Daily Shmutz | COMMENTARY / OPINION  | 3/28/24


                                                                                                                                  Jonathan Pollard


Jonathan Pollard: The Terrorist Attack in Russia   [11:26]   Machon Shilo

Mar 28, 2024Discussion between former Prisoner of Zion, Jonathan Pollard and the head of Machon Shilo, Rabbi David Bar-Hayim

[Ed.:  VERY interesting!]


This Changes Everything…   [7:55]   Tom Nash    March 28, 2024


What happened in Baltimore? Here’s what I know so far…   TIERNEY’S REAL NEWS

MAR 28, 2024 – Here are some of the points about this attack that the news is NOT reporting. As I find more, I will update this post.

… “So let me get this straight on the ship failure and bridge collapse: The emergency backup generators failed. The emergency backup steering system failed. The Governor wants people to stop playing the video of the hit – and within hours the FBI knew that it wasn’t terrorism?”

[Ed.:  I Know Nothing!]


The US abstention at the UN Security Council – acumen    Ambassador (ret.) Yoram Ettinger

Those who experience wake up calls usually discover, in hindsight, that they had received plenty of warning before the poop hit the propeller, but they chose to disregard it…. Whether a wake-up call becomes a boon, or a bane, depends on what you’re willing to learn from it, and whether you’re willing to be moved by experience.”

March 27, 2024 – *The March 25, 2024 UN Security Council resolution 2728 came in the aftermath of the murder – by Hamas – of 1,300 Israelis on October 7, which is equal to 40,000 Americans murdered on a single day!
*A US abstention facilitated the passage of resolution 2728, which aims to snatch Hamas Palestinian terrorists from the jaws of obliteration, while establishing a Palestinian state. Therefore, it was enthusiastically welcome by Iran’s Ayatollahs, Hamas and the Palestinian Authority.

*The US abstention reflects the dominance of the cosmopolitan worldview of the State Department in the shaping of US foreign policy and national security policy, subordinating unilateral US national security action to multilateral cooperation with the inherently anti-US UN and the vacillating and terrorist-appeasing Europe.

*The State Department worldview ignores Hamas’ role as the core cause of the current war, an inspiration for Iran, al-Qaeda and ISIS-supported Islamic terrorists, who are planning Hamas-like terror assaults against all Arab regimes, the West, and especially the US, increasingly from Central America.

*The military and political survival of Hamas – compliment of resolution 2728 – would be, rightly, interpreted in the Middle East as a major victory for Islamic terrorism,  and a severe blow to Israel’s posture of deterrence, which would yield an Iran-led terrorist tsunami against Israel and all pro-US Arab countries (e.g., a repeaet of the October 7 horrific terrorism, Hezbollah, Intifada’ # 3 in Judea and Samaria which could reach Tel Aviv, radical Israeli Arabs, and a domestic upheaval in Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Bahrain and Morocco). Moreover, an erosion of Israel’s posture of deterrence would injure the peace process with Saudi Arabia, which has been induced by Israel’s viable posture of deterrence in the face of the mutual threats of Iran and the Moslem Brotherhood.

*According to Blinken, a key component of Security Council resolution 2728 – in addition to “a ceasefire, hostage release and increased humanitarian aid” –  is the establishment of “a clear pathway toward a Palestinian state with security guarantees for Israel… long-term peace and security….”

*However, Blinken’s scenario of a peacefully-coexisting Palestinian state is based on moderate Palestinian diplomatic and media talk and speculative futurePalestinian behavior. But, Middle East reality documents a rogue Palestinian walk (especially vs. Arab countries), which stipulates that the proposed Palestinian state would add fuel, not water, to the Middle East fire. It would undermine the interests of the US and all its Arab allies, while advancing the interests of all US’ rivals and enemies.

*Contrary to Blinken’s eagerness to establish a Palestinian state, all pro-US Arab countries’ walk reflects their view of the Palestinians as a role model of intra-Arab subversion, terrorism and treachery.

*Blinken’s addiction to the proposed Palestinian state as a venue to peaceful coexistence overlooks the volcanic ramifications of a Palestinian state contiguous to Jordan’s explosive domestic scene: a stormy relations – including a civil war – between the pro-US Hashemite regime and the Palestinian majority; a deeply entrenched Moslem Brotherhood; 2 million Syrian refugees in northern Jordan; intensified Iranian subversion through Iraq and Syria; and deeply fragmented Bedouin community. Thus, a Palestinian state west of the Jordan River would doom the pro-US Hashemite regime east of the River, transforming Jordan into an arena of rival terrorist organizations, posing a lethal threat to all pro-US oil-producing Arab regimes in the Arabian Peninsula, jeopardizing the exportation of Persian Gulf oil and global trade, rendering a bonanza to Iran’s Ayatollahs, the Moslem Brotherhood, Russia, China and North Korea, and dealing a blow to the US economy, national and homeland security.

*Secretary Blinken, who is a role model of the State Department worldview, assumes that terrorism should be confronted diplomatically, not militarily, since it is supposedly driven by despair and not by a fanatic ideology. Notwithstanding the 1,400-year-old violently unpredictable, shifty and anti “infidel” Middle East reality (which has yet to experience intra-Moslem peaceful coexistence, and irrespective of the rogue, anti-US track record of the Ayatollahs’ and Palestinian terrorism, Blinken is convinced that dramatic diplomatic and financial gestures (“money talks”) could induce terror regimes to abandon their ideology, accept peaceful-coexistence and good-faith negotiation.

*Secretary Blinken attempts – once again – to appease rogue Middle Eastern entities, by ignoring Middle East precedents, which have documented that terrorists bite the hand that feeds them, as demonstrated by Iran’s Ayatollahs, Afghanistan’s Mujahideen, Iraq’s Saddam Hussein, Libya’s Islamic terrorists, Palestinian terrorism, etc.

*In defiance of Middle East reality and the Moslem Brotherhood charter and track record since 1928, the State Department refuses to recognize its terroristic nature. Thus, Hamas is a branch of the Moslem Brotherhood, whose vision is to topple all national Moslem regimes, establish a universal Islamic society, with Islam as the only divinely-ordained legitimate religion, and to bring the “infidel” West to submission. Hamas is also a proxy of Iran’s Ayatollahs, whose 1,400-year-old vision mandates the destruction of “the Great American Satan.” Also, the Moslem Brotherhood and Iran’s Ayatollahs have their machetes at the throat of every pro-US Arab regime.

The bottom line

*Will the State Department’s conventional wisdom keep ignoring – or recognize – the march of facts, which has exposed the costly detachment of Foggy Bottom from Middle East reality?

*Will the State Department persists in preferring the multilateral cooperation with the UN and Europe over an independent, unilateral US national security action?

*“Those who experience wake up calls usually discover, in hindsight, that they had received plenty of warning before the poop hit the propeller, but they chose to disregard it…. Whether a wake-up call becomes a boon, or a bane, depends on what you’re willing to learn from it, and whether you’re willing to be moved by experience.” (Greg Levoy, a psychologist and an author).


A “Black Swan Event” – General Flynn Raises Questions About Baltimore Bridge Collapse  [VIDEOS]     BY TYLER DURDEN

WEDNESDAY, MAR 27, 2024 – 05:08 AM

Here’s a live broadcast of the disaster area in Baltimore, Maryland.

“Can we take the idea that this [Baltimore bridge collapse] was a terrorist attack off the table … and absolutely we cannot do that,” President Trump’s former national security adviser (and retired lieutenant general) Michael Flynn told Alex Jones in an online interview.

[Ed.:  I guess that the US assisted attack on Moscow was a ‘double edged sword! This is yet another case of Putin being tempered and reasonable, and not ‘crazy’.  If he was ‘crazy’, he would have already nuked NATO with Ukraine along with them/us, for crossing his repeatedly stated red line and then attacking Moscow (more than once already). And by the way, his placing bombers on Israel’s borders with Syria, are just visuals for his (business) friends in China and Iran, to make them think he’s taking a stand against Israel (like Biden regime’s UN performance.)  But, Putin is NOT taking a stand against Israel!  It’s ALL VISUALS.  He would not fire a bullet against Israel. This guy is not all bad, as our swamp keeps repeating. We are.  However, it is also very possible that instead of the  bridge crash being a ‘Black Swan’ event, it was a ‘Red Flag’ event.  Since 9-11, the only attacks on our country have been conducted by our own government!  Is it not possible that the bridge attack was self-perpetrated to distract our attention from global sex trafficking?]  [Emphasis added]


RFK Jr Picks Soros Advocate Nicole Shanahan as His VP Running Mate    2ND SMARTEST GUY IN THE WORLD

MAR 27, 2024 – Last year this Substack published a series of articles exposing the then upstart presidential candidate RFK Jr…



How Israel Lost the Information War   by Victor Rosenthal

March 26, 2024 – Yesterday I was listening to a news program on the radio while preparing dinner. The host asked his subject – I don’t recall who it was, probably an opposition member of the Knesset – this question: how can it be that world opinion has become solidly anti-Israel only a few months after the worst pogrom since the Holocaust, in which more than a thousand Jews were murdered in the most brutal fashion imaginable, in which hundreds of women were raped and children tortured to death? The predictable and stupidly self-serving political answer was that it was the fault of the Netanyahu government, which had “mismanaged” the war. But what is the correct answer?

The real reason is that Israel, while successful in the “kinetic” aspects of the campaign against Hamas, has been overwhelmingly defeated in the less visible theater of information warfare.

The roots of this defeat go back decades. There was as yet no “mismanagement” on the day after the Hamas invasion, when there was an outburst of anti-Israel demonstrations and attacks on Jews around the world while the rampage was still continuing in parts of southern Israel. The ground was prepared as far back as the 1970s, when a wave of Arab petrodollars, guided by the Soviet KGB, flowed into a massive project of psychological and diplomatic warfare against the Jewish state. It wasn’t so difficult for them – the built-in antisemitism of the West, temporarily suppressed after the Holocaust, found a new outlet. It was easy, too, to nurture antisemitic elements in the Muslim world. In the West, the educational systems were infiltrated and subverted, starting with the “best” universities and continuing down to textbooks and curricula for elementary schools. A reality-inverting identification was made between Zionism and Western colonialism and racism, benefiting from both the anger of the formerly colonized and the guilt of the colonizers.

Funds for anti-Israel initiatives also came from the network of charities associated with George Soros, starting around the beginning of the 1990s. This money nourished many of the NGOs and human rights groups that became centers of anti-Israel propaganda, and continues to support them.1

In the diplomatic realm, the invention of the Palestinian Refugee after Israel’s War of Independence (a war of national liberation in which the formerly colonized Jews fought Arab proxies of the British Empire!), provided Hamas with the troops it needed, fed and educated to the point of fanatic hatred with Western money. Hamas combined the multi-faceted indoctrination against Jews and Israel, pioneered by the PLO after Oslo, with religious jihad. Both the West and the Muslim world were primed and ready to blame Israel for the murder, rape, and pillage of her people. And the great-power rivals of the US, Russia and China, were only too happy to join in the take-down of what they see (correctly?) as an American satellite, an outpost of the US in an important zone of contention.

Given the fertile soil, the propaganda offensive of Hamas and its supporters when Israel counterattacked blossomed into a worldwide flourishing of anti-Israel and anti-Jewish expression. The Palestinians, who have developed the technique of exploiting their supposed victimhood, sometimes by exaggeration, sometimes by invention (as in the alleged shooting of the boy Mohammad al Dura in 2000, probably the most blatant yet effective “Pallywood” production ever), and sometimes by deliberately putting their people in harm’s way, pulled out all the stops. Soon the horrors of October 7th were drowned out by the suffering of the Gazans affected by the war that their leaders had started. Western media and humanitarian organizations slavishly repeated Hamas propaganda about civilian casualties with proforma disclosures that their only source was Hamas.


US Gaslights Israel At The UN | The Caroline Glick Show In-Focus   [44:52]   JNS TV

March 26, 2024 – The US fails to veto a UN resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire, then denies that anything has changed, and Donald Trump gives a less than comforting warning to the Jewish State.


Jonathan Pollard on Invading Rafah: Will Netanyahu Sign his Political Death Warrant?  [16:43]   Machon Shilo

March 26, 2024 – Discussion between former Prisoner of Zion, Jonathan Pollard and the head of Machon Shilo, Rabbi David Bar-Hayim


Jonathan Pollard: Waiving Sanctions Against Iran- America Acts as an Enemy of Israel   [9:05]   Machon Shilo

Mar 25, 2024Discussion between former Prisoner of Zion, Jonathan Pollard and the head of Machon Shilo, Rabbi David Bar-Hayim


BREAKING: IDF Engages Hamas INSIDE Gaza Hospital; Hits CRITICAL Hezbollah Weapons Depot   [11:07]   Yair Pinto

Mar 25, 2024 – TBN Israel’s Yair Pinto reports on the Israel-Hamas War. Pinto reports that the IDF has raided Al-Amal Hospital in Khan Yunis after intelligence reports indicated Hamas activity within the complex. The IDF continues to fight against Hamas in the outskirts of Rafah ahead of its upcoming entry there, while also striking Hezbollah targets inside Lebanon. Stay up-to-date with the latest developments here on TBN Israel.


LATMA RETURNS! Fake it out!  [2:47]

03/22/2024 – Given the gravity of the hour, we at Latma figured what we really need at the present moment is satire. So we’re back.

Here’s our first move.



The BBC has framed the Israeli–Palestinian conflict for decades. Its primacy is ill-deserved

March 18, 2024 – Afew months before I graduated from Oxford, I was interviewed for the British Broadcasting Corporation’s prestigious two-year journalist trainee course. This was the best way at the time to secure a job at Britain’s most respected news broadcaster. A committee of five interviewed me. The chair asked whether there was anything I would have changed about a recent edition of BBC One’s then-flagship Nine O’Clock News.

In a calm and reasoned way, I said that although the BBC could not report on everything in its half-hour bulletin and had to be selective about which international items to cover alongside British ones, it had struck me that Saddam Hussein’s gassing of the Iraqi Kurds at Halabja deserved to be much higher up on BBC News than it had been.

I pointed out that this horrific act was the largest use of chemical weapons against a civilian target since World War II. Between 3,000 and 5,000 Kurdish children and adults had been gassed to death. Yet the BBC had only mentioned it in passing about 20 minutes into its news bulletin, after a light-hearted item about Prince Charles. I added that the BBC’s main news competitor in Britain at the time, ITN, had led its evening news bulletin that day with a five-minute report on the gassing of the Kurds.

There was silence in the room. The members of the BBC interviewing panel glanced at one another with expressions of bemusement. The chair then turned and asked me, with a slight scowl, “Are you a Zionist?”

And then, before I could answer, my interview came to an end.


My talk to the National Health Federation  [1:16:20] MERYL NASS

A 16 minute quickie on the WHO and global agenda

MAR 25, 2024


My formal presentation can be found between minutes 20-36, and after that is a long Q and A. John Droz, a physicist who has been producing masterful content on many aspects of the plandemic in regular, free publications, presented before I did.  [Emphasis added]



Climate the Movie: The Cold Truth   [1:19:53]   Wide Awake Media

The final nail in the coffin for the “human-induced climate change” scam. An absolute MUST-WATCH!

Directed by Martin Durkin, director of 2007’s ‘The Great Global Warming Swindle’. Produced by Tom Nelson

Please share far and wide!


Jonathan Pollard on the Palestinian Authority   [11:44]   Machon Shilo

Mar 24, 2024Discussion between former Prisoner of Zion, Jonathan Pollard and the head of Machon Shilo, Rabbi David Bar-Hayim


I Lived With Migrants in NYC for 24hrs   [32:34]   Nick Shirley

Mar 22, 2024 – Thank you to Invideo AI for sponsoring this video.  Click on our link and create up to 4 watermarked videos for FREE, or upgrade to a paid plan for as low as $20 per month and get access to millions of royalty-free stock footage clips, human-sounding voice overs, and no watermarks: https://invideo.io/i/NickShirley

I lived with migrants in the NYC for 24hrs. I really wanted to get a more in depth look into the lives of migrants in this video, i hope this video show the reality of what is happening in NYC.


The Delusional Feminist Power Fantasy Relies On Male Charity And Tolerance     by Brandon Smith

SATURDAY, MAR 23, 2024 – 07:00 AMThese days we hear a lot about the concept of the “male power fantasy,” usually in reference to accusations of “toxic masculinity.” In other words, feminists and woke activists argue that the male power fantasy is a social construct that makes men aggressive, and masculine aggression is supposedly the cause of most of society’s ills.

I would point out, however, that we don’t really see men talking about or obsessing much over power these days. Instead, it’s women (mostly feminists) blithering incessantly about power, institutional power, imbalances in power and how much they want power. If I was to guess by their rantings at the root principle that inspires all of feminism it wouldn’t be “equality”, it would be the thirst for power.

It’s also important to understand that the female power fantasy looks distinctly and darkly different from the average male power fantasy and this is why so many people remain skeptical of women in authority.  All we have to do is look at how they express their desires in fiction.

If one studies the archetypal ideals of the hero’s journey (a hallmark of the male power fantasy), what we almost always find are stories of self sacrifice. Power for most men is meant to be used in service to others; to protect and to provide for those who cannot protect themselves. This symbolism is found everywhere in literature, television and movies centered on powerful and popular male figures. Rather than being “toxic,” men are compelled by their inherent relationship to power to achieve something greater for all the people around them.

This is not to say that there are no men with twisted motives. History is splattered with male rulers who have abused their authority and committed a host of atrocities. These men, however, are the exception to the rule. The majority of men desire a chance at heroism and adherence to a moral code. We used to call it “chivalry”, the opposite of villainy.

The hero’s journey usually requires a struggle to attain the power that will eventually be used by the man in question. It is at least subconsciously understood that power attained without experience and wisdom leads to corruption. In other words, for men, great power comes with great responsibility.

The female power fantasy, unfortunately, is very different. For feminists in particular, great power means never having to take responsibility for anything ever.

When fictional women with power are written by women (specifically feminists) or woke activists, you will see a considerable juxtaposition when it comes to how that power is attained and used. A female power fantasy does not inspire a woman to be a hero. In fact, when feminists write protagonists they often act like villains – They tend to be selfish, narcissistic, they lack depth and lack the redeeming qualities associated with principled people. When women fantasize about power they are more likely to reflect psychopathic traits instead of nurturing feminine traits.

There is no such thing as an archetypal hero’s journey for modern women. In pop culture, female icons usually gain power automatically without any effort to earn it. They are born with magical abilities, magical or god-given talents, or they “manifest” power by sheer psychological will (the fantasy of witchcraft). They imagine what they want, and what they want is supposed to come to them magnetically. This is not just fiction to feminists; they really think this kind of magic is real.

[Ed.:  You have two choices:


CHAPTER 11: Critical Race Theory: A Species of the Ideological Thought Genus Marxism  by Linda Goudsmit
Space Is No Longer the Final Frontier—Reality Is [forthcoming release April 2024]

March 24, 2024 – Globalism is a replacement ideology that seeks to reorder the world into one singular, planetary Unistate, ruled by the globalist elite. The globalist war on nation-states cannot succeed without collapsing the United States of America. The long-term strategic attack plan moves America incrementally from constitutional republic to socialism to globalism to feudalism. The tactical attack plan uses asymmetric psychological and informational warfare to destabilize Americans and drive society out of objective reality into the madness of subjective reality. America’s children are the primary target of the globalist predators.

Dr. James Lindsay, mathematician, cultural critic, political analyst, and prolific anti-Woke/anti-Marxist writer, presents an extraordinary and original analysis of the existential threat facing Western Civilization. He introduces Marxism as a genus of ideological thought, and categorizes classical economic Marxism, Maoism, radical feminism, critical race theory, queer theory, Post-Colonial Theory, and Woke as species in the genus of Marxism. It is a magnificent discourse that identifies Woke as the 21st-century species of Marxism evolved to attack the West, signaling our entry into the transformational stage of education, the final phase of Outcome-Based Education (OBE), discussed in Chapter 6.

Lindsay addressed the European Parliament at its Woke Conference on March 29, 2023[i]. It is a stunning speech in which he states unequivocally, “Woke is Maoism with Western characteristics.” The complete transcript follows.


America Takes the Side of Hamas   by Victor Rosenthal

March 24, 2024 – It is with great sorrow – and trepidation – that I observe America taking the side of Hamas in what is nothing less than the first phase of a war against the existence of the Jewish state.

Despite the declarations of “unbreakable bonds,” and “unconditional support,” the Biden administration is demanding that Israel not invade Rafiah, the last remaining stronghold of Hamas, the location of its leaders – and perhaps also of many or all of the roughly 100 living hostages still held by Hamas.

Virtually all of Israel’s political and military leaders agree that only a ground invasion of Rafiah will end Hamas’ control of Gaza, prevent it from reconstituting its army, avoid the promised repetition of the horror show of October 7, and allow the residents of the western Negev to return to their homes without fear of rocket attacks or terrorist incursions.

The Americans are also pushing for a hostage deal that will entail a months-long ceasefire, which will enable Hamas to better prepare for further action by Israel, and which they hope to stretch even longer. Thus, when the inevitable confrontation with Hezbollah, an outbreak of war in Judea/Samaria, or an Iranian nuclear breakout occurs – probably all three simultaneously – Israel will be forced to fight a reconstituted Hamas on her southern front as well as her enemies on her northern and eastern ones.

At the same time, they are calling for the Palestinian Authority, which has never stopped paying terrorists to murder Israelis, to take control of Gaza. It will then be integrated into a sovereign Palestinian state. Again, virtually all Israeli leaders and a majority of the Israeli people believe that such a state would almost immediately be at war with Israel, this time only a few kilometers from her center of population.

The Americans argue that the invasion of Rafiah would entail “unacceptable” civilian casualties. They insist that preventing such casualties, which (they say) are already excessive, must be Israel’s top priority1.

But they know that the casualty figures coming from Hamas (there is no independent source) are massively inflated. They know that the IDF has achieved a lower ratio of civilian to combatant casualties than any other army in similar urban combat. They know that reports of hunger and humanitarian crisis are exaggerated, and that food and medical supplies are entering Gaza in great quantities. They know that Hamas is stealing some of it for its own purposes and selling the rest at exorbitant prices. They know that Israel has promised to evacuate civilians from the area before invading (despite the Egyptian refusal, with American support, to accept any refugees from Gaza). They know that the international law of war permits a reasonable amount of collateral damage, proportional to the military advantage gained. And they know that Hamas’ method of fighting, which deliberately places civilians in harm’s way and multiplies casualties for a propaganda advantage, is a war crime.

The US has excellent intelligence of her own, and Israel has provided American officials with access to her data. They must know all of the above, but they also know that the worldwide campaign of anti-Israel propaganda has been highly effective, and that many people – including Americans in states critical to the coming presidential election – believe it. So they position themselves as the champions of the “innocent Gazans2” who are suffering at the hands of Israel, and continue to ramp up pressure on Israel to “do more” to protect them, and to ensure that more humanitarian aid (which now exceeds the amount that was flowing before the war) gets into Gaza. They place limits on the use of American weapons, and threaten to cut off the flow of ammunition if Israel doesn’t follow instructions. In addition to weakening Israel, the American position strengthens Hamas, both by ensuring its supply of food and fuel, and with the message that all it has to do is hold on until the US makes Israel stop fighting.

The cynicism and hypocrisy is blatant. It’s been said that “Biden is calling for a two-state solution: Michigan and Nevada.”


THIS is Their Plan to Change the Country   [11:34]    Awaken With JP


BREAKING: Biden Regime Launches Federal Gun-Grab Operation to “Keep Firearms Out of the Hands” of People Who “Pose a Threat to Others”   By Cristina Laila

Mar. 23, 2024 1:20 pm – The Biden Regime on Saturday morning continued its attack on the Second Amendment and launched a federal gun-grab operation to keep firearms out the hands of people who “pose a threat to themselves and others.”

“The Justice Department launched the National Extreme Risk Protection Order (ERPO) Resource Center (the Center) which will provide training and technical assistance to law enforcement officials, prosecutors, attorneys, judges, clinicians, victim service and social service providers, community organizations, and behavioral health professionals responsible for implementing laws designed to keep guns out of the hands of people who pose a threat to themselves or others.: – the DOJ announced on Saturday.

US Attorney General Merrick Garland said the ERPO program will work with partners across the country to use “every tool” to ‘protect communities from gun violence.’

“The launch of the National Extreme Risk Protection Order Resource Center will provide our partners across the country with valuable resources to keep firearms out of the hands of individuals who pose a threat to themselves or others,” said Attorney General Merrick B. Garland. “The establishment of the Center is the latest example of the Justice Department’s work to use every tool provided by the landmark Bipartisan Safer Communities Act to protect communities from gun violence.”

[Ed.:  Go ahead!  Make my day!]



Mike Benz: Deep State – Foreign Policy Establishment Could Go Full Authoritarian – “I Believe They Already Have”  (VIDEO  10:54)   By Jim Hoft

Mar. 23, 2024 9:15 am – Mike Benz, founder of the Foundation for Freedom Online, joined Steve Bannon on Friday following his report that Hunter Biden was involved with the CIA in Ukraine.

Benz is the former State Department official with responsibilities in formulating and negotiating US foreign policy on international communications and information technology matters.

During their discussion Benz described the foreign policy establishment and the likelihood that they could go full authoritarian. Benz argues that he believes they already have.

Mike Benz: Oftentimes, when rule of law is insufficient to contain that, we kick out our counterinsurgency doctrine, where there’s a lot of nasty things that we will do to the resident population in order to get their minds right to stop opposing the ruling regime. And the issue is, you need legitimacy in order to govern cheaply. That is, a people who have grievances in their heart, a people who feel that the government is illegitimate, are expensive to govern…

…In a counterinsurgency situation, you are starting off the chess game, essentially, with them already having those grievances, and you need to exert control over that population in order to force them to a state where they are compliant and then perceive legitimacy. And the issue is, is there’s a trade-off between legitimacy and control. The more control you exert, the more illegitimate people perceive things to be. So you create 10 more insurgents with every one insurgent that you persecute. In fact, we’re seeing this right now, I think, reflected in the polling numbers for Donald Trump in this election cycle, where the more they’re persecuting him, the more his numbers are going up, which was much to their surprise. Anyone who would read US military doctrine would on counterinsurgency would see that immediately. But the other way…

So there’s only so far they can go. And now they may go full authoritarian. You can argue they already have. I believe they already have with what they’ve done, breaking two and a half centuries of precedent with everything they’ve done with the Justice Department, the bankrupting folks, going after everyone around the populist universe, including yourself. But the other way is if a certain node within the blob itself can be convinced that it’s not worth going full control, that it would be too far in terms of creating international perceptions of illegitimacy if their crackdown is too hard. And there are certain concessions that Trump world makes to the blob.

So for example, I heard it floated that Marco Rubio, who knows who the vice President pick is going to be, right? It could be one of 10,000 people. That name was floated this week quite publicly. Senator Rubio is the head of the Senate Intelligence Committee. He’s a person who, a little bit like Ted Cruz, has tried to position himself as not a never-trumper, but very much like with the foreign policy side, but straddling those two worlds, but very definitively being pro-blob consensus. A figure like Marco Rubio, for example, might be able to convince a critical note within the blob that while we don’t like Trump, and We’re going to do a little bit of election rigging.


2024 Jewish demographic momentum in Israel    Ambassador (ret.) Yoram Ettinger
March 21, 2024
In 2023, the number of Israel’s Jewish births was 135,639 – 69%
higher than 1995 (80,400), compared to 42,815 Arab births – 17% higher
than 1995 (36,500).

In 2023, Jewish births were 76% of total births, compared to
69% in 1995. The surge of Jewish births has taken place due to
the unprecedented rise of births (since 1995) in the secular
sector, notwithstanding a rising level of education, income and
wedding age and expanded urbanization. Since 1995, Israel’s
ultra-orthodox sector has experienced a mild decrease of fertility, while the modern orthodox rate of fertility has been stable.

In 1969: Israel’s Arab fertility rate (number of births per woman) was six births higher than the Jewish fertility rate. In 2022: Jewish fertility rate – 3.03;Israeli Arabs – 2.75.

Muslim fertility rate has been Westernized: Jordan – 2.9 births per woman, Iran – 1.9, Saudi Arabia – 1.89, Morocco – 2.27, Iraq – 3.17, Egypt – 2.76, Yemen – 2.91, United Arab Emirates – 1.62, etc.

Israel’s growing Jewish fertility rate reflects optimism, patriotism, attachment to roots, communal solidarity, frontier-mentality and less abortions. Arab demographic Westernization is attributed to sweeping urbanization, enhanced status of women (education, employment, rising wedding age, shorter reproductive period) and expanding use of contraceptives.


Shadowgate Documentary    Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Banned Film Reveals How We’re Being Controlled by a ‘Shadow Government’

It’s not easy to wrap one’s mind around the psychological warfare tactics being used against the American public, but it’s essential we try to do so before it’s too late. Immediately banned on YouTube, this important film pulls back the curtain on how we’re being manipulated and by whom.

March 23, 2024


  • “Shadowgate” reveals how a “shadow government” is manipulating society from behind the scenes and using psychological warfare tactics against the American public
  • Democrats and Republicans are equally guilty of covering up an even bigger scandal than the fact that Obama’s administration illegally spied on and tried to frame President Trump and others using manufactured evidence
  • The shadow government consists of government contractors and defense and intelligence officials who are stealing the personal data collected by the NSA on all Americans, and have privatized and weaponized its use
  • “Shadowgate” features two whistleblowers who have spent many years helping to develop the psychological warfare programs that are now directed at the American people and used to influence our elections
  • We can protect our freedoms, first by rejecting and abandoning companies like Google and Facebook, which are the largest data collectors and manipulators; second, by promoting and aiding in the effort to expose Big Tech’s manipulations; and third, by restructuring legislatures and the government, and establishing new civil society institutions and news media that support and promote freedom rather than censorship and control


How Chuck Schumer’s Speech Backfired   [50:36]    Gadi Taub

Mike Doran and Gadi Taub discuss the ever more explicit attempts by the Democrats to remove Netanyahu from office

MARCH 21, 2024 – The ever more explicit attempts by the Democrats to remove Netanyahu from office repeatedly fail. There’s a reason for that. Israelis don’t like to feel that their bigger stronger ally is trying to dictate to them who will govern their country. They are even less hospitable to the idea that the U.S. will try to force them into the two-state-solution track. But Mike thinks the ongoing effort to oust Netanyahu may actually succeed.

Meanwhile, Herzi Halevi, the IDF chief of staff, completes a controversial army-wide round of appointments. Many see this as an attempt to save his own skin, since the appointees seem to subscribe to the same groupthink that got us Oct. 7, and may therefore be less critical of Halevi’s colossal failure on that fateful Shabbat.



Israel Won Major Victory by Ignoring Biden   by Daniel Greenfield

Hamas had not been expecting Israel to hit a ‘hospital’ on Ramadan without warning.

March 22, 2024 – The current Israeli government made the same mistake after Oct 7 that so many previous ones had by assuming that it would retain the support of the White House if it followed its parameters. Instead of a comprehensive siege and rapid forceful assaults, Israel waited. When there were complaints about casualties, it slowed down, sent warnings and put its own soldiers at risk. And lives were lost.

But none of that worked. There was a ticking clock and Biden was bound to eventually pull support. It was only a matter of time.

Now, Israel won a major victory by catching Hamas and Islamic Jihad by surprise. How did it do that? By ignoring the rules that the Islamic terrorists thought Israel had to operate by.

After a previous raid on the Al-Shifa hospital, a Qatari terror base, that had been telegraphed with multiple warnings, Israel returned, struck fast, and took out over 100 terrorists and captured over 600. (The numbers continue to increase.)

Reportedly, Israel has captured top Islamic Jihad leaders and a variety of significant Hamas figures.

Hamas had not been expecting Israel to hit a ‘hospital’ on Ramadan without warning. That was against all the rules out of D.C.

But the rules are going out the window.



BLOODBATH & DICTATORSHIP PLANNED BY LEFT!   [35:52]  By Larry Klayman | Freedom Watch

March 23, 2024 – With Guest Speaker Ambassador Alan Keyes!

[Ed.:  They’re not referring to a ‘bloodbath’ of the elite heads that are going to roll, like Clinton, the Biden crime family, etc., etc.,.  They are referring to our blood!]

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