Daily Shmutz | COMMENTARY / OPINION | 4/21/23


New proof of vax industry involvement in bioweapons, plus Adams a guest with The Duran  [52:49]   Mike Adams

We have some alarming breaking news today about more proof that vax development has been the cover story for highly illegal bioweapons gain-of-function activity funded by the US government (and China’s PLA).

 That feature story is found below, along with other important stories about the DOJ weaponizing its arrest power to target groups that are simply expressing their First Amendment speech rights.

Also today, I was interviewed by The Duran (based in Europe) and had an incredible conversation about the corruption in the White House, the status of the dollar fiat currency, how states are planning their own breakaway currencies and much more.

 You can view that fascinating video interview here:   https://www.brighteon.com/e345312d-60f7-4be5-ab41-aa400b451e8e

 Also, check my channel page for more interviews and special reports:   https://www.brighteon.com/channels/hrreport


There is nothing “progressive” about transgenderism   TIERNEY’S REAL NEWS


In ancient pagan cultures they worshiped a variety of demons which demanded an army of feminized men around their “gender fluid” selves at all times. This has been done many times in history before. All those civilizations were destroyed and I’m pretty certain GOD had a lot to do with that.

Ishtar, called the Queen of Heaven by the people of ancient Mesopotamia (modern Iraq), was the most important female deity in their pantheon. She shared many aspects with an earlier Sumerian goddess, Inanna; the name Ishtar comes from the Semitic language of the Akkadians and is used for the goddess from about 2300 B.C.E. on.

You can find her in the Hebrew bible.

Ishtar/Inanna was known as the Queen of Heaven and was the goddess of sex, war and justice. Ishtar was the deity of fertility and love, but also a jealous goddess who could bring vengeance against individuals, go to war, change the climate, destroy fields, and make the earth’s creatures infertile. Her cult was devoted to prostitution and sodomy.

[Ed.:  Sounds familiar, huh!  They had Democrats way back then!]


WAYNE ROOT: Fox News-Dominion Legal Settlement is Biggest Bait & Switch Scam in History   By Wayne Allyn Root

Apr. 21, 2023 – I feel like Paul Revere for patriots. Except I’m shouting, “The elections are being stolen…the elections are being stolen.”

I grew up on the mean streets of New York. I am very familiar with bait and switch. Walking the streets of New York City, I saw three-card-monte conmen setting up shop on sidewalks every day. Their goal was to distract you from picking the right card…and to separate you from your money.

We all just witnessed a bait and switch in the news headlines earlier this week. This is three-card-monte on STEROIDS.

Conservatives Are Looking For Ways To Boycott and Move Spending Away From Woke Corporations — Here Is One Way To Do It

Fox News settled with Dominion over claims of election fraud in the 2020 presidential election. Fox News will now pay Dominion $787 million because Fox News claimed the election was rigged by fraudulent voting machines.

Because Fox News settled with Dominion, now the Marxist-controlled mainstream media will go into full bait-and-switch mode. They will claim “the case is settled and closed. It’s now proven the 2020 election wasn’t rigged and stolen.”

What a scam. What a con. This is the all-time bait and switch.

I may be the TV and radio host most associated with reporting the 2020 election was rigged and stolen. I’ve said it thousands of times on radio and TV. I’ve said it from the day after the 2020 election to today. I’ll never stop saying it. Because it’s true.

The 2020 election was stolen.

And I believe elections are still being rigged and stolen. The 2022 midterms were almost as bad as the 2020 presidential election. One race is Exhibit A. Democrats clearly stole the Arizona Governor’s race from Kari Lake. Arizona Democrats rigged the vote by making sure vote tabulators didn’t work on Election Day in heavily GOP districts.

Democrats are rigging and stealing elections like the Swiss make clocks- with precision. It’s what they do. They rig, cheat and steal.

Yet in all these many years of my reporting and shouting and warning about stolen elections…I’ve never mentioned Dominion, or their voting machines. Because there are so many other simple, easy, low-tech ways Democrats steal elections.

Here is the Democrat playbook for stealing elections…


Zionism’s Moment of Decision    LIEL LEIBOVITZ

The massive protests preceding Israel’s 75th birthday have resurrected a century-old question that now demands an answer: A Jewish state or state for Jews?

APRIL 19, 2023 – “What is going on in Israel now has passed from the realm of the political to the metaphysical, which means that compromise is not possible.”

To mark the 75th anniversary of the creation of the State of Israel, Tablet is publishing Zionism: The Tablet Guide, edited by Liel Leibovitz. The book features primary essays by Zionism’s utopian founders, modern commentary and reporting, and interviews with modern political leaders and critics alike.

Having just returned from Israel, the country where I was born and grew up, and of which I am still a proud citizen, I apologize for being the bearer of bad news: There will be no easy, sane, or rational end to the protest movement that erupted in response to the ruling coalition’s proposed judicial reforms. In fact, the content of those reforms has ceased to matter to anyone involved on either side. The government’s promise to temporarily halt the legislation and convene a broad-based committee tasked with finding a compromise under the supervision of President Herzog has barely registered with the protesters, and one major member of the opposition, the Labor Party, has already quit the negotiations. Nor did a string of gruesome terror attacks, coming on the heels of Passover, shift the collective focus away from taking to the streets. What is going on in Israel now has passed from the realm of the political to the metaphysical, which means that compromise is not possible. Instead, day by day, the arguments are getting louder and more cutting, and animosity is everywhere on display.

This is because Israelis realize, consciously or not, that they’re no longer arguing about a series of proposed bills designed to change the balance of power between the executive and the judiciary branches. Nor are they arguing about Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his coalition. Nor does it matter whether Netanyahu continues to lead his coalition, or steps down, or offers Benny Gantz the job of defense minister. Nor does it have anything to do with Jewish or Muslim demography, or with a future Palestinian state—whether or not such an entity ever exists, or doesn’t exist, in any part of the West Bank or Jordan.

Israelis aren’t arguing about politics anymore. They are fighting about the future, not only of Israel but of Zionism, the miraculous movement that, in the span of one century, freed the Jews from their respective houses of bondage, returned them to their indigenous homeland, taught them the spells of sovereignty, and powered their miniscule nation’s growth from embattled weakling to global powerhouse. And as a result, this is strictly an inter-Jewish affair, one pitting millennia of Jewish particularity against the promise of universalism once embodied in the Catholic Church, then in the Enlightenment, and now in the technocratic politics that unite the civilized right and the progressive left in the club of advanced countries that has, with increasing misgivings, included Israel among their number.

It’s a fight that isn’t going to end quickly, or with anything remotely resembling a compromise, because it’s about a question so central even the brave and prescient founders of the country avoided answering it. Israelis must now decide if they want a state for Jews, or a Jewish state.

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About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.