Daily Shmutz | COMMENTARY / OPINION | 10/6/24



Hear the Latest INSANE Accusations Being Leveled at Israel  [47:40]    Caroline Glick

October 6, 2024  JNS TV – As Israel begins to commemorate the one-year anniversary of the Hamas-led Oct. 7 massacre, powerful politicians around the world have taken the opportunity to pounce on the Jewish state.

Join JNS senior contributing editor Caroline Glick for a post-Rosh Hashanah roundup of what global actors were saying while many Israelis were spending their weekend in bomb shelters.

Glick discusses all this, as well as the latest polls showing Israeli sentiment towards Biden and Trump, French President Emmanuel Macron’s cowardice, Biden’s betrayal of Israel, the obsession with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and why Jerusalem will and must ultimately win.


0:00 Israelis prefer Trump

4:00 Democrat conspiracies

14:00 Macron piles on

24:00 Betraying Israel

34:00 The obsession with Bibi

40:00 Israel’s heroes


Everything We’ve Learned About the First Trump Assassination Attempt    PEPE LIVES MATTER

Everything We’ve Learned About the First Trump Assassination Attempt.

OCT 05, 2024 – Trump is back in Butler today.

We cannot forget what happened here and how the Secret Service set Trump up just as JFK was set up before him.

I took some time to compile everything we’ve learned about that fateful day.

The snipers clearly and knowingly let Thomas Crook take multiple shots at Donald Trump.

They failed to secure the most obvious vantage point and the only reason Thomas Crook missed his shot by a centimer was because local officers actually shot at him before the sniper team.

Is there any doubt that this is an inside job?

Thomas Crook’s presence was known for essentially an hour, he was allowed to fly a drone, he had multiple overseas encrypted accounts, his place was scrubbed clean before or immediately after the hit job, and now we found out that Law Enforcement surrounded Thomas Crook for minutes yet they did not remove Donald Trump from harms way. At what point are people going to acknowledge that this was a inside job and someone was giving orders to roll out the red carpet to silence Trump for good?

July 13th cannot be swept under the rug.

We must expose this for what it is.

A coup.

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The Truth About FEMA and Helene   Tom Renz

OCT 05, 2024 – I want to open this article by asking people to pray for those impacted by the hurricane. While FEMA and Harris may be leaving these people behind, God will not.

The situation in the North Carolina area impacted by the Hurricane is dire. There are numerous credible reports of death counts likely exceeding a thousand people and almost the final tallies will almost certainly exceed those of Hurricane Katrina of New Orleans fame. The difference between Helene and Katrina couldn’t be more stark. Both were devastating but Bush was sending aid immediately and being excoriated by the media (I’m no fan of Bush but facts are facts) while Harris/Biden are on the beach or having parties while FEMA is reportedly BLOCKING aid and the mainstream is ignoring it. I wanted to share some facts and other info on this national tragedy.

First of all, let’s be clear about what is happening with FEMA. First they claimed there was no money for hurricane season. Once the American public literally hit the roof over the fact that FEMA is absolutely funding illegals but doesn’t have money for Americans the fact checkers got moving.

Now – regarding Mayorkas – FEMA is absolutely helping fund illegal immigrants. As you can see below the Shelter and Services program is a FEMA program done in partnership with Border Patrol.

This funding was allocated and ultimately, regardless of how it was allocated, it was money spent out of the pockets of the American taxpayer that is funding people here illegally instead of American citizens. No amount of fact checking can change that.

While all of this is nauseating, it actually gets worse. I ran a few numbers and posted them to X. Here’s the post:

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Appalachian Elegy   by Mark Tapson

A disaster wrought by America-Last Democrats.

October 4, 2024 – In the wake of biblical-level devastation left by Hurricane Helene this last week, fatalities have soared over 200, more than 1000 people are unaccounted for, and severe flooding has washed out towns, roads and bridges from Florida to North Carolina, the hardest-hit state. Whole communities have been without necessities like water, power, cell phone service, and food for nearly a week. Some residents are trapped in mountainside homes with no way to communicate with emergency personnel. This is an ongoing disaster of epic proportions.

One resident of Fairview, a suburb of Asheville NC, said “the heavens came down” with the hurricane. “It was incomprehensible, what we witnessed, as it relates to the magnitude it was,” reported a Charlotte City councilman. “[I]t was truly something that you really can’t even visualize unless you see it.”

In true American style, civilian volunteers, many from out of state, have leapt into action to locate and assist survivors. Their heroic efforts stand in sharp contrast to an absent federal government that has no clear leadership. Decrepit, deposed President Joe Biden belatedly issued a statement about sending in a too-little, too-late force of a thousand Army servicemembers. Kamala Harris, who is worthless under the best of circumstances, has been busy salvaging her campaign after running mate Tim “Not Ready for Prime Time” Walz’s catastrophic performance in Tuesday’s vice presidential debate. So no one in the White House is available, or cares enough, to help Americans in dire need.

One Fairview resident said, “I’ve seen lots of out-of-state rescue, lots of county ambulances. I’ve seen lots of state resources, wildlife resources… But I haven’t seen any federal government. I guess when you have a disaster like this, you imagine the federal government would swoop in, but that hasn’t been the case here.”

Unfortunately, the federal government now is swooping in; to paraphrase Ronald Reagan’s famous statement, “We’re from the government and we’re here to make a terrible situation immeasurably worse.” Department of Transportation diversity hire Pete Buttigieg took a break from complaining that highways are racist to announce that civilian helicopter pilots and drones used for locating victims would no longer be allowed in the airspace of the devastation. Indeed, volunteer chopper pilots trying to assist survivors in need are being threatened with arrest. The purported reason for this policy is that civilian volunteers might hinder government efforts or create “safety issues.” The real reason is that the government is a jealous god and resents civilians swooping in and doing a better job.

A “cynical” person might even believe that the Biden-Harris (Harris-Biden? Obama-Rice?) regime doesn’t want civilians helping because it doesn’t care about the lives of rural whites. After all, Kamala said back in 2022 that the Biden regime would distribute disaster relief “based on equity” by directing funds to “communities of color.”

In any case, there are no disaster funds for anybody. Homeland Security Secretary and open-borders enthusiast Alejandro Mayorkas broke the news to reporters on Air Force One that FEMA, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, has no more money to address the crisis: “We do not have the funds. FEMA does not have the funds to make it through the [storm] season and what — what is imminent.”

That deficit is a result of Homeland Security allocating $640.9 million this year alone in FEMA funds to aid state and local governments in processing and resettling illegal migrants swarming over the southern border which the Biden-Harris regime purposely left open. “Mayorkas and FEMA — immediately stop spending money on illegal immigration resettlement and redirect those funds to areas hit by the hurricane. Put Americans first,” Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbott tweeted Wednesday.

Fat chance. America First is not a Democrat principle.

Four million dollars have been paid directly to hurricane-ravaged families and individuals in the last week, according to White House press propagandist Karine Jean-Pierre. Those funds are from a $10 million FEMA allocation that allows storm victims pathetic grants of $750 for groceries – $750. In a joke that would be hilarious if it didn’t contain so much painful truth, the Babylon Bee satire site posted this mock headline: “North Carolina Asks [Ukraine President] Zelensky For $100 Billion In U.S. Funding.”

“FEMA spending over a billion dollars on illegals while they leave Americans stranded and without help is treasonous. U.S. citizens are dying. Pray for our country folks,” Rep. Tim Burchett (R-Tenn.) tweeted.

Rep. Eli Crane (R-Ariz.) wrote: “‘The Biden-Harris FEMA spent over $1 BILLION on funding illegal aliens. America LAST.”

“Connect the dots, if you can,” wrote Tim Murtaugh, an adviser to former President Donald Trump’s campaign. “DHS says FEMA might not have enough cash to help people through hurricane season. But in 2 years of a new Biden-Harris program, they’ve spent $1 BILLION on housing and other services for migrants.”

Republican Rep. Tom Tiffany from Wisconsin tweeted, “$750 for Hurricane Helene victims. $700 for Maui fire victims. $175 BILLION to Ukraine. FREE flights, health care, housing, and food for illegal aliens. Under Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, American citizens come last.”

Indeed they do. This East Coast apocalypse is the direct consequence of the Democrat obsession with flooding Ukraine with billions in taxpayer funds (remember them enthusiastically waving Ukrainian flags in Congress? Can you imagine them doing the same with the Stars and Stripes?) and flooding the entire country with illegal migrants they are counting on to vote blue. Every death, every missing resident, every washed-away community in the wake of Hurricane Helene can be laid at the doorstep of the Biden/Harris/Obama White House and a Democrat Party that always prioritizes the needs of illegals, Ukrainian kleptocrats, and Palestinian Jew-haters, with American citizens always a distant and dead last – and white rural Americans bottom-most.

Also culpable, it must be said, is a feckless Republican Party that willfully refuses to get its act together to defend American citizens from Democrat destructiveness.

In less than five weeks Americans get to decide whether this nation proceeds with the havoc wreaked by a far-Left, America-hating Democrat Party, or changes horses to an America First, Make America Great Again Party that embraces American exceptionalism. When voters enter the booths on Election Day, let them remember who is responsible for, among other disasters, the devastated communities of North Carolina.

Follow Mark Tapson at Culture Warrior

Video: Dennis Prager Rebuts Candace Owens’ Antisemitism  [38:34]

“If you care about the truth, you have a moral obligation to read this letter.”

October 1, 2024 – This video commentary below from J-TV: The Global Jewish Channel addresses Dennis Prager’s lengthy public rebuttal of Candace Owens’ recent antisemitic turn.

Read Dennis’ letter in full – https://assets.ctfassets.net/qnesrjod…

Check out the video below:


Hurricane Helene has a Critical Lesson for All of Us    A MIDWESTERN DOCTOR

Exploring the dangers of putting profits before people, especially when they are hidden behind a veil of secrecy

OCT 03, 2024 – Recently, the East Coast was hit by a devastating hurricane that swept through Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Kentucky, Tennessee and Virginia, with 175 deaths in that region already been confirmed. Furthermore, unlike a typical hurricane, it also wiped towns off the map and was the worst hurricane in North Carolina’s history (with the possible exception of one in 1775).

Since I have a lot of ties to the area (e.g., many people I’m close to live there, and Asheville was one of our favorite spots to go road trips to—and one of my favorite songs is about the area), I’ve been hearing horrible stories over the last six days over what happened there (both from my friends and readers who have asked me to cover it) and I’ve put a lot of thought into what to say about the events. Eventually I decided it would be best to wait until the Vice Presidential debate was held, as given the magnitude of this unprecedented disaster, it was almost guaranteed the topic would be raised at the debate and by extension would likely make a much stronger case for the profound issues facing our country than anything I could say.

If you watch this clip, three things should jump out to you.

•The death and destruction from the hurricane, was an afterthought for everyone there (including the liberal moderators) except for JD Vance. This is particularly extraordinary given that the devastation was concentrated in the highly liberal areas of North Carolina.
•Their primary focus was not the suffering from the hurricane, but rather how those deaths could be used to support their agenda (the climate change boondoggle).

•Many of the claims the moderators made were false and justified by vague statements (e.g., “scientists say” or “the overwhelming consensus amongst scientists”).

This for context, is almost identical to what we saw those people do throughout COVID, as there was a callous disregard for the devastation of their policies (e.g., the unscientific and unjustifiable lockdowns) and the lives lost from their policies (e.g., from the systematic suppression of early COVID-19 protocols or mandating deadly and ineffective hospital protocols). Rather the deaths throughout the pandemic were only cited when something could be gained from them (e.g., more money or power for fighting COVID).

These events in turn touch upon a few key points I’ve emphasized throughout this publication which I believe are becoming increasingly important to recognize as we move into an era with a more and more predatory ruling class.

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Glenn CALLS OUT FEMA After Visiting Hurricane Helene Victims   [16:07]   Glenn Beck

Oct 4, 2024 – What’s the truth about FEMA and Hurricane Helene? Is the government really confiscating aide for the victims? Are they really not helping at all? Glenn traveled to Asheville, North Carolina, to find out for himself. He tells the infuriating story of his conversation with the lone FEMA truck in the area: “FEMA is despicable!” Instead of helping people, Glenn says, they’re just setting up more red tape … after showing up a WEEK LATE!


The Storm is here!   TIERNEY’S REAL NEWS

OCT 04, 2024 – By now, most of America knows that Hurricane Helene was devastating, has killed many Americans in the SE United States (and more bodies are still missing) and that the Obama-Biden-Harris regime, and FEMA, took several days to respond to the disaster and are slow-walking any help.

That was just confirmed by FEMA whistleblowers who state the Obama-Biden-Harris regime stole FEMA money intended for storm victims and gave it to illegals and FEMA is delaying help to US citizens on purpose:

What most people don’t know is there is a HUGE back story to this storm that is not being reported. How did this happen? How were people caught so off guard?

What I’m about to tell you is my educated OPINION – after studying hundreds of posts and videos online about Helene.

I’m going to give you lots of screenshots and links that you can explore on your own (text highlighted in red) if you want more information on any topic. I’m going to try to give you my top-line conclusions in 10 minutes and you can do more research on your own if you wish.

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There’s something nefarious going on in the mountains of Western North Carolina and Eastern Tennessee, where hurricane victims are being left to die; stories emerge of bodies washing up in rural areas    LEO HOHMANN

FEMA is a fraud. The Federal ‘Emergency’ Management Agency is ‘nowhere to be found’ in hurricane-ravaged areas where decomposing bodies are being discovered amid the rubble and debris.

OCT 03, 2024 – There is a heart-wrenching story developing in the mountans and hills of Western North Carolina and Eastern Tennessee, a story that is not being told in the mainstream corporate media.

Stories of starving, dehydrated people being left to die. And bodies, lots of bodies, washing up in rural areas, many of them unrecognizable.

One such story comes from Nate and Katie Kramer, a husband and wife in Parrotsville, Tennessee (Cocke County), just east of Newport, Tennessee, located roughly midway between Knoxville, Tennessee, and Asheville, North Carolina. This area was inundated with 20-plus inches of rain pouring over a dammed up river compliments of Hurricane Helene.

Nate Kramer related in a YouTube video his heartbreaking experience of finding a body Tuesday that had washed up near the couple’s small farming homestead.

Fast-forward to the 3:33 mark and listen to this emotional and tragic story.  

There’s almost no coverage of the extent of the suffering taking place right now in the mountains of Western North Carolina and Eastern Tennessee, where the victims of Hurricane Helene are still without power one week after the storm hit and dumped a record amount of rain, and now the food and water is running out.

Large swaths of Georgia are also still without power and cell service. People are thirsty, some are beginning to starve to death. They have no cellphones or means of communicating with the outside world.

The federal government has done nothing to help the immediate situation. Literally nothing. Despite what you hear them say in interviews with the corporate media, FEMA has not shown up, as the situation grows more desperate by the day.

But there are private individuals and groups who are trying to rescue these desperate Americans.

On Wednesday night, broadcast journalist Brannon Howse interviewed three private search-and-rescue operators who are affiliated with a nonprofit organization called Aerial Recovery.

The group has been working in Florida as well as in North Carolina doing search and rescue work following the devastation left by Hurricane Helene.

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A new path to sovereignty in Judea & Samaria   Dr. Michael L. Wise

End the “occupation”! A plan for a gradual process towards sovereignty. The only answer. Opinion.

Oct 2, 2024, 11:56 AM (GMT+3)  Israel National News

Dr. Michael Wise is a founder and investor in numerous technology companies. He is a graduate of YU and holds a PhD .in Theoretical Physics from Brandeis U., is the author of Israel demography study (BESA).and has published numerous articles about Israel sovereignty and demographics in Judea and Samaria. He is an expert in mathematical modeling techniques.

We propose a gradual path to sovereignty. Arab inhabitants of carefully selected areas in J&S (Judea and Samaria, the so-called ‘West Bank’), such as neighborhoods in Gush Etzion, Ma’ale Adumim, Ariel, or the Jordan valley, will be offered the opportunity to apply for permanent Israel residency, as evidenced by an Israeli Blue ID card.

Careful review of the applications will determine who qualifies for permanent Israel residency with all the benefits of Israel citizenship similar to that enjoyed by the overwhelming majority of the Jerusalem Arab community. This includes National insurance, healthcare, and voting in local elections but not in National Israel elections. Initially, no declaration of sovereignty.

Israel is on the verge of a spectacular (for West Point students) if not miraculous (for believers in Hashem) VICTORY in its 7-front battle. Iran and its six proxies are bewildered. Hamas is on its knees. Hezbollah management has been buried and its arsenal is being obliterated. The Houthi’s major port has been destroyed and PA supported terrorists in Jenin, Qalqilya, Shechem and elsewhere in J&S are being obliterated. Syria and Iraq are watching Israel winning this multi-front military conflict. Sunni and GCC states along with multiple enemies of Hezbollah are quietly celebrating Israel’s dramatic success.

Unfortunately, there is another conflict in which Israel is far less successful. In fact, Israel has been losing the information (propaganda or hasbara) war in a dramatic fashion for decades. We must understand that as long as Israel maintains a military government (seen as “occupation”) of J&S, significant parts of its biblical and historical homeland, it will continue to lose the battle of public opinion. It cannot justify and defend a 57-year-old governmental limbo in J&S. This failure is evident in the streets, in academia, in parliaments, in the UN, in the media, in the courts and in every forum on the planet. The “occupation” and military rule must end!

In the words of Israel Prime Minister Ariel Sharon in May 2003, “You cannot like the word, but what is happening (in Gaza, J&S) is an occupation — to hold Palestinians under occupation, I believe, is a terrible thing for Israel and for the Palestinians.” With much fanfare and protest, in a first step to end the “occupation”, Israel unilaterally withdrew from Gaza in 2005. Everyone now understands that Sharon’s attempt to end the so-called “occupation” was a tragic blunder.

There are two ways to end the “occupation” or Israeli military rule: Withdrawal or Annexation. Withdrawal and creation of an independent Hamas terrorist state in Gaza led to tragic consequences and five wars. Similarly, creation of a PA, PLO, and Fatah terrorist state in J&S would lead to unimaginable violence.

Proponents of Israeli withdrawal and creation of two-states believe that a two-state solution will resolve all the problems in the Middle East. Biden/Harris, the US State Department, the UN, the European community, and others, are either oblivious to the total failure of Sharon’s Gaza experiment or dream of Israel’s demise with a terrorist state in its backyard.

Before October 7th, many Israelis believed that the only solution to the Arab Israeli conflict was the creation of a Palestinian Arab state. Today, almost all Israelis other than two Ehud’s, former prime ministers of Israel, and one or two prime minister wannabees understand that there can be no two-state solution. Almost all Israelis understand that the PA is a totally unreliable peace partner Most Israelis now understand that there is only one path forward: Israel must end the military occupation and declare sovereignty and annex J&S, its ancient Jewish homeland.

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An ironic opportunity for Israel: War with a not-yet nuclear Iran   Prof. Louis René Beres

Israel’s current war with a not-yet-nuclear Iran could represent the Jewish State’s last best chance to prevent nuclear war in the Middle East.

Oct 2, 2024, 1:01 PM (GMT+3)  Israel National News – Ironically, Iran’s ballistic missile aggression of October 1 offers Israel an exceptional opportunity. Because the most significant security threat to the Jewish State is a nuclear Iran, Jerusalem’s overriding objective should be to keep that enemy non-nuclear. Until today, fulfilling that objective could have required a “bolt-from-the-blue” Israeli preemption (non-nuclear), but now it can be sought within an already-ongoing conventional war.

Among other potential gains for Jerusalem, Israel would no longer have to satisfy the legal requirements of a permissible preemption. Under binding international law, Israel’s only obligations would concern the long-standing criteria of “distinction,” “proportionality” and “military necessity.”

There are variously pertinent details. Until now, Iran’s threats against Israel have been contrived (pretended irrationality) or genuinely irrational. Prima facie, a nuclear Israel would display clear advantages during intra-war episodes of competitive risk-taking. More precisely, in any competitive crisis between a pre-nuclear Iran and an already-nuclear Israel, the latter would almost certainly achieve “escalation dominance.” Looking to the immediate future, it would not necessarily be in Israel’s security benefit to seek cease-fire or war-termination agreements.

With such details in mind, the question becomes: How should Israel proceed? The only reasonable answer would be to choose strategy and tactics that could offer Israel persistent bargaining advantages without incurring unacceptably high risks. In this connection, a nuclear war with a not-yet-nuclear Iran is still possible, though it would be an “asymmetrical nuclear war” favoring Israel.

The only way to ensure an escalation advantage for Israel in all conceivable conflict scenarios would be to engage Iran directly while it is still pre-nuclear. Even a pre-nuclear Iran could use chemical or biological or electromagnetic-pulse (EMP) weapons against Israel, but no such use could plausibly impair Israel’s inherent advantages regarding “escalation dominance.” Once Iran were able to join the “nuclear club,” Israel’s required capacities to dominate military escalations would become severely limited or decisively moot. At that point, the prospects for a cost-effective Israeli preemption would almost certainly have vanished.

There is more. Though not widely discussed, even a pre-nuclear Iran could make combat use of radiation dispersal weapons and/or launch conventional combat missiles against Israel’s Dimona nuclear reactor.

In a conceivably worst case scenario, Iranian ally North Korea would place its own nuclear assets at Tehran’s operational disposal. North Korea has previously been involved in Middle Eastern military matters (e.g., North Korea built a nuclear reactor for Syria at Al Kibar that was preemptively destroyed by Israel’s Operation Orchard on September 6, 2007), and is currently forging ambitious mutual security ties to Vladimir Putin’s Russia.

There are further issues. What exactly should Israel do with regard to winning its war against a still pre-nuclear Iran? Most urgently, Jerusalem needs to commence a prompt process of “selective nuclear disclosure” (putting an end to its traditional posture of “deliberate nuclear ambiguity,” aka the “bomb in the basement”) and to selectively clarify its widely-assumed “Samson Option.” Whatever its tactical particulars, the overriding point of any last-resort Israeli military option would not be to “die with the Philistines” (per Samson in the biblical Book of Judges), but to enhance the credibility of its nuclear deterrent.

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Why Arabs Are Celebrating the Death of Hassan Nasrallah   by Bassam Tawil
October 2, 2024 at 5:00 am  Gatestone Institute

  • “Israel just made all the Middle East happy tonight.” — Israeli-Lebanese Christian journalist Jonathan Elkhoury, X, September 27, 2024.
  • “As a Lebanese, this is one of the happiest days in Lebanon’s history…. As a human being who holds peace before my eyes, this is the most important day for our region. Nasrallah and Hezbollah have terrorized the Lebanese people since the 1980s…. Every Lebanese and every decent human being should feel joy at the downfall of one of the greatest evils of our time. Now, we have a real chance to look forward… and sitting down with Israelis and the West for genuine negotiations on normalization and peace between our countries—Israel and Lebanon.” — Jonathan Elkhoury, X, September 24, 2024.
  • “Honestly, Lebanon should toss Nasrallah into the sea like the U.S. did with Bin Laden—no land deserves that filth. Though, I do feel bad for the fish.” — Amjad Taha, United Arab Emirates, to his 571,000 followers on X, September 28, 2024.
  • All the students at US university campuses who have been protesting Israel’s war against Iran’s terror proxies, such as Hezbollah and Hamas, should hear the voices of these Arabs. These voices demonstrate how many Arabs have also been harmed by terrorism and how they wish for a better future for their children and their people. These voices also show that in the war against Islamist terrorism, a growing number of Arabs consider Israel an ally.

Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of the Iran-backed Hezbollah terrorist group in Lebanon who was killed in an Israeli airstrike on September 27, was often described by many in the West as a “formidable enemy” of Israel. Nasrallah’s death, however, has shown that many Arabs, including some of his fellow Lebanese citizens, also considered him an enemy and arch-terrorist. The Hezbollah chief was responsible for killing not only a large number of Israelis over the past three decades, but also many Arabs, especially in Lebanon and Syria.

That is probably why the news of Nasrallah’s elimination was greeted with jubilation by many Israelis and Arabs.

Hezbollah has long been an ally of the Ba’ath regime of Syria, ruled by the Assad family. Hezbollah has helped the Ba’ath regime during the Syrian civil war in its fight against the Syrian opposition, backed by the US.

Hezbollah’s intervention in the Syrian civil war, which erupted in 2011, was pivotal in helping regime security forces regain control of several Syrian provinces, including Aleppo, and in maintaining its grip on power despite widespread opposition. For many Syrians, particularly those in opposition-held areas such as Idlib, Hezbollah’s involvement in the war is synonymous with oppression and violence.

One Syrian wrote:

“I’m in idlib right now and the Syrians are out on the streets celebrating rumours of the death of Nasrallah, the leader of Hezbollah, aka Hezboshaytan [“the party of Satan”]!

“Just a few days ago Hezboshaytan bombed a village here, today we buried a 1 year old baby and his mother that were killed.”

Syrian journalist Omar Madaniah posted on X a video of hundreds of Syrians in the streets celebrating the death of Nasrallah, with some handing out sweets, and commented:

“Hassan Nasrallah should kill himself if he does not die, especially after he saw the overwhelming joy of the people after the news of his death.

“His killing of hundreds of thousands of Syrians removed the mask of ‘resistance’ from his ugly face, and he was unable to wear it again.”

Images and videos circulating on social media featured Syrian children holding banners expressing gratitude to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for authorizing the assassination of Nasrallah. One banner reads: “Thank you, Netanyahu. We want you to take out the criminal [Syrian President] Bashar Assad.” Another banner reads: “Thank you, Netanyahu. You have brought joy to the children of Syria.”

In still another video, an imam of a mosque in Syria is heard announcing through a loudspeaker: “Thank Allah for the death of the oppressor Hassan Nasrallah.”

Israeli-Lebanese Christian Jonathan Elkhoury commented:

“Syrians are celebrating tonight handing over baklawa [pastry] following the news that Nasrallah might be dead.
Nasrallah and Hezbollah butchered the people of Syria, helping Assad regime kill his own people.
Israel just made all the Middle East happy tonight.”

In another post on X, Elkhoury wrote:

“As a Lebanese, this is one of the happiest days in Lebanon’s history. As a Middle Easterner, this is one of the most transformative days for the Middle East. As a human being who holds peace before my eyes, this is the most important day for our region.

“Nasrallah and Hezbollah have terrorized the Lebanese people since the 1980s. He is responsible for the continuous downfall of Lebanon’s economy and sovereignty. He bears responsibility for countless assassinations of fine Lebanese men and women, solely for opposing his grip on our precious country.

“Nasrallah is also responsible for the slaughter of thousands of Syrian children, women, and men, as well as for other atrocities across the Middle East.

“Every Lebanese and every decent human being should feel joy at the downfall of one of the greatest evils of our time.

“Now, we have a real chance to look forward, ensuring Hezbollah’s weapons are handed over to the Lebanese authorities, and sitting down with Israelis and the West for genuine negotiations on normalization and peace between our countries—Israel and Lebanon.”

Amjad Taha, an expert in Strategic Political Affairs from the United Arab Emirates, praised Israel for assassinating the Hezbollah chief:

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Iran In Our Sights | Israel Undiplomatic w/ Mark Regev & Ruthie Blum    [33:53]

October 1, 2024  JNS TV – Join us for a special Rosh Hashanah episode of Israel Undiplomatic with the audacious Ruthie Blum and the very measured Mark Regev! We’ll be celebrating Israel’s recent wins and analyzing what we should look for in the coming days as Israel pushes back against Hezbollah in Lebanon.


0:00 Israel sets sights on Iran

4:00 Iran-Israel peace?

8:00 Trying to understand the naysayers

11:00 USA chimes in

15:00 Lebanon incursion debated

32:00 Looking forward – Shanah tovah!


The Source of Muslim Male Mistreatment of Female Relatives Can Be Found in the Qur’an    BY HUGH FITZGERALD

SEP 30, 2024 2:00 PM – 91% of the honor killings in the world today are committed by Muslims. The fathers, brothers, and sons of women who have by their behavior somehow “dishonored” the family may be severely punished, even killed, in order to restore that lost honor. Muslim males often exercise total control, or try to, over their female relatives. Years ago, the Said sisters — Amina and Sarah — were killed by their father Yasser in Texas for having dated non-Muslim boys. Some fathers have killed their daughters for refusing to wear the hijab, for getting a divorce, for looking at a boy in the wrong way. In some Muslim countries, fathers who commit such “honor killing” are let off with light sentences, and sometimes with no prison sentence at all.

A painful incident of honour killing has come to light from the Bahraich district in Uttar Pradesh where a person named Naeem brutally murdered his 17-year-old daughter Khushboo in the name of honour. He first severed her head and then cut the body into several pieces after he reportedly became aware of her love affair. Naeem repeatedly tried to convince Khushboo to snap ties with her boyfriend but she didn’t comply. The crime was committed on 2nd September.

The police, who arrived there at the information of the villagers, arrested the accused Naeem. They collected the body parts and sent them for postmortem. They also recovered the murder weapon from the spot. The matter pertains to the Laxmanpur Matehi village of the Motipur police station area. The victim was in a romantic relationship with a boy of the same village. She had already eloped with him twice. Naeem had also filed a case against his daughter’s lover in Motipur and Nanpara police stations. The authorities had even sent the youth to jail during the investigation.

On the fateful morning, Naeem spotted his daughter in conversation with her boyfriend, due to which he lost his temper and killed her outside their residence. He continued to sit beside his daughter’s corpse after ending her life. Senior police officials also visited the location due to the sensitive situation. Statements of the deceased’s mother were also recorded. She was at her maternal home during the crime.

According to the police, the issue is being thoroughly investigated and appropriate action will be taken moving forward. Circle Officer Hira Lal Kanaujia provided additional details on the issue and stated that the girl had run away with her boyfriend numerous times. The boy belonged to the Mangta community. A First Information Report was also filed against him in two police stations. Naeem has three more daughters and he claimed that the love affair was making a negative impact on his other children. He said they had to face humiliation in the village due to which he was forced to take the extreme step.

Khushboo’s insistence on publicly keeping company with her boyfriend, and even “running away” with him twice — but returning both times — was in the father’s view an unforgivable offense, that not only reflected badly on him, for his authority was being flouted, but also caused Khushboo’s three sisters great embarrassment at her untamed ways.

The source of Muslim male mistreatment of female relatives can be found in the Qur’an, which says: “Men have authority over women because Allah has made the one superior to the other, and because they spend their wealth to maintain them. Good women are obedient. They guard their unseen parts because Allah has guarded them. As for those from whom you fear disobedience, admonish them and send them to beds apart and beat them.” (Qur’an 4:34) As Robert Spencer notes, “A manual of Islamic law certified as a reliable guide to Sunni orthodoxy by Al-Azhar University, the most respected authority in Sunni Islam, says that ‘retaliation is obligatory against anyone who kills a human being purely intentionally and without right.’ However, ‘not subject to retaliation’ is ‘a father or mother (or their fathers or mothers) for killing their offspring, or offspring’s offspring.’ (‘Umdat al-Salik o1.1-2). In other words, someone who kills his child incurs no legal penalty under Islamic law.”

Honor killings will continue — between 5,000 and 10,000 every year — unless and until Muslim governments start to punish, severely, male relatives for killing female relatives, and can furthermore persuade some leading Islamic clerics to argue that “honor killings” are a “misinterpretation” of Qur’anic texts.

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Israel Did Not Trust Biden-Harris Regime With News of Attack   BY DANIEL GREENFIELD

SEP 30, 2024 5:00 PM  jihadwatch.com – How little does Israel trust the Biden-Harris administration? So little that it only provided information about its Beirut strike that took out the Hezbollah terror while it was underway.

The US had no advance warning of Israel’s strike on Hezbollah’s central headquarters in Dahiyeh, Beirut on Friday, the Pentagon said, and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin learned of the operation while it was underway during a phone call from Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant.

While “it was underway” is bad. Not even beforehand.

Israel was so concerned about either Hezbollah being tipped off or some sort of last-minute interference that it provided the information only once the attack was already underway.

The same thing happened with “Pagergeddon.” Defense Minister Gallant called Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin minutes before the pagers began exploding and provided no details.

All of this is bad. It means that Israel doesn’t trust this administration and it means that a crucial defense relationship has decayed to the point where we don’t have timely intelligence about what’s going on.

This situation is even worse than it was under the Obama-Biden administration and the fact that the Biden-Harris administration has moved people into key defense positions who are either compromised or enemy operatives at the National Security Council and the Pentagon likely isn’t helping.

Every White House response to an Israeli action is to call for a ceasefire while the average response to an Islamic terrorist attack is to ignore it.

The Biden-Harris administration has made it publicly clear that it’s not sharing intelligence with Israel. It can’t be too surprised when Israel doesn’t share it right back.


Did you know that the Biden-Harris Regime has implemented a “Jew Ban?”    Daniel Greenfield

SEPTEMBER 30, 2024   BARENAKEDISLAM –  On Holocaust Memorial Day, Trump restricted refugees from terrorism-supporting Muslim-majority countries. Make no mistake — this is a Muslim ban,” Kamala Harris angrily tweeted in 2017. This year the Biden-Harris administration implemented a ‘Jew Ban’ less than a week after Holocaust Memorial Day and after the worst massacre of Jews since the Holocaust.

The Biden administration has been easing sanctions on Iran over the past year. Meanwhile it is using a recent executive order to impose unprecedented sanctions on Jews in Israel who disagree with the administration’s policies. The sanctions violate the constitutional rights of U.S. citizens in Israel and their supporters in America.

Unlike the Muslim Ban, the Biden-Harris ‘Jew Ban’ had nothing to do with immigration security. It was buried in Biden’s innocuously named ‘Executive Order 14115 – Imposing Certain Sanctions on Persons Undermining Peace, Security, and Stability in the West Bank.”

Who was sanctioned for undermining peace, security, and stability in the West Bank?

The PLO’s ‘Palestinian Authority’ has conducted unity negotiations with Hamas under the auspices of Russia and the CCP in Beijing and Moscow. It promotes and funds Islamic terrorism against Jews through its propaganda outlets, terror groups and its ‘Pay to Slay’ policy. Despite that the Biden-Harris administration has poured hundreds of millions of dollars into its territories.

Continue reading


Bibi’s War Strategy You Shouldn’t Miss   Josh Hasten and Alex Traiman

Who’s the boss?

September 30, 2024   JNS TV  Jerusalem Minute

  – After months of being denounced as rudderless by the Israeli left and their allies overseas, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s plan to reshape the Middle East is starting to take form.

Taking out Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah and other terrorist tyrants across the region seems to only be the beginning. In fact, every day brings with it new surprises that all point towards the Israeli leader’s original vision to restore order in this ever-volatile neighborhood.

Join JNS CEO and Jerusalem bureau chief Alex Traiman and Middle East correspondent Josh Hasten as they update you on everything you need to know straight from the Jewish News Syndicate’s Jerusalem studios.

They also discuss the aftermath of Nasrallah’s elimination; Israeli security concepts that are being dismantled one by one; Netanyahu’s United Nations address; diplomatic efforts to reach a peaceful resolution in Lebanon; and internal Israeli political changes.

Don’t miss the up-to-minute news on “Jerusalem Minute!” Subscribe to @JNS_TV !

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0:00 Nasrallah gone

4:00 Celebrations across the region

8:00 Breaking security concepts

11:00 Bibi’s U.N. address

21:00 Diplomatic efforts

27:00 Houthis fire ballistic missiles

35:00 Israeli political shift


Jonathan Pollard: How Can Israel Stop Iran?  [33:25]

Sep 30, 2024  Machon Shilo – Watch the following discussion between Jonathan Pollard and Rabbi David Bar-Hayim on the Iranian Attack on Israel:


BREAKING: IDF Warplanes DEVASTATE Houthi Targets; Yahya Sinwar Death Uncertain  [16:49]    Yair Pinto

September 30, 2024  TBN Israel – TBN Israel’s Yair Pinto reports on the Israel-Hamas & Hezbollah War. Pinto reports that the IDF has inflicted heavy damage to Houthi targets in Yemen, targeting oil assets, power plants and port facilities. In Lebanon, the IDF has also eliminated several terrorist leaders as intelligence reports suggest Hamas head Yahya Sinwar may no longer be alive. Stay up-to-date with the latest developments here on TBN Israel.


When the world presses for a Mideast ceasefire, it means Israel Is crushing evil   Rabbi Prof. Dov Fischer

To H*** with them! Our response has to be: “Peace in Five Minutes After Our Hostages Are Returned and All Arms Are Laid Down.”

Sep 30, 2024, 8:08 PM (GMT+3)  INNI started writing this a few days before the IDF lit Shabbat candles on Nasrallah’s turban, but it is in theme.

The world loves dead Jews. They all come to Yad Vashem to shed a tear and lay a wreath in the same way that they travel elsewhere to see a leaning tower, a statue with a torch, a coliseum, and a large clock that plays the opening melody in “Peter Pan.” They love dead Jews. They remember them, memorialize them.

And their beautiful thing is that most of them don’t even have to come to Jerusalem to lay wreaths and shed tears for dead Jews because they already have murdered so many Jews themselves, for centuries, that they can save the airfare and lay wreaths and shed tears at one or another Jewish cemetery or Holocaust museum in their own backyards or along the Rhine or Seine.

The world has less patience for live Jews. They mask their words, and most Jews are too oblivious to realize that many of their “friends” actually despise them. So many Jews buy the baloney. In a world of diplomacy, sensible people simply do not say “I hate you people and want you all dead.” They are more elegant and speak in subtleties that only skilled and trained interpreters and translators can help other Jews better understand.

When a British person wants to say “car trunk,” he says “boot.” When he wants to say “elevator,” he says “lift.” When he wants to say “truck,” he says “lorry.” See? It’s that way.

When a New Yorker says “Your mother,” he is meaning “I respectfully disagree with you.” A Texan says it differently:“That dog won’t hunt.” When an Israeli says “Al lo davar” (eh, it’s nothing, really!), he is saying “One day, you will make it up to me.”

And when a non-Jew wants to see Jews dead, or — at best — does not care one way or another, he says: “It’s time for Israel to enter into a CEASEFIRE.”

Read old newspapers. View old videos. In all of recorded history, no non-Jew ever asked Jews or their antagonists to enter into a ceasefire when Jews were losing. Never happened. Not during the Holocaust. Not during any of Israel’s wars. Not when Jewish kids get pummeled and abused at American colleges. When Jews are losing, everyone turns the other way. Many are happy and want the Jews dead. Many others — not just a few, but many others, good people — feel bad for the Jews, pray to their gods for the Jews, and even teach their kids that it is wrong to beat up and murder Jews because Jews are kind-of similar to everyone else.

But when Jews are winning, as when Israel’s Irgun, Lechi, and Haganah — ultimately the Palmach and Tzahal (IDF) — emerged capable of kicking out the British and then defeating the seven invading Arab armies, it was then that the United Nations sent Count Folke Bernadotte to bring about a CEASEFIRE. He came with a beautiful plan: the Arabs would get almost everything except for two Jews’ backyards, a patio, and some sand. Haifa port would be internationalized. Also Lod airport. Also Jerusalem — all of it. After a brief interregnum, it would be a matter of international oversight as to whether any more Jews even could enter the country any more. In other words, Jerusalem, Haifa port, and the international airport at Lod would end up under Arab sovereignty, with a ban on future Jewish immigration even into the truncated Jewish section.

All he wanted was a CEASEFIRE. The Lechi did not agree. So they did not cease firing — and, G-d bless the late Prime Minister Yitzchak Shamir and his men — on him. That problem solved.

By 1967, it was war again. Early word was that Gamal Abdel Nasser and his Egyptian air force were destroying Israel from one side while Syria was massacring Jews from the north. The news of the slaughter was so enticing that King Hussein of Jordan came in for the ride. In New York, the United Nations knew only what the Arabs were proclaiming to the media.

Only Chaim Herzog, then Israel’s U.N. ambassador, knew the Arab governments all were lying, as they always do. (Remember the denials recently, assertions that Mohammed Deif had not been eliminated? And that Haniyah had not been in the house? Or that Nasrallah survived? They always lie until they can’t hide it anymore.) So Ambassador (later President) Herzog kept the actual truth of Israel’s stunning successes on the ground a secret at the U.N., a task particularly easy to perform.

Why? Because Israel knew the U.N. would not call for a ceasefire as long as they believed the Arabs were driving the Jews into the Sea. And Israel wanted extra time to keep winning, to keep driving the Arabs back, and to emerge (despite the perpetually politically cowardly Dayan) with all of Jerusalem and Judea and Samaria and the Golan and the Sinai and Gaza. Indeed, the moment “the cat was let out of the bag,” and the world realized that Israel was winning and had reached Har HaBayit (the Temple Mount), the Security Council raced to demand a . . . CEASEFIRE.

The same in 1973. Remember? It seemed Sadat had taken Israel by surprise on Yom Kippur and was marching on Jerusalem, while Syria was racing to Jerusalem from the north, and brave Dayan was experiencing a nervous breakdown and Golda Meir was pocketing her cyanide tablets. Remember? No one called for a ceasefire then.

But, then, Ariel Sharon — when he was a national military hero, before he became a corrupted politician — built that pontoon bridgehead across the Suez, and started threatening to march toward Cairo, and Israel suddenly had Egypt’s Third Army totally surrounded for slaughter. Remember? Suddenly, Kissinger — the Bernie Sanders of his day, other side of the political aisle but same kind of Jew, brother of another mother — was there demanding a CEASEFIRE. Rescue the Egyptian Third Army to kill the Jews another day and lay the groundwork for giving Sadat (i) the Etzion air base, (ii) the Alma oil fields, (iii) the Abu Rudeis oil fields, and all the rest of Sinai.

And so it is, and so it was, and so it will be. Half a century later, Yair Lapid, a talk show host without a high school degree, was giving precious Israeli gas resources and territory to the, uh, late Hassan Nasrallah. (Assistedy by Naftali Bennett.)

When Macron or England’s Keir Starmer or David Cameron or America’s Joe Biden or Kamala Harris or Rashida Tlaib calls for a CEASEFIRE, they are not jockeying for a Nobel Peace Prize. Rather, they are sounding the clarion call, the shofar sound to the world: “The Jews are winning! We have to stop them! CEASEFIRE!”

It is incumbent on Israel’s leaders — or, at least, on the voters if that’s the only way to lead the leaders — to understand that, when others press Israel to cease fire, that is their inadvertent code word saying “You Jews right now are winning — something fierce. And if you don’t stop soon, you’re liable to end up with a total victory this time, only the second time (besides 1967) in the past 2,000-plus years. So cease your danged fire, Jews. Fool us once; shame on you. Fool us twice; shame on us.”

It is important to know how to say “To He** With You!” It is incumbent to know that, when you have on the ropes the mortal enemy who swears he never ever will make a true, lasting, permanent peace (not just a sulha) with you, that is when you do not back off, feed him, give him “humanitarian” squat, or restore his electricity and gas. Instead, you do what you can to finish him off.

You adopt a slogan: “Peace in Five Minutes After Our Hostages Are Returned and All Arms Are Laid Down.”

How hard is that? “Peace in Five Minutes After Our Hostages Are Returned and All Arms Are Laid Down.”

I have the humility to recognize that I am not on Israel’s inner (or outer) war cabinet. There are things I do not know and cannot know. But I am of a mind with others who do have access: Avigdor Liberman, an outstanding former Israeli Defense Minister, knows. Naftali Bennett, an outstanding former Israeli Defense Minister, knows. Gideon Sa’ar, who has been in security cabinets and observed war cabinets, knows. I don’t trust any of those three on the broader matters of governance, so my orientation is toward Smotrich-Ben Gvir.

But I know they are not going to be Prime Minister or Defense Minister at this time, and I am serious here. I know that Liberman, Bennett, and Sa’ar all have been saying what this column is advocating. Israel must pummel and pulverize so hard now — especially now, especially now that the world is callingfor a CEASEFIRE, which can only mean that Israel is winning like crazy.

I wrote this before Nasrallah experienced s’kilah (crushing by stones), s’reifah (inhalation of fumes and the unbearable heat of burning temperature), hereg (physically blasted in the head), and chenek (choking), all at once. Now, the entire command of the Radwan Force — the Dirty Dozen animals who were the shock troops trained to perpetrate a northern October 7 — have been zapped. Now, all but one of the animals on the chart of Hezbollah commanders — also, like a nine-animal zoo — have been zapped. Some by water and some by fire; some by stones toppling on them above ground and some crushed by boulders in tunnels below; some by strangulation and some by plague.

Hezbollah now is a snake without a head, a tongue, and missing half its body. It is a lion without claws or teeth. The remainder can’t even communicate with each other. Cell phones? Zap! Pagers? Zap! Walkie Talkies? Zap! All they have left are smoke signals and carrier pigeons.

I cannot understand why now would not be the time to crush them. There is no downside.

The International Court of Justice? Israel already is “guilty of war crimes.” What else they got — failure to register firearms? Disorderly conduct?

The International Criminal Court? They already are issuing arrest warrants. What else they got? Assault and battery? Intentional infliction of emotional distress? They have used up all their tools.

The General Assembly of the U.N.? They already have voted that Israel better get out of Hevron, Bethlehem, and the Temple Mount area and the Kotel. Big deal. Obama and Kerry, backed by Jack Lew, already got that one — Security Council Resolution 2334 — through in December 2016. Been there, done that. To He!! With Them. With all of them.

And America? Let Blinken keep flying in with new peace plans. Big deal. Let Biden keep telling the media “We are very close to a CEASEFIRE. Only hours away. Minutes. Seconds. We’re just waiting for Sinwar to finish his shower, assuming he is alive.” Big Deal; Biden is history.

Kamala Harris, in general a deer stuck in the headlights, has absolutely no clue what to think — because, although she manifests the demeanor of smartness, also has manifested that she cannot think independently. She is the incarnation of Artificial Intelligence. Her advisors will tell her: If she backs Israel, she loses Michigan. If she opposes Israel, that may give Trump Pennsylvania, Arizona, and Ohio. It will be system overload, totally neutralizing her for at least the next four months until January 21.

Right now — October 2024, Tishrei 5785 — the time could not be more propitious for tripling and quadrupling Israel’s fierceness in Lebanon and Gaza. No downside. Huge upside. I readily acknowledge that I am not privy to the secrets others do. But, I — and more than 50 percent of my people — have been correct each and every time we have said that we know more than the hapless 5-star and 10-star and 100-star former Israeli generals in politics from Dayan on June 6-7, 1967; to Rabin on September 13, 1993; to Barak on May 24, 2000; to Sharon on August 15, 2005; to Gantz and Eisenkot and all the other generals-become-political-hacks and their convoluted “concepts.”

I do not see what there is to lose by winning. As October 7, 2025m rolls along and then Simchat Torah 5785, these days should not be a time primarily for mourning and kaddish and yahrzeit, but a time for Shehecheyanu (celebrating the miraculous) and a history-shattering reversal in the two-millennia script. That day in the calendar should be the day of crushing those who sought to make October 7 a day of sorrow and mourning into a day of merriment and joy, with smoke torching over and under Gaza and Lebanon, as the last box on the chart get slapped with those red banner-labels that say “Mechusal” (Eliminated).

May Year 5785 be for us a year of blessing more wonderful than we can imagine. From the River to the Sea, may all of western Israel be free, and may we merit seeing the rebuilding of all Jerusalem, from the tunnels at the Kotel to the Temple Mount, speedily in our days.

Subscribe to Rav Fischer’s YouTube channel here at bit.ly/3REFTbk and follow him on X (Twitter) at @DovFischerRabbi to find his latest classes, interviews, speeches, and observations.

To be invited to attend his three weekly Zoom classes, send a request to rabbi@yioc.org

Rav Fischer’s latest 10-minute messages: (i) “There is No Palesine” (here) and (ii) “Jewish Campus Students Need to Stop Whining” (here)



To all the people I once thought were my friends   Ilan Goodman

I come to you with a simple question. In the Torah, it’s the first question ever asked. And it’s as timely now as when G-d first asked it to Adam. Where are you?

Sep 30, 2024, 7:41 PM (GMT+3)  INNI am a Jew. I believe the Torah when it says that all people, Jews and Gentiles alike are created in the image of the divine. That all humanity is endowed with an eternal and perfect soul. I believe our Oral Torah when it says that gentiles are welcomed in the world to come and that a non-Jew who fulfills his obligations in the world will be rewarded just as much as the Jewish high priest.

It is precisely because I believe in the holy nature of humanity, that you are indeed righteous noble souls, that I feel compelled to write to you.

I write this letter to the mainstream American gentiles. Not to all of you, mind. Not to those so blinded by hatred and prejudice that you attack Jews on the streets, in protests, and on college campuses. Nor to those who vocally support them, or who proudly endorse Hamas in its genocide. I don’t speak to the government of America, who has proven time and again to have no love for its own Jewish people.

Instead, I speak to the hordes of good, honest non-Jews which I still believe make up the majority of the population. You who count Jews as your neighbors, as some of your best friends, possibly even as your family. I come to you with a simple question. In the Torah, it’s the first question ever asked. And it’s as timely now as when G-d first asked it to Adam. Where are you?

More recently, a version of this question was asked during the first part of the 20th century. In March 1915, England’s Parliamentary Recruiting Committee published a recruitment poster by Savile Lumley. As the First World War raged, the poster targeted British men who had yet to enlist. The poster had a deceptively simple composition.

It featured a man sitting on an armchair looking out at the viewer with a distant expression. As a boy plays with toy soldiers on the floor near the chair, a girl sits on his lap with a book looking up at her father, and asks the only words that appear on the poster. “Daddy, What Did You Do in the Great War?”

It’s a question that all American gentiles should be asking yourselves. October 7th represented the most depraved act of violence since the Holocaust and one of the worst attacks in modern history. It was an event so horrific that it should have shocked the world not because it directly affected them, but because it was fundamentally an attack on our collective humanity.

To call the American leadership’s reaction shameful would be a gross understatement. The policy of the US government by and large has been to blame the victims and empathize with the aggressors. Countless acts by the United States’ leadership seem intended to force Israel into a position not only of being forced to surrender but to accept the blame as the guilty party.

If the government is bad, segments of the citizenry have proven to be even worse. Antisemitism has reached an all-time high in America. College campuses are no longer safe for students. Instead, they have becoming breeding grounds for hate and extremism. Attacks on Jews and Jewish institutions are carried out with appalling regularity, with police and politicians frequently turning a blind eye.

Again, my message is not to the antisemites who carry out these acts of violence. Nor to those who cheer them on. They might be beyond reasoning. Instead, I ask you again, the decent, law-abiding non-Jews of the nation, where are you? Your friends and neighbors under attack and you stay silent.

Your Jews (and I say your Jews because they are your countrymen and your community) are living in fear. I hear reports from my own hometown of Portland Oregon that Jews there are afraid to gather in groups or to attend Jewish events. They are scared to appear outside visibly Jewish. Some are too terrified to leave their houses.

It’s like this all over the country. Today, antisemitic attacks have surged to staggering levels. Statistically, they make up the overwhelming majority of religious hate crimes in the United States.

While you go about your lives, those living beside you are afraid for their very survival. Jews no longer feel safe in America, your nation.

We ask ourselves where you are and why you’re not rising up to help us. Is your blindness ignorance or willful?

After all, we were always there for you. For good or for bad, Jews have been at the forefront of every progressive moment for over the last century. Jews were leaders in the civil rights movement and other struggles for equality. Even today, we make up a disproportionately large number of advocates and activists for social causes.

If there was a movement for inclusivity, diversity, or acceptance, your Jewish friends were there. We rushed to defend every possible oppressed group. But when we were the ones who needed help, suddenly you were nowhere to be found.

For decades you were happy to accept our support. But when it came time to defend us suddenly those ideals that we helped you fight for were the very ideals that so many Americans invoke to claim Jews as their enemy. American Jews must ask, were we ever really your allies, or were we simply warm bodies for your cause?

If you really care about the values you claim to fight for, there will never be a better chance to show it. If you ever wondered what you would do if you were in pre-war Nazi Germany, Jews are facing the worst antisemitism since World War 2. If you wished that you were alive during the civil rights movement, the hatred, harassment, and danger they face make American Jews the minority issue of our times.

This time right now will tell you what you would have done in the past. If you ever felt like, had you lived then, you would have done something, then now is the time to do something. In short dear friend, if you ever read about a historic injustice and asked yourself why nobody did anything, look around you and then look at yourself.

As you stand here inactive, the American people have stuck its Jews three blows. They’re blows made all the harder coming as they do from those Jews would once have sworn were their closest friends.

The first is the violence and hatred Jews believed could never happen in the land of the free. The second is to see so many cheering on this violence, as well as cheering on the horrors committed against their family in Israel.

But the last of these blows is perhaps the harshest to bear. That of knowing that so many of our countrymen respond to these acts, acts which should make all good people shudder with revulsion, not with rage but with yawning apathy.

The fact that there are not tens of thousands of non-Jews taking to the streets to support their friends and fellow citizens when they need it most shows the Jewish community just how little we mean to you after all. Hatred is being allowed to spread in America and other Western countries unchecked because you, the majority choose to enable it.

Yet it’s not even the lack of public outcry that hurts your Jewish friends the most, not the public silence. It’s the personal silence between you and them. When your so-called friends need you the most, why are you not reaching out to them?

For American Jews, your silence is a roar. Hearing nothing from the people we loved, and who they thought loved us. People we respected and for whom we would, and oftentimes have, spoken up for. In our hour of need, you have ignored us. As much as the hatred and malice from antisemitism stings, it’s the lack of love from those who we thought cared that really hurts. It’s deeper because it’s personal.

Martin Luther King, incidentally an open Zionist himself, perhaps said it best. He famously remarked that “In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.”

As such I ask you honestly when was the last time you checked in with your Jewish friends to see if they were okay? Better still, when was the last time you reached out with words of encouragement and support? You might not be able to fix the problem, or even to actively help anything, but knowing that they’re not alone will go an unimaginably long way toward making Jews feel safer. And as the old adage goes, a burden shared is a burden halved.

In case you never thought to ask, I will tell you that your Jewish friends and neighbors are not okay. They are scared. They need not feel alone as well.

Still, it’s not too late. You still have an opportunity to be on the right side of history. You still have a chance to look back proudly and know that when the time came, you rose to the occasion. Your friends still need you. If you ever want to be able to say that when the time came you stood up for what was right, now is your chance.

Bear in mind, we will survive, there’s a reason that we’re known as the eternal people. And when this crisis has passed, we will remember. As Doctor King warned, we will not only recall the actions of those who hated us, but the willing inaction of those who claimed to love us. That perhaps will be the hardest wound to forgive.

There might come a day when this is all nothing but history. On that day your children might once again ask you what you personally did during that time. Before that happens, the question to ask yourself now is, will you be too embarrassed to answer?

Ilan Goodman is a museum collections professional and exhibition curator. He also serves as a rabbi and educator. He made Aliyah to Israel in 2011 and lives with his wife and children in Beit Shemesh.


Israel’s war on Hezbollah enhances US national/homeland security   Ambassador (ret.) Yoram Ettinger
September 30, 2024 – Israel’s war on Hezbollah, Hamas and Houthi terrorists – and their patron, Iran’s Ayatollahs – highlights Israel’s unique role as a force multiplier for the US.  It sheds light on the mutually-beneficial, two-way-street of US-Israel cooperation, which yields to the US taxpayer more than US foreign aid to Israel.

For example:

*Israel fights Hezbollah, which is a global epicenter – second only to Iran’s Ayatollahs – of anti-US terrorism, drug trafficking and money laundering, extending from the Middle East to the American continent. As a proxy of Iran’s Ayatollahs, Hezbollah has proliferated terrorist cells in the US – “the Great American Satan” – and has carried out terror assaults on US installations in the Middle East and beyond. Moreover, since the early 1980s, Hezbollah has collaborated with drug cartels in Mexico, Colombia, Bolivia, Ecuador and Brazil; has trained Latin American terrorists (on their way to the US) in the tri-border areas of Argentina-Paraguay-Brazil and Chile-Peru-Bolivia; has conducted a mega-billion-dollar money laundering operation between Latin America, West Africa, Europe and the Middle East; has terrorized pro-US regimes in western, northern and eastern Africa; and has systematically attempted to topple all pro-US “apostate” Sunni Arab regimes, such as Jordan, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Kuwait, Egypt and Morocco. Hezbollah and Iran’s Ayatollahs have targeted Israel as the vanguard of the US, and the US’ first line of defense, in the “abode of Islam.”

*All pro-US Arab regimes, especially oil-producing Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Bahrain, as well as Jordan and Egypt have the machetes of Iran’s Ayatollahs, Hezbollah and the Moslem Brotherhood at their throats. They are dismayed by the US’ courting of the Ayatollahs and the Moslem Brotherhood, and its frail response to the Ayatollahs’, Hezbollah’s and Houthis’ rogue conduct towards the US and its Arab allies. Therefore, they consider Israel’s posture of deterrence as a major component of their own national security. Hence, their interest in closer defense and commercial ties with Israel.  Irrespective of their public pronouncements (and consistent with the fact that their peace accords and close ties with Israel have NOT been preconditioned upon the establishment of a Palestinian state), these pro-US Arab regimes are driven by Middle East reality, including the volcanic potential of Islamic and Palestinian terrorism.  They consider an Israeli failure to obliterate Hamas’ military infrastructure, and to decimate Hezbollah’s military posture, a real and clear threat to their own survival. Thus, they are relieved to witness Israel’s decisive military actions against Hezbollah, Hamas, PLO and Houthi terrorists, as well as Iran’s Ayatollahs, which have almost restored Israel’s posture of deterrence, that was demolished(!) on October 7, 2023. They expect Israel to sustain its military offensive, which would remove the deadly machetes from their throats.

*Israel’s war on Islamic terrorism has resulted in an unprecedent intensity of Israel’s Air Force sorties against Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthi terrorists and Iranian targets in Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, Yemen and Iran. These sorties have yielded a multitude of operational, maintenance and repair lessons concerning the US-made F-35, F-16 and F-15 combat aircraft and Sikorsky military helicopters.

*Once again, Israel performs as the battle-tested research and development center of the US defense and aerospace industry, as well as the US Armed Forces, similar to its role as the site of research and development centers of some 250 US high tech giants, such as John Deere, General Electric, Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer, Texas Instruments, Intel, Applied materials, Nvidia, General Motors, Microsoft, McAfee, AT&T, Vonage, IBM, HP, Dell, Google, Facebook, PayPal, Intuit, Mastercard, Visa, Motorola, Hewlett Packard, CA Technologies, etc.

*The lessons derived by the Israeli battle-tested laboratory have been shared with the US defense and aerospace industries, as well as the US Air Force. These lessons have been integrated as upgrades of the US combat aircraft, saving the manufacturers 10-20 years of research and development (which amounts to billions of dollars), enhancing the competitiveness of the US products in the global market, resulting in increased exports (additional billions of dollars), while expanding the employment base (similar to the impact of Israel on the US commercial high tech sector). Simultaneously, these lessons have provided US combat pilots (who rarely experience do-or-die sorties) with the unique Israeli battle experience, which advances the formulation of US battle tactics, enhancing the performance of the US Air Force.

*Israel’s war on Islamic terrorism employs hundreds of US military systems – for which Israel is immensely grateful! – yielding abundance of lessons, which have been shared with the US manufacturers and Armed Forces, saving the US many years of research and development, bolstering the US competitiveness, increasing US exports, expanding the US employment base, and enhancing the performance of the US Armed Forces.

*The unusually high intensity of Israel’s Air Force battle sorties has forced Israel to expedite and innovate its engine-overhauling capabilities, in order to extend the aircraft’s life cycle, and avoid safety hazard and a premature retirement of the aircraft. In addition, it has induced Israel to unprecedently reduce the erosion rate of helicopters’ rotor blades, which is accelerated during many take-offs and landing in sand/dust areas such as in the Gaza Strip. These ground-breaking innovations have substantially reduced maintenance and repair cost, and are increasingly available to the US Air Force.

*Israel’s war on Hamas has produced a vast inventory of counter-terrorism-intelligence from thousands of Hamas prisoners, providing updated information on Islamic terrorism’s personnel, organization and operation in the Middle East and beyond, which is also relevant to US counter-terrorism, sparing many American lives. It is consistent with an assertion made by the late Senator Daniel Inouye (D-HI), who was the Chairman of the Full Appropriations Committee and the Intelligence Committee: “The scope of intelligence shared by Israel with the US exceeds the intelligence shared with the US by all NATO countries combined.” Also, former Chief of Air Force Intelligence, General George Keegan opined: “If the US would have to procure on its own the intelligence provided by Israel [on enemies’ military systems and counter-terrorism], then the US would have to establish five CIAs.”

*In February, 2024, FBI Director Chris Wray visited Israel, in order to study how is Israel coping with the ramifications of the October 7, 2023 horrific terrorism, which – according to FBI assessment – is inspiring Iran-supported, anti-US Islamic terror organizations to carry out similar acts on US soil. The FBI Director fact-finding mission was consistent with US experts on urban warfare and special operations visiting the Israeli battle-tested laboratory, benefiting from Israel’s unique experience. Similar visits to Israel occurred following each one of Israel’s wars (e.g., 1967, 1973, 1982, 1st and 2nd Intifadah), which rewarded the US with enormous volumes of lessons, benefiting the US national and homeland security agencies, as well as the US defense and aerospace industries.

*Israel’s current war has exposed the country to a flood of advanced missiles, launched by Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis and Iran. It has tested – and improved – the quality of Israel’s missile defense, which has been developed jointly with the US since the late 1980s, and systematically tested and enhanced by the Israeli battle tested laboratory. The Israeli enhancements have been shared with the US defense industries and the Missile Defense Agency, while the manufacturing of the hardware is increasingly taking place in the US.

In view of the aforementioned data, the annual “foreign aid” extended to Israel (a credit to purchase only US military systems) does not constitute “foreign aid.” Rather, it has been an annual US investment in an immensely-grateful Israel, yielding to the US an annual Return-on-Investment (R-o-I) of a few hundred percent. It has been a most productive and secure US investment, underlying the mutually-beneficial, two-way-street of US-Israel cooperation in the face of mutual threats, such as Islamic terrorism.


The Threat Posed by Our Caretaker Government   General Flynn

September 29, 2024 – President Biden’s recent snapping at his staff when he forgot to introduce Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi did nothing to restore confidence in his capability to serve. The good news was that when he met with Ukraine’s President Zelensky at the end of the week, at least he did not call him President Putin, as he did when they met in July.

With the exception of the White House staff and those out-of-touch Leftists who work at MSNBC, there is almost no one remaining in America who really believes that President Biden is functioning as our nation’s Commander-in-Chief. But, if not him, who?  It doesn’t seem like it is Kamala.  (She is sleep-walking toward the Presidency — as if she thought that she already “had it in the bag,” as if “the fix was in,” to mix metaphors.) Who else?  Jill?  Hillary? Bill?  Barack?  White House Chief of Staff Jeff Zients — not exactly a household name.  National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan?  White House Counsel Ed Siskel – another Obama retread?  Secretary of State Antony Blinken?  Or, most likely, a committee of all of the above and maybe a few more?

It would be my view that if Biden cannot do his job, he should be replaced — by the Vice President — not by a secret committee.  That would be the Constitutional way — even though I know these people don’t hold much stock in the Constitution.  Some may disagree, thinking that if Kamala were actually sworn in as President, it might cause more people to vote for her as the incumbent, but at least it would prevent her from telling us what she would do when she takes office — because she would be not only in office, but in the highest office.

What really threatens the nation is the reckless manner in which this anonymous committee is running the government, particularly in matters of foreign policy.  There is no caution, no professionalism, and indeed, no maturity.  Do they really think it wise to continue to provoke the country with the world’s largest store of nuclear warheads?

Based on my experience in government, those who are protected from accountability act increasingly irresponsibly.  That seems to be what is happening here.  Only days ago, it appeared that “our government” had authorized Zelensky to use our weapons, including ATACMS missles, to strike deep into Russia. President Putin made clear he would consider such an attack to come not from the Ukraine, but from the United States and NATO countries.   Just yesterday, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov passed on a similar warning at the United Nations. Have we backed off our reckless position?  No one knows for sure.

If we truly have a caretaker committee running the government, it should act like a caretaker and preserve the status quo — not provoke a nuclear war.  Whoever you are serving on that committee, do not think for one more minute that your anonymity will protect you from accountability for provoking a war.  My strong suggestion to you is — STAND DOWN.

I am sick of the arrogance of many in our current government who think we are the only superpower in the world. I would rather they demonstrate a measure of humility before our entire nation is humbled.

There is no shame in not being able to serve out one’s term.  This is certainly not the first time that a President has been unable to perform the duties of his office before his term ended. There are stories of James Madison being incapacitated in 1813.  James Garfield lingered for 80 days after he was shot by an assassin in 1881. President Wilson suffered a stroke in 1919, and his duties were secretly assumed by his wife and staff.  More recently President Eisenhower had a heart attack in 1955.  During these periods, the only guidance we had was the Constitution’s succession clause, which simply states that the Vice President takes over in the event of a President’s “inability to discharge the Powers and Duties of the said Office.”  Art. Sect. 1, cl. 6.  (Emphasis added).

Without a legal method to determine when the President was unable to discharge his role, there was every reason that Vice Presidents did not rush to push aside the President.  However, I thought we fixed this problem in 1967 when we ratified the 25th Amendment. Section 4 of that Amendment empowers the Vice President and a majority of the Cabinet to make a written declaration that the President is unable to serve, send it to Congress, and it becomes effective.  There is another provision explaining how a President may resume office, and in the event of a dispute, the matter is left to Congress.

The 25th Amendment was written to replace a President incapable of serving, but just weeks ago it was put to a very different use.  It was used to replace a candidate for President. To be sure, it was President Trump’s debate with Biden on June 27, 2024 that led to his removal, where Biden made amazing statements like “We finally beat Medicare.”  However, the cabal that pushed him aside was led by highly skilled political operative, Nancy PelosiPolitico made her sound like a mob boss:

“Nancy made clear that they could do this the easy way or the hard way,” said one Democrat familiar with private conversations who was granted anonymity to speak candidly. “She gave them three weeks of the easy way. It was about to be the hard way.”

It is beyond question that the Biden who “debated” Trump on June 27 was and is unfit to serve.  He was not just unfit to be a candidate; he is unfit to serve as President.  This is an exceedingly dangerous time.  A combustible international landscape combined with massive domestic challenges place every American at grave risk.  If he will not resign, Kamala and the Cabinet have a duty under the 25th Amendment to remove President Biden before the secret committee running our government blunders our nation into a war that no one can win. 


BREAKING: Arch-Terrorist, Hezbollah Leader Nasrallah Eliminated  [38:16]   Caroline Glick

Sep 29, 2024  JNS TV  The Caroline Glick ShowTop Hezbollah terrorist leader Hassan Nasrallah is assassinated; Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu asks the United Nations to choose between blessing and curse in the fight against Iran, and Caroline explains why Israel is winning the war.


Nasrallah’s Elimination & Israel’s Next Move  [37:50]   Jonathan Pollard

Sep 29, 2024  Machon Shilo – Watch the following discussion between Jonathan Pollard and Rabbi David Bar-Hayim on the Iranian Attack on Israel:


“Hawaii in Distress”  [1:08:43]   DR NAOMI WOLF

SEP 29, 2024

Michelle Melendez, Hawaii-based trainer, activist, and author of The Great Maui Land Grab, shares stunning accounts of the trauma of the Maui fire in Lahaina last year and explains that the area is to this day blocked off, policed, and covered with gravel, and that inhabitants are not permitted to reclaim their own land. She discusses missing people who are not accounted for, as well as weather and fire anomalies. The trauma of the event is palpable in this interview. Do all these dramatic possibilities explain what really happened? You be the judge.

Watch Now:


Can you believe it? Biden is still talking “ceasefire”    Ronn Torossian

Fake news of a ceasefire followed Netanyahu to the USA. In a great deed, Netanyahu responded rightfully with action – eliminating mass murderer Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah.   Op-ed.

Sep 29, 2024, 6:40 PM (GMT+3)  INN – The Biden Administration keeps making announcements on behalf of Israel, thinking Israel is the 51st star on the flag of the United States. Israel is not a banana republic and America does not have the right to lecture Israel.

As PM Netanyahu flew overnight to the U.S., the Biden Administration announced a fictitious ceasefire with Lebanon. Numerous times since this war started the US has made false claims of ceasefires or concessions in Israel’s name – and Israel has rightfully responded.

In a great deed, Netanyahu responded rightfully with action – eliminating mass murderer Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah.

Despite news that the U.S. military is not providing intelligence support to Israel for its operations in Lebanon, as PM Netanyahu said when America last threatened Israel with restricting arms deliveries regarding Rafah, Israel will stand alone and “fight with our fingernails.” In Rafah there has been victory, and in Lebanon too there will be victory.

Israel is winning and the people want complete and total victory.

As I saw first-hand at the UN, PM Netanyahu responded in words and actions by slamming Hezbollah as having “…murdered more Americans and more Frenchmen than any group except Bin Laden.” Netanyahu spoke strongly and powerfully, and then left the podium and authorized the mission that eliminated Nasrallah.

Naturally, Biden responded after this news by demanding appeasement, a ceasefire and then criticizing Netanyahu. In more of Biden’s attempts to harm PM Netanyahu, Israeli TV in a clear leak from Biden’s Administration claimed that Israel’s rejection of a ceasefire “shatters” ties with Biden. Simultaneously, French President Macron criticized Israel and says they “oppose Lebanon becoming a new Gaza.”

In the immortal words of Zionist visionary Ze’ev Jabotinsky, they can go to hell!

As Jabotinsky noted in 1911, “Instead of excessive apology and instead of turning our backs to the accusers – as there is nothing to apologize for, and nobody to apologize to – it is long overdue to respond to all current and future accusations, reproaches, suspicions, slanders and denunciations by simply folding our arms and loudly, clearly, coldly and calmly answer, ‘Go to Hell!’

Hezbollah has murdered countless Americans, and as Netanyahu noted at the UN, “..it has attacked Israel viciously over the last 20 years.”

As the Biden Administration is lecturing Israel about how they don’t want war they ignore the fact that Hezbollah wants to destroy the Jewish nation and people. Not unlike when America demanded Israel not enter Rafah and falsely claimed a ceasefire on Shabbat, the Biden Administration does not respect Israel’s democracy. Biden is repeatedly attempting a coup against PM Netanyahu in Israel by falsely making press announcements and public claims which simply aren’t true. There is a democracy in Israel and the Israeli public decides the leadership of Israel.

We face an existential threat to our existence by an enemy who massacred us in a way we haven’t seen since the Holocaust and we have enemies on our borders committed to massacres again and again.

History often repeats itself – On June 22, 1982, Joe Biden was a Senator from Delaware and famously confronted then Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin during his Senate Foreign Relations committee testimony, threatening to cut off aid to Israel. It doesn’t hurt to remind ourselves of Begin’s forceful response:

“Don’t threaten us with cutting off your aid. It will not work. I am not a Jew with trembling knees. I am a proud Jew with 3,700 years of civilized history. Nobody came to our aid when we were dying in the gas chambers and ovens. Nobody came to our aid when we were striving to create our country. We paid for it. We fought for it. We died for it. We will stand by our principles. We will defend them. And, when necessary, we will die for them again, with or without your aid.”

Senator Biden reportedly banged the table with his fist, and Begin retorted, “This desk is designed for writing, not for fists. Don’t threaten us with slashing aid. Do you think that because the US lends us money it is entitled to impose on us what we must do? We are grateful for the assistance we have received, but we are not to be threatened. I am a proud Jew. Three thousand years of culture are behind me, and you will not frighten me with threats. Take note: we do not want a single soldier of yours to die for us.”

Ze’ev Jabotinsky, the leader of the Revisionist movement, which both Begin and Netanyahu emanate from noted in 1940 that, “We hold that Zionism is moral and just. And since it is moral and just, justice must be done, no matter whether Joseph or Simon or Ivan or Achmed agree with it or not.”

We are moral and we are just whether Biden or Macron, America or France approve and like it or not.

Thank you Prime Minister Netanyahu for standing up and telling the world at the UN: The Jewish people live.

Israel will rightfully reject this ceasefire which rewards terror.

Israel has survived many enemies and many foes – and will outlast Biden and Macron.

Am Israel Chai.

Ronn Torossianis an Israeli American entrepreneur.


Netanyahu addresses the nations, preceded by King David   Jack Engelhard

King David, he knew the score 3,000 years ago. And from his time, nothing has changed. Op-ed.

Sep 29, 2024, 2:32 PM (GMT+3)  INN – As soon as Benjamin Netanyahu, prime minister of Israel, stepped up to the podium at the UN general assembly, more than half the joint emptied out.

They left in a huff, like those high school Mean Girls who shove off when the girl who is not part of their In Crowd tries to join them at their table.

But this is the UN, you say. These are the nations responsible for running the world.

So there you have it…the world being run by an assortment of goons, bums, morons, misfits and antisemites.

Last week the same crowd voted to expel all Jews from Jerusalem…non-binding, but put forth by Israel’s “peace partner,” Mahmoud Abbas.

No wonder Bibi singled him out in disgust. Can we now finally say that the Palestinian Authority is as depraved as Hamas and Hezbollah?

Netanyahu, in his speech, last Friday, did not quite put it that way. He had to be, and was, more measured and diplomatic.

Between the lines, though, he made the point…and his main point being that Israel seeks peace, but will do whatever it takes to defeat its enemies.

Even if it has to do it alone.

So it may be after all, after a glance at those empty seats throughout the auditorium, and a smattering of applause from those who stayed.

The sound of one hand clapping.

To those who stomped out, so self-righteously, you ask yourself, what did Israel ever do to these people? Ninety-nine percent share no border with Israel.

There is no land dispute. So what IS the dispute? I could name 195 countries with the same grudge against Israel, but what is Ireland’s beef, for example?

China is Israel’s third largest trading partner, and frankly I do not know if China’s delegates stayed or left for Bibi.

I am betting they left.

That is a good bet because this is that kind of rotten world…even if they stayed

Who else knew this, in far more refined, sublime language, of course…King David. He knew the score 3,000 years ago.

He had contempt for the nations, and consider this; from his time to our time, nothing has changed.

I can pick up my book of Psalms, turn to any page, and find a passage that refers directly to what is happening at this moment.

In Psalm 2, David says, “The kings of the earth take their stand, and the princes conspire secretly against G-d, and against His anointed…He Who sits in heaven will laugh. The Lord will mock them. He will mock the nations. Then He will speak to them in His anger, and in His fury, He will terrify them.”

Or, in today’s lingo, and headlines…Hello, Hassan Nasrallah. Goodbye Hassan Nasrallah.

David delivers the same message throughout his Psalms, and today, the IDF takes the fight against Hezbollah in anger and fury…and as written, the enemy is terrified.

Many of them have already been eliminated.

Let them hide in their tunnels and bunkers, the Israelis know where they live, and are driving them out in terrible resolve.

The nations have tested and tormented Israel once too often, and payback has arrived for Iran and its proxies.

Netanyahu delivered a fine speech there at the UN. His task was made much more effective with King David at his side.

New York-based bestselling American novelist Jack Engelhard writes regularly for Arutz Sheva.

He wrote the worldwide book-to-movie bestseller “Indecent Proposal.” His novel, “Compulsive,” motivated John W. Cassell to declare “Jack Engelhard is a writer without peer, and the conscience of us all.” Contact here

NOW AVAILABLE: The collection of Jack Engelhard’s op-eds, Writings, here


Nasrallah’s death marks the end of Hezbollah as we know it, but not its demise   Ariel Oseran

Whoever ends up as the next leader of Hezbollah will determine the path of the Iranian proxy from here: whether it can recover from the last catastrophic fortnight.

September 29, 2024 at 01:03 PM  i24NEWS – As surprising and dramatic as it was, and it truly was, the killing of Hassan Nasrallah on Friday did not mark the end of Hezbollah. In the days that followed Israel’s massive airstrike on its underground Beirut headquarters, the Lebanese terror group continues to launch rockets and drones at northern Israel daily, it still has tens of thousands of rockets and missiles aimed at Israeli territory and thousands of its elite Radwan forces remain on the border ready for the order to storm into Israel.

Hezbollah retains its dominance of Lebanon’s political system, with its parliamentary faction still blocking the selection of a new president in Lebanon as it has been for nearly two years, and its TV station Al-Manar continues to incite a religious war against Israel and the West. And yet, the death of Nasrallah does mark the end of the Hezbollah we have come to know.

https://x.com/i/web/status/1840374429202698441   This post can’t be displayed because social networks cookies have been deactivated. You can activate them by clicking .

Over the past three decades as its undisputed leader, “Samehto” (as he is called by his followers, meaning “the honorable”) shaped Hezbollah in his image. The strong connection to Shi’ite traditions, the loyal adherence to military ‘equations’ and the regular sermons of fire, are all the result of Nasrallah’s strategy of unrelenting radicalism and mischief, both domestic and external. The 2008 elimination of Hezbollah’s military leader Imad Mughniya in an Israeli car bombing in Syria led Nasrallah to consolidate even more authority.

Many are currently wondering who will deliver Nasrallah’s eulogy? It would appear the question is more than a simple jest. The top name to succeed Nasrallah is the head of Hezbollah’s executive council and the nephew of ‘Samehto’, Hashem Safieddine. The man appears to tick all the boxes. He comes from the right family and is married to the daughter of former IRGC Quds Force commander Qassem Soleimani. He’s Lebanese but has strong ties to Iran. A Shi’ite cleric with a high public profile.

It’s unclear, however, whether even he is still alive. Safieddine is believed to have attended the meeting in which Nasrallah and Hezbollah’s highest ranking military commander Ali Karki were killed. After the attack Safieddine posted on his twitter/X account that he was alive and well. Safieddine’s deputy, Nabil Qaouk, was eliminated in another Israeli airstrike on Hezbollah’s Beirut Dahiya stronghold on Saturday. But neither Safieddine nor Qaouk would have been able to fill Nasrallah’s shoes. And until Safieddine appears in public, it is not clear who will.

Whoever ends up as the next leader of Hezbollah will determine the path of the Iranian proxy from here and whether it can recover from the last catastrophic fortnight. A Lebanon-leaning successor could be independent enough to decide it’s time for Hezbollah to cut its losses, pack up its forces from the border with Israel and retreat north of the Litani River. Under Nasrallah that would have been unthinkable. With someone else at the helm, it’s at least a possibility. The other option is Iran ‘parachuting’ in an official of its own, drawing it closer to Tehran, and completing its takeover of Hezbollah and the entire state of Lebanon.

It’s a decision which will shape the future of Hezbollah, Lebanon and the region for years to come.


“October 7th: What’s Next?”


October 7th, 2023—a date etched in blood and tears. A turning point for Israel. A call to action for us all.

“October 7th: What’s Next?” is not just a documentary—it’s a wake-up call.

In this powerful new film, you will witness the awesome bravery of Israelis who lived through the Hamas attack.

You’ll see the ongoing threats facing Israel’s heartland.

Most importantly, you will discover how you can make a difference.

Sign up now and receive exclusive access to the film on October 7, 2024, just in time for the anniversary of that fateful day.

The United Nations demands that Israel abandon Judea and Samaria—its biblical heartland—threatening its very existence.

The question is: Will we stand up and fight?

Please encourage your friends and family to sign up and stand with Israel as well.

Together, we can raise a powerful voice for Israel’s right to its land and its future.

Sign up now!

May God bless us all,

Rabbi Tuly Weisz


The Illusionary ‘Two-State Solution’   By Alex Grobman PhD.

26 Elul 5784 – September 29, 2024  Jewish Press  https://www.jewishpress.com/ – Every time one hears American and European political leaders insist that Israel embrace a two-state solution, a number of questions come to mind. Is this an attempt to appease their Muslim citizens, some of whom engage in violent protests against Israel? In the US, is it an effort by Democrat officials to demonstrate their fealty to the cause of the Arabs in Gaza and Judea and Samaria in order to gain votes in this election year? Or is it ignorance of the origins of the two-state solution, and why it continues to be rejected by the Arabs.

 To understand why the two-state solution is an illusion and a deflection, and ultimately an impediment to providing a real solution to the conflict, let us examine why the two-state was proposed and why it has never been implemented.

Origin of the Two State Solution

In response the six-month-long Arab general strike demanding an end to Jewish immigration in 1936, the British government appointed The Palestine Royal Commission (known as the Peel Commission head by Lord Peel), to investigate the causes of unrest among Palestinian Arabs and Jews, and suggest modifications to the British Mandate.

In July 1937, the British issued the Palestine Royal Peel Commission that concluded: “An irrepressible conflict has arisen between two national communities within the narrow bounds of one small country. There is no common ground between them. Their national aspirations are incompatible. The Arabs desire to revive the traditions of the Arab golden age. The Jews desire to show what they can achieve when restored to the land in which the Jewish nation was born. Neither of the two national ideals permits of combination in the service of a single State.”

Arab Response To The Peel Commission

When the Peel Commission recommended partition, the Arabs repudiated the British plan. Amin al-Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, said that the defeat of the partition plan would not placate the Arabs. They would not cease the war until all the Zionists were killed and Palestine became a completely Arab State. Nothing could divert them from this solution.

The Muslim Brotherhood claimed partition would deprive the Arabs of all of their rights. ”No single Arab will ever consider, let alone accept it.”  They did not regard the Jews “a party to the problem, they are mere thugs and usurpers who came under the shadow of spears and trickery to a land which does not belong to them.…”

Partition of Palestine

On November 29, 1947, two-thirds of the members of the UN General Assembly voted for a resolution to partition Palestine into two independent states—one Arab and one Jewish, which had been recommended by the majority of the UN Special Committee on Palestine (UNSCOP). Thirty-three states voted in favor of the resolution, 13 against with ten abstaining.

Before the UN voted in support of a Jewish state, historian Jeffrey Herf notes, an American working as a research analyst for the Central Intelligence Group, a successor to the OSS and forerunner to the CIA in Beirut, reported about the Muslim Brotherhood activities in Palestine and the danger the group posed for the future: Alba M. Kerr, an American analyst for the Central Intelligence Group, reported about the Muslim Brotherhood activities in Palestine and the danger they posed for the future:

“The significance of this new development is two-fold, for this is the first direct evidence of an organized Islamic movement and therefore it constitutes a threat to permanent peace since no harmony can exist where political differences are based on sectarian differences. Already Maronites are pleading for protection against this absorption, and young progressive Arab nationalists here deplore the rapid growth of the Muslim Brotherhood because they realize the need for Arab unity and want to abolish sectarian bonds; so there is a strong possibility of a Holy War (Jihad)….”

When the Jewish Agency representatives David Horowitz and Aubrey Eban, later Abba Eban, made a final attempt to seek a compromise in a meeting with Arab League secretary Abd al-Rahman Azzam Pasha on September 16, 1947. Pasha told them candidly:

The Arab world is not in a compromising mood. It’s likely, Mr. Horowitz, that your plan is rational and logical, but the fate of nations is not decided by rational logic. Nations never concede; they fight. You won’t get anything by peaceful means or compromise. You can, perhaps, get something, but only by the force of your arms. We shall try to defeat you. I am not sure we’ll succeed, but we’ll try. We were able to drive out the Crusaders, but on the other hand, we lost Spain and Persia. It may be that we shall lose Palestine. But it’s too late to talk of peaceful solutions…. At all events, the problem now is only soluble by the force of arms.”

Continue reading

[Ed.:  As Alex Grobman so elaborately explains, ‘The Two-State Solution’ will never work for Israel.  However, it would be a perfect solution here in post-United States!  Furthermore, after the election is stolen, it may be the only solution!  One state for us, and one for the Democrats.  They can have the Philippines, Washington DC, and New York.  If they complain about it, we can throw in California.]


Dr. Mordechai Kedar – The elimination of Nasrallah: what’s next?  [6:55]

September 28, 2024 – Dr. Mordechai Kedar – English


BREAKING: Nasrallah’s Death CONFIRMED; What Happens Next?  [13:39]   Tom Nash

Sep 28, 2024  The Tom Nash Report – In this video, I break down the recent Israeli airstrike that eliminated the now former head of Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah. We will do an in-depth analysis of what led to his assassination and what could happen next.

With Hezbollah’s leadership crippled, we explore the potential fallout, including the possibility of a broader regional conflict and even the risk of World War III. I also touch on how Israel’s strategy shifted after the events of October 7th, when Hezbollah began launching unprovoked attacks.

While Israel has effectively neutralized Hamas, Hezbollah’s actions have escalated the tension on the northern front.

This video dives into the geopolitical implications of the ongoing conflict and what it means for Israel, Lebanon, and the wider Middle East.

0:00 – Introduction: Hassan Nala’s elimination

0:36 – Hezbollah’s leadership destroyed

0:51 – Regional war or World War III?

1:12 – Historical context: Israel’s pullout from Lebanon

1:30 – Hezbollah’s control of southern Lebanon

2:00 – October 7th: The game-changing moment

2:45 – Israel’s response strategy: Avoiding a two-front war

3:35 – Gaza conflict and Israel’s shift towards Hezbollah

4:30 – Israel’s retaliation against Hezbollah

5:20 – Hezbollah’s growing power in Lebanon

6:00 – Analysis of Israeli resilience and internal dynamics

7:00 – Hezbollah’s miscalculations and mistakes

8:10 – Lebanon’s economic and political troubles

9:00 – Iran’s involvement and potential retaliation

10:00 – Possible Iranian strategies and their impact

10:50 – U.S. involvement and international pressure on Israel

11:40 – The fall of Hamas and the remaining Hezbollah threat

12:30 – Conclusion: Israel’s victory and future outlook


Seriously, no one trusts the media   By D. Parker

September 28, 2024   American Thinker – Do you find yourself despising the nation’s socialist media even more than usual?  A recent piece in Axios indicates that you are in an overwhelming — but secret — majority these days.  That shouldn’t be surprising, given the circumstances of a media establishment that has massively abused our trust.  But it’s also something to consider when evaluating what is going on and why the state of the 2024 race for president is being spun a certain way.

The benefit of hindsight helps us understand that the last-minute un-democratic coup and the sudden changing of Komrade Kamala for Biden were the obvious plan.  Thus, the shortened campaign sprint is a feature, not a bug in that it helps the nation’s socialist media hide her from the people.  The outlines of the plan are clear enough when you look back over the events of the past few months, with the media playing a key role in the fraud.

All of this at least partially explains a recent piece in Axios entitled “America’s secret opinions,” going a long way in channeling Captain Obvious: whereas 42% of Democrats and 16% of Republicans say they trust the media to tell the truth, in reality, only 9% and 3% really believe this.

There are stark gaps between what Americans say they think and what they really think about hot-button political issues, a new study finds.

Why it matters: Politicians and institutions take cues and shape policies based on public opinion — but these stated opinions might not truly reflect what people want.

  • 61% of Americans admit to “self-silencing” — keeping their true opinions on sensitive topics to themselves.

Zoom in: Populace, a Massachusetts think tank, and YouGov polled Americans to gauge their public and private views on topics like trust in government, gun control, higher education and the border.

How it works: Respondents were provided a mix of traditional polling questions and other questions using a list experiment method, or item-count technique, that provides them with a greater sense of anonymity.

  • This process allows researchers to find the gap between what people say versus how they privately feel.

1. Trust in institutions is already low. But in private, even fewer Americans say they trust government and media. Some gaps are even wider among subgroups.

  • 36% of Democrats and 14% of Republicans say they trust government to tell the truth, but just 5% and 2% agree with this statement privately.
  • 42% of Democrats and 16% of Republicans say they trust the media to tell the truth. Just 9% and 3% really believe this.

2. Perceptions of fairness are also critically low, says Todd Rose, CEO of Populace. 37% of Americans say the country is mostly fair publicly. Just 7% privately think so.

  • Historically, this sort of sentiment is what makes societies socially and politically volatile — and even precedes revolutions, says Rose.

Your first reaction was likely that 3% is still pretty high, but we’ll set that aside for now.  What is truly interesting is that the 9% of lefties who trust the media closely corresponds to the 8% far-left Activists in the Hidden tribe’s study from a few years ago — they’re hearing what they want from the media, so they think it’s “truthful.”

This could explain why this race still seems to be “close.”  Oliver Wiseman of the Free Press wrote that “Trump Should Be Beating Harris by a Mile,” and he chalks up part of the reason for the opposite to the Trump campaign making mistakes.  It’s a fair point, but the fact is that the media are massively distorting the press environment.  Studies have shown that whereas coverage of Donald Trump has been almost entirely negativeKomrade Kamala has been enjoying a multi-month tongue bath.

Consider that with the incredibly one-sided nature of the national socialist media, most people in the middle won’t hear of any bad economic tidings: “A key US consumer indicator that has dipped to ‘crisis levels,” or “2 under-the-radar recession signals that are flashing red this month.”  Even Joe Biden assured the “ladies” of The View that Kamala’s record is his record, and she is directly connected to the current administration as the vice president.  They certainly won’t want to mention that consumer confidence has hit a three-year low, as Americans struggle with inflation — brought on by money-printing to buy votes, along with other economic dangers such as a looming port strike.  It’s no wonder that Gallup reports that the 2024 Election Environment is Favorable to the GOP.

Strangely enough, although the illegal invasion is a big issue, along with inflation and the sheer insanity of the last three and a half years of the Biden/Harris regime — note the “Harris” part of that — Komrade Kamala is mum on her past pledge for “DREAMers.”  No one voted for the invasion, yet the Vice President doesn’t want to speak on the issue, and naturally, the media are providing cover for what could be a big problem.  Then there are the many videos of her from over the years that show her totalitarian tendencies.  And for some reason, “Comrade Kamala” memes are spreading among Latino exiles.

Given all these factors, why do they keep repeating the mantra that “The Election Is Getting Down to the Wire”?

Why is it important for the national socialist media to hammer this point home?  Anyone looking at the polls can easily guess that, so why keep repeating it?  The polling and predictions have been all over the place, and you do have to wonder why they are so divergent.

At least for one side, this whole campaign has been one big façade, a gaslighting operation unparalleled at any time.  We have a fake, inauthentic presidential candidate, along with the same in a vice presidential candidate, and fake events and “interviews,” so why not a fake media narrative to go along with everything else?

What would be the purpose of all of this? Why produce an inauthentic campaign and keep up the pretense of a close race?  We know they lie and we can’t trust them, so why are they lying about this?  Why are they shredding their last minuscule scraps of credibility for this cause?

Could it be that they need to pretend it’s close so they have a shot at cheating their way to victory?

D Parker is an engineer, inventor, wordsmith, and student of history, former director of communications for a civil rights organization, and a long-time contributor to conservative websites.  Find him on Substack.


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