Daily Shmutz | COMMENTARY / OPINION  | 12/10/23



                                                                                                                         Adin Steinsaltz


D’Souza: Why I Did Not Surrender  [2:26]   by Jamie Glazov    December 1, 2023




Everybody is Upset About Civilian Casualties in Gaza   by Robert Spencer

But where do the numbers come from?

December 7, 2023  – The Israeli defensive action in Gaza has become, we are told, a massive humanitarian crisis, and it must stop. All the most trustworthy people in the world tell us so.

“The United States is unequivocal; international humanitarian law must be respected. Too many innocent Palestinians have been killed,” declared putative Vice President Kamala Harris on Saturday. “Frankly, the scale of civilian suffering and the images and videos coming from Gaza are devastating.”

Then on Monday, the Associated Press, with a fine regard for journalistic objectivity, reported that Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Soviet Union) and what it called “a robust group of Democratic senators” were “done ‘asking nicely’ for Israel to do more to reduce civilian casualties in Gaza.” These fearless solons “warned President Joe Biden’s national security team that planned U.S. aid to Israel must be met with assurances of concrete steps from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s hard-right government.” Sanders thundered, “The truth is that if asking nicely worked, we wouldn’t be in the position we are today.” AP added, “It was time for the United States to use its ‘substantial leverage’ with its ally, the Vermont senator said.”

To buttress their indignation and increasingly shrill demands, Harris and Sanders and the rest can look to no less an authority than the United Nations. The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) on Sunday published a chart of “Reported Casualties” in Gaza, and the numbers look grim indeed: over 15,523 deaths, with 4,257 women and 6,387 children making up fully 70% of that figure. The far-left establishment media is putting out substantially the same figures; the UK’s Guardian wrote Tuesday that “in the last three days, bombing has been heavy, and the total death toll since 7 October has risen to 15,899.”

These figures not only aroused the righteous indignation of our nation’s leftist self-appointed voices of conscience, but they moved the antisemitic Unz Review to the heights of hysteria: “We are certainly witnessing the greatest televised slaughter of helpless civilians in the history of the world, with nothing even remotely comparable coming to mind.”

Oh my, that sounds terrible indeed. But let’s step back for a moment. If you follow an asterisk down to the small print, you’ll see that the UN attributes its figures for Palestinian casualties in Gaza to the “Ministry of Health” and the “Government Media Office.” Which Ministry of Health? Which government? The UN doesn’t say, and its reticence on this point is likely due to the fact that the government and Health Ministry in question are those of Hamas in Gaza. The Guardian likewise attributes its figures to “the Gaza health ministry.” Yes, that’s right: the one that Hamas runs.

This would be like the New York Times during World War II reporting massive German civilian deaths in an Allied offensive and attributing its data to Josef Goebbels’ Propaganda Ministry. Hamas obviously has very good reasons to inflate the number of Palestinian civilian casualties: the higher the numbers, the angrier Kamala Harris, Bernie Sanders, and Antony Blinken get, and the closer the Biden regime moves to cutting ties with Israel and isolating the Jewish state completely.

This will come to no one’s surprise, at least not to anyone who isn’t a woke millennial TikToker, but Hamas is obviously lying. A board member of the media watchdog Honest Reporting who goes by the single name Aizenberg took a close look at the day-to-day casualty figures that the UN publishes from Hamas and found a large number of significant anomalies. “It is immediately obvious,” notes Aizenberg, “that Hamas does not report ANY combatant deaths & the numbers amazingly seem to indicate that IDF bombs & bullets disproportionately hit women, children & elderly. The IDF CANNOT seem to hit too many fighting age men.” But also, “the numbers are faked.”


Hamas’ October 7 Attack on Israel: a Primer For the shocked and confused.   by Danusha Goska

December 10, 2023 – Some friends on social media remain unclear about the following. What did Hamas do in Israel on October 7? Why have so many around the world responded with anti-Semitism? Let’s take these questions one at a time.

What did Hamas do in Israel on October 7?

Hamas terrorists invaded Israel and murdered, tortured, and kidnapped defenseless Israeli men, women, and children, ordinary civilians doing ordinary things like eating breakfast.

The extensive evidence of Hamas’ atrocities includes the corpses of a father and child tied together with wire and then burned alive, and twenty children tied together and burned; bodies with hacked off limbs and gauged out eyes; and bodies bespeaking gang rape so severe that victims’ leg and pelvic bones were broken. First responder Asher Moskowitz found a baby that Hamas had cooked to death in an oven. The oven’s heating element was still attached to the corpse.

Captured terrorists offered full confessions. One said, “We became animals. We did things that humans do not do.” One confessed that the corpses of young women were raped. Stephen D. Smith reports that there was “an instruction to bring back the dead body of an IDF soldier and posthumously crucify him.”

Hamas made and shared, via social media, videos. They videorecorded the murder of a helpless grandmother, and posted the video on her Facebook page, so that her loved ones would watch. A child hostage was forced to watch Hamas videos. If the child cried, Hamas members pressed a gun to the child. In videos, terrorists shoot household pets dead.

Ben Shapiro posted a compilation. A YouTube poster responded. “As a US Iraq war Vet I started to watch this episode and stopped … I’ve seen a lot, done a lot but I caved … Tears streamed down my face as I watched without stopping, without looking away, gritting my teeth … If I could return to the battlefield and join your brothers and sisters and do what I could to avenge/protect/free those that are captured I would in a heartbeat … I salute Israel … I bow my head in prayer multiple times throughout the day that this evil will end.”

“I’ve seen quite a lot in war zones I’ve covered,” British journalist Douglas Murray said. “I’ve been in Nigerian Villages when a suicide bomber goes into the church on a Sunday … I’ve seen exit wounds from children’s bodies. “But,” Murray said, the Hamas video “is by some margin worse than anything … The footage is a level of depravity that yes not even the Nazis did … Throughout the whole thing the Hamas fighters are in a state of utter elation.” They are “delighted by what they’re doing. I really don’t want to hear ‘Allahu akbar’ shouted again on my streets.” Hamas terrorists are “shouting ‘Allahu akbar’ all the way through … when they rape and murder all these young women in a room they shout ‘Allahu akbar’ the whole time. When they find a young woman hiding under a table pretending to be dead and they realize she’s alive … they’re shouting ‘Allah akbar,’ they’re so elated … One disgusting young Hamas guy shouts from the phone of one of his victims … ‘With my own hands your son has killed ten Jews,’ and the mother [and father are] all shouting ‘Allahu akbar’ and they’re so proud of” their murderous son.

Mosab Hassan Yousef is the grandson of a popular imam and the son of a founder of Hamas. In a November 20, 2023 UN speech, Yousef said, “Imagine a ten-year-old child. I disobeyed Hamas. I was tied to a post. I was whipped by a top leader of Hamas with an electric cable. With every lash I lost my breath until I lost my consciousness. This is how they wanted me to become a violent savage like them.” Years later, in prison, Yousef worked as the scribe for Hamas torturers. He recorded men shoving needles under their fellow Arabs’ fingernails and burning their bodies with cigarettes and melting plastic. “I had to die many times in order to transcend this mentality.”

Yousef described viewing Hamas’ October 7 video. “Something fundamental in me changed. I think my life changed forever. I thought that I had seen the worst of Hamas, but nothing like this. What I saw was very clearly a genocide … what I saw, I could not sleep last night. I was filled with rage. I don’t know if my physical body can carry such trauma.”

“Some of the audience whispered, ‘Make it stop,’” The Daily Mail reported after international journalists watched Hamas video. “I leaned against a wall and cried,” one said. Some vomited. “I certainly hope I never see any of the extra footage again,” one wrote.” In photos of the audience, journalists are seen with their hands over their mouths or their arms wrapped across their stomachs.

New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand spoke to a special session of the United Nations. “The horrific acts committed on October 7th by Hamas are truly indescribable … the footage … takes your breath away at the sheer level of evil … You can’t unsee when you see it, and it haunts you, like no other image you could ever see … The barbaric acts are acts beyond what we have seen from ISIS, Al Qaeda … what has happened to women, the types of dismemberment, the types of sexual violence to degrade them, to bring fear in their final moments, to bring fear in the eyes of those who had to witness the atrocities, is unspeakable … the international community’s reluctance – even refusal – to condemn, or even acknowledge [Hamas atrocities] doesn’t just strike fear in the hearts of Israeli women, it strikes fear in the hearts of every woman and girl around the globe.”


It’s Obama’s Middle East Mess   Forwarded with introduction by Bill Narvey

Those of us who follow American politics, especially as it concerns Israel, if we didn’t realize it before Obama’s election to be President of the U.S., we certainly began to understand it soon after he came into the WH that he was not quite the pro-American president most Americans thought he was.

 In June 2009, Obama traveled to Cairo, Europe, and the United Nations to “apologize” for past American actions and attitudes, which he claimed helped create divisions between countries. Critics quickly dubbed it his “apology tour.”   It was during his infamous apology tour that he revealed albeit unwittingly I suppose that he was not completely in touch with American values, pride and patriotism.  Obama made a number of “apology” tours thereafter as well as just statements to that effect.

 American Jews certainly soon thereafter learned Obama was not and would not be the kind of solid pro-Israel president they thought he would be.

 In July 2009, at a closed meeting between Obama and select Jewish leaders (excluding ZOA and other conservative Jewish leaders) Obama advised them that he wanted to put daylight between America and Israel.  Indeed, that is what he began to do including often showing contempt for then PM Netanyahu and at times with his words and deeds stabbing Israel in the back.

Obama’s left wing ideological personal and world view, some would say close to radical left wing view, also became increasingly apparent.

 Below is the full text of Sean Durn’s article in the Washington Examiner that makes a solid case that the great problems in the Middle East that the West now has to deal with are of Obama’s making and it is getting worse under Biden who is doubling down on Obama’s efforts to appease Iran which only weakens America in the eyes of America’s enemies and America’s enemies are emboldened accordingly to attack America and harm her best interests.

 That case includes that Obama set the stage for empowering Iran and better financing its terrorist proxy business  to the prejudice of not only Israel, but  Arab States as well and Biden’s policies to emulate Obama’s have made things much worse.

 That “worse” includes Iran’s direct role in financing, planning and training Hamas to launch its evil terrorist attack on innocent Israelis on October 7th, a day that will live in infamy and the counter offensive response of Israel to destroy Hamas entirely.

 All so called innocent Gazan Palestinians maimed or killed by the IDF are ALL ON HAMAS’ HEAD for they have against all international law have committed war crimes and crimes against humanity by using non-combatant Palestinians as their human shields.

It’s Obama’s Middle East mess

It’s Obama’s Middle East mess    by Sean Durns  | Washington Examiner

November 17, 2023 06:15 AM


The war against Hamas should bring with it a paradigm shift   Howard Rotberg

For far too long, Zionism has been stuck in a defensive mode.  Op-ed.

Dec 9, 2023, 11:09 PM (GMT+2) – Watching the protests in American and Canadian and European cities where predominantly young people call for a genocide of the Jews in Israel – “From the river to the sea, Palestine shall be free” – one is struck by some important facts.

First, a lot of the protests are in universities and while Antifa and other anti-liberal groups participate, one can assume that the protesters have a high representation among Muslims and/or university students. Looking at the female protestors, anywhere from 50% to 75% are wearing hijabs.

Second, university professors, mainly in Middle Eastern studies and gender and diversity studies, are indoctrinating their students to hate Israel and Jews everywhere.

Third, while many may be in a country on student or other temporary visas, looking at the population figures for Muslims in the West, they are a growing presence and a growing influence. Surely if we allow people with vile opinions into the country, we must be prepared to live with the consequences once they assume elected office.

Third, this growing influence can be seen in American Muslim areas like Dearborn, Michigan and Minneapolis, Minnesota..


“We’ve Never Had Bribes At This Level”: Giuliani On The Biden Impeachment Inquiry  [11:30]


Hunter Indicted AGAIN! Also–Judicial Watch VICTORY–DC Cleans Election Rolls!   Tom Fitton Judicial Watch    Dec. 8, 2023


[Reposting]  TUCKER: The Alex Jones Interview   [1:31:50:  2:46 Alex Jones predictions; 15:07 De-platforming; 21:59 Dividing us on race; 25:37 The border; 28:09 Austin; 32:12 New;  World Order; 42:09 Brian Stelter demon video; 50:57 Depopulation; 1:07:51 Food; 1:13:51 Whiskey; 1:16:22 Presidential election ]  6:00 PM · Dec 7, 2023

[Ed.:  One good method of getting to see this very informative interviews, is to watch it in short sittings of 10-15 minutes each.  I got to watch the whole thing between two sundowns It’s an important interview.]


Leo Hohmann: Enjoy this Christmas Season — It May Be the Last One We Have to Celebrate in ‘Normal’ Times — WEF Warns 2024 Likely to Bring ‘Cataclysmic’ Changes   By  Leo Hohmann

Dec. 9, 2023 4:00 pm – World War III, cyber-attacks, and economic meltdowns could change life forever; all three scenarios are simmering and ready to explode.

Chanukah is underway and Christmas is just a couple of weeks off. Another year will go by the wayside.

As we approach December 31, you will hear people chirping on social media that they are glad such a bad year is fading into the rearview mirror and how much they are looking forward to brighter times in 2024.

These people are not awake. Don’t get lulled into their fantasyland.

It’s more likely that we will look back on 2024 as perhaps the last year in which we enjoyed a somewhat normal life here in America, still perched atop the global order and enjoying all the benefits of that status. Our dollars still buy food for our Christmas table and energy to heat our homes, even if it’s more expensive than in previous years.

With the world’s superpowers remaining at loggerheads as to how we move forward into a new era marked by artificial intelligence and digital currencies, we can count on being moved closer to World War III next year, if not fully embroiled in it. And living through war and economic upheaval is never easy.

The Luciferian globalist elites have done their best to lay hints of what they plan to hit us with next in their list of conjured-up crises. They talk a lot about cyber attacks.

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About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.