Leftists are finally embracing their Inner Fascist   D PARKER

The far left has always engaged in the politics of projection, but now the truth is coming out with their latest fascistic actions.

MAR 23, 2025

Have you ever wondered why the far left is so obsessed with fascism and National Socialism to the point that they regularly project these pejoratives on the pro-freedom community? It’s all about maintaining their tattered old big lie, a falsehood running on fumes these days.

It’s to the point that you can’t even get a rise from leftists on the subject when it was only a few years ago that they were full of bluster if you dared point out that the Nazis were leftists.

These days, they avoid the issue, hoping that, like ‘Russia Collusion,’ if they just keep quiet about their old lies, they can bolster the credibility with their newest.

For the far left, everything is working against them these days.

Their old lies are falling apart, they don’t make any sense in the current political climate, and worst of all, they are acting like leftists as always, committing fascistic actions that would be right at home in any collectivist authoritarian state. But it’s popcorn time for those of us on the pro-freedom right, so let’s review how bad it’s become for the far left.

Let’s start with the fact that their big old lie is disintegrating before our very eyes, in that “fascism is socialism with a capitalist veneer” being the best definition of the term.

In recent years several books and videos have come out that eviscerate one of the left’s biggest – and oldest – lies: outright denying that a “National Socialist German Workers’ Party” was a National Socialist German Workers’ Party.

Even though Rudolf Jung, the man considered to be the ‘Karl Marx’ of National Socialism openly stated in the 2nd Edition of the Book National Socialism Its Foundations, Development, And Goals, published in 1922:

(T)he party’s now more clearly-defined socialist character was also reflected in the adoption of its new name.

Or that the original Social Justice Warrior stated on several occasions Ich Bin Sozialist — I Am A Socialist.

The books that have come out recently have thoroughly destroyed this lie, to the point that you rarely see leftists seriously trot it out anymore.

We have well-researched books such as Killing History: The False Left-Right Political SpectrumHitler’s National Socialism with a Dad Saves America video podcast with the author, and equally researched videos that also systematically dismantle the left’s big lie, including one that is 5 hours long entitled: Hitler’s Socialism | Destroying the Denialist Counter Arguments.

This was followed up by a ‘shorter’ version that is only 43 min long entitled: Hitler’s Socialism: The Evidence is Overwhelming. With a lie with more holes than a hunk of Swiss cheese, leftists have taken to the keep quiet tactic, hoping against hope that no one will notice and blow away their colossal bluff completely.

But then there’s the fact that their current accusations don’t even make any sense. Everyone’s ‘favorite’ gaslighter and senator, Adam Schiff, took to the Jimmy Kimmel show to complain that President Trump is a “dictator,” supposedly because he’s attempting to downsize the federal bureaucracy.

WATCH    [1:15] 

What kind of a dictator is working hard to shrink the size and power of the federal government?

Leftists should realize that doesn’t make any sense. The popularity of the un-Democratic party is sinking like a stone, and that could be one reason why. Because no ‘dictator’ in history has ever tried to shrink the size of their government and diminish their power base, but they can’t seem to figure that out.

The problem for them is that the New York Times said the quiet part out loud with this auspicious headline: With Orders, Investigations and Innuendo, Trump and G.O.P. Aim to Cripple the Left.

Mr. Trump and his allies are aggressively attacking the players and machinery that power the left, taking a series of highly partisan official actions that, if successful, will threaten to hobble Democrats’ ability to compete in elections for years to come.

As is the case with every collectivist or fascistic state, they exploited the government to fund their astroturf operations, and now that it’s threatened, they’re losing their minds.

But worst of all for the far left, they are finally going full Nazi committing fascistic actions that would be right at home in any collectivist authoritarian state, as outlined by AT contributor Ned Barnett: Today’s Real Nazis Are In America, But They’re Not Who You Think: Kristallnacht Musk 2025.

For those without a clear understanding of what the Third Reich’s Nazis 1.0. Kristallnacht was, and what today’s Kristallnacht against Elon Musk and his companies is all about – consider the original Kristallnacht, and consider what today’s far-left Nazi 2.0.s are doing to Tesla.

Except for the religious overtones of what the original Nazis did during Kristallnacht v.1.0, it’s remarkably similar.

Does this massive and at least semi-official victimization sound familiar? If you’ve been watching the firebombing of Tesla cars and trucks, as well as Tesla dealerships, it should sound familiar.

All their projection and accusations based on their ridiculous big lie are being blown away by their fascistic actions, and Sasha Stone very appropriately stated Embrace Your Inner Fascists, Democrats. It’s time.

The Democrats lost their minds so thoroughly and completely over Trump’s win in 2016, that they decided this was now their country and everything in it belonged to them. They amassed an unprecedented alignment of power, uniting government with all cultural and corporate institutions. It was all for one and one for all. You know, like the very definition of fascism?

All sticks bundled together as one! A fasci!

It would be communism, except the left needs to be seen as better, superior, smarter, more kind, more decent — not equal to everyone else. No, they don’t believe that. Fascism, that’s the answer.

Now that we’ve dispensed with the left’s big lie, it can be seen that the collectivist ideologies of communism and fascism both belong on the left side of the political spectrum. And that to aptly prove this point to everyone, the far left is running around acting as they always love to project. Now that they’ve gotten in touch with their inner Camicia Nera or Blackshirt as in Benito Mussolini Squadre d’Azione, maybe they can embrace their collectivistic non-religious faith and stop projecting it on the pro-freedom right.

Originally published on the American Thinker.

[Ed.:  “Inside Every Progressive Is A Totalitarian Screaming To Get Out” —David Horowitz]


Academia’s (literal) terrorists   BENJAMIN KERSTEIN

The professoriate regime’s “stochastic terrorism” is leading to a domestic terror campaign and the regime must be held responsible.

DEC 22, 2024

Academia’s ruling dictatorship of the professoriate tends to justify and enforce its totalitarian rule by claiming that any dissent is, in and of itself, an act of violence. According to the regime, speech is violence, silence is violence, anything is violence unless it’s exactly what the regime wants you to say or do. Indeed, one of the regime’s most beloved (and convenient) concepts is “stochastic terrorism”—the claim that any speech of which the regime disapproves constitutes terrorism.

Of course, the idea of “stochastic terrorism” is risible and the regime itself does not believe in it. We know this because if the regime did believe in it, it would be passionately in favor of it. The professoriate, after all, loves nothing so much as terrorism of any kind and all kinds—the more horrific and depraved the better. Indeed, the professoriate itself is a terrorist regime. It established itself by terror; it rules by terror; it manufactures terror; it worships terror.

Usually, this terror is “stochastic” in nature. In other words, the regime does not resort to outright physical violence. Since the Oct. 7 massacre, however, such scruples have been cast aside. The regime’s foot soldiers in the streets and on campus have proven perfectly willing to use violence to terrorize Jews and non-Jews alike.

Moreover, this is hardly unprecedented. As far back as the 1970s, the nascent professoriate regime, which had only just begun its conquest and colonization of the academy, was sending out its stormtroopers in the form of terrorist groups like the Weather Underground.

recently wrote that the stochastic terrorism of the professoriate regime and its minions will soon result in decidedly non-stochastic terrorism. That is, literal terrorism, first against Jews and then against Americans in general.

Ominous rumblings of this oncoming storm were heard last week when a George Mason University freshman was arrested for planning a mass casualty terrorist attack on the Israeli consulate in New York City. Egyptian citizen Abdullah Ezzeldin Taha Mohamed Hassan apparently had a long history of support for Islamic supremacist and antisemitic terrorism. Thankfully, the FBI knew it via an informant, which led to Hassan’s arrest.

So far, so lucky. But the scope of Hassan’s bloodthirsty plans indicates that this is not so much a bullet dodged as a stark warning of things to come. According to the New York Post, Hassan wanted to commit a major atrocity. He reportedly told the FBI informant: “Two options: lay havoc on them with an assault rifle or detonate a TATP [suicide] vest in the midst of them.” Regarding “them,” Hassan used the Arabic term for the Jews—“yahud”—which in today’s Arab/Muslim culture is almost always derogatory.

More ominous still were Hassan’s larger, vaguely genocidal ambitions. The Post states: “Hassan allegedly told the FBI informant the Big Apple would provide ‘a goldmine of targets’—those targets being Jewish people.”

Clearly, Hassan was determined to kill Jews and to keep killing Jews until somebody stopped him. Thankfully, someone did.

All of this is disturbing enough, but even more disturbing are the questions that must now be asked: Did Hassan have help? Was he in contact with foreign terror organizations? Is he part of a larger terror cell or group of terror cells? Was Hassan further radicalized by faculty, administration, or student groups at George Mason University? If so, were they aware of his plans? If they were, did they inform the authorities? If not, why not?

All of these questions need to be asked because certain things that were unthinkable a year ago are not unthinkable today:

  1. Antisemitism and support for antisemitic terrorism has become a consensus ideology in much of the Muslim American community and its more radicalized members will inevitably attempt to act on it.
  2. That ideology is also hegemonic in American academia and, again, its more radicalized members will inevitably attempt to act on it.
  3. A domestic terror campaign spearheaded by but hardly confined to Muslim and radical leftist university students is probably inevitable if it is not interdicted before it begins.
  4. With its avowed faith in the nihilistic creed of “by any means necessary,” the professoriate regime may decide that terrorism is not only the necessary means for groups like Hamas, but for the regime itself. The regime might very well act accordingly by lending moral and material support to a student domestic terror campaign.
  5. This would constitute an active, imminent, and existential threat not only to the American Jewish community but to American society as a whole.

We are facing, in other words, a very perilous moment. Nonetheless, responsible law enforcement and intelligence authorities have a chance to neutralize the danger.

In Hassan’s case, the authorities took the appropriate action. We do not know, however, how many Hassans are now embedded in student bodies across the country, nor how many collaborators and supporters they enjoy in faculty and administration. Suffice it to say, there are likely more than a few.

The measures that must be taken, then, are clear:

  1. A congressional investigation into possible terrorist activity on American campuses.
  2. Infiltration and surveillance of suspected sources of such terror activity by the relevant law enforcement agencies—not confined to the FBI—to interdict possible attacks.
  3. The arrest, conviction, and imprisonment of all those involved in these terror activities.
  4. The immediate dismissal of any faculty member or administrator who gives moral support to terrorism or individual terrorists.
  5. Deportation of any foreign students or faculty who give moral support to terrorism or individual terrorists.
  6. The adoption of the larger policy goal of dismantling the professoriate regime in its entirety.

Achieving this final goal will require confiscatory taxation of endowments, cutting off all federal funding to offending universities, and other punitive measures. Such policies, of course, will be violently opposed by the regime and its catamites. The relevant authorities must be prepared for this.

Nonetheless, the authorities must stand on a basic principle: No institution or individual is exempt from the laws and codes of conduct that all other Americans must obey. To fail to enforce these laws and codes is to grant impunity to criminals. The consequences of such indulgences are, as we have learned in recent years, decidedly undesirable.

We should hope that many and perhaps most of the measures enumerated above are already being quietly taken. Hassan’s arrest indicates that this may be the case.

Nonetheless, it will take years if not decades to smash the professoriate regime in its entirety. The first step, however, is to remind ourselves of certain absolute truths:

First, as I have said numerous times and must say again, we do not have to listen to these people. The moral admonitions of those who commit, support, and enable terrorism—even if only out of cowardice—are not just empty but laughable. We should no longer grant the professoriate regime the indulgence of listening to a single word they say. They are a fundamentally illegitimate regime that no decent society should allow to take part in the public discourse.

More importantly, perhaps, Americans must hold the professoriate responsible for its moral depravity. Hassan and what Hassan represents did not emerge out of any kind of vacuum. The professoriate regime and its minions in a million classrooms are directly responsible for it. Should an attack such as Hassan planned take place (God forbid, but very likely), the professoriate and its minions will be directly responsible for that as well.

The regime will object to this accusation, of course. Although they constantly tell us that speech is terrorism, they have a remarkable capacity to exempt themselves from any and all of their professed principles. We should not be surprised that they do so in this case as well.

Americans shouldn’t stand for this for a single moment. They should take the regime at its word. Very well, Americans should say, speech is violence. If speech is violence, then there is no question that your speech is violence. Accordingly, you should be held responsible for it.

Of course, despite the professoriate’s best efforts, America is still a free society. So long as they do not act on it, the professoriate has a constitutional right to give rhetorical support to terror. Their own words, in any case, condemn them.

But Americans also have constitutional rights. These include the right to tell the professoriate and its minions: You’re canceled. You’re expelled. You’re out of a job. You’re ostracized from polite and impolite society. Go to your gated compounds in the middle of nowhere where the FBI can keep a very sharp eye on you. We’re not going to let this happen in this country. You’re done. For good. Period.


The radical Left has collapsed into something very much like Nazism.   BENJAMIN KERSTEIN

And like the Nazis, they have found the ready victim, the eternal villain and the eternal scapegoat. They have found the Jews.

MAR 23, 2025

There is a terrible logic to radical movements.

They begin as expressions of a sort of idealism or at least what their followers perceive to be idealism. But they run headlong into a world that is not ideal. A world that, in its fundamental indifference, is not interested in idealism. A world that is, in its way, immovable.

This cannot but frustrate and enrage the radical, who is not capable of accepting a world in which everything changes and nothing changes; in which all is flux but everything ultimately returns to itself. As a result, radicalism ultimately arrives at a point at which it can no longer stand the frustration of its messianic ambitions. Out of bitter vengeance, it decides to destroy the world and, along with the world, itself.

The most powerful and influential form of radicalism in the Western world today has no real name in the United States and other Western countries. It does in France, or at least its adherents do: les soixante-huitards, or “the ‘68ers.”

The term refers to the radicals who took part in the 1968 student riots in Paris, as well as their ideology and the movements that emerged out of it: third-world-ism, environmentalism, anti-Americanism, anti-racism, etc. In many ways, the ethos of this kind of 1968-ism defines the modern Left. It has rarely achieved outright political power, it rarely wins elections, but it exercises hegemony over culture and higher education, as well as the activist industry.

The ‘68ers may go unnamed in the United States and other Western countries, but their influence is no less powerful. Above all, their primary post-1968 tactic has met with more success than in perhaps any other country. They called it “the long march through the institutions,” though it was essentially a barely modified adaptation of the old communist tactic of “entryism.”

Put simply, it involves the infiltration by radicals of more moderate institutions to conquer and colonize them. Once successful, they use the façade of moderation and the prestige of these institutions to consolidate power and pursue radical ends.

It hardly needs to be said that the American “68ers” greatest success was in academia. During the 1960s, American radicals realized the power of the campus. They mobilized thousands if not millions of students, most of them wholly ignorant of the ideologies they claimed to advocate, in service of the movement to destroy South Vietnam and install a communist government in its place. In many ways, they succeeded.

Along the way, they also destroyed the Democratic Party for a generation, committed numerous acts of terrorism, and forged a counterculture that continues to wield immense cultural power even after the passage of half a century.

But their greatest success was the long march. Named for the Chinese communists’ legendary trek to northern China that ensured their survival and eventual takeover, the plan was simple: Conquer the universities, install radicals at all levels of faculty and administration, and then consolidate a totalitarian regime, a dictatorship of the professoriate, that would colonize and control the mind of America’s elite.

This takeover would be enabled by tactics drawn from the radical movements of the past: They would purge all dissenters by means fair or foul. Those they could not purge, they would ostracize and isolate. They would subject even those who remained neutral to rituals of public repentance and submission in the style of the Chinese Cultural Revolution — Mao’s brutal campaign against “ideological deviationism” that maimed and murdered thousands. If necessary, they would resort to outright violence and terrorism. In other words, they would construct and impose a suicide cult “by any means necessary.”

Their success was spectacular and we are seeing the results today. As we speak, antisemitic mobs have conquered and colonized many of America’s most elite institutions of higher learning. They advocate terrorism and genocide; brutally intimidate, abuse, and physically attack Jewish students; and call for not just the destruction of Israel, but the annihilation of America itself.

Even though all of this is a direct violation of these universities’ alleged codes of conduct, as well as numerous local, state, and federal laws, those who have the power to stop them have refused to do so. Many have endorsed the mob and more still are too terrified to take action against what they know to be evil.

They have good reason. They know quite well that if they were to take effective action, if they were to enforce their own codes, laws, and alleged principles, they would have to expel large sections of their student bodies. They would have to fire equally large numbers of faculty. They would have to cleanse their administrations of enablers and collaborators. They would have to break the regime. This, they are utterly unwilling to do.

The reason is 1968. Even if they know that the mob is immoral and indeed monstrous, those who should know better — who do know better — are still ‘68ers. They believe in the basic tenets of 1968-ism: America and the greater West are corrupted by racism, imperialism, patriarchy, and their attendant evils. Radical action is necessary to change this. There are no enemies to the Left. The chickens come home to roost by any means necessary. Ideological deviationism cannot be tolerated. Ideological deviationism is whatever they happen to disapprove of at any given moment.

If all else fails, exterminate all the brutes.

The result of all this is now clear: The ‘68ers and the radical Left as a whole have collapsed into something very much like Nazism. Whatever their protestations otherwise, the parallels are obvious: Theirs is a minority movement that wields the mob to impose its ideology on the majority.

It sees the past as compromised and corrupt and will redeem it by any means necessary. It looks to a glorious future of tyrannical virtue. It takes over institutions of education, government, and culture and uses them to destroy those institutions and impose a totalitarian regime. It is perfectly willing to use horrific violence to achieve this. Its capacity to tolerate dissent is nil. And now, it has embraced racism, antisemitism, and genocide.

Exterminate all the brutes.

All of this was probably inevitable. Radical movements always compound their radicalism and the world always resists them because that is the nature of the world. In the end, their compounded radicalism results in compounded and enraging failure.

Indeed, despite their best efforts, the ‘68ers have succeeded in only partial conquest of elite institutions. A strong conservative movement parries them at every turn. They know that to impose a totalitarian regime on a nation with a 250-year history of political and social liberty is all but impossible. The only recourse is vengeance through apocalyptic violence. If they can’t have the country, no one else can either. They feel compelled towards a seppuku, a glorious suicide, a mass self-immolation, and they intend to take everyone else down with them.

In such a situation, however, an enemy must be found, a focus of all the inchoate energies of hate and violence buried deep in every human psyche. There must be someone to blame, a scapegoat for all the ills that the radicals have failed to overcome. And like the Nazis, they have found the ready victim, the eternal villain and the eternal scapegoat. They have found the Jews.

In such a situation, the Jews have no choice but to defend themselves. Not just for themselves but for everyone else the ‘68ers plan to force into a civilizational Jonestown. And everyone else must defend themselves as well.

If the ‘68ers loathe the Jews, loathe their country, and loathe the world, that is their right. If they feel suicide is their only recourse, that is their right as well. But they have no right to demand that the country and the world do the same.

Thus, the rest of us have only one option: Smash the regime. The ‘68ers must be, at long last, relegated to the far corners of the “dark web”1 and their fellow Nazis’ gated compounds in the Midwest2. This will be a difficult and extended struggle. The ‘68ers have the mob, powerful institutions, and vast financial resources to call upon. They will scream and weep that they are being oppressed by malign forces, especially perfidious Jews.

But this is a lie. To smash the regime is not oppression. It is not a Jewish conspiracy. It is a reassertion (at long last) of freedom, of liberty, of anti-totalitarianism, of the right to be human even in an inhuman world.

Throughout its history, Americans and others across the West have successfully risen up against threats to liberty, not just without but also within. This eternal vigilance, unfortunately, is the price of the republic. It is a price worth paying and Americans — indeed all people around the world — who believe in liberty, including the liberty to be human, must now pay it once again.

We should take comfort in the fact that we did not seek the fight. But the fight is here all the same. We must not shrink from it. The ‘68ers and their descendants devoutly believe that we are the brutes who must be exterminated. We must inform them they have picked a fight that, despite their best efforts, they cannot win.

1  A hidden part of the internet, not indexed by regular search engines, accessed through specialized browsers like Tor, and used for both legal and illegal activities, offering anonymity but also posing risks like scams and illicit content

2  The Midwestern United States


Avi Abelow: Will President Trump Put an End to the Axis of Evil and Bring Peace to the Mideast?


What Happens If Trump Ignores Bad Rulings From Judges & Closing the DOEd  [59:33]  Tom Renz

MAR 23, 2025 – President Trump has issued an Executive Order to shut down the Department of Education. So will this stand in court? I kinda doubt it and, in this case there may actually be a legal basis to argue he exceeded his authority in the order… maybe. That said there are plenty of orders that have came down recently that simply cannot be justified under the law in any way. What happens if Trump just ignores those orders? Well there is precedent and we will talk about that today. Lots happening and it’s all critical for our country’s future. and What’s Happening at HHS with Dr. Stella Immanuel.


The JFK Assassination Coverup: Evidence on the Car’s Windshield   [41:26]   JEROME R. CORSI, PH.D.

Will the JFK Files Release Contain Details Regarding the Proof of Multiple Shooters?

MAR 23, 2025

Dr. Jerome Corsi takes a deep dive into another angle proving the government’s coverup of and Deep State’s role in President John F. Kennedy’s assassination. Dr. Corsi takes a very close look at evidence seen plainly on the original windshield on #JFK’s car when he was shot (yes, “original” windshield) and inconsistencies between that and the government’s official narrative. Dr. Corsi looks at photos, maps, the Zapruder film and the bullet holes on the real windshield.

Upgrade to paid

This analysis can be found within Dr. Corsi’s new book with Dr. David Mantik: The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy: The Final Analysis

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Jewish Nationalism   By Alex Grobman PhD.

24 Adar 5785 – March 23, 2025  Jewish Press – The Ottoman Empire ruled Palestine from 1517 until WWI, relinquishing the sovereignty of the territory to the Allies in the Treaty of Sèvres of August 10, 1920. This enabled the Jews to pursue their historic claim to Palestine contends Dore Gold, historian and former Israeli ambassador. The British did not give Palestine to the Jews; “it was a de jure recognition of a situation that existed de facto,” asserts historian Isiah Friedman. They assumed that the Arabs and Jews would be able to live together in harmony and that the Arabs would profit from this arrangement. But the British acknowledged an overriding issue: The Jews had the more compelling and credible case, and that this was sui generis.

The Jews are the only people in the world who insisted they could not live without their land, even though they had not lived there for 2,000 years, notes former Israeli Ambassador Yaacov Herzog. In a debate with British historian Arnold Toynbee, Herzog asserted that the normal laws of history do not apply in this case, “so long as the world agrees that there is something unique about the Jews in the history of mankind, it cannot deny the right of the Jews to this land.”

In describing the Children of Israel 3,000 years ago, Balaam the Prophet referred to them as “a people that dwells alone.” This is how the Jews are perceived today. Whether this concept suggests privilege with a unique responsibility or an anomaly, which must be refuted and rejected, is “the question of Jewish history.”

Attacks on Israel’s distinctive Jewish character also fail to take into account the many new states established in the last half of the 20th century that do not have deeply rooted identities, such as Syria, Iraq, and many Eastern European states. Jewish nationhood, on the other hand, has existed thousands of years before the creation of most modern nation states Gold adds.

The Right to Re-establish Sovereignty

On the most fundamental level, the conflict remains unresolved because the Arabs have never accepted the historic right of the Jewish people to re-establish their sovereignty in their ancestral homeland—a homeland that was never regarded as a national homeland by any other people; a homeland that the Jewish people continually inhabited for the last four millennia asserts Israeli President Chaim Herzog.

The Arab claim to the land is founded on having lived there for a thousand years; the Jews’ is based on their historical connection to the land, present bond and religious faith explains Norman Bentwich, the first Attorney-General of Mandatory Palestine.

Abba Eban points out that when the Jews began immigrating in increasing numbers beginning in 1882, they were returning to their ancient homeland, fleeing persecution and rebuilding their lives in a land that generations of Jews had “immortalized…in its previous era of independence.” Here they were to be safe and able to defend themselves against physical annihilation and spiritual assimilation.

When other civilizations and cultures were destroyed, their identities discarded or lost, they vanished into oblivion notes Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel. The Jews refused to abandon their religious and spiritual connection to Jerusalem and attachment to their land. They never stopped affirming their right to the land of Israel. “This continuous, uninterrupted insistence, an intimate ingredient of Jewish consciousness is at the core of Jewish history, a vital element of Jewish faith.”

The Jewish Case Before The Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry on Palestine As Presented By The Jewish Agency For Palestine

The concept of exile and return to Zion dominates halakhah (Jewish law). A man was forbidden to coerce his wife to leave Palestine, but could divorce her if she refused to go with him to the land of Israel. An individual purchasing property in Palestine could complete the transaction even on the Sabbath. This is why British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli could say, “The vineyards of Israel have ceased to exist, but the eternal law enjoins the children of Israel still to celebrate the vintage. A race that persists in celebrating their vintage, although they have no fruits to gather, will regain their vineyards.”

Jewish law asserts that if a person loses an item through an act of aggression and never gives up hope of recovering it, neither he nor the one who stole the article can consecrate it for religious use: the one who pilfered the item because it is not his; the owner because he does not have it in his possession. Since the Jewish people were stripped of their land by violence, they never gave up hope of reclaiming it. Foreign occupation was deemed a transitory phenomenon, while the Jewish people had an eternal link to the land.

Zionism was thus “born out of memory, out of ritual and prayer, out of faith in the promise, out of loyalty to the biblical command, never to forget our origin, our link, never to relinquish hope for Zion and Jerusalem.”

“The Return to Zion”

“The return to Zion,” observed Heschel, “is an unprecedented drama, an event sui generis for which there is no model, no analogy.” Never before in history “has a nation been restored to its ancient hearth after a lapse of 1,897 years.” For Jews this resurrection was “an accord of a divine promise and a human achievement.”  Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik, the spiritual leader of Modern Orthodoxy, saw the rebirth of the State of Israel “in a political sense,” as an “almost a supernatural occurrence.”

A team of experts from the Royal Institute of International Affairs, headed by British historian Edward Hallett Carr concluded in 1939 that, “Jewish national feeling [in the Diaspora] could never have remained so strong if Jerusalem had been blotted out and the place of it forgotten….”

Five years before Israel’s War of Independence, theologian Eliezer Berkovits said, “The creation of an autonomous Jewish body corporate is the sine qua non for the regeneration of Jewish religion and culture. Without it, further development of Judaism is impossible; without it Judaism can hardly be saved in the present.”


Leftists are finally embracing their Inner Fascist   D PARKER

The far left has always engaged in the politics of projection, but now the truth is coming out with their latest fascistic actions.

MAR 23, 2025

Have you ever wondered why the far left is so obsessed with fascism and National Socialism to the point that they regularly project these pejoratives on the pro-freedom community? It’s all about maintaining their tattered old big lie, a falsehood running on fumes these days.

It’s to the point that you can’t even get a rise from leftists on the subject when it was only a few years ago that they were full of bluster if you dared point out that the Nazis were leftists.

These days, they avoid the issue, hoping that, like ‘Russia Collusion,’ if they just keep quiet about their old lies, they can bolster the credibility with their newest.

For the far left, everything is working against them these days.

Their old lies are falling apart, they don’t make any sense in the current political climate, and worst of all, they are acting like leftists as always, committing fascistic actions that would be right at home in any collectivist authoritarian state. But it’s popcorn time for those of us on the pro-freedom right, so let’s review how bad it’s become for the far left.

Let’s start with the fact that their big old lie is disintegrating before our very eyes, in that “fascism is socialism with a capitalist veneer” being the best definition of the term.

In recent years several books and videos have come out that eviscerate one of the left’s biggest – and oldest – lies: outright denying that a “National Socialist German Workers’ Party” was a National Socialist German Workers’ Party.

Even though Rudolf Jung, the man considered to be the ‘Karl Marx’ of National Socialism openly stated in the 2nd Edition of the Book National Socialism Its Foundations, Development, And Goals, published in 1922:

(T)he party’s now more clearly-defined socialist character was also reflected in the adoption of its new name.

Or that the original Social Justice Warrior stated on several occasions Ich Bin Sozialist — I Am A Socialist.

The books that have come out recently have thoroughly destroyed this lie, to the point that you rarely see leftists seriously trot it out anymore.

We have well-researched books such as Killing History: The False Left-Right Political SpectrumHitler’s National Socialism with a Dad Saves America video podcast with the author, and equally researched videos that also systematically dismantle the left’s big lie, including one that is 5 hours long entitled: Hitler’s Socialism | Destroying the Denialist Counter Arguments.

This was followed up by a ‘shorter’ version that is only 43 min long entitled: Hitler’s Socialism: The Evidence is Overwhelming. With a lie with more holes than a hunk of Swiss cheese, leftists have taken to the keep quiet tactic, hoping against hope that no one will notice and blow away their colossal bluff completely.

But then there’s the fact that their current accusations don’t even make any sense. Everyone’s ‘favorite’ gaslighter and senator, Adam Schiff, took to the Jimmy Kimmel show to complain that President Trump is a “dictator,” supposedly because he’s attempting to downsize the federal bureaucracy.

WATCH   [1:14]  

What kind of a dictator is working hard to shrink the size and power of the federal government?

Leftists should realize that doesn’t make any sense. The popularity of the un-Democratic party is sinking like a stone, and that could be one reason why. Because no ‘dictator’ in history has ever tried to shrink the size of their government and diminish their power base, but they can’t seem to figure that out.

The problem for them is that the New York Times said the quiet part out loud with this auspicious headline: With Orders, Investigations and Innuendo, Trump and G.O.P. Aim to Cripple the Left.

Mr. Trump and his allies are aggressively attacking the players and machinery that power the left, taking a series of highly partisan official actions that, if successful, will threaten to hobble Democrats’ ability to compete in elections for years to come.

As is the case with every collectivist or fascistic state, they exploited the government to fund their astroturf operations, and now that it’s threatened, they’re losing their minds.

But worst of all for the far left, they are finally going full Nazi committing fascistic actions that would be right at home in any collectivist authoritarian state, as outlined by AT contributor Ned Barnett: Today’s Real Nazis Are In America, But They’re Not Who You Think: Kristallnacht Musk 2025.

For those without a clear understanding of what the Third Reich’s Nazis 1.0. Kristallnacht was, and what today’s Kristallnacht against Elon Musk and his companies is all about – consider the original Kristallnacht, and consider what today’s far-left Nazi 2.0.s are doing to Tesla.

Except for the religious overtones of what the original Nazis did during Kristallnacht v.1.0, it’s remarkably similar.

Does this massive and at least semi-official victimization sound familiar? If you’ve been watching the firebombing of Tesla cars and trucks, as well as Tesla dealerships, it should sound familiar.

All their projection and accusations based on their ridiculous big lie are being blown away by their fascistic actions, and Sasha Stone very appropriately stated Embrace Your Inner Fascists, Democrats. It’s time.

The Democrats lost their minds so thoroughly and completely over Trump’s win in 2016, that they decided this was now their country and everything in it belonged to them. They amassed an unprecedented alignment of power, uniting government with all cultural and corporate institutions. It was all for one and one for all. You know, like the very definition of fascism?

All sticks bundled together as one! A fasci!

It would be communism, except the left needs to be seen as better, superior, smarter, more kind, more decent — not equal to everyone else. No, they don’t believe that. Fascism, that’s the answer.

Now that we’ve dispensed with the left’s big lie, it can be seen that the collectivist ideologies of communism and fascism both belong on the left side of the political spectrum. And that to aptly prove this point to everyone, the far left is running around acting as they always love to project. Now that they’ve gotten in touch with their inner Camicia Nera or Blackshirt as in Benito Mussolini Squadre d’Azione, maybe they can embrace their collectivistic non-religious faith and stop projecting it on the pro-freedom right.

Originally published on the American Thinker.


Let’s Fix Education: Episode 193, “Big Picture Thinking”   by Bruce Deitrick Price
Celebrating the work of Linda Goudsmit

March 23, 2025

I am thrilled to post education reformer Bruce Deitrick Price’s podcast transcript, March 12, 2025, Let’s Fix Education: Episode 193, Big Picture Thinking:



I want to celebrate the work of Linda Goudsmit. She is that rare miracle today, a big thinker. Her topic is understanding life in the 21st-century, the forces that are dragging it down, and how we can make it better.

The academic world forces scholars into small niches. They must all be specialists of something in particular. So, you won’t find big thinking there. I think we need more big thinking. Linda Goudsmit shows, in clear candid prose, what that looks like.

Knowledge-phobia, that’s the disease so prevalent in our world today. Apparently, the public schools will have to call 911 if any students start to learn anything. Oh, the horror. I think we need more knowledge. From K onward.

Some of the world is just lazy. Another big part of the world is constantly propagandizing. No matter what they pretend to care about, they are always pushing the same message. I think we need less propaganda, more love of Truth.

A few years back, I sent an email to Linda Goudsmit asking her what is the most important theme in her work. She said freedom. I had already decided that was the single word I would pick for that question. We had never discussed philosophy but somehow knew that if you don’t have freedom, you don’t really have much else.

Myself, I am a rampant generalist. Pretty much all my life I’ve been a novelist, painter, poet, art director, and now a passionate voice for education reform. But compared to Linda Goudsmit, I am stuck in a rut. So I readily appreciate her range and the tremendous amount of work that goes into studying all the facets she studies.

Now Linda Goudsmit deserves some sort of Oscar. Her most recent book is titled Space Is No Longer The Final Frontier — Reality Is. There are more than 370 pages, in 45 chapters. You will find a tremendous range with chapter titles such as:

Ideological Invasion

Your Brain Is the Battlespace

Fomenting Race Wars Begins In Kindergarten

Artificial Intelligence and America’s Children

Legalizing Pedophilia — The Sorensen Report

Pronouns and Pantheism

Conflict Theory and the Hegelian Dialectic

Marxist Past, Present, and Future

Cognitive Warfare and the Battle for Your Brain.

I suggest this may be a book that people can keep by the bed, and read chapters every now and then, for a lifetime. At college, professors can build courses around this book. The main point is that humans cannot live by bread and water alone. You need big, seriously nutritious meals now and then. You need chocolate chocolate chip ice cream. Linda Goudsmit serves up big thinking.

At college, I tried to find courses that I knew nothing about. In my senior year I discovered a course in graduate school called Japanese Scroll Painting of the 11th Century. I had to talk my way into this course because I was not a graduate student. All the other people were preparing to be curators for major museums. I don’t think they ever understood why I was there. But it was a great decision and I’ve had so much fun name-dropping that exotic title. I recommend exploring while you are still young. You will have many pleasant memories. And whatever your age, you can explore Linda Goudsmit’s luxuriant pages.

If you go to Amazon, you can find many VIP endorsements and samples from the book.

Space Is No Longer the Final Frontier––Reality Is is available in paperback, hardback, and ebook formats on barnesandnoble.comamazon.com, and directly from Ingram in paperback.


Another mysterious death?   TIERNEY’S REAL NEWS

MAR 23, 2025

President Trump just revoked ALL access to classified documents and secure Government facilities for the following people.

  • Antony Blinken
  • Jacob Sullivan
  • Lisa Monaco
  • Mark Zaid
  • Norman Eisen
  • Letitia James
  • Alvin Bragg
  • Andrew Weissmann
  • Hillary Clinton
  • Elizabeth Cheney
  • Kamala Harris
  • Adam Kinzinger
  • Fiona Hill
  • Alexander Vindman
  • Joe Biden and any other member of Joe Biden’s family

The next day, this woman, Jessica Aber, an attorney who worked with the Obama-Biden administration, 43, was found dead in her home. Who was she? We know that she worked with Eric Holder, Andrew Weissmann, Jack Smith and James Comey on several high-profile cases. What did she know? Did she know too much? Let’s explore.

Continue reading


Everything the media taught you about Israel is wrong.   JOSHUA HOFFMAN

By Someone Who Checked the Footnotes

MAR 22, 2025 – If you’ve ever followed international news, you might think Israel is a malevolent superpower — a cross between Darth Vader and a Bond villain — bent on tormenting its neighbors while controlling global media from a shadowy hummus-scented bunker.

This, of course, would be impressive for a country the size of New Jersey with fewer people than New York City. But it’s also, quite simply, wrong.

The problem isn’t just misinformation. It’s also misinformation — the slow, steady construction of an alternate reality, in which Israel is always the aggressor, never the victim, and perpetually on the verge of committing unspeakable crimes, usually while being condemned by someone sipping espresso in Brussels.

Let’s unpack this narrative, layer by layer.

The David Who Was Always a David

In the beginning, there were Jews — scattered, exiled, and largely unwanted. After the Holocaust (which, it bears repeating, killed one-third of world Jewry), the surviving remnant dared to ask for a small slice of their ancient homeland. The United Nations agreed. The Jews accepted. The Arabs rejected — and declared war.

This is not a subjective interpretation. This is what happened in 1947 and 1948. Israel was born not in conquest, but in compromise — one that its neighbors refused. Five Arab armies invaded a day after Israel declared independence. The goal wasn’t to “resist occupation”; it was to prevent a Jewish state from existing. Period.

Israel won. Barely. The lesson? The media’s romanticization of the Palestinians as the sole underdog conveniently forgets that Israel has always been the underdog — outnumbered, outgunned, and besieged — even while being accused of being the regional Goliath.

Occupation, Schmoccupation

Let’s talk about that other magic word: occupation. You’ve heard it on the news, scrawled on campus protest signs, shouted in rhythmic slogans: “End the occupation!” But few stop to ask what that means.

In 1967, after three Arab countries massed troops on its borders and explicitly threatened genocide (again), Israel launched a pre-emptive strike and won what’s known as the Six-Day War. As a result, it took control of the West Bank and Gaza — not from a Palestinian state (because there was none), but from Jordan and Egypt, respectively.

Here’s the kicker: if the Arab states hadn’t tried to destroy Israel in 1967, there would be no “occupation” to speak of. It’s like trying to rob someone’s house and then suing them because they punched you in the face. Yet the media coverage rarely includes this small detail.

Also omitted is the fact that Israel withdrew from Gaza in 2005 — completely. Not a single soldier. Not a single settler. It even dug up graves to remove its dead. And what happened? Gaza became a launching pad for rockets, an Iranian proxy, and the setting of a real-life horror movie on October 7, 2023 — an event many journalists covered with all the urgency of a cat stuck in a tree.

The Only Democracy in the Middle East™

Yes, it’s a cliché. But clichés become clichés for a reason. Israel is a democracy — flawed, boisterous, loud, and allergic to consensus — but a democracy nonetheless. Israeli Arabs serve in parliament, become Supreme Court justices, and cheer for the other team at soccer games.

The irony?

The one country constantly accused of apartheid is the only one where minorities vote, protest, and sue the government — often successfully.

Meanwhile, the Palestinian Authority hasn’t held an election since 2006. Hamas, in Gaza, banned political opposition, executed critics, and forced children to train as soldiers. But when you read The New York Times, you’d think Hamas is a ragtag group of freedom fighters operating out of a cozy socialist co-op.

In truth, the media’s commitment to “balance” often creates absurd moral equivalencies. Imagine reporting on World War II by writing, “Today, Allied planes bombed German positions after Nazi forces launched a minor blitzkrieg.” That’s essentially how major outlets describe Israeli responses to Hamas terror.

The Media’s Favorite Country to Misunderstand

If Israel had a dollar for every time it was misrepresented in global media, it could afford to hire a better PR team. Or at least a therapist.

One of the most egregious patterns is the “Boomerang Headline”: Militant rocket hits Israeli school; Israel retaliates; dozens dead in Gaza. As if the story begins with Israel responding to an attack — not with the attack itself. The lead is always buried somewhere between the recipe section and the obituaries.

And then there’s the famous photo bias: Palestinian children behind barbed wire, Israeli soldiers with guns. Never mind that the wire is often part of a security fence to stop suicide bombers, and the soldiers are there because — surprise! — they’re being shot at.

The Moral Olympics: Where Israel Always Loses

Only in Israel are moral expectations cranked to superhuman levels. When the U.S. went after al-Qaeda in Afghanistan, there were civilian casualties. Tragic, but understood.

When NATO bombed Belgrade in the 1990s, civilians died. Again — regrettable, but part of war. When Israel fires back at rocket launchers placed next to schools and hospitals? Suddenly it’s a war crime.

Let’s be clear: Israel uses missiles to protect its civilians. Hamas uses civilians to protect its missiles. But the media often flips the moral compass upside down, resulting in what historian Richard Landes called “moral inversion”: where the open society is condemned and the terrorist regime is romanticized.

Dead Jews are easier to love.

Perhaps the darkest media bias is this: Jews are easiest to empathize with when they’re dying quietly. In Auschwitz, they earned solemn retrospectives and violin music. In Israel, defending themselves, they’re portrayed as imperialist warmongers.

This is not new. In 1975, the UN General Assembly passed Resolution 3379 declaring Zionism — the belief that Jews deserve a homeland — to be a form of racism. (Spoiler: it’s not.) The same UN has condemned Israel more times than all other countries combined. More than North Korea. More than Iran. More than the Taliban. One might begin to suspect that anti-Zionism is often just anti-Semitism with a better publicist.

And yet — miraculously, defiantly — Israel thrives. It sends aid to earthquake victims in Haiti, invents life-saving technology, grows tomatoes in the desert, and hosts Pride parades in Tel Aviv. Not exactly the behavior of a genocidal ethnostate.

What the Media Doesn’t Cover — And Why That Matters

The biggest falsehood isn’t what’s said. It’s what’s left out. Like the fact that Israel has flown critically ill Palestinian children to Israeli hospitals. Or that it developed and exported solar tech and desalination systems used across Africa. Or that when there’s a tsunami, earthquake, or hurricane anywhere on Earth, one of the first aid teams to show up is from the IDF.

Or how about the million Jewish refugees who fled (or were expelled) from Arab countries between 1948 and 1972? Where are their UN resolutions? Their news specials? Their protest movements on college campuses?

Silence. Always silence.

The Real Story That Doesn’t Get Told

Here’s what the media rarely tells you: Israel is complicated, but not evil. It’s diverse, passionate, and perpetually introspective. Its own press is often its harshest critic. Its people argue in cafés, courtrooms, and on street corners — often in the same breath.

It’s a country of immigrants, dreamers, engineers, and poets who live under the shadow of existential threats and still manage to produce Oscar-nominated films and really good falafel.

If the media taught you to see Israel as a villain, maybe it’s time to change the channel. Or better yet — go see it for yourself. Talk to Israelis. Visit Jerusalem. Hike the Galilee. Get yelled at by a cab driver.

You might discover that the truth is less binary than the headlines lead you to believe, but far more interesting.


JFK Assassination Files Release Perspective    [9:35]  JEROME R. CORSI, PH.D.

The Process of Providing over 80,000 Documents to the Public is Just Beginning

MAR 21, 2025 – The initial document release points us to three main conclusions: 1. Lee Harvey Oswald was a CIA spy set up to be the patsy. 2. The CIA coordinated the assassination in concert with various domestic and foreign elements. 3. LBJ knew of the plot and allowed it to go forward in order for him to become president.


The Palestinians have forfeited their right to self-determination.  DENA TAUBER

Their national identity is based solely on hating Jews and destroying Israel. That is their mission statement. If they accomplished their goal, they would have no other purpose.

MAR 22, 2025 – The Book of Genesis in the Bible recounts the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, whose citizens were so evil that God decided to destroy them, despite Abraham’s entreaties for mercy on their behalf.

To no avail, not even 10 good men could be found in these cities, so God wiped them off the earth with “sulfur and fire.”

There was nothing they would not do, no person they were not willing to violate, and no chance to repent they wanted to take. God destroyed the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah not only as punishment for their wickedness, but also to stop their evil from spreading further.

On October 7, 2023, Hamas and other terrorists — joined by thousands of Palestinian civilians — invaded Israel, where they proceeded to murder, torture, burn alive, behead, rape, and kidnap innocent people. They murdered upwards of 1,200 innocents and kidnapped 250 people into Gaza. Their brutality shocked the civilized world.

Hostages have been held in dungeons for more than 500 days, where Hamas rapes men and women, chains them, starves them, and tortures them. Agreement was finally reached to permit Israel to ransom hostages from Hamas, in exchange for releasing hundreds of terrorists in Israeli jails and a temporary cessation of the war.

The terror continued, as Hamas orchestrated a grotesque spectacle to accompany the handover of the hostages that gutted even the most desensitized among us. The world watched as they conducted bizarre ceremonies involving parading hostages on a podium before jeering crowds of civilians, where they were joined by representatives of the International Red Cross and handed certificates and gift bags, while being forced to smile and wave.

As the weeks passed, these displays became increasingly frightening. Hostages Gadi Moses and Arbel Yehud, as they struggled to make their way from Hamas captivity to Red Cross vehicles, were rushed by an out-of-control mob who made clear what they would do to them if they could. The following week saw another sick demonstration with the release of Or Levy, Ohad Ben Ami, and Eli Sharabi looking cadaverous.

But nothing could have prepared us for the presentation of the bodies of 83-year-old Oded Lifshitz, what was purported to be Shiri Bibas, and her sons Ariel and Kfir, who were ages 4 years and 9 months, respectively, when they were kidnapped. The so-called “Palestinian people” looked on as the coffins were displayed on a podium with the pictures of the victims displayed on their coffins, including their “date of arrest” beneath a caricature of a befanged Netanyahu dripping blood.

Hamas once again accompanied the release of the hostages’ bodies with an orchestrated ceremony, including taunts and provocative slogans, which, this time, included a threat to murder the remaining hostages.

What was accomplished by holding and torturing for 10 years Avera Mengistu and Hisham al Sayed, an Israeli Bedouin, both with a history of mental health problems?

Is this what the terror supporters mean by “resistance”?

The terrorists have insisted since November of 2023 that Shiri, Ariel, and Kfir were killed in an Israeli airstrike. That lie was exposed on Friday after a forensic analysis determined that the children were strangled to death.

Only sociopaths kidnap and murder babies. They had already committed such horrendous crimes and accomplished their goal of utterly terrifying the people of Israel. There was nothing more to gain by killing those children anymore than there was to gain by starving and torturing their adult hostages. This was gratuitous cruelty.

There is nothing they will not do, no person they are not willing to violate, and no chance to repent they want to take.

Palestinian civilians came with their children on a family outing to cheer at the death of an old peace activist, a mother, and her babies. It was a celebration of death.

Western apologists insist, without evidence, that there is a material distinction between Hamas and ordinary Gazans (and it’s tempting to believe that despite all evidence to the contrary) because how can a society be so rotten to its core?

It took this — strangulation of babies and battering their bodies — to wake us out of our stupor brought on by our insistence that there is a bottom to the depths of Palestinian evil. We hoped that deep down they were like us. But I have never seen reality more clearly in all its ugliness.

The most recent horrors have resulted in calls to wipe the Palestinians off the face of the earth. But there is a less drastic solution available: relocation. Israeli ministers branded as “Far-Right” have suggested it before but no one took the idea seriously — until it became clear that the Palestinians, even with a barrier, pose an unacceptable risk to Israelis on their border.

U.S. President Donald Trump was the first Western leader to suggest that the Palestinians be relocated, perhaps temporarily, because the Strip is apparently uninhabitable and there is no place for them to live while the area is being rebuilt.

The idea was rejected out of hand by Arab leaders.

But Trump has not backed down and he has some leverage, mainly the withholding of U.S. aid. Even if his idea for the U.S. to turn Gaza into some kind of paradise is not practical (or desirable), he opened a door that had previously been closed. Relocation may be the best option available. If at some point the population becomes de-Nazified, we can talk about return.

It took 30 years of suicide bombings, kidnappings, stabbings, car rammings, and more that left thousands of Israelis dead and more wounded before the adults in the room acknowledged the futility of pursuing a “two-state solution,” even though it had been enshrined in global consciousness as the only path forward. Israel cannot afford to waste another 30 years pursuing fantastical solutions that fail to acknowledge the reality of Palestinian society.

Before anyone starts howling about “ethnic cleansing,” consider the following:

  1. Thousands of Palestinian civilians joined Hamas in their invasion of Israel on October 7th to plunder the property of the Israelis as they were being killed. There is footage of them entering Israeli communities through the broken gates. I saw film of one elderly man limping in with a cane. This alone is not normative behavior; being an Arab is not an excuse for joining in a killing spree.
  2. Palestinians celebrated the savagery of October 7th. The film of Palestinian men driving through Gaza in a pick-up truck while spitting on Israeli hostage Shani Louk’s broken body in the truck bed is now iconic. It boggles the mind that any decent human being could accept this kind of behavior. Please remember the West is funding this society. Our tax dollars paid for their terror tunnels and gave them the wherewithal to commit the atrocities on October 7th.
  3. Surveys show that a majority of Palestinians remain committed to the so-called “right of return” and living according to shariah law.
  4. Gazan “civilians” kept Israeli hostages in their homes and used them as slaves.
  5. It was Palestinian civilians who kidnapped Shiri Bibas and her sons. No doubt they were paid handsomely for this prize.

Of course, not every Palestinian in Gaza is complicit in the heinous crimes of Hamas. There have to be some civilians in Gaza who really are innocent bystanders. There are even a handful of sincere Palestinian peace activists who have denounced Hamas time and again, and have begged Western supporters to see these vicious terrorists for the sadists they are.

But these people are few and far between.

The hostages who were held in civilian homes report that the Palestinians of Gaza are a society of terrorists. Hundreds of private homes contained entrances to underground tunnels, weapons, and copies of “Mein Kampf.” It is not surprising to see how they indoctrinate their children in a culture of hatred and train them to be murderers from early childhood. They have normalized violence and believe it is their God-given right to murder Jews.

The Palestinians were provided with every opportunity to create an independent state, where the people could live in dignity that Western politicians claim is their due. However, the Palestinians have utterly failed in that endeavor.

In fact, the past 16-plus months have shown that not only do they lack the skills to build an independent, self-sustaining polity capable of living in a civilized society; they don’t want these things at all. Their national identity is based solely on hating Jews and destroying Israel. That is their mission statement. If they accomplished their goal, they would have no other purpose.

After 76 years, Israel does not have to continue to tolerate the intolerable. The Palestinians have forfeited their right to self-determination. At the same time that they were engaged in their gruesome celebration of having murdered two children and their mother and an elderly peace activist, their brothers in Judea and Samaria (also known as the West Bank) planted bombs in 15 Israeli public transport buses designed to detonate together when the buses were full of passengers.

Their assault is unrelenting and their time is up.

They need to go.  [Emphasis added]

[Ed.:  “They must to go!”  This was first said by Meir Kahane, and he was absolutely right!  They have no place here.


No, Jews and Muslims are not Abrahamic brothers.   ZACH ROSS

Peace does not require lies. In fact, accepting these fabricated narratives only strengthens the ideological foundation of those who have long sought to erase Jewish history and identity.

MAR 21, 2025

It is an indisputable fact that Judaism predates both Islam (and Christianity) by thousands of years.

The Jewish People and their scriptures existed long before Muhammad, long before the rise of Islam, and long before Arab tribes attempted to insert themselves into the biblical narrative.

By the time Muhammad began preaching in the 7th century CE, Jewish communities had already existed in the Middle East for more than 2,000 years, with deeply established religious texts, legal traditions, and a national identity centered around Israel. These Jewish communities were literate, scholarly, wealthy, and had extensive oral and written traditions.

Muhammad, however, came from an illiterate, polytheistic Arabian tribal society in Mecca. When he encountered the well-established Jewish and Christian populations of the region, he did not bring a new revelation so much as he repurposed and rebranded existing Jewish and Christian scriptures, inserting himself and the Arab tribes into a story that had never included them.

Islam did not develop in a vacuum; it emerged in direct contact with Judaism and Christianity, stealing heavily from both while modifying them to serve its own expansionist goals. There is no historical, genetic, or archaeological evidence that the people who today identify as Arabs — which comprise nearly 500 million people spanning a vast expanse of diverse regions, cultures, and histories from the Arabian Peninsula to the Maghreb and beyond — are all descended from Abraham or Ishmael.

The idea that Ishmael is the progenitor of today’s Arab people is not found anywhere in history before the rise of Islam. The earliest Arab tribes were distinct, polytheistic groups inhabiting the Arabian Peninsula, with no known claim to Abrahamic descent.

So, where did this idea that “Jews and Muslims are Abrahamic brothers” come from?

The answer is simple: It was manufactured as a tool of religious and political legitimacy. Muhammad needed to establish his authority among both his own people and the Jews and Christians he sought to convert (or subjugate). By claiming that the Arab tribes, who had no previous connection to each other beyond language, were divinely connected to Abraham — one of the most revered figures in Jewish history — Muhammad positioned himself and his followers as rightful inheritors of monotheism.

This was not a historical fact. It was a strategic move for conquest and power.

Muhammad took advantage of the Jewish belief that Abraham had a son named Ishmael, who was born to Sarah’s Egyptian maidservant Hagar, and that his descendants had settled in the Arabian Peninsula. He claimed a direct genetic link between himself and Ishmael, positioning the Arabic-speaking tribes as the rightful heirs to Abraham’s legacy and the continuation of God’s covenant.

There is no historical, cultural, or national link between Ishmael and his descendants and the tribes of Arabia for thousands of years — not until the advent of Islam. By the time Muhammad came along, the Arabian Peninsula had seen centuries of migration, conquests, and cultural mixing, with peoples from all over the Middle East and North Africa moving through and settling in the region.

When Muhammad expanded his empire, millions of people who weren’t Arab, didn’t speak Arabic, and had no ethnic connection to the original Arab tribes were conquered, “Arabized” and eventually identified with their Arab oppressors.

The idea that these vastly diverse populations, who were absorbed over centuries of conquest and cultural fusion, are somehow descendants of Ishmael is not just far-fetched; it’s absurd. To claim such a direct link to Abraham or Ishmael after centuries of intermingling, migration, and empire-building is as random as it is historically unfounded.

Islam did not simply claim to be a new monotheistic faith; it positioned itself as the final and superior version of Judaism and Christianity, asserting that Jews and Christians had “corrupted” their own scriptures. This tactic allowed Islam to absorb Jewish history while simultaneously subjugating Jewish and Christian people.

The story of the Binding of Isaac — one of the most central narratives in Jewish tradition — was retroactively altered in Islamic teachings to claim that it was actually Ishmael who was bound, not his half-brother Isaac.

But this claim appeared only after Islam emerged, with no prior historical or textual basis. For over 2,000 years before Islam, the story of Isaac’s binding had been universally recognized in Jewish tradition. The sudden rewriting of this foundational narrative, millennia after the fact, is nothing short of an attempted erasure of Jewish history to serve Islamic supremacy.

Islam is not the first religion to appropriate Jewish scripture and claim ownership over Jewish history. Christianity did it first. By declaring that Jesus was the Messiah, and later that Christians were the “New Israel,” Christian theology sought to replace the Jewish covenant with a new, universalist doctrine.

However, Christianity at least acknowledged the Jewish origins of its faith, even as it diverged from them. Islam, on the other hand, went even further — not only did it attempt to replace Judaism, but it sought to reframe Jews as inferior, misguided, and cursed for rejecting Muhammad’s authority. Unlike Christianity, which preserved the Torah and the Hebrew Bible (even if it reinterpreted them), Islam outright rewrote Jewish history to place itself at the center of the story.

Similarly, other groups, such as the Black Hebrew Israelites, have attempted to claim the legacy of the Jewish People. Just because a group claims to be part of the Jewish story doesn’t mean Jews have to accept them for the sake of peace, especially when their version distorts Jewish history, erases Jewish identity, or fuels violence against Jews.

Should Jews accept groups like the Black Hebrew Israelites, who claim to be the “true Jews” and regularly harass actual Jews across America despite having no historical or scriptural basis for their claim? They, like Islam, have stolen Jewish scripture and adopted it as their own with no legitimate foundation.

If we reject such distortions of Jewish heritage (and we should), why should we accept aspects of the Islamic version, which emerged thousands of years after Jewish scriptures were established and rewrites their most sacred stories to serve their political and religious agenda?

Today, many people — especially those pushing for interfaith dialogue or peace — blindly repeat the Islamic myth that “Jews and Muslims are Abrahamic brothers” or that “Jews and Arabs are cousins.”

It sounds nice.

But as you now know, Jews and Muslims are not Abrahamic brothers. And Jews and the people who identify today as “Arab” are no more cousins than Jews are with any other Mediterranean, Levantine, or Middle Eastern population. Peace does not require lies. In fact, accepting these fabricated narratives only strengthens the ideological foundation of those who have long sought to erase Jewish history and identity.

The truth is this: Islam’s relationship to Judaism is not that of a sibling faith, but of an empire that co-opted Jewish tradition for its own expansion. Muhammad encountered Jewish tribes, stole from their scriptures, raped and slaughtered them and inserted himself into their history not because it was true, but because it was useful in helping him gain power and influence.

Many Muslim supremacists, Palestinian Arabs, and their allies know this to be true, which is why they regularly chant “Khaybar Khaybar ya Yahud, jaish Muhammad soufa ya’oud,” which translates to “Khaybar Khaybar, Oh Jews, the army of Muhammad will return” — referencing Muhammad’s massacre of the Jewish community in Khaybar in 628 CE. The Jewish People do not need to accept the Arabization or Islamization of their own sacred history for the sake of a chance at “peace.”

Peace will come when the Jewish People are respected as the rightful keepers of their own history and are no longer expected to validate historical fabrications by those who seek to erase or rewrite their identity. Acknowledging historical fact — that Judaism predates Islam by thousands of years, that Jewish tradition was neither lost nor superseded, and that the Jewish covenant remains intact — is not an attack on anyone.

The Torah is not an “early version” of the Quran; the Quran is an edited and repackaged distortion of Jewish scripture, written millennia later to serve the ambitions of an Arabian warlord and his followers. It is simply the truth. And a peace built on truth will always be stronger than one built on lies.

Certainly, we do not need all Muslims to believe this, but we do need the millions of Muslim extremists to stop trying to kill Jews (and Christians and every other ethnic/religious minority) for merely believing in their own story, which never had anything to do with them.

The Jewish story does not belong to Islam. The Jewish story does not belong to Christianity. The Jewish story belongs to Jews and no amount of historical revisionism will ever change that.

[Ed.:  And we’re not ‘cousins’, either! We’re not related to the scum of the earth by any stretch of the imagination, or folklore.]

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