Hunter’s Pardon is About Ukraine!   CLANDESTINE

DEC 01, 2024


Joe Pardoned Hunter for all crimes he might be involved in starting on Jan 1, 2014.

Why did he pick that date?

Because 2014 is when the CIA/State Dept took over Ukraine. 2014 is when Hunter’s biolab company, Metabiota, began looking for coronaviruses in Ukraine.

Joe is not just covering the drug and gun possession charges. Joe is running cover for all of Hunter’s criminality in Ukraine, which is really Joe’s criminality in Ukraine.

This is not just a pardon for Hunter. This is a pardon for JOE!


BREAKING: IDF STRIKES HEZBOLLAH HARD – Ceasefire Violations Escalate!   [28:40]   Yair Pinto

December 1, 2024   TBN Israel – Hezbollah’s blatant violations of the internationally negotiated ceasefire in Lebanon have pushed the region to the brink of renewed conflict. Over the weekend, the IDF launched multiple airstrikes deep inside Lebanon, targeting Hezbollah’s weapons depots, command centers, and infrastructure. With Hezbollah’s supply lines cut and its military capabilities shattered, Israel’s northern communities are cautiously watching every development.

Meanwhile, a shocking escalation unfolds in Syria as rebel factions take control of Aleppo, challenging Iran’s regional influence and Assad’s regime. In Gaza, Hamas continues its campaign of psychological terror, publishing disturbing hostage videos and firing rockets despite sustained IDF operations to dismantle its infrastructure.

Join Yair Pinto and Mati Shoshani as they provide a comprehensive analysis of these critical developments, including Hezbollah’s strategies, Iran’s responses, and the regional implications of Syria’s sudden unrest.


Obama’s Middle East Destabilization   JEFF CARLSON & HANS MAHNCKE

Part 4 of our series on how Barack Obama undermined U.S. democracy

DEC 01, 2024 – We’ve long maintained that the Biden Administration is little more than an extension of the Obama administration – in effect, the manifestation of Obama’s third term as president (or fourth depending how one counts). And one of the more obvious examples of this lies in the Biden Administration’s approach to Iran.

Many are aware of the unconscionable actions from Biden’s State Department in late 2023 – which issued waivers allowing Iran to receive $6 billion in frozen funds that had been held by South Korean banks. Under the plan, the Biden administration and Iran agreed to a prisoner swap – trading Iranian nationals convicted of illegally exporting controlled technology to Iran for five American citizens wrongfully imprisoned by the Iranian regime.

The pivotable part of Biden’s Iran deal provided for U.S. waivers to South Korea – enabling the transfer of $6 billion in funds that had been frozen by the U.S. under Trump. The funds, which originated from oil purchases, were transferred to an account overseen by Qatar.

Biden’s State Department went to great lengths to assure us that there would be significant restrictions on the use of funds, which would ostensibly be limited to food, medicine, and medical equipment. We were also assured that Washington would have “full visibility” over the Iranian’s use of the funds.

Of course, this is a laughable position to take – for a variety of reasons. Qatar is not only a long-time promoter of radical Islamic groups, it is the long-standing home to the political leadership of Hamas. Qatar serves as the primary financial hub for most Islamic terrorist networks, and is sympathetic and supportive of Iran.

Biden’s choice of Qatar as the supposed “overseer of the funds” was extremely telling. If they wanted to, Qatar could have simply kept the escrowed funds and paid Iran out of another account. But there’s a more direct issue as well. Cash, unlike specific goods, is fungible. Even if Iran was to use the $6 billion as designated, these new funds from Biden freed up other funds that would have been spent on the same items.

The reality of Biden’s plan was to effectively increase Iran’s budget by $6 billion. A huge amount relative to the size of their economy. $6 billion that had been allocated elsewhere within their budget was just freed up for Iran’s ongoing funding of terrorist activities. And Iran made no secret of their intent. Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi said that his government would decide how it will spend the $6 billion in previously frozen funds, telling NBC News’ Lester Holt that the money will be spent “wherever we need it.”

The Biden administration knew full well that any funds transferred to Iran would be used in their ongoing sponsorship of terrorism. In the initial aftermath of Hamas’s attacks on Israel, Biden’s Secretary of State Antony Blinken effectively admitted on Meet the Press that they knew in advance what Iran would do with the newly-released funds, stating that “Iran has unfortunately always used and focused its funds on supporting terrorism”.

But the situation was actually even worse than it appeared on the surface. The United States had also facilitated another, earlier waiver, this time involving Iraq, that effectively freed up $10 billion, in addition to the more recent $6 billion.

Iraq announced in July 2023 that it would repay billions of dollars in natural gas debts owed to Iran using Iraqi oil instead of cash – a move that was a violation of U.S. sanctions absent authorization and waivers from Washington.

That transaction didn’t happen in a vacuum. It followed weeks of reporting related to a U.S. offer to free up cash for Iran so long as Tehran agreed that it wouldn’t produce weapons-grade uranium.

There’s also another, less-reported path that was allowing Iran to bring in huge amounts of cash: the export of oil to China. Despite ongoing sanctions, China has been a huge buyer of oil from Iran with the Biden administration willfully looking the other way. In total, Iran has been exporting as much as 2 million barrels per day – all allowed by the U.S. government.

This intentional funding of Iran by the Biden regime – an almost inexplicable willingness to capitulate to an outright sponsor of terror at every opportunity – only makes sense when it’s viewed as a continuation of Obama’s approach to Iran.

An approach that was highlighted during the concessions Obama orchestrated throughout the Iranian Nuclear Deal saga. A deal so favorable to Iran that the former president of Iran claimed that “The most important job of our foreign minister is first to stand behind the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action” – or JCPOA as the Iran Nuclear Deal was formally known.

When Obama decided to assume personal leadership of the Iran nuclear negotiations, the Iranian economy was straining under a decades old series of economic sanctions. Rather than support Congressional wishes to further tighten sanctions, thereby maintaining financial pressure on the ruling Mullahs, Obama chose to loosen economic restrictions as a prelude to his negotiations.

The Iranian economy began growing again in 2014 – and so did Iran’s negotiating power. Obama signed a deal with Iran that allowed the Iranians to hide much of their nuclear activities, lacked any real semblance of enforcement or penalty, ended all economic sanctions, ended embargoes on ballistic missiles and, perhaps most importantly, began to expire in ten years.

Obama himself admitted that Iran would have full nuclear capability almost immediately after the deal expired. In exchange for this most favorable of agreements, we gave the Iranians access to more than $120 billion in funds held abroad and plane’s loaded with pallets of cash. And just like Biden, Obama orchestrated the release of seven Iranian men as part of the deal.

At the time of the deal, Obama characterized them as “civilians, businessmen, awaiting trial for mere sanctions-related offenses and violations of the trade embargo”. In reality, these men stood accused by the DOJ as posing a National Security threat.

It’s worth reiterating that Obama effectively gave away our negotiating strength before real discussions even began.

When Obama decided to get personally involved in Iran, the country was buckling under the pressure of sanctions from international sanctions. Iran’s GDP shrank by 9% between March 2012 and March 2014 and was later estimated to be 15-20 percent smaller than it would have been without the sanctions.

The U.S. Treasury stated that sanctions cost Iran $160 billion between 2012-2015. More than $120 billion of Iranian reserves held in banks abroad were inaccessible. As a result, Iran’s currency, the rial, utterly collapsed.

In the first ten months of 2012, the Iranian currency lost more than 80% of its exchange value. In a single day, on October 1, 2012, it dropped by 15%. The collapse of the rial caused inflation to spike from an already uncomfortable 20.6% in 2011 to 27.4% in 2012. Inflation in Iran would peak at 39.3% in 2013. Iran was under enormous economic pressure.

But things began to change for Iran when Hassan Rouhani, a former nuclear negotiator, was elected president of Iran in 2013. Three days after his inauguration, Rouhani called for the resumption of negotiations with China, France, Germany, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States on Iran’s nuclear program.

On September 27, 2013, Obama personally called Rouhani – marking the highest level contact between the U.S. and Iran since 1979. Talks began in October 2013 in Geneva. On November 23rd, Obama announced the first round of sanction relief for Iran. Congress, meanwhile, had been pushing for further tightening of sanctions in front of negotiations.

Obama’s sanction relief was significant. It included $3 billion in cash, plus another $16-17 billion in gold, petrochemical and automotive sanction relief. A $20 billion package that gave a staggering 25 percent boost to Iran’s total foreign exchange reserves.

The announcement by Obama translated to a flood of Trade Delegations visiting Iran – including ten delegations just in the first two weeks of January 2014. Iran’s economy began to recover almost immediately. Iran’s GDP grew 3% in 2014. Inflation fell from 39% to 17%.

As the Iranian economy began growing, so did Iran’s negotiating power. On July 14, 2015, the United States, along with Russia, China, the United Kingdom, France and Germany reached an agreement with Iran. The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action lifted all economic sanctions and allowed Iran to access $120 billion in reserves held in banks abroad.

The JCPOA also contained a fatal flaw – Sunset Clauses: The sunset clauses allowed for critical nuclear, arms, and ballistic missile restrictions to disappear over a five- to 15-year period. All Tehran had to do was simply abide by the agreement to emerge as a threshold nuclear power with an industrial-size enrichment program.

That same agreement would also allow Iran to begin spreading weapons throughout the middle east. Because of the Sunset Clauses inserted by Obama, the international arms embargo imposed on Iran expired on October 18, 2020.

This meant that the supply, sale, or transfer of “any battle tanks, armored combat vehicles, large caliber artillery systems, combat aircraft, attack helicopters, warships, missiles, or missile systems to Iran would no longer require U.N. Security Council approval.” U.N. member-states would also no longer be obligated to prevent the supply, sale, or transfer of arms or related material from Iran.

As predicted in a 2019 report, “the expiration of this arms embargo would have immediate destabilizing consequences for Yemen, Bahrain, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and Israel. Terror organizations like the Islamic Revolutionary Guard, Hezbollah, and Hamas would become the likely beneficiaries of this sunset provision.” We now know with certainty that this prediction was entirely valid.

There was another major problem with the agreement as well. The JCPOA’s Key Requirements stated that for eight years ballistic missile restrictions would remain in place. This assertion was repeatedly put forth by the Obama Administration. But Obama had quietly made several notable changes to the language on ballistic missiles.

Buried deep within the JCPOA, on page 99 in Annex B, item 3 resides the actual language: “Iran is called upon not to undertake any activity related to ballistic missiles designed to be capable of delivering nuclear weapons, including launches using such ballistic missile technology.”

Called upon. Designed to be capable. These were incredibly crucial differences versus the original language contained within the earlier UN Resolution, which stated that “Iran shall not undertake any activity related to ballistic missiles capable of delivering nuclear weapons, including launches using ballistic missile technology.” Those changes were not made by accident.

Iran began building missile complexes in Syria and Lebanon. On August 15, 2017, The Times of Israel reported Iran’s construction of a missile production facility in Syria near the coastal city of Baniyas, north of Tartus.

Then, on August 22, 2017, Iran’s atomic chief shocked the International Community by stating that Iran needed only five days to ramp its uranium enrichment back up to 20 percent – the level at which the uranium could quickly be further enriched for use in a nuclear weapon.

Obama’s Iranian Nuclear Deal was less than toothless. It effectively solved all of Iran’s problems. Iran, by their own admission, managed to retain full capability to resume 20 percent uranium enrichment almost instantaneously.

The JCPOA preserved Iran’s nuclear capability. It was not materially reversed, merely suspended. International pressure abated. The Iranian economy immediately rebounded with the lifting of sanctions and foreign investment flooded back in.

The JCPOA materially also loosened restrictions on Iran’s ballistic missile advancement, and as a result, Iran’s ballistic missile program is far more advanced today. And finally, Iran was allowed access to over $120 billion in cash.

At the time of JCPOA, the New York Times summed up the situation perfectly: The Obama administration “described an Iranian capability that had been neutralized; the Iranians described a nuclear capability that had been preserved.”

Iran negotiated with a willing counterpart in the Obama Administration and emerged with its Nuclear Program slowed – but essentially intact. In return, Iran was given access to a huge pool of overseas cash and a flood of foreign investment. Iran could rebuild its economy and resume its nuclear program. It could also begin to spread armaments and terror throughout the middle east.

The horror we witnessed in Israel and the resulting spread of war, destabilization and conflict throughout the Middle East falls not only at the feet of Biden but with the originator of all of this. Barack Hussein Obama.


What Will It Take to Stop the Avalanche of Jew Hate? | Caroline Glick In-Focus   [53:15]

December 1, 2024  JNS TV – Not a day passes without another incident in the global war against the Jewish people.

Not only is antisemitism in vogue on college campuses and in think tanks, but even in the highest echelons of government.

In this episode of “In-Focus,” JNS senior contributing editor Caroline Glick draws a picture of where things are headed if the good people of the world, specifically Jews, don’t stand up quickly.


Saving America: Part Six (End DeBanking)  TIERNEY’S REAL NEWS

DEC 01, 2024

This is Part 6 of my series on Saving America. It’s about how the NWO-controlled Obama-Biden-Harris Administration has been quietly debanking and deplatforming many people simply because they post things they disagree with, buy crypto or want to use AI for good. This is a whole side of the election equation that nobody in the media has really talked about in-depth until now – except me.

As I suggested in Part One of my series last August – this is the reason many Big Tech leaders (Team of Rivals) have decided to join with Trump to fight the NWO puppet masters.

Mark Andreessen was the co-creator of Mosaic, the first widely used web browser, the co-founder of Netscape and the co-founder of the Silicon Valley venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz. He is one of the most outspoken voices on the future of technology, including his most recent article, Why AI Will Save the World.

Andreessen gave a 3-hour interview to Joe Rogan and covered many topics. I transcribed and pulled out his most important points (30 minutes read time) about what has REALLY BEEN GOING ON behind the scenes the last 4 years. THIS IS REALLY WORTH YOUR TIME.

In order to understand that – Andreessen started by giving us a simple explanation of what Artificial Intelligence (AI) really is. What is AI in layman’s terms?

ANDREESSEN: The internet itself incorporates television and radio and books and essays and every other form of media. [It is basically a compilation of all human thought and activity.]

AI is basically the next step in the internet – the internet provides the content for AI and then AI would manipulate that content however you want.

[Remember that last sentence. Humans create AI to manipulate content. AI does not manipulate content by itself – it is NOT some sentient being. There are many people out there who want to convince you that’s not true. They want you to think that AI is the next evolution of humanity and has a mind of it’s own.]

AI is simply converting the content of the internet into something that’s interpretable by, and usable by, machine. You don’t need to rewrite the content of the internet to make it interpretable by a machine – the machine can compute the meaning if you give it instructions.

Basically, AI is doing a sophisticated form of search. You can ask the same question multiple times or you can ask slightly different order of questions and AI will search down different paths to give you different answers to different questions.

Who gets to tell you what AI can and can’t do? That’s the big question.

You can tell AI to produce tension between users or become hostile toward each other or not trust each other. It can do that. You can steer it and teach it to lie about another. Or you can steer it to be honest and create unity. Whoever programs the AI controls the outcome. The underlying data is all the same.

You can even steer AI to be sentimental and emotional and hallucinate. Meaning, to come up with things that are totally not true but sound true.

Suppose you had AI in the 1600s and Galileo came up for trial. If you asked AI, is Galileo right? Does the earth revolve around the sun? What would AI answer as it works today? AI would have answered NO back then because ALL human thought up to that point believed that he was wrong. The data that AI drew from was collective human thought and it was ALL WRONG.

AI also draws from collective human thought today and whoever controls that input and the manipulation of that input – would also control the output.

The future of AI is impossible to forecast. The wild west is still out there. People got the internet wrong too. [As I said in Part One – BlackRock originally thought that AI would be lower functioning so they BET ON CHINA TO WIN the AI race – and against Trump. They were wrong. That’s why they are backtracking.]

When Trump got shot, that was the inflection point – the moment where the world could have headed in two totally different directions. It could have gone horrifically badly for the entire world if he had died – a totalitarian dystopian nightmare. A bad place. A crazy world.

Trump survived and now we have the real potential here for a new Golden Age.

The way the Trump administration is going to approach the economy, they want less regulation. They want tariffs and less regulation. And they want more reliance on U.S. energy. They want to drill more, more natural gas, more fracking, more drilling for oil, and then allow companies to work without regulations inhibiting their performance. This will boost the economy. You’ll have more productivity. You will have more American manufacturing.

Trump knows that we need faster growth. Because if you grow faster, then your economy can catch up to the debt, and you can pay down the debt as you grow. And so they want to go for a higher rate of growth.

The other thing that Trump wants is for America to win. America has to win in business and in technology and in industry, globally. US companies should be the ones that win these broad, global markets and set the global standard. How can anybody be against that? I happen to think that makes a lot of sense.

By the way, if you are in favor of a high level of social support, if you want there to be lots of welfare programs and food assistance programs, I would argue you also want that because it’s the growth that will pay for all the social programs. That’s how you square the circle. That’s how you actually have your cake and eat it too. Set up all the programs you want, all the safety nets you want. As long as it’s easy to pay for because you’re growing so fast, then everybody wins.

This was one of the big fears that people had about letting illegal immigrants into the country and moving them to swing states, which clearly happened, and also giving them a bunch of benefits, which clearly happened. Money, food stamps, housing, all that happened. Stuff that wasn’t available to veterans, stuff that wasn’t available to homeless people, wasn’t available to the very poor of this country. All of a sudden people who came here illegally got those things.

Look, if I was living in a third world country with a family and I knew that I could come to America and I could get a job, an actual job and make money and my family’s going to definitely eat, I’ll vote for whoever the fuck you want me to vote for. I don’t care. My life is infinitely better than it was in this totalitarian shithole that I was in until I walked here. I’ll do whatever you want. I just want my family to survive and I think everything’s going to… It’s so much better than where I was if I’m in some war torn part of the world.

Democrats gave me an EBT card and I’m staying at the Roosevelt Hotel in New York City and I get a flight somewhere else if I want to go there Oh, this is wonderful, right?

So that’s how it starts and there is a lot of that going on but I will say what’s one of the things that’s interesting is it doesn’t necessarily stick that way. And the sort of evidence for that is the sort of dramatic ramp up in the Hispanic vote for Trump. They get it.

Well, Hispanic people generally are very hard workers. So I’ll just tell you a quick story on this. So after the night after the 2016 election, literally everybody I knew was just completely traumatized. We were all just completely freaked out. Everybody was shocked. You were freaked out too? Yeah all just like completely freaked out. Everybody was shocked. You were freaked out too?

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The Three Amigos of Government Demolition – Trump 47 Style    CAPT. SETH KESHEL  

Topic: Perspective  

DEC 01, 2024

recently outlined some of my favorite picks for President Trump’s administration, and in doing so, did what I could to try and manage the extremely lofty expectations of many who may not be considering that any selection requiring Senate confirmation needs 51 votes to get through the process. Unfortunately, we must deal with political and bureaucratic realities when it comes to navigating this chapter of seeking to undo decades of ignorance, neglect, and political malpractice.

Pete Hegseth for Secretary of Defense and Tulsi Gabbard for Director of National Intelligence are two of the picks I focused on, and I believe both are excellent picks in line with Trump’s agenda who also stand as a confirmation that Trump does indeed remember his pledge to do things differently. Skeptics will point out the selection of career politicians for certain posts, or perhaps even under-qualified or seemingly poor choices for positions like Surgeon General, but I remain convinced that some positions are of greater use to the Trump 47 administration than others are. To use a sports analogy, this would be like keeping a sub-par punter on the roster when your game plan is to go for every fourth down you face all season long.

Last night, President Trump announced his intent to have Kash Patel serve as director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Current Director Chris Wray will need to step down from that position or be shit-canned by Trump as soon as he takes office, but either way, Wray is near the end of the line, and that is long overdue. Patel will need to be confirmed by the Senate, and I expect any day now we will find strategically planted media outlining specifically how “Republican” Senators Lisa Murkowski and/or Susan Collins are offended by the selection, and while they have no issue confirming radical left-wing Biden judges at the eleventh hour, the easily offended people they represent simply will not allow for them to confirm someone who appears solely focused on going on offense against the thieving, corrupt bureaucrats that have brought America to the brink of extinction (sarcasm intended).

My article today summarizes precisely why I’m so frustrated with people who do nothing but find things to be upset about, when the most important tenets of the Trump agenda are brilliantly staffed and planned for. You have Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., leading the charge to reduce the land=whale population and rid us of dependency on vaccines and big pharma, Tom Homan in a position that doesn’t require Senate confirmation leading the world’s biggest catapult manufacturing rush because he can’t wait to start un-assing squatters from America, and other high-quality picks for positions you didn’t think we had. Sure, there are some B and C choices in the Cabinet – but you must decide how many months out of a 48-month presidency you want Trump to spend trying to get his team in place and work from there.

Intelligence (not the type between your ears, but the military and/or strategic type) is a topic I’ve always found fascinating. Many who read this column are probably on heightened alert when they hear the term intelbecause they’ve been conditioned to believe that all intelligence professionals are deep staters who spy on the public and report back to their masters who must control them through coercion or blackmail; however, military intelligence has been a thing since men first threw sticks and stones at one another in anger. Wars and conflicts are won or lost based upon the quality of the intelligence by which mission plans are created, and all three of Hegseth, Gabbard, and Patel, if confirmed, will be deeply immersed within the intelligence picture and play a key role in crafting it for good, and turning it away from being weaponized against American citizens. Most specifically, two of these choices (Gabbard and Patel) will play a key role in shaking things up in such a way that Americans will be able to spend much less time worrying about domestic spying, surveillance, and foul play than they do today.

These are the key roles I expect each to play in their new positions with regard to what Americans need most:

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Victor Davis Hanson Explains How Trump Made Historic Gains With Minority Voters in 2024 (VIDEO)


Charging Netanyahu with War Crimes Shows the ICC Is Illegitimate and Not Fit for Purpose   by Con Coughlin
December 1, 2024 at 5:00 am

  • [T]he International Criminal Court (ICC)… should be defunded, dismantled, or both.
  • [By] law, the ICC is precluded from prosecuting any country that already has a valid judiciary system. This stipulation is the based on the treaty upon which the ICC was founded.
  • Another option that should be considered is for the incoming Trump administration’s new Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE), to establish whether maintaining US funding for bodies such as the United Nations and its affiliates, the ICC and ICJ, all of which display a strong anti-Israeli bias, is in Washington’s best interests. Certainly, without the lavish funding these bodies receive from Western governments, their ability to pursue their own twisted agenda will at least be severely curtailed.

The decision by the International Criminal Court (ICC) to issue arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and former Defence Minister Yoav Gallant on unsubstantiated war crimes charges, shows that the body is unfit for purpose, and should be defunded, dismantled, or both.

First, by law, the ICC is precluded from prosecuting any country that already has a valid judiciary system. This stipulation is the based on the treaty upon which the ICC was founded.

US defence attorney Alan Dershowitz is assembling a “legal dream team” to contest the charges. He emphasized that it would base its argument on the ICC’s lack of jurisdiction.

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[Ed.:  They have “no standing” ...]


How Pam Bondi Can Atone for the Framing of George Zimmerman   by JACK CASHILL

As a first step to atonement, she can apologize.

November 29, 2024   The American Spectator

I am sure Trump’s attorney general pick Pam Bondi has many a career highlight, but one of them was not her role in the framing of George Zimmerman for the 2012 shooting death of Trayvon Martin.

I use the word “framing” with precision. I know the case as well as anyone other than Zimmerman and his attorneys. I wrote the definitive book on the subject, If I Had a Son, and consulted extensively with Joel Gilbert on his brilliantly researched film and companion book, The Trayvon Hoax. Over the years, I have become good friends with George and see him often. I have witnessed up close the toll the injustice he suffered has taken on his life.

There is no doubt that Zimmerman, 28 years old at the time, shot and killed the 17-year-old Martin. But there is also no doubt that Zimmerman was framed for Martin’s murder. He should never have been arrested, and should never have had to stand trial. He was saved from a life in prison by a six-woman jury too naive to anticipate the public shaming that awaited them when they voted to acquit.

Within weeks of the Feb. 26, 2012, shooting it was clear to anyone paying attention — shout out here to Sundance and the “Treepers” at the Conservative Tree House — that Zimmerman was the victim of a vicious, unprovoked assault by an aspiring MMA fighter nearly half-a-foot taller. Had Zimmerman not shot Martin he very likely would have been beaten to death.

On March 23, 2012, then-President Barack Obama yielded to the pressure from a leftist mob hopped up on four weeks of disinformation and addressed the shooting. By this time, the White House had access to all of the information the Sanford Police Department did. The courageous step for Obama would have been to defend the Sanford Police and to demand an end to the media lynching of Zimmerman — a Hispanic Obama supporter and civil rights activist.

As an African-American, Obama had more latitude to speak out than a white politician would have. He chose not to. Concluded Obama after some meaningless temporizing: “But my main message is to the parents of Trayvon — If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon.”

The State of Florida’s Republican leadership showed no more courage than Obama. After consulting with then-Attorney General Bondi, Gov. Rick Scott appointed Angela Corey as special prosecutor and washed his hands of the mess on his doorstep.

A week after Obama threw in with Martin’s family, Bondi did as well. She called his negligent parents “amazing people” and described the family attorneys as “friends of mine.” Ever judicious, Bondi added, “You never want to make an arrest too soon. We need justice, but you never want to make an arrest without having all the answers.” That said, she too backed away from the case — well, almost backed away.

Those “friends of mine,” most notably Martin attorney Benjamin Crump, were in the process of making Bondi’s life more difficult. Crump was badgering “Diamond,” the girl who was on the phone with Martin in the moments before his death, to tell the state attorneys a story Crump had concocted. ABC’s Matt Gutman might as well have been Crump’s press agent,  headlining his article, “Trayvon Martin’s Last Phone Call Triggers Demand for Arrest Right Now.”

On April 2, 2012, State Attorney Bernie de la Rionda showed up in Miami expecting to depose Martin’s girlfriend, but the 16-year-old Diamond refused to perjure herself. The girl de la Rionda met instead was the 19-year-old, mentally challenged, morbidly obese Rachel Jeantel. Crump and Martin’s mother, Sybrina Fulton, insisted that Jeantel was Martin’s girlfriend, the “phone witness” who would testify that it was Zimmerman who provoked Martin. This interview led promptly to Zimmerman’s arrest.

Fearful of backlash from the Left, the state attorneys allowed the charade to proceed. For months, they did their best to hide Jeantel not only from the public but also from Zimmerman’s attorneys. Sensing something amiss, the defense attorneys asked to depose Crump. After a judge ruled against them, they appealed. In April 2013, Bondi put her thumb on the scale of justice and left fingerprints. She wrote a 41-page document arguing against the defense team’s request. Their request was denied.

The case proceeded to trial. In June 2013, Jeantel took the stand and tried to relate the story that Crump had fed her. For those who cared to see, her testimony confirmed what a sham the whole proceeding had been, but few bothered looking. The media had convinced them to reject the evidence of their eyes and ears.

When Zimmerman was acquitted in July, the left erupted in outrage. Said Crump, “Trayvon Martin will forever remain in the annals of history next to Medgar Evers and Emmett Till, as symbols for the fight for equal justice for all.” Al Sharpton called the verdict an “atrocity.” In sympathy, three Marxist females coined the phrase “black lives matter.”

The useful idiots in the entertainment world joined the mindless rush to pile on. In Ireland, Bruce Springsteen sang a song in Trayvon’s honor. Justin Timberlake dedicated a song to Trayvon in Yankee Stadium. Stevie Wonder promised to boycott Florida unless the state repealed its Stand Your Ground law, which had nothing to do with the trial. Beyoncé sang “I will always love you” to Trayvon in Nashville then joined billionaire multimedia mogul Jay-Z for a vigil in New York.

Although legally and rightfully cleared of a crime, Zimmerman has ever since been forced to live in the shadows. In 2015, he survived an assassination attempt by inches. In 2018, Jay-Z inserted a fatwa of sorts into a rap song, “I got your president tweeting / I won’t even met with him / Y’all killed X and let Zimmerman live / Streets is done.” For George, death threats are still routine. He cannot use his own name to apply to school or look for a job.

Cowed into silence, the establishment right has done nothing to set the record straight. Angela Corey called Zimmerman a “murderer” after he was acquitted. If Bondi said anything about the verdict, I have not seen it.

As Bondi proceeds to confirmation, the Democrats will leave this story alone. A verdict prompted by the most flagrant judicial fraud in anyone’s memory led directly to the formation of BLM. Twelve years of leftist history would have to be rewritten if the truth were known.

The burden to reveal the truth falls to Pam Bondi. As a first step to atonement, she can apologize to George Zimmerman. As a second step, once confirmed as attorney general, she can address a federal case that remains unaddressed, let alone unresolved — the shooting death of Ashli Babbitt. If she promises to do both, she’s got my vote.

Jack Cashill’s latest book, Ashli: The Untold Story of the Women of January 6 is available in all formats.


Don’t Mistake the Gaetz Nomination for a Misstep

What Trump’s Cabinet Picks All Have in Common: They Don’t Give a ____

What Was the Matt Gaetz Attorney General Pick Really About?

Draining the D.C. Swamp Picks Up Steam

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About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.