Daily Shmutz | COMMENTARY / OPINION  | 3/1/24



POLL: American People Are Not With Biden In His Anti-Israel Policies   [41:50]   Caroline Glick

March 1, 2024 – A new Harvard/Harris Poll reveals that the American people by-in-large are supportive of Israel’s war against Hamas and feel that Biden’s Middle East policies are failing.


The terror of the right    Melanie Phillips

The Oct. 7 atrocities produced a profound sense of disorientation for progressives because the Palestinian Arabs whose cause they had promoted as the acme of conscience and enlightenment turned out to be savages.   Op-ed.

Feb 29, 2024, 10:33 PM (GMT+2) – ( JNS) There’s a fixed belief in progressive circles that if only Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, were to be removed from office, there would be at least a sporting chance of peace in the Middle East.

On Monday night, in an appearance on an NBC show, U.S. President Joe Biden said that Israel must make peace with the Palestinian Arabs to survive. He warned that Israel’s “incredibly conservative government,” which includes the ultra-nationalist National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir and others, was “going to lose support from around the world. And that is not in Israel’s interest.”

American officials repeat, like a steady drumbeat, that the reason the Israelis are so resistant to the imposition of a Palestinian state and insistent on mounting an attack against the last bastion of Hamas in Rafah, contrary to American instructions, is that Netanyahu is in hock to “right-wing extremists.”

Some believe that the Biden administration is working to replace Netanyahu with a more pliable alternative, such as war cabinet member Benny Gantz. Isn’t such interference in another sovereign state by seeking to lever out its democratically elected prime minister the kind of thing that the left routinely denounces as U.S. “imperialism”?

It’s apparently fine, however, for the Biden administration to do this to Israel because Netanyahu is, after all, leading a “right-wing extremist” government, which seems to mean he has no basis to be in power at all.

Of course, Biden is trying to appease the virulently anti-Israel wing of the Democratic Party, which is causing him a major election-year headache.

More fundamentally still, his administration won’t permit Israel to derail U.S. strategy for the region. Astonishingly, this involves empowering Iran, and ludicrously asserts that the solution to the Iranian war being waged against Israel and the West by using Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis as proxy terrorist armies is to impose a Palestinian state.


WAYNE ROOT: “Do You Believe in Miracles?” Something Supernatural is Happening with President Trump. We are All Witnessing “The Trump Miracle.”   By Wayne Allyn Root

Feb. 29, 2024 12:00 pm – “Do you believe in miracles?” Remember those words by sports broadcaster Al Michaels when the underdog US Hockey team won the Olympic Gold in the 1980 Winter Olympics. History has branded that game…

“The Miracle on Ice.”

See, in real life miracles do happen. We live in a negative, cynical world. Few of us really believe in miracles…and even fewer believe a miracle is happening, even when it’s happening right in front of us. But miracles happen all the time.

You just have to be open to seeing and believing in miracles.

I believe a miracle, sent directly by God, is happening right in front of us, right now. You just have to open your eyes.

President Trump is that miracle.

He’s sometimes crude and rude. He offends so many. He angers so many. “The powers that be” want him stopped at any cost- even if they have to frame him by making up crimes that never happened.

He faces so many indictments and trials. He faces over 700 years in prison. He is being fined hundreds of millions of dollars and banned from conducting business. If he doesn’t spend the rest of his life in prison, he could end up losing his empire to bankruptcy.

He is painted as “Hitler” and “KKK” and a “white supremacist.” We are told he is “a threat to democracy.” If elected, his critics say, he will destroy America.

Virtually everyone in power is against him- from the DC Swamp, to the Deep State, to the Military Industrial Complex (that wants wars around the world), to his own government agencies (CIA, FBI, DOJ, NSA) who frame him and spy on him.

All the groups who hold the most wealth and power in America are out to stop him- Wall Street, mainstream media, Silicon Valley, the Bar Association, the teachers union, Hollywood, Madison Avenue. They all hate him.

Foreign governments are desperate to stop him from ever gaining power again. Global organizations like the WEF, WHO and United Nations despise him. Almost every globalist billionaire in the world is arrayed against him- George Soros, Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos and all the rest.

Women call him “sexist.” Black Democrats call him “racist.” Gays call him “homophobic.” Muslims call him “Islamophobic” because of his unswerving faith and support for Israel. But American Jews vote against him.

Yet after all of that, President Trump holds the lead over Joe Biden in virtually every national poll; leads in every battleground state that determines the election; leads among Generation Z (the youngest voters); and in some polls leads among Latino and black males. A recent poll showed Trump leading among Jewish voters in New York state.

How is this possible? It’s supernatural. It’s biblical. It can’t be explained. It’s a real-life miracle.

Let me finish with two real-life stories that back my belief that a “Trump Miracle” is happening in front of our eyes.


Don’t tell me to take my finger out of our dike!   Barry Shaw

It was not by accident that Palestinian Hamas called their genocidal massacre of Jews on 7 October the Al Aqsa Flood. Op-ed.

Feb 28, 2024, 11:04 PM (GMT+2) – Do you know the story about Hans, the little Dutch boy who was raised by his parents that it is the duty of every citizen to protect the safety of their community?

Holland is a country at or slightly below sea level. That’s why they have what’s known as dikes, retaining walls that keep out the sea water to prevent flooding which would be disastrous for a country like Holland.

One day, walking along the dike, Hans spotted a growing puddle with a tiny hole where seawater was pouring in. Realizing that the sea could soon break the dike, Hans put his finger into the hole to stop the water flooding into his village and waited for help to come.

No one came. Hans was alone, defending his community, defending his country from being flooded.

When night came his worried family went to find him. They searched In the dark but didn’t find him until morning when they came across his unconscious body still with his finger in the hole to stop the mighty water from flooding in and drowning his people.

Tiny Hans became a hero for having saved his people from disaster.

Israel is that tiny Hans. We have our finger in the dike to stop our enemies from flooding in and destroying us.

Yet, while we are fighting to prevent ourselves from drowning under the Islamic rage that is loudly threatening to tear down our defenses, delusional Western democracies, whose countries are being flooded by the same enemy, are criticizing our efforts to survive this persistent deadly wave of hate.

Leading these blind nations is the Biden Administration followed by Britain under its Foreign Minister David Cameron, and the myopic French President Macron, who are ordering tiny Israel to take our finger out of the dike that prevents the deadly flood of Palestinian Arab haters and killers.



Three blows against Israel, all in one week   Jack Engelhard

The slaughter of 1,200 Israeli innocents is old news, off the radar, and a time to slurp ice cream when discussing the hostages. And then there is “60 Minutes.”  Op-ed.

Feb 29, 2024, 9:11 AM (GMT+2) – If this were a boxing match, the ref would count to 10, and end the fight. Or rather, he’d need only count to three.

In the real world, it begins when Blinken delivers a sucker punch by saying that the Israelis have no rights to Judea/Samaria.

He is terribly mistaken. International Law asserts that the Israelis have the same rights for Judea/Samaria as they do for Tel Aviv.

Judea/Samaria is the Heartland.

In response, ZOA’s Mort Klein puts it like this: “Blinken/Biden lie reverses US policy, violates US treaties, harms peace, and endangers Israel’s security.”

Mort calls out Biden/Blinken as being “extremist Israel-bashers.”

As if to prove the point, here comes another White House spokesperson to deny Israel its spoils on Gaza, averring that the territory must spring back to the Arabs, even Hamas.


Secretary Blinken on ‘settlements’ – vindicated by facts?   Amb. (ret.) Yoram Ettinger

According to Prof. Eugene Rostow, the co-author of the November 22, 1967 UN Security Council Resolution 242: “Jews have the same right to settle in the ‘West Bank’ as they have in Haifa.”  Op-ed.   Amb. (ret.) Yoram Ettinger

Feb 29, 2024, 12:17 PM (GMT+2) – Secretary of State Antony Blinken represents conventional wisdom when claiming that “It’s been longstanding US policy… that new settlements are… inconsistent with international law.”

However, conventional wisdom is frequently demolished by the march of facts.

For instance:

*According to Prof. Eugene Rostow, who was the co-author of the November 22, 1967 UN Security Council Resolution 242, served as Undersecretary of State and was the Dean of Yale University Law School: “Jews have the same right to settle in the ‘West Bank’ as they have in Haifa.”

“According to UN Resolution 242, Israel is required to withdraw from territories, not the territories, nor from all the territories, but some of the territories, which included Judea and Samaria (aka the ‘West Bank’), East Jerusalem, the Gaza Strip, the Sinai Peninsula and the Golan Heights. Moreover, according to Prof. Rostow, “resolutions calling for withdrawal from all the territories were defeated in the Security Council and the General Assembly…. Israel was not to be forced back to the fragile and vulnerable [9-15 mile-wide] lines… but to secure and recognized boundaries, agreed to by the parties…. In making peace with Egypt in 1979, Israel withdrew from the entire Sinai… [which amounts to] more than 90% of the territories occupied in 1967….”

*Former President of the International Court of Justice, Judge Stephen M. Schwebel, stated: “Between Israel, acting defensively in 1948 and 1967 (according to Article 52 of the UN Charter), on the one hand, and her Arab neighbors, acting aggressively in 1948 and 1967, on the other, Israel has better title in the territory of what was [British Mandate] Palestine…. It follows that modifications of the 1949 armistice lines among those States within former Palestinian territory are lawful…. [The 1967] Israeli conquest of territory was defensive rather than aggressive… [as] indicated by Egypt’s prior closure of the Straits of Tiran, blockade of the Israeli port of Eilat, and the amassing of [Egyptian] troops in Sinai, coupled with its ejection of the UN Emergency Force…[and] Jordan’s initiated hostilities against Israel…. The 1948 Arab invasion of the nascent State of Israel further demonstrated that Egypt’s seizure of the Gaza Strip, and Jordan’s seizure and subsequent annexation of the ‘West Bank’ and the old city of Jerusalem, were unlawful….”

[Ed.:  ‘The settlers” in the U.S. State Department should mind their own business.  They really have nothing to say about settlers in Israel, after all. This is especially so, since the ‘settlers’ in the State Department are terrorists that finance and arm Arab terrorists! These State Department ‘settler/terrorists’ are the ones who have no right to exist, after all…]


Sleepy Joe is an old enemy of Israel ! Never fall for a man’s words. Always judge him by his actions!


Jonathan Pollard and Rabbi David Bar-Hayim: A Moral Solution for Gaza   [2:01]   Machon Shilo


Ridiculous Lies or Uncomfortable Truth?   Chananya Weissman

February 29, 2024 – Would you believe me if I told you there was a massive fire, and everyone was frantically calling the fire department, but they were too shocked to respond for more than 7 hours?

Would you believe me if I told you Hatzalah ignored emergency calls for 7 hours because they were too arrogant to take the warnings seriously? Would YOU be too shocked to respond for more than 7 hours if you or your family were under attack?So why do you believe the same utterly absurd lies, only a thousand times greater, about October 7?

Would you believe it even if professional liars and useful idiots insisted it was true?

Would YOU be too shocked to respond for more than 7 hours if you or your family were under attack?

So why do you believe the same utterly absurd lies, only a thousand times greater, about October 7?

I’m so tired of people pushing the nonsense that this is all some plot to bring down Bibi, as if Bibi is some great protector of the Jewish people. (Check this out. If I didn’t know better I’d think it was a Purim joke. All that’s missing is the pom poms and cheerleader outfit.)

The guy’s rap sheet is long enough to reach hell. He gave away Chevron. He voted THREE TIMES to destroy Gush Katif. He brought us building freezes, and nonstop destruction of “settlements”, and horrifically lopsided hostage deals. Under his watch the rainbow people have taken over, Jews were brutally tortured until they “confessed” to crimes the state wanted to pin on “violent settlers”, and the Amalekite WEF agenda became state policy.

Bibi brought us lockdowns, poison shots, seizure of basic liberties, and secret agreements with drug companies that sold out the citizens. There’s plenty more.  [Emphasis added]

So what if he gave a few overrated performances at the UN? Really, so what?

This “left against Bibi” narrative is so those who love Israel will reflexively, mindlessly protect the “target” of the left. (Trump plays the same role in America. And if you think Smotrich and Ben Gvir have your back, just take the Covid shots they pushed too and go back to sleep.)

The zombies who marinate in Communist-style mind control and made a death cult out of serving the state insist that Bibi’s hands are tied by America. Right. So on the one hand he’s a great Jewish hero, but also his hands are tied. They just rationalized genocide of the Jewish people. Sorry, hands are tied. Free pass.

There’s no way Bibi and everyone in a position of any significance couldn’t have known when dozens of neighborhoods were burning, it was being live streamed on the Internet, and everyone was frantically calling for help. Half the country knew as it was happening. There was no meaningful help for 7+ hours. No heads have rolled since then. The same people who presided over the mini-Holocaust are pompously ordering more Jews into death traps, under the guise of taking revenge, saving the hostages they allowed to be taken, and keeping the rest of us safe. Spare me the excuses for Bibi being some kind of clueless but genuine hero.

This is aside from the fact that a group of people so organized, sophisticated, and powerful that they could orchestrate a huge invasion and mini-Holocaust, then control a war, doesn’t need to go to such lengths to bring down a single man. Nor do they need to, if they have such a firm grip on the military, the media, the government, and everyone of consequence in between. If this crazy narrative that it’s about Bibi were true, they don’t need to bring him down. They already run the country and can do whatever they want.

It’s baffling to me that ANYONE allows themselves to be talked into something so patently absurd and deems themselves clever or “awake”. There’s nothing clever about talking yourself out of stark reality because it’s more horrible than you wish to believe is possible.

The war isn’t for the sake of the hostages. The hostages are for the sake of the war. That’s why they were allowed to be taken.


Jonathan Pollard and Rabbi David Bar-Hayim: Do Not Trust Guarantors  [1:30:04]    Machon Shilo

Discussion between former prisoner of Zion, Jonathan Pollard and the head of Machon Shilo, Rabbi David Bar-Hayim


McConnell – Leader of the RINO/CCP Party   Tom Renz

FEB 29, 2024 – Sound the bells, folks – Mitch ‘Limp Dick’ McConnell the ED Leader of the RINO Senate will finally be abdicating his decades long leadership position. The 82-year-old Senator is married to Chinese immigrant and former Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao. Chao, with her deep family ties to China’s shipping industry has been accused of abusing her “public office for private gain.” Her father and former Chinese President and Chinese Communist Party (CCP) General Secretary Jiang Zemin had a ‘close relationship’ according to the New York Times.

It has been alleged that during her time as Transportation Secretary, Elaine Chao repeatedly used her position and agency staff to help family members who run a shipping business with ties to China.

The published report dated March 2, 2021, included potential violations of federal ethics laws. Allegations made in Oct 2019 and Dec 2020 were referred to the Office of Inspector General for further investigation. On Jan 7, 2021 – just weeks after the findings were referred to the Justice Department in December 2020 – Chao resigned citing “traumatic and entirely avoidable” violence at the U.S. Capitol.


Is Trump’s Mega-Fine Unconstitutional?    by Alan M. Dershowitz
February 29, 2024 at 5:00 am

  • The civil case against Donald Trump was brought by New York Attorney General Letitia James, a prosecutor who campaigned for her elected office on a pledge to get Trump. By bringing a civil case rather than a criminal prosecution, James denied Trump a jury trial, which he could not have gotten on this kind of case; a requirement of proof beyond a reasonable doubt, and other constitutional safeguards. Now she seeks to deny him the protection of the Eighth Amendment’s prohibition against excessive fines.
    Arthur Engoron, the New York Supreme Court judge in the real estate case brought against Donald Trump by the state attorney general, has fined Trump and members of his family $464 million. This raises the question of whether the fine – which does not reflect damages actually done – is “excessive” under the Eighth Amendment of the US Constitution, which reads as follows: “Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.”

The court also ordered Trump to pay $111,ooo per day in interest, and that he “be barred from serving as an officer or director of a New York corporation or other legal entities in the state for three years, and cannot apply for loans from any financial institution registered in the state for three years…”

In addition, the court fined his two sons, Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump, $4 million each, and banned them from serving as executives at the Trump Organization for two years.

Although the Eighth Amendment is not explicitly limited to criminal cases, its three subjects— bail, fines and punishments — all relate generally to criminal cases. Trump’s fine was imposed in what was denominated a civil case. But it was not a traditional civil case between private parties, because no private parties were allegedly damaged by Trump. It was a case brought by the State of New York, which would receive the fine. Moreover, the fine was intended to deter the kind of conduct of which Trump was accused.

These factors make the fine seem closer to the usual attributes of a public criminal case than of a private civil case. A functional analysis of the fine in this case could well conclude that it is really criminal in nature and should be covered by the Eighth Amendment.


Tucker Carlson on the 2020 Election: ‘It Was 100 Percent Stolen’   (VIDEO)   By Mike Lachance

Feb. 28, 2024 9:40 pm – ucker Carlson recently did an interview with podcaster Lex Fridman.

Their discussion covered a wide range of topics and is worth watching in full, but Tucker’s comments on the 2020 election are especially interesting.

Tucker said the election was ‘100 percent stolen’ citing the last minute changes made to voting procedures with regards to Covid.

PJ Media reported:

“You said to some degree the election was rigged,” Fridman began. “Was it stolen?”

“It was 100% stolen,” Carlson replied. “Are you joking?”

“Like, it was rigged to that large—”

“They completely change the way people vote right before the election on the basis of COVID—which had nothing to do with—”

“So, in that way, it was rigged?” Fridman asked.

Carlson replied:


Jonathan Pollard: Rejecting the American Diktat   [27:59]   Machon Shilo

February 28, 2024



Biden Mocked on Italian Television  [2:39]   Judge Napolitano

This aired on Italian Television over the weekend.

A confused Biden is mocked then blows up the world.


Tucker Carlson on censorship and free elections:


Biden’s Collaboration in the Murder of Laken Riley     MARK ALEXANDER

Never, ever forget the precious face of this young woman.

FEBRUARY 28, 2024

To admit foreigners indiscriminately to the rights of citizens, the moment they put foot in our country, as recommended in the Message, would be nothing less, than to admit the Grecian Horse into the Citadel of our Liberty and Sovereignty.”  — Alexander Hamilton (1802)

I was raised with an appreciation for humor and satire, especially the Gary Larson “Far Side” variety and, later, “National Lampoon” and “The Onion.” I lost interest in the latter two decades ago because they lost interest in posting clever and funny content. Thank goodness for our friends Seth and Dan Dillon and Kyle Mann at The Babylon Bee for rediscovering the fine art of great contemporary political and cultural satire. I always take a minute to see what news The Bee is “reporting,” the best of which appears on our site.

This week, I picked up on this one: “Facing Low Approval, Biden Promises To Start Pretending To Care About The Border.” Indeed, Joe Biden is scheduled for a border photo op Thursday.

That headline provided a moment of levity in what has become the most disastrous of Biden’s policy failures — his disgraceful open border policy. Biden and his Demos have invited more than NINE MILLION illegal immigrants across our southern border, just one of a plethora of Biden’s failed domestic and foreign policies that have, predictably, resulted in a flood of blood on Biden’s hands.

That’s nine million that we know of — the number is substantially higher, and those who are skilled at evading detection are substantially more dangerous.

[Ed.:  Biden sniffs them and Biden snuffs them.  Sniffing and snuffing. Sniffing and snuffing. He’s the quicker sniffer snuffer.]


The new Harvard Harris Poll shows that 82% of Americans support Israel in this war, and 68% think Israel is doing what it can to avoid civilian casualties.    Shaiel Ben-Ephraim@academic_la

February 27, 2024 – A few takeaways from this poll are quite meaningful: 1) Americans support their fellow democracies. 2) Americans hate terrorism. 3) The attempts of pro-Hamas demonstrators to disrupt American lives have backfired. 4) Zoomers are not convinced by the histrionics on campus, and 72% of them support Israel now. 5) Israel is winning the war of opinion AND the war on the battlefield. 6) Gaza is NOT a winning issue for the left. They are barking up the wrong tree.


‘And Then Comes Biden, The Arsonist…’: Mark Levin Assails Biden Over His Treatment Of Israel   [9:35]   Forbes Breaking News

Feb 25, 2024 – At CPAC 2024 on Friday, conservative pundit Mark Levin assailed President Biden’s treatment of Israel.


Episode 3423: Road To Damascus: Shutdown The Government Or Shutdown The Border   [48:58]   Bannons War Room


Jonathan Pollard: Israel Is Our Only Homeland   [14:30]   Machon Shilo

February 27, 2024


Israel May Have Just Ended Hizbollah (Without Firing a Single Shot)  [8:35]   The Tom Nash Report


A watershed moment   MELANIE PHILLIPS

In a supine Britain, Islamists are seizing their opportunity

FEB 25, 2024 – Last Wednesday evening saw a watershed moment in Britain.

Parliamentary rules were torn up and democratic debate scrapped under the pressure of threats to murder British members of parliament in connection with a foreign war, as I commented here.

While the mob in Parliament Square waved a phalanx of Palestinian flags and bayed abuse of Israel, the words “from river to sea” were projected onto parliament’s Elizabeth Tower, or “Big Ben”.

The symbolism was devastating and appalling. The slogan “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” is the infamous cry, by those waging Islamic holy war and their western supporters, for the destruction of Israel and the Jews within it. Yet it was being projected onto the structure that symbolises democracy and the nation. No less terrible than using parliament to stage a call for the genocide of the Jews, this was also a gloating statement that the Islamists were now in control of Britain.

It was subsequently reported that Ben Jamal, Director of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign who organised Wednesday’s hate-fest outside the Commons, told demonstrators to “ramp up the pressure” on MPs and to demonstrate in such numbers “that they will have to lock the doors of parliament itself”.

On  Saturday, the police closed Tower Bridge for an hour as the “ceasefire now” mob blocked traffic and let off flares.

And the police stood back and let this happen — even though they have legal powers to prevent such “disruption to the life of the community”, just as they have powers to prevent demonstrators from screaming “death to the Jews” or “globalise the intifada” as they have done every week since the October 7 Hamas pogrom in Israel.


From Seinfeld to Ben-Gvir, Antisemites Attack Jews   The Caroline Glick Show In-Focus

February 26, 2024 – Jewish businesses or anybody who supports Israel in any way are being attacked across the world by far-left and Islamist mobs. Is this causing an awakening and a new realization about the nature of antisemitism?


Why are Americans becoming more stupid?   By Pamela Geller

February 26, 2024 – “This is now state of war, fifth generational war – from the inside, not kinetic, but lawfare against the society in order to destroy it. Destroy morals and ethics, the sense of fairness, destroy the understanding that rights only work when tied to responsibilities. Break the family – get young to not marry, be bisexual or gay if possible. Create mental illness (phones, entertainment industry, the ‘health departments, vaccine), increase Crime, increase anti-social behavior, import a vast number of unsuitable people, cause them to not absorb in the native culture to fragment society. Destroy religion. Destroy patriotism.

Remove enlightenment liberalism (the writers of the USA Constitution, for example) and replace the philosophy with Postmodernism, which is basically Satan’s creed. Grow debt past the ability to pay to service it, award entitlements to the public sure to bankrupt the nation as they have to be borrowed to pay them out – then have to borrow to ‘service’ that debt’s interest payments, which is called a ‘doom loop’, borrowing to pay interest on debt….. Make home ownership unaffordable to young so they do not have Families. Basically do everything the Unipartys of all Western Nations do – abetted and run by their ‘Deep States’ and Globalist masters. Keep ‘Forever Wars” burning to justify a secret Police state, the ‘Security Services’ are now watching you, their resources turned inward….

But enough listing – I am sure you know a hundred more insane things being done – and even enforced, to destroy us all. (Kneeling?) drugs, homelessness, just endless.

At the heart of it all is to destroy Enlightenment and Classical Education. One which has good and evil – not ‘correct and incorrect.’ The people are utterly powerless once you replace that with Postmodernism Liberalism. No morals, No ethics, nothing of ultimate importance.


“Psychological and Cognitive Warfare on Citizens”     ROBERT W MALONE MD, MS

My Speech at the International Crisis Summit-5 in Washington DC

FEB 26, 2024

“Psychological and Cognitive Warfare on Citizens”
Transcript as follows:

Thank you so much for coming on behalf of the organizers and the whole ICS initiative, which continues to grow. Thank you for your courage and commitment in all that you’ve done by just being here. It’s clear that you’re one of those that are committed to freedom and personal autonomy and sovereignty. I’d like to tell you about the thing that bothers me the most right now.

The truth is, it’s not medical freedom. It’s not even the problem of the lies that we’ve been told about the COVIDcrisis or the gross mismanagement of the COVIDcrisis. It’s the willingness of governments to deploy modern cognitive and psychological warfare tools and technologies against their own citizenry in combination and particular with the power of modern big tech.

We’re all perplexed by what has happened over the last four years, and I think we’ve all had this gradual series of small awakenings. We have the privilege, as a friend of mine put it to me the other day, of being able right now to go down these various rabbit holes, these various journeys in fact discovery, and discuss them among ourselves. We all find these little tiny factoids of truth in a sea of lies, and we carefully gather those little bits of truth and share them with each other and talk about their deep inner meaning and the implications. We don’t think that in five years we may not even be able to do that.


Secretary Blinken on settlements – vindicated by facts?   Yoram Ettinger

February 26, 2024 – Secretary of State Antony Blinken represents conventional wisdom when claiming that “It’s been longstanding US policy… that new settlements are… inconsistent with international law.”

However, conventional wisdom is frequently demolished by the march of facts.

For instance:

*According to Prof. Eugene Rostow, who was the co-author of the November 22, 1967 UN Security Council Resolution 242, served as Undersecretary of State and was the Dean of Yale University Law School: “Jews have the same right to settle in the West Bank as they have in Haifa.”

*According to UN Resolution 242, Israel is required to withdraw from territoriesnot the territories, nor from all the territories, but some of the territories, which included Judea and Samaria (the West Bank), East Jerusalem, the Gaza Strip, the Sinai Peninsula and the Golan Heights.  Moreover, according to Prof. Rostow, “resolutions calling for withdrawal from all the territories were defeated in the Security Council and the General Assembly…. Israel was not to be forced back to the fragile and vulnerable [9-15 mile-wide] lines… but to secure and recognized boundaries, agreed to by the parties…. In making peace with Egypt in 1979, Israel withdrew from the entire Sinai… [which amounts to] more than 90% of the territories occupied in 1967….”

*Former President of the International Court of Justice, Judge Stephen M. Schwebel, stated: “Between Israel, acting defensively in 1948 and 1967 (according to Article 52 of the UN Charter), on the one hand, and her Arab neighbors, acting aggressively in 1948 and 1967, on the other, Israel has better title in the territory of what was [British Mandate] Palestine…. It follows that modifications of the 1949 armistice lines among those States within former Palestinian territory are lawful…. [The 1967] Israeli conquest of territory was defensive rather than aggressive… [as] indicated by Egypt’s prior closure of the Straits of Tiran, blockade of the Israeli port of Eilat, and the amassing of [Egyptian] troops in Sinai, coupled with its ejection of the UN Emergency Force…[and] Jordan’s initiated hostilities against Israel…. The 1948 Arab invasion of the nascent State of Israel further demonstrated that Egypt’s seizure of the Gaza Strip, and Jordan’s seizure and subsequent annexation of the West Bank and the old city of Jerusalem, were unlawful….”

*The legal status of Judea and Samaria is embedded in the following 4 authoritative, bindinginternationally-ratified documents, which recognize the area for what it has been: the cradle of Jewish history, culture, language, aspirations and religion. [Emphasis added]


Jim Jordan on Biden Family Corruption    Rep. Jim Jordan@Jim_Jordan

It’s a tale as old as time. A government official takes action. That action benefits his family. And then, when questions are asked, there’s a cover-up. For President Joe Biden, it’s a story about money, influence, and protecting the Biden family brand.

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐲, 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬, 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐝

Between 2014 and April 25, 2019, the day Joe Biden announced his candidacy for President, Biden family members received approximately $15 million from foreign entities.  It was done through a complex series of transactions involving over 20 different companies. What did the Bidens do? What services did Hunter Biden and his associates provide? What was worth the receipt of $15 million?

Devon Archer, Hunter Biden’s business partner, gave us the answer. In his transcribed interview before Congress, he said they were selling “the Brand.” And “the Brand” was Joe Biden.  As another one of Hunter Biden’s business partners, Jason Galanis, put it, the Bidens provided the “relationship capital”—the “political access” the brand provided “in the United States and around the world.”

The deal with the Chinese energy company, CEFC, is one example of how the Bidens’ influence peddling operation worked. For months, Hunter Biden and his associates had been working to close a deal with CEFC. However, it wasn’t until “the Brand” himself stopped by a lunch at the Four Seasons in Washington, D.C. in mid-February 2017 that the agreement was finalized.  At the lunch were Hunter Biden, his business partners, and eight Chinese executives with CEFC. Joe Biden—the “big guy”—“drop[ped] by” and gave remarks to the group.  Just a few weeks later, Hunter Biden and his partners received $3 million from CEFC.

Four months after the $3 million was wired to Hunter Biden, he sent a WhatsApp message to a CEFC official: “I am sitting here with my father and we would like to understand why the commitment made has not be fulfilled. I will make certain that between the man sitting next to me and every person he knows and my ability to forever hold a grudge that you will regret not following my direction.” Later he reiterated, “I am sitting here waiting for the call with my father.”  Nine days later, another $5 million was wired to an entity jointly controlled by Hunter Biden.  Later that same day, $400,000 was moved from the joint entity’s account to a personal account of Hunter Biden. A few weeks later, Joe Biden received a $40,000 check.

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐢𝐞𝐬, 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐠𝐧, 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧

Joe Biden had forty thousand reasons to be aware of Hunter Biden’s foreign business dealings. But as Mr. Biden began to run for President in 2020, these foreign entanglements became a political liability. And so Joe Biden and his campaign attempted to mislead the American people.


Recent thoughts about the “war” and the propaganda   Chananya Weissman

February 26, 2024 – In 1967 Israel defeated the combined armies of Egypt, Syria, and Jordan in 6 days. In 2024, with all their technological marvels, it’s been nearly 5 months and Israel can’t defeat Hamas in the tiny territory of Gaza? Seriously? Spare me the excuses and rationalizations. That just doesn’t make any sense, no matter how you try to explain it away.

Meanwhile, Jewish casualties rival those of the ’67 war against three countries (see here). It’s only official numbers, by the same professional liars who claim there were zero cases of flu in 2020, but the official numbers for the ’67 war are 776 military deaths and 4517 military and/or civilian wounded. The official numbers for dead and wounded from October 7 until now are bad enough, but anecdotal evidence suggests they are severely downplayed.

Almost everyone seems to know a relative/friend/neighbor who was killed or injured. The “Dati Leumi” cultists in the small Anglo neighborhoods of Beit Shemesh alone are running from shiva to shiva, yet they still believe Israel is doing fantastic in the pretend war against Hamas. At the same time, they insist that we need to keep sending more people into booby-trapped tunnels and buildings and other assorted death traps indefinitely, and more people should join the army, because we don’t have enough manpower.

How does any of that make sense? It doesn’t. When I try to raise a counterpoint they scream at me and run away, because that’s how death cults work.

It’s a meat grinder, and it’s deliberate.

The war is not against “Hamas”. The war is against us.


UN and WHO: Stooges of the global rapists of humanity…    DR. PETER AND GINGER BREGGIN

Neither a Communist nor a Capitalist strategy—it is the shared strategy of all tyrants and global predators.

The World Health Organization (WHO) is conspiring with predatory capitalists, predatory progressives, and communists to dominate the world. This theme gets robustly hammered home by Dr. Peter Breggin on the Peter and Ginger Breggin episode of America Out Loud PULSE.

FEB 25, 2024 – Tedros, the Director-General of the WHO, is beholden to two camps–what we call the Western and the Eastern Global Empires. The Western globalists include nearly all the presidents, premiers, and assorted rulers of the Western nations as well as the European Union (EU); billionaires like Bill Gates and organizers of the wealthy like Klaus Schwab; the global bankers and the CEOs of the global industries, including big tech companies; our Department of Defense and the Deep State; and nearly all the influencers and leaders of our Western institutions from education to the media.

The Eastern Global Empire is easier to describe. The Eastern globalists are dominated by the Chinese Communist Party, which is building deep political and economic ties with other nations, not only in their region but even inside the West and the United States. The Communists are closely involved with and dominate the United Nations and the WHO. At the same time, Bill Gates and other Western predators try to get a stronger foothold into these socialist/communist organizations.

The above is my background briefing for an hour-long interview with James Roguski, which becomes more robust as it proceeds. It takes place on our radio show on America Out Loud-Pulse, and it is also heard on our Substack and many other platforms.

James Roguski has been studying the WHO’s attempts to use treaty-like agreements and amendments to its International Health Regulations (IHR) to exploit and impose control over the nations of the world. His website is a tremendous source of information.

Today, he and I have a major but invigorating disagreement about what to emphasize or focus on regarding the WHO’s attempt to rule the world. Roguski’s emphasis is on the “capitalist predators,” and he provides important information on how the new WHO scam aims to work with the global banks and our Department of Defense to organize the world markets around the next “pandemic” or other worldwide threat. The scam will drain money from the people of the West into the global military-industrial and pharmaceutical complex under the guise of getting more vaccines to the poor around the world.


Searching for Peace-loving Palestinian Arab Leadership is DELUSIONAL   By Alex Grobman PhD.

16 Adar I 5784 – February 25, 2024 – “A move towards a peace-loving leadership in Palestine is the most desired outcome in the Israel-Hamas conflict,” British foreign minister James Cleverly said on November 8, 2023, repeating Britain’s support for a two-state solution according to Reuters. “In the short term, it is inevitable that Israel, because they have the troops in Gaza, will need to have a security responsibility,” Cleverly said at the G7 summit in Japan. “But our view is as soon as practicable, a move towards a peace-loving Palestinian leadership is the most desired outcome.”

Cleverly’s remarks border on the delusional without the slightest understanding of the history of the conflict. Inherent in his statement is the belief that the Palestinian Arabs want to live in peace with Israel. This illusion persists in spite of overwhelmingly evidence they have never had the slightest intention of agreeing to Israel’s right to exist in their ancestral homeland.

If a two-state solution is what these Arabs want, then why do they and their supporters chant “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,” on university campuses and demonstrations throughout the US, Canada, Australia, and Europe? It is a call for the total destruction of the Jewish state since the borders of Israel are precisely between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea.

In an interview on CBN News posted on October 24, 2023 with Itamar Marcus, founder and director of Palestinian Media Watch(PMW), Marcus said Hamas views the conflict with Israel as “an existential conflict, both against Israel as a state and against all Jews The PA [Palestinian Authority] shares this belief: PA Ministry of Religious Affairs instructed all preachers in all mosques to cite the Hadith that calls for genocide of all Jews. The PA supports Hamas’ terror invasion of Israel and has called on ‘West Bank’ Palestinians to join the terror.”

Marcus concludes, “The tragedy is that the world has always seen the PA as “a peace partner” and funded them. The PA has used that money to educate a generation of Palestinians to believe that they have the obligation to destroy Israel, and the obligation to kill Jews.”

[Ed.:  They’re “obliged” to kill us.  It’s their religious duty...]

                                                                                                                          The moment when he’s told: “It’s JEWS Ahmed, not ‘juice!”


Israel is both traumatized and sober-minded   Caroline B. Glick

The supposition that Israelis are simply acting out of pain or suffering trauma is deliberately manipulative.  Opinion.

Feb 25, 2024, 7:41 AM (GMT+2) – (JNS) There’s a “new wisdom” making the rounds in foreign-policy circles in Washington. It goes something like this: Israelis were so traumatized by Hamas’s brutal invasion on Oct. 7 that they can’t think straight about their interests. This is the reason why 85% of Israelis oppose Palestinian Arab statehood and 99 out of 120 Knesset members voted for a resolution opposing unilateral recognition of a Palestinian Arab state by foreign governments on Feb. 21.

U.S. Ambassador to Israel Jack Lew took the new line public. In his address on Feb. 18 before the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations meeting in Jerusalem, he asserted therapeutically that “discussing” Palestinian Arab statehood “is a huge challenge for a nation still in a state of trauma.”

On Thursday, former Defense Secretary Robert Gates made a similar argument in a conversation with The Washington Post’s David Ignatius. Gates acknowledged that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s opposition to the establishment of a Palestinian Arab state is shared by the people of Israel. Like Lew, he attributed Israel’s wall-to-wall opposition to a Palestinian Arab state to “the traumatic effect on Israel of Oct. 7,” which, he asserted, “had a huge impact psychologically inside of Israel.”

The “new wisdom” that Israelis are acting out of trauma is deliberately manipulative. Obviously, Israelis were traumatized by Oct. 7. The atrocities meted out that day by thousands of Palestinian Arabs—in and out of Hamas—against thousands of Israeli civilians and soldiers left a gaping hole in the hearts of every Israeli. How could it be otherwise? Any population in any country whose fellow citizens suffered far lesser atrocities simply because of their national identity would be traumatized.

But while it’s true that Israelis were traumatized by the slaughter that Black Shabbat, it doesn’t follow that their post-Oct. 7 positions are an emotional response to trauma, which Israelis can be expected to abandon once they get past their emotional angst.


Reason, Reasonableness & Realpolitik    Dr. Martin Sherman

Under Biden, important foreign policy interests are being sacrificed for domestic ones.  Opinion.

Foreign policy is really domestic policy with its hat on. – Hubert H. Humphrey

Feb 25, 2024, 12:23 AM (GMT+2) – Under the Biden administration, US foreign policy appears afflicted by several perturbing defects. Indeed, it seems to suffer from both a lack of general strategic perspective and of sound theater-specific understanding. Moreover, it appears to be heavily impacted by extraneous factors not having any discernable relevance for the pursuit of American interests across the globe.

Crucial goal for military success

This was starkly illustrated recently by the sharp changes in tone in US attitudes towards Israel during its protracted battle against Hamas. Immediately after the 10/7 massacre, in which innocent Israeli citizens—men, women, senior citizens, and infants—were slaughtered, mutilated, tortured, raped beheaded, and incinerated—the Biden administration appeared staunchly supportive of Israel’s right of self-defense. But as the fighting dragged on, the US began to adopt a more critical attitude towards IDF actions—particularly regarding a possible assault on Rafah, on Gaza’s southern border, conditioning any support for an operation against the town on plans to ensure the safety of Gazan civilians who fled to the south under Israeli directives.

For Israel, the takeover of Rafah is essential for its success in its battle to eradicate Hamas. Indeed recently, Netanyahu declared that sending ground troops into Rafah is essential to meeting Israel’s war goals while Biden warned him that Israel should not conduct a military operation there without a “credible and executable” plan to protect civilians.

Incubator for terror

Underscoring the problematics of this is the recent daring Israeli Special Force rescue of two elderly hostages, who were kidnapped on 10/7. The hostages were held in Rafah— among civilians– precisely because of US opposition to Israeli military action there.

It is difficult to understand the underlying rationale of this policy twist– particularly regarding Hamas which is, after all, the exact antithesis of the all values the US purports to cherish: It is indisputably a tyrannical, homophobic misogynistic organization that was freely elected by the Gaza public. The approval it won in the polls in the immediate wake of the polls proves that the Gazan public is not so much a victim of its elected leaders but the crucible in which it was formed and the incubator from which it emerged.


2024 Is the Last Year of Free Speech and Democracy in the Western World   Paul Craig Roberts

February 19, 2024Don’t let the alarmist sound of this column’s title put you off.  It is not a “conspiracy theory.” This column is a factual report as you will see if you read on.

Everyone needs to understand that the ruling elite in the US are implementing a decision to redefine democracy in a way that eliminates democracy, makes Congress superfluous, voting pointless, and discards the Constitution as an outdated document inconsistent with the power the ruling elite intend to wield over Americans and the rest of the world.

The decision has been made to redefine democracy from the will of the people to protecting “the sanctity of democratic institutions.” Precisely, what are “democratic institutions”? They are not the institutions, such as Congress and representative government or the rule of law and an independent judiciary, that we currently regard as democratic institutions. “Democratic institutions” are the institutions of the censorship industry, such as the military/security complex, State Department, NATO, CIA, FBI, IMF, World Bank, NGOs, the Atlantic Council, the Aspen Institute, the presstitutes, Black Rock, JP Morgan/Chase and other of the consensus-building institutions that set agendas and control the narratives. To express disagreement with the consensus these elite institutions build is considered to be “an attack on democracy.” In other words, “democracy” is the property of the elite institutions, and the sanctity of these elite institutions must be protected from the people defined by Hillary Clinton as “the Trump deplorables.” The will of the people is eliminated from the picture.

It might surprise you, but universities (Stanford, for example, is fully involved), major corporations especially the tech companies and social media, law schools, medical associations, and governors and members of Congress associated with the WEF accept the redefinition of democracy that excludes the will of the people. They also agree that the Constitution is inconsistent with the power they intend to wield over citizens. As I write the State Department is busy at work obstructing the House of Representatives inquiry into the executive branch’s use of taxpayers’ money to censor what we may hear about Covid, the Covid “vaccine,” election fraud, the Ukraine war, Iran, Russia, China, etc. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/house/2860918/state-department-obstruct-censorship-investigation-house-gop/


CHAPTER 7: Politicized Education   by Linda Goudsmit
Space Is No Longer the Final Frontier––Reality Is [upcoming release April 2024]
February 25, 2024 – Globalism is a replacement ideology that seeks to reorder the world into one singular, planetary Unistate, ruled by the globalist elite themselves. The globalist war on nation-states cannot succeed without collapsing the United States of America. The long-term strategic attack plan moves America incrementally from constitutional republic to socialism to globalism to feudalism. The tactical attack plan uses asymmetric psychological and informational warfare to destabilize Americans and drive society out of objective reality into the madness of subjective reality. America’s children are the primary target of the globalist predators.

The three pillars of faith, family, and flag were established as the infrastructure of freedom in the United States of America. Our Founding Fathers recognized the importance of an educated citizenry for sustaining ordered liberty in our constitutional republic. The infrastructure and moral tenets in American culture were derived from both the Bible and the Judeo-Christian tradition our Founding Fathers embraced.

Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other. —John Adams to Massachusetts Militia, 11 October 1798

Our Founding Fathers recognized literacy as the cornerstone of critical thinking and the transfer of information. They knew that an educated, moral, responsible adult citizenry was necessary to sustain and grow our fledgling nation.

Every child in America should be acquainted with his own country. He should read books that furnish him with ideas that will be useful to him in life and practice. As soon as he opens his lips, he should rehearse the history of his own country. —Noah Webster, On the Education of Youth in America, 1788

A Bible and a newspaper in every house, a good school in every district—all studied and appreciated as they merit—are the principal support of virtue, morality, and civil liberty. —Benjamin Franklin, Christian Life and Character of the Civil Institutions of the United States (ed. 1864)



Why Joe Biden isn’t Sweating   SASHA STONE

But he should be.

FEB 25, 2024 – Fear is trickling down the walls at the White House like blood from a crime scene. They try to wipe it away with a Lawrence O’Donnell monologue here, a Stephen Colbert freak out there.

Any other president at any other time in American history would be sweating. But Joe Biden isn’t.

It reminds me of this scene from the movie Quiz Show where the investigator, played by Rob Morrow, corners the President of NBC, played by Allan Rich, in an elevator. We have finally got you, Morrow says. Oh yeah? Rich says. Then why are you the one that’s sweating?

And so it goes with the Biden administration.

But there is no hiding it. Nate Silver is worried. The New York Times is worriedPolitico is worriedRolling Stone is worried. It’s so bad that they’ve given up towing the party line and are actually speaking out for the first time since Biden took office. They’re desperate for Biden to step aside and give the job to someone, anyone who will stop Trump.

Here is Bill Ackman touting Dean Phillips instead.

But of course, he must realize that no white man could leapfrog over Kamala Harris. And that is the tell. If they genuinely believed Trump was the Greatest Threat to Democracy America has ever faced, they would sacrifice their woke bona fides and usher in Gavin Newsom.

Why are they doing nothing? Because Joe Biden has bigger plans for his legacy. He will win in 2024 and then step down, elevating the first Woman of Color to President of the United States.

No, Joe Biden isn’t leaving. They’re going to have to rip the presidency from his cold, dead hands. There is no way he is passing up the chance to make history. Years from now, when the dust settles, all that will remain is the face of Kamala Harris right alongside George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and FDR. The person who will get the credit for that is not Harris, who did nothing to earn her place, but Joe Biden.

Kamala Harris, they tell us, can’t win an election in the United States, but Biden will ensure the public must accept her as their leader anyway. And that tells you everything you need to know about what Biden thinks about all of us. His legacy matters more than we do, more than our country does.


Peter Schweizer Exposes China’s Foot Soldiers in America     Mark Levin Show

February 23, 2024 – Peter Schweizer on Life, Liberty and Levin. “You look at a situation like the fentanyl crisis. It’s killing 100,000 Americans a year and a lot of people know that the precursors come from China. What they don’t know is that China’s involved in every single chain in this link that leads to the death of Americans.”


Hamas Official: There are no Palestinian people. They are Egyptian and Saudis   By MEMRI TV

March 23, 2012 – Hamas Minister of the Interior and of National Security Fathi Hammad admits Arab forgery right on Al-Hekma TV (Egypt) on March 23, 2012. Have the Arab in Israel (so called “palestinians”) managed to fool you to believe they are Natives in the land of Israel ?  And why they are so intimidated by History and facts ?  In a temper tantrum he could not keep his mouth shut but had to blurt out the truth: that the “Palestinian” people are a fabrication, an invention. There never existed a state called Palestine or a people called Palestinian. And there never existed an invasion of Palestinian land over a territory that belonged to the Jews over 1,000 years before Mohammed was even born.

The Palestine-Israeli conflict is about hate.  Jew hate.  In fact, it’s about 1,400 years of antisemitism created by the Arabs.  The Muslim faith demands that Muslims must hate Jews and must dedicate themselves to kill Jews. This deliberate effort of ethnic cleansing of the Jews by propaganda and lies have even been spread to the West by Arab money, and deliberate Arab propaganda put into our schools and media as a result of the Cairo declaration (1943) that allowed Arabs to create a “positive impression” of Palestine to the West.  Prior to this we were free of this propaganda.  The Arabs who now claim to be natives of the Holy Land migrated to Palestine and invaded the land after 1917, from neighboring Arab countries, predominantly from areas now known as Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq.  Where was this “Palestinian people”? In March 1977, Zahir Muhsein, an executive member of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO), said in an interview to the Dutch newspaper Trouw: “The ‘Palestinian people’ does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel.”

Watch  [2:40]   

[Ed.:  Proof of earliest Palestinian Found.]

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Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.