Daily Shmutz | COMMENTARY / OPINION | 10/13/2023



Outrageous! The International Red Cross Refuses to Check on the Condition of the Israeli Hostages Taken by Hamas — Email: ICRC.GVA@ICRC.ORG   By Jim Hoft

Oct. 13, 2023 2:40 pm – It’s Been One Week and the International Red Cross Is AWOL on the Israeli Hostages Taken by Hamas

Last Saturday Hamas terrorists stormed into Israel and slaughtered over 1,300 innocent Israelis and took over 100 civilians hostage. Hamas attacked an outdoor music festival, killed nearly 300 young adults, and took dozens of the young men and women captive.

This was a clear war crime.

Since last weekend the International Red Cross has been AWOL in repeated requests to check on the well-being of the hostages.

The email sent to The Gateway Pundit read as follows:

Rabbi Pesach Wolicki called me from Israel 3 times today. For the first time in his life, he broke Shabbat, because he said it is urgent that people know it’s been a week and the international Red Cross has been AWOL on the Israeli hostages (this includes Americans).

The question is, does the International Red Cross support Hamas?

Now, any elected official who condemned Hamas needs to issue a second statement calling on the international Red Cross to do their job and call for immediate knowledge of the hostages and for their immediate release. We did a pro Israel conference at Regent with Rabbi Wolicki last year and we’re holding another this year at Regent. He is very smart, lived in the US, speaks with a full American accent, and speaks very well on media. I urge you to have him on your platforms ASAP.

I think all pressure should be on these two points:

  1. “Where’s the Red Cross?” exactly as Nitsana presents it. The beauty of this is that while Hamas can ignore US calls for release, the Red Cross can’t ignore public pressure from heads of state and media.
  2. Every country that condemned the Hamas atrocities must now be called upon to issue a statement demanding Hamas release all civilian hostages and bodies.

How many congressmen will make a statement?

Blinken, Biden: You’ve got Americans in Gaza. Do your job and DEMAND THEIR RELEASE!

1. Where is the Red Cross?

2. Hamas must release all civilian hostages and bodies of the hostages they killed!

Transcript below:

Where is the Red Cross? Since the Israeli hostages were seized by the Hamas terrorists on Saturday morning, no one knows of their conditions or whereabouts. We have no information of who was murdered and who remains alive. Authorities are not even sure of the numbers of captive involved.

The Red Cross is tasked with tracking those being held captive in times of war and ensuring they are being treated humanly and provided appropriate medical care. The Red Cross is obligated to make every effort to visit the captives and directly ensure their safe treatment and rights. They have a responsibility to report to the families, but the Red Cross is refusing to carry out its duties on behalf of the Israeli Hamas hostages. When we approached them, they said, “they weren’t active in Gaza,” but look what they tweeted just an hour later:

“During the darkest hours of our presence in Gaza, we never envisaged a scenario where 2 million civilians could possibly live through heavy bombing, deprived of water, food, electricity, and medicine.”

So the Red Cross is actually there. They are in Gaza. They’re just turning a blind eye to the plight and conditions of the Israeli hostages. We all know they are already intervening on behalf of the captured Hamas terrorists being held by Israel, and we urge the Israeli authorities not to allow this bias agency any access unless they intervene on behalf of the Israeli hostages held by Hamas. But the Red Cross has to raise its voice.

Please write to your local Red Cross and demand to know what they are doing to ensure the safety and well being of the Israeli captives. Write and call also the headquarters in Geneva. Remember, there are young Israeli children, babies, and women being killed. Please forward this video to everyone that you know.

Contact Information of Red Cross in Geneva:
Tel: +41227346001
Email: icrc.gva@icrc.org


Shurat HaDin Accuses the Red Cross of Betraying the Hostages   Nitsana Darshan Leitner

October 13, 2023 – Since the Israeli hostages were seized by the Hamas terrorists, no one knows of their condition or whereabouts. We have little information of who was murdered and who remains alive. Authorities are not even sure of the number of captives involved.

The International Red Cross is tasked with tracking those being held captive in times of war and ensuring they are being treated humanely and are being provided appropriate medical care. The Red Cross is obligated to make every effort to visit the captives and directly ensure their rights under international law.

However, the Red Cross is refusing to carry out these duties on behalf of the Israeli hostages. They are completely turning a blind eye to their plight and condition. They are ignoring the rights of the families.

The biased Red Cross is abandoning its duty to Israel!

Please watch this video and contact the Red Cross and demand to know what they are doing to ensure the safety and well-being of the Israeli captives.  Also write and call their headquarters in Geneva.

Please forward this video to everyone that you know.

[Ed.:  This is nothing new.  The Red Cross has always been hostile to Israel.  That’s why we had to create The Magen David Adom.  The Red Cross is bad; they’re as bad as Mike Adams!]


What Iran’s Penetration of Washington Means  Caroline Glick

There is something terribly disturbing about the current state of Washington’s foreign-policy establishment.

09/29/2023 –  – Tuesday we were hit with the blockbuster reports by Semafor and Iran International exposing the depth of Iran’s infiltration of the U.S. foreign-policy establishment and the Biden administration. The two simultaneously published reports revealed how beginning in 2014, Iran’s Foreign Ministry established a circle of agents in Washington and Europe, which it referred to as the Iran Experts Initiative (IEI). Members of IEI were comprised of Iranian emigres sympathetic to the regime and its nuclear-weapons program.

The experts were seeded in think tanks. The Iranian Foreign Ministry flew them to strategy sessions in various cities in Europe. The experts published a steady stream of articles supporting Iran, justifying its nuclear activities; sponsorship of terrorism; denial of civil and human rights to Iran’s citizenry; and misogyny; among other things.

The experts routinely submitted their drafts to the Iranian Foreign Ministry for comment before publication and generally sought guidance from Iran’s Foreign Ministry in relation to various pro-Iran activities, including providing sympathetic testimony before Congress.

Among a core group of a dozen IEI members, three were close advisers to Robert Malley, U.S. President Joe Biden’s now-suspended Iran negotiations envoy. Malley was suspended from his position in June after his security clearance was suspended. He is under FBI investigation apparently related to allegations that he mishandled classified information.

One of Malley’s three advisors from the IEI is Dr. Ariane Tabatabai. Tabatabai joined Malley at the U.S. State Department in 2021 and served under him as a member of the U.S. negotiations team with Iran. She currently serves as the Chief of Staff to Christopher Maier, U.S. Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low-Intensity Conflict. In both positions, Tabatabai was required to receive top-secret security clearance.

Hamas’s deception—and our self-deception   Caroline Glick

The U.S. and Israel continue to base their policies on the fiction that the Palestinian Authority is willing to coexist with the Jewish state.

(October 13, 2023 / JNS)

Last Sunday, senior Hamas terrorist Ali Baraka told the tale of how Hamas duped Israel and the U.S. into complacency.

In an interview with RT (formerly Russia Today), Baraka said, “In the past couple of years, Hamas has adopted a ‘rational’ approach. It did not go into any war and did not join Islamic Jihad in its recent battle, [i.e., its missile assault on Israel in August 2022].

“We made them think Hamas was busy with governing Gaza, and that it wanted to focus on the 2.5 million Palestinians [there] and had abandoned the resistance altogether. All the while, under the table, Hamas was preparing for this big attack.”

In other words, Hamas pretended it was a credible partner for negotiations, and that the only problem was Palestinian Islamic Jihad, its Iranian-founded spin-off.


Good morning, International Community   by Victor Rosenthal

October 13, 2023 – Good morning, International Community.

I understand that the Secretary-General of your “United Nations” is distressed about a possible humanitarian crisis in the Gaza strip. “I urge all sides and the relevant parties to allow United Nations access to deliver urgent humanitarian assistance to Palestinian civilians trapped and helpless in the Gaza Strip,” said Antonio Guterres yesterday.

No, you will not be allowed access. You are advised to prepare to receive a flow of refugees at the Egyptian border, where you will need to provide food and shelter for them, as well as transportation to any country that will receive them. They will not be returning to Gaza.

You will be responsible for them, because you are directly responsible for the creation of the cultural pathology that gave rise to the outburst of pure evil that occurred last week. You are the reason that the displacement of a relatively small number of Arabs from Eretz Yisrael in 1948 was turned into a permanent and exponentially growing population dependent on the international dole and a festering sore of the most vicious hatred and terrorism.

While the millions of refugees created by WWII and the Holocaust, the breakup of the European empires, and the almost total expulsion of Jews from the Arab world were all absorbed in one fashion or another, this particular group of Arabs was encouraged by “humanitarian” policies to grow larger. Host countries (Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon) applied true apartheid policies to them in order to prevent assimilation and to keep the pot of hatred boiling. No other “refugee” population exists for whom refugee status is hereditary. You paid for their food and healthcare, while accepting the idea that millions must “return” to a place from which a few hundred thousand fled 75 years ago. You paid for their “education,” while allowing it to become indoctrination in irredentism.

What did you expect to happen, International Community?


Friday the 13th Global Terrorism Edition: Hamas Leader Ismail Haniyeh Enjoins His Followers Around the World to Commit Acts of Violence   2ND SMARTEST GUY IN THE WORLD

OCT 12, 2023 – PSYOP-GLOBAL-TERROR is about to kick off just in time for Friday the 13th with the activation of the ‘Al-Aqsa Flood:’


Video Evidence of the Lies and Betrayal   emailed by Chananya Weissman

After viewing the information in this email, I need you to share it as widely as possible, especially with the brave Jewish soldiers whose lives are being endangered for all the wrong reasons, while the Jewish communities across Israel are left almost entirely defenseless.  Every single one of them needs to know this immediately.

According to the official story from the Israeli military and Erev Rav establishment, parroted by all the media in the world, the Hamas executioners infiltrated from Gaza at approximately 7:40 AM.  Just one of countless regurgitations of this lie is in The Washington Post, here.

Newly discovered security footage from Kibbutz Be’eri, where over 100 Jews were slaughtered, shows the savages invading the kibbutz and beginning the murderous rampage at 5:55 AM — after they had managed to cross the border, “take out” the bases (which we are supposed to believe were defended), and traveled several kilometers.

See the video here (credit to Sacha Roytman, who originally posted it here).

This is supported by a report from a local resident that has been widely shared, who said that the infiltration actually began at 4 AM. See the full report here.

Another video gleefully shared by the Arab savages shows them taking their sweet time hunting Jews, slaughtering them, burning down homes, and rounding up hostages. Watch it here.

This is not how people look when they know a military response is likely to come at any moment.  It’s how they look when they know how much time they have to engage in their sport without anyone interfering with them.

They were wide open targets as they traveled several kilometers back and forth on open land near the border.  A single helicopter with a machine gun could have mowed them down.  But the Hamas executioners knew there would be no helicopter or any other response from Israel’s military at any point during the EIGHT HOUR KILLING SPREE.  They knew exactly how much time they had to complete their operation and go out the same way they came in.

They knew this because they were told how much time they would have.  They knew it because it was planned and agreed upon on both sides of the border.  There was collaboration at the highest levels. That is the only plausible explanation. It is indisputable.

We currently have hundreds of thousands of Jewish soldiers at Israel’s southern and northern borders, under orders to idle there without even proper food and clothing (private citizens, who already pay upwards of 70% in taxes, are raising money to bring them basic supplies), while the Erev Rav puppet leaders make blustery statements.

While this is happening, the home communities of these reservists — their wives, children, and elderly parents — are left naked and exposed, as the Yishmaelites across the country are sharpening their swords.

The numerous traitors who collaborated with Hamas to slaughter and terrorize our people, lied about everything, and concocted an absurdly porous cover story, are the same people giving orders to our soldiers.  Perhaps continuing to listen to them is not the best idea.

Perhaps instead of idling and suffering by the border, awaiting orders to enter a death trap, they should return home and protect their families and neighbors.

Perhaps the people giving the orders should be apprehended and interrogated — all in an entirely legal and non-violent manner, of course, by the hundreds of thousands of brave soldiers conveniently assembled by these same people.

Is this not their moral right?  Is this not their moral duty?

The question is not which people in power committed high treason and a host of other crimes against our people.  The question is which of them truly had no knowledge of any of this, no role to play, no complicity, no Jewish blood on their hands.

Before we follow any further instructions from anyone in power or in the media they control, or allow them to distract and mislead us any further, it would be appropriate to find out.

Whoever refuses to accept that this was a betrayal at the highest levels, and that we should continue to do what we are told, might as well walk into the gas chambers as the previous batch of corpses is being shoveled out, convinced there’s a hot shower waiting for him.

This is the truth.  Deal with it.

*   *   *

Yesterday Frontline News released an emergency warning that the Arabs in Shomron were evacuating their women and children in preparation of an attack on nearby Jewish communities, who were left without significant military protection.  Thank God, this report went viral all over the world, and the Erev Rav establishment was forced to send reinforcements, as this “surprise massacre” would no longer be a surprise.

The official propaganda in Hebrew from the Erev Rav establishment is here.  They didn’t move in troops to protect the Jews.  They did it to protect themselves.

Our efforts make a difference.  Don’t stop.




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*   *   *

Are we allowed to make Holocaust comparisons yet?

*   *   *

Upscale Tel Aviv restaurants go kosher for the first time due to Hamas invasion

This is wonderful. We need to acknowledge what these restaurants have done, support them, and encourage them to remain kosher.

*   *   *

Hasbara 101 by Chananya Weissman (not what the Erev Rav in Israel taught you)

Exhibit #1: “They deserve it for allowing the barbaric slaughter of innocent unarmed Palestinian women, children, elders and nurses wearing ID’s. You have an APARTHEID state and an open-air prison of inhuman cruelty happening in your beloved Israel and you chose to ignore it…Good luck, you’ll need it. I hope that the US cuts ALL aid to Israel, which amounts to about 3.5 billion a year.”
Typical response: No, it’s not like that, you don’t understand, let me flagellate myself before you, please accept me and love me.
CW response: “May Hashem smite you with all our enemies. The United States of Amalek doesn’t give anyone charity.  They take more than they give from whoever they give “aid” to.  If it were up to me Israel wouldn’t take “aid” from anyone.”
Exhibit #2: “It is not part of German raison d’état to finance an apartheid regime in the Levant or to support in any other way!”
CW response: “Germany had no problem being an Apartheid regime and slaughtering millions of people.  We don’t need or want help from you.”
I’ve received some wonderful messages too, far more, in fact…but it’s important to know how to respond to our enemies.  No pandering. Am Yisrael Chai, baby.


On Moral Equivalences (& lack thereof)   MICHOEL GREEN

OCT 12, 2023 – Question:  Is there moral equivalence between Israel and Hamas?


It depends what you mean by “Israel.” If you refer to the entire Jewish civilian population in Israel, and/or to 99.99% of Israel’s soldiers and military officers, the answer is a resounding NO.

These folks are good people. They all have a presumption of righteousness [1]. They do not wish to inflict unjust suffering on anyone. They just wish to live in peace with their Arab neighbors.

They do NOT approve of decapitating, raping, mutilating, or torturing ANYONE. Heaven forfend.

Conversely, Hamas and their bloodthirsty Arab hordes are degenerate mass murderers who delight in committing the above-mentioned crimes against humanity without an ounce of compunction.

There is ZERO equivalence.

However, if by “Israel” you mean the few powerful individuals at the seat of power in Israel, then it’s quite a different story.

These individuals are globalist puppets who servilely do the bidding of their sociopath handlers. Perhaps they aren’t completely aware of the full extent of the deadly agenda, or maybe they are. Either way, these individuals are deeply compromised and have little regard for human life, neither Jewish nor Arab.

In fact, not only is there moral equivalence, there is complicity. That’s right, the corrupt leaders of Israel colluded with Hamas, inviting these vile murderers to invade Israel and commit unspeakable crimes against their OWN citizens, providing SEVEN hours of stand-down-order inaction in order to maximize the carnage, trauma, and suffering, presumably to justify military retaliation thereby instigating a bloody war that serves the needs of the dystopian “New World Order” globalists.

In other words, the invasion was an inside job of sorts. Although the dirty work was actually carried out by subhuman jihadist filth, the rogue leadership of Israel — or at least the very top of the Israeli chain of command — was FULLY complicit.

However, even here, the difference between Israel and Hamas is remarkable.

The cabal of globalists succeeded in indoctrinating and weaponizing a significant part of the Gazan population, or at least enough of them to render decent Gazans irrelevant. Masses of depraved Arab civilians jubilantly celebrating the horrific slaughter of innocents is truly a revolting sight to behold. How has humanity stooped to such a low abyss?

However, the vast majority of Israelis recoil at any news of slain Gazan civilians. Their moral conscience is intact. The cabal has NOT succeeded in demoralizing and eroding their basic human decency and dignity.

It is only the very top echelons of power, the top .01% of Israel that has been subverted.


Was Hamas Attack Due To Israeli Intelligence Failure Or Conspiracy?

October 12, 2023 – There are conspiracy theories on social media about how the Hamas attack, attributed to Israeli intelligence, was a conspiracy rather than a failure, as they managed to breach the six-meter-tall ‘Iron Wall’ without immediate detection.

Table of Contents

Senior Israeli security officials have told US media that intelligence picked up on a spike in chatter by Gazan militant networks just before the attack, but that Israel Defense Forces (IDF) troops either didn’t receive or didn’t read the warnings. This marks the official start of the blame game for the intelligence failure that allowed Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad fighters to flood over the heavily fortified border between Gaza and Israel.

In a separate incident this week, an Egyptian intelligence official allegedly told the media that Cairo warned Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office of “something big” involving militants in Gaza that was about to happen. The Israeli side allegedly “underestimated” the warning and chose to concentrate on tensions in the West Bank. “We have warned them an explosion of the situation is coming, and very soon,” the anonymous official said

After the attack by Hamas in southern Israel this morning, Israel launched Operation Swords of Iron, which involved launching between 2,000 and 5,000 rockets.

The office of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu dismissed the latter reporting as “totally fake news,” pointing out that “no message in advance has arrived from Egypt and the Prime Minister has neither spoken, nor met, with the head of Egyptian intelligence since the formation of the government, either directly or indirectly.” On Wednesday, a ‘high-profile Egyptian government source’ concurred with the Israeli prime minister in denying that any warning had been given.


How Hamas Let its Amalekite Nature Spoil Iran’s Plan   by Victor Rosenthal

Never do an enemy a small injury – Niccolo Machiavelli

Remember what Amalek did to you on your journey out of Egypt, how they surprised you on the road and cut off all the weak people at your rear, when you were parched and weary, and they did not fear Hashem – Devarim 25:17

October 12, 2023   There is a great deal that is unknown about the horrific attack on Israel that took place last Shabbat, both regarding the methods and objectives of Hamas, and Israel’s failure to predict or properly respond. But there are some inferences that can be drawn from the timing of the event  and from its viciousness.

There are good reasons to believe that Iran was deeply involved in planning the attack in a series of meetings between representatives of Hamas with Iranian and Hezbollah officials several months ago. In addition, Hamas used explosives delivered by drones to put communication antennas on the border fence out of action, techniques similar to those used by Iranian proxies to attack Saudi Arabian oil facilities. It seems unlikely that Hamas could develop the means to do this independently. But according to US intelligence sources, Iran was surprised by the timing.


Hamas atrocities – what went wrong?    Ambassador (ret.) Yoram Ettinger, “Second Thought: a US-Israel Initiative”
October 12, 2023 – No common-sense-observer of the volcanic Middle East and Islamic terrorism, in general, and Hamas/Palestinian terrorism, in particular, should be shocked by the October 2023 Hamas’ atrocities, which are not driven by the size of Israel and its policy, but by the aim to uproot the “infidel” Jewish State from the “abode of Islam.”

Ignoring the nature of Hamas

*Significant elements in Israeli, the US and Western policy-making and national security and the intelligence establishment have been in denial of the nature of Palestinian terrorism, as the Western establishment has been in denial of the megalomaniacally rogue nature of Iran’s Ayatollahs regime since its ascension to power in February, 1979.

  • They have eagerly attempted to pacify Hamas. However, they failed to realize the pivotal role of the 1,400-year-old fanatic, anti-Western ideology of Hamas, which views Israel as the beachhead of the “infidel” Western culture in the Middle East.
  • Their eagerness to advance the cause of peace has led them to sacrifice the frustratingly complex Middle East reality on the altar of a convenient, virtual reality, as was the case in the Israeli-initiated (and Western embraced) 1993 Oslo Accord and the 2005 Gaza Disengagement, which catapulted Palestinian terrorism to unprecedented intensity, paving the road to the 2023 atrocities of Hamas.
  • They have based their approach to Hamas – as the Western policy has approached Iran’s Ayatollahs – on the assumption that generous financial benefits would induce Hamas to alter its order of priorities, and prefer standard of living considerations over its core, zealot ideology. They believed that dramatic economic gestures could lead Hamas to eventually comply with agreements, accept a reality of a manageable low-intensity conflict, or even peaceful-coexistence with Israel.


Reflections on the horror: What does G-d ask from us now?   BRUCHA WEISBERGER

Please pray. We are at a pivotal moment in world history. We are ALL in danger now, and we need G-d’s protection. He is the ONLY One who can save us, and He is waiting for us to turn to Him.

OCT 12, 2023 – BS”D

First, I want to apologize for my long absence. The days of Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur, and Sukkos comprised much of the past month, and a lot of advance preparation is also invested in celebrating each one properly. But there is more. Thank G-d, our son has become engaged to a wonderful girl in England, and we have been busy with this. It is particularly comforting to see the Divine orchestration of their match, as the introduction came about directly through contacts I have made in my efforts to save lives. Yes, G-d pays back, and He pays more abundantly than we can imagine.

There are so many things to talk about, so much important information I’ve read in the last few weeks and have been saving, hoping to share here – but at this moment the the horrifying massacre in Israel is everything.

The Jewish people has not seen such genocide in my lifetime. The blood-soaked history of thousands of years of pogroms and attempted extermination that we’ve gone through is a fact that I, and every educated Jew, are familiar with – but it never felt as real as it does now.

My Liberian friend called me, crying, on Monday. She had spent Sunday in a daze after hearing the horrific reports from Israel. Other lovers of G-d and humanity such as Dr. James Thorp, Attorney Thomas Renz, Dr. Paul Alexander, and so many more, make their pain for my slaughtered people clear for all to see.

To my disbelief, so many others stone-heartedly seek to deny or justify serial murder. I think that G-d has a self-selection opportunity in process. Each person is being given a chance to demonstrate publicly whether they stand for evil or good, with G-d or against Him, whether they condemn murder or enable it. Soon, Judgment Day will come, and G-d will settle the score. There will be no doubts about the justness of G-d’s punishments to those with evil hearts, because they have posted their positions for the world to see.

If we want to know what it felt like to live in America at the time of the Holocaust, this must be approaching it. To know that over 1,200 innocent people – including many babies and children, even entire families – were cold-bloodedly murdered a couple of days ago, is just mind-numbing. I don’t know how to process it.

There is much to talk about on the physical level about “why this happened,” and I’ve seen some very powerful articles which I may share later, but right now I want to focus on what we can do spiritually – because the danger in Israel is very far from over, and because we are ALL in danger, everywhere. For example, I saw information warning that there are likely Hamas sleeper cells in NYC, and also that Hamas has called for global Jihad and attacks around the world.

We must know that we are safe nowhere in the world – except with G-d’s protection- and now is the time that we have to try to clean up our act. And G-d is certainly sending us a very loud message.

Clearly the events unfolding at a dizzying pace are part of the birth pangs of the Messiah. Our tradition is very clear that the Messiah can come with pain or without pain. It depends on how much repentance and atonement the world needs.


Israel’s distraction is a warning to the West   BY AYAAN HIRSI ALI

Our fractured response reveals our weakness

October 10, 2023 – How could Israel let this happen? As footage of Gazan motorbikes pelting through holes in Israel’s “smart” border fence started to circulate, of paragliders descending on a desert rave, of entire families being kidnapped or butchered in their homes, that was the question on every Western analyst’s lips: how could Israel let this happen?

The more important question, however, is this: what will the West itself do now?


WATCH: Israel Mom Whose Children Were Abducted by Hamas Terrorists Goes Off on Vile Andrea Mitchell for Asking a Dumb Question About the Nation’s Justified Attacks Against Gaza   By Cullen Linebarger

Oct. 11, 2023 11:40 am – Monday on MSNBC served as yet another example why Andrea Mitchell is one of the worst “journalists” in America.

As the Gateway Pundit previously reported, Hamas has committed multiple horrific atrocities since invading Israel Saturday. These include gunning down peaceful Israelis at a dance party, raping and abducting young Israeli women, and beheading Israeli soldiers. Hamas has even chopped off the heads of little babies and gunned down entire families in their beds.

Mitchell hosted an Israeli mom whose two children were abducted by Hamas. She had the audacity to ask a callous and dumb question implying concern over Israel daring to retaliate against these medieval terrorists against Gaza.

Any decent journalist should know you do not ask these type of questions to someone who is a victim and/or has family who are victims of vile perpetrators. A little bit of empathy goes a long way.

The mom did not hold back on Mitchell at all.



WAYNE ROOT: The Hamas Terrorist Attack on Israel is Only the Preliminary Bout. America is “the Main Event.” Here are the Details of the Coming Attack on America by China.   By Wayne Allyn Root

Oct. 11, 2023 1:20 pm – This is Part 2 of my commentary from 24 hours ago. As an American Jew, I bleed for Israel. Israel must now send a message that echoes around the world and lasts forever in the brains of Jew-haters and all those around the world who want to do harm to the Jewish people…

The world is about to learn a lesson. This isn’t 1941. No one will ever kill Jews again and live to gloat. Anywhere in world…if someone targets Jews and kills them for being Jewish…they will be hunted down and killed.

The last thing they will think before being killed by Israeli forces is “Oops, maybe attacking Jews wasn’t such a good idea.”

But everything I’m talking about is up to Israel. Right now, America needs to focus on America and our border.

Because what America is facing is a thousand times worse than what Israel just experienced.

Military intelligence and security experts analyzing what went wrong with Israel’s massive security failure are citing a “failure of imagination of what Hamas was capable of.” So, it’s time to imagine the kind of attack America is facing.

If I can imagine it, then you know China’s evil leaders are thinking it too. I believe they are planning it right now.

Here is what I believe an attack by China might look like. And I expect it soon…


From Rina


🟣 I see mothers of soldiers on the front lines volunteering in supermarkets.

🟢 I see rabbis leaving their communities, traveling 48 hours across multiple countries to return home and fight for their country.

🔵 I see people who have never said a word of praise in favor of the Israeli army crying with tears for God to protect them and keep them safe.

🔴 I see thousands of men, young and old, teenagers, spending all night digging graves for their brethren to be brought to proper burial.

⚫️ I see videos of stores in Jewish neighborhoods around the world, completely cleaned out of every possible supply that could be sent in duffel bags on cargo planes to the holy land.

🔵 I see soldiers with uncovered heads pleading for tzitzit from those who arrived to offer them sweets.

🟡 I see restaurants turning over their kitchens to become kosher in order to serve any soldier a free meal.

🟠 I see real estate agents begging for families from the south to enter their empty apartments for free.

🟤 I see Jews in uniform swearing they will not come back home until they wipe out the enemy completely.

⚪️ I see police officers feeding bottles to babies who no longer have parents.

🟥 I see grooms who traded in their wedding suits for machine guns.

🟧 I see women changing from their hospital gowns in maternity wards into army fatigues in intelligence war rooms.

🟨 I see teenage girls with flags at 2:30 in the morning dancing for soldiers who have returned to fight who simply cannot believe their eyes.

🟩 I see reservists refusing to take more food, because their tanks cannot hold the amount they’ve already received.

🟦 I see young men dodging rockets on army bases, while in middle of sending messages of strength to Jewish schoolchildren thousands of miles away.


I see God’s ☝️ nation, waking up, coming together, and doing everything in their power so that “Never Again” is not just a slogan.

I see 🤓 “Am Yisrael”.


Tell me, what do you see?


Israel’s 9/11: Part 2   TIERNEY’S REAL NEWS


OCT 11, 2023  – Over the past few years, the Biden-Obama regime has removed sanctions against Iran and given Iran $26+ BILLION in cash & over $80 BILLION in energy profits. Then it placed an Iranian spy, Ariane Tabatabai, high up in the Pentagon. Then it hired a Iranian spy, Robert Malley, as its envoy to Iran.

That alone should tell you who was behind the Hamas attack against Israel. OBAMA-BIDEN and their Globalist partners around the world.

The Trump regime. No wars. The Obama-Biden regime. Two wars and counting.

What does it take to go to war? Money. Lots and lots of money. Hamas admitted that they got their money & equipment from Iran who got their money from Obama-Biden.

HAMAS: “We thank the Islamic Republic of Iran who provided us with weapons, money and other equipment! He gave us missiles to destroy Zionist fortresses, and helped us with standard anti-tank missiles!”



Israel & Palestine War   
OMG this is unbelievable as the Israeli Flag shows mighty wonders. The flag has taken down a blubber Man. 



ISRAEL AT WAR: The failure of the IDF | The Caroline Glick Show  [44:23]  JNS TV

Oct 9, 2023  #gaza #hamasattack #israel

Caroline Glick was joined by Dr. David Wurmser to discuss the state of the war. They focused on the IDF’s conceptual failure that led to the surprise attack on Saturday and on how the Biden administration’s Middle East policies facilitated Hamas’s war machine through Iran.


Why did Hamas start a war they knew they would lose?   Jack Engelhard

Simply, they put no value on human life, not for others and not for themselves. They are a death cult. Op-ed.

Oct 11, 2023, 10:00 AM (GMT+3) – They knew that, in the end, they would get pounded and beaten. So what was the point?

The point was firstly to kill Jews, but also to win the headline wars and to fire up Jew-hatred across the world. Some of that they got….at least for a start.

Hours after the attack, brutality not seen since the Holocaust, Hamas defenders marched in New York City to display their brotherhood for terrorism against Israel and Jewish people everywhere, multiplied by such scenes in Los Angeles, Tampa, Chicago, Philadelphia, London, and Sydney.

Such scenes duplicate Kristallnacht.

Fist pumping and howling in favor of barbarism, they were joined by some 30 academic leaders from Harvard.

These professors used academic-speak but the message was that of the mobs – “Gas the Jews.”

These savages, meaning Hamas, know one thing above all else, and it is their most powerful weapon.

Simply, they put no value on human life…not for others and not for themselves. They are a death cult.

Jews love life. It is the first imperative in the Hebrew Bible. For Jews, life is precious and must be preserved at all costs.


The Hebron Massacre of August 24, 1929   Alex Grobman, PhD

Another example of Jews being massacred by Arabs

October 11, 2023 – On August 17, 1929, a Jewish boy was stabbed after he retrieved an errant ball in an Arab garden in Jerusalem. A melee ensued, wounding 15 Arabs and 11 Jews. Within the next four days there were 12 attacks on Arabs and seven on Jews in the Jerusalem district alone. Additional assaults were reported within Jerusalem and outside the city. [1]

The young boy’s funeral became a massive protest against Arab violence and British rule. On Friday August 23, 1929, the Arabs began what the Shaw Commission—the British Commission sent to investigate these disturbances—called a “ferocious attack,” in Jerusalem, ostensibly over Jews worshipping at the Western Wall.

To disperse the many “fanatical” Arab crowds—who were wielding clubs, sticks and some even swords—the police “opened fire for the first time,” employed armored cars, and arranged for a number of British aircraft to fly over Jerusalem as a show of force. British naval assistance and troop reinforcements were requested after the police advised they were no longer able to ensure public security. [2]

In Hebron, angry Arab crowds gathered to vent their anger. The major assault on Hebron began at approximately 9 a.m. on August 24th. Eight American Jews were killed and 15 wounded from the Slobodka Yeshiva. [3]


Understanding Israel’s Intelligence Failure — Chats With Stephen Gardner And Michael Savage  (Video 2:57)  By Larry Johnson

Oct. 11, 2023 7:00 am – There is a meme circulating accusing Bibi Netanyahu of having advance knowledge of the Hamas attack. According to this narrative, Bibi let it happen, believing it would be Israel’s 9-11 and that he could rally support for this divided government. I don’t buy it. Why? First, because he had to make deals with political opponents in order to form a government I find it hard to believe that those folks would go along with this kind of scam. Second, there are a lot of people in Mossad, Shin Bet (aka Israeli Security Agency) and Unit 8200 who do not like Netanyahu and would rat him out in a heartbeat if he pulled a stunt like this. Third, notwithstanding all of his flaws, I do not believe Bibi is the kind of man who would knowingly allow the murder of children, women and elderly. So what the hell happened?

Hamas is old school when it comes to plotting and planning. The Hamas leaders, I am told, shy away from social media, computers, smart phones and text messages (even WhatsAp and Signal). The do the planning and scheming in person or via couriers with hand written documents. How do you get that information? You have to recruit a spy — someone who is part of the network who will agree to rat on his friends. Despite a reputation for having quite a stable of human assets in terrorist groups, it appears Israel came up dry with a Hamas source.

There is a report that Egypt may have warned Israel. I find that plausible. That means that Mossad did not find the report credible or ignored it. That does happen in these intelligence organizations. But that is not some evil plot, that is good, old-fashioned human incompetence.

Netanyahu and his cohorts are behaving like Volodymyr Zelensky by talking openly about their intention to send a ground force into the Gaza Strip and to wipe out Hamas. It is always better not to telly your enemy and the world what you are intending to do. The Russians, by contrast, are pretty good at keeping their playing cards hidden and not tipping their hand.

Israel might want to reconsider its plan to bomb the Gaza Strip into a smoldering pile of rubble. The Nazis did that to Stalingrad in the early days of their attack on that city and created obstacles that prevented their tanks from maneuvering and provided the Soviets covered defensive positions. I wonder if Israeli planners are considering the possibility that Hamas is hoping to ambush Israeli tank columns from protected bunkers? Aerial and artillery bombardment provides no guarantee that reinforced defensive positions will be destroyed.

Finally, Biden ordered USS Gerald Ford Carrier Strike Group (CSG) to hover off the Israeli coast. The last time the United States did something like this was in 1983, when the civil war in Lebanon raged. That did not turn out well for the Reagan Administration. When the United States intervened by firing on Hezbollah positions in the Beqaa Valley, Iran retaliated by blowing up the Marine barracks and the U.S. Embassy. Those two terrorist attacks killed 258 Marines and U.S. diplomats. If the U.S. engages Hamas targets this is likely to provoke a terrorist campaign directed against U.S. installations in the Middle East and Southwest Asia.

I discuss these issues, as well as the war in Ukraine, with Stephen Gardner and Michael Savage.


What Starts in Gaza – and Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Venezuela – Starts in Iran   by Pete Hoekstra
October 11, 2023 at 5:00 am

  • There should be little doubt that the war that began when Hamas terrorists attacked Israel on October 7, 2023, actually originated in Iran. The multi-pronged, highly coordinated and murderous attacks could not have happened without Iranian government assistance and approval.
  • Leaders of Hamas and Hezbollah, according to the Wall Street Journal, have acknowledged that the Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps has been working with Hamas since August in planning these attacks.
  • The pattern of actions is clear: the Iranian regime, now funded by the Biden administration — who carefully looked the other way while Iran acquired $60 billion by evading US sanctions, then threw in an additional fungible $6 billion on top of that — has been, and continues to be, a state actor sponsoring terrorists, terrorist organizations and terrorist attacks.
  • The Hamas attacks on Israel were sanctioned by Tehran to help fuel tension in the region, probably to disrupt the possibility of an Abraham Accords-style normalization of relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia. Such an agreement would have had a seismic positive impact on the geopolitics of the Middle East. It appears, at least for the moment, any agreement between Israel and the Saudis is tabled. Ironically, after seeing the Israeli Defense Force in action, the Saudis might wish to have Israel as an ally more than ever.
  • Canceling this transfer makes even more sense in light of the Iranian president bragging that Iran would spend the funds as it saw fit, and not just for humanitarian purposes as the Biden administration disingenuously insists it will. Having a line of credit simply means taking funding already allocated for humanitarian purposes and re-purposing it for terrorism and the nuclear weapons program.
  • Iran, while still advocating “Death to America,” is not only exporting its military hardware but also its battle-tested military tactics, techniques and procedures, including to Latin America.
  • Will the Biden administration really continue to do everything possible — as it has with inflation, the fentanyl crisis and migrants pouring over America’s southern border — to avoid saying that what everyone can see in plain sight is not so?


[Ed.:  I used to admire and trust Mike Adams, but no longer!   Today his mask came off.  Look what Mike Adams is spewing:]

Israel commences illegal war crimes ethnic cleansing operation against 2 million Palestinian civilians   by Mike Adams, Natural News

October 10,2023 – Israel has now chosen the path of committing genocide against two million civilians — women, children, elderly and the sick — who are trapped in Gaza which is being bombed into rubble by the IDF.

The United Nations has condemned Israel’s actions as war crimes under existing UN conventions. Turkey, Iran, Syria and various groups are warning that if Israel pursues the indiscriminate killing of Palestinian civilians, they will attack (invade?) Israel and turn this conflict into a world war.

Today I interviewed Martin Armstrong who offers detailed analysis of this situation, also covering Ukraine, Russia, US debt, oil prices and other geopolitical analysis.

This is a can’t-miss broadcast with an urgent warning about the spiral of violence plunging us all into the next World War.

Tune in here. 

[Ed.:  Israel was attacked, 1,200 people died, 3,000 were injured, children were decapitated, women were raped and tortured and then paraded in the streets of Gaza with blood dripping down their legs.   Mike Adams response is that Israel’s response to Hamas is “genocide”!  I have laboriously posted Mike Adams for many years, but this is the last post you will see here from Mike Adams!   Here is my response to Mike Adams:


                                                                                                                                                                    Meir Kahane was right!  They must go.


Hamas Must be Destroyed — and Israeli Sovereignty Reestablished in Gaza

by Victor Rosenthal

Carthago Delenda Est – Cato the Elder, c. 149 BCE

October 11, 2023 – I read in today’s newspaper that there is a debate in Israel’s cabinet regarding the objective of this war. One faction thinks it should be to crush Hamas’ military capabilities. The other believes that it is necessary to completely remove Hamas from power as well. But I go farther.

In at least four previous conflicts, Israel has tried to reduce Hamas’ ability to fight. Each time, despite the destruction of weapons factories and stockpiles, the filling in of tunnels, and even to some extent the targeted assassination of its leaders, Hamas – with the help of Iran and the worldwide community of antisemites – has come back stronger and more dangerous, much more quickly than expected.

Now they have succeeded in carrying out a massive slaughter of Jews unmatched since the Holocaust. They have shown that the supposedly mighty IDF can’t protect its own soldiers, not to mention civilians, from a terrorist militia that can’t even be called a proper army. They have badly damaged the honor of the State of Israel – and therefore her power of deterrence. And they have proved to Iran and its Hezbollah proxy that their goal of removing the Jewish state from the map of the Middle East is not only a dream.

The loss of honor and deterrence is the most serious threat to the continued existence of the state since the first days of the Yom Kippur war. Iran is marshaling the forces of its proxies as it develops a nuclear umbrella. Everyone wants to support the “strong horse,” and today our horse appears weak indeed.

Israel must keep from becoming involved in a multi-front war, especially inside her borders. In order to do this, she must deal with her enemies one by one, quickly, completely, and on her own terms. The US has pulled Israel back from decisive victory over her antagonists several times (Henry Kissinger even said that this was a goal of US policy), and will do so again as soon as the public horror over the viciousness of Hamas dissipates. There are numerous media doing their best even now to change the discourse from Hamas beheading babies to Israel’s “disproportionate” bombing of military targets in Gaza.

There is a quick and permanent solution to the problem of Gaza. It will not be popular in the UN and with the Biden Administration, but the it will be the job of the leadership of Israel and the IDF to bring it about despite all that.

Kash Patel and Steve Bannon Discuss the Real Reason the Biden Regime and Israel Missed the Hamas Sabbath Attack – Includes Kash Patel’s Guest Post on Gateway Pundit   By Jim Hoft

Oct. 9, 2023 6:00 pm – On Sunday night The Gateway Pundit published Kash Patel’s guest post on how the Biden regime missed the Hamas Sabbath attacks, the largest mass murder of Jews since the Holocaust in World War II. Kash argues in his report that this was “not a miss” by the Biden administration. This massive blunder was a deliberate act of weaponization by the Biden administration of our national security apparatus.

Kash Patel explained the focus of the Biden regime this way:


AMALEK IS BACK: Islam is Nazism 2.0   Diane Bederman

Oct 9, 2023 | NewsPolitics

Fatah: “Strike the sons of apes of pigs… slaughter everyone who is Israeli”

Get ready to strike them and to burn them, slaughter them.

Set out, all of you, with your weapons….

“Today is a tiding of days of victory, Allah willing – for this is Jihad, Jihad, victory or Martyrdom”


Israel, the Jewish people, follow the rules of God: to be just and merciful to practice charity and loving kindness. And that is the reason in a world of 8 billion people, there are only 15 million Jews, a people in existence for 3500 years.

The country most attacked is Israel. The only Jewish country in a world of 195 countries. There are 50 Muslim majority countries. There are 158 mostly Christian nations – including America. There is only one JEWISH country.  The United Nations never fails to condemn Israel; not Iran.

Jews like to appease in the name of peace. We do it over and over only to be attacked, again, by the same animals and barbarians. As Einstein, a Jew, said, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”

In Israel’s modern history, she has been asked over and over to agree to ceasefires, to peace, to appeasement, to make the Middle East safe. Nonsense. Appeasement breeds contempt.


October 7 was deadliest day for Jews since the Holocaust

Israel is under attack, again. Is it that we did not eradicate the Amalekites when God told King Saul to kill them; the tribe that attacked the Jews as they fled Egypt. The tribe that attacked the weakest, the stragglers. Sound familiar? Saul was victorious against the Amalekites, killing their strongest warriors while allowing the others to return home and he also spared the choicest of their flocks and the Amalekite king, Agag. He could not bring himself to wipe them out. So the Amalekites are still amongst us. And today they are Hamas. An evil barbaric people. People who believe in Islam.

Islam, the religion that calls for the death of all Jews.

It is narrated in the hadith that the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “The Hour will not begin until you fight the Jews, until a Jew will hide behind a rock or a tree, and the rock or tree will say: ‘O Muslim, O slave of Allah, here is a Jew behind me; come and kill him – except the gharqad (a kind of thorny tree).’  This Hadith was reported by Al-Bukhari.

This is Islam. Period.


Why were Israelis so defenseless against Hamas terrorists going house-to-house butchering hundreds?   LEO HOHMANN

Let this be an object lesson for Americans: Never give up your Second Amendment rights!

OCT 9, 2023 – By now you’ve all seen the horrifying images from Israel over the weekend. People being murdered in their homes. Women being pulled out of vehicles by their hair and raped. Men being dragged behind vehicles to their deaths. Spat upon. Executed.

The victims called the police and military, which did not arrive on most of the bloody scenes for two hours or more.

Looking at these images of carnage, many of us have asked, why didn’t the Israelis fight back?

Many of us, myself included, assumed that with Israel being surrounded on all sides by such vicious enemies, and living in such close proximity to them, that the Israelis lived with firearms at the ready in all of their houses.

That assumption would be wrong.

According to my sources, the Israeli government makes its citizens jump through so many hoops that only about 2.6 percent of Israeli citizens own a pistol. And it’s virtually impossible to own a rifle. If are among the ranks of retired military, you are allowed to own a rifle but you cannot store it in your house unless you are among the top elite commandos.


Gaza Devastation: Israel’s Conflict Sparks Global Palestinian Uprising   Mike Adams

Today’s broadcast is a must-listen if you hope to understand the complex dynamics of what just happened in Israel.

 Its military’s promise to destroy Gaza will set off Palestinian revolts worldwide, and Israel’s war escalation will likely envelop Iran, Turkey, Lebanon and Hezbollah.

 The very survival of Israel is now at stake, and what comes next will impact the entire world.

 Hear my full 90-minute analysis here.


Israel at war: Gaza destruction will spark Palestinian revolts worldwide   Mike Adams

Today’s broadcast is a must-listen if you hope to understand the complex dynamics of what just happened in Israel.

Its military’s promise to destroy Gaza will set off Palestinian revolts worldwide, and Israel’s war escalation will likely envelop Iran, Turkey, Lebanon and Hezbollah.

The very survival of Israel is now at stake, and what comes next will impact the entire world.

Hear my full 90-minute analysis here.


HAMAS attacks on Israel prove the rules of warfare have drastically shifted   [Audio 14:35]    Mike Adams

Oct 09, 2023 – Obama started all this illegally, Biden continuing all this.


Israel’s 9/11   TIERNEY’S REAL NEWS


Hamas terrorists invaded a music festival in Re’im, Israel and murdered hundreds of innocents. Hamas raped & tortured women – beheaded Israeli police – and displayed them as trophies. Hamas went on to breach Israeli military bases and murder & defile hundreds more in their homes and cars. They terrorized & kidnapped entire families – including children & grandparents.

Hamas is a Palestinian Islamist terrorist group which rules the Gaza Strip. Hamas is sworn to Israel’s destruction and has fought several wars with Israel since Hamas took power in Gaza in 2007. Hamas was founded in 1987 as an offshoot of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood. Hamas is designated a terrorist group by Israel, the United States, the European Union and the UK, as well as other powers. Hamas is backed by Iran & Qatar – which funds it and provides weapons and training.

It is estimated that Hamas is some 30,000+ strong. Hamas is part of a regional alliance that also includes Iran, Syria and Hezbollah in Lebanon.

FAQ About the Erev Rav Betrayal    Email from Chananya Weissman

Q: Why would they allow and abet Arab savages to invade Israel and slaughter its people? What do they have to gain?

A: Because they are Erev Rav who work hand in hand with Amalek.  Their goal is the physical and spiritual annihilation of the Jewish people, albeit in more covert ways.

When you understand this simple but essential point, everything else makes sense.  If you don’t, you have to bend over backwards to explain it (or accept the explanations conveniently provided by the mockingbird media they finance and control), but if you spend two seconds actually thinking about it, nothing makes sense.

Q: It can’t be.  They would never do such a thing.

A: That’s not a question.  But why can’t it be, and why wouldn’t they?  The truth is awful, but this is the only explanation that stands up to any scrutiny.  Plus, we have a long history of enemies from within betraying us to our external enemies.  Stop deluding yourself that it can’t be just because it’s painful.  Get over it and live with reality.

They count on you being unable to accept the existence of massive evil that is highly organized and sophisticated.  It makes you easy prey.

Q: Come on, they were surprised and dropped the ball.

The deep state is fine with us believing that the Hamas invasion was due to incompetence.  Then they can have a commission, fire some scapegoat, and promise to do better in the future.  But if people realize this was betrayal at the highest levels, their grip on control and their ability to manipulate us become much more tenuous.

Q: How do you know?  Where’s the evidence?

A: Unfortunately we don’t have the Shabak at our disposal to torture confessions out of people, but fortunately the evidence is indisputable.  (See here for a summary.)  There is simply no way there could have been such a massive infiltration in broad daylight, with hundreds of executioners running amok for hours on end, with absolutely zero meaningful response, without our fearless leaders deliberately allowing it to happen.

This is aside from the fact that border communities had their local security disarmed shortly before the attack, of course for their own protection.  Because if people can protect themselves, they won’t need or want Big Brother to do it for them.

See this report: Israeli town residents welcome state surveillance after Muslim invasion

So the official story is that the killers got in because the cameras by the border went down…and the solution is to install cameras around the residents themselves.  Right.

Q: But the cameras on the border WERE hacked and shut off!  I saw it on a very trustworthy news site that gets all their information directly from the government!

A: Disinformation and misdirection.  You seriously believe the cameras were hacked and shut down for hours, yet no one thought too much of it?

Let me ask you a simple question.  Let’s say you were part of the military brass and you were just informed that the cameras and computers all just went offline.  Do you wait 6 hours for them to come back online?  Do you call HOT and Bezeq?  Do you reset your router?  Or do you call a red alert and get all hands on deck to the borders immediately?

What about all the desperate calls from people being massacred?  Or the livestreams on Arab channels showing the massacre on livestream?  You can take a bus from one end of Israel and back in all that time, and one helicopter could have mowed them down, yet there was NOTHING FOR 6 HOURS.

Seriously, how can people still be so damn stupid at this point?

I realize you desperately want to cling to the fantasy that your fearless leaders are trying really hard to keep you safe, and they are under a lot of pressure, and we have to “support our country”, but they want you to desperately cling to that fantasy too.

Q: This is really not the time to be making such accusations.  We need to unify and support the country.  Don’t you care about our soldiers who are in danger?

Now you’re just gaslighting.

Here’s an email I received today from a statist who used to be relevant, but is now nothing more than a smoking ember from the rubble of “Religious Zionist” leadership:

“This is NOT the time for these emails!

The nation needs to be strong and you are causing people to be weak and lose faith.

May HaShem curse all people who send these emails and weaken the Nation of Israel!

Yes, there are many questions that need to be answered but NOT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!

Stop this immediately.”

And here was my response:

“May Hashem curse all the people who encouraged everyone to take poison shots, poison their children, and both physically and psychologically abuse them with masks.  May Hashem curse the traitors who allow Jewish blood to be spilled by the most savage people on earth.  May Hashem curse all those who strengthen our enemies from within and without.  May Hashem curse all those who weaken our nation by serving as useful idiots and Judenrat.”

Continuing to have “faith” in the people and entities who betrayed you again and again is a deadly mistake.

Continuing to believe they have your best interests at heart and rely on them to protect you and your family is a deadly mistake.

Continuing to get your information from controlled media that literally work for them and broadcast their messages is a deadly mistake.

Continuing to “serve your country” is a deadly mistake.  Serve God and serve your people.  “Your country” is a fictitious entity, a corporation that will lie to you, sell you out, and send you to be slaughtered if it serves their interests.

Q: You’re right.  But what can we DO?

1. Daven

2. Teshuva

3. Unify

4. Organize

5. Take out the trash

In the meantime, understand that protecting yourself, your family, and your community is YOUR responsibility.  Any sharp or blunt metal object can be an effective weapon  — even a slingshot like King David used!  Granted, unwelcome visitors are likely to be better armed and trained, but there is no reason to be easy prey.  Furthermore, if someone else is their initial target, others can rush them and overwhelm them even with lighter weapons.

At the very minimum, let them know that you will fight like a wild animal in the jungle, and nothing will make you happier than to take one of them down.

Since we know God is real and is with us, we don’t need the best weapons and training to protect ourselves.  The main battle is spiritual in nature.  But we don’t need to huddle at home waiting to be slaughtered, either.  Arm yourself spiritually, arm yourself physically, and prepare yourself mentally to fight like hell at any time.

The people who control your land are not coming to save you.  They are working against you.  So stop deluding yourself and do what you need to do — not with fear, not with panic, but with rock solid faith in God and ice cold determination.

*   *   *

Bonus question: How come you still want to live in Israel with such a government?

1. I’m a Jew who believes in God and the Torah.  This is where He wants us to be.  Read Go Up Like a Wall and my numerous other articles on the subject.

2. This is my home, and it’s worth fighting for.

3. This is the safest place to be at the end of days.  It’s the only place on earth guaranteed to have a positive ending.  You think the Jews are safe in America???




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The Catastrophe of 2023   by Victor Rosenthal

October 9, 2023  – I don’t have the words to describe the cruelty and brutality of our enemies. That would take a Chaim Nachman Bialik, but I’m sure you can find descriptions, photos, videos, and recordings of unanswered cries for help in other places. At least 650 of us were murdered and thousands injured in a typical Arab Muslim blood frenzy. More than 100 were taken hostage, to be tortured over the coming days, months, and perhaps years.

Although the attack itself was a surprise, the horrifying nature of it should not have been. This is who they are, who they have always been, and what they do. A lot has been written about Hamas’ motivation. Did they want to damage the possibility of an Israeli-Saudi agreement? Did they want to encourage Qatar to send them more funds? The truth is simpler: they wanted to kill Jews as cruelly as possible. Yes, they intend to use their hostages to try to free Arab prisoners in Israeli jails, but that’s only an intermediate objective. The long-term goal is to kill enough Jews so that the rest of us will either leave or be forced to accept subjection to Arab Muslim rule.

There is also a spiritual/psychological objective. By torture and murder, by the blood of their victims and of their “martyrs,” they add to their honor and subtract from that of the Jews. This strengthens them and weakens us. Although most Westerners don’t understand this, honor is real, and the loss of honor can be catastrophic. It will not be enough for Israel to control the territory of Gaza, Judea and Samaria. To survive in this place, the Jews of Israel must regain their honor.*

I also don’t have the inside information to explain who in Israel was responsible for the failures. How was none of the planning for this picked up by our intelligence? Where were the helicopter gunships when the terrorists were pouring through the gaps in the fence? Where was the army for the first five hours of the attack? Isn’t the border monitored 24/7 by high-tech sensors as well as by human soldiers? Did we not learn from 1973 not to send everyone home for the holidays? I could go on.

There will be answers to all of these questions, and more. Assuming that the State of Israel survives long enough, there will be the Commission of Inquiry to end all Commissions of Inquiry. Politicians and military officers will lose their jobs in disgrace. Lessons will be said to have been learned. Procedures will be put in place. But we will not remain here unless we are capable, as a culture, of learning and internalizing some concepts that seem to have been lost to the West roughly since the end of World War II. For example, those of Honor, Enemy, and War.


Another Palestinian Reverie   by Raymond Ibrahim

10/08/2023 – Another Palestinian Reverie

10/08/2023 by Raymond Ibrahim

On August 29, 2023, Sheikh Issam Amira, a prominent member of the Palestinian Hizb al-Tahrir party, argued that the “liberation” of Palestine is nothing compared to the potentially great conquests that Islam has in store for the rest of the non-Muslim world — including the United States:

What is the Palestinian cause compared to the conquest of Rome, for example? Or the conquest of Latin America in its entirety? Or the conquest of North America?

Amira went on to say that he personally knows that Australians are “dying of fear” from the nearby Muslim nations of Malaysia and Indonesia, “because they know that one of these days the Muslim armies will come from Indonesia and bring Islam to Australia, like it or not.”

What crime did these non-Muslim cities, nations, and continents commit against Muslims to deserve being targeted for violent conquest?

As Amira explained in the same sermon, Islam commands Muslims to hate, fight, humiliate and, ideally, conquer any and all non-Muslims — including family members — simply because they are non-Muslims. He cited the Koran:

You will not find a people who believe in Allāh and the Last Day having affection for those who oppose Allāh and His Messenger, even if they were their fathers or their sons or their brothers or their kindred. (Koran 58:22)


Globalists just opened second front in WWIII and it will draw many more into the coming global conflagration   by LEO HOHMANN

OCT 8, 2023 – Globalists just opened second front in WWIII and it will draw many more into the coming global conflagration

OCT 8, 2023 – In the realm of geopolitical events, things are almost never as they appear.

The messaging being sent by the media is no longer mere “news.” What we receive from them are carefully crafted narratives meant to advance certain agendas. The same event, in fact, can carry multiple narratives often diametrically opposed to each other because the narratives are tailored to specific audiences and loaded with explosive words and images meant to trigger emotions in those audiences depending on their prior conditioning.

And the devastating attack on Israel Friday night was no exception.

The “what” cannot be debated – hundreds of Israeli citizens were slaughtered and more than 2,000 injured in a brazen and brutal attack by Hamas terrorists. At least 50 more Israelis, including an Israeli military general, were captured and are being held hostage.

But the “why” and the “how” – as in why now and how did they get away with it – will be less understood by the average American who’s more interested in who wins the Packers’ game this Sunday or how long Taylor Swift will retain her latest boyfriend.

While few realize it, what happened in Israel on the night of Friday, October 6, is an earthquake in terms of the impact on global stability, mostly because of the timing. The events of October 6 cannot be analyzed and properly understood separate from all that has been going on over the last 18 months between the US/NATO and their vassal states and Russia/China and their vassal states. The attack on Israel (a vassal state of the US/NATO) by Hamas (a vassal state of Iran which is a vassal state of Russia/China) opens up a second front in the escalating World War III scenario being advanced by the globalists for reasons I’ve provided in previous articles, the most recent of which was posted September 25 as “The Four D’s of Digitization, Dehumanization, Destruction and Depopulation.”

Ukrainian President Zelensky has already come out with a statement in support of Israel and implying that Russia was responsible for the Hamas attack. We don’t know if that’s true but Zelensky said it so that makes it true for the faction of people who believe Ukraine’s war with Russia is just and totally defensive in nature.

The media tells us that Hamas launched a sneak attack on Israel and caught the IDF napping.

Excuse me, but there is simply no way the Israeli Defense Forces – the most technologically modern, most adept, most highly trained security force in the world – did not see this attack coming. For them to be caught off guard is inconceivable.  [emphasis added]

We’re told they were totally surprised. Even on the 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur War of October 7, 1973, they were not prepared for an attack from their arch enemy? They left their border unmanned, in some areas right next to an international festival where tourists from other countries were partying literally within yards of a dangerous Gaza border? Please. I’m not buying it.

[Ed. :  This guy must be reading too much Daily Shmutz!]

Gog Umagog Update   by Chananya Weissman

1. Two testimonies from Israel about the Erev Rav betrayal (Hebrew)

The first video is from a former IDF combat commander.  He states in no uncertain terms that this was a betrayal from within.  The second video shows a resident of a border community cursing out Israel’s “leaders” and stating that there were no Israeli military aircraft in the sky for 6 hours while citizens were being slaughtered.

2. How the Hamas Attack on Israel Unfolded

This short video is from the Wall Street Journal.  As you watch this, ask yourself: Where were the soldiers? Where were the reinforcements?  This took place over many hours in broad daylight.  One helicopter with a machine gun could have taken them out. This was deliberate.

3. ‘Conspiracy theories about treason are fake news and Iranian misinformation’

Here’s my response to the mockingbird media: drop dead and go to hell.

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Do not expect the army to protect you in the event of unwelcome visitors to your community.  Anything can be used as a weapon.  Organize and prepare accordingly.

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Last week’s class on Bayit Sheni and Redemption was called “Armies are Overrated”. The Torah warned us not to put our trust in Iron Domes and high tech to protect us, and certainly not on foreign nations.  We win by having Hashem on our side, and if Hashem is not fully on our side, we need an emergency operation to unify, do teshuva, and do whatever it takes to get Hashem fully on our side.  That’s when we really win. Here is an essential clip: Operation Unity and Teshuva

The full class is available here.




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[ED.:  There are two short videos in this article that are in Hebrew.  In them is the direct implication that this was ‘an inside job’! 

Call me a conspiracy theorist (which I by all means am,) but this ‘theory’ is proven by the fact that IDF took 7 hours to mobilize, and that the Iron Dome missile defense system was shut off!  Kind’a reminiscent of Lahaina!! 700+ Jews were slaughtered, 200+ hostages were loaded into trucks, raped and tortured, and paraded in the streets of Gaza!  (That can’t happen.) The greatest enemy of the Jewish people is the Israeli government and its structure.  The freakin’ A-rabs are merely #2.

Population reduction is a ‘Global initiative’.  

Remember the Altalena!  This has been going on from day-1.  Remember the Gush Katif Expulsion.  Remember the giving 99-year authority of Israel’s ports to China.  Remember when they locked us down for COVID in 2020, and clandestinely allowed China in to instal their 5G towers. (This while pumping 85+% of their citizens full of aluminum chloride and gene altering spike proteins to be able to receive and transmit data from these towers, and can be monitored and controlled electromagneticly, literally, becoming NWO puppet-zombies who they can ‘turn-off’ at the press of a button…)

Remember the secret contract Netanyahu signed with Pfizer.  

Remember Israel’s gun laws also and how difficult it is to own a gun in ‘Israel’.  This, while they are attacking us all-day, every-day, year after year.  Etc., etc., etc.

So call me a ‘Conspiracy Theorist’ because every theory that I’ve ever had, turned out to be true so far.The 7-hour delay in IDF response plus the other details are proof that this was (in part) ‘an inside job’. It really couldn’t even happen otherwise. Every time you catch yourself say ‘no, that couldn’t happen,’ just remember Maui.]


Important report from a source near the action  by Chananya Weissman

I received this report from a source I believe is credible.  Turn off the controlled propaganda, use the brain God gave you, and draw your own conclusions:

It’s worse, there was a stand down order to the now erased Gaza Division – the murderous farce started at 0400 not 0630…  It took the murderous zombie horde no less than an hour to get to towns…

No IAF action for at least 6 hours, while the hordes freely came and went unbothered and freely through the border “checkpoints”. . .

The Navy wiped out the sea incursions – guess they didn’t need “intelligence” to stop murderous feces …

I live close enough to see and hear comings and goings from there, for most of my military service I was attached to that division.

There was unusually heavy weirdness starting at about 0200 – at approx. 0300 there were one or two fighter planes lighting afterburners (sonic booms), one helicopter moving one way which didn’t return.  Then the sound of Merkava main cannon (105mm or 120mm) firing, then silence.  Missile barrages started rising from Gaza.  Not a single airplane or helicopter of any kind until at least 6-8 hours later.  Probably no less than 5,000 missiles outgoing from Gaza by 0800 (this matches “foreign media reports”).

Al-Jazeera Arabic was showing live-streamed operations of the zombie horde (uniformed terrorists) over-running the Gaza Division unopposed, one drone with a bomb blew up on a Merkava and the crew was dragged out and mutilated – none of the soldiers seemed to be armed…  The enemy took 4 completely undamaged Merkavas, unopposed, they took some mutilated Jewish survivors of the massacre of Gaza Division right back across the border, through the regular totally unmanned checkpoint, some on vehicles and some being dragged on foot.  From some of the footage it was obvious there were “European” looking men (blond and pale skinned) with military haircuts and first-rate equipment and military-bearing wearing beige “covid masks” helping move “prisoners” across the unmanned checkpoints.

The main enemy “force” took, in their own words, more than an hour to get to their target towns – they were followed by “Einsatzgruppen” para-military hordes for looting and kidnapping survivors of the first wave.

I say with certainty this was a “stand-down” order – they do indeed have a very expensive “obstacle” to prevent this, sophisticated tracking surveillance with remote operated machine gun emplacements, and even if they were “overrun by surprise” which is IMPOSSIBLE, the IAF has Apache helicopters for this case, and there were NONE airborne until at least 6 hours later (when hostages were being taken back to Gaza, and the terrorist were coming and going as they pleased in great numbers).  The Navy managed to destroy every single enemy that attempted a mass distributed coastal landing without a single loss…

Finally, some time ago, the security for these Southern towns was handled by the Gaza Division (they’d post soldiers at each town, check people coming in and patrol).  Then there was a government decision to remove the soldiers and replace them with local civilian civil defense people, but the military defunded the programs and also took away the towns weapons armories that were supposed to be distributed to the local civilian defense persons (so the civil defense asked for personally armed volunteers, and we know how “easy” it is for a Jewish Israeli to get a firearm here).

Note how all the reports in Hebrew keep talking about the “Intelligence Failure” and that it’s the 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur War – not one word about where were the IAF helicopters and planes all those hours (but they talk plenty about how there was no military or police to be found in the towns being slaughtered by the terrorists).

Look at and pay close attention to what time this guy posted his heroic crushing of the murderous vermin who had already killed others in his town, as one example of many:

“I got up in the morning to smoke a cigarette. It was 6:15 a.m. Dawn had barely broken. Suddenly I saw a trail of light in the sky and that’s how this absurd scenario began. Little by little the horrible picture became clearer,” Nava Anker, who is a member of Kibbutz Nirim told Ynet. She said her son also lives in Nirim with his three daughters. “Only later did we realize that we were surrounded by terrorists. We heard small arms fire. The IDF forces arrived after seven hours or so.”



Thanks for everything you do, מבטחנו בהשם!

*   *   *

A few additional thoughts from me:

Expect war lockdowns and heightened censorship for your safety.  Emergency government = emergency powers, and we know how they depend on emergencies.  Do not trust the people who are supposed to be “protecting” you.  They are your worst enemies.

Someone who responded to my first email put it best: “My first thought when I saw the news early this morning was that a government established by Nazi collaborators, that slaughters its babies, and kills and maims its citizens with medical tyranny would absolutely allow an enemy attack with all its suffering, wounded and dead.”

This wasn’t an intelligence failure.  On the contrary; the operation was executed as planned.

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In case you still find it hard to believe that the Erev Rav who sold you out so many times would allow this to happen, this comes from another astute commenter:

The Gaza border: one of the most fortified and technologically advanced borders in the world, teeming with combat soldiers, battalions of tanks, and a heavy air force presence. There are multiple systems in place there including;

1. Static thermal imaging observation posts.

2. Manned patrol vehicles.

3. Static manned observation posts.

4. Subterranean RADAR.

5. Reconnaissance drones.

6. Reconnaissance aircraft.

7. Autonomous patrol vehicles.

8. Fence motion detection.

9. Bomb proof multi-layered reinforced fence set in concrete.

None of the above was working. Hamas militants were able to cross open ground and infiltrate into multiple Israeli cities and yeshuvim without detection or being challenged. Hamas militants were even able to make it back into Gaza afterwards with the bodies of captured soldiers, civilians and vehicles.

Somehow every single security measure was ineffective.

This does not make sense.

You can’t just drive a tractor through the Gaza fence. It’s designed not to be driven through. There was a perfectly shaped cut hole for Hamas vehicles to pass through.

Even with a powerful angle grinder, it takes time to cut through that many layers of reinforcement. That went unnoticed for some reason…

Even an animal touching that fence would trigger an alarm and a protocol is in place to respond to that.




Download Tovim Ha-Shenayim as a PDF for free!

If you received this from someone else and want to receive future articles directly, please send a request to endthemadness@gmail.com.


R&B Amalek and Erev Rav #65 – Amiram Ben Uliel, Prisoner of Zion    [56:16]   Chananya Weissman

Information about Amiram’s case: www.honenu.org/justice-for-amiram
Testimony from Jewish torture victim: www.israelnationalnews.com/news/240785
Binny Lau whitewashing torture, gaslighting, and demanding “trust” in the state: www.inn.co.il/news/611315

See my articles and books at chananyaweissman.com.

The link to register for the live programs is https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUrc-qgrDgoHdHtrv1Azmn0L9BWwwr4OGmx#/registration


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Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.