Daily Shmutz | COMMENTARY / OPINION | 4/2/23


It’s Time Conservative Warriors and People of Integrity Begin Indicting REAL Criminals Like the Bidens, Clintons, Obama, Pelosi, etc…   By Joe Hoft

Apr. 2, 2023 8:30 am – It’s time that Conservative leaders in red states across the country begin indicting real criminals who are destroying this country.  Crimes by far-left criminals have been reported in the public arena and it’s now time to indict.

Obama went after citizen Trump in 2011 when he was at a White House dinner.  Obama hated Trump for shining light on his birth certificate.  He hated anyone who did.  Sheriff Joe Arpaio was attacked by Obama-Biden’s DOJ later for doing the same.  Why such a response?

Everything About to Blow Up as God Destroys Evil – Bo Polny   

Biblical cycle timing expert, geopolitical and financial analyst Bo Polny says the U.S. dollar is going to take a big hit this year.  The printed money used for evil is coming to an end, and evil will be crushed financially.  Polny explains, “During Covid, all these mass churches were all shut down.  They were using the name of God, but they weren’t preaching the word of God.  So, we’re going to see the collapse of the church system.  Organized religion is going to completely collapse because it is a control system.  Everything we believe to be true is about to blow up.  This will be God’s intervention, and no man can stop this. The events that are coming are going to be Biblical, which means God is going to get all the glory.  The collapse of the dollar will be the collapse of the financial system, which will be very painful for a lot of people.  There are going to be millionaires and billionaires that could potentially be in food lines.  They are going to lose their wealth.  Why?  They planted evil seeds, and they worked for evil.  They thought the shows that you were doing and I was doing, exposing all the truth, was nonsense.  In a Babylonian system, they don’t want to hear the truth because the truth will destroy them.  It’s the light.  They try to hide everything, and it’s all about deception. . . . This is a battle between good and evil that has been going on for thousands of years.  The United States was Babylon because we were founded under God.  We were a covenant nation, and that makes us the ‘Golden Cup.’

The dollar system went crazy across the world and became a fiat money system, and the whole world became drunk with the money.  There is the explanation of Babylon.  It is a worldwide swamp.”

Polny says he is seeing a “key turn date” on April 6, which is Passover.  Jesus Christ was Crucified on Passover more than 2,000 years ago.  Polny says the next big Biblical date is May 1.  Polny says, The day and hour that God is going to strike evil is a secret.  Does He strike it on the 6th of April?   I don’t know, but Passover starts on the evening of the 5th and goes into April 13.”

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