Daily Shmutz | COMMENTARY / OPINION | 4/26/23


Why Demos Must Defend Deviancy   MARK ALEXANDER

The reason Democrats have to expend enormous political capital defending deviance, including child groomers and mutilators.

“Marriage is … in its origin a contract of natural law. … It is the parent, and not the child of society; the source of civility and a sort of seminary of the republic.” —Justice Joseph Story (1833)

It must be spring!

Rainbow-colored virtue-signaling yard signs are sprouting up in front of some homes in wealthy suburbs, an indication they are occupied by affluent “white privilege” Democrats. Many of these leftist protagonists are inheritance welfare liberals, the effluent of generational wealth and privilege, who choose to live in the safety and comfort of suburbia, with their enclaves of clubs and finer eating establishments.

These “truly enlightened” Demo elitists harbor fear of and contempt for grassroots Americans, in part because they have little social intersection with those who form the backbone of our nation. They arrogantly deride the foundational family and faith values that are common among grassroots folks. And they certainly don’t understand our embrace of American Liberty, the antithesis of the statist government power they advocate.

Despite their confident facade, these suburban lefties are an insecure lot who are quick to embrace the latest virtue identity fad.

When Donald Trump was president, they displayed their “Hate Has No Home Here” yard signs, expressing their disdain for “We, the [Deplorable] People.” Ahead of the 2020 election, they put out their phony “Black Lives Matter” signs while dispensing barrels of their BLM elixir, thinking it would ingratiate them with those off-color minorities who mostly loathe rich liberals.

They would never acknowledge that black lives don’t matter to the Demo hate hustlers they put in power — those who long ago betrayed the legacies of Frederick Douglass, Booker Washington, and Martin King in order to keep poor black and brown people their dependents.

After the virtue signalers elected Joe Biden, who promptly enabled Vladimir Putin to invade Ukraine, they laughingly replaced their Biden yard signs with plastic Ukrainian flag signs.

The vast majority of these suburban leftists have never raised their hand to “to support and defend” our country, or anything else. They depend on the grassroots folks for their protection, whether from gangbangers who venture into their neighborhoods or despots in foreign lands.




Zionism’s Moment of Decision   BY LIEL LEIBOVITZ

The massive protests preceding Israel’s 75th birthday have resurrected a century-old question that now demands an answer: A Jewish state or state for Jews?

APRIL 19, 2023‘What is going on in Israel now has passed from the realm of the political to the metaphysical, which means that compromise is not possible’

To mark the 75th anniversary of the creation of the State of Israel, Tablet is publishing Zionism: The Tablet Guide, edited by Liel Leibovitz. The book features primary essays by Zionism’s utopian founders, modern commentary and reporting, and interviews with modern political leaders and critics alike.

Having just returned from Israel, the country where I was born and grew up, and of which I am still a proud citizen, I apologize for being the bearer of bad news: There will be no easy, sane, or rational end to the protest movement that erupted in response to the ruling coalition’s proposed judicial reforms. In fact, the content of those reforms has ceased to matter to anyone involved on either side. The government’s promise to temporarily halt the legislation and convene a broad-based committee tasked with finding a compromise under the supervision of President Herzog has barely registered with the protesters, and one major member of the opposition, the Labor Party, has already quit the negotiations. Nor did a string of gruesome terror attacks, coming on the heels of Passover, shift the collective focus away from taking to the streets. What is going on in Israel now has passed from the realm of the political to the metaphysical, which means that compromise is not possible. Instead, day by day, the arguments are getting louder and more cutting, and animosity is everywhere on display.

[Ted Belman: This article is brilliant. The battle is not over judicial reform but over the kind of Israel the Israelis want. He sees no room for compromise. Read the whole thing.

I grappled with this issue eighteen years ago in my article, Particularism Before Universalism and made the case for “particularism.

“This raised howls of racism from some. But to deny your enemies certain rights is not racism, because it is not based on physical characteristics. It is self-defense, because it is based on their stated intention to destroy us.

“Paul Eidelberg, in his important book Jewish Statesmanship, stands against a loyalty oath as the solution, “It is the height of impudence, of conceit and even of stupidity to grant equal political rights to Arabs in the expectation that they will renounce their religion and 1,300 year old civilization for a ballot box.”]

I am a secular nationalist but have no confidence in liberal or reform Judaism to survive. Look at the Jews in America. They are doomed. But I do believe that way can be found that allows for the two Israels to coexist.]


Israel at 75 – the future is bright   Shmuel Sackett

In every photo of Jews in Yitzhar, Efrat or the Golan, they are always smiling, while those yelling “democracy”are always angry.  Op-ed.

Apr 26, 2023, 10:41 AM (GMT+3) – In the last few days, I have been asked the same question, 1,000 times; “What’s going to be with our beloved Israel?” and my answer has always been the same: “The future is bright! Things are going to be great, and I am not worried at all.” –

One second; Not worried about the protests? Not worried about the hatred in the eyes of the left? Not worried about the lack of unity among the people? No, no and again no! I am not worried and let me explain why.

After the Rabin assassination, there was real dissention and hatred. Religious Jews were assaulted across the country, and we were all blamed for his murder. I was working in Tel Aviv at the time, and it was not pretty. People spat at me and yelled obscenities. I did not fear for my life (it helps to be 6’2” and close to 300 lbs!) but I did fear for the future of my nation. For the first time, I saw a real division in Israel… and I was concerned about how this would play out.

Shimon Peres became the Prime Minister and he fanned the flames of division and separation. He spoke about Israelis vs Jews (what???) and kept pushing the button of shame and blame on every right-wing and religious person in the country.


Israel is fighting the World’s War   Daniel Greenfield

In a world where evil is a reality writ in the black ink of the Koran, there can only be temporary refuges. Israel knows that well. Op-ed.

Apr 26, 2023, 2:00 PM (GMT+3) – The dead in recent weeks included a 6-year-old boy and his 8-year-old brother killed in a car ramming attack in Jerusalem, a British mother and daughters gunned down on the road, a 27-year-old from Connecticut traveling to a wedding, and an Italian tourist run over on the beach.
In some countries, the soldiers fight wars, in Israel, they fight to stop a genocide.

Islamic massacres are often defended with some variation of “the occupied have the right to resist”. The Muslim occupiers keep resisting the indigenous Jewish population by killing women and children, and random foreigners whose only crime is being non-Muslim in a land that the terrorists want to reclaim for Islam.
Ever since the “throw the Jews into the sea” era, the agenda has never changed.

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About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.