Daily Shmutz | COMMENTARY / OPINION | 4/11/23


Jews and Land of Israel: Part V: The Meaning of a Jewish State   By Alex Grobman PhD. 

20 Nisan 5783 – April 11, 2023

*Editor’s Note: This is the fifth installment in the most recent series of articles from Jewish Press Online contributor, Alex Grobman, PhD

Failure to establish a Jewish National Home in Palestine would have deprived the Jewish people a share in the division of the Ottoman Empire, where they had lived for centuries. Failure would also have enabled the Arab people to acquire nearly all of the Ottoman inheritance, which would have been clearly unacceptable to British Prime Minister David Lloyd George, President Woodrow Wilson and their colleagues. They recognized that the Jewish people’s right to self-determination was no less justified than that of the Arab people, who comprise Christians, Muslims, and Druze. [1]


Israel’s and the US’ war on terrorism: offense or defense?    Yoram Ettinger

April 11th, 2023 – Israel’s and the US’ counter-terrorism

*Islamic and Palestinian terrorism consider Israel as a critical beachhead – and a proxy – of the US in the Middle East and a significant collaborator with the pro-US Arab regimes. They perceive the war on “the infidel Jewish State” as a preview of their more significant war on “the infidel West” and their attempts to topple all pro-US Sunni Arab regimes. Therefore, Islamic and Palestinian terrorism has been engaged in intra-Arab subversion, while systematically collaborating with enemies and rivals of the US and the West (e.g., Nazi Germany, the Soviet Bloc, Ayatollah Khomeini, Latin American, European, African and Asian terror organizations, North Korea, Venezuela and Cuba). The more robust is Israel’s war on terrorism, the more deterred are the terrorists in their attempts to bring the “infidel” West to submission.

*Islamic and Palestinian terrorism has terrorized Jewish communities in the Land of Israel since the late 19th century, adhering to an annihilationist vision as detailed by the Fatah and PLO charters of 1959 and 1964 (eight and three years before 1967), as well as by the hate-education system, which was installed by Mahmoud Abbas in 1993 following the signing of the Oslo Accord.

*Israel battles Palestinian terrorism (Hamas and the Palestinian Authority) and Islamic terrorism (Iran and Hezbollah), which are not preoccupied with the size – but with the eradication – of the “infidel” Jewish State from “the abode of Islam.”

*Israel and the West fight against deeply-rooted and institutional Islamic and Palestinian terrorism, that is inspired by 1,400-year-old rogue values, which are perpetrated by K-12 hate-education, mosque incitement and official and public idolization of terrorists.


9/11 and the Covid-19 Hoax in the Transition to Governance by “Emergency Measures”  [1:00:00]   By Prof. Anthony J. Hall

April 11, 2023 – In the US Congress Senator Rand Paul proposed an amendment to drop the Emergency Measures provision that became law a week after the events of Sept. 11, 2001. 86 of the 100 Senators in the US Congress voted down Paul’s initiative to discontinue Public Law 107-40 22 years after it was invoked. The post-9/11 law “authorized the use of United States Armed Forces against those responsible for the recent attacks launched against the United States.”

The blank check given by Congress in 2001 to the US Armed Forces and its Commander-In-Chief helped push along the agenda that put in 2019 the Department of Defence in charge of a biowar against humanity that is still underway.

The main weapon so far in this war is a military device still speciously presented to the public as pharmaceutical vaccines promoted as remedies for COVID-19.


The bizarre transition in the West   By Howard Rotberg

Over the last twenty years in four books and dozens of essays, I have sought to understand the bizarre transition in the West from supporting the goodness of liberty, non-violence, justice and other Judeo-Christian values to what I now realize is an almost complete submission to evil values and ideologies, including those of the so-called Palestinians.

I have looked at the problem in a variety of ways.   First, we have adopted an ideology of Tolerism (see my book, Tolerism:  The Ideology Revealed and its sequel, The Ideological Path to Submission… and what we can do about it.) wherein I discuss how the adoption of various ideological perversions have caused us to submit to the Palestinians and other Islamists.   I concluded that in a world where the media and the university have adopted ideologies based on excessive tolerance, inappropriate respect, compassion, postmodernism, moral equivalency, inclusive diversity, empathy, denialism, masochism, and Islamophilia, our fate is submission.

America is casting off its historical morality to embrace transgenderism, critical race theory and other ideologies which should be considered as evil. I argue that the embrace of evil shown in empathy for the so-called Palestinians is what has paved the way for the current immoralities.

I wrote that

“Tolerism is an excessive tolerance, in fact a leniency, for the intolerant and unsupportable views that threaten our very freedoms.  It has become an ideology for those who hold tolerance to be a higher virtue than Justice and Human Rights.  Tolerism is the skill in consuming massive quantities of political correctness, and moral and cultural relativism, without displaying the obvious signs of the drunken leniency toward, and even taking pleasure in, the slow ascendancy of Islamist values of terrorism, breach of human rights, and attempted reversals of the wonderful liberties and advances made in western societies, where church and state have been successfully separated, and an enormous degree of freedom reigns.”

Why should we reward the murder of civilians and the unwillingness to have the Jews in any part of the Middle East with support based on respect and empathy?


BREAKING: The Perfect Storm Hitting Israel | The Caroline Glick Show  [48:34]

April 10, 2023 – The perfect storm is hitting Israel – Internal rebellion, American rejection and Passover terror attacks.

In this special episode, Caroline Glick discusses breaking news in Israel.

– Recent terror attacks in Tel Aviv and the Jordan Valley

– Missiles being fired from Lebanon and Gaza

– Leaked Pentagon documents that point to the Mossad directing rebellion against the Netanyahu government

  American criticism of Israel and Netanyahu’s government

Lastly, a message from the funeral in Caroline’s neighborhood of the two murdered sisters.

Total Page Visits: 165

About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.