Daily Shmutz COMMENTARY / OPINION 3/5-9/23


What Effect Did Nazi Propaganda Have on the German People?   By Alex Grobman, PhD

March 09, 2023

Part IV

Backlash to Repressive Methods

A Gestapo report about Kiel, a port city on Germany’s Baltic Sea coast, revealed the aversion of the bourgeoisie to attend rallies or even greeting each other with “Heil Hitler.” Bankier said this response could have been expected from the educated portions of the German population, who were alienated by Hitler’s repressive and “brutal terror” methods.

The first surge of random and brutal attacks against German Jews by the Nazi party and its affiliates began at the beginning of the National Socialist regime, observed German historian Michael Wildt. Men of the Sturmabteilung (SA), the initial paramilitary wing of the Nazi Party, kidnapped the theater director in Breslau, the largest German city east of Berlin, and beat him to the point where he had to be hospitalized. A Jewish businessman in Straubing, in Lower Bavaria, was seized, and when found, his body was riddled with bullets. In Wiesbaden, in the western German state of Hesse, windows of Jewish shops were broken, and the owners were beaten. Shots were fired, injuring a number of guests at a small hotel commonly patronized by Jews in Magdeburg, a central German city on the Elbe River.

On March 6 on the Kurfürstendamm, one of the most famous avenues in Berlin, Wildt said disturbances worsened to where the Manchester Guardian reported: “Many Jews were beaten by the brown shirts [SA] until blood ran down their heads and faces. Many fainted and were left to lie in the streets, until they were picked up by friends or passerby and brought to hospitals.”

These vicious attacks represented the end of the government’s observance of legal standards, which had provided a degree of protection during the previous years, Wildt asserted. All basic rights established by the Weimar constitution were abolished on February 28, 1933, when the Presidential Decree for the Protection of the Nation and the State was issued. Jews were disenfranchised and stigmatized and socially isolated from their friends and former associates. They were subjected to relentless threats and “daily antisemitic violence” including being robbed of their assets, deprived of their livelihoods. Synagogues were vandalized, Jewish graveyards were desecrated, and Jews were summoned for forced labor.


The Endless Ages Of Purim   By Daniel Greenfield

March 07, 2023 Tonight the celebration of the holiday of Purim begins. Purim is a Jewish holiday often neglected outside the more religious communities in America and Israel because it commemorates an attempt to exterminate the Jews.

And we all know that stopped being a problem long ago.

If Purim had concluded with a lesson on tolerance, liberal Jews might be more inclined to celebrate it. Unfortunately it ends with a genocidal madman being hung from a tree and the Jews fighting for their lives, winning and slaughtering their enemies.

And instead of feeling guilty about it, their descendants eat pastries, dress up in costumes and get drunk. At least those of their descendants who believe in survival instead of surrender.

Leftist Jews complain about the difference of values they have with Israeli Jews who insist on survival instead of surrender. They have an even bigger difference of values with the Jews of the Bible. And with Jews throughout history.

Not to mention with the religion of the Jewish people.

The more liberal a Jew is, the less likely he is to celebrate the substance of his people’s holidays as they conflict with his worldview and virtues. Moshe, the Maccabees and Mordechai don’t seem like role models, not even if you rebrand them as community organizers and claim that they were fighting prejudice.


Jimmy Dore on Nord Stream: “America is the World’s Terrorist”  [4:31]   By Richard Abelson

Mar. 7, 2023 8:30 am – “Americans are the most propagandized people in the world,” leftist comic Jimmy Dore told Tucker Carlson Feb. 26. “They don’t even know what’s happening with the Nord Stream pipeline. They think propaganda is something that happens to other people. This is 100% a propaganda war.”

“Why doesn’t Joe Biden want to investigate this?” Dore asked. “Why doesn’t Congress want to investigate this?”

If the United States was not behind the Nord Stream bombing, “Why not investigate it?” Dore asked. “Sweden, Denmark and Norway already did their own investigation, (but) they won’t release it. Why won’t they?”

“Just like they don’t want to investigate the cause of the Corona virus outbreak – they don’t want to investigate because they already know the answers.”

Journalist Chris Hedges had called America a “Mafia State”, Dore said. “A tiny cabal of people have control of our government, and they’re using it to do war for economic profit. The difference between  our Mafia State now and back then (is), the Mafia helped defeat the Nazis. Now, we’re actually arming Nazis” in other countries, the comedian said.


How the Government Uses Fear to Control  [Videos 28:57 and 39:55]   Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

… “Do Not Trust the Medical or National Security Establishment

March 07, 2023 – ‘You have something to fear and we can protect you’ has been the mantra of totalitarian nations through the years to make citizens comply. Today, the technology exists to track, trace, control and manipulate individuals in their own homes, tremendously raising the stakes.


  • August 28, 2020, the Children’s Health Defense, led by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., launched a European branch of the organization
  • Totalitarian nations have always used the power of fear to make citizens comply with authoritarian rule. Without fail, it’s been shown that all you have to do to engineer compliance, no matter how horrific the ramifications, is to tell people they have something to fear, and claim they will be safe if they follow you
  • Today, we also have something no previous tyrant has had, namely the technology to track, trace, control and manipulate individuals wherever they live. Most are surrounded by electronics and wireless devices that harvest every imaginable data point about their personal life
  • Digital currency will complete the net of tyranny. Once all cash economies have been abolished, they have absolute control over us because they will be able to tax every transaction and ensure compliance through the threat of financial confiscation
  • The pushback seen around the world against mask mandates, vaccines, social distancing and lockdowns is not because there’s a willful ignorance of science, but that no real science is being presented; science is actually being withheld and suppressed

[Ed.:  FEAR YOUR DOCTOR!  Medicine is a disgraced profession.  They cannot (and must not) be trusted any longer! Cultivate Nosocomephobia and iatrophobia.  Spread ‘vaccine hesitancy!]


The Population Controllers  By Dr. Dennis Cuddy

March 6th, 2023 – In the past, I have written about the Carnegie Institution in 1904 founding a eugenics experimental station at Cold Spring Harbor, New York. In 1912, elitists like Winston Churchill and Harvard University president Charles Eliot attended the first International Congress of Eugenics. About the same time, John D. Rockefeller II introduced Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger to other elitists who could provide funding for her efforts, including publication of her BIRTH CONTROL REVIEW, which in the early 1930s published an article by Hitler’s eugenics specialist Ernst Rudin. By 1952 John D. Rockefeller III and Senator Prescott Sheldon (President George W. Bush’s grandfather and member of Yale’s secret fraternity Skull & Bones) founded the Population Council to further population control. Later, I wrote a NewsWithViews column titled “The Alethea Report” about a step-by-step plan to use the press/media to promote eugenics.

You may recall my also writing about former Planned Parenthood medical director Dr. Richard Day in 1969 describing their plan for the future as including legalization of abortion, creating hard-to-cure diseases, etc. (to see the full quote look at page 439 of the 2nd edition of my book, NOW IS THE DAWNING OF THE NEW AGE NEW WORLD ORDER (the quote was transcribed by my mother, Peggy Cuddy, whose research was used by me to a large extent in writing this book). In the same year of 1969, on March 11, Planned Parenthood-World Population vice-president Frederick Jaffe’s “Activities Relevant to the Study of Population Policy for the U.S.”) which originally appeared in a memorandum to Population Council president Bernard Berelson, which included “Examples of Proposed Measures to Reduce U.S. Fertility, by Universality of Selectivity Impact,” in which one finds: “restructure family, encourage increased homosexuality, educate for family limitation, encourage women to work, compulsory sterilization of all who have two children except for a few who would be allowed three, confine childbearing to a limited number of adults, stock certificate type permits for children, payment to encourage sterilization, abortion and contraception, and fertility control agents in the water supply. It is noteworthy to point out that according to the Fluoride Action Network “Fluoride Affects Sperm Quality.” Note that in my NewsWithViews series and book titled “The Power Elite and the Secret Nazi Plan,” I wrote that the Nazis put a miniscule amount of a type of fluoride in the water of conquered countries (like Czechoslovakia). It narcotized a part of the brain making the people more docile and less resistant to Nazi control.



How to Prepare for the HORRIFYING Reality of Nuclear War Glenn TV Ep 254  [48:10]   Glen Beck

What happened to our healthy fear of nuclear war? The world reacted in horror to Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine one year ago this week. But one of the alarming side effects of Putin’s war is how talk of using nuclear weapons has been almost casually tossed around over the last year. Last fall, our own president said the world could face nuclear “Armageddon” if Putin uses a nuke on Ukraine. People mostly shrugged and moved on. Almost 78 years removed from the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and 31 years since the end of the Cold War, we’ve lost our proper fear of nuclear war. These are terrifying weapons, some of which are 3,000 times more powerful than the bomb dropped on Hiroshima. We need a wake-up call about the reality of nuclear war and why it must NEVER happen. Glenn takes you through how the nuclear arms race developed between the U.S. and Russia. He also explores the current nuclear threats, what nuclear war would actually entail, and the unthinkable consequences that would result. Are we prepared? Is there anything you can do to increase your chance of survival in a nuclear attack?


Because ‘Good’ Men Continue to Do Nothing    By Rob Pue

March 5th, 2023 – Something strange is happening in America, though it’s hard to say what’s “strange” and what is now the “new normal.” Over the past year, we’ve seen our food processing plants destroyed.  There have been alleged outbreaks of avian flu, supposedly requiring the killing of tens of thousands of chickens and turkeys.  Massive amounts of farmland have been purchased by foreign investors.  And then last June — thousands of heads of cattle were found suddenly dead in Kansas overnight.  Authorities claimed it was due to an intense heat wave.

Things became even more strange in February.  The mainstream media devoted unprecedented amounts of airtime to speculation over UFOs and an alien invasion.  But this was just more fake news, designed to condition the masses into accepting the idea that an alien invasion was, perhaps, imminent.  This came after a UFO was sighted over Montana — the same day an explosion was heard in the skies over Montana.  That explosion was reported by hundreds on social media, then debunked by the mainstream media, then never heard about again.

On February 4, the alleged Chinese spy balloon was shot down off the coast of South Carolina, after surveilling the entire United States.  On February 10, an unknown object was shot down over Dead Horse, Alaska; another shot down in the Yukon the next day and then another over Lake Huron the following day.

As I said, the mainstream media devoted an enormous amount of air time to these so-called “UFOs” — and like I always say, whenever the media spends this much time and energy to direct your attention to something, you need to look at what that latest “news” story is really covering up, or what the “powers-that-be” are about to unleash.

Are we about to be thrown into another world-wide panic?  This time over space aliens?  If you’re interested, you can look up “Project Blue Beam,” something the United Nations, NASA and other government agencies have been working on since 1983.  It involves large scale hologram images projected into the sky, along with sounds and special effects.  This technology has advanced greatly, now that most everyone has a cell phone or other mobile device with microchips embedded in them.

The holographic images would be used to create “signs and wonders” in the sky — simulating anything from extra-terrestrial aliens to a fake return of Christ.  It’s said the goal of Project Blue Beam is to bring massive civil unrest and panic, allowing the New World Order to come to power as people become desperate for any sort of “leadership.”  Make what you want of Project Blue Beam, but at this point, nothing is off the table for the globalists, bent on absolute world domination.

The Luciferians, now in control of world politics and policies, seem to always tell us what they plan to do before they do it.  They told us of their global depopulation agenda; they told us of their “greatest election fraud system in the history of America,” they told us we definitely WOULD have to deal with a world-wide “pandemic.” They even told us how the jabs would help to lower the Earth’s human population.

Just last year, Netflix released a movie called “White Noise,” which was filmed in multiple locations in Ohio.  The movie portrayed a disaster in which a train carrying toxic chemicals derailed and exploded, causing an “airborne toxic event.”  Also last year, our old friend, Bill Gates, purchased a majority of shares in a company called EcoLab, which is a water treatment, infection prevention and mitigation company.

Then, on February 3rd, it happened: a freight train operated by Norfolk Southern railroad, derailed in East Palestine, Ohio.  Fifty train cars, loaded with hazarous chemicals went off the tracks.  The chemicals included Vinyl Chloride, Isobutylene, Ethylhexyl acrylate, and Benzene, among others.

Vinyl Chloride is associated with lymphoma, leukemia and cancers of the brain and lungs. Interestingly, and conveniently, just last month, the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, released an updated toxicological profile for Vinyl Chloride.  Previously, they stated that exposure of more than 30,000 parts-per-million (PPM) was extremely toxic and deadly.  Last month, they changed that to exposure of 150,000 ppm. The Agency also completely removed a section titled “How can Vinyl Chloride affect children?”  It looks like more deception to me…just weeks before they set off a Vinyl Chloride bomb.


The State Is Always and Forever the Enemy of the People   By Gary D. Barnett

March 4, 2023 – “In this century, the human race faces, once again, the virulent reign of the State—of the State now armed with the fruits of man’s creative powers, confiscated and perverted to its own aims. The last few centuries were times when men tried to place constitutional and other limits on the State, only to find that such limits, as with all other attempts, have failed. Of all the numerous forms that governments have taken over the centuries, of all the concepts and institutions that have been tried, none has succeeded in keeping the State in check. The problem of the State is evidently as far from solution as ever. Perhaps new paths of inquiry must be explored, if the successful, final solution of the State question is ever to be attained.” ~ Murray N. Rothbard, Anatomy of the State

What paths of inquiry should not only be explored, but presumably put into action in order to be free? What is the final solution of the State question? I can think of only one viable answer that could resolve the problem that is the State, any State, and that is anarchy, or for the squeamish and linguistically challenged among you, voluntaryism without a state. In other words, abolish the State. Yes, I do understand that the first response, and incorrect one as well, to this answer is usually that anarchy is impossible and will not work, because chaos, riots, looting, lawlessness, and murder would reign, so there has to be a State to keep that from happening. This attitude is ridiculous on its face. What we have here is a failure to communicate, as today, the people live in times of extreme chaos, riots, looting, lawlessness, surveillance, economic destruction, mass inflation, lockdowns, poisonous injections, total police corruption and brutality, famine, war, murder, and instant death. How much worse could it be without a State?


Tips on How to Start the Final World War   By L. Reichard White

March 4, 2023 – The bureaucrats in charge after WWII, fearing a return to the banker/government-caused Great Depression, made a fatal decision. Since it had apparently finally gotten the U.S. out of that disaster, enshrined in National Security Council Report 68 (NSC-68), signed by president Harry S Truman on September 30, 1950, they decided to continue using the manufacture of military materials to pump the economy.

Ten years later, President and Five-star General Dwight Eisenhower caught a glimpse of the result and warned us like this – – –

“In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial-congressional complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.

“We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together.” –Dwight D. Eisenhower, Farewell Address 1961, Public Papers of the Presidents, Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1960, p. 1035- 1040

Called “Military Keynesianism,” political scientist and ex-CIA consultant Chalmers Johnson was among those who solidly nailed the long-term dangers and consequences of using war production to stimulate the economy.

It was clear that the MilitaryIndustrial Complex (MIC) required an enemy, a dastardly villain, as an excuse. They managed to create North Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan and a few lesser excuses into that needed commodity but these all eventually fell short and fizzled out.


Where are all those billions of dollars sent to Ukraine really going?   Frank Furedi

The delicate matter of where the Ukrainian war money is going must be kept beyond reproach in the eyes of the public, lest the legacy of shady business dealings, bribery, and money laundering reach the light of day.

Wed Mar 1, 2023 – (LifeSiteNews) — Following the unscheduled January visit of CIA director William Burns to Kiev, many Ukrainian officials have been removed from their posts. This sudden “anti-corruption” drive, which saw many ministers replaced, was ostensibly undertaken to combat a culture of institutionalized plunder which earned Ukraine the title of “Most corrupt nation in Europe.”

Yet the cleaning of this Augean stable has halted, leaving the most controversial suspect in office. If these sackings and resignations were undertaken to oust the guilty, why stop short of removing the most obviously compromised minister of all?




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Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.