Daily Shmutz | COMMENTARY / OPINION | 5/24/23


Never Go to the Second Location   Sheryl Collmer

Our Elites will likely follow their playbook of “ask, then demand” compliance for central bank digital currencies (CBDCs).

May 24, 2023 – A maxim of self-defense, especially for women, is to never allow an attacker to take you to a second location. It’s better to go down fighting on the street, in the parking lot, at the door, than to be transported to a second location where the attacker can take his time doing whatever psychotic things he fancies. The police statistics are dismal for second-location crimes—around 85 percent fatal.

Abductors may promise they’ll let you go if you cooperate nicely; just get in the van and you won’t get hurt. Never believe that. You must fight for your life at the first location because the second location is always going to be worse, and likely fatal.

That’s where we are in America. Our so-called leaders promise everything will be okay if we just cooperate nicely. It’s all daisies and cupcakes…up to a point. If you watch closely, you’ll notice a pattern.


Joe Biden: Our First Chinese President   EMERALD ROBINSON

An exclusive excerpt from A. J. Rice’s new book The Woking Dead

MAY 24, 2023 – Note: This excerpt was taken from A.J. Rice’s latest book The Woking Dead: How Society’s Vogue Virus Destroys Our Culture which is published by Post Hill Press. A.J. Rice is CEO of Publius PR, a premier communications firm in Washington D.C. He served as the executive producer to Laura Ingraham for four years, and Monica Crowley for two years. Following that, he produced an investigative news show at The Washington Times for John Solomon for three years called America’s Morning News, and later was brought in by Glenn Beck’s team to help launch The Blaze Radio Network.

Joe Biden may be the first American president to go to Tokyo to defend China — but that’s what he’s done.

Recall that earlier this year, Beijing flew a spy balloon right over US territory, including sensitive military installations. It crossed the entire continent, during which time it was gathering sensitive intelligence and presumably phoning all of it home to its communist masters in China.

Biden waited til it had flown from coast to coast before allowing it to be shot down.

Then this past weekend while on a trip to visit our closest allies, who are threatened by Xi Jinping’s ambitions, he downplayed the whole thing as “silly,” practically apologizing to China. China’s reply was curt as usual, asking the whole world if Biden’s words mean anything at all.

The media, for its part, won’t make all of this what it is — which is the weakest performance on the world stage by an American president in decades if not ever. Even Jimmy Carter probably would’ve shot that balloon down before it beamed its intel back.


Judge Napolitano and Larry Johnson Discuss the Aftermath of Bakhmut and Why the CIA is in Trouble   [21:37]   By Larry Johnson

May 24, 2023 – Judge Napolitano arrived safely in Switzerland and, thanks to the miracle of the internet, was able to do his show as scheduled. We discussed Bakhmut and the Ukrainian raid on Russia’s border near Belgorod. The West is desperate to avoid having any meaningful discussion or review of the Battle of Bakhmut because it was such a massive loss. Think about it — a small “private” paramilitary force backed by former Chef with no military experience, forced Ukraine’s NATO-trained and supplied Army to retreat.

This is a very important point. Conventional military doctrine stipulates that an army attacking an entrenched force will need at least three times more soldiers than the defending force.. Looks like Russia is very unconventional. The Wagner Group’s 32,000 fighters defeated a Ukrainian force that employed over 120,000 troops, inflicting 70% casualties on the Ukrainians. Russia is writing new chapters for military academies and war colleges on how to attack and defeat a numerically superior force entrenched in fortifications. Russia was not fighting Afghan shepherds or Iraqi tribesmen armed with AK-47s. It faced off with a NATO proxy force, equipped with modern weaponry, and beat it. There is not enough lipstick in the world to paint this pig and make it look pretty.


Terrible damage – The Russians are now extremely angry with us  [23:07]   Douglas Macgregor S.C.

May 24, 2023 – Col Douglas Macgregor Straight Calls – Ukraine news today and in-depth discussion of current geopolitical events in the United States of America. Colonel Douglas Macgregor’s Ukraine Russia war update, Russian offensive, Ukraine counter offensive, Ukraine latest news, Ukraine war news, Ukraine war video footage, Ukraine Russia news, Russia Ukraine war update and Ukraine war 2023. Interview with Stephen Gardner on May 23.

Democrats Reacting to the Durham Report  [7:47]   AwakenWithJP


Douglas Macgregor – A Real Battle in Bakhmut   [LIVE]  Douglas Macgregor Col


The Myth of White Supremacy   By Daniel Greenfield

22 May  2023  10:12 PM

The largest mob lynching in the South was of Italians.

The 1891 lynching of 11 Italians in New Orleans, after a roundup of over 1,000 Italians, grew out of an internal conflict among Louisiana Democrats and was praised by progressives of the era.

“These sneaking and cowardly Sicilians, the descendants of bandits and assassins,” the New York Times editorial board railed. “Lynch law was the only course open to the people of New Orleans.”

Future Louisiana Gov. John M. Parker, who helped organize the lynchings, described Italians as “just a little worse than the Negro, being if anything filthier in habits, lawless, and treacherous.”

Columbus Day was created as a quasi-apology to Italian-Americans for the lynchings which held only until Democrat identity politics began tearing down statues of the Italian explorer.

The myth of white supremacy is a story retroactively invented during the civil rights movement.

The KKK targeted Catholics and Jews. It hailed the “anglo-saxon white man” rather than viewing skin color as the only thing that mattered. The black-and-white view of history in which bigotry was as binary as 1950s drinking fountains in Alabama reflected only a very brief reality during a decade or two in which the Irish, Italians and Jews had come to be accepted. An era of growing tolerance for minorities was ironically the prerequisite for both the widespread acceptance of the civil rights movement and the distortions of civil rights history that we are dealing with today.

White supremacy was a myth born out of a more tolerant era in which prejudice toward black people briefly became the most defining form of bigotry. One that most people quickly rejected.

Baby Boomers, the most influential generation in history, mistook their youthful experiences for absolute reality. Knowing nothing of history and caring even less, they used their vast cultural powers to make the 60s into the ‘ground zero’ of American history. Generations have grown up with their ahistorical view of “white supremacy” encoded in education and entertainment.

[Ed.:  Most people know that whites are NOT supreme. Most of us also know that only God is supreme.  We also know that calling everyone a ‘white supremacist’ is just as meaningless as calling everybody a ‘racist’.  We also know that calling it ‘global warming’ only reflects the low mentality of the person using the phrase.  Yes, words have meaning, but only when they are not lies!]


Saw this in a tweet today:

America has officially beaten racism.

The white supremacy movement in our country is so absolutely diverse now.

I mean, Larry Elder is 100% Black and he’s a “white supremacist”.

We had a Latino Neo-Nazi in Texas last month.

Today we have an Arab White Supremacist who drove into the White House.

You know a country is diverse and accepting when their white supremacy movement includes members of all races and genders.

Congratulations, America, we did it!

The white supremacy movement is more diverse than the NAACP.


Bakhmut falls to Russia, Joe Biden escalates toward nuclear war while America burns   by: Mike Adams

May 22, 2023 – (Natural News) Over the weekend, Russia completed its military effort to seize control over the city of Bakhmut. Even as the leader of the Wagner group declared victory, announcing total control over the city, the delusional political leaders and military propagandists of western nations pretended that Ukraine still controlled Bakhmut, borrowing a page from transgenderism where a biological man can pretend to be a woman.

In reality, however, men can’t have babies and also men can’t block artillery by wishing it so.

While the delusional West remains steeped in lies, mass mental illness and sheer runaway insanity, Russia’s military bet on kinetic reality and used the laws of physics to achieve a tactical military victory that Western leaders said would never happen.

(When the US military is rooted in reality and military sense, it is amazingly capable and effective. But when it’s run by “woke” policies and delusional political leaders, it fails at everything… as we’ve seen since the day Biden took office…)


Douglas Macgregor – Russian have finally taken Bakhmut   [27:14]



Boomer Europe is dying  BY ARIS ROUSSINOS

Is Macron right about our defenceless world?

May 23, 2023 – Born in 1945, from the wreckage of its decades-long civil war, our mother continent Europe is a boomer, prone as many boomers are to comforting and self-aggrandising myths as it slouches towards death. Unlike the generation which led Europe through the Cold War, which had lived through Europe’s great convulsion and understood power, the generation of politicians which led Europe through the post-Cold War decades — a type of which Angela Merkel, once lauded and now reviled, is the purest distillation — were the first to have fully internalised the continent’s post-1945 value system


The Proposed Amendments to the International Health Regulations (FOR KIDS)   JAMES ROGUSKI

Your children are never too young to learn about the World Health Organization!

MAY 21, 2023 – Before anyone gets triggered…

NO, the above information is NOT really for children!

It is designed to be sent to Congressional Representatives, Senators or Members of Parliament.

Our public servants don’t seem to be able to comprehend anything beyond a 5th grade level, so I decided that it might be helpful if I simplified it for them.

Download the document, print it out and mail it to your public servants.


IHR Amendments in a nutshell: I think nursing professor Dr. John Campbell has created the best assessment of the IHR ‘s proposed changes in 13 minutes and 42 seconds    MERYL NASS

MAY 21, 2023  – Please share this, it is so clear, so easy to understand


Power of the pen, or power of the mob   Jack Engelhard

Often, the urge to communicate is like an SOS. The mendacity is too much to bear alone. Two recent cases where the mob won over truth.Op-ed.

May 21, 2023, 1:00 PM (GMT+3) – A fellow writer tells me, “What’s the use?”

Every writer can understand this despair.

F. Scott Fitzgerald put it like this: “What’s the good of all this writing. Nobody reads me.”

That wasn’t true, of course. Plenty people read him. But for all the wonderful prose, was anything getting through?

Charles Bukowski put this thought on it: “I don’t write to save the world. I write to save myself.”

All of us who write, whether through poetry, through fiction, through journalism, can identify.

Often, the urge to communicate is like an SOS. The mendacity is too much to bear alone.

A generation of our children are being ruined through purposeful gender confusion. In Israel, Palestinian Arab school books continue to teach hate against the Jews.

It’s all a con.

We did not need the Durham report to tell us what we always knew…that Trump was the victim of the con of the century.

Four years it took him to tell us this? Still today the media ignore the revealed truth.

How, then, can we compete against such colossal mendacity?

For me, all I ask is one reader with a knowing heart.

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About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.