Daily Shmutz | COMMENTARY / OPINION  | 2/25/24



UN and WHO: Stooges of the global rapists of humanity…    DR. PETER AND GINGER BREGGIN

Neither a Communist nor a Capitalist strategy—it is the shared strategy of all tyrants and global predators.

The World Health Organization (WHO) is conspiring with predatory capitalists, predatory progressives, and communists to dominate the world. This theme gets robustly hammered home by Dr. Peter Breggin on the Peter and Ginger Breggin episode of America Out Loud PULSE.

FEB 25, 2024 – Tedros, the Director-General of the WHO, is beholden to two camps–what we call the Western and the Eastern Global Empires. The Western globalists include nearly all the presidents, premiers, and assorted rulers of the Western nations as well as the European Union (EU); billionaires like Bill Gates and organizers of the wealthy like Klaus Schwab; the global bankers and the CEOs of the global industries, including big tech companies; our Department of Defense and the Deep State; and nearly all the influencers and leaders of our Western institutions from education to the media.

The Eastern Global Empire is easier to describe. The Eastern globalists are dominated by the Chinese Communist Party, which is building deep political and economic ties with other nations, not only in their region but even inside the West and the United States. The Communists are closely involved with and dominate the United Nations and the WHO. At the same time, Bill Gates and other Western predators try to get a stronger foothold into these socialist/communist organizations.

The above is my background briefing for an hour-long interview with James Roguski, which becomes more robust as it proceeds. It takes place on our radio show on America Out Loud-Pulse, and it is also heard on our Substack and many other platforms.

James Roguski has been studying the WHO’s attempts to use treaty-like agreements and amendments to its International Health Regulations (IHR) to exploit and impose control over the nations of the world. His website is a tremendous source of information.

Today, he and I have a major but invigorating disagreement about what to emphasize or focus on regarding the WHO’s attempt to rule the world. Roguski’s emphasis is on the “capitalist predators,” and he provides important information on how the new WHO scam aims to work with the global banks and our Department of Defense to organize the world markets around the next “pandemic” or other worldwide threat. The scam will drain money from the people of the West into the global military-industrial and pharmaceutical complex under the guise of getting more vaccines to the poor around the world.


Searching for Peace-loving Palestinian Arab Leadership is DELUSIONAL   By Alex Grobman PhD.

16 Adar I 5784 – February 25, 2024 – “A move towards a peace-loving leadership in Palestine is the most desired outcome in the Israel-Hamas conflict,” British foreign minister James Cleverly said on November 8, 2023, repeating Britain’s support for a two-state solution according to Reuters. “In the short term, it is inevitable that Israel, because they have the troops in Gaza, will need to have a security responsibility,” Cleverly said at the G7 summit in Japan. “But our view is as soon as practicable, a move towards a peace-loving Palestinian leadership is the most desired outcome.”

Cleverly’s remarks border on the delusional without the slightest understanding of the history of the conflict. Inherent in his statement is the belief that the Palestinian Arabs want to live in peace with Israel. This illusion persists in spite of overwhelmingly evidence they have never had the slightest intention of agreeing to Israel’s right to exist in their ancestral homeland.

If a two-state solution is what these Arabs want, then why do they and their supporters chant “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,” on university campuses and demonstrations throughout the US, Canada, Australia, and Europe? It is a call for the total destruction of the Jewish state since the borders of Israel are precisely between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea.

In an interview on CBN News posted on October 24, 2023 with Itamar Marcus, founder and director of Palestinian Media Watch(PMW), Marcus said Hamas views the conflict with Israel as “an existential conflict, both against Israel as a state and against all Jews The PA [Palestinian Authority] shares this belief: PA Ministry of Religious Affairs instructed all preachers in all mosques to cite the Hadith that calls for genocide of all Jews. The PA supports Hamas’ terror invasion of Israel and has called on ‘West Bank’ Palestinians to join the terror.”

Marcus concludes, “The tragedy is that the world has always seen the PA as “a peace partner” and funded them. The PA has used that money to educate a generation of Palestinians to believe that they have the obligation to destroy Israel, and the obligation to kill Jews.”

[Ed.:  They’re “obliged” to kill us.  It’s their religious duty...]

                                                                                                                          The moment when he’s told: “It’s JEWS Ahmed, not ‘juice!”


Israel is both traumatized and sober-minded   Caroline B. Glick

The supposition that Israelis are simply acting out of pain or suffering trauma is deliberately manipulative.  Opinion.

Feb 25, 2024, 7:41 AM (GMT+2) – (JNS) There’s a “new wisdom” making the rounds in foreign-policy circles in Washington. It goes something like this: Israelis were so traumatized by Hamas’s brutal invasion on Oct. 7 that they can’t think straight about their interests. This is the reason why 85% of Israelis oppose Palestinian Arab statehood and 99 out of 120 Knesset members voted for a resolution opposing unilateral recognition of a Palestinian Arab state by foreign governments on Feb. 21.

U.S. Ambassador to Israel Jack Lew took the new line public. In his address on Feb. 18 before the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations meeting in Jerusalem, he asserted therapeutically that “discussing” Palestinian Arab statehood “is a huge challenge for a nation still in a state of trauma.”

On Thursday, former Defense Secretary Robert Gates made a similar argument in a conversation with The Washington Post’s David Ignatius. Gates acknowledged that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s opposition to the establishment of a Palestinian Arab state is shared by the people of Israel. Like Lew, he attributed Israel’s wall-to-wall opposition to a Palestinian Arab state to “the traumatic effect on Israel of Oct. 7,” which, he asserted, “had a huge impact psychologically inside of Israel.”

The “new wisdom” that Israelis are acting out of trauma is deliberately manipulative. Obviously, Israelis were traumatized by Oct. 7. The atrocities meted out that day by thousands of Palestinian Arabs—in and out of Hamas—against thousands of Israeli civilians and soldiers left a gaping hole in the hearts of every Israeli. How could it be otherwise? Any population in any country whose fellow citizens suffered far lesser atrocities simply because of their national identity would be traumatized.

But while it’s true that Israelis were traumatized by the slaughter that Black Shabbat, it doesn’t follow that their post-Oct. 7 positions are an emotional response to trauma, which Israelis can be expected to abandon once they get past their emotional angst.


Reason, Reasonableness & Realpolitik    Dr. Martin Sherman

Under Biden, important foreign policy interests are being sacrificed for domestic ones.  Opinion.

Foreign policy is really domestic policy with its hat on. – Hubert H. Humphrey

Feb 25, 2024, 12:23 AM (GMT+2) – Under the Biden administration, US foreign policy appears afflicted by several perturbing defects. Indeed, it seems to suffer from both a lack of general strategic perspective and of sound theater-specific understanding. Moreover, it appears to be heavily impacted by extraneous factors not having any discernable relevance for the pursuit of American interests across the globe.

Crucial goal for military success

This was starkly illustrated recently by the sharp changes in tone in US attitudes towards Israel during its protracted battle against Hamas. Immediately after the 10/7 massacre, in which innocent Israeli citizens—men, women, senior citizens, and infants—were slaughtered, mutilated, tortured, raped beheaded, and incinerated—the Biden administration appeared staunchly supportive of Israel’s right of self-defense. But as the fighting dragged on, the US began to adopt a more critical attitude towards IDF actions—particularly regarding a possible assault on Rafah, on Gaza’s southern border, conditioning any support for an operation against the town on plans to ensure the safety of Gazan civilians who fled to the south under Israeli directives.

For Israel, the takeover of Rafah is essential for its success in its battle to eradicate Hamas. Indeed recently, Netanyahu declared that sending ground troops into Rafah is essential to meeting Israel’s war goals while Biden warned him that Israel should not conduct a military operation there without a “credible and executable” plan to protect civilians.

Incubator for terror

Underscoring the problematics of this is the recent daring Israeli Special Force rescue of two elderly hostages, who were kidnapped on 10/7. The hostages were held in Rafah— among civilians– precisely because of US opposition to Israeli military action there.

It is difficult to understand the underlying rationale of this policy twist– particularly regarding Hamas which is, after all, the exact antithesis of the all values the US purports to cherish: It is indisputably a tyrannical, homophobic misogynistic organization that was freely elected by the Gaza public. The approval it won in the polls in the immediate wake of the polls proves that the Gazan public is not so much a victim of its elected leaders but the crucible in which it was formed and the incubator from which it emerged.


2024 Is the Last Year of Free Speech and Democracy in the Western World   Paul Craig Roberts

February 19, 2024Don’t let the alarmist sound of this column’s title put you off.  It is not a “conspiracy theory.” This column is a factual report as you will see if you read on.

Everyone needs to understand that the ruling elite in the US are implementing a decision to redefine democracy in a way that eliminates democracy, makes Congress superfluous, voting pointless, and discards the Constitution as an outdated document inconsistent with the power the ruling elite intend to wield over Americans and the rest of the world.

The decision has been made to redefine democracy from the will of the people to protecting “the sanctity of democratic institutions.” Precisely, what are “democratic institutions”? They are not the institutions, such as Congress and representative government or the rule of law and an independent judiciary, that we currently regard as democratic institutions. “Democratic institutions” are the institutions of the censorship industry, such as the military/security complex, State Department, NATO, CIA, FBI, IMF, World Bank, NGOs, the Atlantic Council, the Aspen Institute, the presstitutes, Black Rock, JP Morgan/Chase and other of the consensus-building institutions that set agendas and control the narratives. To express disagreement with the consensus these elite institutions build is considered to be “an attack on democracy.” In other words, “democracy” is the property of the elite institutions, and the sanctity of these elite institutions must be protected from the people defined by Hillary Clinton as “the Trump deplorables.” The will of the people is eliminated from the picture.

It might surprise you, but universities (Stanford, for example, is fully involved), major corporations especially the tech companies and social media, law schools, medical associations, and governors and members of Congress associated with the WEF accept the redefinition of democracy that excludes the will of the people. They also agree that the Constitution is inconsistent with the power they intend to wield over citizens. As I write the State Department is busy at work obstructing the House of Representatives inquiry into the executive branch’s use of taxpayers’ money to censor what we may hear about Covid, the Covid “vaccine,” election fraud, the Ukraine war, Iran, Russia, China, etc. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/house/2860918/state-department-obstruct-censorship-investigation-house-gop/


CHAPTER 7: Politicized Education   by Linda Goudsmit
Space Is No Longer the Final Frontier––Reality Is [upcoming release April 2024]
February 25, 2024 – Globalism is a replacement ideology that seeks to reorder the world into one singular, planetary Unistate, ruled by the globalist elite themselves. The globalist war on nation-states cannot succeed without collapsing the United States of America. The long-term strategic attack plan moves America incrementally from constitutional republic to socialism to globalism to feudalism. The tactical attack plan uses asymmetric psychological and informational warfare to destabilize Americans and drive society out of objective reality into the madness of subjective reality. America’s children are the primary target of the globalist predators.

The three pillars of faith, family, and flag were established as the infrastructure of freedom in the United States of America. Our Founding Fathers recognized the importance of an educated citizenry for sustaining ordered liberty in our constitutional republic. The infrastructure and moral tenets in American culture were derived from both the Bible and the Judeo-Christian tradition our Founding Fathers embraced.

Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other. —John Adams to Massachusetts Militia, 11 October 1798

Our Founding Fathers recognized literacy as the cornerstone of critical thinking and the transfer of information. They knew that an educated, moral, responsible adult citizenry was necessary to sustain and grow our fledgling nation.

Every child in America should be acquainted with his own country. He should read books that furnish him with ideas that will be useful to him in life and practice. As soon as he opens his lips, he should rehearse the history of his own country. —Noah Webster, On the Education of Youth in America, 1788

A Bible and a newspaper in every house, a good school in every district—all studied and appreciated as they merit—are the principal support of virtue, morality, and civil liberty. —Benjamin Franklin, Christian Life and Character of the Civil Institutions of the United States (ed. 1864)



Why Joe Biden isn’t Sweating   SASHA STONE

But he should be.

FEB 25, 2024 – Fear is trickling down the walls at the White House like blood from a crime scene. They try to wipe it away with a Lawrence O’Donnell monologue here, a Stephen Colbert freak out there.

Any other president at any other time in American history would be sweating. But Joe Biden isn’t.

It reminds me of this scene from the movie Quiz Show where the investigator, played by Rob Morrow, corners the President of NBC, played by Allan Rich, in an elevator. We have finally got you, Morrow says. Oh yeah? Rich says. Then why are you the one that’s sweating?

And so it goes with the Biden administration.

But there is no hiding it. Nate Silver is worried. The New York Times is worriedPolitico is worriedRolling Stone is worried. It’s so bad that they’ve given up towing the party line and are actually speaking out for the first time since Biden took office. They’re desperate for Biden to step aside and give the job to someone, anyone who will stop Trump.

Here is Bill Ackman touting Dean Phillips instead.

But of course, he must realize that no white man could leapfrog over Kamala Harris. And that is the tell. If they genuinely believed Trump was the Greatest Threat to Democracy America has ever faced, they would sacrifice their woke bona fides and usher in Gavin Newsom.

Why are they doing nothing? Because Joe Biden has bigger plans for his legacy. He will win in 2024 and then step down, elevating the first Woman of Color to President of the United States.

No, Joe Biden isn’t leaving. They’re going to have to rip the presidency from his cold, dead hands. There is no way he is passing up the chance to make history. Years from now, when the dust settles, all that will remain is the face of Kamala Harris right alongside George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and FDR. The person who will get the credit for that is not Harris, who did nothing to earn her place, but Joe Biden.

Kamala Harris, they tell us, can’t win an election in the United States, but Biden will ensure the public must accept her as their leader anyway. And that tells you everything you need to know about what Biden thinks about all of us. His legacy matters more than we do, more than our country does.


Peter Schweizer Exposes China’s Foot Soldiers in America     Mark Levin Show

February 23, 2024 – Peter Schweizer on Life, Liberty and Levin. “You look at a situation like the fentanyl crisis. It’s killing 100,000 Americans a year and a lot of people know that the precursors come from China. What they don’t know is that China’s involved in every single chain in this link that leads to the death of Americans.”


Hamas Official: There are no Palestinian people. They are Egyptian and Saudis   By MEMRI TV

March 23, 2012 – Hamas Minister of the Interior and of National Security Fathi Hammad admits Arab forgery right on Al-Hekma TV (Egypt) on March 23, 2012. Have the Arab in Israel (so called “palestinians”) managed to fool you to believe they are Natives in the land of Israel ?  And why they are so intimidated by History and facts ?  In a temper tantrum he could not keep his mouth shut but had to blurt out the truth: that the “Palestinian” people are a fabrication, an invention. There never existed a state called Palestine or a people called Palestinian. And there never existed an invasion of Palestinian land over a territory that belonged to the Jews over 1,000 years before Mohammed was even born.

The Palestine-Israeli conflict is about hate.  Jew hate.  In fact, it’s about 1,400 years of antisemitism created by the Arabs.  The Muslim faith demands that Muslims must hate Jews and must dedicate themselves to kill Jews. This deliberate effort of ethnic cleansing of the Jews by propaganda and lies have even been spread to the West by Arab money, and deliberate Arab propaganda put into our schools and media as a result of the Cairo declaration (1943) that allowed Arabs to create a “positive impression” of Palestine to the West.  Prior to this we were free of this propaganda.  The Arabs who now claim to be natives of the Holy Land migrated to Palestine and invaded the land after 1917, from neighboring Arab countries, predominantly from areas now known as Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq.  Where was this “Palestinian people”? In March 1977, Zahir Muhsein, an executive member of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO), said in an interview to the Dutch newspaper Trouw: “The ‘Palestinian people’ does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel.”

Watch  [2:40]   

[Ed.:  Proof of earliest Palestinian Found.]

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Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.