Daily Shmutz | COMMENTARY / OPINION    | 10/16/2023



Woman speaks on Attack


Israel’s war on Hamas  – Western defense against Islamic terrorism   Yoram Ettinger

Oct. 16, 2023

Hamas’ anti-Western strategy

*Hamas was established in 1988, as a spin-off of the Muslim Brotherhood, as were ISIS, Al Qaeda, the Islamic Jihad, Boko Haram and scores of additional terror entities. The Muslim Brotherhood is the largest Sunni terror organization, haunting all pro-US Arab regimes, India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Thailand, Africa, Europe and the USA. Its strategic goal is to topple all national Muslim regimes, bring the Western “infidel” to submission, and establish a universal Muslim society.

*Hamas, just like the Muslim Brotherhood, considers Israel as “an infidel” entity in “the abode of Islam,” a US beachhead in the Middle East and a deterring ally of all pro-US Arab regimes.

*The 1988 Hamas charter highlights the Quran as its constitution, Jihad as its path, and martyrdom as its loftiest tactic.  It urges the “believers” to kill Jews, as specified in Article 7 of the charter, quoting one of the Prophet Muhammad’s Hadiths (verbal teachings): “When the Jew will hide behind stones and trees, the stones and trees will say: O Muslims, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him….”

*Hamas is assisted, militarily and financially, by Iran’s Ayatollahs (as well as by Qatar and Turkey), who – just like the Muslim Brotherhood – perceive the war against the “illegitimate” Jewish State as a preview of their war on “the apostate” pro-US Arab regimes and “the infidel” West, with a focus on “the Great American Satan.”


The Israel-Hamas War Is Splitting Conservatives Apart and That’s Not a Bad Thing   JD RUCKER

We’ve become so accustomed to trying to operate as a cohesive unit that we aren’t putting in the work necessary as individuals.

OCT 16, 2023 – For transparency, I’ve never been a fan of Rodney King’s immortal words, “Can we all get along?” No, we can’t, and no, we shouldn’t. Whether it’s bipartisanship or unity within an ideological group, such manufactured consensuses rarely yield a positive result. They only move poor policies forward in the case of bipartisan legislation. In the case of unity within an ideological group, they create false compromises that invariably bubble up later as bigger problems. More importantly, unity creates complacency.

Lest we forget, there was a bipartisan “consensus” that we should invade Iraq. Twice. There was manufactured unity among conservatives that John McCain and Mitt Romney were the best Republican warriors to take on Barack Obama. And let’s not dismiss that nearly three out of four Americans are “fully vaccinated” while over 80% have taken at least one jab.

This is why I’m not opposed to the various battles taking place among conservatives over the Israel-Hamas war. Most of them are petty, such as the tiff between Candace Owens and Megyn Kelly over whether or not pro-Hamas students should be “blacklisted” by corporate America. It all started with a Tweet by Vivek Ramaswamy claiming kids are stupid and should not be permanently harmed by their stupidity. Kelly had a problem with that. Owens chimed in to remind her that she was once a pro-abortion leftist as a stupid kid. I’m not going to post the threads because it’s a bunch of silliness coming from both sides.

With that said, I’m glad it’s happening. I’m glad that Ben Domenech, co-founder of The Federalist, is out there accusing Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk of being an anti-Semite even if I completely disagree with the assessment. Kirk questioned whether parts of the Israeli government and/or military were involved in the Hamas attacks.

I’m glad that there are those on the right who are siding with Palestinians even if I’m not among them.

The reason I’m glad there is all this bickering over a war that’s on the other side of the globe is because the larger conservative movement is in desperate need of a revamp. It has become about as feckless as the Republican lawmakers they help elect. Big words, little action. Sadly, the same cannot be said about the leftist movement. Their words are idiotic but their actions are effective. Those actions may be devious, misguided, intimidating, and destructive, but they’re effective at accomplishing their goals.


Refuting Hamas claims of civilian fatalities   Dr. Alex Grobman

 As Israel is about to enter Gaza, the calls for proportionality are already being heard. This is an old story designed to ensure Israel’s failure.

US forces fighting in urban areas such as Fallujah have inflicted far greater civilian deaths than have the Israelis anywhere. Op-ed.

May 20, 2021, 3:50 PM (GMT+3) – Proportional Response

No charge resonates more than the charge that Israel’s response is disproportional to the provocation which forced Israel to prepare for being accused of committing war crimes, according Marvin Kalb and Carol Saivetz of the Shorenstein Center of Harvard University. [1]

“Proportionality is not… a relationship between the numbers of casualties on either side in a conflict,” noted Richard Kemp, the former commander of Britain’s military forces in Afghanistan, “but a calculation that considers whether the incidental loss of civilian life, injury to civilians or damage to civilian objects would be excessive in relation to the concrete and direct military advantage anticipated in an attack. I know that their commanders place great emphasis on adherence to the laws of armed conflict. This includes the principle of proportionality, which is set out in Israel’s manual of military law and is recognized by the International Committee of the Red Cross.” [2]

There was “no other realistic and effective means of suppressing an aggressor’s missile fire than the methods used by the IDF,” he said, “namely precision air and artillery strikes against the command and control structures, the fighters and the munitions of Hamas and the other groups in Gaza. Nor have I heard any other military expert from any country propose a viable alternative means of Defence against such aggression.” [3]


From Chananya Weissman Newsletter

I highly recommend this short video: https://www.facebook.com/525570122/videos/853163426532173/

Supporting information provided by the speaker, David Sidman:

IDF: There were signs of the attack the night before: Hebrew article here.

Several weeks before the attack, Israeli surveillance balloons were mysteriously shut down.

Day of Attack: The invasion was recorded @7:15, but the government instituted a media blackout preventing the press from publicizing the attack for an hour and a half. Think of how many people could have prepared for the invasion if the press was allowed to warn them in real time. https://twitter.com/DanielGinat/status/1713280779201937418

*   *   *

Iyov 19:7: הן אצעק חמס ולא אענה אשוע ואין משפט

Behold I cry “Hamas!” and there is no answer.  I scream and there is no justice.

Sums up what happened during the 8-hour massacre while the skies were quiet and our “leaders” were nowhere to be found.




Download Tovim Ha-Shenayim as a PDF for free!

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Black Lives Matter, but Jewish Lives Don’t   Diane Bederman

BLM suffers from endemic Jew hatred that leads them to stand with Muslims who burn babies, shoot and rape women and the elderly. Op-ed.

Oct 15, 2023, 8:02 AM (GMT+3) – The attack by Hamas in Israel led to the greatest number of Jews murdered on one day since the Holocaust. A 9/11 moment. Yet, we have groups like BLM standing with Hamas. Doesn’t BLM know that there are thousands of BLACK Jews in Israel? Black Jews, 14,300 of them, were air-lifted by the Israelis from Ethiopia when their lives were in danger. And how about former NBA star Amar’e Stoudemire, an Orthodox Jew?

BLM Chicago tweeted out a photo captioned “I stand with Palestine.” BLM Washington D.C. retweeted anti-Israel statements.

BLM Grassroots in Los Angeles wrote on Instagram, “Their resistance must not be condemned but understood as a desperate act of self-defense.” The post continues with, “as a radical Black organization” they “see clear parallels between Black and Palestinian people.” Some in BLM blamed Israel for the attacks. Hmmm. Hitler blamed the Jews for their extermination.

BLM founder Patrisse Cullors in 2015 called for the eradication of Israel.



The Proper Objectives of the Campaign in Gaza   by Victor Rosenthal

October 15, 2023 – At this moment, the IDF is poised to begin a ground invasion of Gaza. The objectives of the campaign, however, have not been spelled out with sufficient clarity by the political echelon, other than by saying that Hamas will be eliminated as a military threat and sovereign power in Gaza. The following are my ideas of appropriate short and long-term goals for the IDF.

The first and highest-priority objective must be the restoration of Israel’s honor and power of deterrence in the Middle East. This is the part that is the most difficult to understand for the West, particularly by the elites in the US and Europe, but it is an existential condition for the survival of our state. A person or a nation without honor will not live long in this region. What was done to us, what we allowed to be done to us, was so shameful that today we stand naked, a target for anyone who wants to kill us, to invade our country, to take our property, to defile our women, to enslave our children.

You can say that this point of view is atavistic and uncivilized, and perhaps it is when compared to the (supposedly) morally evolved West, but we live in the Middle East, not in Europe or America.* The law here is not the post-1945 international law of the West, it is a code that has evolved in the harsh conditions of the region over millennia. It has been impossible until now for our own Israeli elites to internalize this, but one hopes that the viciousness of the attack on us – the worst since the founding of the state and the worst massacre of Jews since the Holocaust – will shake them out of their dream of living in a villa in the jungle.

So what does this imply for the IDF’s short-term objectives? I see it this way: all important Hamas leaders, wherever they are, and every commander, soldier, and civilian that took part in the terrorist attack should be killed. Not “brought to justice,” not captured and tried for war crimes, not imprisoned. Killed. Overall Gazan casualties will need to reach a level of ten times more than the number of Israelis murdered and violated. There are other important objectives for the invasion, like the rescue of hostages and the destruction of weapons and military infrastructure, but the recovery of honor – revenge, if you insist – must be top priority. Only thus can the appropriate message be sent to all the players in the region, and the rest of the world.


[Ed.:  Many of these “leaders of the freedom movement” are deep state controlled opposition or plain old Jew-haters who can see the truth about many things except when it comes to the Jewish people. This will be the last post of Seymour Hersh here:]


As refugees crowd the border with Egypt, Israel prepares to hit Gaza City with US-supplied bunker busters

OCT 14, 2023 – It’s been one week since the horrific Hamas attacks on Israel took place, and the shape of what is to come from the Israeli armed forces is clear, and uncompromising.

Over the past week Israeli jets have conducted around-the-clock bombing of non-military targets in Gaza City. Apartment buildings, hospitals, and mosques were torn apart, with no prior warning and no effort to minimize civilian casualties.

By the end of the week Israeli jets were also dropping leaflets telling the citizens of Gaza City and its surrounding areas in the north that those who wished to survive had better start going south—walking if necessary—25 miles or more—to the Rafah border crossing leading to Egypt. As of this writing, it was not clear whether financially stricken Egypt will allow a million immigrants, many of them committed to the Hamas cause, to cross. In the short term, I have been told by an Israeli insider that Israel has been trying to convince Qatar, which at the urging of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was a long-time financial supporter of Hamas, to join with Egypt in funding a tent city for the million or more refugees awaiting across the border. “It’s not a done deal,” the Israeli insider told me. Israeli officials have warned Egypt and Qatar that without a landing site, the refugees will have to “go back to Gaza.”

[Ed.:  I have already compiled a list of writers that I used to post without reservation, and now that they have taken off their masks about the slaughter in Israel, I will never post again.  They include (my idol) Mike Adams, Scott Ritter (who reported excellently on the Ukraine war on Youtube,) Seymour Hersh (who first accurately reported that the US blew up the Nordstream pipeline,) and Sarah Westall. Surely I will be adding to this list in the days to come.]


Flatten Gaza before invading   Ted Belman

Carpet bombing Gaza when we are at war is a legitimate operation. Our sons are not worth less than the enemy. Op-ed.

Oct 13, 2023, 12:52 PM (GMT+3)

Israel is bombing Gaza before invading. Some people are already cmplaining about the “collateral damage” i.e., the deaths of civilians. Let me remind you that so long as Israel is targeting a miltarly object, that is not a war crime if civilians are killed in the process.- (I wrote the above in 2008)

-“Olmert is about to send our children back there for a big, pointless military operation that will only increase the rain of missiles on the western Negev and, according to estimates, send at least 100 soldiers home dead, G-d forbid. At the end of the Great Military Operation, the IDF will retreat from Gaza. If the missiles had stopped in the interim, they will be back. Rabbis will encourage their students to fight for the glory of the nation and nobody except the grieving families will remember the dead soldiers. And nobody will remember Olmert’s investigation, either.”– (Moishe Feiglin 2008)

Rabbi speaks out with moral clarity June 1, 2007

Eliyahu advocates carpet bombing Gaza – Matthew Wagner, THE JERUSALEM POST

All civilians living in Gaza are collectively guilty for Kassam attacks on Sderot, former Sephardi chief rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu has written in a letter to Prime Minister Ehud Olmert.

Eliyahu ruled that there was absolutely no moral prohibition against the indiscriminate killing of civilians during a potential massive military offensive on Gaza aimed at stopping the rocket launchings.[..]

The former chief rabbi also said it was forbidden to risk the lives of Jews in Sderot or the lives of IDF soldiers for fear of injuring or killing Palestinian noncombatants living in Gaza.[..]

And today? The utter defeat of Hamas should be accomplished with the least number of IDF casualties. No one has the right to sacrifice our soldiers on the altar of world opinion. Bombing, with advance warning, is the moral thing to do. Never equate Jewish deaths with the enemy’s deaths. Our duty is to our own soldiers..


Jonathan Pollard: The Day After   Jonathan Pollard

Going forward, not one Palestinian should be allowed to reside in Gaza. Opinion.

Oct 13, 2023, 4:35 PM (GMT+3) – With Israel’s warning to the Palestinian population of northern Gaza to leave before we start a bombardment designed to eradicate Hamas and their terrorist allies, the question arises as to what our intentions towards Gaza will be once the dust settles.

Ideally, all the Gazans will be temporarily forced to relocate to Egypt, after which the UN and Arab League will have to find them permanent homes in the other countries that comprise the Arabic speaking world.

This population transfer will be a day of reckoning for these hypocritical countries that, for decades, have cynically exploited the plight of the Palestinian “refugees” as a weapon to be used against Israel, all the while refusing to integrate them into their own societies.

It didn’t have to come to this, but senseless hatred sometimes has a habit of forcing the perpetrator to pay a price for their evil.

So, going forward, not one Palestinian should be allowed to reside in Gaza. It’s just too dangerous given the degree of anti Semitic indoctrination these people have been subjected to over the years. And, as we’ve seen, turning the Strip over to the PA will not change this dangerous situation one iota.


Israel’s 9/11: Part 3   TIERNEY’S REAL NEWS

OCT 14, 2023


During the past week, I found that even most well-informed Americans know very little about the history of Israel & “Palestine.” Actually, neither did I. Here is a compilation of various reports to inform us all.

The FAKE NEWS and the left paints the so-called “Palestinians” as oppressed victims and Israel as the evil Jewish white supremacist “occupiers” in the Middle East. It’s a total lie.

Even intelligent, conservative children that I know have emerged from liberal colleges brainwashed into believing that Islamic “Palestinians” own the TEMPLE MOUNT – the same way that they believe all whites are EVIL, even their own parents, and must be exterminated.

For the past 100 years, the fake news, American schools and Hollywood have used Islamo-Communist propaganda to turn children into their brainwashed followers and agitators – like Mao’s Red Guard and Hitler’s Youth. They always go after the children first since they are the easiest to manipulate and control. History is repeating itself. WE MUST TEACH THEM THE TRUTH.


WATCH: George Santos Unleashes LEGENDARY Reprisal To Violent Pro-Terror Jew Haters   By Pamela Geller

October 13, 2023 – One for the ages. This is the best clapback against the leftist/Muslim terrorists rioting for Jew killing.

A pair of terrorist sympathizers got in my face, cursed at me, screaming and berating the baby in my arms.

Here’s what I have to say: Elected or unelected, terrorist sympathizers in the halls of Congress are unacceptable. #IStandWithIsrael pic.twitter.com/v0eFpQQN77

— Rep. George Santos (@RepSantosNY03) October 13, 2023

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Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.