The Houthis Who Stole Chanukah   [1:46]    Eylon Levy

Dec 27, 2024 – On the second night of Chanukah, the Houthi Pirates in Yemen fired another ballistic missile at Israel. It sent millions of Israelis running to bomb shelters in the middle of the night for the fourth time in a week. The Houthis are the Iranian regime’s jihadi pirates in Yemen, who are attacking international ships. Israel won’t let them threaten world peace—or steal Chanukah.

Israelis have been suffering Houthi missile attacks since the October 7 Massacre. Comment how you think Israel should stop the Houthi Pirates stealing Chanukah!

[Ed.:  The Houtis got the cooties and we gwan’ kick them in their pooties!  Nah, nah, nah!]


Ms. Candace–-Pretty Little Virulent Racist   by Joan Swirsky


(Dec. 29, 2024) — Pretty counts, and pretty girls know from the time they’re two years old that prettiness has power.

Brains count, and pretty girls with brains are quite thrilled when they realize––about age four or five––that they’ve been doubly blessed.

Pretty brainy Black girls who were born into the right era came of age during the Obama regime. But sometimes those pretty brainy Black girls realized that if they wanted to get noticed, they could never join the poor-me, I’m-a-victim, racist mantra of Obama’s Democrat Party.

They knew they would have to distinguish themselves in an original and unexpected way, sort of like the hooker Gypsy Rose Lee in the Broadway musical “Gypsy,” who sang “Ya Gotta Have a Gimmick.”

Aha! Why don’t we go the conservative route? Here is just one list of strong, independent-thinking, and often courageous Black women who were authentic in their embrace of conservatism.

Also on that list is pretty, brainy Black Candace Owens, but who was 100% fake and fraudulent in her conservatism––which is not racist––but who cleverly used that political identity to insinuate her way into widespread recognition.


From the start of her Oscar-worthy performance as an authentic conservative, Candace wanted you to know that she was nothing like those historically racist Democrats who created the Ku Klux Klan and created the Jim Crow laws which mandated racial segregation in all public facilities and were embraced by President Woodrow Wilson, Alabama Governor George Wallace (“segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever”) and West Virginia Senator Robert Byrd, et al – all Democrats! The Party that also voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Voting Rights Act of 1965, the Civil Rights Acts of 1968, and the Equal Opportunity Act of 1972.

Ms. Smarty Pants Candace wanted you to know how loathsome she considered racism and that she was acutely aware of and in contempt of the facts that:

  • In the 1980s, Democrat Senator Joe Biden supported the election of Robert Byrd (D-WVA), a former Exalted Cyclops and Kleagle of the Ku Klux Klan who also recruited 150 of his friends to start a new KKK chapter, as well as using the N-word on live television in 2001. When Sen. Byrd died, Sen. Biden delivered an impassioned eulogy about his treasured friend.
  • In the 1970s, a Democrat Congress named the Old Senate Office Building in honor of Richard Russell, a staunch segregationist from Georgia.
  • And going back, in the late 1930s, Democrat President Franklin Roosevelt nominated Hugo Black, also a former Klansman, to the U.S. Supreme Court, where he served for decades.
  • Even further back, it was Democrats who fought ferociously against President Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation, which freed 3.5 million Black slaves.

Ms. Candace wanted to emphasize that she, Ms. Conservative, was totally unlike those vicious racist Democrats, those “tolerant” liberals.


Then came October 7, 2023, when the career terrorists from Hamas violently raped, tortured, and gleefully slaughtered 1,200 Israeli civilians, took hundreds of hostages, and then filmed their savagery in order for the world to see their maniacal, murderous mentality.

Apparently, this bloodthirsty act animated Candace Owens, mobilized something within her that she had successfully concealed from the people who put her on the map––most prominently Orthodox Jews Dennis Prager and Ben Shapiro––and unleashed her colossally virulent, indeed malignant, hatred of both Jews and Israel. Just go to any search engine and put in Candace Owens – antisemitism to see the geyser of invective and lies she has vomited out since October 7, 2023.

Since then, she has been a leader in the pack of anti-Semites which recently garnered her the top award––among stiff competition––from StopAntisemitism.org as Anti-Semite of the Year for her non-stop blood libels, manufactured narratives, vicious lies, and fanatical obsession with, yep, both Jews and Israel…even going so far on her YouTube channel to defend Hitler and question historical facts about the Holocaust.


In the history of the world, there has never been a baby born with hate in his or her heart. Hate is taught. Hate is learned, usually at a very early age, from people who have great influence in shaping the thoughts and feelings of the recipients of their hate.

Did Candace learn her volcanic hatred of Jews from her parents, teachers, coaches, counselors, religious gurus, TV, radio, Democrats?

Or is Candace yet another “I’m a victim” Black person who is angry that Democrats destroyed the Black family, and that Democrats destroyed Black education, but like them suffers from terminal envy at the success of the Jews, who only comprise a miniscule 0.2 percent in America––or about six-million Jews, out of a population of over 330 million––while Blacks comprise a significantly greater number at 14 percent?


The human race is driven by emotion. It’s nice to fantasize that we’re driven by empiricism, facts, objective truths. But both history and everyday life contradict that fantasy. Emotion rules the day.

The most powerful human emotion is fear. We all know that it was fear that literally shut down the entire world because of the Covid-19 so-called pandemic.

The second most powerful emotion is jealousy. Most crimes––including murder––are committed in the name of this raging sentiment, and lesser crimes and everyday hostility are also caused by the monster of green-eyed envy.

On the surface, it seems obvious that Candace and her ilk are experiencing blind jealousy. “How come,” they seem to be asking themselves, “that with all my intelligence, talent, charm, connections, good looks and money, it’s the Jews who run Hollywood and the music business and Wall St. and the media…and me???”

After jealousy, the third and hugely powerful emotion is anger, an easy emotion to access, whether it involves dealing with an irritating relative, witnessing a boyfriend who hurt your daughter’s feelings, hitting a pothole that breaks your axle, even trying to reach your doctor by pushing 2, then 4, then 7, then more horrible music.


Underneath the paralyzing layer of fear, below the obsessive nature of jealousy, under the blind rage and anger, there is the devastating emotion of despair. Of feeling that it’s all too much, too impossible, too overwhelming. This is the stuff of clinical depression. This is the stuff of suicide.

After all, fear and jealousy and anger are mobilizing! What can I do? Which protest group can I join? Who can I wreak my revenge on?

But despair has no allies. It is lonely. It is scary. It is immobilizing.

It is also what the legion of anti-Semites are most afraid of, with good reason, as suicides among Blacks have recently escalated dramatically.
Is this what Candace Owens’ fanatical obsession with Jews and Israel is all about? Does this explain her fulminating vomitus of rage?  Is she fleeing from despair, or is she exulting in being the Black version of David Duke?

Bottom line, it doesn’t matter. Like all soapbox fanatics, her influence will wane, and she will join the pantheon of other racists who are remembered solely for their rank repulsive racist hatred.

At this point, Candace fits neatly into my Vessel Theory of human behavior, which is simply that no matter how fancy or decorative a [human] vessel appears to be, the real measure of its value is its contents. A beautiful crystal vase, for instance, might contain urine; a ceramic creation, sludge, while a plain vessel might pour out pure spring water.

Lesson: what’s inside is the real thing!


The absolute cure for Black rage, jealousy, anger, and despair lies in one simple word: Emulate!

Spend one month of your entire life living with an observant Jewish family, reading the Bible, learning of the extreme emphasis Jews place on family unity, education, philanthropy, and mitzvahs––good deeds that can range from a simple smile to building a cancer research center to rushing all over the world to help in disaster areas.

Study why Jews, because of vicious discrimination, were forced literally to create Hollywood, why they were forced to build some of the best medical and research centers in America because they were barred from internships and residencies; the list of survival strategies is long and impressive.

Stop your jealousy. Stop your rage. Start joining us Jews in fighting the real enemy, the actual powerful forces that have kept you down, defeated, and depressed: Liberals, Leftists, and Progressive Democrats and a horrific public-education system.

Or, alternatively, stay in your perpetual rageful victim mode and see how far you’ve progressed in the next five or 10 or 1,000 years!

Joan Swirsky  is a New York-based journalist and author. Her website is www.joanswirsky.com, and she can be reached at joanswirsky@gmail.com

Khamenei: Iran’s warmonger leading Iran to ruin   Erfan Fard

There is no meaningful distinction between Khamenei, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, Osama bin Laden, Hassan Nasrallah, Yahya Sinwar, Ismail Haniyeh, and Qasem Soleimani—they all share the same doctrine of terrorism and oppression.  Op-ed.

Dec 29, 2024, 7:46 AM (GMT+2)  Israel National News – The clerical regime in Iran, led by Ali Khamenei, has driven that country to the edge of an inferno. Under his rule, Iran has become a pariah in the international arena, known for terror, repression, and a relentless, misplaced obsession with Israel’s destruction. As Khamenei stokes the flames of conflict, his unyielding fanaticism reveals not a leader of vision or strength, but a delusional fanatic whose policies hinge on blind hatred, a warped interpretation of faith, and a willingness to sacrifice his people and region to achieve a dangerous agenda.

The roots of this tumultuous trajectory were laid in 1979 when the Shia mullahs rose to power in Iran with the assistance of Marxist and Islamist terrorist groups—all tied to the KGB. Even the followers of the popular and unruly Prime Minister Mosaddegh, who could be compared to Ahmadinejad in his populism, joined forces with Khomeini, transforming into foot soldiers for a brutal theocracy. Many of them trained in the terrorist camps of Yasser Arafat, where they mastered sabotage and extremism, hiding behind Mosaddegh’s portrait while ardently praying for Khomeini’s theocratic dreams to succeed.

In 1980, Khomeini ignited one of the region’s most devastating conflicts, a brutal eight-year war with Iraq. Though Saddam Hussein, with Arab backing, was ready for peace after the first two years, Khomeini dragged the conflict on, indifferent to the catastrophic toll on Iranian and Iraqi lives. His intent was neither righteous nor self-sacrificial but rooted in his Islamic caliphate’s ambition.

Khomeini’s priorities lay in consolidating his influence, a ruthless goal that led him to even broker covert arms deals with Israel and the United States—the infamous Iran-Contra affair of 1985-1986. He auctioned off Iran’s wealth to prolong the fight, all the while quelling internal opposition. His slogan, “Allahu Akbar,” echoed even as his forces killed thousands, mirroring Saddam’s mantra on the other side of the border. Khomeini believed himself a divine emissary, but in the end, he drank his own “cup of poison” and perished in 1989.

One would have hoped that with Khomeini’s death, the bloodthirsty drive of Iran’s leadership might fade. But his successor, Khamenei, took up the mantle, declaring himself God’s representative and the supposed deputy of the twelfth Imam, a mythic figure rooted in Shia superstitious. Khamenei’s illusions have led him to push the Middle East into an abyss of war, spreading devastation in Yemen, Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon. His regime has left a trail of ruins and massacres wherever it has intervened.

At home, Khamenei’s quest for power has come at the expense of Iran itself, driving the country into bankruptcy and ruin. This warmongering, deceitful, and brutal leader’s support for the recent events of October 7 illustrates the regime’s unyielding thirst for conflict. Just as Iran’s Islamic IRGC supported al-Qaeda in 2001, Khamenei’s Islamic Republic continues to nurture similar groups today. Khamenei’s boasts and threats, however, serve only as a facade of strength.

Inside Iran, Khamenei’s reign has relied on a “success through spreading fear” strategy, enabling the mullahs to enforce years of brutal repression. Yet, barbarism and terror cannot build a stable foreign policy. When the regime orchestrated missile attacks on Israel, the mullah was exposed as a paper tiger, stripped of its supposed ferocity. In reality, despite the mounting tensions and frequent skirmishes between Iran and Israel, Khamenei lacks the courage for a full-scale confrontation and instead resorts to missile launches and inciting terrorist proxies to do his bidding.

Historically, tyrants like Khamenei have favored flatterers and sycophants who eagerly sing his praises, even crafting poetic fantasies of his supposed “conquests.” Such praise inflates the regime’s fragile ego, depicting Khamenei as a heroic figure whose army would supposedly march into Jerusalem by dawn, should he give the order. But these fantasies fall apart upon close examination. Why, if he is truly the “conqueror of wars,” has he never led or won any?

While Iran is led by Khamenei, a snake poised to strike at any moment, the Iranian people themselves are not complicit in this aggression. The vast majority of Iranians do not harbor the mullahs’ zeal for war or terrorism. Khamenei and his clerical elite have long used Iraq as a staging ground for attacks, often timed to align with politically sensitive moments, like the upcoming U.S. elections. The Quds Force, Iran’s infamous paramilitary wing, leverages Shia networks in Iraq to exert influence, with silence from Arab, Sunni, and Kurdish factions, which could pose a threat to the region’s fragile stability.

Khamenei’s grave miscalculation in provoking a potential war with Israel has set the Islamic Republic on a path to collapse, as its defense infrastructure lies in shambles, and its missile facilities stand defenseless and vulnerable.

Khamenei’s contempt is, paradoxically, often greater toward his internal enemies—the dissatisfied Iranian populace—than toward foreign adversaries like Israel or the United States. He has shown an unrestrained willingness to crush dissent, branding his people as enemies if they refuse to support his deadly ambitions.

The Iranian nation does not stand behind Khamenei; this is not their war, nor is it one they wish to fight. For many Iranians, any external act that challenges Khamenei’s grip on power, such as an attack on his headquarters, might spark a glimmer of hope. After nearly 45 years of oppression, the idea of popular protests looms as a nightmare for the regime, while Iran’s current leadership clings to power in its final throes.

Iran’s situation is grim. Corruption and criminality among the regime’s officials have drained the nation, with the world watching as Iran sinks further into the abyss. For decades, global leaders have placated this rogue state, choosing diplomacy over decisive action and wasting precious time. But the world can no longer afford such leniency; change is inevitable, and Israel’s efforts to disrupt Iran’s network of terror reflect this shift. The Iranian regime, a balloon inflated with its own propaganda, has begun to deflate. For the mullahs, there is no longer any hiding behind rhetoric and religion; Israel has seen through the facade and will not hesitate to remove this threat, regardless of the international political climate.

While Iran faces its greatest turmoil in decades, Khamenei and his propaganda machine downplay Israel’s counterstrikes, trying desperately to mitigate the damage. Yet, doubts gnaw at the minds of the Islamic Republic’s officials, who find themselves caught between fearing an escalation they cannot control and dreading the implications of appearing weak. Failing to respond to Israel could inflame hardliner pressures within Iran, stirring unrest and leading to accusations of capitulation from the regime’s most fervent supporters.

Under Khamenei’s rule, the Iranians live in a reality shaped by deceit, cruelty, and a sinister alliance of criminals who rob the nation of both its wealth and its humanity. Iran has been stripped of culture, wisdom, and intellectualism, with the criminal ayatollahs steering society toward superstition, violence, and ignorance. For 36 years, Khamenei’s authoritarian rule has cast a dark shadow over the nation, fostering a culture where prejudice, vindictiveness, and ignorance take precedence over freedom and justice.

There is no meaningful distinction between Khamenei, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, Osama bin Laden, Hassan Nasrallah, Yahya Sinwar, Ismail Haniyeh, and Qasem Soleimani—they all share the same doctrine of terrorism and oppression, their actions fueled by fanaticism and a disregard for humanity.

Israel has seen through the regime’s bluster, understanding it as nothing more than a fragile facade. By disrupting the Iranian mullahs’ terror network, Israel seeks to sever the regime’s influence and further destabilize its grip. This mock empire, once exposed, will crumble. Whether it is Trump or Harris in the White House, the time for action is now, and Israel will not relent until this threat is eliminated.

Iran is in turmoil, with its propaganda machine faltering in the face of Israel’s calculated responses to its provocations. The officials of the Islamic Republic may try to mask their growing panic, but the cracks are evident. They dread the consequences of further escalation, both politically and economically, while also fearing the backlash from hardline elements who expect unwavering aggression. As this vicious cycle continues, Khamenei’s regime approaches its breaking point, while the Iranian people, weary and disillusioned, await the dawn of a new era.

[Ed.:  That’s okay about Ali KaKhamenei, he’s next! (But you can call him ‘Al’!]


As Israel searches for Eli Cohen’s remains…   Moshe Phillips

Let’s remember the legendary Eli Cohen’s doctrine – and continue his legacy.  Opinion.

Dec 29, 2024, 7:58 AM (GMT+2)   Israel National News – Earlier this month many news outlets reported that in the aftermath of the fall of Assad and the Ba’athist party Israel was searching for the remains of the Mossad agent Eli Cohen who was executed in Syria nearly 60 years ago.

The story of Eli Cohen’s life should be recalled today even if he had never gone undercover in Syria.

When Eli Cohen was publicly executed by the government of Syria on May 18, 1965, it was clear to Israelis and Syrians that he had succeeded in becoming a friend of the president of Syria, and had penetrated the innermost Syrian government circles. What was not yet known, however, was that he had gathered the intelligence that would later save the State of Israel from being destroyed.

More than any other one man, Eli Cohen, an Egyptian-born Jew, earned the Mossad its reputation as one of the best intelligence services in the world, and paved the way for Israel to win on the Golan front in the Six-Day War in June 1967.

He was deeply moved as a young man in Cairo by the 1944 trial of two members of the Stern Group (the LEHI), Eliahu Bet-Zouri and Eliahu Hakim. Hakim and Bet-Zouri were the assassins of the anti-Semitic British High Commissioner of the Middle East, Lord Moyne.

The young Cohen helped to organize demonstrations in support of Bet-Zouri and Hakim. The demonstrations proved fruitless. The men were sentenced to hang, but on the scaffold they maintained their dignity and self respect, and sang Israel’s national anthem, “Hatikvah.” It has been said that thoughts of Bet-Zouri and Hakim bolstered Cohen as he himself was led to be executed.

Later, Cohen was instrumental in establishing an “Underground Railroad” that smuggled Egyptian Jews to Israel. In the early 1950s, Cohen was recruited by the Mossad to participate in an espionage operation that spied on Nasser’s ex-Nazi scientists, who were attempting to build rockets; reportedly, Cohen also engaged in sabotage.

After the Mossad activities in Egypt were discovered and most members were rounded up, Cohen moved to Israel in 1956. After a brief time adjusting to life in Israel and his service in the Israel Defense Forces, Cohen was approached to become an information analyst for the Mossad.

The Mossad eventually accepted Cohen’s request for field duty.

Cohen adopted the persona of a rich Arab merchant who had emigrated to Argentina and then returned to his Syrian homeland, calling himself Kamal Amin Taabes. Under this cover, Cohen gained access to the most influential sectors of Damascus society, and joined the revolutionary Arab Socialist Ba’ath Party.

Cohen became very active in the party, and friendly with its leaders. After a coup d’etat, the Ba’ath Party came to power — and remains in power until today. Among the men Cohen had befriended, many became officials in the new government and were high-ranking military officers — including the head of intelligence, Colonel Ahmad Suweidani, and Syrian President Amin al-Hafiz.

Cohen was among the only civilians to ever inspect Syrian installations on the Golan Heights. He was able to send photographs and sketches of the entire Syrian front-lines back to the Mossad. In one case, he was able to warn Israel of an impending attempt by Syrian commandos to cross the border.

In addition to his espionage work, Cohen was assigned to assassinate escaped Nazi war criminal Franz Rademacher, who was living in a Syrian colony of ex-Nazis. The 1962 attempt on Rademacher failed. Alois Brunner, Adolf Eichmann’s right-hand man, was another Nazi who was offered refuge by Syria. Cohen participated in an attempt to target Brunner as well. This part of Syrian history is well worth reflecting on today: even before Assad came to power the Syrian government hated Jews so much that it offered a haven to Nazi war criminals. Famed Nazi hunter Simon Wiesenthal labeled Brunner as “doubtless the worst…living criminal of the Third Reich” in 1988.

When Cohen was finally discovered, quite by accident when his radio equipment was detected by KGB agents, he was being seriously considered to become either Minister of Defense or Assistant Foreign Minister.

After two lengthy trials, Eli Cohen was finally sentenced to death by hanging. Cohen was 40 years old, and left a widow, three daughters, and a son. In his final letter to his wife, he wrote “I beg of you not to waste time crying for me. Always think of the future.”

Cohen left advice for future leaders of Israel. He once said, “Against the Arab you mustn’t defend yourself. You must attack…”  [Emphasis added]

Eli Cohen’s advice was adhered to by the late Menachem Begin in 1981, when he was prime minister and ordered the Israeli Air Force to destroy the Iraqi nuclear plant at Osirak. The strike on Osirak established the Begin Doctrine, which unconditionally declared that the surprise raid was not a one time thing, but, as Begin himself explained a June 15 interview on CBS’s Face the Nation

“This attack will be a precedent for every future government in Israel. … Every future Israeli prime minister will act, in similar circumstances, in the same way.”

The doctrine could have just as easily been called the Eli Cohen Doctrine.

October 7th showed us that Israel had forgotten it. Let us hope that the doctrine is not ever forgotten again.

Moshe Phillips is national chairman of Americans For A Safe Israel (www.AFSI.org), a leading pro-Israel advocacy and education organization.


A sense of Déjà vu   Dr. Martin Sherman

All the current “mainstream” proposals for the “Day After” in Gaza represent the triumph of misguided hope—or at least, misconceived correctness—over bitter experience.  Op-ed.

Dec 28, 2024, 7:01 PM (GMT+2)  Israel National News 

You cannot solve a problem with the same mind that created it.—Albert Einstein

Sadly, the discussion of the fate of Gaza in general, and of the “Day After” in particular, is taking on an eerily familiar look—ominously reminiscent of the discussions of yesteryear.

Misperceptions and misconceptions

Draped in the same misperceptions and misconceptions of the Oslowian era, the debate on Israel’s emerging post-October 7 policy initiatives appears to be treading down the very same tragic path that precipitated the grisly events almost 15 months ago.

After all, it was the Oslo process that handed over Gaza to Yassir Arafat, in the hopelessly misguided hope that he had relinquished the path of violence and wished to build a more peaceful and prosperous future for his people.

Indeed, the entire Oslo process was predicated on the assumption that Israel could locate some “domesticated” Palestinian Arab, with both the will and the authority to forge a lasting peace with the Jewish state.

This is, of course, precisely the conceptual underpinning of all the current mainstream proposals for the various “Day After” scenarios—with the amical (or at least non inimical) Palestinian Arab entity/ies being either:

(a) some non-Hamas strongman such as Mohammed Dahlan, himself a man with “impressive” terrorist credentials),

(b) chieftains of local clans (hamulot), who have expressed little appetite for taking on such challenge, or

(c) some flimsily disguised re-concocted version of Palestinian Authority, something which could not possibly more myopic or misconceived, and unmistakably evocative of the definition of insanity as repeatedly trying the same thing while “expecting a different result”.

Triumph of hope over experience

Indeed, even under the highly implausible assumption that some as yet-be-identified Palestinian Arab interlocutor could be located, who has both the genuine desire and necessary authority to initiate—and endeavor to establish—conditions of non-belligerent stability alongside the Jewish state, this is something that is most unlikely to endure.

After all, it is more than probable that any such arrangement will face stiff resistance both from within and without Gaza, with recurring attempts to violate it and to overthrow those party to it. Accordingly, as all the various “Day-After” proposals envisage any future governing entity in Gaza as being demilitarized, any prospective pliant Palestinian Arab partner/s will be totally dependent on the IDF to ensure not only his/their continued ability to administer his/their allotted obligations—but also his/their continued ability to breathe.

Thus, at best, all these schemes represent the triumph of hope (or at least politically correctness) over bitter experience. For they are all born of a denial of the fact that Arab animosity is not rooted in what the Jewish state does, but in what the Jewish state is—i.e., Jewish.

Accordingly, the Palestinian-Arabs cannot be considered a prospective peace partner but an implacable enemy. They must be treated as such.

Even in Gaza. Even the “Day After.”


Iran’s Regime-Change Transcends Economic Sanctions   Ambassador (ret.) Yoram Ettinger, “Second Thought: a US-Israel Initiative”
December 29, 2024

*Driven by a 1,400-year-old fanatical religious vision – which eclipses financial and diplomatic benefits – Iran’s Ayatollahs have surged as the leading epicenter of anti-US Islamic terrorism, such as Yemen’s Houthis, Lebanon’s Hezbollah and Gaza’s Hamas. In addition, the Ayatollahs have fueled civil wars in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, East Africa (Ethiopia, Eritrea and the Sudan) and West Africa (Mauritania). They have subverted and terrorized pro-US Sunni Arab regimes in Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Bharain, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Morocco, etc. Since the early 1980s, Iran’s Ayatollahs have collaborated – along with Hezbollah terrorists – with Latin America drug cartels, terror organizations, Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua and all anti-US governments. They have established sleeper cells on US soil and have served as a focal point of global drug trafficking, money laundering and the proliferation of advanced military systems.

*The Ayatollahs’ conventional capabilities have made them the lead igniter of regional and global instability, terrorism and wars.

*The 46-year-old US diplomatic option has not moderated Iran’s Ayatollahs, but – unintentionally – has facilitated their transformation from “The American Policeman of the Gulf” to the leading anti-US perpetrator of wars and terrorism. Contrary to US policy makers, who consider negotiation (and economic sanctions) as a means to advance reconciliation, the Ayatollahs have viewed negotiation as a means to advance theiranti-US vision of subjugating the “apostate Sunnis” and the “infidel West.”

*President Trump’s maximum pressure economic sanctions managed to cripple the Ayatollahs’ economy and constrain their capabilities of assisting terror entities. However, as expected, President Biden proved them to be reversible and short-term in effectiveness. Moreover, surging unemployment and inflation, a disastrous shrinking of oil exports and a dramatically reduced GDP did not induce the intended policy changes by the Ayatollahs. Moreover, in the long run, the reversible economic sanctions enhanced the strategic posture of the Ayatollahs, who demonstrated their capabilities to overcome Western assaults.

*Economic sanctions are insufficiently effective when imposed on fanatical ideology-driven, apocalyptic regimes, as documented in their constitutions, school curriculum and official media. These regimes are less susceptible to the Western “Money Talks,” adhering to the Middle Eastern “Radical Vision Talks.”

*According to Tufts University’s Prof. Daniel Drezner, “Sanctions can be circumvented through third-party trade, with countries friendly to the sanctioned nation, serving as a substitute for both imports and exports from the countries that are sanctioning. For example, Russia’s trade with the European Union fell by about 5% compared to the 2017-2021 average in the wake of sanctions imposed in response to its invasion of Ukraine. However, at the same time, there were spikes in trade between Russia and Armenia, the United Arab Emirates, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Hong Kong. Those countries also experienced increases in trade with Europe and the U.S….”

*Furthermore, 40 years of economic sanctions have not induced the Ayatollahs to abort their nuclear plan, or to refrain from flexing their highly destabilizing conventional rogue muscles. In fact, economic sanctions have incentivised them to develop creative ways to bypass sanctions, enhancing trade with China, Russia and other countries, which oppose sanctions.

*Iran’s Ayatollahs have evolved into a role model of ruthless, apocalyptic despotism and imperialism, driven by an ideology, which mandates subjugation and degradation of internal and external opponents, such as domestic dissidents, ethnic and religious minorities, women, “apostate” Sunni regimes, the “infidel” West (religiously, culturally and strategically), “The Great American Satan” and “the illegitimate Zionist entity, the vanguard of the US in the Middle East.”

*Contrary to economic sanctions, regime-change is irreversible. It eliminates the threat, and cannot be restored by succeeding Presidents.  Moreover, regime-change in Iran would bolster the US’ strategic stature (including in Latin America, the US’ soft underbelly), by removing the Ayatollahs’ machete from the throats of all pro-US Arab regimes, eliminating the chief global destabilizer and core of Islamic terrorism. This would also induce Saudi Arabia and Oman (and possibly Kuwait, Indonesia and additional Moslem countries) to join the Abraham Accords.

*The track record of Iran’s Ayatollahs, the self-destructive nature of the US diplomatic option, and the reversibility of crippling economic sanctions, underscore the fact that the Ayatollahs should not be partners to negotiation, nor a target for maximum pressure economic sanctions, but a target for regime-change. Also, the potential cost of regime-change would be dwarfed by the horrific cost of facing a nuclear Iran.

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December 24, 2024 – “Child Sacrifice?” Somebody has gone way off the deep end. It is downright shocking that someone with the wisdom that Candace possesses could get to the point of intellectually believing Middle Age nonsense. Sigmund Freud was a Kabbalist? Where on earth does she come up with these preposterous notions?  There is much that needs to be clarified about how Candace Owens could have had such a prominent place on so many mediums that featured Jewish people at the helm of the organizations. Then one day, for seemingly intellectual reasons, she throws it all away in order to become the spokeswomen of hatred of the Jewish people in general and the State of Israel in particular.


More recently, Candace took up the issue of Israel’s supposed “intentional” attack on the USS Liberty back in June 1967. The Israel Guys explain clearly that the calumny of the IDF attack on the USS Liberty back in June 1967 is very indicative of everything that Candace is doing to malign the State of Israel. The evidence that Israel thought it was a US ship is not strong. Yes. there was an American flag on the ship. But it definitely was not supposed to be that close to Israel. It was almost definitely a mistaken attack, and it was a terrible incident that will always be a stain on the amazingly successful Six Day War in Israel.

But the anti-Israel line is to always look at the anti-Israel angle on matters that can be interpreted in both ways. For example, did the Israeli pilots see the American flag on the American ship? It is not clear. But perhaps the most incriminating piece of evidence against what Candace argues is that Arthur Goldberg, the US Ambassador to the UN, made it clear to the entire UN, two days before the attack, that there are no US vessels anywhere in the area of the war. Does that at least throw some shade on the conspiratorial notion that it was an intentional attack?

The “evil Zionists” are not the source of evil in the world. Actually, Israel is perhaps the greatest source of blessing in the world.

The Danger of Islam   [46:51]   Avi Abelow

November 30, 2024
Join me as I have a fascinating in depth discussion with Bob Meyer, an expert on Islamism.

Unfortunately, not enough people in the Western world are familiar with this Islamism. With its growth throughout Western countries, it is critical for people to understand what this is about in order to save the freedom-loving world as we know it.

A few weeks ago, we posted my interview with Bob on the Jewish people’s right to our ancestral homeland according to international law.

Click here to visit Bob Meyer’s website.


[Ed.:  Re-posting:

Warning! Missionaries Targeting the IDF and Holocaust Survivors!  [6:53]   Rabbi Tovia Singer

December 25, 2024 – Help us combat aggressive Jewish evangelism in Israel: https://outreachjudaism.org/partners/



HUGE MAGA VICTORY!! Trump gets incredible news while Biden gets BLASTED!!  [17:33]   Stephen Gardner

Dec 28, 2024

*Summary of Key Topics in Today’s Discussion*

  • **Media’s Attempt to Divide**:
  • The media is allegedly trying to create tension between Vivek Ramaswamy, Elon Musk, and Donald Trump.
  • Vivek’s emphasis on family values, education, and skill-building aligns with Trump’s platform, despite receiving backlash.
  • **Focus on Education and Skills**:
  • Vivek’s comments on strengthening education and skills mirror Trump’s call to abolish the Department of Education.
  • American schools continue to decline since the “No Child Left Behind” era under President Bush.
  • Cultural deterioration in the U.S. glorifies entertainment over academia, leading to falling behind other nations.
  • **Family Discussions**:
  • Personal conversations about blue-collar jobs and entrepreneurship underscore the importance of guiding youth.
  • Prioritizing the nuclear family and traditional values is key to societal recovery.
  • **H-1B Visa Debate**:
  • Charlie Kirk raises concerns about the misuse of H-1B visas, which may harm American workers and prioritize foreign labor.
  • **Legal Updates**:
  • Georgia judge forces Fani Willis to testify before the State Senate regarding alleged misconduct in Trump’s RICO case.
  • A $50 billion class action lawsuit is set to expose the DOJ’s alleged weaponization during January 6 prosecutions.
  • **Criticism of Biden’s Presidency**:
  • Scott Jennings highlights Biden’s lack of accountability for Afghanistan and recent controversial pardons.
  • Trump critics, including Jack Smith’s team, are reportedly preparing for potential investigations under a Trump DOJ.
  • **Trump’s Second Term Outlook**:
  • Trump claims less resistance from powerful figures like Jeff Bezos and Tim Cook compared to his first term.
  • Trump supports saving TikTok, citing its importance for small business advertising and economic impact.


A Real MAGA Civil War or Sabotage?   SASHA STONE

A short take.

DEC 28, 2024

I will admit that I knew nothing about the debate over H-1B Visas until it erupted on Twitter over the past few days. I watched the MAGA Right transform into something that looked much like the party I had just escaped. They wanted softer language, not hard truths. They were prepared to banish Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy from their version of utopia.

Say it ain’t so.

People I admired were piling on in creepy ways, reminding me how easily we can become corrupted by even the smallest bit of power. We should be able to debate issues like immigration, H-1B Visas, and cultural differences in how American children are raised without people dividing such a powerful movement.

And the media is dining out on all of it.

How convenient just before Trump is sworn in, just before January 6th.

So what’s going on? Vivek Ramaswamy posted something about America that offended the Right, you know, the side that makes fun of the Left for being easily offended?

Vivek’s Tweet:

Continue reading


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About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.