Daily Shmutz | COMMENTARY / OPINION   | 4/4/24


                                                                                                                                                            Ezra Yachin 95-year old Reservist


WATCH: Son of Hamas Co-Founder Demolishes Islamist Terror Apologist So Thoroughly He Leaves Her Mouth Gaping in Shock   By Cullen Linebarger

Apr. 4, 2024 6:00 pm – A terror apologist stood no chance against Mosab Yousef, the son of a Hamas commander during an episode Tuesday on Dr. Phil.

Yousef, also known as the Green Prince, grew up in the West Bank and his father was a co-founder of the Hamas terror group. He served as a Palestinian ex-militant until 1997 when he defected to Israel.

He worked as an undercover agent for the Shin Bet until he immigrated to the United States in 2007.

Yousef leans on his experience to expertly point out there is no difference between Hamas and the Palestinians on the West Bank because they support Hamas and are giving them cover. When the activist accused him of promoting colonialism, he responded by pointing out she had no authority to represent Palestinians and that she was promoting the cause of Hamas.

She was further left stunned when he responded yes to her question regarding whether Hamas and Palestinians are the same, not listening to his point at the beginning.

Yousef then dropped the hammer on her when she refused to condemn the Hamas terror attack on Israel on October 7, 2023.

The destruction was so thorough her mouth was left gaping in shock.


Israel-Hamas War: Reality vs. Alternate Reality   Ambassador (ret.) Yoram Ettinger

State Department confronts Middle East reality

April 3, 2024 – *Since 1978/79, notwithstanding Iran’s anti-US terrorism, drug trafficking and proliferation of advanced military systems, the State Department has persisted in its suspension of disbelief, as reflected by the diplomatic option, which has bolstered Iran’s anti-US rogue operations, increasingly in Latin America. The diplomatic option assumes that the Ayatollahs are amenable to good faith negotiation and peaceful coexistence. It dismisses the regime-change option, and resists the option of a viable military option hovering above the head of Iran’s rogue Ayatollahs. The State Department’s detachment from Middle East reality has been underscored by the suspension of economic (and especially oil export) sanctions, which has yielded to the Ayatollahs’ anti-US rogue machine more than $100BN since February 2021.

*In 2024, the State Department pressures Israel brutally to adopts its own self-destructive policy, aborting the military option – hence the opposition to Israel’s military offensive in Rafah – and replacing it with a diplomatic option toward Hamas, which is a branch of the Moslem Brotherhood (the largest Sunni terror organization, whose vision is to bring the “infidel” West to submission) and a proxy of Iran’s Ayatollahs (whose vision is to bring “The Great American Satan” to submission).

*Since 2010, the State Department has referred to the turbulence on the Arab Street – which is still raging – as “The Arab Spring” and “March of democracy,” failing to grasp the fanatic ideologies feeding the turbulence, which has been an “Arab Tsunami,” that has been a fixture in the volcanic, intolerant, despotic, shifty, tenuous and violently unpredictable Middle East since the 7th century.

*In 2024, the State Department ignores the centrality of the 1,400-year-old fanatical, religious ideologies which are the core of the state of mind, vision, education, policy-making and terrorism of Hamas, the PLO (the Palestinian Authority) and Hezbollah, deluding itself that terrorists are driven by despair, and seek freedom and enhanced standard of living, and therefore should be dealt with by dramatic financial gestures and negotiation, and rewarded by a Palestinian state.

*Thus, the State Department ignores the 1,400-year-old Middle East reality, where terrorists bite the hand that feeds them (e.g., Iran’s Ayatollahs, the Mujahideen, Saddam Hussein, the PLO, Hamas).

*Moreover, Middle East reality – contrary to “Middle East alternate reality” – has demonstrated that gestures, concessions and appeasement are perceived as weakness, whetting terrorists’ appetites and intensify terrorism.

*The State Department has ignored the fact that the PLO (the Palestinian Authority) and Hamas share a fanatic vision (as reflected in their charters, school curriculum, mosque sermons, official media, idolization of terrorists, monthly allowances to families of terrorists and actual terrorism), which stipulates the uprooting of the “infidel” Jewish sovereignty from the “abode of Islam,” irrespective of its size, precluding a genuine peace accord with Israel.  On the other hand, Israel has been able to expand commercial and defense ties with Saudi Arabia, and conclude peace accords with Egypt, Jordan, the UAE, Bahrain, Morocco and the Southern Sudan, since these countries are driven by non-fanatic visions, that do not require the destruction of the Jewish State.


Trump’s Best Campaign Ad    [2:56]   Shunya@Shunyaa00

Woke influencer lists all of the “terrifying” things that Trump will do if he wins and accidentally made him the most epic campaign ad ever.


Pollard On ‘The Day After’ the Gaza War   [56:38]   Tamar Yonah | Israel News Talk Radio

April 1, 2024 – Jonathan Pollard talks about the Day After the war with Gaza, Israel’s Left wing, International Isolation and more!


Jonathan Pollard: Foreign Minister David Cameron and British Complicity in the Holocaust  [5:21]    Machon Shilo

April 3, 2024 – Discussion between former Prisoner of Zion, Jonathan Pollard and the head of Machon Shilo, Rabbi David Bar-Hayim


Avi Abelow  (Pulse of Israel – Telegram)

My friend Ari Fuld hy”d was murdered by a 17 year old Hamas terrorist in 2018. Ari was running errands at our local community shopping center when he was murdered, literally stabbed in the back. He died a hero saving other people’s lives.

Today I walked past the store where Ari and I worked together in the Old City of Jerusalem, reflecting upon the news update that a US court today ruled that Iran & Syria have to pay $191 million to Ari’s family for being responsible for supporting Hamas, the terror group behind the terrorist who murdered Ari.

Considering Biden recently freed $20 billion for Iran, the U.S. government definitely has a way to ensure the court order is followed and the Fuld family receive the money.

Do you think Biden will do that?


Avi Abelow  (Pulse of Israel – Telegram)

April 3, 2024 – I keep on explaining that the protest movement in the streets of Israel right now represent a small minority of Israeli society, being led by an even tinier powerful and rich elite whose sole purpose for years, has been to topple Netanyahu and regain political power. Why? Because of hatred. Not because of the war. Not because of the captives. But out of hatred. And they have been trying to do this for years, each time using another slogan. But, these protest “leader” represent a tiny, tiny minority of elite leaders trying to manipulate the masses.

Don’t believe me that this protest movement does not represent the actual sentiment of Israelis? Here is one of the protest leaders complaining that people are not joining their protest movement.

And why are they not joining? Because most Israelis understand that our actual Arab Muslim enemies around us, want to murder all of us, despite our political or religious differences, and we are united in a literal war to fight them!

And the majority of Israelis today understand that these divisive protests empower our enemy to continue fighting us, endangering all of our lives, and encourages them to continuously raise their price to free our captives.

It is a horrific protest movement that literally serves the interest of our enemy.

However, as I keep on explaining, this protest movement will fail because it only represents a tiny minority of Israeli society.

So if you see anyone praising these protests thinking that it is leading to Israel’s destruction, don’t worry, this is just a media smokescreen.

The Jewish people in Israel are united like never before to defeat our enemies, return our captives and win this war! We are not allowing this divisive protest movement to stop us from achieving what we are united to accomplish, win this war and end the terror regime of our enemies around us.

We are winning this war as a united nation against an evil enemy that proudly live-streamed their massacre of innocent Jewish men, women, children, babies etc. and we will win.

Am Yisrael Chai!!!


Biden 8% Approval Means Panic & War – Martin Armstrong   by Greg Hunter

APR 03, 2024 – Legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong has new data on President Biden’s approval numbers.  Nearly two years ago, President Biden’s real job approval rating in America was just 12%.  More than one year ago, the real Biden approval number slipped to 9.5% (and stayed there) according to Armstrong’s world renowned “Socrates” predictive computer program.  Now, Biden’s rating tumbled again.  Armstrong says, “It is basically hovering around 7.5% to 8% at this stage.  I know this goes against the mainstream media, but if you look at Google, it is really politically motivated. . . . The other number you need to look at is the confidence in government, and it is at 28%. . . . This number is unheard of since World War II.  (I have another confidential data miner source who backs up Armstrong’s numbers, including the latest 8% job approval number, with nearly identical Biden job approval numbers going back two years.  So, yes, there are two solid sources for Biden’s true approval rating.)

You will never see Biden’s real numbers on the Lying Legacy Media (LLM), but everybody at the top of the D.C. swamp knows how weak Biden really is.



The Constitution won’t save America   N.S. Lyons

It has lost touch with the nation’s twisted soul

APRIL 1, 2024 – Last month, the US Supreme Court considered arguments in a landmark case on the legality of America’s metastasising censorship-industrial complex. The case, Murthy vs Missouri, rests on whether White House requests that Twitter and Facebook take down alleged Covid misinformation constituted illegal censorship that violated the First Amendment right to free speech.

Given the ample evidence of the Biden administration’s sweeping censorship efforts in recent years, many legal observers assumed the case was a done deal. And yet, during the hearing, it quickly became apparent that a majority of the court’s justices were sympathetic to a counter-argument that, actually, it’s the Government who’s the real victim in this case — because what “free speech” really means is that the Government has a right to tell Facebook that you need to shut up.

The court’s newest and most innovative justice, Ketanji Brown Jackson, stole the headlines with comments about how she was “really worried” about “the First Amendment hamstringing the Government in significant ways in the most important time periods” — i.e. elections involving Donald Trump. But even some of the court’s allegedly more “conservative” justices such as Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett appeared openly sympathetic to the idea that it’s more important to preserve the national security state’s uninhibited power to bully platforms into silencing information they consider “harmful” than it is to preserve fundamental individual rights. In short, although a ruling on the issue won’t be released until this summer, as of now the Supreme Court seems poised to effectively enshrine the legality of mass state censorship and deliver what could be a mortal blow to America’s tradition of free speech.

[Ed.:  Here come ‘da judge!  It’s Ketanji again…]


‘Starving Innocent Civilians’



Hamas Supporters Protest NJ Synagogue Event for Organization That Helps Bury Victims of Terrorism   (Video)   By Margaret Flavin

Apr. 2, 2024 1:40 pm – On Monday night, Congregation Bnai Yeshurun, an Orthodox synagogue in Teaneck, NJ, hosted an event with ZAKA.

ZAKA, a religious volunteer organization founded in 1995, responds to terrorist attacks, disasters, accidents, and homicides throughout Israel, providing support as trained paramedics and collecting the remains of the dead, including their blood, so that they may be buried in accordance with Jewish religious law.

ZAKA was there to share their work as well as what they saw in the aftermath of the October 7 Hamas terrorist attacks on Israeli civilians.

[Ed.:  Some people ain’t got no class!]



MV Dali’s Final Five Minutes   JOHN LEAKE

Timeline raises key questions

APR 02, 2024 – As a true crime author, I have always found it extremely useful to construct a detailed timeline of known events that occurred just before a suspicious incident or crime took place. Likewise, ever since I saw the 1977 film The Deep, I have been fascinated by shipwrecks. A few years later I read Walter Lord’s classic A Night to Remember about the sinking of the Titanic, and was hooked on maritime disasters.

My fascination was greatly amplified in 1985 when I saw the news in Time magazine that Mel Fisher had found the Atocha Spanish treasure galleon in the Florida Keys—a galleon that sank in a 1620 hurricane. Fischer’s amazing discovery inspired me to read all the literature I could find on famous shipwrecks in history.

I even wrote a rough draft of a novel about a young adventurer who discovers the wreck of the Flor de Mar, which sank off the northeast coast of Sumatra in 1511. The vessel contained the entire plundered treasury of the Sultan of Malacca, the world’s richest man at the time.

In 1989, as a young and ardent environmentalist, I was horrified by the wreck of the Exxon Valdez in Prince William Sound. Twenty-one years later, the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig exploded in the Gulf of Mexico. Like the wreck of the Valdez, the drill rig disaster was thoroughly preventable.

As a lifelong windsurfer and sailor, I am familiar with the way wind and current act on a vessel—both under sail and when powered by a marine diesel. Though I have never steered a large cargo ship, I have handled heavy (30,000 pound) 50-foot cruising yachts in tight marinas.

One of the first things you learn is that, even when traveling at slow speeds, a heavy vessel has a HUGE amount of momentum and glide. There’s an old saying about entering a crowded marina in a heavy yacht—”Slow is Pro.” It’s a fine line, however, because if you go too slow, you will lose rudder command.

As a matter of elementary physics, a 100,000 ton cargo ship with a 980-foot hull with a 48-foot draught and a gigantic rudder traveling at 8.5 knots has an astronomical amount of momentum. Even if propulsion is lost, it will continue to glide in a straight line for well over a mile unless significant external forces such as strong wind and currents are applied to the vessel.

Bearing this in mind, I have assembled the following timeline of the Dali’s final five minutes:


Jonathan Pollard: The American State Department’s Invention of Israeli Sexual Crimes   [17:10]   Machon Shilo

Apr 2, 2024Discussion between former Prisoner of Zion, Jonathan Pollard and the head of Machon Shilo, Rabbi David Bar-Hayim


The Ship, With Multiple Backups, Never Should Have Lost Steering    [27:43]    By Grant Stinchfield

Apr. 1, 2024 6:20 pm – It turns out the cargo ship that crashed into the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore, causing it’s collapse, not only had multiple backup power systems, but it had multiple steering systems as well. Both Federal and International maritime standards call for these auxiliary systems. They also need to be completely separated from each other so power and steering are never lost.

When you break down the factors surrounding this crash, it becomes more and more suspicious. Investigators originally lied about wind speed on the water that day. It turns out there was very little wind that would have had zero effect on turning the ship towards the main pillar of the bridge.

The New Federal State of China, the organization aimed at taking down the Chinese Communist Party, insists the CCP used something called “Remote Towing Technology” to hijack the ship. Whistleblowers inside the CCP believe the crash was a deliberate terrorist attack carried out by Chinese hackers.

Plus, John Stewart overvalued his condo by 830%.  Prosecute him, as they did to President Donald J. Trump.

And New York Governor Kathy Hochal is turned away from the funeral of New York City Police officer Jonathan Diller, killed in the line of duty.


[Ed.:  I was mistaken with my first guess on the bridge attack.  I said in a comment that the Russians did it.  I was mistaken.  Then I said that they did it in revenge for the US backed attack in Moskow.  Wrong again! It was Islam that attacked, and Russia is now responding appropriately by expelling most of their musloids.  We now know that it was another false flag event (‘Look over here!  NOT over there.’) orchestrated by our own government (again) to divert our attention away from their endless rap-sheet of crimes.  Including, but not limited to: the Border invasion produced and directed by your government with 12+ million aliens, all on our tax dollars; Election fraud then, (2020) and now, (2024) and all those culpable; Mueller Investigation, etc.; Human and child sex trafficking globally; Biden laundry businesses; Hunter’s laptop; CIA/FBI culpabilities: J6 staged insurrection, election fraud, Plandemic/Death Jab staged epidemic/genocide: (gov. and corporate heads needed to roll,)  anti-American Military with lipstick. Oh, and let’s not forget the Clintons suicide list of the 58+ deadmen, their Uranium 1 deal where they sold China 90+%  of our uranium reserve, Clinton’s Bengazi, ‘Fast and Furious’, Obama’s illegal presidency and each of his culpabilities too numerous to list here. George Soros’ NGOs, Oklahoma Bombing 9-11, Wako, Maui, JFK, weaponized weather,  the list goes on and on, etc., etc., etc.)]


From Enlightenment To Ignorance: Society’s Dangerous Embrace Of Stupidity    by Anthony Esolen 

SUNDAY, MAR 31, 2024 – 09:00 AM – What would be the state of a society in which a will to stupidity were united with a will to power?

When I first decided to study and teach literature as my life’s vocation, I foresaw the work ahead of me—to learn as much as I could about English letters. Was I still unread in the Victorian novel? That would have to change. Had I a blank area in early American? It would have to be filled. The idea, though, was not simply to cover this and check off that. It was to gain a broad view of the whole, to see the relations of one area to another, to hear Melville in conversation with Milton, to set Jay Gatsby off against Tom Jones, to hear the American strains of confidence and rule-breaking in Walt Whitman, and the no less American strains of reserve and fence-setting in Robert Frost.

But to study English literature is to open yourself to the literature of other nations, because English authors were never reading only English. You cannot have Chaucer without the three great Florentines: Dante, Petrarch, and, especially, Boccaccio. You cannot have the English romantics without the German romantics. If you want to best appreciate what is characteristic of Tudor and Stuart drama, with its boisterous violation of the “unities” of space and time as it whisks you from Rome to Alexandria and back, or lets pass sixteen years as Time himself comes on stage to tell you of it, you should become acquainted with the near contemporary drama of Racine and Corneille just across the water, with its classical concentration of action within a single day.

This, of course, is the work of a lifetime. I continue to learn languages and read literature I have never encountered before. But to call most of it “work” is to mistake its nature. It would be as if a self-described lover of art should drag himself from bed and mutter to his valet, “Dear me, I suppose I must go to the Sistine today. Paintings and paintings, nothing but paintings. Michelangelo, you know. Creation of man all the way to the what’s-it, with devils and bankers going one way and angels and decent sorts going the other. Molesworth, where is your mind wandering? Kindly hold the mirror so I can see myself.”

Yet that, as I see now, is the aim of our schools: to produce spoiled, self-satisfied graduates with the stolidity but not the innocence (and usually not the income) of an upper-class twit—a Bertie Wooster, if Bertie were sullen, debauched, and always in a state of political water-boiling. That is not the same as ignorance. I do not read Sanskrit, so I am largely ignorant of Sanskrit poetry. Had I more years ahead of me than I do, I might learn Sanskrit. I know something of the language, and I am piqued by the theology of Shankara, the greatest of commentators on the Rig-Vega. But I don’t have the years. Meanwhile, I have a Russian Bible that will provide my next re-introduction to the word of God, because when you know a language as poorly as I know Russian, you have to take things very slowly, and when you do that, you often see things that ease and fluency often miss, and these things can be small objects of wonder. It is like having to cross the woods afoot rather than driving along a road that cuts it in half. You might hear the ovenbird that way.

No, ignorance is one thing; we’re all going to be ignorant of most of the things there are to know. It used to be that a titan in mathematics, a Leonhard Euler, could be expert in all the areas of that subject; those days are gone. The topologist may be ignorant of Milton; that depends on his reading. But he is certainly going to be ignorant of most of the other branches of mathematics, simply because he has not got the time for them. Ignorance is one thing. Stupidity is another.

By stupidity, I do not mean mere dullness or sluggishness in the organ of understanding. I mean what the etymology suggests. You are stupid when you gape. The emperor Frederick II was called “Stupor Mundi,” “The Wonder of the World,” and to be stupefied still, in English, might suggest that you are overcome with astonishment. But stupidity has come to denote a gaping that is as far removed from wonder as possible. You are stupid when you gape indifferently at something excellent that you have the power to understand but without understanding it and without caring to, when you are unmoved by a beauty that you have the power to apprehend but you make sure you will not apprehend, when you shut the eyes of your soul against the goodness they might otherwise see.

Suppose you are trying to introduce a savage to a system of writing. He is ignorant of what the scratches and squiggles are supposed to say. Once you show him that they do speak, he should be interested, and if he has a lively mind, he will be like Sequoyah, who brought writing to the Cherokees. But if he has decided beforehand that nothing you have to show him is worth his time, he will be resolutely stupid: gaping on the thing and thinking that it is mere chicanery or foolishness or whatnot.


Who are the Palestinian Arabs?   By Alex Grobman PhD.

21 Adar II 5784 – March 31, 2024 – In a speech delivered in March 2023 in France, Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich asserted that “the Palestinian people are an invention that is less than 100 years old.” He is a Palestinian he said. Why? Because “my grandfather, who was the 13th generation [of my family] in Jerusalem, is the real Palestinian. My grandmother, who was born in Metula more than 100 years ago to a family of pioneers, is Palestinian.”

Smotrich explained that according to international law, there are five criteria that define a nation: “history, culture, language, currency and historical leadership. Who was the first Palestinian king? What language do the Palestinians have? Has there ever been a Palestinian currency? Is there a Palestinian history or culture? There isn’t any.” [1]

The French government and the Biden administration widely denounced Smotrich’s speech. French Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Anne-Claire Legendre condemned it as “infuriating and irresponsible.” [2] The rebuke of Smotrich exposed a limited understanding of the strategy used by the Arabs to deceive the West into believing there is a separate Palestinian Arab nation whose citizens are victims of the Zionists, who destroyed their society, stole their land, and forced them into appalling exile.

The Myth of a Palestinian Nation

In an interview in March 31,1977 with the Dutch newspaper Trouw, Zuhair Mushein, Palestinian Arab who was leader of the pro-Syrian Al Saika faction, a terrorist organization, and head of the Executive Council of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), exposed the myth of a Palestinian nation with a separate “Palestinian identity,” when he declared, “There are no differences between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. We are part of one people, the Arab nation… Only for political reasons do we carefully emphasize our Palestinian identity. The fact is that it is in the national interest to encourage the existence of the Palestinians against Zionism. Indeed, the existence of a separate Palestinian identity is only for tactical reasons. The establishment of a Palestinian state is a new means of carrying on the struggle against Israel and for Arab unity…. After we have gained our rights to all of Palestine, we must not for a moment postpone the reunification of Jordan and Palestine.” [3]

[Ed.:  Proof of Earliest Palestinian Found:


OF COURSE We’re Divided. How Could We NOT Be?

March 31, 2024 – We keep hearing that America is divided. As if it were a shameful, avoidable thing.

Well, of course America is divided.

You cannot reconcile liberty with tyranny.

You cannot reconcile freedom of speech with censorship by proxy through fascist social media companies.

You cannot reconcile the Second Amendment with “red flag” laws and gun confiscation.

The entrepreneurial spirit that brought us the greatest rise in the standard of living in all of human history cannot unite with a Green New Deal that will restore a preindustrial, third world country.

You cannot bridge the gap between government ownership of property (socialism, Communism) and private ownership of property (capitalism). Soviet Russia, Cuba and Venezuela will never be the USA.

You cannot unite the freedom loving spirit of the Declaration of Independence and American Constitution with the totalitarian ruthlessness of the United Nations or the World Economic Forum.

The Nation of the Enlightenment — the America of 1776 — wants nothing to do with the psychosis of jailing people for “misgendering” lost souls who don’t know their own anatomy.

Being DIVIDED when differences have never been more stark, and the stakes have rarely been higher, is a sign of health, integrity and survival.

There are too many fools, malevolent people and too much ignorance for us to be united, in these times. Division is the best hope we’ve got.

By the way, speaking of “January 6” (since that’s ALL we ever hear about):

We did not need a “January 6” Commission for a nonexistent crisis. We do need a COVID Commission to punish lockdown and vax fascists. Starting with Fauci, Biden and every mayor or governor still in power who violated the individual rights and economic survival of millions. No forgiveness. They’re not sorry, anyway. Let’s give them the same treatment January 6 defendants are receiving.

Here’s something neither Ayn Rand nor George Orwell ever anticipated. But it’s for real:

“NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR., President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim March 31, 2024, as Transgender Day of Visibility. I call upon all Americans to join us in lifting up the lives and voices of transgender people throughout our Nation and to work toward eliminating violence and discrimination based on gender identity.”

Happy Easter!


Alan Dershowitz visits the sites of Hamas barbarism.   The Dershow With Alan Dershowitz

March 26, 2024

[Ed.:  The Dersh (suddenly realizes) that there is no such thing as “innocent civilians” when it is about Gaza and Hamas.  Why then is Israel willing to lose the war by making concessions for “innocent civilians”?  Why is Israel willing to spill endless Jewish blood to protect “innocent civilians” who are not innocent at all? Why didn’t Israel bull-doze Gaza and eliminate all human life, and re-settle our God-given land forevermore?   Oh!  It’s the hostages, you say?  Uh huh…  There are hostages in war.  First: decimate the enemy.  Then return the hostages.  The hostages are not what the war is all about.  IINO doesn’t get that?  THAT’s exactly why it’s “IINO” and not a true Nation of Israel under Hashem.]


2024 artificially inflated Palestinian demography     Ambassador (ret.) Yoram Ettinger

March 25, 2024 – Palestinian demographic numbers are highly-inflated, as documented by a study, which has audited the Palestinian data since 2004.  For example:

*500,000 Arabs, who have been away for over a year, are included in the census, contrary to international regulations. 325,000 were included in the 1997 census, according to the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics, and 400,000 in 2005, according to the Palestinian Election Commission. The number grows steadily due to births.

*350,000 East Jerusalem Arabs are doubly-counted – by Israel and by the Palestinian Authority. The number grows steadily due to births.

*Over 150,000 Arabs, who married Israeli Arabs are similarly doubly counted. The number expands steadily due to births.

*A 413,000 net-emigration (since the 1997 first Palestinian census) is ignored by the Palestinian census, overlooking the annual net-emigration since 1950. A 23,445 net-emigration in 2022 and a 20,000 annual average in recent years have been documented by Israel’s Population and Migration Authority in all international passages.

*A 32% artificial inflation of Palestinian births was documented by the World Bank (page 8, item 6) in a 2006 audit.

*The Judea & Samaria Arab fertility rate has been westernized: from 9 births per woman in the 1960s to 2.9 births in 2022 (In Jordan – similar to Judea & Samaria), reflecting the sweeping urbanization, a growing female enrollment in higher education, rising marriage age and the rising use of contraceptives.

*The number of deaths is under-reported for political and financial reasons.

*The aforementioned artificial inflation of 1.7 million documents a population of 1.55 million Arabs in Judea and Samaria, not the official 3.25 million. In 2024: a 69% Jewish majority in the combined area of Judea, Samaria and pre-1967 Israel, benefitting from a tailwind of fertility and net-immigration, while Arab demography is westernized. In 1947 and 1897: a 39% and 9% Jewish minority.
No Arab demographic time bomb; but, a Jewish demographic momentum. More data in these articles and this short video.


CHAPTER 12: Seeding Race Wars   by Linda Goudsmit
Space Is No Longer the Final Frontier—Reality Is [forthcoming release May 2024]
March 31, 2024 – Globalism is a replacement ideology that seeks to reorder the world into one singular, planetary Unistate, ruled by the globalist elite. The globalist war on nation-states cannot succeed without collapsing the United States of America. The long-term strategic attack plan moves America incrementally from constitutional republic to socialism to globalism to feudalism. The tactical attack plan uses asymmetric psychological and informational warfare to destabilize Americans and drive society out of objective reality into the madness of subjective reality. America’s children are the primary target of the globalist predators.

James Lindsay’s analysis of Woke Marxism (Chapter 11) is supported by the extraordinary Testimony of Dr. Bella Dodd to HUAC in 1953.[i] The U.S. House of Representatives formed the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) in 1938 to look into subversive activity by private citizens. Bella Dodd (1904–1969) was a New York teacher, lawyer, labor union activist, and high-ranking member of the Communist Party USA in the 1930s and 1940s. She speaks candidly about her idealism; her seduction into the Communist Party as a young woman; and her growing disillusionment, disaffection, and final ardent anti-communist stance.

Bella Dodd testifies with an experienced insider’s voice, exposing the fundamental deceit of communism in her very personal and powerful sworn statement. She explains how millions of Americans, herself included, were sucked into communism with slogans and generalizations—seduced by feelings, not facts. Excerpts from her testimony are particularly relevant today:


This is Definitely Not a Psyop   [11:11]   Awaken With JP


They Want Boys and Girls in The Same Restroom?!   [14:37]    Awaken With JP

3/29/24 – In today’s video take a look at a school board in Illinois passing a decision to build gender neutral bathrooms in a high school!

[Ed.:  We are a sick bunch of humanoids, ain’t we!]


We are living George Orwell’s 1984   TIERNEY’S REAL NEWS

Biden just proclaimed this Easter Sunday as a “Transgender Day of Visibility.” NOT KIDDING.

MAR 30, 2024  – The Communists are now calling Christians “Easter worshippers.”

Do you get it yet? Valentine’s Day is now a day of Gun Control and Service to honor the Parkland Massacre.

Good Friday has been declared by WHO a day of prayer and fasting for the COVID dead.

Memorial Day is George Floyd Day.

June is Pride Month to worship gay, queer and transgender people instead of Jesus during the Month of Sacred Heart.

Juneteenth is now called “freedom day” and has replaced many July 4th celebrations of American’s independence day!

As every holiday approaches I ask myself: “What horrific thing do the Communists have planned this time so they can rename and refocus our attention for this holiday?”

Watch and see what the Communists do this 4th of July, Labor Day, 9/11, Columbus Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas. I guarantee they have plans!

GEORGE ORWELL: “And when memory failed and written records were falsified, the past was erased, the erasure was forgotten, the lie became the truth. There was truth and there was untruth, and if you clung to the truth even against the whole world, you were not mad.”

We are truly living George Orwell’s 1984. George Orwell wrote a book called “1984” warning about global totalitarianism – a world run by just a few people called THE PARTY. He basically predicted the GREAT RESET and what’s happening in the world right now. He wrote that book in 1949. He was WAY ahead of his time.


I’ve concluded that the NEW WORLD ORDER is nothing more than an international crime cartel – a global MOB of criminals run by the alliances between the leaders of various mafias around the world. It’s called the OVERWORLD/UNDERWORLD alliance!

You know how the mob used to terrorize businesses with enforcers like Murder Inc. in order to force them to turn over their profits and PAY the mob for protection? You know how the mob bribed politicians and used mercenaries as terrorists and enforcers and paid off the cops to look the other way so they could go on laundering money and committing crimes?

Well, the NWO INTERNATIONAL MAFIA does the same thing to all of us! It’s just on a global scale! They have infiltrated agencies like the CIA & FBI & DHS & Mossad & MI6 and use them to terrorize us so we will allow them to “protect us” – extort us – blackmail us – spy on us – and control us.

They engineer terror attacks and school shootings and climate disasters and then we’re supposed to say: “I’M SO SCARED – PLEASE PROTECT ME – TAKE MY MONEY AND MY FREEDOM AND MY LIFE – JUST KEEP ME SAFE.”

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Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.