Daily Shmutz | COMMENTARY / OPINION    | 10/19/2023



Woman speaks on Attack



Prediction: Sidney Powell won’t be cooperating against Trump    TECHNO FOG

Why Powell’s plea deal doesn’t help the RICO case against Trump

OCT 19, 2023 – Today, Sidney Powell accepted a plea agreement from the Fulton County District Attorney, pleading to six counts of “Conspiracy to Commit Intentional Interference with Performance of Election Duties.”

Those are all misdemeanors. She faces six years of probation, a $6,000 fine, and have to pay $2,700 in restitution.

Call that a win for the defense. [Emphasis added] Here’s why.

Powell was indicted with seven felony counts: conspiracy to violate Georgia’s RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations) statute; two counts of conspiracy to commit election fraud; conspiracy to commit computer theft, trespass, and invasion of privacy; and conspiracy to defraud the state.

These charges are felonies that carry heavy penalties. A conviction under Georgia’s RICO conspiracy statute, for example, requires a punishment of between five and 20 years of imprisonment. See Ga. Code Ann. § 16-14-5.

That gets us to our second point – the risk of conviction.

Let me start by saying that I believe Powell is innocent, that there was no RICO conspiracy by her or anyone else, that the indictment, along with all overt acts in furtherance of the conspiracy, is a joke. (More on the charged conduct and RICO below.) That this case never should have been brought, that it criminalizes political conduct. But I’m not a Fulton County juror. And you probably aren’t either.

When these cases go to trial (at this moment, nobody knows if Kenneth Chesebro will be offered, or accept, a plea deal or go to trial on October 23), the defendants will face a jury pool that is approximately 75% Democrat and only 25% Republican. The jurors will salivate at the chance to convict anyone associated with Donald Trump. We’ve seen it in DC with the January 6 defendants. We’ve seen it with the anti-Trump activist who lied to get on the Roger Stone jury. They’re not concerned about justice. For them, this isn’t about justice – it’s political.

Adding to the pressure is the cost and expense of trial. Back in September, the Fulton County District Attorneys estimated this case would take four months. There would be hundreds of witnesses, even before the defense got to their case in chief. That’s the type of trial that could bankrupt a defendant.

The Fulton County District Attorney knows that, and probably threatened the excessively-long trial to increase the pressure on Powell and Chesebro (the only two defendants who demanded a speedy trial) to accept a plea deal. It’s just another example of the unethical conduct of the zealous Fulton County prosecutors, who have engaged in very public evils from withholding exculpatory evidence from the grand jury (violating a prosecutor’s duty to do justice) to lying about Georgia law to the trial judge. (We’ll add that the plea deal further demonstrates unethical behavior, as it shows the prosecutors overcharged Powell.)


Hamas in the Torah | Mayim Achronim    Efraim Palvanov

In this week’s parasha, Noach, we read about the Great Flood that “reset” the world millennia ago.The reason for the Flood is given in one terse sentence right at the beginning of the parasha: “The Earth became corrupt before God; the Earth was filled with hamas.” (Genesis 6:11) Two verses later, we are again told: “God said to Noah: ‘I have decided to put an end to all flesh, for the Earth is filled with hamas because of them, so I will destroy them with the Earth.’” The mysterious word hamas appears just a few more times in the Torah. It is typically translated as “violence” or “lawlessness”. Rashi (Rabbi Shlomo Itzchaki, 1040-1105) comments here that hamas is gezel, “theft” or “robbery”. Chizkuni (Rabbi Hezekiah ben Manoach, c. 1250-1310) explains that hamas is a particular type of theft or robbery accomplished through subterfuge and manipulation. He brings verses from other places in Tanakh that use this term to show that it can also mean sexual sin, idolatry, and the shedding of innocent blood. The Ibn Ezra (Rabbi Avraham ben Meir ibn Ezra, 1089-1167) adds that hamas refers to the abduction of women against their will. As we’ve horrifically witnessed in recent days, all of these are accurate descriptions of the group that calls itself Hamas, an organization that is violent and manipulative, a band of thieves who abduct, rape, and pillage, shed the blood of innocents—and do it all supposedly in the name of Allah, a most-appalling act of idolatry.

,,,  Meanwhile, Ezekiel spoke at length about the final war at the End of Days (Ch. 38-39), then described the Third Temple and the outlines of a rebuilt Jewish kingdom. He quotes God as chastising the failed leaders of Israel: “Thus said the Lord God: Enough, leaders of Israel! Make an end of hamas and crime, and do what is right and just! Put a stop to your evictions of My people—declares the Lord God.” (Ezekiel 45:19) We shouldn’t forget that it was the State of Israel’s failed leadership that unilaterally handed over Gaza to the Palestinians back in 2005 and created this mess, while forcefully evicting Jews who had lived there peacefully. And we shouldn’t forget that Israel’s leadership once quietly supported Hamas in the 1980s, hoping to use them as a wedge against Fatah. (This was the same mistake made by the United States in supporting the Mujahideen against the USSR, only to have the same terrorists turn around and attack America some years later.) And where was Israel’s leadership last week? We are all still confounded as to how such a massacre was even possible. Ezekiel tells us that God will hold Israel’s leaders to account. And he makes it clear that the leaders of Israel must “do what is right and just” and finally end hamas v’shod for good.


Tucker Carlson Drops Episode 31: How to Avoid World War III  (VIDEO 22:13)   By Cristina Laila

Oct. 19, 2023 12:20 pm – Tucker Carlson on Wednesday evening dropped episode 31 of his new show on X: How to Avoid World War III.

The Biden Regime has discussed using US military force if Lebanon-based Hezbollah terrorists attack Israel with rockets.

Tensions have been escalating at the Lebanon border after Hamas ambushed Israel on October 7. Hezbollah terrorists are exchanging gunfire with Israel Defense Forces.

Over the weekend Israel shelled Syria after two rockets were launched from Syria.

In response to the anti-tank missile launched from Lebanon toward a military vehicle in northern Israel, an IDF helicopter struck a Hezbollah observation post. https://t.co/meQ7Oz2zVe

— Israel Defense Forces (@IDF) October 10, 2023

Iran reportedly threatened intervention if Israel invades Gaza and warned of a ‘huge earthquake’ attack by Hezbollah.

Tucker interviewed presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy about his stance on opposing World War III and the potential disaster for America.

Tucker and Vivek discuss:

  • What does an Israeli ground invasion mean?
  • What is the appropriate response to Hamas?
  • The real threat of nuclear war.


Ep. 31 How to avoid World War III pic.twitter.com/kdzoMxOt3B

— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) October 19, 2023


Abandoning our people and our land to our enemies   Chananya Weissman

October 19, 2023 – Today’s class offers some of the most explicit warnings from Zecharya and Chazal toward Jews who choose to stay in foreign lands after Hashem brought us back.  The recording is available here.  The material comes from my sefer Go Up Like a Wall.

*   *   *

Rony Gammer put out a strong video on the Puppetmasters and their agenda with the Gaza situation.  Watch here.

*   *   *

Let the American interlopers go home and back to screwing over Americans. They can take their “aid” with them.  End the occupation of Israel by foreign interlopers.

*   *   *

It’s a shame they didn’t salvage the blood from the Christian hospital so we could use it to bake our matzah.

*   *   *

Here is a report I received from a concerned citizen, which echoes what I have heard from several others:

” The government is trying to relocate many families from the areas near Gaza . WZO (World Zionist Organization) put out flyers to offer them vacation apartments that many in the US own. Also trusted people are saying it’s a mitzvah to do this.

My fear is that they want to evacuate these areas and not let them back for security reasons or to create 15 minute cities there. They should have secured the border and take back Gaza instead of evacuating Jewish citizens . Nobody is talking about this….

… How convenient to make it seem like a big mitzvah to help in the evacuation of our cities. Why have the difficulty of another Gush Katif when you can remove them quickly and without a fight while providing a mitzvah opportunity?”

Indeed, the clear message from the powers-that-be to the tens of thousands of residents of Sderot and other border cities is “We can’t protect you, and we’re not going to try to protect you, so best to leave.”

Indeed, reports indicate that over 70% of residents from Sderot have already fled.  Sderot is not a moshav, it’s a full-fledged city.  A city cannot survive this way.  What about the businesses?  What about the mortgages?  What about the local economy?  What about all the food that is grown in the south?

Sderot and other border cities are being dismantled before our very eyes, while everyone is being distracted by other things (turn off the accursed media already!).

This is a personal catastrophe to every one of these people, a national catastrophe, a betrayal of our people, a literal chruban of Eretz Yisrael from within.  All while hundreds of thousands of soldiers are being toyed with to serve a larger agenda, for which they are nothing but disposable pawns.

תניא ריהודה אומר דור שבן דוד בא בו בית הוועד יהיה לזנות והגליל יחרב והגבלן יאשם ואנשי גבול יסובבו מעיר לעיר ולא יחוננו וחכמת הסופרים תסרח ויראי חטא ימאסו ופני הדור כפני כלב והאמת נעדרת

This now-famous Gemara from Sanhedrin 97A speaks about the things that will occur in the generation in which Moshiach will come.  I spoke about this many times in the past, as have other rabbis.  All of these signs have occurred in our time, but the one in bold was a bit of a stretch…until now.

“The people of the borders will go around from city to city and will not be treated with mercy.”

Indeed, the people are being herded into more concentrated areas, large ghettos, while a final solution to the problem is surely being planned by our Erev Rav “leaders” and the people they really answer to.

Enough, please. We need Moshiach.  A Jewish Kingdom under Torah law.  Nothing else is acceptable.

The following is an article by the late Barry Chamish that spells out much of the playbook.  As always, think for yourself and draw your own conclusions.:

“The Secret War Against the Settlers”  By Barry Chamish

Sharon pulled off a coup. Defying his party and supposedly his ideals, he wrangled a Gaza pullout from his government. How did he do it? Through a level of criminality even he is incapable of reaching alone. He had help; the most corrupt and murderous help currently available on the planet.

We begin our understanding of the secret war against the settlers in December, 1993 when a true patriot working in the communications department of a government ministry risked his job and life by letting me read intercepted transcripts of the secret clauses of Oslo, negotiated by Yossi Beilin. He gave the same transcripts to journalists Steve Rodan and Hillel Halkin, but I was the only one to publish the most shocking sections.

The parties agreed to hand over all of Judea, Samaria and Gaza to the PLO and rid the areas of their Jewish residents. The means to this end included increased terror and, this was the most shocking section, the targeted elimination of the population’s religious and political leaders. The assassinations began shortly after, with the shooting of NRP leader Rabbi Chaim Duckman’s car, killing his driver and the murder of Moledet leader Miriam Lapid’s husband and son in an ambush. The method proved itself when Lapid moved to a new home within the Green Line.

This encouraged the “peacemakers,” and the campaign of murder was stepped up. Rabbis throughout the territories fell like kingpins; Shapiro, Kahane, Lieberman et al and to pave the way for the Gaza evacuation, Rabbi Yitzhak Arama, the revered rabbi of Gush Katif, was rubbed out in an ambush in 2002. The Israeli hit team gave his location to the Arab triggermen. That is the case in all the targeted murders aimed at demoralizing the Jews from their homes. I mean all.

In December 2003, I had a visit from a career soldier, 27 years in the IDF. He told me that soldiers were being murdered from within the IDF to further political goals. “There was this Ben Yosef from Efrat. He was a leader of the hilltop outposts movement. The killers tricked the Air Force into shooting his car with a missile from a helicopter. Then last October 27, they did it again in Netzarim. In the afternoon, the base commander stripped the weapons from three soldiers, two of them women. At night, two terrorists somehow got past base security, which never happened before, and murdered the three disarmed soldiers. They knew exactly where they were sleeping. In a base of over 150 soldiers, that would have been completely impossible without information from our side. The next day the government announced its pullout plan for Netzarim. They murdered three soldiers from the coastal area, two of them young women, none of whom had a chance to defend themselves, just to persuade secular Israelis that it was too risky for their children to stay in Gaza.”

 Fast forward to May 2004. The Likud Party holds a referendum to decide the future of Gaza. It looks like the Sharon pullout will be defeated. Drastic action was needed. A pregnant mother, Tali Khatuel and her four daughters were slaughtered in their car on the way out of Gaza to participate in a referendum rally. IDF soldiers were not 30 yards away from the massacre and did nothing to stop it. Surely, this ghastly crime would persuade the middle-of-the road Likudniks that it was too dangerous to stay in Gaza. But it did not and Sharon was defeated.

This required even ghastlier atrocities. What could be better than arranging for the murder of 13 young soldiers and even better, the gleeful mutilation of their bodies. For this operation, the Israeli hit team needed international cooperation and got it.




Download Tovim Ha-Shenayim as a PDF for free!


FUNDING GENOCIDE: Biden just announced “$100 million to the Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank”   By Pamela Geller

October 18, 2023 – VDH nails it.

Are Biden & Co. Sane?   By Victor Davis Hanson

Joe Biden just announced “$100 million for humanitarian assistance” in Gaza and the West Bank”.

Despite his idiotic caveat that “we will have mechanisms in place so this aid reaches those in need —not Hamas or terrorist groups,” even Biden knows all too well that all money sent to the West Bank and Gaza is fungible and will reach Hamas one way or another. That is, we’ll keep funding “humanitarian aid” to Gaza so that Iran’s money can be better focused on tunnels, rockets, and drones.

And the timing?

Our taxpayers’ cash follows riots and anti-American protests after Hamas et al. falsely claimed that Israel slaughtered 500 civilians. But Biden himself conceded today that the Iran-backed, Hamas-affiliated terrorist group Islamic Jihad was in fact responsible for these innocent Palestinian deaths, when it misfired one of its rockets into a hospital parking lot—a strike that was intended to kill Jewish civilians. (In other words, had the rocket just stayed on course and wiped out some Jews in Tel Aviv, the U.S. would likely have not sent a check to Gaza).

So the U.S. concludes its “humanitarian” aid can be entrusted to those who started the war, keep perpetuating it, and lie and deceive nonstop.

Had Biden really wanted to deflate Iranian-Hamas-Hezbollah aggression and end the war, he would cancel his US-sanctioned $6 billion headed to Iran, cut cash flows to Gaza, cease being snubbed and humiliated by Arab autocrats and skedaddle home, stay put in the basement, and let the IDF deal with Hamas.


Biden’s Bear Hug   by Victor Rosenthal

October 19, 2023  – President Biden came to Israel and distributed hugs and promises of undying support in public. In private, he forced Israel to agree to the entry of “humanitarian aid” via Egypt. He promised to provide Gaza with $100 million in food, medicines, fuel, and who knows what else. Although it is impossible to know for sure, it seems as though he also has delayed the entry of our ground forces into Gaza.This is despite the fact that Hamas is holding about 200 Israelis hostage, after they were kidnapped from their homes in the midst of an orgy of murder, torture, and rape of Jews unprecedented since the Holocaust.What could be simpler than to say to the rulers of Gaza, return the hostages and then you’ll get your aid. What could be more just than humanitarian aid in return for acting like humans? But no – the President chose to speak to Israel instead. “Let them have the aid, or you will not get the weapons and ammunition you need .”

[Ed.:  The “arms and ammunition” they are referring to was already given to Ukraine.  Anything not obliterated by Russia has already been sold to Hamas and used against Israel.  Israel does not need any help from, and should not make any deals with sheisters who cannot even protect their own country from the same enemy!  Israel does not need the arms and ammunition (America does,) and needs to tell Biden to stay out of the way when we deal with the Arabs, and just where to stick it!]


The Trillion Dollar Question   Chananya Weissman

Here is an article of mine from 2006 that was printed in the Jewish Press, also available on my site here, followed by a couple of observations:

Imagine for a moment that all of Israel’s enemies – both declared and tacit – formed an alliance and appointed a single governing body to represent them. They then declare publicly and unequivocally that they are prepared to make a genuine, everlasting peace agreement with Israel. Further imagine that the authenticity of this declaration can somehow be proven beyond any shadow of a doubt.

Indeed, these cold-blooded killers and their ruthless supporters are ready to beat their swords into plowshares and forever respect the right of a Jew to live in present-day Israel or anywhere else as he sees fit. In search of new meaning in their lives, they are prepared to spend their remaining days writing poetry and meditating on existential matters.

Yes, they are really prepared to do this – on one condition

Alternatively, imagine that the United States promises Israel an immediate payment of 1 trillion dollars, to be used to equip Israel’s armed forces to a science fictional degree. As a result of this aid Israel will become so technologically superior to its neighbors that the most sophisticated or primitive terrorist attacks will be thoroughly preventable. These trillion dollars will be given immediately and with no further strings attached…save one small condition:

A single Jew will have his life taken from him.

For purposes of poignancy we will imagine that this Jew is the sweetest, most innocent child – though in reality the age, health, and presumed “value” of the individual should not change matters.

For purposes of public relations we will state that the Jew will be brutally and painfully murdered – though no distinction should be made if the cause of death is painless, the victim happily volunteers for the greater good, and the death is euphemistically referred to as a “national sacrifice” (or, if you will, a “martyrdom”).

Finally, for purposes of pure shock value, we will stipulate that the Jew must be killed on public television, broadcast the world over, by his very own people – though, of course, it hardly matters if his fellow Jews are “merely” complicit while someone else does the deed.

In exchange for this one life, this single killing of a Jew that would otherwise not occur, Israel will dwell in true peace and security for the foreseeable future. We can only speculate how many lives would be spared by this development. An estimate in the tens of thousands would not be far-fetched.

It is a tempting offer, is it not? When we let our imaginations produce idyllic fantasies of true peace, as opposed to a brief cessation of open warfare that passes for peace nowadays, the cost of one life, even at our own hands, seems rather insignificant.

What we have just done is rationalized nothing less than murder. We have placed a price tag on an infinitely valuable human life, and attempted to vindicate the spilling of an innocent Jew’s blood for a peace agreement or a large sum of money. Regardless of how many lives will indirectly be saved down the road, it is a horrific idea, and it is even more horrific if we are not horrified by it.

Yet this rationalization has not only been performed, it has long-since achieved mainstream acceptance. For, in all honesty, would this and past Israeli governments not have protected their citizens far more urgently if not for political considerations of just this sort? Would the advice of military experts not have trumped the concerns of political analysts if not for the carrot of foreign aid that dangles before Israel at all times?

I remember reading an article in the New York Post a couple of years ago, when a group of Jews in Chevron was massacred while returning home from shul on a Friday night. The article noted that Israeli Defense Forces had recently pulled out of the area as a “gesture of goodwill” to the so-called Palestinians. I wondered, sick to my stomach, if all the goodwill toward Israel fostered by this and similar gestures, if all the millions and billions of dollars in foreign aid, would bring back even one of those murdered Jews. And if not, I cannot believe that it was worth it.

As the price of Jewish blood continues to sink, it behooves the Jewish people, and the government whose job it is first and foremost to protect them, to decide that Jewish life is not up for negotiation. There cannot be many nations in the history of the world that have knowingly allowed their citizens to be killed in exchange for foreign aid or fleeting approval in the court of world opinion. It is a tragedy on many levels that the Jewish nation, which believes in the infinite worth of a single human life, is today one such nation.

Worse still, it is not even ironclad guarantees of peace that we receive in exchange for our blood sacrifices, but whimsical wisps of “hope” that somehow we are moving in the right direction. The insistence of military experts that certain political maneuvers are certain to achieve disastrous losses of human life is cast aside. Only one side of the negotiation is in doubt, and that is what we will receive. What we are knowingly giving up is nothing short of infinite.

Until our nation’s answer to the trillion dollar question changes, we can expect only more of the same. After all, if we don’t value the lives of our citizens above all other considerations, why should anyone else?




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*   *   * For all those busy trying to explain things to the world: It is far more important to bring a single Jew to turn to Hashem than it is to have all the goyim in the world “stand with Israel”.

*   *  * The same people who celebrate abortion are now so very concerned about dead babies.

[Ed.:  Jewish blood is cheapest in the Land of IINO.]


Is Israel A Dress Rehearsal for the United States?  [36:38]   by DailyClout

October 16, 2023 • J.J. Carrell returns to DailyClout in an interview with Dr. Naomi Wolf to discuss the horrors of recent events in Israel, the current crisis at the border of the United States, and the increasing concern that 80,000 plus SIAs are somewhere in America.

SIAs are illegal immigrants who are terrorists or aligned with terrorists. Carrell explains that, under normal conditions, when an SIA is apprehended, everything stops. Law enforcement is notified up to the level of the FBI. The SIA is taken into custody or deported and everyone knows where he is.

Now, nothing really prevents an orchestrated uprising of what might be embedded terrorists in our midst, from taking place.


The Entire “500 Killed After Israel Bombed Hospital” Narrative Is Falling Apart   JD RUCKER

The truth is coming out and far too few will ever hear it.

OCT 18, 2023 – On today’s episode of The JD Rucker Show, I said that as of 5am this morning I was 85% sure the “bombing” of a hospital in Gaza City was from Palestinian Islamic Jihad, the “junior” terrorist group in Gaza. By mid-afternoon today, I’m at 99%; one can never be 100% sure of things like this in a world where pretty much anything can be faked.

At 99%, I’d say it’s pretty darn certain.

Conservative commentator Benny Johnson laid out some condemnation for corporate media that echoed the initial false report as if it was gospel…

Hamas said Israel bombed a hospital and killed 500 people. We now have found out that:

  1. Israel didn’t do it, it was a misfire by a terror group.
  2. The hospital wasn’t bombed, it was a parking lot.
  3. There is no evidence that 500 died beyond what Hamas said.

And our media parroted it all without question.

Sadly, there have been riots and attacks at embassies across the globe as a result of corporate media’s complicity in spreading the false narrative. But for those who don’t know, I’ll inform you that spreading false narratives and reinforcing the globalist agenda is their primary job, truth be damned.



OCT 18, 2023 – Here are a few important things you might have missed. I’ll update this thread with new information as the week goes on. Check back. The narratives are shifting so quickly that it’s hard to keep up with the noise.


The Real (and Awful) Reason Biden is Coming to Israel | The Caroline Glick Show IN FOCUS  [33:45]

October 17, 2023 – Antony Blinken returns while Israeli troops sit on the Gaza border, President Biden handicaps Israel’s security and the world continues to turn a blind eye to Hamas’ atrocities and corruption.

Journalist and author Caroline Glick breaks down the news and explains the real reason Biden is in Israel.



Jordanian pol: A Palestinian father is a man who says ‘I want my son to die’   BY ROBERT SPENCER

OCT 17, 2023 9:00 AM  – “Say, O you who are Jews, if you claim that you are favored of Allah apart from mankind, then long for death if you are truthful.” (Qur’an 62:6)

Talal Abu Ghazaleh also says: “Let them destroy [Gaza]. What is destroyed can be rebuilt. I think that the goal of [Hamas’s] lions of humanity was to cause the demolition of those buildings so that they could be rebuilt properly, according to more aesthetic and newer engineering standards.”

It was all about aesthetics, you see.

“Jordanian-Palestinian Businessman And Politician Talal Abu Ghazaleh: We Welcome Death; So Far Gaza’s Losses Haven’t Even Been In The Thousands, The Russians Lost 27 Million In WWII; Hitler Left Some Jews Alive So We Will Know Why He Had To Kill Them,” MEMRI, October 12, 2023:


EU Responds to Hamas Terror by Tripling Gaza Aid   BY DANIEL GREENFIELD

The more Hamas kills, the more money it makes.

OCT 17, 2023 3:00 PM – There’s a simple formula here. Hamas escalates its attacks, Israel tries to take it out and the “international community” sweeps in afterward to “rebuild Gaza”. The more people Hamas kills, the more money gets spent rebuilding Gaza.

Considering that Hamas controls Gaza, it’s a pretty good deal. The more it kills, the more money it makes.

“The scale of terror and brutality against Israel and its people is a turning point. There can be no business as usual. As the biggest donor of the Palestinians, the European Commission is putting its full development portfolio under review, worth a total of EUR 691m,” the EU’s Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi announced. “All payments immediately suspended. All projects put under review. All new budget proposals, including for 2023 postponed until further notice. Comprehensive assessment of the whole portfolio.”

Oliver Varhelyi is Hungarian and the EU quickly overruled him to announce that instead, it’s tripling aid.

The European Commission is tripling its humanitarian assistance to Gaza as the bloc comes under mounting pressure to present a coherent policy on the Israel-Gaza crisis.

European Council chief Charles Michel has convened an extraordinary virtual meeting of EU leaders for Tuesday to establish a “clear unified course of action that reflects the complexity of the unfolding situation.”

The EU’s executive arm will increase its humanitarian funding to Gaza from €25 million to €75 million.


Biden Regime Sent $2 Billion to Afghanistan Since Taliban Takeover   BY DANIEL GREENFIELD

Meanwhile, Taliban arrest American woman for “promoting Christianity”

OCT 17, 2023 5:00 PM  – What was the purpose of Biden’s pullout from Afghanistan again? So we could send them money without any inconvenient terrorist attacks getting in the way? I’ve spent a lot of time reporting on Biden’s betrayal but these numbers are still staggering.

After the latest earthquake, the Biden administration is sending another $12 million in aid.

The money, like much of our aid, is going through “USAID humanitarian partners”, which is to say NGOs that the Taliban allow to operate, which either pay money to the Taliban or are the Taliban.

Samantha Power’s USAID boasts that “the United States is the single largest humanitarian donor in Afghanistan, providing nearly $2 billion in humanitarian assistance for Afghans since mid-August 2021, including more than $1.46 billion from USAID.”

Abolishing USAID would be a fantastic way to defund terrorists and save a lot of money.

$2 billion. To a terrorist-controlled entity. It’s incredible.

In August 2021, I predicted that, “Biden Will Fund Taliban Through ‘Humanitarian Aid’”, but even I’m blown away by the sheer scope of this.

Meanwhile, the Taliban are doing things like this to American aid workers.


Islam or Israel: Which Normalizes the Killing of Women and Children?   by Raymond Ibrahim

10/18/2023 – In a recent debate between Piers Morgan and Mohammad Hijab, the former asked his Muslim guest what his reaction was to Hamas’s massacre of Israeli civilians on October 7, 2023.

“I was actually very sickened by it,” responded Hijab.  Then, in apparent anticipation of Morgan’s follow up question—whether he, Hijab, condemns Hamas—the Muslim offered what seemed to be his most prepared and rehearsed position:

“And this is something I do want to put on the table, because I think it’s fair for people to know this. In our religion we do not believe, okay, as a Muslim, I am a Muslim, I do not believe in the killing of any man, woman, or children—non-combatants.  That is not despite the religious teachings; that’s because of the religious teachings. So, in terms of condemning Hamas—and just dropping straight into it—I condemn not only Hamas, but any entity, okay, wherein it has been proven that this has been done—the killing of [non]combatants.  And therein I condemn any party that does it.  Any party that kills people or strikes at people where it is more probable than not that it will hit a civilian target, I condemn them, and that’s why I condemn the IDF, because when they strike they know that it is more probable than not that they are going to hit civilian targets. They know that the majority of people that are going to be affected are civilians.”

This is quite the mouthful and requires correction.


More Evidence of an Inside Job – David Sidman   Chananya Weissman

Supporting information provided by the speaker, David Sidman:

IDF: There were signs of the attack the night before:


Several weeks before the attack, Israeli surveillance balloons were mysteriously shut down.

Day of Attack: The invasion was recorded @7:15, but the government instituted a media blackout preventing the press form publicizing the attack for an hour and a half. Think of how many people could have prepared for the invasion if the press was allowed to warn them in real time. https://twitter.com/DanielGinat/status/1713280779201937418


Israel’s war on Hamas  – Western defense against Islamic terrorism   Yoram Ettinger

Oct. 16, 2023

Hamas’ anti-Western strategy

*Hamas was established in 1988, as a spin-off of the Muslim Brotherhood, as were ISIS, Al Qaeda, the Islamic Jihad, Boko Haram and scores of additional terror entities. The Muslim Brotherhood is the largest Sunni terror organization, haunting all pro-US Arab regimes, India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Thailand, Africa, Europe and the USA. Its strategic goal is to topple all national Muslim regimes, bring the Western “infidel” to submission, and establish a universal Muslim society.

*Hamas, just like the Muslim Brotherhood, considers Israel as “an infidel” entity in “the abode of Islam,” a US beachhead in the Middle East and a deterring ally of all pro-US Arab regimes.

*The 1988 Hamas charter highlights the Quran as its constitution, Jihad as its path, and martyrdom as its loftiest tactic.  It urges the “believers” to kill Jews, as specified in Article 7 of the charter, quoting one of the Prophet Muhammad’s Hadiths (verbal teachings): “When the Jew will hide behind stones and trees, the stones and trees will say: O Muslims, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him….”

*Hamas is assisted, militarily and financially, by Iran’s Ayatollahs (as well as by Qatar and Turkey), who – just like the Muslim Brotherhood – perceive the war against the “illegitimate” Jewish State as a preview of their war on “the apostate” pro-US Arab regimes and “the infidel” West, with a focus on “the Great American Satan.”


The Israel-Hamas War Is Splitting Conservatives Apart and That’s Not a Bad Thing   JD RUCKER

We’ve become so accustomed to trying to operate as a cohesive unit that we aren’t putting in the work necessary as individuals.

OCT 16, 2023 – For transparency, I’ve never been a fan of Rodney King’s immortal words, “Can we all get along?” No, we can’t, and no, we shouldn’t. Whether it’s bipartisanship or unity within an ideological group, such manufactured consensuses rarely yield a positive result. They only move poor policies forward in the case of bipartisan legislation. In the case of unity within an ideological group, they create false compromises that invariably bubble up later as bigger problems. More importantly, unity creates complacency.

Lest we forget, there was a bipartisan “consensus” that we should invade Iraq. Twice. There was manufactured unity among conservatives that John McCain and Mitt Romney were the best Republican warriors to take on Barack Obama. And let’s not dismiss that nearly three out of four Americans are “fully vaccinated” while over 80% have taken at least one jab.

This is why I’m not opposed to the various battles taking place among conservatives over the Israel-Hamas war. Most of them are petty, such as the tiff between Candace Owens and Megyn Kelly over whether or not pro-Hamas students should be “blacklisted” by corporate America. It all started with a Tweet by Vivek Ramaswamy claiming kids are stupid and should not be permanently harmed by their stupidity. Kelly had a problem with that. Owens chimed in to remind her that she was once a pro-abortion leftist as a stupid kid. I’m not going to post the threads because it’s a bunch of silliness coming from both sides.

With that said, I’m glad it’s happening. I’m glad that Ben Domenech, co-founder of The Federalist, is out there accusing Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk of being an anti-Semite even if I completely disagree with the assessment. Kirk questioned whether parts of the Israeli government and/or military were involved in the Hamas attacks.

I’m glad that there are those on the right who are siding with Palestinians even if I’m not among them.

The reason I’m glad there is all this bickering over a war that’s on the other side of the globe is because the larger conservative movement is in desperate need of a revamp. It has become about as feckless as the Republican lawmakers they help elect. Big words, little action. Sadly, the same cannot be said about the leftist movement. Their words are idiotic but their actions are effective. Those actions may be devious, misguided, intimidating, and destructive, but they’re effective at accomplishing their goals.


Refuting Hamas claims of civilian fatalities   Dr. Alex Grobman

 As Israel is about to enter Gaza, the calls for proportionality are already being heard. This is an old story designed to ensure Israel’s failure.

US forces fighting in urban areas such as Fallujah have inflicted far greater civilian deaths than have the Israelis anywhere. Op-ed.

May 20, 2021, 3:50 PM (GMT+3) – Proportional Response

No charge resonates more than the charge that Israel’s response is disproportional to the provocation which forced Israel to prepare for being accused of committing war crimes, according Marvin Kalb and Carol Saivetz of the Shorenstein Center of Harvard University. [1]

“Proportionality is not… a relationship between the numbers of casualties on either side in a conflict,” noted Richard Kemp, the former commander of Britain’s military forces in Afghanistan, “but a calculation that considers whether the incidental loss of civilian life, injury to civilians or damage to civilian objects would be excessive in relation to the concrete and direct military advantage anticipated in an attack. I know that their commanders place great emphasis on adherence to the laws of armed conflict. This includes the principle of proportionality, which is set out in Israel’s manual of military law and is recognized by the International Committee of the Red Cross.” [2]

There was “no other realistic and effective means of suppressing an aggressor’s missile fire than the methods used by the IDF,” he said, “namely precision air and artillery strikes against the command and control structures, the fighters and the munitions of Hamas and the other groups in Gaza. Nor have I heard any other military expert from any country propose a viable alternative means of Defence against such aggression.” [3]


From Chananya Weissman Newsletter

I highly recommend this short video: https://www.facebook.com/525570122/videos/853163426532173/

Supporting information provided by the speaker, David Sidman:

IDF: There were signs of the attack the night before: Hebrew article here.

Several weeks before the attack, Israeli surveillance balloons were mysteriously shut down.

Day of Attack: The invasion was recorded @7:15, but the government instituted a media blackout preventing the press from publicizing the attack for an hour and a half. Think of how many people could have prepared for the invasion if the press was allowed to warn them in real time. https://twitter.com/DanielGinat/status/1713280779201937418

*   *   *

Iyov 19:7: הן אצעק חמס ולא אענה אשוע ואין משפט

Behold I cry “Hamas!” and there is no answer.  I scream and there is no justice.

Sums up what happened during the 8-hour massacre while the skies were quiet and our “leaders” were nowhere to be found.




Download Tovim Ha-Shenayim as a PDF for free!

If you received this from someone else and want to receive future articles directly, please send a request to endthemadness@gmail.com.


Black Lives Matter, but Jewish Lives Don’t   Diane Bederman

BLM suffers from endemic Jew hatred that leads them to stand with Muslims who burn babies, shoot and rape women and the elderly. Op-ed.

Oct 15, 2023, 8:02 AM (GMT+3) – The attack by Hamas in Israel led to the greatest number of Jews murdered on one day since the Holocaust. A 9/11 moment. Yet, we have groups like BLM standing with Hamas. Doesn’t BLM know that there are thousands of BLACK Jews in Israel? Black Jews, 14,300 of them, were air-lifted by the Israelis from Ethiopia when their lives were in danger. And how about former NBA star Amar’e Stoudemire, an Orthodox Jew?

BLM Chicago tweeted out a photo captioned “I stand with Palestine.” BLM Washington D.C. retweeted anti-Israel statements.

BLM Grassroots in Los Angeles wrote on Instagram, “Their resistance must not be condemned but understood as a desperate act of self-defense.” The post continues with, “as a radical Black organization” they “see clear parallels between Black and Palestinian people.” Some in BLM blamed Israel for the attacks. Hmmm. Hitler blamed the Jews for their extermination.

BLM founder Patrisse Cullors in 2015 called for the eradication of Israel.



The Proper Objectives of the Campaign in Gaza   by Victor Rosenthal

October 15, 2023 – At this moment, the IDF is poised to begin a ground invasion of Gaza. The objectives of the campaign, however, have not been spelled out with sufficient clarity by the political echelon, other than by saying that Hamas will be eliminated as a military threat and sovereign power in Gaza. The following are my ideas of appropriate short and long-term goals for the IDF.

The first and highest-priority objective must be the restoration of Israel’s honor and power of deterrence in the Middle East. This is the part that is the most difficult to understand for the West, particularly by the elites in the US and Europe, but it is an existential condition for the survival of our state. A person or a nation without honor will not live long in this region. What was done to us, what we allowed to be done to us, was so shameful that today we stand naked, a target for anyone who wants to kill us, to invade our country, to take our property, to defile our women, to enslave our children.

You can say that this point of view is atavistic and uncivilized, and perhaps it is when compared to the (supposedly) morally evolved West, but we live in the Middle East, not in Europe or America.* The law here is not the post-1945 international law of the West, it is a code that has evolved in the harsh conditions of the region over millennia. It has been impossible until now for our own Israeli elites to internalize this, but one hopes that the viciousness of the attack on us – the worst since the founding of the state and the worst massacre of Jews since the Holocaust – will shake them out of their dream of living in a villa in the jungle.

So what does this imply for the IDF’s short-term objectives? I see it this way: all important Hamas leaders, wherever they are, and every commander, soldier, and civilian that took part in the terrorist attack should be killed. Not “brought to justice,” not captured and tried for war crimes, not imprisoned. Killed. Overall Gazan casualties will need to reach a level of ten times more than the number of Israelis murdered and violated. There are other important objectives for the invasion, like the rescue of hostages and the destruction of weapons and military infrastructure, but the recovery of honor – revenge, if you insist – must be top priority. Only thus can the appropriate message be sent to all the players in the region, and the rest of the world.


[Ed.:  Many of these “leaders of the freedom movement” are deep state controlled opposition or plain old Jew-haters who can see the truth about many things except when it comes to the Jewish people. This will be the last post of Seymour Hersh here:]


As refugees crowd the border with Egypt, Israel prepares to hit Gaza City with US-supplied bunker busters

OCT 14, 2023 – It’s been one week since the horrific Hamas attacks on Israel took place, and the shape of what is to come from the Israeli armed forces is clear, and uncompromising.

Over the past week Israeli jets have conducted around-the-clock bombing of non-military targets in Gaza City. Apartment buildings, hospitals, and mosques were torn apart, with no prior warning and no effort to minimize civilian casualties.

By the end of the week Israeli jets were also dropping leaflets telling the citizens of Gaza City and its surrounding areas in the north that those who wished to survive had better start going south—walking if necessary—25 miles or more—to the Rafah border crossing leading to Egypt. As of this writing, it was not clear whether financially stricken Egypt will allow a million immigrants, many of them committed to the Hamas cause, to cross. In the short term, I have been told by an Israeli insider that Israel has been trying to convince Qatar, which at the urging of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was a long-time financial supporter of Hamas, to join with Egypt in funding a tent city for the million or more refugees awaiting across the border. “It’s not a done deal,” the Israeli insider told me. Israeli officials have warned Egypt and Qatar that without a landing site, the refugees will have to “go back to Gaza.”

[Ed.:  I have already compiled a list of writers that I used to post without reservation, and now that they have taken off their masks about the slaughter in Israel, I will never post again.  They include (my idol) Mike Adams, Scott Ritter (who reported excellently on the Ukraine war on Youtube,) Seymour Hersh (who first accurately reported that the US blew up the Nordstream pipeline,) and Sarah Westall. Surely I will be adding to this list in the days to come.]


Flatten Gaza before invading   Ted Belman

Carpet bombing Gaza when we are at war is a legitimate operation. Our sons are not worth less than the enemy. Op-ed.

Oct 13, 2023, 12:52 PM (GMT+3)

Israel is bombing Gaza before invading. Some people are already cmplaining about the “collateral damage” i.e., the deaths of civilians. Let me remind you that so long as Israel is targeting a miltarly object, that is not a war crime if civilians are killed in the process.- (I wrote the above in 2008)

-“Olmert is about to send our children back there for a big, pointless military operation that will only increase the rain of missiles on the western Negev and, according to estimates, send at least 100 soldiers home dead, G-d forbid. At the end of the Great Military Operation, the IDF will retreat from Gaza. If the missiles had stopped in the interim, they will be back. Rabbis will encourage their students to fight for the glory of the nation and nobody except the grieving families will remember the dead soldiers. And nobody will remember Olmert’s investigation, either.”– (Moishe Feiglin 2008)

Rabbi speaks out with moral clarity June 1, 2007

Eliyahu advocates carpet bombing Gaza – Matthew Wagner, THE JERUSALEM POST

All civilians living in Gaza are collectively guilty for Kassam attacks on Sderot, former Sephardi chief rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu has written in a letter to Prime Minister Ehud Olmert.

Eliyahu ruled that there was absolutely no moral prohibition against the indiscriminate killing of civilians during a potential massive military offensive on Gaza aimed at stopping the rocket launchings.[..]

The former chief rabbi also said it was forbidden to risk the lives of Jews in Sderot or the lives of IDF soldiers for fear of injuring or killing Palestinian noncombatants living in Gaza.[..]

And today? The utter defeat of Hamas should be accomplished with the least number of IDF casualties. No one has the right to sacrifice our soldiers on the altar of world opinion. Bombing, with advance warning, is the moral thing to do. Never equate Jewish deaths with the enemy’s deaths. Our duty is to our own soldiers..


Jonathan Pollard: The Day After   Jonathan Pollard

Going forward, not one Palestinian should be allowed to reside in Gaza. Opinion.

Oct 13, 2023, 4:35 PM (GMT+3) – With Israel’s warning to the Palestinian population of northern Gaza to leave before we start a bombardment designed to eradicate Hamas and their terrorist allies, the question arises as to what our intentions towards Gaza will be once the dust settles.

Ideally, all the Gazans will be temporarily forced to relocate to Egypt, after which the UN and Arab League will have to find them permanent homes in the other countries that comprise the Arabic speaking world.

This population transfer will be a day of reckoning for these hypocritical countries that, for decades, have cynically exploited the plight of the Palestinian “refugees” as a weapon to be used against Israel, all the while refusing to integrate them into their own societies.

It didn’t have to come to this, but senseless hatred sometimes has a habit of forcing the perpetrator to pay a price for their evil.

So, going forward, not one Palestinian should be allowed to reside in Gaza. It’s just too dangerous given the degree of anti Semitic indoctrination these people have been subjected to over the years. And, as we’ve seen, turning the Strip over to the PA will not change this dangerous situation one iota.


Israel’s 9/11: Part 3   TIERNEY’S REAL NEWS

OCT 14, 2023


During the past week, I found that even most well-informed Americans know very little about the history of Israel & “Palestine.” Actually, neither did I. Here is a compilation of various reports to inform us all.

The FAKE NEWS and the left paints the so-called “Palestinians” as oppressed victims and Israel as the evil Jewish white supremacist “occupiers” in the Middle East. It’s a total lie.

Even intelligent, conservative children that I know have emerged from liberal colleges brainwashed into believing that Islamic “Palestinians” own the TEMPLE MOUNT – the same way that they believe all whites are EVIL, even their own parents, and must be exterminated.

For the past 100 years, the fake news, American schools and Hollywood have used Islamo-Communist propaganda to turn children into their brainwashed followers and agitators – like Mao’s Red Guard and Hitler’s Youth. They always go after the children first since they are the easiest to manipulate and control. History is repeating itself. WE MUST TEACH THEM THE TRUTH.


WATCH: George Santos Unleashes LEGENDARY Reprisal To Violent Pro-Terror Jew Haters   By Pamela Geller

October 13, 2023 – One for the ages. This is the best clapback against the leftist/Muslim terrorists rioting for Jew killing.

A pair of terrorist sympathizers got in my face, cursed at me, screaming and berating the baby in my arms.

Here’s what I have to say: Elected or unelected, terrorist sympathizers in the halls of Congress are unacceptable. #IStandWithIsrael pic.twitter.com/v0eFpQQN77

— Rep. George Santos (@RepSantosNY03) October 13, 2023

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Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.