Daily Shmutz | COMMENTARY / OPINION  | 12/29/23



The Islamophobia myth   Matthew M. Hausman, JD

Is there another people on earth against whom their murder, rape, and torture arouse enmity rather than empathy?

Dec 28, 2023, 6:34 PM (GMT+2) – There has been an undeniable surge in antisemitism over the last few decades that has far outstripped prejudice against any other minority group. And since Hamas’s horrific terror attack on October 7th and the war that followed, there has been a nearly four-hundred percent increase in antisemitic incidents across the United States, including demonstrations by woke progressives and Islamists on university campuses and in major cities, where protestors chant antisemitic slogans and call for extermination of the Jews.

Is there another people on earth against whom their murder, rape, and torture arouse enmity rather than empathy?

When addressing the uptick in antisemitism within a few weeks of the attack, the White House press secretary injected the subject of Islamophobia into the discussion, though there have been no protest mobs demanding the extermination of Muslims or destruction of any Islamic state.

Neither Muslims nor Arabs are being threatened, harassed, or abused on university campuses or in the public square. They are not being attacked in coffee shops or their places of businesses by leftist brownshirts and Islamist proxies. And there is no Republican Party “Squad” spewing hateful rhetoric against them the way radical Democrats do against Jews in the halls of Congress with alarming regularity (and without condemnation by Joe Biden).

Campuses across the country are seething cauldrons of antisemitism – not Islamophobia; and indeed, those claiming to be victims of a purported anti-Muslim backlash are often most vocal in advocating violence against Jews and death to Israel. The orgy of campus hate prompted Congress to launch an investigation into antisemitism in academia, during which the presidents of three prestigious universities, Harvard, MIT, and UPenn, would not say that calling for Jewish genocide violates their campus rules of conduct. Whether advocating genocide constitutes harassment, they said, depends on “context” but might be violative if it leads to conduct.

Really? Does that mean only actual genocide constitutes bullying in the Ivy League?


Israel Is in a Strong Position, Not a Weak Position   By Ted Belman

December 28, 2023  – At first glance, Israel appears to have no choice but to buckle under U.S. pressure. After all she needs the resupply of munitions and the protection of the U.S. veto at the United Nations Security Council.

The New York Times reports The U.S. wants Israel to use elite forces to rescue hostages and kill Hamas leaders.

“Mr. Biden wants Israel to switch to more precise tactics within three weeks, or soon thereafter. The officials asked for anonymity to discuss the president’s thinking.

“The new phase that the Americans envision would involve smaller groups of elite forces that would move in and out of population centers in Gaza, carrying out more precise missions to find and kill Hamas leaders, rescue hostages and destroy tunnels, the officials said.”

But I submit they do have a choice.  Time is on her side.  Let us assume that Israel switches to the tactics demanded by Biden but takes her time in finishing off Hamas.  In the meantime, Israel should agree to nothing. She should refuse to discuss the day after and she shouldn’t agree to a ceasefire.

If so, it is Biden who is left with few choices.  Since Israel is abiding by Biden’s demands but slow walking the war, Biden has no option but to wait for the destruction of Hamas however long it takes. The destruction of Hamas is central to Biden’s plans to advance the Two-State Solution.  Since Israel would be following Biden’s demands, Biden will have to continue to veto any calls for a ceasefire. To my mind, Biden would be stymied. His dreams of advancing the Two-State Solution (TSS) on the back of the Gaza War or reforming the Palestinian Authority would be put on hold until Hamas is destroyed which could take a year particularly if Israel takes it real slow in the name of protecting her soldiers.

Thus, all Biden’s plans would be for naught. He would find himself in six months in the election season which will cause him to restrain himself, not Israel. Also, Israel could look forward to discussing the day after with a Trump administration.

On the other hand, Caroline Glick reports:


May they rot in hell!     TIERNEY’S REAL NEWS

DEC 28, 2023 – You all know that the Obamas signed a deal with Netflix in 2018 and have, since then, used it to push anti-American, anti-God, pro-Communist and anti-white propaganda through their operation called “Higher Ground Productions.”

The latest movie from Obama is called “Leave the World Behind” and it was released in December 2023. The movie demonizes white people, and uses a combination of a cyber attack, an EMP attack, military invasion, blackouts & a nuclear blast to shut down the internet and all communication, the electric grid and all air and road transportation, to paralyze and destroy America and push us into civil war.

“There’s no going back to normal.”

More about that in a minute.

What you probably don’t remember is that Obama & Bill Gates used a Netflix documentary called PANDEMIC to tell us in December 2019 about their plans for COVID in 2020! They ALWAYS tell us what they have planned to interfere during a Presidential election year!

Obama’s docuseries called PANDEMIC was released on Netflix in December 2019. It was filmed in 2018 and 2019. Production wrapped a few months before the coronavirus outbreak began in China in late 2019.

Over six episodes, the series issued strangely prescient warnings about the risk of a new respiratory virus that could, within a matter of months, overwhelm the planet. And then it did! Wow – it’s a miracle!


Hamas – Palestinians: disjointed or interwoven?   Ambassador (ret.) Yoram Ettinger,
December 28, 2023 – *The Western attempt to distinguish between Hamas terrorists and the majority of Gaza Arabs defies Middle East reality, which documents that Hamas terrorists and most Gaza Arabs are interwoven with each other, socially, educationally, culturally, ideologically, and religiously.

*Moreover, Middle East reality highlights Hamas as a terror state (Gaza and potentially the West Bank), not as merely a terror organization.

*Therefore, most of the Arabs in Gaza enthusiastically celebrated the October 7, 2023 Hamas ISIS-like slaughter, rape, torture and mutilation of (mostly) civilians, heralding it as role model of sacrifice and heroism in the service of a Holy Islamic War and a demonstration of national liberation fortitude.

*The fact that the Arab population of Gaza lends itself to terrorism was underscored by a June 29, 1967 memorandum, submitted to the US Secretary of Defense, Robert McNamara by General Earle G. Wheeler, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs-of-Staff. The memorandum presented a map of Israel’s minimal security requirements, including Gaza, which “serves as a salient for introduction of Arab subversion and terrorism, and its retention would be to Israel’s military advantage…. It has served as a training area for [Palestinian terrorists]…. Occupation of the Gaza Strip by Israel would reduce the hostile border by a factor of five and eliminate a source for raids and training of [terrorists]….”


The Great Shift to the Right in Israel is Happening    The Caroline Glick Show In-Focus  JNS TV

December 27, 2023 – The myth of the two-state solution is shattering among the Israeli left, but not yet among Americans as a new poll finds Israel shifting to the right.


Who Supports Hamas?  by Alan M. Dershowitz
December 28, 2023 at 5:00 am

  • Many of the protests that now demand a unilateral ceasefire — including the attempts to shut down Christmas celebrations — are orchestrated by some of the same radical groups that organized the pro-Hamas demonstrations before Israel went into Gaza.
  • Demonstrations and protests by groups such as the Students for Justice in Palestine, Jewish Voice for Peace or the National Lawyers Guild seem anything but spontaneous and grassroots responses to “Israel’s military actions in Gaza.” They are not demonstrations against what Israel does; they are protests against what Israel is, namely the democratic nation-state of the Jewish people.
  • Recall that these protests began before Israel counterattacked against Hamas. They were in full bloom on October 8, even while the bodies of 1,200 murdered Israelis, including babies burned alive, were still being gathered and counted, and the roughly 240 hostages taken by Hamas to Gaza identified.
  • The protests are exclusively anti-Israel, anti-American, pro-Hamas, and pro-terrorism.
  • Where are the calls for anything that would actually help the Palestinians or make their lives better: freedom of speech, equal justice under the law, freedom of the press, better job opportunities, and an end to government corruption and abuse?
  • So when you watch an anti-Israel demonstration on television, please understand who is behind it and what are their ultimate goals, because the next target is American democracy — and you.

The main groups that comprise the bulk of organizers and demonstrators who have supported the Hamas barbarism against Israel are:

1) Radical Islamic groups that, like the Islamic Republic of Iran after the 1979 revolution, regard Israel as the “Little Satan” and America as the “Big Satan.”

2) American revolutionary groups who used to be affiliated with Communism but now call themselves radical socialists or workers parties. Their goal is to overthrow our government and they attach themselves to every disruptive movement in the hope of garnering support and creating distrust for American democracy.

3) Old-fashioned anti-Semites who hate anything associated with Jews and concoct conspiracy theories that blame “the Jews” for all evils.

4) Useful idiots who have little or no knowledge of the issues but march in lockstep with all “woke,” “hard left,” and “anti-colonial” causes on the theory that “if it’s left, it must be right.”


October 7th is Looking More and More Like a False Flag  [2:11]   CLANDESTINE

DEC 27, 2023 – General Flynn states that “there was a decision made to have a security stand down, on the 7th of October, for 7 hours”.

This comes after Netanyahu reveals plans to relocate the Palestinian population in the US and Europe.

It appears that some elements within the IDF allowed the attack to happen, so they could justify ethnically cleansing Palestine, and relocating their population. Essentially a false flag operation to justify escalation and the land grab of Gaza and the West Bank.

If you’ve been following me, you’d know this has been my analysis since the jump! Hamas’ attack was brutal and horrific, but Israel WANTED it to happen, because it serves as a Casus Belli, to justify Israel’s blatant agenda to drive out the Muslim Palestinians from the region.

And based on the actions and behavior of the Israeli government, they were waiting for this opportunity. They let their own civilians die, so they could push their geopolitical agenda.

Evil is an understatement.


BOOM! Vladimir Putin’s Letter To The World!   By Medeea Greere

December 26, 2023

“Dear inhabitants of our beautiful planet Earth,

I, the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, decided to address all of you directly, bypassing diplomats, your leaders and journalists. In Russia, there is a so-called “Ural exchange”, where it is forbidden to lie, deceive and exaggerate. Therefore, I will speak very honestly so that everyone will be convinced of the truth of my words.
Russia is a big and rich country, its most important value is more than 150 million people who live in a territory where justice is above all. We don’t need new territories.

We have energy and all other resources are abundant.

Since the time of the Great Tartar and the Great Mughals, the peoples of Northern Eurasia have not developed because of the onslaught of the Crusades and the colonization of America,Africa, India, or the drug addiction of China, but because of their hard work and pacifism.
Anyone who knows Russian understands that “Russian” is an adjective that refers to all the peoples of our country. Russian Slavs, Russian Tatars, Russian Jews, Russian Evans, etc. All Russian at heart, even if their culture, language and way of life differ. We honor this diversity of unity.

[Ed.:  I’m with Vlad on this.  The US-NATO war against Russia has changed my pre-conceived perspective about Russia and has built my respect for him.]


Jonathan Pollard Explains Benjamin Netanyahu    [15:50]   Machon Shilo

December 26, 2023

[Ed.:   It’s dangerous to be right when the powers that be are wrong, as Meir Kehana found out…]


What child is this?     TIERNEY’S REAL NEWS

DEC 25, 2023 – Today is December 25, 2023 AD – which stands for “in the year of the Lord” – as we celebrate the 2,023rd birthday of Jesus Christ. Whatever your beliefs – I have a story to tell you that just might transform your life!

You’ve probably heard of J.R.R. Tolkien, the English writer and scholar who wrote The Hobbit (1937) and The Lord of the Rings (1954–55) which went on to be the one of the best-selling books ever written, with over 150 million copies sold around the world in 30 different languages.

A film version of The Lord of the Rings, by director Peter Jackson, released in three installments in 2001–03, achieved worldwide critical and financial success. broke the one-billion-dollar barrier and won a total of 11 Oscars (something only two other films in history, Ben-Hur and Titanic, have accomplished) – including Best PictureBest Director and Best Adapted Screenplay.

Lord of the Rings is deeply Christian, but not overtly so. And I think that is one of the reasons why it had such a broad appeal.

But what you probably didn’t know is that J.R.R. Tolkien convinced his friend C.S. Lewis to accept Jesus Christ as his Savior and Lewis convinced Tolkien to finish his books! According to Lewis, Tolkien was known for not finishing anything!

Early on a Sunday morning, September 20, 1931, three English professors took a stroll together on Addison’s Walk at the University of Oxford:

  • 32-year-old C. S. Lewis
  • 39-year-old J. R. R. Tolkien
  • 35-year-old Hugo Dyson


Jonathan Pollard: Israel and the Northern Front   [10:45]   Machon Shilo  12/24/23

[Ed.:  Jonathan for PM?]


Jonathan Pollard and Rabbi David Bar-Hayim on the Proposed Israel National Guard   [11:36]   Machon Shilo  12/24/23


Returning Gazans to evacuated areas – a recipe for disaster   Dr. Aaron Lerner

Only if Gaza is completely razed can the thought of returning there be entertained. Response to a letter in Arabic by Israel’s NSC head.

Dec 25, 2023, 7:05 AM (GMT+2) – I’m going to be sending this message out in English and Hebrew so that it is easy to forward.
I am taking this unusual step because there is talk that we are going to buckle to American pressure to allow Gazans to return to areas north of Wadi Gaza without properly processing those areas.

The best solution for Gaza is for the world that so supports it to take in its residents, as Nikki Haley suggested. But if that does not happen:
Let’s be clear about the situation in the areas we have “cleaned out”.
We remain profoundly clueless regarding what is in those areas that we have yet to find.
And to make matters worse: the more dangerous the hidden strategic stockpiles and tunnels are, the fewer Gazans know about their existence making it very likely that none of the terrorists we have captured may even know about them, even if they wanted to tell us.
Allow the Gazans back into this area and we have no idea what we will face there in the very near future.
I get no comfort from Defense Minister Galant’s assurances that the areas would be under “a different leadership, elements that aren’t threatening.”
If Mahatma Gandhi himself led the neighborhood, he would be no match for the Hamas terrorists readily willing to slaughter Gazans who decline to follow their instructions.
There is only one way to “sterilize” an area, and that is to raze all the buildings and literally shave off enough layers of land to expose any tunnel shafts, followed by pouring cement slabs to serve as both the foundations for new construction and to effectively seal off access to anything missed.
This process takes a fraction of the time of any other attempt to clear out weapons and tunnels at a considerably lower risk to our soldiers.
It also makes possible the implementation of a serious, well-organized, emergency construction program, rather than the structurally dangerous and terribly inadequate housing that the helter-skelter construction which would otherwise take place.

[Ed.:  Joni Mitchell – Big Yellow Taxi (Official Lyric Video)


Ezri ToBe responds to President Biden for his libel against the Jewish settlers of Judea and Samaria  [2:52]

December 18, 2023

[Ed.:  There are no “innocent Palestinian civilians” and are are no “violent settlers in Judea and Samaria”. This is Obamas’ doublespeak blood libel fed to Biden.]


Rising from the ruins of a generation of failed Israeli security doctrine   Caroline Glick

It will take years to correct the damage the generals wrought by reducing the size of the IDF and inducing its total dependence on the United States.   Opinion.

Dec 23, 2023, 6:00 PM (GMT+2) – Caroline B. Glickis the senior contributing editor of Jewish News Syndicate and host of the “Caroline Glick Show” on JNS. She is also the diplomatic commentator for Israel’s Channel 14, as well as a columnist for Newsweek. Glick is the senior fellow for Middle Eastern Affairs at the Center for Security Policy in Washington and a lecturer at Israel’s College of Statesmanship.

(JNS) Two underlying assumptions guided Israel’s security establishment for the past generation. The first asserted that with the end of the Cold War, the era of conventional wars had ended. In the present age, brains, rather than brawn, would rule the roost.

The primary author of the “small and smart IDF” doctrine was Ehud Barak, who served as Chief of General Staff of the Israel Defense Forces when the Berlin Wall crumbled. In later years, the slogan was finessed.

A generation of IDF Chiefs of General Staff organized around the vision of a “small, technological and lethal army.”

As Maj. Gen. Yitzhak Brick, (retired) who served as the IDF ombudsman for ten years, has documented, operating under the spell of Barak’s doctrine, the IDF shut down multiple reserve divisions. It cut its artillery forces by 50%. Armored brigades were shut down. The reserve force was reduced by 80% between 2003 and 2017. The non-commissioned officer corps was gutted. The bulk of the IDF budget and nearly all the U.S. military aid were diverted to the Air Force—the strategic arm of the “small, technological and lethal” IDF.

The doctrine was repeatedly exposed as a farce. But to no avail. The air force didn’t defeat the Palestinian Arab terror factories in Judea and Samaria in 2002. The ground forces did. The air force never had a response to missiles from Hezbollah to the north and Hamas to the south. Without regional brigades defending the borders, Israel’s “peacetime” borders with Jordan on the east and Egypt at its west became highways for weapons smugglers


Tucker Carlson Visits Julian Assange  [5:43]   Tucker Carlson

December 22, 2023 – Tucker visits Julian Assange at the infamous Belmarsh prison.


The Great Taking – Documentary  [1:11:56]

David Webb exposes the system the Central Bankers have in place to take everything from everyone.


Israel Iran War is (Terrifyingly) Inevitable   The Tom Nash Report

0:00 – Introduction,  0:09 – Israel’s next war, 0:45 – Introduction to the larger geopolitical chess game, 1:07 – Iran’s goals for regional dominance, 2:00 – Shift in US policy with the Trump administration, 4:00 – The proposed EU-Israel-Saudi Arabia-India economic corridor, 5:02 – Iran’s response to geopolitical shifts, 6:26 – The ‘Ring of Fire’ strategy against Israel, 7:17 – US announcement of the economic corridor, 8:01 – Iran’s potential strategies against Israel, 9:00 – Discussion of the situation in Gaza, 10:00 – Prediction of a larger conflict involving Iran, 12:17 – Likelihood of direct conflict between Israel and Iran, 13:05 – The role of Hamas in regional dynamics, 14:00 – US and Iranian interests in delaying conflict, 15:18 – Conclusion


“I was wrong about Trump.”     TIERNEY’S REAL NEWS

DEC 23, 2023 – This op-ed ran in the American Thinker and got virtually no play. It should have. It was the most read and shared article of the year on my website so I thought I would post it again. It’s a must read.

I know many people who say the exact same things about President Trump. I am glad M.B. Mathews had the courage to be open-minded and admit he was wrong!

I was wrong about Trump   By M.B. Mathews

I recently wrote a column about why I believed Trump should not run in 2024. I was wrong. I allowed my distaste for Trump’s personality to override his virtues, which are considerable.

Some people want Trump without his vices. I was among them — until I watched and listened to Tom Klingenstein’s speech titled “Trump’s virtues.”

It was masterful and shamed me that I did not make the distinction between Trump’s character and his virtues, the former being deeply flawed, the latter being almost perfect.

I need to man up in my defense of the former President’s virtues. The speech was among the most pointed I have heard and deserves some exposure. Klingenstein says:

Other Republicans say some version of: “I like Trump policies but I don’t like the rest of him.”

This gets it almost backwards. Although Trump advanced many important policies, it is the ‘rest of him’ that contains the virtue that inspires the movement… Trump was born for the current crisis, a life and death struggle against a totalitarian enemy I call woke communism… that controls all the cultural and economic powers in America…

Trump revealed, not caused, the divide in this country.

In war, you must make a stand…

Trump is a manly man… traditional manhood, even when flawed, is absolutely essential… Trump plays to win… There are no clean hands in a fistfight…Trump is unreservedly, unquestionably pro-America… Trump is a refreshing break from the guilt and self-loathing that marks our age…

It is [the left’s] anti-Americanism that makes so many of us very angry: The Left have trashed America’s Founding and her history to the point where some believe it virtuous to hate America. Rather than advocating forgiveness for sins, the Left are advocating hair shirts, self-flagellation, and perpetual guilt. It is un-American and certainly un-Christian.

Victor Davis Hanson on Colorado Supreme Court Trump Ballot Ruling: ‘Does the Left See Where it is Taking the Country?’   By Mike Lachance

Dec. 22, 2023 9:10 pm – Conservative scholar and historian Victor Davis Hanson has weighed in on the Colorado Supreme Court’s decision to remove Trump from the 2024 ballot in a new column that poses some very important questions.

Hanson reminds readers that Kamala Harris supported the riots of 2020 and that Chuck Schumer threatened two justices on the U.S. Supreme Court and asks if those acts qualify as forms of insurrection.

He also wonders if the left realizes where all of this is taking the country.

Hanson writes at American Greatness:

Trump Derangement Syndrome became Orwellian with the recent ruling of the Colorado Supreme Court.

It approved the erasure of Trump from the Republican primary ballot in Colorado, by invoking Section 3 of the 14th Amendment.

That ossified clause was intended to bar any ante-bellum federal officials who joined the Confederacy from again holding federal offices after 1865.

Hanson compares the left’s outrage about January 6th to the BLM riots:

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About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.