: the transfer of power to the terror-infused, Hamas-aligned Palestinian Authority. As Netanyahu hemmed and hawed and delayed his response to avoid a confrontation with the administration, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, Chief of General Staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevy and the other generals hopped on the U.S. bandwagon.

Buttressed by a chorus of retired generals, the sitting generals have insisted on and off the record that the absence of a vision of the day after the war leaves the military directionless. Netanyahu, they gripe, is making it impossible for the IDF to fight strategically.

The generals have things backwards. Israel’s strategic goals of destroying Hamas and securing the release of the hostages are both straightforward. It is the General Staff’s job to set out a plan for achieving them, replete with benchmarks to mark success. By demanding a plan for the day after the war, the General Staff is not asking for further guidance. It is demanding that the war goals be revised.


CHAPTER 3: Birdman and the Reality Revolution   by Linda Goudsmit
Space Is No Longer the Final Frontier—Reality Is [upcoming release March/2024]
January 28, 2024 – Globalism is a replacement ideology that seeks to reorder the world into one singular, planetary Unistate, ruled by the globalist elite themselves. The globalist war on nation-states cannot succeed without collapsing the United States of America. The long-term strategic attack plan moves America incrementally from constitutional republic to socialism to globalism to feudalism. The tactical attack plan uses psychological, informational, asymmetric warfare to destabilize Americans and drive society out of objective reality into the madness of subjective reality. The primary target of the globalist predators is America’s children.

The ability to distinguish between fact and fantasy is an essential survival skill. If a man believes he can fly and jumps off a twenty-story ledge, he falls to his death because gravity is a fact, an objective truth. Birdman’s fantasy, a subjective reality, cannot compete with the objective reality of gravity.

Let’s break down the process of thinking and doing. Thinking is a private matter and human beings are free to think their thoughts at any time in any place. Birdman is free to think he can fly, without consequence to himself or others. It is the moment he steps off the ledge that his subjective reality collides with objective reality.

Adults and children are evaluated differently in society. The fantasies of children are an accepted part of the growth process. In a sane society, adults who are out of touch with reality are deemed insane. In our example, Birdman would be considered insane.

Civil society and the laws that govern it are based on the acceptance of objective reality by its citizens. What would happen if there was a movement that deliberately rejected the teaching of objective reality and taught subjective reality instead? What would be the purpose of driving a society insane?

Remember, the ability to distinguish between fact and fantasy is a survival skill, because thought precedes action. Birdman thought he could fly and jumped to his death. Critical thinking is the objective analysis of facts in order to form a judgment, and is the foundation of rational thought.

Feelings, on the other hand, are the foundation of beliefs. Birdman’s feeling that he is a bird that can fly cannot compete with the fact that he is a human being who cannot. Critical thinking, based on facts, is necessary in an adult society.

An insistence upon objective reality is what made America great, powerful, and undefeatable in World War II. At the end of the war, America’s enemies did not go quietly into the night. They reconstituted themselves to fight another day, in another way.

America’s enemies simply put down their guns, picked up their books, and concentrated on the future. They studied the human mind and decided to exploit the existence of the unconscious to defeat America psychologically. The strategic goal was to infantilize Americans. Children’s psychological growth would be paralyzed with educational indoctrination that interrupts their developing critical-thinking skills. Adults would be pressured out of the adult world of objective reality and regressed back into the childish world of feelings.

Vladimir Lenin infamously said, “Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.”


Texas Is Entitled to Use Military Force to Repel the Border Invasion   General Michael Flynn

January 25, 2024 – The Supreme Court’s decision this week to order Texas not to protect its border with Mexico will go down in history as one of that Court’s most cowardly decisions which could doom our nation — if it is allowed to stand. That decision was not just about razor wire — it was about the role of states in our federal system, and the betrayal of the nation – first by a President, and now by two Republican-appointed Justices.

I ask you to invest the time to stay with me through this article — as we need to spend some time together to think through the background for the crisis that is now upon us — for it could be a truly existential threat to the nation.

Biden and The Wall

Within hours of Biden being sworn into office, he signed a Proclamation that ordered an end to construction of President Trump’s southern border wall. His stated reason was that the wall was “a waste of money that diverts attention from genuine threats to our homeland security.” This statement was so absurd that we knew at once that this man who had somehow assumed the Presidency was not on our side. Biden had just sworn the President’s constitutionally prescribed oath to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States,” and within hours he flung open the nation’s borders to all comers. Biden was announcing that he was the second act of the Obama Administration to “fundamentally transform” the United States. Biden was declaring that the Trump years were over, and the revolutionaries were back in charge.

Was the Trump wall really a “waste of money?” The establishment press had attacked Trump for spending $11 billion to put barriers along around 50 miles of our southern border. But the corrupt press thought nothing of spending more than 10 times that to defend Ukraine and its border. And the House GOP now estimates the annual cost of the Biden open border in caring for illegal aliens will be $451 billion. Biden opened the door, and over 3.8 million people walked through. That number of illegals is greater than the population of at least 22 states and is on the verge of destroying the nation in every way by causing crime, drug deaths, child trafficking, terrorism, deficit spending, and more. He could not have done any more damage to the nation if he had tried.

Did the wall really “divert attention from genuine threats to our homeland security?” Under Biden, military age men are pouring over the border from countries that despise our nation. Migrants on the Terrorism Watch List keep walking through — with only some being identified. Biden’s claims about the Wall were so patently false, so in your face, that we got his thuggish message — we have the power and we know how to use it.

Where were the Congressional Republicans?

Americans have been waiting for a very long time for Republicans to bring an end to the chaos. We held our breath and waited during Biden’s first two years, when Democrats enjoyed a majority of the House and a tie in the Senate which the Vice President could break in his favor. But for the last year, since January 2023, when Republicans took control of the House, we have waited for our party to do whatever is necessary to stop this existential threat to the nation. Remember that no money can be spent from the U.S. Treasury without approval by the House. Republicans could have stopped the assault on our borders, but they didn’t. For whatever reason — loyalty to the billionaire donor class, fear of the negative press, whatever — they caved, being afraid they would be blamed for a government shutdown.

Meanwhile the message from rank-and-file Republicans — but not outliers like Nikki Haley — has been simple: CLOSE THE BORDER. While we waited for Republicans to act, the border crisis got so bad that some Congressional Democrats — including five U.S. Senators — have begun to break with Biden. It’s time for House Republicans to close ranks and do whatever is necessary to support Texas in its defense of a border that Biden will not defend.

States Defending the Nation

Then we Republicans looked to the states to rise up and take real action to defend our borders. We knew Gavin Newsom in California was a lost cause. Doug Ducey was a McCain clone — shown to be uninterested in election fraud — who would do nothing to protect his constituents. Then in January 2023, Katie Hobbs took over Arizona and the Republican legislature had little stomach to fight her.

But finally, Texas Governor Greg Abbott, no doubt pushed by solid conservative Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, started to take action. He installed razor wire along a 30-mile stretch and set up a floating barrier, and he deserves enormous credit and our support for trying to save not only Texas — but the nation.

The Cowardice of Courts

Predictably, the Biden Department of Homeland Security, headed by Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, challenged Texas’ razor wire fence in federal court. While Abbott prevailed in the relatively conservative Fifth Circuit, on January 22, the Supreme Court sided with Biden and against the American People.

Total Page Visits: 177

About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.