Syria: A Choice Between Evil and Evil   [34:49]   Caroline Glick

46,406 views  Premiered Dec 11, 2024  JNS TV | The Caroline Glick Show

A new front has opened up on Israel’s borders as Islamic jihadists have taken over Syria and vow to “march to Jerusalem.” What does this mean for the Jewish state and what should be its next steps?

Also, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu begins his trial. Can he run the war against Israel’s enemies effectively during this time, and what is really behind the charges being brought?


Trump’s Surprising Speech to Muslims  [0:59]

4,783,198 views • Nov 2, 2024

This is an example of true leadership, speaking the truth in the presence of the Muslim world. He wasn’t abrasive or offensive, but spoke deliberately and confidently to get the Muslim leaders to listen.

In this video, we take a look at President Donald Trump’s speech to the Muslim world. This speech was a powerful display of solidarity and courage, and it’s sure to move you. President Donald Trump delivered a powerful speech to the Muslim world, captions added.

[Ed.:  Trump says it softly, but what he is saying in other words is: no more of this killing infidels because it’s your ‘religion’ shit! We are no longer applying ‘Freedom of Religion’ to Islam, because killing infidels is antithical to, and against God, our Creator.  You are not a religion and no longer are considered one of the world’s “Three Great Religions.” The only result of Islam is the death of innocents.  So from now on, it will not be tolerated and you’re out!  – Donald Trump, the people of America, who he leads, and billions of others throughout the planet). See Caroline Glick’s elaboration of this here.



Is the Undemocratic party ever going to figure out why they’re in the political wilderness?   D PARKER

The election aftermath is not only fracturing the left, but it also highlights its fundamental frauds.

DEC 12, 2024

Winning is the gift that keeps on giving. It’s not just that we saved the country from the ravages of the fascist far left, conserved the Bill of Rights, and turned the tide away from totalitarianism. But it also reveals basic truths about the two sides of the political spectrum. It’s also fostering a massive political realignment that will likely see the diminishment of the far left to a minuscule fringe party that will serve as a warning to future generations against ever handing them any power.

It’s always good to remind people that fascism is far-left, as is every other collectivist ideology, because leftists are masters at lying with language as they continually work to confuse the logical arrangement of ideologies on the political spectrum.

The far left has always been the home of the force of authoritarianism, because it’s simply the only way that collectivist ideologies can work. This is contrasted with the freedom-based far-right end of the scale, imbued with the precepts of individualism. The spectrum begins with the far-right freedom ideologies of anarchism, libertarianism, and then conservatism in the middle of the spectrum. In contrast, the opposite end has the authoritarian, force-based ideologies of communism, fascism, and socialism of the far left. These basic truths show why the left has to lie and always confuse the situation, with absurd assertions that a national socialist party would somehow be “far-right.” Because no one would support a political movement founded in force, as is the far left.

One of the far left’s fundamental ways of doing this is to lie with language and virtually banish certain words while over-emphasizing others to alter reality. For example:

PBS staff used 162 variations of “far right” labels and only six “far left” labels, an astounding ratio of 27 to 1.

PBS staff also used mere “right-wing” and “left-wing” labels at a disparity of 33 to 6. So overall, the labeling disparity was 195 to 12. …

Even that stark 27:1 ratio understates the full extent of the slant. “Right” labels were often targeted at specific people or groups and conveyed a sense of menace. The rare “left” labels were often merely quotes from the Republican campaign trail or amorphous descriptions that lacked the specificity or warning connotation of the right labels, or were loaded with caveats.

The intent is an almost constant subliminal campaign to make it seem as though the left is one amorphous political entity that represents most of the people, whereas the pro-freedom side of the political spectrum is a small fringe minority.

This is a reference to one of the left’s biggest lies — a falsehood that has been eviscerated in recent years and is at best running on fumes at this point. But that hasn’t stopped the left from using it.

The aftermath of the election has taken much of the usual drudgery out of looking in at what the lefties are doing these days. It’s become an exercise worthy of the adjective schadenfroh, given their projection — accusations over the past few months. Given that they certainly weren’t shy about hurling ahistorical accusations that we were somehow a national party of socialists, garbage, or that President Trump was comparable to a collectivist, genocidal maniac and the Original Social Justice Warrior.

The big problem for the left these days is that their infighting and squabbling over why they are losing is showing massive cracks in their monolithic façade. They supposedly represent everyone from the authoritarians of the far left to moderates in the middle. Media manipulation and cancel culture used to keep many in the middle in line, but that’s no longer the case. Now the fascist far left is desperately trying to maintain their monolithic coalition with the virtual equivalent of duct tape and bailing wire, but the nation’s socialist media has lost its influence, and cancel culture falls apart when its purveyors are out of power.

So now it’s becoming downright fun to watch them in circular firing squad mode, with some in their cabal attacking the far left, such as this Common Sense Democrat manifesto from Matthew Yglesias:

Most elected Democrats are not, themselves, actually that far left, and when faced with acute electoral peril, they swiftly ditch ideas like defund the police or openness to unlimited asylum claims.

Or this piece recently from The Hill:

There is more to lose than there is to gain politically from pandering to a far left that is more representative of Twitter, Twitch, and TikTok than it is of the real world. The working class is not buying the ivory-towered nonsense that the far left is selling.”

Meanwhile, the fascists of the far left are firing back.

A group of liberal intellectuals is revising history to explain Harris’ loss — and avoiding reckoning with the party’s economic blindspot.

Notice that they are targeting liberal intellectuals, highlighting the point that Dennis Prager has made many a time — as we have as well — that it’s vitally important to distinguish between leftists and liberals.

Then there is this: “Did Democrats Run Too Far to the Left?

Democrats did run into trouble by going left on the range of “woke” themes. …

For a strong rendition of the pocketbook left, we can look to Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders. As Sanders put it the day after the election, “It should come as no great surprise that a Democratic Party which has abandoned working class people would find that the working class has abandoned them.”

That last line from the wealthy millionaire, and owner of three houses, highlights the fact that leftists are complete frauds, and even worse for them is that everyone knows this. Consider this stunning admission from Ken Martin, a candidate for DNC chair:

“The majority of Americans now believe the Republican Party best represents the interests of the working class and the poor, and the Democratic Party is the party of the wealthy and the elites. It’s a damning indictment on our party brand,” the memo reads.

Remember that leftists down through the centuries have always presented and prided themselves as the party of the “proletariat,” and here’s an open admission that they’re the bourgeoisie. The people are seeing through the lies and the incessant fraud.

All of this means that the left is falling apart, with pro-liberty people leaving because they’ve had enough. The fascist far left’s fundamental frauds are showing why they shouldn’t be anything more than a fringe political minority.

Originally published on the American Thinker


President Trump, Beware of the Syrian Volcano   Ambassador (ret.) Yoram Ettinger

December 10, 2024

*The unpredictable eruption of the Syrian volcano – which could emit molten lava well beyond Syria and the Middle East – sheds light on the following 1,400-year-old features of the radical/fundamentalist segment of the complicated, brutal and frustrating inter Arab/Moslem reality, which are currently menacing every pro-US Arab regime:

<Violent unpredictability;
<Ruthless despotism;
<Tenuous/shifty regimes, and therefore tenuous policies and accords;
<Violent clannish, ethnic, religious and ideological fragmentation, yielding a volatile balance of power;
<Superiority of local – over national – loyalty;
<Fanatical ideologies – which mandates destruction of enemies/rivals – transcend financial benefits and diplomatic agreements;
<Fanatical ideologies defy peaceful coexistence;
<Fanatical ideologies are enshrined in mosque sermons and school textbooks;
<Ideology – not despair – driven terrorism against “apostates” and “infidels.”
<Aiming to bring the “infidel” West to Islam or to submission.
<Western gestures perceived as weakness, whetting terrorists’ appetite;
<Dissimulation employed to mislead and overcome the “infidel” West;
<Deal-making as a means to advance fanatical ideology, not peaceful coexistence.

*Against the backdrop of these Middle East features, and Israel’s pre-1967 9-15 mile waistline, Israel’s defensible borders must not be based on a state-of-peace, but rather be capable of withstanding unpredictable eruptions of lava (e.g., an abrupt military violation of a state-of-peace, or a recurrence of the October 7 horrific terrorism on three fronts). Israel’s defensible borders should be able to withstand the worst-case – not the best-case – scenarios in the most violent region in the world.

*The eruption of the Syrian volcano, and the victory of Islamic terrorists, will impact regional stability, emboldening epicenters of global Islamic terrorism, and undermining the stability of all pro-US Arab regimes and homeland security in Europe and the USA. The impact of the fall of the Assad regime may resemble the impact of the fall of the central regimes in Iraq (2003), Libya (2011) and Yemen (2010 and before), which transformed these countries into a chaotic arena of civil wars and global Sunni (e.g., Al Qaeda, ISIS, the Moslem Brotherhood) and Shiite (e.g., Iran’s Ayatollahs) terrorism.

*The toppling of the pro-US Hashemite regime in Jordan – which is perceived by Syria to be its southern province – is high on the agenda of the Islamic terrorists, who toppled the Assad regime, and are committed to liberate (at least) the Levant, which includes Jordan, Lebanon, Israel, Hatay in Turkey and Cyprus. The Islamic terrorists’ success in Syria is bolstering the on-going effort to oust the Hashemites, which is led by Iran’s Ayatollahs, as well as by ISIS and Al Qaeda-affiliated Islamic terrorists, the Moslem Brotherhood and Palestinian terror organizations. The downfall of the pro-US Hashemites would transform Jordan into another platform of Islamic terrorism, posing a clear and present threat to the Pro-US Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Kuwait and Oman, as well as Israel, energizing global terrorism, jeopardizing Europe-Asia trade and – potentially – awarding control over 48% of global oil reserves to anti-Western Shiite and Sunni terrorists.

*Some Western policy makers have been impressed by the Dr. Jekyll-like  talk, expressed by Mr. Hyde-like Islamic terrorists, who effectively leverage the Islamic art of “Taqqiya” (dissimulation). These terrorists follow in the footsteps of Bashar Assad, whose soft rhetoric induced then Senator John Kerry to suggest that Bashar Assad was a partner in stabilizing the region. They also imitate Yemen’s Houthi terrorists, who overwhelmed US diplomats with moderate statements in the aftermath of the 2020 Presidential election, which led to their delisting from the US list of terror organizations in February 2021 by Tony Blinken, the incoming Secretary of State.  The Syria-based Islamic terrorists have also adopted the tactics of Ayatollah Khomeini, who flooded President Carter with moderate messages from his exile in Paris, in order to induce the US President to pressure the Iranian military (which was loyal to the Shah) to refrain from undermining the toppling of the pro-US Shah by the anti-US Khomeini. President Carter took the bait, facilitating the rise of the Ayatollahs to power. However, contrary to his commitments, Khomeini executed a significant number of pro-US military leaders, and proceeded to take over the US Embassy, holding 50 Americans hostage for 444 days, and transforming Iran from “The US Policeman of the Gulf” to the leading epicenter of anti-US terrorism, drug trafficking, money laundering and the proliferation of advanced military systems.

*This was one of several milestones, which have demonstrated that terrorists bite the hand that feeds them.

*A prerequisite for ending/minimizing terror and war – which is President Trump’s arch goal – is the elimination of the head of the poisonous octopus in Tehran. Negotiation with Iran’s Ayatollahs accords legitimacy to a ruthless, oppressive, terroristic regime. Any agreement concluded with – and any sanctions levied on – the Ayatollahs are reversible, as was demonstrated by Presidents Trump in 2018 (withdrawing from the JCPOA) and Biden in 2021 (suspending severe sanctions), and will not induce the Ayatollahs to abandon their anti-US rogue vision.

*Prof. P.J. Vatikiotis (Arab and Regional Politics in the Middle East), who was – along with Professors Elie Kedourie and Bernard Lewis – a game-changing historian of the Middle East sheds light on Middle East reality, warning Western policy makers against addiction to a self-destructive alternate reality:

“The present political map of the Arab Middle East may not be a permanent one (p. 94)…. Inter-Arab relations cannot be placed on a spectrum of linear development, moving from hell to paradise or vice versa.  Rather, their course is partly cyclical, partly jerkily spiral, and always resting occasionally at some ‘grey’ area. American choices must be made on the assumption that what the Arabs want or desire is not always – if ever – what Americans desire.  In fact, the two desires may be diametrically opposed and radically different (p. 115)…. Even without the Arab-Israel conflict, the Arab Middle East would have been a conflict-ridden and conflict-generating area (p. 77)…. Islam remained a source of legitimacy for all power.  Other man-made institutions were secondary (p. 136)…. In practice, there has been no single or uniform Islamic understanding or explanation of phenomena (p. 137)…. No government or regime in power believes in, or allows for, the idea of an alternative government.  It holds power until it is overthrown by a successful conspiracy, by subversion (p. 141)….”

*In order to avoid the systematic failure of the State Department’s Middle East policy, President Trump is advised to benefit from the experience of the late Prof. Vatikiotis, and refrain from subordinating Middle East reality – as frustrating as it is – to a more convenient alternate reality.

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This is the first time Jihadists have defeated a regime by force   Giulio Meotti

The new Syria will be no better than Afghanistan, it will take some time and the jihadist rebels will start applying Sharia – and who knows what else they have planned.  Opinion.

Dec 12, 2024, 1:23 PM (GMT+2)  Israel National NewsOn April 17, 1975, Sven-Oskar Ruhmen of the leading Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet was in Phnom Penh, the capital of Cambodia. He described the arrival of the Khmer Rouge in the city as follows: “For a Swedish spectator, it was an extraordinary spectacle. Personally, I have never seen a more beautiful scene. I felt happy and relieved and could not help but cry at what I saw.”

On April 17, the first Khmer Rouge appeared on Phnom Penh’s Monivong Boulevard and responded with smiles to the greetings of the citizens, accepted the hugs of the children, and seemed to want to dispel the ghosts of the fratricidal war forever. But it was an illusion, a cruel deception. And so, almost immediately, trepidation and fear descended on the “liberated” capital of Cambodia. A few days later, Pol Pot announced: “The Year Zero begins. The past no longer exists”.

1.7 million dead, a fifth of the Cambodian population.

In April 1975, the European press celebrated the popular enthusiasm that accompanied the entry of the Khmer Rouge into Phnom Penh and the daily newspaper Libération headlined: “Seven days of celebration for a liberation”.

It was the time when “Paris loved the Khmer Rouge”.

Sent as a priest to Cambodia in 1965, François Ponchaud was one of the first to reveal to the world the extent of the crimes perpetrated by the communist Khmer Rouge regime and recounts: “I remember the Steinbachs, pure and hard communist intellectuals who worked in Phnom Penh for the French Ministry of Cooperation. They were very happy! Dressed as Khmer Rouge, with a Mao cap on their heads and a krama around their necks, they were waiting for the revolutionaries at Phnom Penh University. As soon as they saw them arrive, they told them: ‘We are with you, we are your brothers…’”.

Again on August 12, 1978, with the genocide well underway, a Swedish delegation arrived in Phnom Penh and saw flower gardens where there were fields of skeletons. Peter Frober Idling tells the story in “Pol Pot’s Smile”. The Swedish delegation was led by Jan Myrdal, one of the most influential Swedish intellectuals of the time, son of Nobel Prize winners Alva and Gunnar Myrdal. Useful Idiots in Cambodia also came from the United States.

February 1, 1979. The Air France Boeing 747 leaves Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris. On board, 120 international journalists and Ayatollah Khomeini. Journalist Peter Jennings asked the Ayatollah how he felt about returning to Iran after fifteen years. Khomeini replied: “Nothing.” At 9:30 in the morning, Khomeini arrived in Iran and was welcomed by millions of Iranians. Iranologist Richard Cottam of the Washington Post called Khomeini “moderate and centrist,” a hermit who was not interested in power but who would retreat to the holy city of Qom once the Shah was defeated. Libération, the left-wing newspaper, headlined: “Victorious insurrection in Tehran.”

The destructive nature of the Islamic revolution was underestimated from the beginning. US President Jimmy Carter saw Khomeini as a sort of Gandhi, while post-structuralist philosopher Michel Foucault saw the Islamic revolution as a “spiritual alternative” to modernity. Attracted by the allure of evil, Foucault wanted to recognize a superior political morality in Islamism.

The rest is history.

August 15, 2021. The Taliban enter Kabul. Allah’s militiamen promise an “inclusive” government for all. Three years later, women have been completely erased from the face of the earth in the first “gender apartheid”.

We just saw similar scenes from Damascus. Hayat Tahrir al-Sham leader Abu Mohammed al-Golani (real name Ahmed al-Sharaa) arrives in Damascus after the “liberation,” the capture of the Syrian capital. He prostrated himself and kissed the ground in front of the famous Umayyad mosque. The fall of Bashar al-Assad’s regime is “a victory for the Islamic nation.” His men are already announcing that they will also liberate Jerusalem. For the first time, a Jihadi army defeated an Arab regime by force.

Bashar al-Assad was a ruthless dictator with a ridiculous garage of luxury cars and a worthy heir to his father Hafez, whose original surname was not el-Assad (“the lion”) but “al-Hawch” (the wild beast). Nomen omen, the Romans said, the name is an omen, and the Assad family had earned it.

But as for what will follow, I don’t trust the press releases.

We are moving, explains Myriam Benraad in L’Express, towards an “Islamic dictatorship”. It is no coincidence that in a 2021 interview with Frontline (an authoritative program on the American public network PBS) al Golani cannot help but praise sharia, calling it a guarantee of “immense goodness, justice and social solution”.

There is no doubt that, even if a Sharia emirate were to emerge from Syria, Europe would recognize it.

The UN has already announced today that it will remove jihadists from the terrorist blacklist.

Muhammad Al Bashir, who is in charge of forming the new government in Syria, studied Sharia at the University of Idlib and was a Sharia teacher, as well as director of Islamic education for the opposition government in Idlib. The new Syria will not be better than Afghanistan, it will take some time and then the Muslims will start applying Sharia.

At the time of the overthrow of the monarchy in Iran, the ayatollahs said that there would be no impositions on women’s clothing. We know how that turned out. The Taliban promised when the West withdrew that women’s rights would not be touched. We know how that turned out. Now the Syrian jihadists are circling the foolish Westerners. In a few months, maybe even before, they will show their true colors.

In a grotesque article by David D. Kirkpatrick published on February 18, 2011, the New York Times even depicted the spiritual leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, the antisemite who also wanted to conquer Rome, Yusuf Qaradawi, as someone “committed to pluralism and democracy.” Kirkpatrick also wrote that “scholars who have examined his work say Sheikh al Qaradawi has always argued that Islamic law supports the idea of a pluralist, multiparty civil democracy.”

When will they ever learn? They will never learn.

We are tourists in the heart of darkness: we know nothing and we learn nothing. We have no idea who has just taken power in Damascus. I fear that a ferocious Caliphate is being built and that the short Arab autumn will soon turn into an everlasting Islamic winter.


The puppet masters   TIERNEY’S REAL NEWS

DEC 11, 2024 – Many people have asked me to explain who I think are the puppet masters behind all the chaos in the world. Many think they know but can’t really articulate it for their friends. Many point their fingers to one group or another – but it’s much much more complicated than that.

Here’s a simplified version that I hope helps you understand. I’m going to use the Ukraine war to illustrate who they are and how this works. I’ve included dozens of links (in red) to articles that I’ve written in the past to explain in-depth some of the topics I’m covering. I hope you take the time to read them all on my website.

I have spent the last 9 years studying and researching this topic so that I can understand it enough to explain it to others. It’s hard to really grasp an issue through bits and pieces – this is an attempt to give you the bigger picture in less than 10 minutes.

The Ukraine war NEVER should have happened. Trump has said that many times. Most recent wars should have never happened. Why? These wars are forced on the world by the globalist puppet masters.

The Russians tried repeatedly to settle the Ukraine war on terms that were very beneficial to Ukraine and the US. The US, under Obama-Biden-Harris, refused.

The major thing that Russia wanted was for the US to keep NATO out of the Ukraine.

The big military contractors, like Raytheon, Northrup Grumman, General Dynamics, Boeing & Lockheed Martin, want to keeping adding new countries to NATO all the time. Look how much NATO has grown since 1949. Why is this necessary? It’s NOT.

New NATO countries are required to conform their military purchases to NATO weapon specifications and the military contractors get to control a NEW trapped market. The New World Order wants to expand NATO to give the defense contractors – which they own – a MONOPOLY. NATO is another CIA-controlled operation.

The New World Order wants to control monopolies in ALL industries – banking, media, healthcare, technology, AI, defense, currency, food, energy, etc. and keep nations under control with debt slavery. Remember – that is their goal. They will remove anyone who stands in their way.

Since March of 2022, the United States, under Obama-Biden-Harris, has committed over $100 BILLION to Ukraine – that’s enough money to build a house for every homeless person in America. Why? Most of that money won’t go to Ukraine – it will go to NWO-owned multi-national corporations and the donors and politicians and hedge funds behind Obama-Biden-Harris! It’s basically one big GLOBALIST money laundering scheme.

I wrote about that in 2019 – about how many politicians in both parties invest in all these money laundering schemes – which is nothing more than stealing blood and treasure from the people – and profit from them.

Romney, Kerry, Biden, McCain, Pelosi, Schiff, Mueller, Soros, Brennan, Obama and Clinton are all tied to sketchy Ukraine money laundering deals. That’s why they needed to take down President Trump.

Continue reading

[Ed.:  Peg Tierney is truly great.]


Deep State Showdown: The Fight for Freedom in the USA and Israel   [23:19]   Avi Abelow

Dec 4, 2024Israel is experiencing a crazy period with the Attorney General’s office and secret service performing over-the-top actions against various law enforcement officials and patriotic soldiers.

With each day, more and more people in Israel are learning about the existence of a deep state.

You do not want to miss the similarities, and even connection, between the deep state in the US that President Trump is aiming to dismantle, and the deep state in Israel that a growing population of Israelis want Netanyahu to dismantle as well.


Netanyahu: “I Told You Something is Coming & Now it’s Here…”  [12:21]   Aryeh Weinstein

Dec 10, 2024 – Netanyahu gives his promise that the Golan Heights will Always be apart of Israel after Syrian Regime has been taken over.


Shocking New Details Emerge About Trump’s Would-Be Assassin   THE VIGILANT FOX

Something isn’t adding up here.

DEC 10, 2024New court filings reveal that Trump’s would-be assassin had 4,000 terabytes of data capacity in his possession. “That’s the equivalent of 16,000 iPhones.”

Ryan Routh was in possession of “at least 18 cell phones, three computers, three tablets, five external storage drives, and an unknown number of online accounts,” Fox News’ Jesse Watters reported.

This raises the question: Why does one person, supposedly acting alone and in financial trouble, need tens of thousands of dollars’ worth (at minimum) of storage space? Something isn’t adding up here.



IDF Major General Gershon Hacohen says what is next for Syria – December 10 IDSF Daily Briefing   [25:29]

IDSF – Israel’s Defense and Security Forum

Dec 10, 2024  IDSF Daily War Briefing

In today’s briefing, Major General Res. Gershon Hacohen talks about the downfall of the Assad regime in Syria and how it relates to the bigger picture of conflict in the  Middle East.  He uses his vast experience of leading Israel in war, most notably on the Syria and Egypt fronts, to reflect on the psychological and spiritual components of warfare in general and the fight of the Jewish people in the Land of Israel.l



SYRIA’S DOWNFALL: What Must Israel Do?  [30:03]   Jonathan Pollard

December 10, 2024  Machon Shilo – Discussion between the head of Machon Shilo Rabbi David Bar-Hayim & Jewish hero Jonathan Pollard


Sebastian Gorka reveals the secret to understanding President Trump  [38:34]    Caroline Glick

December 10, 2024  JNS TV – The Caroline Glick Show

While the talking heads overcomplicate President Trump and his intentions, Sebastian Gorka reveals some straightforward ways to know what to expect after the inauguration. Most importantly, Trump’s incoming counter-terrorism chief assures us that we’re in good hands with America’s favorite patriot at the helm leading the fight for Western civilization. Learn how Gorka envisions Trump’s second term; his view on the battle against global embedded elites; waking up from the two-state delusion; Israel’s future; Assad’s dramatic fall; and President Trump’s love for America.

[Ed.:  Amazing.]



DEC 10, 2024

Right after the United Healthcare CEO was assassinated in cold blood – I wrote a newsletter predicting that they would trot out a patsy to take the fall for this Deep State hit job. If you haven’t read that yet – you can find it here.

Another Deep State hit job   TIERNEY’S REAL NEWS  DEC 4

The CEO of United Healthcare was executed in cold blood by a professional hit man this morning, with a silencer, outside a hotel in Manhattan.  Read full story

It looks like that is exactly what they’ve done. Yesterday, they arrested a young man for the murder named Luigi Mangione. I am working on an in-depth step-by-step analysis of this farce – but until then – this is the story they want you to believe:
Killer is Luigi Mangione, Ivy League grad with degrees in comp science, avid reader and active contributor on GitHub.

He has a 130+ IQ but he took off his mask at a Starbucks to flirt with an employee, then an hour later went and calmly killed the CEO of a major healthcare company, rode away on a bike and took a bus to Atlanta.

A week later goes to a local McDonalds where he brings the murder weapon, the fake ID he used to check into a hotel, and a written manifesto on how horrible the American healthcare system is. He somehow gets identified by the cashier after he sits down.

He works on his laptop until police come inside the McDonald’s, sitting there with a ghost gun and suppressor he made himself.

When he’s arrested – he’s so scared that he pees his pants – but this is the same “professional shooter” that calmly racked his silenced gun four times to murder the CEO in cold blood before calmly walking away? Right.

Remember – the Parkland shooter was “found” at McDonald’s too – and scared to death. Later we learned he was autistic and had the mind of a 3rd grader.
The accused CEO killer Luigi Mangione had quite an interest in neuroscience and asperger’s and suffered a really bad accident and had spinal surgery not long ago.
This is another potential CIA MK Ultra situation on an otherwise vulnerable individual. This seems to be the pattern. These things don’t just “happen.”
The Batman shooter was also a computer science major. Thomas Crooks (the first Trump assassin) was also big into computer programming as well. Definitely getting possible MK ULTRA vibes with all of these.
Oh, and they are ALL from Hawaii – spook central – and they all worked at a rehab-nursing home. That’s another clue that they are all connected to MK ULTRA. Someone call Netflix, this script writes itself. Oh, and he was also a cousin of a Republican politician and connected to Mayorkas!
He was found with the gun, the suppressor, the numerous false IDs and a three-page note confessing, he appreciates the Feds, and he acted alone, so you don’t have to investigate. Hmmm.

Sorry – but these are all different people!

LOOMER: Thompson was being investigated by the Obama-Biden DOJ and nobody is talking about that – it seems they want us to focus on the shooter instead. Why?

Luigi Mangione was just charged with the m*rder of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson.

Continue reading


Chaos in Syria: Who’s in control & what’s next after Assad?  [30:09]   Josh Hasten

December 9, 2024  JNS TV  – The drama in Syria continues to unravel and we’re here to cover it all! Join Jerusalem Minute for an in-depth analysis of the latest news of Syria and how it affects Israel. We’ll discuss Israel’s perspective and how President Trump will likely handle the situation. Also, there are new developments in hostage negotiations; Iran is suddenly nowhere to be found; Israel creates a buffer zone; and mixed signals from Saudi Arabia.



Jonathan Pollard: Impending Hostage Deal & the War in Gaza  [38:47]

Dec 9, 2024  Machon Shilo – Discussion between the head of Machon Shilo Rabbi David Bar-Hayim & Jewish hero Jonathan Pollard

[Ed.:  Amen!


In Syria, be careful what you wish for: Sharia law and new wave of refugees is more likely than ‘democracy’ following fall of Assad and U.S. meddling   LEO HOHMANN

Why, exactly, did Washington back Sunni rebels taking down Assad, and if Washington wants a Turkish-backed Sunni Muslim caliphate in Syria, should we as Christians cheer Washington getting its way?

DEC 09, 2024

All of those in the West celebrating the fall of the Assad regime in Syria had better be careful what they wish for.

I’ve heard some awfully dumb statements coming from conservative circles in recent days about the “stunning” nine-day collapse of Syria. It’s not so stunning when you learn that the American CIA had been planning the offensive for months with the full support of its NATO ally Turkey.

One prominent regular guest commentator on Fox News has come out and said both sides in the Syrian Civil War are made up of really bad buys, but that he was hoping the coalition of “rebels” which include the former El Nusra, al-Qaida and other Sunni Muslim terrorists would win. Why? Because they’re against Russia and Iran, whom he fears more.

But even that nonsense pales in comparison to some of the other chatter out there in conservative and even Christian circles, where I’m hearing it said that there is “hope” now for a democratically elected constitutional republic to emerge in Syria. Where is there another example of such a government — of, by and for the people — anywhere in the Middle East? I would actually go further and say I don’t see a government anywhere on Earth right now that reflects those vaunted principles.

Let’s face it: The U.S. didn’t support the rebels who overran Syria because they thought Assad was too brutal of a dictator. They supported them because it was yet another way to deal a black eye to Russia.

Instead of Russia and Iran running the show in Syria, now we face the very real possibility that Russia and Iran will be replaced with Turkey and the Muslim Brotherhood.

But, however unjustified, the celebrations continue here in America in certain Christian and conservative circles. Yay, we beat Russia again! Score one for the good guys!

Even some of the most sincere Christian supporters of the state of Israel are celebrating the fall of Assad. However brutal of a dictator he was, at least Assad, being from the Alowite Shia sect, was one of the religious minorities in Syria. As such, he protected other minorities in the country, which includes Christians.

Now, with the Sunnis in control of the country, we should expect nothing other than oppression, if not open slaughter, of Syrian Christians. That’s what Sunni Muslim regimes always do when empowered. That’s their history. Read the works of historian Raymond Ibrahim and you will get acquainted with this history. A good place to start would be to study the history of the Ottoman Empire and what they did to the Armenian Christians.

For a peek at who HTS and its comrades really are, take a look at this 3-minute video, where they say openly that their next goal is to take over Jerusalem.

The West and Israel are playing with fire. They think they can use one portion of Islam to punish the other portion. They think the portion backed by Iran is “more evil” than the portion backed by Turkey. I fear they are in for a rude awakening.

Watch the video below for a sneak peek at exactly the type of folks we are talking about here. These Islamist rebels are filmed celebrating the taking of Damascus by promising that it’s just the start and that they will take Jerusalem next to free all the Gazans.


If the West thinks Iran was the biggest threat to the Middle East, and Assad was the nastiest brutal dictator, they are about to learn what real brutality looks like.

The American Russophobc mentality has served as a blinder to those who conduct U.S. foreign policy. We could have made peace with Russia after the Cold War. Instead, we expanded NATO right up to the edge of Russia’s border and placed Western troops and weapons in those former Soviet-bloc countries. Then we militarized Ukraine, placing more sophisticated missile systems there, and told Ukraine it was OK to fire them into Russia proper. Imagine if Russia had done that in Mexico? Trained Mexicans to fight Americans, then sent them super-sophisticated missile systems and told them to go ahead and start firing them into Texas. How would the American government react to that. Oh, but it gets worse. In our hypothetical scenario, when the American government finally gets tired of being attacked by Mexicans armed with Russian weapons, we invade Mexico to stop it, only to be called a perpetrator of “naked aggression” by the Russian government and its media propagandists.

How would that work out?

I think you know what would happen. It would be tantamount to a declaration of war by Russia on America and World War III would ensue.

That, my friends, is what’s going on, only in reverse. And that is why we are now engaged in World War III. Syria is just the latest salvo in the Third World War. Don’t expect it to be the last, because now we are in a tit-for-tat escalation.

Pray for peace. Prepare for war.


Trump Meets the Press   TIERNEY’S REAL NEWS

DEC 08, 2024 – President Trump gave an interview to liberal Kristin Welker on Meet the Press (NBC) where he said many things that have never been reported before that I think you need to hear. The fake news has been putting words in his mouth for months on many of these topics and now you can hear directly from him.

I know we all despise the spinners at NBC but this interview is worth your time. I put together an edited transcript.

This is an excellent interview that you can send to your liberal friends to educate them on how they’ve been lied to. I’ve written previously about many of the topics discussed in this interview so I provided links to those articles (in red) if you want to know more.

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Jew-Hunting: Open Season in the West   by Guy Millière
December 8, 2024 at 5:00 am  Gatestone Institute

  • “We have become the Gaza of Europe. I will NOT accept that. NEVER. The authorities will be held accountable for their failure to protect the Israeli citizens. Never again”. — Dutch MP Geert Wilders, X, November 8, 2024.
  • In Europe, saying that one is for the Palestinians has become the politically correct way of saying one loathes Israel and Jews.
  • So long as courageous politicians like Geert Wilders are pushed to the margins, the situation in Europe can only get worse. European political leaders are afraid of Muslim unrest and of losing potential votes. They have commensurately become increasingly anti-Israel. French President Emmanuel Macron urged completely stopping arms deliveries to Israel.
  • “Offering to negotiate with Islamic terrorists is a statement of weakness. Jihadists only offer to negotiate out of fear, weakness or to entrap us, and they assume we do the same thing. Nothing would ever convince them that we genuinely want to live in peace with them, or that we prefer alternatives to violence. So any time we offer to negotiate, they see it as weakness or a trick. If our diplomats ever understood this cultural reality, they would stop being baffled when the negotiations fall apart.” — Daniel Greenfield, Gatestone Institute, December 2, 2024.

November 7. Amsterdam. As soon as a soccer match between the Netherlands’ AFC Ajax, a Dutch soccer club, and Israel’s Maccabi Tel Aviv ends, Maccabi supporters who came from Israel and several European countries to attend the match, are attacked. Many are chased through the streets, beaten, thrown to the ground, punched, kicked, stabbed, and thrown into the icy water of the city’s canals. While the attackers shout anti-Semitic slurs, the victims, in an attempt to escape, shout back that they are not Jewish.

The attackers film what they do, then post the videos on social networks. Five Israelis are hospitalized; dozens of others, some wounded, lock themselves for hours in their hotel rooms. The Israeli government sends planes to rescue the Jews. A jihadi pogrom has just taken place in the city where Anne Frank and her family hid until they were turned over to the German occupiers and sent to death camps.

“This is a very dark moment for the city, for which I am deeply ashamed,” said Femke Halsema, Amsterdam’s “left wing” mayor.

“We must not look away from antisemitic behavior on our streets,” King Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands was even more explicit.

“History has taught us how intimidation goes from bad to worse, with horrific consequences. Jewish people must feel safe in the Netherlands, everywhere and at all times.”

“There is nothing, absolutely nothing to serve as an excuse for the deliberate search and hunting down of Jews,” stated Dutch Prime Minister Dick Schoof, also “left-wing”.

“We have become the Gaza of Europe,” said Dutch MP Geert Wilders.

“I will NOT accept that. NEVER. The authorities will be held accountable for their failure to protect the Israeli citizens. Never again.”

One of the victims wrote:

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Syria: Enemies Masquerading as Friends   by Amir Taheri
December 8, 2024 at 4:00 am  Gatestone Institute

  • [T]he use of the label “Levant” (Sham) puts a question mark in front of the “liberating force.” Using that medieval term instead of the word Syria, which jihadists have always regarded as alien because it was put in use under the French mandate, the group and its backers implicitly deny the existence of a Syrian nation-state.
  • Some in Turkish political circles regard the creation of “artificial states” after the fall of the Ottoman Empire as an act of revenge by Western powers against the Turkish caliphate, which for centuries had represented the Islamic challenge to Christendom’s goal of ruling the world.
  • In Erdogan’s view, that could reopen the Turkish claims, if not of sovereignty at least as having “special rights,” to parts of Iraq and Syria.
  • Denying the existence of a Syrian nation with full rights to statehood and territorial integrity poses a risk to the security and stability of the whole region.

Almost dormant for four years, last week the volcano of the Syrian uprising erupted with a vengeance. In four days, its lava covered the country’s second largest city Aleppo before moving towards central cities of Hama and Homs on its way to the capital Damascus.

The force that carried out the operation came under the label “Mission to Liberate the Levant” (Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham) but was quickly identified as a reincarnation of the Victory Front (Jabhat al-Nusra), which was the Syrian branch of al-Qaeda.

Whoever redesigned that force as a “new and improved product” wanted to achieve three goals.

The first was to transform it into something resembling a regular army with uniforms, high-quality arms and matériel, and plans for creating an administration in conquered areas.

The second aim was to distance itself from jihadism by claiming it will protect religious minorities and avoiding the usual blood-curdling jihadist rhetoric. Thirdly, it is marketed as an army of liberation whose primary aim is to drive out unspecified “foreign occupiers.”

Nevertheless, the use of the label “Levant” (Sham) puts a question mark in front of the “liberating force.” Using that medieval term instead of the word Syria, which jihadists have always regarded as alien because it was put in use under the French mandate, the group and its backers implicitly deny the existence of a Syrian nation-state.

Instead, they see a vast ungoverned land, which could be reshaped in a variety of ways, including the creation of several mini-states reflecting the current reality on the ground.

Over the past decade, Syria has been divided into several fiefdoms with Russia, Turkey, Iran, the United States, remnants of ISIS and the truncated Assad regime controlling patches of territory through local elements or imported mercenaries.

The idea of carving Syria into mini-states is most reflected in the Turkish media but also echoed elsewhere.

For the past two years, Turkey has made several moves in that direction, by forming an administration in areas under the control of its allies in Idlib and imposing the Turkish lira as the local currency.

It has also started “encouraging” some of the Syrian refugees in Turkey to return home, often as employees of Turkish businesses.

The capture of Aleppo by the “Levanter” force could enable Ankara to revive Turkish economic presence in the industrial heart of Syria.

Before the Syrian civil war started in 2011, more than 400 Turkish companies, including many small- and medium-sized businesses, were located in Aleppo, representing over $50 billion in direct investment, the country’s second-biggest venture after the one in Libya.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan may have another interest in seeing Syria redesigned as a galaxy of mini-states: the elimination of the Kurdish threat supported by the Syrian state under the Assad dynasty since the 1970s.

Some in Turkish political circles regard the creation of “artificial states” after the fall of the Ottoman Empire as an act of revenge by Western powers against the Turkish caliphate, which for centuries had represented the Islamic challenge to Christendom’s goal of ruling the world.

Erdogan has always seen the treaties imposed on the Republic of Turkey, especially the Treaty of Lausanne, as a humiliation. Next year marks the centenary of that treaty and its legal expiration, something that Erdogan has hinted at as an opportunity to “correct injustices done to Turkey.”

In Erdogan’s view, that could reopen the Turkish claims, if not of sovereignty at least as having “special rights,” to parts of Iraq and Syria.

By shattering the illusion of re-stabilizing Syria under Assad, this month’s events encourage those who regard Syria as an artificial state. Pro-Erdogan Turkish political circles, however, forget that all nation-states are artificial, because none fell from the skies fully shaped. The Republic of Turkey, created in 1924 is only 22 years older than the Syrian Arab Republic, which was born in 1946 at the end of the French mandate. Independent Iraq was born only eight years after the Republic of Turkey.

The argument that dividing the region into mini-states would reduce the risk of war is also unsustainable. One example is Gaza, which isn’t even a state.

Denying the existence of a Syrian nation with full rights to statehood and territorial integrity poses a risk to the security and stability of the whole region.

Anyone familiar with realities on the ground would know that while the term “Levant” (Sham) is an arcane shibboleth, the word Syria designates a national identity that none could deny.

This sense of “Syrianity” started to take shape soon after the fall of the Ottoman Empire. In a series of reportages about Syria under French mandate, the writer Joseph Kessel observed the emergence of “Syrian identity” in its earliest phases. In a different tone, the same reality is reflected in the 1951 Hollywood movie “Sirocco” which depicts the Syrian national liberation struggle against the French.

English novelist Agatha Christie observed the same reality in the 1930s when she spent two years in Raqqa with her archaeologist husband, Sir Max Mallowan. They arrived in Raqqa assuming Syria was a desert inhabited by Bedouin tribes in perpetual conflict and with no sense of belonging to a broader concept named Syria. She found that they had been wrong. The result was her book Come, Tell Me How You Live, a fascinating reportage on how Syria, a chunk of old empires, was morphing into a nation.

Those who deny the existence of the Syrian nation cannot masquerade as friends of Syria and advocates of stability in the Middle East.

Amir Taheri was the executive editor-in-chief of the daily Kayhan in Iran from 1972 to 1979. He has worked at or written for innumerable publications, published eleven books, and has been a columnist for Asharq Al-Awsat since 1987. He is the Chairman of Gatestone Europe.

This article originally appeared in Asharq Al-Awsat and is reprinted with some changes by kind permission of the author.


Western humanitarians: the Islamist avatar   Giulio Meotti

Khan has transformed the Court into an Islamist instrument used to wage a judicial war against non-Muslims on behalf of the Umma. And now Amnesty International charges Israel, the people who survived Auschwitz and Treblinka, of “genocide” in Gaza.   Opinion.

Dec 8, 2024, 7:04 AM (GMT+2)   Israel National News – Before disappearing into an Algerian prison, where at 75 years old he now risks ending his days, the great novelist Boualem Sansal gave this last extraordinary interview to the Journal du dimanche:

“Self-flagellation is gaining ground throughout the West and is becoming a danger. I do not understand why governments are not worried about this galloping epidemic and are not taking any action to prevent the disasters that it will eventually cause. We can begin to believe that the West is committing suicide and in the most amusing way. Good deal for the BRICS and the Islamists who dream of a great replacement. We are overwhelmed by fear. And fear causes in man as in animals one or the other reaction, or even both at the same time: the subject becomes violent and attacks or submits to fear and goes as far as mutilating himself to show his submission. Self-flagellation and Wokism are acts of symbolic self-mutilation, they express atonement, submission, preparation for liberating suicide”.

And submission also comes from a corrupt humanitarianism.

After targeting Israel in favor of Islamic terrorists, the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court in The Hague, the Pakistani Muslim Karim Khan, is now attacking the leaders of Myanmar for their dispute with the Rohingya Muslims. Myanmar is not a member of the Court, but Islamic Bangladesh, which is part of the dispute, is.

Khan has transformed the Court into an Islamist instrument used to wage a judicial war against non-Muslims on behalf of the Umma.

A year ago, Khan met with the Qatari ambassador to the Netherlands. Then the Turkish Erdogan.

A scandal has just broken out at the Oxford Union, where speakers have been singing the praises of October 7th. Little wonder if we consider that Qatar has filled Oxford with millions of pounds in recent years. Qatar has also filled King’s College London, the university of the Hague prosecutor Khan, with money.

Qatar did not have any moral credibility to mount a “genocide” case against Israel at the International Court of Justice. It had the money and the will, but zero ethical standing. What to do? Who better than the “rainbow democracy” to nail the Jewish state to The Hague? With the title “South Africa, Hamas, Iran and Qatar: The Hijacking of the African National Congress and the International Court of Justice”, the American think tank Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism has published an investigation into South Africa’s decision to charge Israel with genocide at the Court of Justice that prompted the Criminal Court to issue the arrest warrant against Benjamin Netanyahu.

Or take Canadian professor William Schabas, who headed a UN commission on Gaza. A professor of international law at Middlesex University in London, Schabas had to resign when a consultancy he had done for the Palestine Liberation Organization came to light.

Former UNRWA commissioner Pierre Krahenbuhl met with leaders of Palestinian terrorist organizations during his tenure, UN Watch has just revealed. The meeting took place in Beirut and was attended by representatives of Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad and the Palestine Liberation Front.

The European Centre for Law and Justice revealed that many rapporteurs at the UN received donations from Qatar.

Boualem Sansal. An Algerian. A writer. A political prisoner. A dictatorship. The usual ingredients of the ideal martyr to defend. Instead, no. “Still no reaction from the impostors of Amnesty International who, in this affair, clearly support the Algerian dictators,” writes Clément Weill-Raynal. Last April, Palestinian Arab terrorist Walid Daqqah, who kidnapped and murdered soldier Moshe Tamam, died in prison in Israel from illness. In prison, the terrorist began writing novels. When he died, Amnesty International mourned the death of the terrorist as a “Palestinian writer”.

Now Amnesty International charges Israel, the people who survived Auschwitz and Treblinka, of “genocide” in Gaza.

Gita Sahgal, who resigned from Amnesty International as head of the gender office after having denounced its relations with the English supporters of the Taliban, explains this alliance with the devil as follows: “It is as if these organizations, Amnesty and others, felt the duty to challenge their government on the ground of rights as soon as we get close to Islam”.

But it is not a question of moral duty: some madmen may even believe it, but for most it is just a question of opportunism. Judges at The Hague, UN rapporteurs and NGO leaders, have you noticed that the Muslim Brotherhood is over the moon and starting to dream: what if everything goes much faster than expected?


Assad is gone. The “inclusive” Caliph rises   Giulio Meotti

Yesterday it was called Al Nusra, today it is called Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), an offshoot of Al Qaeda.   Opinion.

Dec 8, 2024, 5:53 PM (GMT+2)  Israel National News – 1971-2024: the Assad dynasty in Syria has ended.

Dictatorships never end well and no matter how resistant (like Soviet communism for 80 years) they always have an expiration date, let alone family dictatorships with 10 percent of Alawites tyrannizing over 80 percent of Sunnis.

It is incredible that Damascus fell in a week without a fight. Like Iraq under the advance of ISIS and “Western” Kabul before the Taliban.

The Syrian civil war had transformed Syria into a puppet regime controlled by Iran and Russia.

After the fall, Syria will follow demographic lines. Demography, in the Middle East but also in Europe, is always in favor of Islam. Perhaps the country will divide into ethnic-religious enclaves or perhaps it could turn into a real civil war or, most likely, into a terrible combination of the two. The only thing the Middle East is not known for is stability. And chaos is the only thing you can bet on in the Middle East. And only Westerners rotten to the core do not see that Israel is our only rock in that part of the world, so decisive for history, religion, energy and terrorism.

Who wins and who loses from this watershed moment? There are more losers and even those who win have a lot to lose.

The Iranians lose, they who used Syria as a base and passage. Whether the fall of Damascus will be the “Kabul moment” of the Islamic Revolution remains to be seen.

The Russians lose, not only their bases on the Mediterranean, but a historic ally after 1991.

The Kurds lose, they are the ones who have everything to fear from the advent of an Islamic regime and who were our only true allies in this war between barbarians. Erdogan and Islam cannot stand this small people who arm women, who have their hair in the wind, who leave religion in the private sphere and who helped us destroy ISIS.

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“No Good Guys” Middle East Expert says What NO ONE else will about Syrian Civil War   [33:36]   Yishai Fleisher and Dr. Mordechai Kedar

52,447 views • Dec 6, 2024 – Explaining Syrian Complexity as only he can, Dr. Mordechai Kedar walks us through the steps of rebellion against the Assad Regime from early days of the regime, to the Arab Spring protests in 2011, to the years of brutal suppression, and the events leading up to the current rebel takeover and what this all means for Israel and the broader Abrahamic Region.

For more from Dr. Kedar on Youtube:  @DrMordechaiKedarEnglish



December 7, 2024 – Many fingers are pointed in the direction of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. But the evidence—and blame—says otherwise.

(Dec. 6, 2024 / JNS)

This week, Channel 11’s journalist Ayala Hasson broadcast a two-part exposé on the Israel Defense Forces’ self-investigation of the massacre at the Nova music festival on Oct. 7, which took place a kilometer from the Gaza Strip. Hasson’s reports reinforced the fact that the IDF and Shin Bet top brass are to blame for Hamas’s successful day of genocide.

A total of 364 people were brutally murdered at the Nova music festival and along avenues of escape. Thirty-nine were taken hostage. The rave opened on Oct. 5 with 3,800 revelers.

According to earlier investigative reports, the IDF intercepted Hamas’s invasion plans a year before Oct. 7. They received multiple, rapidly escalating warnings of the impending invasion from a variety of sources in the Southern Command in the months, weeks and days prior to that day. Intelligence head Maj. Gen. Aharon Haliva, IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi and Shin Bet director Ronen Bar did not share the warnings or Hamas’s intercepted invasion plans with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Instead, they repeatedly briefed him that Hamas was deterred, and Israel simply needed to provide it with more cash from Qatar and more work permits for Gazans in Israel to keep the terrorist regime fat, happy and deterred.

On Oct. 10, we learned that on the night between Oct. 6 and Oct. 7, Halevi, Bar, Southern Command Chief Maj. General Yaron Finkleman, Operations Directorate Chief Maj. Gen. Oded Basiuk and Haliva’s assistant (Haliva was on vacation and not answering his phone), held two telephone consultations, at midnight and 4 a.m., when they discussed multiplying indications that Hamas was about to carry out its invasion, slaughter and kidnapping plan. They chose to do nothing, told no one and agreed to meet again at 8 a.m. Hamas invaded at 6:30.  [Emphasis added]

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War Room’s Steve Bannon Discusses President Trump’s Nominations, and the Intentional Chaos Biden Regime is Creating in His Final Days (VIDEO)


Domestic Alert! SITREP 12.05.24  [40:31]   Monkey Werx US


Levin: Preemptive Pardon Corrupts The Language As It Corrupts The Law   [15:36]

December 6, 2024  Mark Levin

We are on the precipice of a grave Constitutional crisis. Preemptive pardons by President Biden could be the most egregious assault on our constitutional system yet. A preemptive pardon corrupts the language as it corrupts the law. If Biden does this there would be no choice but to impeach him. The purpose wouldn’t be to remove him from office – it’s the process that should be triggered to make it clear that what he’s doing is a high crime.

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Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.