Daily Shmutz | COMMENTARY / OPINION   | 11/7/2023




Brig. General (US Army retired) John Adams: Israel is fighting civilizational War with Hamas and Iran  [1:02:55]   by Jerry Gordon and Brig. General (US Army Retired) John Adams

November 7, 2023  Jerry Gordon, a Senior Editor of The New English Review, invited retired US Army Brig. General John Adams to discuss Israel Defense Force military doctrine and strategic options in the conduct of the Jewish state’s civilizational war with Iran-backed Hamas terrorist group in Gaza. He addresses the conflict given his extensive background as a 30-year veteran of combat, staff and international military diplomatic assignments and post-service informal analysis and discussions with former Senior IDF commanders.

Watch the YouTube interview with Brig. Gen. (US Army retired) John Adams here.


The Return of Radical Islam   JORDAN SCHACHTEL

Has Hamas sparked a new wave of global jihadism?

NOV 7, 2023 – In 1976, the late historian Bernard Lewis penned his seminal essay, titled, “The Return of Islam.”

[You can read it here through this link]

At the time, the trend in the Arab and broader Islamic world seemed to be moving in the direction of secularization, Arab nationalism, and leftism. The conventional wisdom maintained that these forces would bring in the extinction of militant Islam.

According to the corporate media and the global foreign policy “expert” class, the jihadis and their ideological allies were expected to fade into the background of the Muslim world, never to be heard from again.

Mr Lewis, who passed away in 2018 at the age of 101, challenged this conventional thinking. A true Middle Eastern studies savant, he warned that militant Islam was not fading into the background, but becoming a serious political force even within societies that were completely dedicated to Soviet-backed leftist and Arab nationalist movements.

Three years later, the world witnessed an Islamic revolution that brought the mullahs into power in Iran. A handful of years after that, the black flag of Al Qaeda emerged under the leadership of Osama bin Laden. The years in between were rife with jihadism through Palestinian and additional terrorist movements.

Bernard Lewis was proven correct. If only the world had heeded his warning.


Yard Signs:



The ‘Massacre’ Coming to Judea and Samaria | The Caroline Glick Show In-Focus  [38:34]

October 6, 2023The Biden administration warns against settler violence,  the IDF goes soft against West Bank violence and the terror coming to Judea and Sameria.


Jordan Peterson breaks his silence on the Israel-Palestine war  [10:14]

Nov 2, 2023 – Dr Jordan Peterson is one of the world’s most respected public intellectuals, with his opinion on a range of issues highly sought after.

The war that’s currently raging in Israel has been the subject of heated debate across the globe since its inception on October 7th.

Jordan Peterson sat down with Sky News All Stars Piers Morgan and Andrew Bolt to discuss his thoughts on the ongoing conflict.


Welcome to Columbia Untisemity   [2:50]

Pro Hamas college students sketch as aired on the Israeli satire TV show “What a Wonderful Country” on channel Keshet 12. #ColumbiaUntisemtiy


Gen Z has an Israel problem   BY SAMUEL RUBINSTEIN

Palestinians are the only victims that matter

November 6, 2023 – It’s almost like a religious ritual. Every Saturday since 7 October, central London has swollen with protestors waving the Palestinian flag and chanting “From the River to the Sea”. For the impartial and curious observer, two facts are immediately striking. The first is not all that mysterious: the protestors are disproportionately Muslim. The second is more of an enigma: why are they so young?

For years, young people have tended to be much more pro-Palestine and anti-Israel than their elders. According to a poll conducted a few months before Hamas’s attack, American millennials are the first generation in history to sympathise with the Palestinians more than the Israelis. In Britain, 18- to 34-year-olds are also far more supportive of the Palestinians (23%) than the Israelis (only 7%) — almost the precise inverse of the 55- to 75-year-olds. This being so, at universities across the country, you will find students and academics calling for an Intifada and tearing down posters of the kidnapped Israelis.


Bring Him Home, Bring them home  [3:21]

[Ed.:  It is a very touching song.  But the leftists who are performing this, do not understand that it’s just not going to work. Hamas cannot comprehend the sentiment.  They’re singing to deaf ears.  Hamas would prefer to disembowel the children (in front of their parents if possible,) than to return them to their parents. It’s the nature of the beast.]


The Crushing of Mankind   Chananya Weissman

April 30, 2021 – The underlying purpose of everything that happens in this world is to refine us and bring us closer to Hashem. Suffering is not random or without spiritual cause. Individuals may suffer for many reasons, punishment being the most likely of several possibilities (see Brachos 5A), but when suffering is widespread, collective guilt is the only explanation.

Unfortunately, it is easy to delude ourselves and believe that we can overcome our individual and collective problems via man-made solutions, without divine intervention. The motivational speakers and “life coaches” – both of which are acclaimed in God-phobic Western societies – insist that we can achieve whatever we want through hard work, positive thinking, clever planning, and sheer force of will. God laughs at them.

Trying to solve problems on our own, without sincerely turning to God, leaves God no choice but to send a stronger message. This is so fundamental that it does not need to be “proven”. It jumps off most any random page of Torah.

Tehilim 90, which was composed by Moshe Rabbeinu, expresses this point clearly:

תשב אנוש עד דכא ותאמר שובו בני אדם

You return man to the point of being crushed, and You say “Return, sons of men!”

God knocks people down to size, returning them to the reality of what they are – and what they aren’t. God does this to individuals, to nations, and, in due course, to the entire world. If they don’t get the gentle wake-up calls, they need to be crushed. Either they return to God, or they return to the dust from whence they came.

It didn’t have to be this way, but it seems inevitable at this point that much of mankind will have to be ground to the dust before they return to God. We must take comfort in the fact that everything is under control – God’s control – and these seem to be the final painful birth pangs before the ultimate redemption.

Those of us who get the gentle wake-up calls will hopefully be spared the brunt of what must come upon the masses, who need to learn the hard way. We must share in the general suffering of our society, but if we trust in God and recognize what is happening, we should be shown special grace to carry us through these times.

*Unfortunately it seems that the vast majority of people are still not getting the message at all. Instead of recognizing the futility and fraudulence of the medical establishment and turning to God, most “religious” people readily sacrificed their holiest places and practices on the altar of “science”.

We are surrounded by zombies in a world that has gone completely mad. The lies are increasingly preposterous, the truth increasingly clear, yet people just can’t see it. How can we explain this?

As always, there is nothing new under the sun.


Bernie Sanders: ‘I don’t know how you can have a ceasefire with Hamas’

Vermont Senator calls on Israel to stop bombing Gaza but to still destroy Hamas.

 Nov 5, 2023, 9:43 PM (GMT+2) – Progressive US Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) spoke with CNN on Sunday and voiced his opposition to a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas.

“I think it’s clear to most people that what Hamas did, Hamas is an awful, terrible terrorist organization, is that they slaughtered 1,400 people in cold blood. Israel has a right to defend itself. But what Israel does not, in my view, have the right to do is to kill thousands and thousands of innocent men, women, and children who had nothing to do with that attack. So the immediate concern is, we got to stop the bombing now. You had 600,000 people pushed out of their homes, where’re they going? They’re staying in UN facilities. Overcrowded, there’s not enough water, there’s not enough food, there’s not enough medicine, there’s not enough fuel. You have a humanitarian disaster that has to be dealt with right now,” Sanders stated.

When asked how Israel should fight Hamas while the terrorists hide behind civilians, the Senator said that military experts should be asked the question, not him. He added, however: “Clearly, Israel has the right to defend itself, Hamas has sworn that its goal is to destroy Israel; they have to deal with that, but there’s gotta be a better way than killing thousands of men, women, and children.”

According to Sanders, continued US aid to Israel should depend on Israel changing its military strategy so as not to harm civilians.

Related articles:

The Senator also called on wealthy Arab states to assist the Palestinian civilians, “Saudi Arabia and Qatar, they are extraordinarily wealthy, work with the US, work with the community in order to provide some hope and decency and freedom for the Palestinian people, which Hamas will never do.”

[Ed.:  Bernie doesn’t understand that these same ‘Palestinian’ civilians voted unanimously for Hamas when we gave them Gush Katif, and most of them want to kill us (and him) as well. But Bernie is coming close to the mark, even though he is a pea-brained Communist!]


JNS TV uploaded: After Hamas attack, we’re going to see very ugly behavior in the West | The Quad #shorts   [0:30]   Vivian Bercovici


A Leisurely Invasion   Chananya Weissman

A Leisurely Invasion + World Economic Forum shill Eli Beer spreads ridiculous BS

November 5, 2023

The Mishna in Avoda Zara 70B states as follows:

בולשת שנכנסה לעיר בשעת שלום חביות פתוחות אסורות סתומות מותרות בשעת מלחמה אלו ואלו מותרות לפי שאין פנאי לנסך

If a [gentile] military force entered a city in peacetime, open wine barrels are forbidden [because we assume they poured the wine for idolatrous libations]; sealed barrels are permitted. During war, these and those are permitted, for there is no spare time to pour libations.

If there is no time during an invasion to splash some wine, there is certainly no time to take selfies, make videos, torture people to death, mutilate them, take smoking breaks, sit down for meals in people’s homes after murdering them, and walk around at a leisurely pace over many hours – when you know there are military bases with Apache helicopters within earshot and anyone can take a bus from anywhere in the country and arrive during all that time.

An invading army during the heat of war does not conduct itself with leisure. This is a fact of the world since time immemorial, and halacha is based on this truth.

Yet the invaders from Gaza did conduct themselves with leisure. They acted as if they had plenty of time, contrary to all reason and the way all invading armies have been known to behave since time immemorial. And somehow they got away with it! The one invading army that behaved contrary to reason and the ways of the world happened to be the one that guessed right, that there would be no meaningful military response for many hours while they rampaged. They had time to pour libations, and a great deal more.

There is only one explanation for this that makes sense.

They knew they would have leisure time.

And there is only one explanation for how they could know.

If you can’t accept it, the problem is with you.

*   *   *

Of course, the establishment liars and propagandists are delighted to offer you a way out from believing the obvious truth.  World Economic Forum shill Eli Beer was asked how there was no military response for 6 hours (because of course a Hatzalah guy would be privy to such sensitive information if he wasn’t a WEF shill like the whole  rotten bunch).  Instead of answering the question (because they can’t), he spun a ridiculous tall tale to cover for what really happened on Simchas Torah.

Listen here.

The story goes as follows.  The hundreds and thousands of terrorists dressed up like farmers.  Sure, it was weird, but no one made much of it.  Then they sent drones with explosives that somehow made it inside the military bases, found the women who monitor the cameras, and killed them.  Then they fired a bunch of missiles, so the soldiers ran into shelters, and then the farmers jumped out and started shooting everyone.

Amazing!  Maybe next time they will dress up as Santa Clause, because no one would expect that.  Or maybe as Hatzala guys!

Beer was wearing a very authoritative-looking uniform, and Hatzala is so wonderful, and the rabbi in the video who did the puff interview is a brand name, so it MUST be true.  Clearly I’m the crazy one for smelling a stinking pile of rats.
Thanks to Eli Beer for reminding everyone that Hatzalah is just another front organization that spreads propaganda and grifts from the community.

Frankly, I wouldn’t take 100 to 1 odds that his well-publicized miraculous recovery from a covid-induced coma, right before Hatzala started pushing a pharmaceutical product, which is totally not their job, which just happened to be the crapcine, isn’t another WEF production.

Either way, if they are going to such great lengths to weave ridiculous explanations for what happened, while avoiding the military response that DIDN’T happen, it’s obviously a smokescreen.

Again, if you can’t accept the truth because the truth is too disturbing, that’s your problem — and exactly what they depend on.

*   *   *

2020: Now isn’t the time for questions. It’s a pandemic!
2023: Now isn’t the time for questions.  It’s a war!
Why are so many people who knew better in 2020 following the propaganda now?




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Take them at their word   VICTOR DAVIS HANSON

From Hamas to Iran to Turkey, when our enemies tell us what they’re going to do, we need to listen.

(November 5, 2023 / JNS) – Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, at the United Nations in New York, just bluntly threatened individual American officials with violence: “I say frankly to the American statesmen, who are now managing the genocide in Palestine, that we do not welcome [an] expansion of the war in the region. But if the genocide in Gaza continues, they will not be spared from this fire.” (Emphasis added.)

I don’t think Mr. Amir-Abdollahian would come into our country to issue such a direct threat to American leaders had the Biden administration not assigned Robert Malley to reboot the atrocious but then-inert Iran Deal. Had it not lifted oil export sanctions—resulting in a multibillion-dollar windfall to Tehran. Had it not tried to ransom American hostages from Iran at $1.2 billion a captive. Had it not restored hundreds of millions of dollars in support to the West Bank and Gaza. Had it not allowed U.S. aid and remittance dollars to Lebanon to seep into Hezbollah coffers. Had it not dropped past American declarations that the Houthis were a terrorist organization, and had it not ignored rather than retaliated for dozens of attacks on U.S. forces in Syria and Iraq by Iranian surrogates.


Make Gaza Israel again   By MICHAEL FREUND

Aside from toppling Hamas and freeing the hostages, let’s rebuild the Jewish communities of Gush Katif that were uprooted 18 years ago and restore a civilian Jewish presence in Gaza.

NOVEMBER 3, 2023 18:52 – This past Shabbat, the Israeli flag was raised over Gaza.

In a moving video clip circulating on social media, two Israeli soldiers standing atop a building hoisted the blue-and-white banner, signifying the Jewish state’s return to the strip of land along the Mediterranean Sea.

To mark the occasion, someone off camera noted that three weeks had passed since the Hamas invasion and massacre of 1,400 Jews and that “soldiers of the 52nd Battalion of the 401st Brigade are raising the flag of Israel in the heart of Gaza on the beach. We will not forget, we will not forgive, and we will not stop until victory.”

It was a powerful scene, one that embodied Israel’s resilient spirit and determination, and its ability to bounce back from even the most painful of disasters.

Indeed, despite the traumatic blow inflicted by Hamas terrorists, the long arm of Jewish justice is now at work, as the IDF ground operation in Gaza has entered its next phase.

Thus far, the government has highlighted two primary objectives in Israel’s war: toppling the Hamas regime; and the return of the 240 hostages held captive.

But in addition to these two sacred goals, I would like to suggest a third aim that we should strive to achieve once the fighting is complete: Let’s rebuild the Jewish communities of Gush Katif that were uprooted 18 years ago and restore a civilian Jewish presence in Gaza.


R&B Amalek and Erev Rav #66 – Mordechai Sones, News Director at Frontline News   [41:56]   Chananya Weissman

Report on the Acquiescence of the Israeli Government in Palestinian Authority First Strike Preparations in Judea and Samaria, is available at https://frontline.news/post/flashback-expose-written-24-years-ago-shows-this-isnt-first-time-official-israeli-acquiescence-in-islamic-attack-preparations-draws-scrutiny.

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About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.