President Trump, Beware of Middle East Reality   Ambassador (ret.) Yoram Ettinger

January 28, 2025

*Ending wars and terrorism is a noble aspiration, which confronts the reality of NO intra-Muslim peaceful coexistence during the last 14 centuries. In fact, since 1948, intra-Muslim wars have featured a toll of mega-million fatalities (e.g., 3 million killed during two civil wars in the Sudan, 3 million during the Pakistan-Bangladesh war, over 1 million during the Afghan civil war, close to 1 million Syrians killed by Hafiz and Bashar Assad, 1 million killed during Iran-Iraq war, 350,000 in Yemen’s civil wars, etc.) compared with some 130,000 Arabs killed in Arab wars against Israel.

*Ending wars and terrorism must contend with the 14-century-old reality of intra-Muslim unpredictability, violent intolerance, ethnic and religious fragmentation, despotism, tenuous regimes-policies-accords, intrinsic terror and subversion. Not an “Arab Spring,’ but an “Arab Tsunami!”

*Ending wars and defeating terrorism mandates a regime-change in Iran, which has become the chief global epicenter of anti-US terrorism, drug trafficking, money laundering and proliferation of advanced military systems all the way to Latin America and the US homeland.

*46 years of the US diplomatic option, and 40 years of US and UN economic sanctions (including crippling maximum pressure sanctions), have failed to moderate Iran; in fact, bolstering its anti-US capabilities. Economic sanctions are relatively ineffective when imposed on fanatical, apocalyptic regimes, and in view of the litany of financial, trade and diplomatic ways to bypass sanctions through third parties, which oppose sanctions.  Moreover, as documented by the Biden Administration, economic sanctions are reversible by a succeeding President. In fact, Iran’s defiance of economic sanctions has enhanced its strategic posture, regionally and globally.

*Iran’s regime-change would remove the Ayatollahs’ machete from the throats of Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Bahrain and all other pro-US Arab regimes, reducing regional and global violence. It would expand the Abraham Accords to Saudi Arabia, Oman and possibly Kuwait, Indonesia and additional Muslim countries.

*Ending wars and defeating terrorism requires recognition of the central role played by the 1,400-year-old fanatical, religious and imperialistic ideologies/visions, which transcend financial and diplomatic benefits. Fanatical, religious and megalomaniacal ideologies have driven Shiite terrorists (e.g., Iran’s Ayatollahs, Hezbollah and the Houthis) and Sunni terrorists (e.g., the Muslim Brotherhood and its branches, such as Hamas), mandating them to bring “apostates” and “infidels” to submission.

*Money talks in Western societies, but fanatical ideologies walk when it comes to Iran, Hezbollah, ISIS, the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas and the PLO (Palestinian Authority), as documented in their foundational charters, school curriculum, mosque sermons, official media, public monuments and financial support of terrorists’ families.

*Ending wars and defeating terrorism is preconditioned upon the realization that school curriculum is the most effective production-line of terrorists, and the most authentic reflection of rogue entities’ strategy/vision. School curriculum transcends moderate statements shared with the West. These statements represent the art of Taqiyya (dissimulation), which aims to mislead and overcome the “infidel” West.

*In the Middle East, one does not pay custom on words. Western preoccupation with (the comforting) moderate Middle Eastern talk, tends to obscure the (inconvenient and frustrating) Middle Eastern walk, that is frequently the reverse of the talk. For example, US emissaries to the Middle East are exposed to a barrage of pro-Palestinian Arab talk, while the Arab walk on the Palestinian issue has been (since 1948) anywhere from indifferent to negative. Thus, the six Israel-Arab peace treaties were not preconditioned upon the establishment of a Palestinian state.
*Contrary to Western policy makers, pro-US Arabs are preoccupied with the intra-Arab Palestinian walk, which has transformed the Palestinian into a role model of intra-Arab terrorism and treachery (e.g., Palestinian-Muslim Brotherhood terrorism in Egypt in the 1950s, Syria – 1960s, Jordan – 1970, Lebanon – 1970-1982, Kuwait – 1990). Arabs are aware of the systematic alignment of Palestinians with radical global entities, such as Nazi Germany, the Soviet Bloc, Ayatollah Khomeini, international terrorism, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela, China and Russia. The Palestinian track record has convinced the pro-US Arab regimes that a Palestinian state would add fuel to the Middle East fire, toppling Jordan’s pro-US Hashemite regime, transforming Jordan into an uncontrollable entity and another platform of Islamic terrorism. It would undermine the stability of the Sinai Peninsula, Egypt and all pro-US oil-producing Arabian Peninsula regimes, benefiting Iran’s Ayatollahs (who may gain control of 48% of global oil reserves), the Muslim Brotherhood, Russia and China; thus, dealing a blow to Western trade, economy and homeland security.

*Middle East reality has documented that the Palestinian issue is NOT the crux of the Arab-Israeli conflict, NOT a core cause of Middle East turbulence and NOT a crown-jewel of Arab policy makers.

*Ending wars and terrorism, on the one hand, and snatching Hamas and Hezbollah from the jaws of obliteration, on the other hand, constitutes an oxymoron, which allows terrorists to recuperate, and plan the next wave of terror.

*Minimizing wars and terrorism, on the one hand, and disengaging from the Middle East (the chief epicenter of anti-US Islamic terrorism), on the other hand, is a contradiction in terms. While the US may wish to disengage itself from the bases of Islamic terrorism, Islamic terrorists do not intend to disengage from the US. Would the US prefer to fight Islamic terrorism in the terrorists’ trenches, or in the US trenches (e.g., NYC, San Bernardino, Orlando, etc.)?!

*Negotiation and deal-making are perceived by the West as a step toward reconciliation, but for terrorists it is a step toward regrouping and bringing the Western “infidel” and the “Great American Satan” to submission.

*As comforting as a hand-shake with Middle East terrorists (and their supporters) may be, President Trump is surely aware that Leopards don’t change their spots; only their tactics!

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Victor Davis Hanson: California—New Wildfires, Same Faces   [VIDEO 6:24]

January 27, 2025  The Daily Signal – Over 10,000 homes destroyed, and $50-$100 billion in damages as California battles another explosive wildfire. Find out why nothing has changed and who’s accountable:

“The estimate of the damage is somewhere now between, perhaps, $50 and $100 billion, and we don’t have enough homes for the people who were left. But here’s my point, nothing has really changed. Karen Bass is still the mayor. The deputy mayor, Brian Williams, is still under house arrest, or he’s under investigation for phoning in a bomb threat.”

“And we still have this mysterious thing, don’t we? Who causes these fires? It’s taboo. You cannot mention the word homeless, but there are no lightning strikes. There are no other exegesis that might explain why these things keep happening. But you do have tens of thousands of homeless people spread all over the L.A. area, of 18 million people, many of them in the hills that camp out. So, my point is, we now have another fire.”

“So, my point is, the perfect storm of water mismanagement, timber mismanagement, insurance mismanagement, civic government mismanagement, the role of DEI—they’re all in place.”

For Victor’s latest thoughts, go to: https://victorhanson.com/

00:00 Fire Crisis Update

00:13 Leadership and Accountability Issues

02:27 Current Fire Situation: Hughes Fire

02:49 Water and Resource Mismanagement

04:31 Future Outlook and Solutions

05:37 Conclusion: How the Left Want to Rebuild Los Angeles


YUGE UPDATE: President Trump Asks, “How About Just No Tax, Period?”    2ND SMARTEST GUY IN THE WORLD

Trump just called for Congress to abolish the income tax.

JAN 27, 2025 – Another day, another speech by President Trump exposing the destructive fraud that is “income” taxation in a followup speech reinforcing what he said just a few days prior…

BREAKING: President Trump Asks, “How About Just No Tax, Period?”     2ND SMARTEST GUY IN THE WORLD

JAN 25, 2025

Readers of this Substack appreciate that “income” taxation is one of the more pernicious social engineering scams leveraged under color of law and threat of State violence…

Read full story

…and so today Trump is calling for Congress to abolish the income tax; to wit:

America is going to be very rich again, and it’s gonna happen very quickly.

It’s time for the United States to return to the system that made us richer and more powerful than ever before.

Do you know, the United States in 1870 to 1913 — all tariffs — and that was the richest period in the history of the United States relatively speaking; in other words, relatively.

And they set up the great tariff commission of 1887, and this commission had one function: what to do with all the money that we took in.


We had no income tax. The income tax came in in 1913.

As I said in my speech last week: instead of taxing our citizens to enrich foreign nations we should be tariffing and taxing foreign nations to enrich our citizens.

Does that make sense? I think so.

It makes perfect sense to honor the Constitution, the law of the land, common law and natural rights and end this most abominable social engineering thievery and finally allow We the People to keep all of the fruits of our labors for ourselves, our families, and our communities.

There may be some economic turbulence when the External Revenue Service (or the great tariff commission of 2025) replaces the Internal Revenue Service, as inflation may briefly spike, but readers of this Substack appreciate that the true source of all inflation is money printing, and the central planning conjurers of profligate fiat out of thin air over at the Federal Reserve need to be eradicated along with the IRS in order to smooth out any potential price swings from said tariffing, and ultimately restore true free markets to America again.

Tariffs can go well past eleven so long as the stealing of “income” under egregious color of law is permanently halted.

Foreign goods that have tariffs levied upon them may not be purchased in favor of domestically produced products that are tariff-free, and so price increases may be circumnavigated if one so chooses, unlike the statist blackmail that is “voluntary” IRS “compliance” as enforced by the perennial threat of mobster-like State violence.

As this Substack had written previously, misguided and ruinous Operation Warp Speed notwithstanding, if President Trump does in fact manage to do away with both the IRS and the Fed, then he may very well go down as one of the greatest figures in American history…

They want you dead.

Do NOT comply.


Supreme Court Scandal: Netanyahu Must Dismantle Israel’s Deep State Like Trump  [16:11]   Avi Abelow

January 23, 2025 – Israel’s deep state is right now being exposed like never before, right at the top, the Supreme Court.

Despite the fact that Israel’s establishment media is totally ignoring the magnitude of the story, thanks to Israel’s growing alternative media, more and more Israelis are learning about how rotten Israel’s justice system is, from the top.  Do not miss this episode to better understand what is going on. We need Netanyahu to make the necessary changes and dismantle our deep state as President Trump is now doing in the USA.



January 23, 2025 – “Phenomenal Potential” in Gaza. That’s right. That is what President Trump sees in the future of Gaza. What he means to not say but is clearly pondering is an idea that would turn the entire area of Gaza into some kind of a tourist site that would be put together either by a federation of Arab countries or by Israel. What President Trump is rather clearly indicating though is that he sees no point or logic at all in allowing Hamas terrorists to run things in Gaza any longer. It is rather refreshing to have a President who believes that terrorists should be punished and not rewarded with Land to continue their terror activities.

But before making any decisions about how to rebuild the coastline of southwest Israel, Israel’s leadership should make one principled decision that they any place that is used as a platform to bomb Israel from will be turned into part of the State of Israel. There is simply no more effective way to insure that the attacks stop. But when terrorists know that every time they lift a weapon, load a missile onto a launcher, or dig a tunnel, they are deciding to hand over that location to the State of Israel, the attacks will stop.

This is a more effective plan than building ten foot or twenty foot walls. Anyone who decides to be a terrorist needs to know that with their decision they are renouncing their basic rights. The only thing they should be entitled to is a lawyer to defend them in a court of law when they face conviction. Anyone who democratically decides to be part of a terrorist group should be killed by a democratically elected entity that decides to prioritize life over death. This is what is called healthy logic defeating progressive thinking.

Many people across the world, especially in California are waking up to understand the ramifications on the ground of woke ideas on rights, gender, and equality. Woke ideas lead directly to scorched earth policies, child mutilation, and support of terrorists. That is the true intersectionality that needs to be exposed for what it is. Donald Trump is an odd choice to be the agent of change who says it like it is. But these days, he is the #1 person who is saying it like it is about where woke policies lead the world. Gaza and California are two examples of woke ideas gone mad that lead to devastating consequences. The sooner these policies are reversed, the sooner the world will move towards sanity and throw out the insane policies that have led to destruction.


Things are hardly what they seem   Khaled Hassan

January 27, 2025 ISRAPUNDIT Khaled Hassan tweeted the following:

I can see everyone absolutely having a meltdown over their perception of what could be the US’s policy towards Iran and suspected/alleged Qatari influence over Steve Witkoff. Many are focusing on a tiny piece(s) of the whole picture and are jumping to conclusions.

Yesterday in an X Space, I explained that things are hardly what they seem and that Trump’s policy towards Iran will be shaped largely by his relationship with his closest allies in the region, Saudi Arabia and Israel, among other elements, including the situation in the Horn of Africa and repercussions on global trade (link to the recording in the first comment).

I also explained that it was likely that Saudi investments, above $500 billion, were going to have a huge influence over his Iran policy and wider MENA policy, and that it’s likely Trump’s first overseas visit would be to Saudi Arabia (this was before the Saudis publicly announced that they were going to invest that amount: it was confirmed within a couple of hours after I made this statement).

Take a deep breath. Saudi Arabia will make sure Qatar has almost no influence over Trump. Qatar is negligible in comparison with the ties Trump, and his administration, have with Saudi Arabia.

Now that I have your attention, I’d like to throw around a couple of predictions (without going into details for reasons I’d rather not explain here):

– The ceasefire with Hamas and Hezbollah will collapse.
– The US and Israel will strike Iran.
– The US will get a few very interesting things done in the Horn of Africa.

[Ed.:  Always look to the organ grinder, not his monkey.]


Qatar’s ‘Day After’ Plan for Gaza: Keeping Hamas in Power   by Khaled Abu Toameh
January 27, 2025 at 5:00 am

  • Qatar wants the Palestinian Authority (PA) government to collect the garbage, rebuild destroyed houses, and pay salaries to Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, while Hamas is busy rearming, regrouping and getting ready for the next attack on Israel.
  • [T]he PA government in Ramallah, the de facto capital of the Palestinians in the West Bank, decided to suspend the broadcasts of the Qatar-owned Al-Jazeera television for supporting and promoting Hamas and other Palestinian terror groups. Israel and some Arab states had also shut down the broadcasts for the same reason.
  • The Qataris do not want the PA in the Gaza Strip to rein in Hamas and other terrorist groups, or to prevent attacks against Israel. Instead, they want the PA to act as a front to maintain Hamas’s hold on power — as a cover for keeping Hamas in power.
  • Qatar has one main purpose: to safeguard its friends in Hamas, continue promoting radical Islam, and deceive Westerners into believing that the Jihadists are a better alternative to the Arab world’s present regimes. Whether the new US administration will be as gullible as other Westerners in trusting Qatar remains to be seen.

Why does Qatar, the largest funder and sponsor of Hamas, have such a strong desire to restore the Palestinian Authority (PA) to the Gaza Strip? To guarantee Hamas’s continued domination of the Gaza Strip.

Qatar has no problem with the PA, which was expelled from the Gaza Strip by Hamas in 2007, taking up its duties there again as long as Hamas is permitted to maintain its grasp on power and preserve its security and military forces and capabilities.

Qatar wants the PA government to collect the garbage, rebuild destroyed houses, and pay salaries to Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, while Hamas is busy rearming, regrouping and getting ready for the next attack on Israel.

Hamas has sustained enormous losses since the beginning of the war it started on October 7, 2023, when thousands of its terrorists and “ordinary” Palestinians invaded Israel, murdering 1,200 Israelis, wounding thousands, and kidnapping more than 250 others. The Qataris seem to realize that Hamas cannot undertake the task of rebuilding the Gaza Strip on its own. They also seem to understand that the international community will not agree to transfer funds to the Gaza Strip through Hamas. Qatar needs the PA in the Gaza Strip to facilitate the flow of millions of dollars in Western aid. The aid anyway should be supervised by international parties and donors, including the US, to make sure it is not stolen.

Two days after the announcement of the ceasefire-hostage agreement between Israel and Hamas, Qatari Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Abdulrahman Al Thani said that Doha hopes for the return of the PA to the Gaza Strip. Lasting peace in the Gaza Strip, he added, depends on Israel and Hamas showing good faith: “If they proceed in good faith, this will continue, and hopefully lead to a permanent ceasefire.”

This statement by the Qatari official, whose country has long supported and hosted the leaders of the terrorist group, was not made out of affection for the PA. Qatar’s financial and political backing of Hamas has caused tensions between the PA and Qatar over the past two decades. PA officials have frequently criticized Qatar for backing their rivals in Hamas.

Earlier this month, the PA-Qatar crisis reached its peak when the PA government in Ramallah, the de facto capital of the Palestinians in the West Bank, decided to suspend the broadcasts of the Qatar-owned Al-Jazeera television for supporting and promoting Hamas and other Palestinian terror groups. Israel and some Arab states had also shut down the broadcasts for the same reason.

According to a recent investigative report by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI):

“Among the Islamist terrorist organizations that Qatar and Al-Jazeera have supported over the years are the Muslim Brotherhood, Al-Qaeda, the Taliban, Hezbollah, the Al-Nusra Front/ Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham, ISIS, Hamas, and even the Shiite proxies in Yemen, Ansar Allah (the Houthis)…”

If the Palestinian Authority is allowed to operate in the Gaza Strip while Hamas is still in power, another slaughter of Israelis, most likely worse than the October 7 carnage, will occur. The Qataris do not want the PA in the Gaza Strip to rein in Hamas and other terrorist groups, or to prevent attacks against Israel. Instead, they want the PA to act as a front to maintain Hamas’s hold on power — as a cover for keeping Hamas in power. That is the main reason Qatar has refrained from calling on Hamas to cede control over the Gaza Strip in the wake of the catastrophe the terrorist group brought on the two million residents there.

If it truly cared about the safety and well-being of the Palestinians, Qatar would have stopped supporting Hamas and insisted that the terrorist group relinquish control of the Gaza Strip. After all these years, however, Qatar chose to do the exact opposite. Hamas was able to expand and strengthen its hold on the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip thanks to Qatar’s political and financial backing.

If Qatar truly cared about the Palestinians, it would not have allowed Al-Jazeera to act as a mouthpiece for Hamas and other Jihadist groups responsible for the death of thousands of Israelis and Palestinians.

Qatar has one main purpose: to safeguard its friends in Hamas, continue promoting radical Islam, and deceive Westerners into believing that the Jihadists are a better alternative to the Arab world’s present regimes. Whether the new US administration will be as gullible as other Westerners in trusting Qatar remains to be seen.

Khaled Abu Toameh is an award-winning journalist based in Jerusalem.

Recent Articles by Khaled Abu Toameh


Victor Davis Hanson: President Donald J. Trump and the Fate of the United States   [VIDEO  1:16:42]   Robinson Erhardt

Jan 26, 2025  Full Episodes


00:00 Introduction

00:53 Victor’s Biggest Worries For Donald Trump’s Presidency

10:53 Should Donald Trump and the United States Annex Greenland, Canada, and the Panama Canal?

17:53 Are the CIA and FBI More Damaging to the United States than Donald Trump?

25:33 The Ideological Disease that Caused the California Wildfire Disaster

32:13 The Real Reason People Hate Donald Trump

45:16 Did California Elites Cause the Los Angeles Wildfire Disaster?

54:41 Does Donald Trump Have an Incompetent Cabinet?

1:04:45 Who’s More Competent? Blue Collar Americans or Bicoastal Elites?

1:07:07 Is China Trump’s Biggest Challenge?

1:11:44 Will the Middle East Finally See Peace Under Trump?

Victor Davis Hanson is a renowned classicist, military historian, and political commentator. He is the Martin and Illie Anderson Senior Fellow in Residence in Classics and Military History at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University. Among numerous other awards, Victor was presented with the National Humanities Medal in 2007. Victor most recently appeared on episode #231, which came out just before the 2024 election, and where he made a case to vote for Donald Trump. In this episode, Robinson and Victor discuss the results of the election and President Trump’s inauguration. More particularly, they talk about the biggest challenges he will face as president, the class- and culture war in the United States, Trump’s rhetorical abilities, the California wildfires, and geopolitics, including our relationships with China, Canada, Russia, and the Middle East. Keep up with Victor on Twitter, through his website, and on his podcast, The Victor Davis Hanson Show.

Victor’s Website: https://victorhanson.com


The Only People You Are Allowed and Encouraged to Hate   CHANANYA WEISSMAN

Then you complain when the goyim do the same with you

JAN 27, 2025

Big expensive billboards (paid for by whom?) have been put up across Israel declaring that “the draft evasion law is sticking a knife in the back of the fighters”. This is in reference to a proposed law that would facilitate yeshiva students being exempt from Israel Death Factory servitude (a.k.a “IDF service”).

You know what’s really a knife in the back of fighters?

Getting upwards of 20,000 Jewish soldiers maimed and killed in Gaza, ostensibly for the sake of freeing hostages, then making absurdly lopsided “deals” anyway that all but guarantee we’ll do this rodeo again. That’s a knife in the back.

Proclaiming over and over that “victory” means the utter defeat of Hamas, then freeing thousands of Hamas fighters that you paid so bitterly to capture, and admitting that Hamas somehow replenished all their losses in the “war”. That’s a knife in the back.

Misleading religious Zionist suckers that they were fighting to resettle land they’d previously been evicted from, then cynically having them capture a target and pull back, over and over again like a yo-yo — each time paying with blood and limbs. That’s a knife in the back.

Ordering Jews into death traps, threatening them with all sorts of persecution if they refuse, while pretending there was a justifiable operational objective and it needed to be done specifically this way. That’s a knife in the back.

Prosecuting Jewish fighters for not being gentle enough with their enemies, a favor that is never returned when the shoe is on the other foot. That’s a knife in the back.

Raising taxes even more, ostensibly to pay for the war, driving even more people on the brink of poverty into the abyss. Meanwhile, Jewish soldiers needed worldwide fundraising to be fed and outfitted with the basics, while Gaza/Hamas got truckloads of supplies from Israel every day for free. That’s a knife in the back.

Doing all this and more, then conditioning these pitiful brainwashed suckers to direct all their anger at yeshiva students instead. They’re the enemy. They’re the existential threat. It’s all their fault. Hate them with all you’ve got.

And you take the bait, too, blaming yeshiva students for all the above and more. If only they paid more taxes. If only they received fewer benefits (or none at all!). If only they “sacrificed” like you. If only they all just left the country. If only they would just die. Then it would all be better.

And it drives you crazy that the goyim irrationally blame everything on you and hate you no matter what. You bemoan the unreasonable double standards, the obsession with hating you like no one else, the twisting of reality to always portray you as the villain, the lumping of everyone into one box, the insane justifications when people commit atrocities against you, and so much more.

You shower everyone with love and tolerance, slavishly yearning for their friendship and support, but the Jew who looks different and thinks differently and doesn’t sacrifice his body and soul for your false god — you’re consumed with hatred for him, especially for him, only for him.

And that’s why you get stabbed in the front.


Welfare fraud racket   TIERNEY’S REAL NEWS

JAN 26, 2025

Did you know that the head of the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (LIRS) isn’t a Lutheran OR a Christian at all? She’s a progressive Communist (atheist) who used to work for Obama & Hillary at the State Department and as Michelle Obama’s policy director? In other words, all these “refugee resettlement” operations that pretend to be organizations of faith are false prophets.

They renamed LIRS as “Global Refuge” to further confuse people.

CHARLIE KIRK: “Allow me to explain how the government sanctioned so-called refugee resettlement “non-profits” really work.

These are large companies that make more money from taxpayers the more “refugees” the government lets in. It’s another cog in the mass migration racket. They build in margins for each refugee they resettle, so when we stop admitting people, so does their financing. This represents an existential crisis for them.

So they misrepresent the scriptures, and they emotionally blackmail Americans on Sunday shows and in op-eds to gin up controversy and sob stories to game the refugee programs against our national interests. It’s a financial racket that Trump just slammed shut. We will not be manipulated anymore.”

The Lutheran Refugee Resettlement agency (LIRS) hired a progressive Democrat, non-Lutheran, and Michelle Obama’s former policy Director, as its President in 2019. That tells you all you need to know.

The ELCA’s Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services (LIRS) is one of the largest refugee resettlement agencies in the United States along with Catholic Charities. It was originally founded in 1939 and partners with other resettlement organizations across the country – including some of the largest ones in the Twin Cities and St. Cloud – in Minnesota.

These resettlement “charities” make over $6,000 profit per “refugee” they resettle in America. It’s a huge profit center. President Trump’s previous policies, including limiting migration from nations that sponsor terror, have put a huge damper in their financial statements. The ELCA alone boasts of bringing 379,000, mostly Muslim, refugees to America – which translates to $2.2 billion in total revenue. How many of them are you seeing converted to Christianity by the ELCA? Right.

Many people wonder why Minnesota is home to so many Somali refugees? Why do so many Somali refugees end up in Minnesota when they are first brought to OTHER states? Because they MIGRATE to Minnesota after they are first sent to other states because of free everything. I’m going to illustrate what is going on using Minnesota because it is my home state and I know it. Here’s one example:

A mother from Somalia and her seven kids were on their way to Minnesota, less than two months after they arrived in Phoenix from Somalia:

“We didn’t know how to get jobs in Phoenix, and even if we did, we didn’t know how we’d get to them,” she explained through an interpreter because she didn’t speak English.

In Phoenix, without a car, they found themselves lost: Where were they supposed to get groceries? How did they go about setting up long-overdue doctor’s appointments under their new free ObamaCare program? How would they find work if they had no skills and didn’t speak English or Spanish? How would they get around without a car? How would they pay rent after their initial stipend from the U.S. government ran out?

The Somali Association of Arizona stepped in, providing groceries and setting up doctor’s appointments for the family. But they couldn’t do anything about the fact that the fact that with limited English and no training, they weren’t qualified for any jobs.

Worried that her rent would be cut off soon, the Mother decided they should move to Minnesota, where the benefits are excellent and where she, like virtually all Somalis, have family. The program coordinator for the Somali Association of Arizona says that her story is a common one.

As many as half the Somali refugees resettled in Arizona AND other states end up leaving for Minnesota.

The biggest challenge for Somali refugees is finding a job. Even jobs cleaning hotel rooms or washing dishes in a restaurant come with a requirement that applicants speak English — or, unofficially, Spanish. They speak neither. So how did Minnesota become a hub for Somali refugees?

“A lot of Somalis brought here to America moved to Minnesota from other states for jobs. Almost every Somali in Minnesota who came here between 1991 and 1998 worked at the chicken factories in Faribault and Marshall.”

Bill Clinton bragged back then that he was responsible for this – he thought Minnesota was too white and didn’t work hard enough. He said that these are the factory jobs that Americans won’t do…

Most credit the strength of Minnesota’s “voluntary agencies” – called VOLAGS. These quasi-governmental agencies welcomed the first wave of Somali refugees in the early 1990s, and others soon followed.

It should be noted that none of the VOLAGS are actually really associated with the true teachings of the church, they just hijack the name for political expediency or they have been instrumental in infiltrating certain denominations to take them over for the Communists. The U.S. State Department decides where new refugees (determined by the UN) should end up and it often depends on how many voluntary agencies are in the area to expedite the process.

Here’s how the refugee resettlement programs work. The United Nations High Commission on International Refugees selects and “vets” refugees to be distributed to the United States. The US sets an annual refugee cap and the US State Department contracts with voluntary agencies (VOLAGs) to help refugees get settled in their new homes.

Five of the top nine VOLAGs in America are so-called “Christian” non-profits (Catholic Charities, Lutheran Social Services, World Relief Corporation, Church World Service, and Episcopal* Migration Ministries.) The other four are Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, International Rescue Committee, US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants, and the Ethiopian Community Development Council.

The primary VOLAGs in Minnesota are:

-Catholic Charities

-International Institute of Minnesota

-Lutheran Social Services of Minnesota

-Minnesota Council of Churches: Refugee Services

-Arrive Ministries

I believe that Lutheran Social Services is associated with the ELCA, not the Missouri Synod or WELS Lutheran church. Minnesota has the highest number of refugees per capita nationwide. With 2 percent of the nation’s population, Minnesota has 13 percent of its refugees. Minnesota is a refugee magnet because Minnesota has what refugees want — jobs, good social welfare programs, and plenty of people from their home countries.

Refugees cost Minnesota taxpayers an estimated $107,000 each in food, housing, education, aid, medical expenses and other services. Communities have no control over the in-flow of refugees, yet they must share the cost of supporting them. And residents often don’t speak out or even ask questions of the process for fear of being called racists.

The VOLAGs work with 350 subcontractors and are paid up to $4,225 per head to resettle refugees in Minnesota. Though they are officially “non-profit” organizations, these quasi-Governmental organizations are profiting from lucrative contracts with the Federal Government to resettle refugees in the United States.

Refugee resettlement is quite profitable. VOLAGs have almost no real responsibilities for these refugees after they are settled. After 4 months, the VOLAG is not even required to know where the refugee lives.

There are multiple ways for these VOLAGs to generate revenue from refugee resettlement:

Continue reading


2.9 BILLION Reasons U.S. Bishops Loved Biden But Hate Trump


Bought and Paid For: How Qatar Turned Trump’s Envoy into Hamas’s Advocate   RABBI PESACH WOLICKI

JANUARY 26, 2025

The truth is painfully clear: Steve Witkoff, President Trump’s envoy on the hostage issue, has been bought and paid for by Qatar, compromising American foreign policy and endangering Israeli security at a critical moment in the war against Hamas.

WATCH  [5:21]

The damning evidence begins with a real estate deal gone wrong. In 2013, Witkoff, a New York real estate investor, purchased the prestigious Park Lane Hotel with Malaysian businessman Jho Low for $654 million. When their luxury apartment conversion plans collapsed and Low was exposed for embezzling billions from Malaysia’s sovereign wealth fund, Witkoff found himself trapped in a financial quagmire. Unable to unload the property at his billion-dollar asking price, he was forced to take out a massive $615 million loan in 2019 just to stay afloat.

Enter Qatar’s Sovereign Wealth Fund, riding to the rescue in August 2023 with a $623 million bailout. The timing couldn’t be more suspect – just as Trump’s campaign was gaining momentum, Qatar shrewdly purchased not just a hotel, but influence within Trump’s inner circle. Their investment has paid off handsomely, as Witkoff’s appointment as special envoy has advanced Qatar’s agenda of preserving Hamas’s iron grip on Gaza.

Witkoff’s recent statements about Hamas are nothing short of shocking. In a jaw-dropping Fox News interview, he actually praised Qatar’s role in negotiations and welcomed Hamas’s supposed willingness to “dialogue” with America. This isn’t just naive – it’s dangerous. Hamas isn’t some misunderstood political movement; it’s a terrorist organization explicitly committed to Israel’s destruction and the genocide of Jews worldwide.

WATCH  [8:01]

Witkoff’s position stands in stark opposition to other senior Trump administration officials. National Security Advisor Mike Waltz, incoming Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth, and incoming Secretary of State Marco Rubio all adamantly insist that Hamas must be eliminated. Even Trump himself has stated this. Yet here’s Witkoff, suggesting Hamas might hop aboard some imaginary peace train.

Let’s be crystal clear about Qatar’s role in this mess. They are Hamas’s sugar daddy, bankrolling their terrorism while cynically posing as peace brokers. Qatar funds anti-Israel demonstrations on American campuses, harbors Muslim Brotherhood leaders, and birthed the very ideological cesspool that spawned Hamas, ISIS, and Al-Qaeda. Now they’re exploiting the ceasefire to pump millions of gallons of fuel directly into Hamas’s hands – fuel that will power their terrorist infrastructure, not help civilians.

The ceasefire deal Witkoff helped ram through appears precision-engineered to keep Hamas in power. Qatar is now flooding Gaza with “humanitarian aid” that flows straight into Hamas’s coffers, strengthening their military capability and political control. This isn’t humanitarian assistance – it’s a terrorist resupply operation wrapped in humanitarian packaging.

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‘We Are Going to Behead You and Get a Big Reward’: The Persecution of Christians, December 2024   by Raymond Ibrahim
January 26, 2025

  • “Experts warn of a growing trend of youth radicalization through online platforms, where extremist groups exploit vulnerabilities to indoctrinate and recruit individuals. This year alone, 15 minors have been arrested across Spain for terrorism-related offenses….” — rmx.news, January 2, 2025, Spain.
  • “Despite the declarations of tolerance and inclusion by the new government in Syria, this attack on Christian sites is not the last, because jihadists continue to act and have fought for the new Syrian government. In particular, some, who are as close as two peas in a pod to the Islamic State, with the same patches on their combat uniforms.” – caliber.az, December 24, 2024, Syria.
  • Ahmed al-Sharaa, jihadist warlord and current leader of Syria, swiftly turning into an Islamic state, confessed in a Dec. 17 interview that, “When we build the Islamic caliphate, Christians will pay Jizya under Islamic Sharia.” — X.com, December 17, 2024.
  • The word jizya — a payment for protection — is often translated to “tribute” or “tax.” The requirement originates in Koran 9:29: “Fight those among the People of the Book [Christians and Jews] who do not believe in Allah, nor the Last Day, nor forbid what Allah and his Messenger have forbidden, nor embrace the religion of truth [Islam], until they pay the jizya with willing submission and feel themselves humbled.”

The following are among the abuses and murders inflicted on Christians by Muslims throughout the month of December 2024.

Jihadist Hate and Terror for Christmas

Germany: On December 4, an Iraqi asylum seeker was arrested for plotting a terror attack, by plowing his vehicle into the crowd at a popular Christmas market in Augsburg. The man, known only as Ali al-G, has a long “history of posting pro-IS content on social media.” The report adds:

“This incident is the latest in a series of thwarted plots targeting Germany’s Christmas markets, which are particularly vulnerable to attacks. Last month, a 17-year-old male of Turkish descent was arrested in Elmshorn, Schleswig-Holstein, on suspicion of planning a truck attack on a local market. In November 2023, another Iraqi national was detained in Hanover after authorities discovered plans for a similar assault. Two teenagers were also apprehended last year for conspiring to execute an attack in Leverkusen, North Rhine-Westphalia, using a fuel-laden truck. Authorities have been on heightened alert following the 2016 Berlin Christmas market attack that claimed 12 lives.”

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Hostage theatre and setting up the next intelligence failure   CHANANYA WEISSMAN

October 7 demands a sequel

JAN 26, 2025

Source is here, hat tip to the Hitnagdut Telegram group.

As part of the “hostage deal”, this week Hamas will be receiving 5 bulldozers of the very type that were used on October 7. Surely these are needed to build schools and hospitals.

They also have shiny new Toyota pickup trucks, and thousands more foot soldiers. No doubt there will be plenty of weapons and ammunition to go around for all of them. To protect the schools and hospitals.

You are allowed to believe the puppet leaders of the Freemason state of Israel are stupid, crazy, or cowardly, but under no circumstances can you believe that they are deliberately arming and working with executioners to do the dirty work for them.

Why can’t you believe this? Because they are Hebrew-speakers with biblical names like Binyamin, Yair, Betzalel, and Itamar. If their names were Adolf, Hans, Boris, or Vladimir, it wouldn’t be difficult.

That’s really all it takes. Because everyone knows Jews are smart.

Hamas and Israel work for the same production company (Hebrew)

This has over 13,000 views on Facebook. Many Israelis realize that the hostage release was a big theatrical production that made no sense…and that IDF soldiers were sent into death traps on purpose to be killed…and that we’re being fed a steady diet of ridiculous lies as part of a larger agenda.

But far too many STILL don’t realize it.

We need to accelerate the learning curve.

It seems that there were two categories of hostages: the peasant slaves who were actually taken hostage and didn’t fare too well, and state actors who were hidden away somewhere until such time as it was convenient to be “freed” in a theatrical way, and then continue serving the propaganda agenda. The latter were fed better than IDF soldiers.

On that note, none of the female lookouts who were just released in a theatrical production seem at all upset that the IDF ignored their warnings on October 7, allowing their friends to be slaughtered and them to be put through hell for the last 15 months in captivity. Remarkable.

World Economic Forum shill Eli Beer spreads ridiculous BS

Remember Eli Beer from Hatzalah in full regalia weaving a tall tale about how terrorists dressed as Arab farmers duped the IDF by the Gaza border on October 7?

Tell me again, Eli, how you were on the brink of death from covid and had a miraculous recovery before shilling for the shots.

Somehow the leftists trying to bring down Bibi have managed to hide all this from him for 16 months. Someone really needs to let him know! Ben Gvir and Smotrich, too!

For more than 15 months the cover story was that the IDF was “too surprised” to react on October 7. They were lying all along, they knew they were lying all along, the controlled media played along with the lie, and the useful idiots parroted it all this time. Are you just going to let this go? They are counting on that.

There have been several such cases of techiyas hameisim [revival of the dead,] but unfortunately none when it came to Jewish soldiers who were deliberately sent into death traps, while the brainwashed sheep cheered the elimination of hired assassins who were alive and well.

Another intelligence failure.

What else are they lying about?

What aren’t they lying about?


BREAKING: President Trump Asks, “How About Just No Tax, Period?”  2ND SMARTEST GUY IN THE WORLD

Nemo agit in seipsum.   

JAN 25, 2025 – Readers of this Substack appreciate that “income” taxation is one of the more pernicious social engineering scams leveraged under color of law and threat of State violence…

Memorandum of Law: The Legality Of Income Taxation In The “50 States” Of The Union   2ND SMARTEST GUY IN THE WORLD

APRIL 2, 2024

“Nemo agit in seipsum.”

Read full story

…and over the last year or so President Trump has been dropping various hints about ending all “income” taxation in America.

And just now he once again floated his vital thought experiment:

How about just no tax, period?


You know, if the tariffs worked out like that, a thing like that could happen.


Years ago, 1870 to 1913 we didn’t have an income tax. We had— what we had is tariffs. Where foreign countries came in, and they stole our jobs and they stole our companies, they stole our product, they ripped us off.

You know, they used to do a numbers— and then we went to tariff— a tariff system— the tariff system made so much money. It was when we were the richest, from 1870 to 1913.

Then we came in with the— brilliantly— we came in with the income tax, that we don’t want others to pay, let’s have our people pay.

And then you had the Depression in 1928-1929— I call it 1929 that was a bad time, but you didn’t have tariffs. The tariffs ended in 1913.

But— uh— it was the richest our country ever was…

And President Trump of course is absolutely correct:

His recent promise of ‘no taxes on tips’ is an excellent start, but in order to truly free We the People he must end the IRS, and also end the Federal Reserve.

Speaking of the Fed and the Great Depression that President Trump was referencing, it is this privately owned central planning politburo that has been directly responsible for all of the market crashes since it was scammed into existence through an act of congress when most had gone home for Christmas holiday on December 23rd, 1913. No recess was called, and only three senators passed The Federal Reserve Act with a unanimous vote of just 3-0.

And here is exactly how the Fed caused this Great Depression that President Trump was referring to:

It is no mere coincidence that both the 16th Amendment and The Federal Reserve Act was foisted on We the People in 1913.

If President Trump does do away with both the IRS and the Fed, then he may very well go down as the greatest POTUS in America’s history, his misguided and ruinous Operation Warp Speed notwithstanding.

They want you dead.

Do NOT comply.


Egyptian-Born Filmmaker Aims to Tell the Truth about October 7th Massacre   [4:53] 

January 23, 2025  CBN News – What would drive an Egyptian filmmaker, born a Muslim, to make a documentary about Israel’s October 7th massacre?

“The truth has to be told,” Majed al-Shafi told CBN News. “Israel has a special place in my heart, and God used Israel to save my life.”

Born in Egypt and raised as a Muslim, Majed became a Christian and was persecuted for his faith.  He fled to Israel because it was the only place in the Middle East where he could find asylum and now he’s in Canada where he started One Free World International. Fast forward to October 7th, and the film Majed made about that day, “Dying to Live,” so he could let Israelis know they’re not alone in this fight.

Read the full story from CBN Israel’s Julie Stahl:  https://cbn.com/news/israel/egyptian-…


Israel must win this war   Caroline Glick

The Palestinian Arab war against Israel is a zero-sum game—either Israel wins, ensuring its survival, and the Palestinian Arabs are defeated; or they win and Israel’s countdown to destruction begins.   Opinion.

Jan 24, 2025, 2:47 PM (GMT+2)  Israel National News – (JNS)  On Oct. 7, 2023, Israelis saw what the end looks like.

Thousands upon thousands of Palestinian Arabs invaded the country in wave after wave. They were unified in their barbaric hatred of Jews and bloodlust. The atrocities the Palestinian Arabs committed against their overwhelmingly Jewish victims were like nothing we had ever imagined. And they were made all the worse by the fact that everyone participated.

Roaring crowds handed torches to 10-year-olds, giving them the honor of lighting homes ablaze, burning entire families alive. The Palestinian Arab hordes photographed, whooped and laughed in ecstasy as they raped, tortured and murdered their victims.

And when they arrived home to Gaza with their hostages—dead and alive—they were greeted by crowds of thousands as conquering heroes. Yes, Hamas planned the sadistic genocide. Yes, Hamas led the charge. But it was a whole-of-society endeavor.

Somehow, over the past two weeks of President Donald Trump’s Middle East envoy Steve Witkoff’s dealmaking, the events of Oct. 7 seem to have faded from view. The deal he demanded that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accept is incomprehensible in the context of that day.

Ignoring Oct. 7, Witkoff and his Israeli cheerleaders present the deal as a step on the road to peace. When the ceasefire becomes permanent, he has said, the Saudis will rush to make peace with Israel. So will Qatar and everyone else. Indeed, Witkoff told Fox News on Wednesday, even Hamas would be welcomed at the table. And Trump will get a Nobel Peace Prize.

In the same Fox News interview, Witkoff explained that his deal is precisely the deal that former president Joe Biden tried to coerce Israel to accept last May. The Biden deal, at its core, was a ransom deal. Israel, Biden said, would pay Hamas “generously” for the release of some of the hostages. How generously? Well, it depended on which phase you were in.

The Biden/Witkoff deal is a three-phase deal, and each phase is essentially a separate agreement. The first involves massive Israeli concessions to Hamas that are rife with dire strategic consequences for Israel in exchange for 33 hostages—including all of the women hostages.

To receive the 33, Israel is required to free nearly 2,000 terrorists, hundreds of whom are convicted mass murderers. It must withdraw its forces from the cities of Gaza and from the Netzarim Corridor, permitting the mass return of Palestinian Arabs to northern Gaza. And it must permit the full resupply of Gaza, still under Hamas control. All told, Israel is paying for the 33 in a manner that risks all of its soldiers’ hard-won gains on the battlefield over the past 15 months of war.

While that is a steep price, it pales in comparison to the price of moving to the second phase. Under the terms of the Witkoff/Biden agreement, in the second phase, Israel is to withdraw all of its remaining forces from Gaza, including from the border separating Gaza from Egypt. In other words, Israel must cede control of Gaza to Hamas. In exchange, Hamas will return the remaining live hostages to Israel—but retain the bodies of the hostages it has murdered.

Phase 1 will make it difficult for Israel to restore its previous gains and go on to achieve victory in the war.

Phase 2 secures Hamas’s victory.

The implication of a full Israeli withdrawal from Gaza is that Hamas wins the war. It survives not only intact, but in full control of Gaza, respected worldwide as the jihadist force that committed genocide and survived to rebuild and do it again and again.

Phase 3, if implemented, involves Hamas’s return of the bodies of the dead in exchange for the establishment of a Palestinian proto-state controlled by Palestinian Arab terrorists. So if implemented, Phase 3 ensures that Hamas will renew its genocidal assault on Israel sooner rather than later.

Biden’s administration sold this deal by ignoring the strategic implications of Oct. 7. He and his advisers abjectly refused to draw the necessary conclusion from what happened. The atrocities of that day showed that the Palestinian Arab war against Israel is a zero-sum game—either Israel wins, ensuring its survival, and the Palestinian Arabs are defeated; or the Palestinian Arabs win and Israel’s countdown to destruction begins.

Instead of accepting that self-evident reality, Biden and his advisers talked about Israel as a “traumatized society.” A traumatized society is not one that needs to win. It is a society that needs a hug.

Israelis who demanded the destruction of Gaza were demonized as genocidal extremists rather than realists who understood the implications of the bloodlust. The administration refused to accept the legitimacy of Israel’s war goals of destroying Hamas and preventing Gaza from ever posing a threat in the future. They placed hostages at the center of the narrative instead. The Palestinian Arabs weren’t an enemy, they were victims of Israel, which was waging a war for no reason. Israel had the right to defend itself, but not to harm its enemy.

The hostage ransom deal as crafted by Biden administration officials was a means of joining Hamas in exploiting Israel’s anguish over the plight of the hostages to prevent Israel from winning the war. Israel, Biden and his advisers believed, would be ensnared in the deal as Phase 1 moved to Phase 2. The deal was structured in a way that would make it almost impossible for Israel to walk away.

Negotiations for Phase 2 are to begin 16 days after implementation of Phase 1 begins. And if Israel walked away, the last of the 33 would remain behind.

Given the stakes, two questions arise.

What does President Donald Trump intend to do with Biden’s agreement going forward; and what does Israel intend to do?

President Trump’s messaging regarding the deal has shifted several times over the first week of implementation. Initially, he said the deal will bring all of the hostages home—a statement that indicated he expects all three phases will be implemented. A couple of days later, the president said he is uncertain that the second and third phases will be implemented.

By adopting Biden’s framework, Trump placed himself in a box. Trump wishes to prevent new wars from happening in the Middle East. But if he maintains faith with this deal, he ensures that even larger wars will break out in the region during the course of his four years in office. He also guarantees that massive jihadist assaults in the U.S. and the West will occur. After all, if Hamas’s success in murdering 1,200 Israelis in a day gave rise to the avalanche of antisemitism and jihad worldwide, there can be little question what a Hamas victory over Israel in the war will bring.

This is doubly true if the reports that President Trump is insisting that Israel withdraw its forces from Lebanon next week and that he is urging Israel not to attack Iran’s nuclear installations are true. Hezbollah has not withdrawn its forces north of the Litani River. And the Lebanese Armed Forces, which are supposed to force Hezbollah forces to decamp to the north, are helping them to remain in the south. Under the circumstances, an Israeli withdrawal projects weakness that invites a future invasion.

As for Iran, if Hamas survives and Hezbollah survives, then Iran will emerge as the victor in this war. If Iran, the victor, is also permitted to keep its nuclear installations, it will quickly cross the nuclear threshold.

The Iranian regime is not interested in a deal. It is interested in destroying Israel and the United States.

That is why it has been trying to assassinate President Trump. And that is why it built terror armies all around Israel and has deployed thousands of Revolutionary Guard personnel to Central and South America, all while building nuclear weapons.

To win the peace of the Middle East, Trump must walk away from Biden’s failed policy of standing with Iran and its terror proxies Lebanon and the Palestinian Arabs in Gaza. He must restore his first term’s doctrine of supporting America’s allies against America’s enemies.

If Trump backs Israel in returning to the battlefield to secure Hamas’s defeat in Gaza, and maintaining its buffer zones in Gaza permanently to prevent the area from threatening the Jewish state in the future, then he will build the foundation for a long-term peace between Israel and the Arabs of the region.

If President Trump stands with Israel and backs its requirement for a security zone inside Lebanon that will prevent Hezbollah and other terror forces from invading northern Israel, and if he stands with Israel in its efforts to destroy Iran’s nuclear installations and supports the Iranian people that have fought for their freedom from the regime for decades, then he will restore America’s standing as the only significant superpower in the region.

If he fails to do these things, then he will cede the U.S.’s position to China.

China has been a beneficiary of Biden’s weakness and determination to realign the U.S. away from its allies and toward Iran and its terror armies.

As for Israel, the dilemma is whether to sacrifice its future collective security for the salvation of the hostages today, or to secure its national survival. Israelis who support the first option speak of the damage to Israel’s soul if we accept that the hostages may continue to suffer.

For those who receive their news from most Israeli media outlets, the dilemma isn’t too large. With a few notable exceptions, the Israeli media have been serving the public a diet of demoralization for nearly a year. Israel cannot win, they are told. There is no purpose to the fight. All it does is prolong the suffering of the hostages. The only reason we are still fighting is that the man they have spent the past decade demonizing—Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu—refuses to quit. He refuses to capitulate despite the futility of the fight, because fighting is the only way he stays in power.

The media—like the Biden administration— prefer to ignore the strategic ramifications of Oct. 7, which they prefer to present as a one-off. The Palestinian Arabs aren’t really the people who beheaded their victims, and who mutilated their bodies as they butchered them. That was a mistake, or something. And anyway, fighting is futile. Bring them home.

This week, former Israeli ambassador to the United States Michael Oren wrote an article resonating this view. Oren admitted that the deal means that Hamas wins the war. But then he counters that Israel will save its soul by showing its devotion to the lives of its hostages by losing. “Our victory is moral, deep and long lasting,” he crooned.

The problem with Oren’s argument and the broader claim of the deal-at-any-price advocates is that the war is not futile.

Our heroic soldiers are winning and can win. And they must win.

Oct. 7 will only be a one-off if Hamas is annihilated and Gaza remains pacified forever. They are willing to pay a steep price to secure the freedom of 33 hostages, but the fight cannot be forsaken.

Hostage taking is the cruelest form of psychological warfare. And it is the most powerful weapon that Israel’s enemies have in their arsenal. They know that while they sanctify death, the sanctification of life is the foundational creed of the Jewish people.

Those who seek a deal at all costs are right about the soul of Israel. Our collective soul was bludgeoned on Oct. 7, and the wound remains unhealed every day the hostages remain in Gaza. As the years pass, the wound will become a scar that every Israeli and every Jew on earth will carry till the end of time. But our ability to carry those scars requires Israel to survive.

Oct. 7 showed us our enemy. And now that we have seen it, we cannot ignore the truth. For the nation of Israel and the State of Israel to survive, Israel must win this war no matter what the cost.

Caroline B. Glick is the senior contributing editor of Jewish News Syndicate and host of the “Caroline Glick Show” on JNS TV. She is the diplomatic commentator for Israel’s Channel 14, as well as a columnist for Newsweek. Glick is the senior fellow for Middle Eastern Affairs at the Center for Security Policy in Washington and a lecturer at Israel’s College of Statesmanship.


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Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.