Daily Shmutz | COMMENTARY / OPINION  | 4/19/24




Israel retaliates   EVE BARLOW

APR 19, 2024 – Yep, Israel has struck back against the Islamic Republic after last weekend’s declaration of war. Many happy returns, Ayatollah!

So far several reports are circulating that Israel has hit military targets in Syria, Iran and Iraq, including at least one military air base near Isfahan where several of Iran’s nuclear facilities and military bases are located.

And damn straight. We were always taught that the difference between 1939 and now is that the Jewish people have strength and we have a defense system: the Israel Defense Forces. Strength is the only language that the Islamic fundamentalists speak and respond to. They will not be negotiated with. On Saturday, the Islamic Republic of Iran set out to annihilate half of the world’s Jewish population. Half of the world’s 15 million Jewish people live in Israel, and 350 ballistic missiles is way more than a “statement” piece. It was an attempt to ctrl-alt-delete Israel from the map. An act of evil intent.

So fuck it. Let them call us whatever they want for this act of retaliation. We’ve already paid the price. We’re already guilty of the crime. We’ve been bloodthirsty loons according to the antisemitic world since Jesus. Of course, the IDF isn’t striking today with the intention of causing civilian casualties, or escalating a greater war, but hopefully with the precision of a military that has the intelligence and know-how to make a dent in the threat of Jihadist terrorism; not just to Israel, but to the entire Western world – from the fundamentalist regime of Iran, and all of its many proxies. We don’t have much information yet about this retaliation, nor what will follow it. Yet, given the hopelessness of the past few weeks, there’s an encouraging feeling knowing that Israel won’t just roll over after the Islamic Republic’s first direct attack.

Here’s Van Jones on CNN tonight:


FITTON: Gag Order Against Trump Is Anti-Constitutional!   [8:35]    Tom Fitton

Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton joined “Cats and Cosby” on WABC to discuss the jury selection process in President Trump’s NY criminal trial—plus, the latest on the lawsuit against the federal government over Ashli Babbitt’s death.


Iran’s Terror State EXPOSED   [44:00]  Caroline Glick

April 18, 2024 (JNS TV) – Caroline Glick interviews Iranian journalist and activist Vahid Behesti about the horrors of the Iranian government and why now is the time to topple the regime once and for all.


Jonathan Pollard: The EMP Weapon and Defeating Iran   [17:26]

April 18, 2024 – Discussion between former Prisoner of Zion, Jonathan Pollard and the head of Machon Shilo, Rabbi David Bar-Hayim


WAYNE ROOT: We are Living in a Bizarro, Twilight Zone, Zombie Apocalypse Nightmare. Exhibit A: Alejandro Mayorkas   By Wayne Allyn Root

April 18, 2024 – I swear we are living in some kind of bizarro “Twilight Zone” episode. Or a zombie apocalypse nightmare. Things are that bizarre in America nowadays.

48 hours ago, I was watching a TV show on CBS when a promotion came on my TV screen for the CBS morning show. Host Gayle King (Oprah’s BFF) said, “Join us tomorrow for our show dedicated to how to keep your children safe- with HHS Chief Alejandro Mayorkas.”

Did I really hear that? I reversed my TV to watch it again. Gayle King really said that. This one :30 second promotion proves without any doubt that leftists and the liberal media are a combination of insane, delusional and suicide bombers.

They’re a danger to us all. A danger to our survival. A danger to our children’s lives.

It also proves without a doubt that we are being brainwashed, gaslighted and defrauded with a level of media propaganda not seen since the Nazi Germany Gestapo, Soviet Union KGB and East Germany Stasi.

Our nation is under foreign invasion by millions of barbarians- including murderers; rapists; terrorists; welfare addicts who will bankrupt our country; illegal alien invaders carrying third word diseases that will kill us; and let’s not forget millions of military-age men from our enemies like China, Hamas, Hezbollah and MS-13.

This is literally an ARMY of 20 million or more brand new illegal alien criminals that can and will turn America into “Mad Max” at a moment’s notice if…

A) They get their marching orders from their leaders to destroy America…

or B) their goal is to create crisis, chaos, anarchy, unrest, rioting, looting, torching, killing, fear and intimidation before the November election to prevent Trump from taking back the White House …

or C) their goal is to create crisis, chaos, anarchy, unrest, rioting, looting, torching, killing, fear and intimidation after the election in order to topple the Trump administration…

or most likely, D) all of the above.

In the middle of it all sits HHS Chief Alejandro Mayorkas.

In my opinion Alejandro Majorkas is the worst traitor in the history of America. He is evil personified. He is the devil. Or he is certainly taking his marching orders from Satan himself.

Majorkas makes Benedict Arnold (who gave the secret location of General George Washington to the British Army and was banned from America for the rest of his life) look like a petty pickpocket.

Majorkas makes Julius and Ethel Rosenberg (who passed secrets about the atomic bomb to the Soviet Union in 1945 and were executed) look like pikers.

Majorkas is doing more damage to America and America’s children than anyone in the history of America.

He is not only enabling and empowering the full-scale invasion of America…and letting barbarians into our country who will murder and rape your children…and infect your children with third world diseases…and bring pedophiles and perverts into our country…and the cost of this illegal invasion will force higher taxes that will destroy quality of life for your children…but perhaps worst of all, Majorkas is allowing all the fentanyl into America that will hook your children on drugs, ruin their lives, and literally kill over 100,000 Americans annually.


The ‘Better’ Civilians of Gaza   by Alan M. Dershowitz
April 18, 2024 at 5:00 am

  • Among the so-called innocent “civilians” who Hamas claims have been killed by Israel, there are thousands of guilty and complicit civilians without whose assistance Hamas could not have succeeded in their barbarisms.
  • When Hamas provides its self-serving numbers of those allegedly killed by Israel, they refuse to distinguish between combatants and civilians. They certainly do not identify complicit “civilians,” nor do they indicate how many were killed by the “friendly fire” of Hamas and other terrorist groups, whose rockets routinely misfire and land within Gaza. In a deliberate effort to mislead, Hamas instead purports to list the number of women and children who have been killed. But they include terrorists under the age of 19 as “children” and female terrorists as “women.”
  • All in all, the number of absolutely innocent Gazans — babies, children and adults who are not complicit in Hamas crimes — is a fraction of those claimed by Israel’s enemies, including so-called human rights groups.
  • It is time for a thorough and objective investigation of the actual status of all those allegedly killed by Israeli military actions. The results will show that Israel has achieved a remarkably low and unheard of ratio of combatants and complicit civilians to innocent civilians.


Are Iran’s Nine Lives Nearing an End?   By Victor Davis Hanson

By unleashing war in the Middle East and targeting Israel, Iran may soon learn that Israel, or America, or both might retaliate for a half-century of its terrorist aggression.

April 18, 2024 – The theocracy of Iran has been the world’s arch-embassy attacker over the last half century.

So it has zero credibility in crying foul over Israel’s April 1 attacks on its “consulate” in Damascus and the killing of Iran’s kingpin terrorists of the Revolutionary Guard Corps there.

Remember, the world was first introduced to the Iranian ayatollahs by their violent takeover of the U.S. embassy in Tehran in 1980.

Iranian surrogates next bombed the American embassy in Beirut and the Marine barracks in 1983.

In fact, Iran has attacked US and Israeli diplomatic posts off-and-on for decades, most recently in 2023, when Iran helped plan an attack on the US embassy in Baghdad.

For this reason and several others, Iran’s justification for sending 170 drones, 30 cruise missiles, and 120 ballistic missiles into Israel on the grounds that Israel had bombed an Iranian diplomatic post is completely ridiculous.

One, Iran has never honored diplomatic immunity. Instead, it habitually attacks and kills embassy personnel and blows up diplomatic facilities across the world.

Two, on April 1, the Israelis attacked a pseudo-“consulate” in Damascus which was hosting grandees of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps as they planned terrorist attacks on Israel.


Jonathan Pollard: Netanyahu’s Failure to Preempt the Iranian Attack  [3:48]   Machon Shilo

April 17, 2024 – Discussion between former Prisoner of Zion, Jonathan Pollard and the head of Machon Shilo, Rabbi David Bar-Hayim

[Ed.:  You know how some people can’t step on the line in the sidewalk?  Bibi just can’t pull the trigger!]


Biden Chases the ‘Death to America’ Voter   by David Harsanyi

Pleasing Obama-era advisers and Hamas sympathizers.

April 17, 2024 – It was Al-Quds Day last Friday. To celebrate the occasion, protesters in Dearborn, Michigan, chanted “Death to America” and “Death to Israel” while a speaker named Tarek Bazzi declared the United States — a place that’s afforded him the liberty to openly support rapists, murderers and terrorists — one of the “rottenest countries” on the planet, quoting Malcolm X. “It’s the entire system that has to go,” he explained to cheers of, what I assume, were American citizens.

As commentator Seth Mandel noted on X (formerly Twitter), there’s Charlottesville every other day in America, and barely anyone on the Left cares. Most progressives, let’s face it, either tacitly or openly support these days of rage.

Al-Quds Day, a kind of international Islamic Nuremberg Rally, was conceived by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini and his gang during the Iranian Revolution, only a few months before Iranians murdered eight U.S. servicemen and took 66 American hostages. I assure you participants aren’t merely “critical” of Israel’s housing policy in Judea or (historically low) civilian-to-commandant kill ratio in the war against Hamas; they want all 7 million Jews in that tiny country dead or scattered into dhimmi.

Where is the outrage from the folks who have fainting spells every time a Republican criticizes far-leftist moneybags George Soros? Cowering in deathly fear that a progressive podcaster bro might accuse them of being “Islamophobic,” one imagines.

Leftist and antisemitic pro-Hamas “activists” are vandalizing buildings, threatening Jews, cheering on martyrs, and shutting down events. Where are all the government officials who keep warning us that anyone wearing a MAGA baseball hat is probably the next Timothy McVeigh? It’s not like radicalized Muslims ever engage in terrorism, I guess. But if parents who are sick of school boards undermining their children’s education and futures are smeared as a “domestic terror” by this administration, surely those chanting “Death to America” deserve a look.

Granted it would be weird. The same Jew haters who attend Quds Day rallies or write for The Washington Post are the people Joe Biden is now cynically trying to mollify in his effort to win the 2024 presidential race and “save democracy.” Delegations of Democrats are sent to placate these defenders of barbarism and terror, sometimes quite literally.

There is bad news for Democrats, though: Until the United States launches a strike on Tel Aviv — which is what “ceasefire” proponents are chanting in New York — these people will not be placated.

To earn these votes, our president now spreads Hamas propaganda himself, as do most of the media, which have functionally or openly taken the side of the terror group. Indeed, no matter how many ceasefires Hamas rejects, Democrats still demand Israel unilaterally stop fighting the people who hold American hostages. It is a demand we would never make of any other nation — a demand we would never abide by ourselves.

Even that’s not enough. The Biden administration, which creates and spreads myths about Jewish extremism in the “West Bank” to create a fake moral equivalence, is reportedly preparing to force Israel to mark products imported from Judea and Samaria made by Jews with special labels. Vile, indeed. But Biden will not rest until there is a Judenrein West Bank or his “Death to America” constituents are happy. Whichever comes first.

Biden, it should be noted, is a vacuous political zombie who has never met a position he hasn’t dropped for a vote. Today, he is surrounded by Obama-era advisers and Hamas sympathizers — though I repeat myself — who have long wanted the U.S. to be aligned with mullahs of Iran, as a counterbalance to colonialist Western capitalists of Israel. And now that Democrats like Chuck Schumer have sold out the Jews to the vultures for a few votes in Dearborn, nothing holds back progressive Democrats from normalizing the antisemitism that already infects the hard Left.

This is not everyone’s fight, I realize. But remember the same people who chant “Death to Israel” inevitably wish “Death to America,” as well.


The Biden Drone Attack on Israel    by Kevin McCullough

And we all know.

April 17, 2024 – Over the weekend as the attack on Israel was unfolding all of the news coverage broke in to announce that Biden and Netanyahu were scheduled to speak within minutes.

I for one would have really liked to have overheard that conversation.

Because the long and the short of it is this.

Iran’s drone attack was funded by Joe Biden. Everyone on planet Earth knows it. And there is nowhere to hide for the beach-going shuffler in chief.

The bottom line of this is—we are all in deep trouble.



Launched from Iran, Made in America   by Daniel Greenfield

Biden’s complicity in the attack on Israel from beginning to end.

April 16, 2024 – On Saturday night, Iran launched its attack, codenamed “Ya Rasool Allah” or “Messenger of Allah”, on the Jewish State, after Israel had taken out the Iranian mastermind of Oct 7.

The attack began with waves of drones to swamp Israel’s air defenses, followed by cruise missiles and ballistic missiles. While the British and the French took out some drones, U.S. forces accounted for about half the total of drones and some of the ballistic missiles, leaving the rest for the Israelis to deal with. By the time it was over, 99% of the attack had been intercepted.

The only serious injury in the “Messenger of Allah” bombardment was to a 7-year-old Muslim Bedouin girl.

But why was Iran able to launch so many missiles at all, how did everyone know when the attack would happen, and why is Biden warning Israel not to respond to the Iranian attack?

Last month, the Biden administration provided a $10 billion sanctions waiver for Iran. The administration warned Iran that it would impose sanctions on its missile program if it sent them to Russia. There was no mention of the real focus of those sanctions which was concern that Iran would provide those weapons to proxy terror groups like Hezbollah, Iraqi Shiite militias and the Houthis, now using those weapons to attack civilian container ships and US Navy vessels.

Iran should never have had that weapons technology in the first place. In 2006, the Bush administration had convinced the UN Security Council to sanction Iran’s missile program “to prevent the supply, sale or transfer …of all items, materials, equipment, goods and technology which could contribute to Iran’s nuclear and ballistic missile programs.”

Part of Obama’s Iran Deal allowed those sanctions to expire on October 18, 2023. Two weeks after the Oct 7 attacks on Israel which killed over 1,000 people, the Biden administration let the UN sanctions lapse, making it easier for Iran to buy, export and boost its development of weapons technology. The administration tried to substitute a limited sanctions program of its own for the original sanctions while continuing to allow Iran to access billions in sanctions relief.

Where the Trump administration had snapped back sanctions for Iran’s violations, Biden lifted them a month after taking office. Sen. Ted Cruz has estimated that the Biden administration allowed around $100 billion to flow to Iran since 2021. That $10 billion was just the latest of it.

Despite the open violations of the Iran Deal, Biden allowed Iran to benefit from an agreement it was actively violating every single day even as it was attacking American soldiers and Israel.

When Biden allowed Iran that latest $10 billion in sanctions relief, not only were US Navy personnel actively in combat with Iran’s Houthi terrorists, but two Navy SEALS had died in an operation to intercept Iranian weapons being smuggled from Somalia to the Houthis in Yemen. In Jordan, an attack by Iran’s Shiite militias operating out of Iraq had killed three American servicemembers. While Biden appeared willing to let Iran get away with it, Israel was not.

As General Mohammad Zahedi and other figures from Iran’s IRGC international terror network were meeting in a building near Iran’s terror facility in Damascus, they were taken out. After his death, Iranian sources named Zahedi as the mastermind of the Oct 7 attacks.

What followed were a series of back-channel communications between the Biden administration and Iran through various third parties. The goal of these negotiations was to persuade Iran not to “escalate” the conflict by limiting its attack to what a Reuters report described as “within certain limits.” The timing of the attack was so widely known that media reports correctly repeated warnings that Iran would strike within 36 hours. Hours before the attack began, not only Iran’s allies, but also other countries in the region, were already prepared for it to begin.

Instead of making clear to Iran that an attack was unacceptable, the Biden administration was pre-arranging the terms of the attack on one of its allies while warning it not to respond.


BREAKING: Iran Attack Suffers HUMILIATING Defeat; Hamas REJECTS Hostage Deal   [17:58]  Yair Pinto

April 15, 2024 – TBN Israel’s Yair Pinto reports on the Israel-Hamas War. Pinto reports on Iran’s weekend missile and UAV attack on Israel, and how Israel and its allies intercepted nearly all of the launched projectiles. Pinto also reports that Hamas has rejected the latest proposed hostage deal, and breaks down recent tensions in Judea & Samaria after the murder of a young Israeli farmer.


Jonathan Pollard: Israel Must Retaliate for the Iran Attack  [11:12]   Machon Shilo

April 17, 2024 – Discussion between former Prisoner of Zion, Jonathan Pollard and the head of Machon Shilo, Rabbi David Bar-Hayim


Iran’s Bizarre Actions Just Screwed Itself, Russia and China  [9:06]   Tom Nash


Jonathan Pollard: Iran’s Attack on Israel: What Did America Promise Iran?     Machon Shilo

April 16, 2024 – Discussion between former Prisoner of Zion, Jonathan Pollard and the head of Machon Shilo, Rabbi David Bar-Hayim


What’s Next? Iran Attacks Israel With Massive Missile Barrage   [30:11]   Josh Hasten and Alex Traiman

April 16, 2024 – JNS CEO Alex Traiman and Middle Correspondent Josh Hasten break down the biggest drone attack in warfare history launched by Iran against Israel.

What is Israel’s response going to be? What is the US saying? What is Iran’s end game and will this lead to regional war?


Gary Varvel: Biden the appeaser   GARY VARVEL

Setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled

APR 16, 2024

How not to fight a war:

  1. Announce days in advance that you are going to launch an air attack.
  2. Launch slow-flying drones that have to travel 1800 miles over 5 hours. 

Iran knows now, how not to fight a war with Israel. Ninety-nine percent of Iran’s bombs were shot down before they could enter Israeli airspace. Jordan and Saudi Arabia assisted Israel along with British and American fighter jets. Now, President Biden is begging Israel prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu to not retaliate.

Therefore, this is NOT a fulfillment of Bible prophecy. If anything, it is a birth pain of wars and rumors of wars spoken of by Jesus in Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21. Until now, Iran has used its proxies Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis, and others to carry out attacks against Israel. On April 14, Iran directly attacked Israel. The Bible says it won’t be the last time.

The Bible says that Persia (which became Iran in 1935) will eventually join a coalition of nations to attack Israel. Those nations include Russia, Turkey and others. We are watching the stage being set for the fulfillment of the Ezekiel 38 and 39 war.

At that time, no other nation will come to its defense. Ezekiel 38:13 (NASB) says, “Sheba and Dedan and the merchants of Tarshish with all its villages will say to you, ‘Have you come to capture spoils?” They question the attack but do nothing to stop it.

When no one comes to Israel’s aid, God defends Israel with an earthquake, he turns the invaders to fight against themselves and He “will pour down torrents of rain, hailstones and burning sulfur” on the attackers (Ezekiel 38:22) Then it says, “Then they (the nations) will know that I am the Lord.” (Ezekiel 38-23)

That’s not all, in Ezekiel 39:6 it says, “I will send fire on Magog and on those who live in safety in the coastlands, and they will know that I am the Lord.” Meaning that the invading armies aren’t the only ones destroyed but also many of the people from those invading countries.


Iran Launches Largest Drone & Missile Attack In History   [34:57]    Caroline Glick

April 15, 2024  JNS TV – Iran launched the largest combined missile and drone attack in history on Saturday (April 13th, 2024) against Israel. Now, it stands behind the effort to paralyze the global economy. All the details and analysis about what it means for Israel and the U.S. on Caroline Glick’s In-Focus


Matti Friedman: The Real War in the Middle East Comes into Focus   By Matti Friedman

Like a flash going off in a dark room, Iran’s attack on Israel has finally given the world something valuable: a glimpse into Tehran’s true intentions.

April 14, 2024JERUSALEM — After a night of tension and aerial booms here in Jerusalem—including family time spent in the safe room as the air-raid siren blared in the street and the Iron Dome worked overhead—the direct consequences of the unprecedented Iranian attack on Israel aren’t clear yet. But like a flash going off in a dark room, the attack has finally given the world something valuable: a glimpse of the real war in the Middle East.

For the past six months, since the Hamas massacres of October 7, the ideological forces arrayed against Israel have done their best to make this seem like a war in which there are two sides, and that these sides are Israeli soldiers and Palestinian civilians. This information campaign is as critical to Israel’s enemies as the physical war, because it erodes the Western support that Israel needs to win and survive. Its successful execution has turned a jihadi war against the Jewish minority enclave in the Middle East into a story about Jewish oppression and even “genocide” of Palestinians, a story that has become the focus of the increasingly deranged discourse in the liberal West.


Iran’s strategic blunder    Ron Jager

The Iranian attack on the State of Israel has been a complete offensive operational failure and exposed Iran as a “paper tiger”, severely weakening her ambitions to be recognized as a regional superpower in the Middle East.  Op-ed.

Apr 14, 2024, 10:49 AM (GMT+3) – Iran’s attack from Iranian territory against the State of Israel, is not only a strategic blunder but also signifies the beginning of the end of the Islamic regime of Ayatollah’s as rulers of the State of Iran. The attack marks the first time Iran has launched a full-scale assault on Israel despite more than four decades of hostilities using proxy forces throughout the Middle East and beyond.

As I write this, at this hour, after midnight on April 14, and after two waves of missile attacks on the State of Israel with a third wave expected towards the early morning hours, little if any damage has been reported throughout the country. Israel has not only successfully repelled various classes of missiles, but according to reports by military sources, Israel, with the help of the US and others, has succeeded in shooting down 99% of the missiles fired against Israel from beyond Israel’s borders, employing advanced air defense systems.

This is an unprecedented defensive capability that has placed Israel’s at the technological forefront of anti-missile operational know-how. After over 200 drones and ballistic missiles fired on Israel by Iran, there are is only one report of physical damage.

The Iranian attack on the State of Israel has been a complete offensive operational failure and exposed Iran as a “paper tiger”, severely weakening her ambitions to be recognized as a regional superpower in the Middle East.

More importantly, military forces of the United States, Britain, and other members of the Western coalition participated in shooting down missiles fired toward Israel by their forces located throughout the Middle East. At this hour the President of the United States, President Biden, expressed his complete support and American backing of Israel against Iranian aggression. While Biden said to refrain, Israel has complete legitimization to attack Iran and will may this opportunity to destroy Iran’s strategic military capabilities including Iran’s nuclear capability.

The military response by Israel is a strategic imperative and will strengthen Israel’s deterrence against Iran, perhaps ushering in a period of stability in the Middle East.

Iran has in one misguided decision to attack Israel, wasted an almost impregnatable strategic situation. It is important to remember that Iran has no historical enemies, no irredentism, and no source of permanent tensions on its frontiers. Iran is well endowed with sources of energy, resources, and an educated population of close to 90 million Iranians. Iran has a distinct identity and culture, a unity denied many of her neighbors in the Middle East.

Iran has failed to capitalize on these rich human and material resources due to an excessive cultivation of extreme Islamic ideology and its promoting Islamic terror proxies throughout the Middle East and beyond.

What can explain Iran’s misguided decision to directly attack Israel?

In recent weeks, daily demonstrations against the Netanyahu government have re-erupted after an extended period in which public support for anti-government political forces seemed to have abided. The Iranians seemed to have misinterpreted the implications of these demonstrations similar to Hamas’s mistaken interpretation of the demonstrations against Israel’s judicial reform over the past year.

Both Hamas and the Iranian regime based their decisions to attack Israel on media reports that were biased and projected falsely that Israel going through a period of self-induced destruction from within. For the past year the broadcasted and printed media, social media, and political pundits have adopted an anti-Netanyahu agenda successfully conveying a sense that Israel is on the verge of civil war and incapable of responding to attacks by her enemies and defend herself. They even claim preposterously that Israel is losing the Swords of Iron war.

Instead, the very opposite has occurred; Hamas is on the verge of being totally destroyed as a military force and political movement as a result of misinterpreting Israel’s readiness and willingness to defend herself. Iran, instead of learning from Hamas’s strategic blunder on Oct 7th, has deluded herself and made the very same mistake against Israel.


Confrontation with Iran: Who Won?   by Victor Rosenthal

April 15, 2024 – The West likes its Jews passive, dependent, and weak. When American officials say “Israel has a right to defend [herself]” they mean that they will allow her, and even assist her, to ward off the blows of her enemies. But their “rock solid support” does not extend to Israel taking offensive actions. Israel is allowed passive defense, but not to take the war to our enemies. And don’t even think about preemption.

Insofar as Israel obeys her Western “allies,” she is placed at a great disadvantage for several reasons. The most obvious one is that an entirely passive defense does not deter enemies from attacking over and over again. Why shouldn’t they? They have nothing to lose. The opposite: they will learn valuable lessons from their failures, which they can apply to the next round. And everyone is encouraged to keep trying for the honor of being the one who finally broke the Jewish state.

Then there is the relative high cost of defensive weapons. Each Arrow 3 missile like the ones used to intercept missiles fired at Israel on Saturday night, costs $3.5 million. Each Tamir interceptor used by the Iron Dome system to destroy the cheap Qassams of Hamas, the Katyushas of Hezbollah, and the drones of Iran, costs $50,000 (and two are usually fired at every enemy weapon). Each Iron Dome battery costs $50 million. The cost of using F-35s to shoot down drones is also high relative to the cost of the drones. Passive defense is expensive.

A purely passive defense strategy is so expensive, in fact, that no small country can afford to sustain it for a long period of time (and passivity guarantees that it will be needed forever). As a result, there is no alternative but to turn to one of the great powers as a sponsor. The price is loss of control and ultimately of sovereignty. It is already clear from the way American officials talk about Israel (e.g., President Biden is often described as “furious” with Israel), that Israel is seen as a satellite at best and a satrapy at worst.

Finally there is the message that is inherent in passivity. Shooting at Jews, because there are no consequences for it, becomes normalized. The Jews, people think, must deserve being shot at because, after all, everyone is doing it with impunity. This is particularly important in the Middle East, where honor is a paramount element in most cultures. Individuals, tribes, or nations that are hurt by an enemy must strike back or suffer a loss of honor, a mark that invites others to victimize them as well. Even in Western cultures – well, at least in the recent past – children were taught that failure to strike back at a bully invites more bullying.


Biden-Obama’s War on Israel: Hitler Would Be Pleased   Dr. Michael Hurd

Posted on April 14, 2024 – Reason # 5,632 as to why Biden, Obama, Democrats and RINOs in power should all be arrested, tried and convicted:

Under their watch, and with their authorization, America deliberately financed and armed the fanatical country that now Israel (and probably America) must go to war with to defeat.

As @MorganOrtagus wrote on Twitter/X:

“Reminder: Biden allowed the UN sanctions on Iran’s drones and ballistic missiles to expire less than six months ago.

The very same drones and missiles en route to Israel right now.”

It’s going beyond incompetence, and even beyond treason. Biden, Obama and all the others are war criminals.



Invade Rafah Now!   By  Walter E. Block

The heroic Prime Minister Netanyahu has set a date for the invasion of Rafah. In doing so, he is cocking a snook against the Biden Administration of the US and against much of the rest of the world. If this is not courageous, nothing is courageous. 

04-11-2024 – All literary people have heard of “Waiting for Godot.” (Don’t ask me; I’m not a literary man.)

All men of good will are now waiting, with bated breath, for Rafah. We have been waiting for Rafah for quite some time now. What is meant by “Waiting for Rafah?” It means we are waiting for the IDF to smash into this city, the last powerful redoubt of Hamas, located in Rafah, in the south of Gaza. There, waiting like rats in a trap, are some four battalions of Hamas, comprised of about 1000 terrorists, for a total of roughly 4000 of these scum. If they stay as intact as they now are, if Israel can be persuaded to leave them in situ, they will remain a serious threat to engage in yet another atrocity of the October 7, 2033 level. It is thus imperative that they be completely neutralized.

Why is Netanyahu waiting to attack and pulverize them? The IDF is way more than a match for these murderous scoundrels. One reason is that there are some one million civilian Gazans also located in that metropolis. An all-out invasion would spell the deaths of many of them, at least some of whom are innocent. The Biden Administration of the United States (with friends like these who needs enemies?) is adamant that no such offensive take place; if it does, dire threats will endanger Israel at the hands of its erstwhile ally. Egypt is adamant that the women and children in this beleaguered city not be allowed into the Sinai Peninsula under any circumstance. The usual whiners in Europe, and, to be fair, all around the world, are equally determined to turn Israel into a pariah state if it proceeds with its self-defense in this manner. The United Nations, as is its wont, is engaging in apoplexy at the prospect that Israel will invade, capture its hostages, and end this war.

The US has not won a war in the last 80 years. Sorry, Grenada just does not count. And yet the administration of this country has had the effrontery to advise Israel on the best practices to conduct hostilities. Anthony Blinken has visited this country on numerous occasions, forbidding this, demanding that, and making a general pain in the neck of himself. Has America no shame?


US “ironclad” support for Israel means “we won’t let you fight back.”   Elder of Ziyon

Sunday, April 14, 2024  President Biden loves to use the word “ironclad” in describing US support for Israel’s security.

He used that term while campaigning in 2019, saying that his administration would “[sustain] our ironclad commitments to Israel’s security regardless of how much you may disagree with its current leader.”

He’s said it again in 202120222023  last week and yesterday.

His wording is notable:

I’ve just spoken with Prime Minister Netanyahu to reaffirm America’s ironclad commitment to the security of Israel.  I told him that Israel demonstrated a remarkable capacity to defend against and defeat even unprecedented attacks – sending a clear message to its foes that they cannot effectively threaten the security of Israel.

While the rhetoric has been similar during the Obama and Biden administrations, both the words and US actions have indicated that Israel may only employ tools and policies to defend Israeli civilians from attack – but to do nothing beyond that.

US policy towards Israel is to keep the Jewish state – within the 1949 armistice lines –  in a hermetic bubble of fences, walls and air defenses.

The problem with this policy is that it is unsustainable. It allows Israel’s enemies to keep attacking, day after day, hoping to find the weak spots in Israel’s defense,  and Israel cannot do anything to stop those attempts.

So we see things like October 7. Or Hezbollah’s successful emptying out the northern part of Israel because there is no magic “Iron Dome” type defense against someone using anti-tank rockets on civilian communities. Or Gaza terror groups attempting to overwhelm Iron Dome itself because it is not 100% effective.

The US is telling Israel to sit back and accept being attacked forever, and if its defenses fail, that’s a shame, but be very careful not to respond in a way that provokes Israel’s sworn enemies to escalate further.

Because, US policy implies, then they would be justified.

On Friday, a US official told Al Arabiya that “The United States will take part in the response to the Iranian response, if Tehran escalates the situation inappropriately.”  This means that the US would help shoot down drones and missiles, as it does when Houthis are shooting at Israel – but nothing more.

Are the Houthis being deterred? Is Hezbollah? Is Iran?

[E. RowellIndependent Israeli Journalist, Amir Tsarfati, wrote today, “It is clear this morning that the Iranian attack was coordinated with the American administration. It is likely that the Iranians gave a warning that they were going to attack, and the US assured them that it would not allow an Israeli response. The Biden administration, in the most monstrous way, continues to see Iran as an asset, with which agreements must be reached.”]


CHAPTER 14: Changing Hearts and Minds   by Linda Goudsmit
Space Is No Longer the Final Frontier—Reality Is [forthcoming release May 2024]
April 14, 2024 – Globalism is a replacement ideology that seeks to reorder the world into one singular, planetary Unistate, ruled by the globalist elite. The globalist war on nation-states cannot succeed without collapsing the United States of America. The long-term strategic attack plan moves America incrementally from constitutional republic to socialism to globalism to feudalism. The tactical attack plan uses asymmetric psychological and informational warfare to destabilize Americans and drive society out of objective reality into the madness of subjective reality. America’s children are the primary target of the globalist predators.

On October 30, 2008, in Columbia, Missouri, candidate Barack Hussein Obama declared to an unsuspecting public, “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming America.” It was the promise of a radical leftist to change the culture of America and move the nation from constitutional republic to socialism. John Dewey’s destruction of American minds through progressive education had a partner in Obama and the Culture War president Obama unleashed on America.

To move our constitutional republic to socialism and beyond, globalism’s leftist progressive movement adopted the binary victim/oppressor social structure of cultural Marxism. Classical Marxism identifies the oppressors as the bourgeoisie (owners of production) who exploit the proletariat (workers). The metric of classical Marxism is economics. Cultural Marxism re-labels the participants and defines culture, not economics, as the metric of exploitation. It is one species of the genus Marxism as described by James Lindsay in Chapter 11. In cultural Marxism, white males are the identified oppressors and everyone else is their victim.

Both classical and cultural Marxism seek to replace the existing order with collectivism, each selling its own idealized form of a secular heaven on Earth. Today’s social justice warriors who sign onto this leftist lunacy are ignorant of history, arrogant, and too childish to examine the objective reality of the offer. Leftist ideologues actually believe the fantasy of a Marxist Utopia, and don’t realize that the paradise they advocate is the powerless state of infantile dependence, the opposite of individual freedom. When infantile dependence is advanced into adulthood, it awards the state total control.



Netanyahu Responds to Backstabbing Biden & Schumer   [6:04]    By Avi Abelow

Mar 18, 2024 – President Biden and the Democrats don’t stop. Now they sent the highest ranking Jewish Democrat to throw Israel under the bus, from the Senate floor.

 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has responded publicly and begun interviews across US media basically calling out Biden, Schumer and the whole administration for turning their backs on us. This is a good beginning. We must have our leaders stand up for ourselves, with the truth, in response to the growing narrative of lies from the Biden administration.



Murder Most Foul: Many of the Hostages Have Been Murdered   BY HUGH FITZGERALD

APR 12, 2024 10:00 AM – Hamas now says it cannot come up with even forty hostages, consisting of women, the elderly, and female soldiers, to be exchanged for what, at last count, was supposed to be 700 Palestinian prisoners, some of them now serving multiple life sentences for murdering Israelis. What does that mean? It means what everyone of sense has suspected all along. Hamas has been steadily murdering many, perhaps most, of the hostages. More on these murders most foul can be found here: “Report: US officials fear most of the hostages held by Hamas could be dead,” Times of Israel, April 11, 2024:

“US officials tell the Wall Street Journal that there are fears that most of the Israeli hostages in Hamas captivity could be dead.

The report comes amid talks to secure a hostage release deal and a truce, with some Hamas sources indicating that they are unable to provide 40 living hostages from the elderly, women and female soldiers that Israel is demanding.

It is believed that 129 hostages abducted by Hamas on October 7 remain in Gaza. The IDF has confirmed the deaths of 34 of those still held by Hamas, citing intelligence and findings obtained by troops operating in Gaza.

How many of the 34 hostages confirmed dead by the IDF were murdered by Hamas? No one in his right mind believes that all, or most, died in Israeli airstrikes. Hamas committed mass murder of innocent civilians on October 7. Why wouldn’t it continue to murder the hostages for any number of reasons? Some Hamas members may have found the elderly Israelis required too much attention. Why not just eliminate them if they proved too much trouble to take care of? Perhaps some of the girls and women were insufficiently accommodating to the sexual demands of their captors. So why not kill a few, to make sure the others are obedient? And then what fun, after all, to every so often kill a few of the male IDF soldiers. What’s not to like?


Generating the “national will” to spend hundreds of billions and give up our civil and human rights on the altar of pandemic safety–here is how it was done   MERYL NASS

Here’s the 25 year history of how this was foisted on us. And how the WHO has repeatedly failed upward over the past 20 years.

APR 13, 2024 – Clinton Begins the Phony Era of Pandemics and Bioterrorism

In November 1997 US Secretary of Defense William Cohen held up a 5 lb bag of Domino sugar in front of an army of cameras and told the world that if the bag contained anthrax it could wipe out NYC or Washington, DC.

That was not true, but it provided a fitting justification for the start of the DOD’s “biodefense” vaccine program, begining with mandatory anthrax vaccinations for soldiers in March 1998.

According to an NBC cover story,

“In April 1998, President Bill Clinton read a Richard Preston novel, “The Cobra Event,” about a biological attack on the U.S. using a lethal virus that spreads like the common cold.

“It scared the bejesus out of him,” recalls Kenneth Bernard, a now retired U.S. Public Health Service official who was then representing the U.S. in Geneva at the World Health Organization.”

The USG invested in a new smallpox vaccine, ACAM2000, based on the older Dryvax vaccine. The fact that it caused high rates of myocarditis (1 case in 175 doses administered according to CDC) has been ignored.

And the biodefense era began, supplying handsome contracts to those who promised remedies in the new wild west of biowarfare and infectious disease. Many of those who got the contracts had friends in high places, like FOB Ronald Perelman, who made a killing on a smallpox remedy (Tpoxx) that was eventually used as a monkeypox drug. Did it work? Who knows?

The 21st Century ushered in a well-coordinated push to generate fear about:

  1. a repeat of the 1918 flu pandemic,
  2. jumps of deadly viruses from animals to humans (“spillover,” zoonoses and epizootics were the new terms to be mastered), and
  3. biologic warfare threats

The 2002-3 SARS outbreak and the hyped Avian influenza (bird flu) outbreak — both beginning shortly after the anthrax letters—were hyped to the max to generate fear of pandemics and biological warfare.

How many people did these infectious diseases kill in the US and around the world?

  1. The anthrax letters caused 5 human deaths, all in the US.
  2. SARS-1 caused under 800 deaths around the world. There were 27 US cases designated as SARS-1 and not a single US death.
  3. Avian flu is said to have caused 463 deaths total in the entire world over the past 20 years, according to the WHO. Only 2 Americans have been identified as having an illness associated with avian flu, and both were very minor. Not a single American has died from avian flu. The recent case of conjunctivitis is recovering.

The CDC and mainstream media claim that avian flu has killed over 100 million chickens. It has not. USDA rules have forced growers to cull over 100 million chickens. When one chicken has a positive PCR test for bird flu, every chicken in the chicken house (and sometimes all those on the farm) must be killed. Was that test even accurate? But expansive claims like these are what gets the public going, and putting up with incursions on their freedoms.



The US, UN Are Funding Mass Illegal Immigration to US  [AUDIO 55:51]   DR NAOMI WOLF

APR 13, 2024 – Millions in our tax dollars support a three country staging area from

which illegal immigrants enter the US


Three-Country US- and UN-Funded Illegal Immigrant Staging Trail  [VIDEO 58:50]   DR NAOMI WOLF

APR 13, 2024 – The US State Dept and the UN Are Funding the Mass Importation of Illegal Immigrants to America


The untold story of Israel after October 7th    Daniel Greenfield

Israel has come together to a remarkable extent. That’s not a story which interests the media, but it ought to interest us. Opinion.

Apr 12, 2024, 6:32 AM (GMT+3) – The story of what happened after Oct 7 has played out in the international media as a montage of bombs and rubble. (Or the protests of the small group of radical leftists beloved of Israeli media, ed.) And while Israel’s campaign against the Hamas perpetrators of the horrific massacres, rapes and kidnappings is an important part of the story, it is not the only one.

From the men who grabbed their guns and drove south in the hours after the attack began to the warehouses quickly set up to provide food and clothing for the hundreds of thousands of Israelis who were forced to leave their homes after the attacks from Gaza, inside Israel, the real story has been defined by a country coming together not only to fight, but to support each other.
In the month after the attacks, one survey estimated that the majority of Israeli Jews were volunteering in one form or another at everything from baking cookies for soldiers to standing guard at potential terrorist targets. With hundreds of thousands of soldiers mobilized and hundreds of thousands of people stranded, even the most ordinary things became a problem.
Like laundry.

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