Daily Shmutz | COMMENTARY / OPINION  5/27/24



Jewish Author Delivers Blistering Response When Forced to Answer Where She Stands on “Israeli-Palestinian Conflict” Before Scheduled Speaking Event   By Margaret Flavin

May 27, 2024 3:20 pm – Russian Israeli author Dina Rubina was scheduled for an event to discuss her books at Pushkin House in London in collaboration with the University of London.

Before she was “allowed” to speak, however,  event moderator Nataliya Rulyova demanded she clarify “her position on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict,” saying other invited participants needed to “understand your position on this issue before responding.”

Here is the note Rubina received from Rulyova:

Hello, Dina!
The Pushkin House announced our upcoming conference on social media and immediately received critical messages regarding your position on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. They wanted to understand your position on this issue before responding. Could you formulate your position and send it to me as soon as possible?
— Natasha

Here is Dina’s blistering response to the ridiculous request.

Dear Natalia!
You’ve written beautifully about my novels, and I’m so sorry for the time you’ve wasted, because apparently we have to cancel our meeting.

The universities of Warsaw and Torun have just canceled lectures by the wonderful Russian-speaking Israeli writer Yakov Shechter on the life of Galicia’s Jews in the 17th and 19th centuries “to avoid making the situation worse.” I suspected that this would affect me too, since academia is now the main breeding ground for the most disgusting and virulent anti-Semitism, disguised as so-called “criticism of Israel.” I was expecting something like this, and I even decided to write you an email about it… but I put it aside. It’s time for me to publish it.

This is what I want to say to all those who expect from me a quick and obsequious report on my position regarding my beloved country, which currently lives (and always has) surrounded by ferocious enemies who seek to destroy it . My country which is waging a just war today against a rabid, ruthless, deceptive and cunning enemy. The last time I apologized was in elementary school, in the principal’s office, I was 9 years old. Since then, I have been doing what I think is right, listening only to my conscience and expressing exclusively my understanding of the world order and human laws of justice.

Natalia, thank you for your efforts, and I personally ask you to send my answer to all those who are wondering.

On October 7, Saturday, the Jewish holiday of Simchat Torah, the ruthless, well-trained, well-prepared and well-equipped Hamas terrorist regime of Iran, Hamas, which rules in the Gaza enclave (which Israel left around twenty years ago), attacked dozens of peaceful kibbutzim and bombarded my country with tens of thousands of rockets. Hamas has committed atrocities that even the Bible cannot describe, atrocities that rival the crimes of Sodom and Gomorrah. Atrocities filmed by the way, by GoPro cameras, the murderers having taken the horror to the point of sending the images to their families or on social networks in real time.

For hours, thousands of happy, blood-drunk beasts raped women, children and men, shooting their victims in the crotch and heads, cutting off the women’s breasts and playing football with them, cutting off the babies from the wombs of pregnant women and immediately decapitating them, tying up and burning the small children. There were so many charred bodies that, for many weeks, forensic pathologists could not cope with the enormous workload of identifying individuals.

A friend of mine, who worked in the emergency room of a New York hospital for 20 years, then in Israel for 15 years, was one of the first to arrive in the kibbutzim, as part of a team of rescuers and of doctors. She still hasn’t been able to sleep since.

While she is an emergency specialist, accustomed to dissected bodies and corpses, she fainted when she saw the macabre sight and vomited all the way back in the car. Among the Hamas militants, Palestinian civilians rushed in, participating in pogroms of unprecedented scale, pillaging, killing, dragging everything they could get their hands on. Among these “Palestinian civilians” were 450 members of this highly regarded organization UNRWA (United Nations Relief Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East).

Judging by the utter joy of the population (also captured by thousands of mobile cameras), Hamas is supported by almost the entire population of Gaza. But the essential is there for us: More than two hundred Israelis, including women, children, the elderly and foreign workers, were dragged into the beast’s den. A hundred of them are still rotting and dying in Hamas dungeons.

It goes without saying that these victims, who continue to be mocked, are of little concern to the “academic community”. But that’s not what I’m talking about right now. I am not writing this so that anyone will sympathize with the tragedy of my people.

During all these years, while the international community has literally poured hundreds of millions of dollars into this piece of land (the Gaza Strip) — UNRWA’s annual budget alone is equivalent to a billion dollars! — During all these years, Hamas used this money to build an empire with a complex system of underground tunnels, stockpile weapons, teach schoolchildren from primary school to disassemble and assemble Kalashnikov assault rifles, print textbooks in which hatred of Israel is indescribable, in which even math problems look like this calling for the murder of Jews with every word:

There were ten Jews, the shahid killed four, how many are left?

And now, when finally shocked by the monstrous crime of these bastards, Israel is waging a war of annihilation against the Hamas terrorists who so carefully prepared this war, who placed thousands of shells in all the hospitals, the schools, kindergartens…

The academic community, which was not concerned about the massacres in Syria, nor the massacre in Somalia, nor the mistreatment inflicted on the Uighurs, nor the millions of Kurds persecuted by the Turkish regime for decades, this very worried community, which wears “arafatkas” [keffiyehs], the trademark of murderers, around their necks at rallies under the slogan “Liberate Palestine from the river to the sea”, which means the total destruction of Israel (and Israelis). “Academics”, as polls show, have no idea where this river is, what it is called, where certain borders are located.

And it is this same public which asks me “to express a position clear on the issue”. Are you really serious!

As you know, I have been a professional writer for over 50 years. My novels have been translated into 40 languages, including Albanian, Turkish, Chinese, Esperanto, and many more.

Now, with great pleasure, without choosing my expressions too much, I sincerely and with all the strength of my soul send to all the brainless “intellectuals” who are interested in my position to go fuck themselves.
— Dina Rubina


Trumpophobia (fright over Trump) is cresting with his polls.    By Victor Davis Hanson

May 27, 2024 – As Trump continues to show leads in critical swing states, as various lawfare-inspired cases against him seem to the public to be more persecutions than prosecutions, and as Joe Biden appears daily more incoherent and lost, the left on spec has resorted to warning the nation about all the supposedly catastrophic consequences of a future Trump presidency.

Ironically, the left seems oblivious to the reality that one reason Trump leads Biden in the polls is precisely because voters can compare the four-year record of the prior Trump presidency to Biden’s last 40 months.

Recently, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez warned that Trump will conspire with oil executives to spike gasoline prices. But even after Biden drained the strategic petroleum reserve before the 2022 midterms and is now again doing the same as the 2024 election approaches, gas prices have averaged only one-third cheaper than under Trump.

Trump tried to top off the reserve but was blocked by Democrats in Congress. Nevertheless, he left Biden a nearly full reservoir of 638 million barrels (about 90 percent full), which Biden has now drained by some 270 million barrels to the present 51 percent full—and the levels are falling further as voting nears.

We are warned that 77-year-old Trump looks haggard after his long hours in court. He seems sleepy, we are told. He has aged terribly, the media tell us. But polls show that concern over Biden’s dementia greatly outweighs normal worry over septuagenarian candidate Trump.

Why would any sane pro-Biden handler bring up Trump’s supposed gait or occasional forgotten word when that only reminds the public of the contrast with Biden, whose speeches seem delivered in something other than English and whose transcripts must be heavily edited to airbrush away his incoherence?

We are told that Trump will increase racial tensions. Almost daily, blacks and Hispanics are warned that Trump is a racist—even as polls show that he may well receive the highest percentage of minority votes by any Republican in modern history and has some chance of winning outright the Hispanic vote. Oddly, the media is now attacking minorities on the Marxist principle of false consciousness, as if they are deluded into voting against themselves rather than being perceptive critics of the Biden disaster of high inflation, green mania, a deluge of illegal aliens, and loss of deterrence abroad.

It was not Trump, but Biden, who, during the last election cycles, called one African-American journalist a “junkie” and warned another podcaster, “You ain’t black,” if he voted for Trump. And during his presidency, on occasion, Biden has referred to black subordinates as “boy,” uses the ossified term “Negro,” and has a long history of racist drivel and smears, from “put y’all back in chains” to referencing Barack Obama as the first “clean” and “articulate” presidential candidate to proudly reminding us that his home state of Delaware was once a “slave state.”

As Trump’s polls climbed and the Fani Willis persecution was sidetracked by her own false testimonies, conflicts of interest, and the hiring of her unqualified clandestine paramour, hysterical cries mounted that a reelected Trump would use the powers of government to go after his enemies.

As Jack Smith’s federal indictment became calcified over issues of presidential immunity, his failed efforts to ram through the prosecution before the election, and his office lying over tampering with evidence seized at Mar-A-Lago, tired warnings of Trump’s weaponization to come of the bureaucracy mounted even more.

Now that the jury is out in the Alvin Bragg fiasco and his star witness, Michael Cohen, a convicted liar, has likely again perjured himself and admitted to stealing $60,000 from the Trump organization, Trumpophobia has further peaked.

In other words, the more evidence mounts that Trump’s enemies have manipulated the court system in the manner that they previously impeached him twice, tried him as a private citizen in the Senate, sought to remove him from state ballots, rounded up ex-intelligence officers to lie about the authentic Hunter Biden laptop on the eve of the 2020 presidential debate, and were exposed concocting the Russian collusion yarn by hiring a foreign national in the 2016 campaign, paradoxically, the more the left-wing media warns America that a President Trump would do exactly what they have been doing by emulating their weaponization of the courts, the bureaucracy, and the Congress.

It gets stranger still.

[Ed.:  As always, he nails it!]


Memorial Day 2024: The memes of the greatest generation.   D PARKER

One-panel cartoons were the ‘memes’ of the men and women fighting in WWII, they speak volumes for that generation.

MAY 27, 2024 – There are certain reference books that you like to keep around, One of these is Up Front, by Bill Mauldin, the cover features the image of Willie and Joe, the two main characters in his one-panel cartoons.  They represent the infantrymen of the greatest generation, the rank-and-file foot soldier – the ‘dogfaces’ – that took the brunt of the fighting of the war and came back to raise another that now wants to erase their sacrifices.   The book is a commentary and background for his drawings that showed the humorous, dark, and gritting side of that part of the war.

We call those cartoons the memes of the greatest generation because that is in essence what they are.  Fulfilling the same function in a slightly different form, but well worth a look on this particular occasion.

View the memes


With These People In the Administration, It’s A Wonder That Biden Didn’t Betray Israel Sooner   By Robert Spencer

May 26, 2024 – On May 12, I wrote here at the Geller Report about Maher Bitar, Old Joe Biden’s new special counsel and director of intelligence and defense programs at the National Security Council. Bitar is important because he is a longtime foe of Israel, an alumnus of the viciously anti-Israel campus group Students for Justice in Palestine, and an indication of how the Biden regime’s betrayal of Israel is not just the result of the regime’s fear of losing Michigan in November, but is also the fruit of personnel decisions that Biden’s handlers made at the beginning of the regime. Bitar is not even close to being the sole foe of Israel at high levels among Biden apparatchiks.

Besides Bitar, there is Hady Amr, the regime’s special representative for Palestinian affairs. Before that, Amr was Deputy Assistant Secretary for Israeli and Palestinian Affairs in the Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs within the State Department. Amr is also an indefatigable supporter of the genocidal Palestinian Arab jihad against Israel.

Back in 2002, Amr declared: “I was inspired by the Palestinian intifada.” He said that Palestinian Arabs would “never, never forget what the Israeli people, the Israeli military, and Israeli democracy have done to Palestinian children. And there will be thousands who will seek to avenge these brutal murders of innocents.” He did not, of course, say a word about Hamas’ long-established practice of launching jihad attacks from civilian areas, so that retaliatory fire could be used for propaganda purposes.

Of course, that was a long time ago, but Amr went on to a long career in the Obama administration and elsewhere, and never showed any sign that he had moderated his positions. He still hasn’t to this day.


Meron Psy-op 2024     Chananya Weissman

May 27, 2024 – Meron was declared a closed military zone in the now-annual tradition of finding a pretext to bar Jews from going there on Lag Ba’omer and incite hatred against “haredim”, all in the name of “public safety”. This year the pretext was Hezbollah might fire rockets and kill everyone, and it is likely this pretext will be recycled every year from now on until Hashem redeems us from the Erev Rav who rule over the land.

Arab-looking police and IDF soldiers were out in force battering religious Jews, which is also an annual tradition at Meron. For some reason, none of these Gestapo thugs seemed at all worried that a rocket might land on them at any time. Their bravery was on full display as they beat helpless Jews without regard for the danger they faced from incoming missiles. They must have nerves of steel.

The controlled media did its job, and portrayed the battered Jews as the aggressors who got what they deserved.

After our heroes in unforms cleared the site of disease-spreading, haredi parasites, who endanger themselves and everyone else with their selfish, reckless behavior, state-employed, state-serving Zionist rabbis and IDF soldiers celebrated with an early morning religious ceremony (see here). Chief among them was Shmuel Eliyahu, with a history of literally inventing Torah sources to push Covid shots and running kangaroo courts in violation of halacha (see here and here).

The controlled media did its job, and portrayed these visitors to the site as heroes spreading light to the world.

For them it was perfectly safe to be at Meron, with no fear of Hezbollah obliterating them with rockets…just like during Covid it was safe for the privileged elite to flout the rules

The privileged elite know that people’s memories are too short and their minds too muddled to make appropriate connections and draw appropriate conclusions. The peasants are brainwashed, cowardly, and have rough lives. They are slaves and they don’t even know it. They will take the bait to direct their frustrations against each other instead of those who oppress them all.

Although the police/surveillance state does not let us see what happened from cameras at the site, there are unpleasant videos of Jews being battered by Gestapo thugs on Meron. We see an elderly man being showed face-first to the pavement. We see another elderly man in a wheelchair being attacked.

Many of the peasants blame the victims and lick the boots of the oppressors. They foolishly believe this will earn them brownie points when their time comes.

But the homemade videos that escaped confiscation are too disturbing to be dismissed (see here). So the controlled media expresses concern, and controlled opposition ministers feign outrage, and they promise that the perpetrators will be brought to justice immediately. All in a day’s work.

The police responded to the allegations of brutality with a statement: “Since the morning hours, hundreds of people arrived at the area of the gravesite, clashing with the police and causing damage to property placed at the site for the purpose of ensuring their safety.”

They would have responded with an image of the middle finger, but this is more professional.

Tomorrow there will be something else to distract the peasants, and that will be the end of it.


Hamas barbarism in living color   Ruthie Blum

Even impeccable Israeli “hasbara” can’t compete with Pallywood productions and comparable fake news, regardless of how blatantly mendacious.  Op-ed.

May 27, 2024, 7:03 AM (GMT+3) (JNS) – The footage screened on a digital billboard in New York City’s Times Square on Friday isn’t for the faint-hearted. Still, viewing it is a must for anyone who doesn’t believe, or has forgotten, the atrocities committed by Hamas on Oct. 7.

The clip was released on Wednesday by the Hostages and Missing Families Forum. It was filmed by a group of Palestinian Arab terrorists armed with deadly weapons and body cameras—the latter to document their genocidal attack.

In the video, the men are seen tying up and sexually abusing five female Israel Defense Forces spotters at the Nahal Oz army base, before abducting them to Gaza.

The parents of 19-year-olds Liri Albag, Karina Ariev, Agam Berger, Daniela Gilboa and Naama Levy decided to allow the three-minute horror show—edited to exclude images of the many corpses of the girls’ compatriots—to be broadcast locally and abroad.

“You dogs, we will step on you!” shouts one of the perpetrators in Arabic.

“Take pictures of them,” instructs another.

“Here are the women who can get pregnant,” yet another barbarian announces. “These are the Zionists.”

Staring at the bloodied and bound victims dressed in pajamas, a sleazy predator says in English, “You are so beautiful.”

Though a mere slice of what happened on that Black Sabbath—the massacre of 1,200 innocent people enjoying the Simchat Torah holiday in their homes and at the Nova music festival, burning, raping, beheading and mutilating them, as well as the kidnapping of 250 men, women and children—it promptly went viral. It even made the cover of the New York Post.

Two interrogation videos that the IDF revealed on Thursday, after they’d been obtained and reported by Britain’s Daily Mail newspaper, served as an apt companion to the above. They show father-and-son terrorists—both captured in March by Israeli troops in Gaza—confessing to the rape, murder and abduction of Kibbutz Nir Oz residents on Oct. 7.

Questioned separately, Jamal Hussein Ahmad Radi, 47, and his 18-year-old son, Abdallah, recounted their deeds with no remorse.


“Allahu Akbar” was a campaign slogan in UK local elections   Giulio Meotti

Islamic candidates won in British local elections because they are the majority. And the UK is not alone in that.  Opinion.

May 27, 2024, 7:00 AM (GMT+3) – Political Islam candidates have won local elections in England in large numbers, simply because they had a majority. These are the consequences of uncontrolled Muslim immigration.

Dark times lie ahead, not just for Great Britain. And this, more than the low numbers of the flaccid Tories who deserved a sound defeat in the general elections, is the most incredible fact.

A Green Party candidate, Mothin Ali, shouted “Allahu Akbar!” after being elected to Leeds City Council, while his supporters waved the Palestinian flag and a silly Green politician clapped her hands.

Incredible, right? But the video is even more so if you look at it from behind. The astonished polling station, the passive police, the newly elected Islamists shouting their slogans of Jihad and submission.

Ali is one of dozens of candidates across the country who “ran for Gaza” and, in doing so, defeated Labor rivals.

As an independent candidate, Akhmed Yakoob secured 20 percent of the votes in Birmingham, which is the second largest British city and already 30 percent Muslim.

Across the country, Labor Party support has plummeted in areas with large Muslim populations.

The Great Mosque of Leeds was once the Catholic Church of the Sacred Heart and the rabbi of the University of Leeds ended up under police protection.

Fantastic isn’t it, multiculturalism?

Meanwhile in Blackburn…

[Ed.:  Remember:  by the time you are hearing “Allahu Akbar!”, it’s already too late!]


CHAPTER 20: In Their Own Words: The Sexual Revolution Begins in Kindergarten   by Linda Goudsmit
Space Is No Longer the Final Frontier—Reality Is (forthcoming release July 2024)

Globalism is a replacement ideology that seeks to reorder the world into one singular, planetary Unistate, ruled by the globalist elite. The globalist war on nation-states cannot succeed without collapsing the United States of America. The long-term strategic attack plan moves America incrementally from constitutional republic to socialism to globalism to feudalism. The tactical attack plan uses asymmetric psychological and informational warfare to destabilize Americans and drive society out of objective reality into the madness of subjective reality. America’s children are the primary target of the globalist predators.

May 26, 2024  Planned Parenthood[i] is the instrument of “transformative sexual change” in the United States. Marketed as scientificand evidence-based, transformative sexual change advocates changing restrictive laws that hinder the exercise of reproductive rights, and transforming social norms that perpetuate prejudices on reproductive rights. Over 40 percent of the organization’s revenue comes from your tax dollars in the form of government reimbursements and grants. Planned Parenthood (PP) is a political organization that disguises its political agenda as health education. My last book, The Collapsing American Family: From Bonding to Bondage (Chapter 10, “The Scheme and the Schemers Determined to Reeducate America”), exposes Planned Parenthood’s infiltration of the classroom, and its catastrophic Marxist agenda.

In an August 20, 2020, Daily Signal article, “Problematic Women: Planned Parenthood Ideology ‘Killing the Family,’ Ex-Volunteer Says,”[ii] Monica Cline, former volunteer and “comprehensive sex educator” at Planned Parenthood, is quoted. She explains how children were being pressured and deliberately sexualized in school because no adult was offering them the alternative of abstinence.

At one point she asks a group of thirteen- and fourteen-year-olds, “Guys, do you realize you don’t have to have sex? You don’t have to have oral sex, vaginal sex, or anal sex. And if you don’t, you never have to come in contact with someone else’s body fluids.” A little girl raised her hand and said, “Ma’am, no one has ever told us that.” That was the turning point for Monica Cline. She finally and fully understood:

There is a “huge movement to normalize childhood sex.” The sex education program of Planned Parenthood is “encouraging children to dehumanize themselves and each other, making them sexually active at a young age, normalizing every sexual behavior…. By doing that those children become dependent on getting condoms and contraceptives and getting treated, and yes, even getting abortions. And so, once that dependency occurs, and the parent who is purposely left out of the picture, there’s no one else who’s really guiding those children…. They empathize with them and say, “Oh, yeah. Your mom and dad would probably be really mad to know you are sexually active. But we know it is perfectly normal, and we’re here to help you.” … It sounds so positive. But what they are really doing is creating a barrier between a family and their child, the guidance of a parent.


Harvard is Anti-Semitic. Meet the Kid Who’s Changing That   [58:49]

May 25, 2024  Members first on May 24, 2024  Inspiration for the Nation Podcast

Shabbos Kestenbaum is a graduate student at Harvard Divinity School and the lead plaintiff against Harvard University alleging pervasive and systemic antisemitism. He’s spoken to congress and been extremely brave calling out the blatant hatred for the Jewish people on campus.

Porto Jewish community to produce film on children kidnapped during inquisition  [19:06]   By JERUSALEM POST STAFF

The film titled “The 2,000 Exiled Jewish Children” recounts the story of children who were taken from their homes and exiled to the island of Sao Tome. 

MAY 26, 2024 11:53 – The Jewish community of Porto announced last week that its representatives would be producing a film highlighting the lives of 2,000 Jewish children who were kidnapped from their families in Portugal in 1493.

The film titled “The 2,000 Exiled Jewish Children,” which is set to premiere by the end of 2024, recounts the story of children who were taken from their homes and exiled to the island of Sao Tome on the African coast. Following a year on the island, only 600 of them survived.

The event was organized by the Jewish community on the occasion of the anniversary of the Portuguese inquisition, the community noted.

The event was attended by some 1,000 children who visited the Porto Jewish Museum alongside the Holocaust Museum.

The announcement follows the community’s release in April of the film “1506-The Lisbon Genocide”  [19:06]  which narrates the three-day-massacre of the Jews of Lisbon in 1506.


Startling HIDDEN MOTIVE Behind Iran’s FAILED April 14th AERIAL ASSAULT on Israel   [18:32]

May 25, 2024 Join Yair Pinto in Jerusalem as he describes the miraculous defense against Iran’s massive aerial attack on Israel on April 14th. Pinto details the events leading up to the assault and examines the high-tech, aerial defense systems used to eliminate the threat. While Iran appears to have made several key mistakes in their attempted attack, was there more to this supposed “failure” than meets the eye? Stay up-to-date with the latest developments here on TBN Israel.


What about the children of Gaza?    Leonie Ben Simon

They are being brought up to hate, to murder. That shows no sign of changing.  Op-ed.

May 24, 2024, 8:44 AM (GMT+3) INN – You and the rest of the world see the poor little children of Gaza in front of our eyes being broadcast live on the media. Never mind the false and inflated figure, some children in Gaza are suffering.

How can children be responsible, you ask? They need to be saved. You don’t sleep. You pity them. So do most decent human beings.

The Bible, on the other hand, has rules of war which include men, women and children of the enemy to be annihilated. Abraham didn’t try to save the children of Sodom, nor did Saul spare the children of the Amalekites. How is that?

Children in Gaza, you say? Yes, they are born innocent, as are all children. But then you must understand that they are not your children. They are provided an education by their parents and their whole society which directs them from babyhood to grow up to annihilate the Jews of Israel and of the world. Little Mohammed will grow up to be a big Mohammed, a Hamas soldier, supported by his mother and the other women in his life.

After the murders, rapes, burning and mutilations of Israeli adults, children and babies the whole of Gaza celebrated. That included Gaza’s children. Gazan children hit and taunted crying young Israeli hostages in a quickly removed video clip

Are there innocents there? Previously, in a free and democratic election the population, their parents, chose to elect Hamas

You are not bringing up their children. They are not yours. They are being brought up to hate, to murder and unless other countries take them (and none seem to want them) we have to change our mindset and stop seeing them as poor little children. They are part of Hamas. In their summer camps, they practice killing Jews.

Difficult for you? No one is intentionally harming Gazan children, Israeli soldiers and pilots do not fire if they see children, even when used as Hamas human shields. but look at the thousands of children dying in Sudan. Now. And the photos of dead Jewish children in the Holocaust. Over one million. Did anyone help them

The Gazans are responsible for their own children. We did not see them protest when Hamas placed launchers in schools and in their homes.

The United Nations has been responsible for funding their warmongering education.

Israel does not target children and warns Gazans to move prior to entering their cities in the war. Those who do not evacuate are responsible for what happens to their children.

You must understand this after how Hamas treated our truly innocent children, little ones brought up on songs of peace and beauty: it is either us or them.


How the Hamas pogrom galvanized Israel’s enemies    Melanie Phillips

Hostility to the Jewish state goes wide and deep, apparently further than some thought before Oct. 7.

May 23, 2024, 6:53 PM (GMT+3) INN – (JNS) There has been widespread outrage over the decision by the International Criminal Court prosecutor to request arrest warrants for Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, and its minister of defense, Yoav Gallant, on charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity in Gaza.

U.S. President Joe Biden called it “outrageous.” British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said it was “a deeply unhelpful development” and that the ICC prosecutor, who also requested arrest warrants for the leaders of Hamas, was wrong to draw a moral equivalence between Israel and the terrorist group.

However, Britain’s Labour Party, which is widely expected to win power at the general election that has been called for July 4, backed the prosecutor’s move.

This outright hostility was a marked change from Labour’s previous cautious support for Israel’s attempt to destroy Hamas. Many have assumed that the party is running scared of Muslim voters, who have emerged as a significant bloc demanding anti-Israel and Islamic policies as the price of Muslim electoral support.

Hostility to Israel, however, goes far wider and deeper than this.

The ICC prosecutor, Karim Khan, is a British lawyer from a barristers’ set in London that deals with common law issues such as personal injury and employment law.

Khan drew upon the opinion of a panel of mostly British human-rights lawyers he had appointed to advise him, and whom he used as a human shield for his absurd claim that Israel had been starving Gaza’s civilians, willfully killing them and obstructing delivery of humanitarian aid.

These lawyers were described by the prosecutor as “impartial.” However, they were anything but. Some had associations with Palestinian Arab causes; others had previously expressed often virulent anti-Israel views.

One member of this panel was the lawyer Baroness Helena Kennedy, a longtime radical-left campaigner and honorary patron of the London-based charity, Medical Aid for Palestinians.

Three weeks after the Oct. 7 pogrom, Kennedy warned against “collective punishment” by Israel, referred to the Gaza Strip as “being reduced to rubble” and accused Israel of cutting off Gaza’s water supplies.

But her most disgusting statement was in a speech she made on genocide in March. She told the House of Lords: “The current conflict between Hamas and Israel follows decades of terrible conduct, by both the IDF and Hamas, before, during and after 7 October.”

So in the view of this doyenne of “human rights,” Israeli soldiers who desperately tried to fight off the Hamas stormtroopers, even while they were continuing to perpetrate depraved atrocities against Israeli women, children and men, were guilty of “terrible conduct” in doing so.


Leftists and Jihadists: strange bedfellows   Giulio Meotti

Who are the winners of Gaza? The Islamist international. Well managed between jihadism and the useful idiots of the West,    Opinion.

May 24, 2024, 9:00 AM (GMT+3) – “Strange Bedfellows” is not just a 1964 film starring Rock Hudson and Gina Lollobrigida. In politics and war they are called “bedfellows”, but the radical left’s love affair with Islamic fanatics is the strangest couple that ever existed. Even Hitler and Stalin had much more in common.

How to explain the infatuation and alliance of progressivism with Islamic fundamentalists who kill Jews and Christians, want to replace secularism with sharia, subjugate women and cut off the heads of those who draw a harmless cartoon?

“Jihad Woke”. This is what Abe Greenwald in the monthly Commentary calls the new “bedfellows” and the cultural cancer that is devastating Western universities in its third stage. It is the alliance of all extremisms (sexual, racial, ecological, cultural) and Islamists.

This is why Gilles Kepel – France’s leading Islamic scholar – has just said that October 7th will have a deeper strategic impact than September 11th because, unlike the attack on the Twin Towers, the Hamas pogrom broke the West in two.

Just look at the 4,000 demonstrators who marched in front of the Munich synagogue two days ago demanding the destruction of Israel. An eyewitness told Nius that “the noise could be heard in the prayer room” of the synagogue. Rabbi Abraham Cooper, head of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, told i24NEWS: “It is scandalous that the government allowed a pro-Hamas crowd to march on the Munich synagogue on the holy day of Shabbat. Four thousand anti-Semites were given permission to curse Israel in front of a Jewish house of prayer!”.

Meanwhile, they attacked the Holocaust memorial in Moabit (Berlin). There was a synagogue where today the memorial commemorates the Nazi murders. It survived the pogrom of 1938. From 1941, the Nazis used the synagogue as a collection center for Jews. Tens of thousands of people spent their last nights in Berlin here before being deported to concentration and extermination camps loaded onto freight wagons like cattle for slaughter. On one wall are listed the dates of a total of 63 deportation transports to the gas chambers of Eastern Europe.

They opened the gates of hell and justified everything.

Kamel Daoud, the Algerian writer, explains in Le Point what is happening: “Who are the winners of Gaza? The Islamist international. A global KO. Well managed between jihadism and the useful idiots of the West, this galaxy has managed to achieve an unthinkable victory. This includes collective prayers in American universities, the tutelage of the European radical left, and the infiltration of the media.”

“The Islamist international has managed to universalize its equations: the world is a Jewish conspiracy and Palestine is the state of Allah. But democracy is also hypocrisy. Therefore? ‘Islam is the solution’ was the slogan of Islamists in Egypt. The world lies, except for ‘us’. These ‘liberators’ from servitude, who managed to create an identity starting from the veil, make the keffiyeh a flag of their cause. Palestine is not their goal.”

Just look at the minute of silence observed at the UN for the Iranian Raisi. Do they do this for all deceased heads of state? No. Maybe they would do it again for Goebbels.

The destruction of the West: that is the goal.  [Emphasis added]

Universities are the stronghold of the woke religion, but now there are those who say no.

Three students with keffiyeh and a video with an ISIS-style scenography. We are at the University of Turin, Italy.

In Belgium, the universities have started to ban Israeli universities.

“The inhabitants of Gaza do not need these spoiled children who want to earn a little glory, running around the corridors of universities in beautiful brand new keffiyehs” writes Algerian Boualem Sansal.

Now we see ecologists openly siding with Islamic extremists. “They have abandoned classic environmental defense to move towards what the ultra-left calls intersectionality,” Olivier Vial, director of Ceru, a university think tank, explains to Le Figaro. Vial says that Israel is seen in the decolonial movement “as the very figure of the colonizer” and the Jew “as a sort of ‘super white’ who should be deconstructed.” Exactly the opposite of the truth.

There are 109 verses in the Quran that command violence, often explicit violence, by Muslims against non-Muslims. But no matter what depths of depravity radical Islam reaches, it remains fenced in by the impregnable force field of “Islamophobia,” a major sin of the woke catechism and zealously applied by the left.

We are sliding towards the most abject and nihilistic radicalism with virtually no reaction. Now there are beginning to be signs that changes are afoot in many US universities disgusted by the wokery. But they are not taking place at the same pace or everywhere. There are rivers of money upstream to be drained, so many cultural institutions could sink even deeper into an oppressive and pro-Islamic monoculture.


Finally, perplexed, bothered, and bewildered   Jack Engelhard

At a time when Israel is being pummeled from all sides, Israeli leaders need to get their act together and speak in a single Churchillian voice. Opinion.

May 23, 2024, 11:51 PM (GMT+3) – Will the real Benjamin Netanyahu please stand up? The more I read, the more confused I get.

My critics will say…so stop reading so much. But I can’t help myself, because as a writer, it is my duty to save the world, starting with Israel.

So, here’s a secret, which I now reveal for the first time in the history of journalism and literature. So here goes: Every writer thinks he is special and that his sayings are unique. Every writer thinks he has the answer. We all think that our latest book, our latest op-ed will solve everything.

The world will bestow us with garlands, gratitudes, and prizes, because at last the final word has been written. No more writing needs to be done.

Out goes every newspaper, every website. We have made them all obsolete.

Until, we wake up in the morning to discover that we hardly made a splash. As I often say, NOBODY CARES. Worse, our accusers take turns ripping us to shreds.

We have accomplished nothing. Recall F. Scott Fitzgerald’s lament, “Why all this writing? Nobody reads me.”

So we start all over again, because this time…maybe THIS TIME…

What we do, then, is go back to reading to decide what position to take, which makes sense, except that nothing makes sense. All is confusion, paradox and contradiction.

Thus, a few days ago, Israel’s defense minister, Yoav Gallant, met with US officials and bought the [Democrat] party message hook, line and sinker, saying that after the dust has settled, Israel should not re-take Gaza, but rather hand it back to the Arabs, suggesting that Mahmoud Abbas and his Palestinian Authority would be an excellent choice.

This was met with howls of…are you nuts?

Truly, strange things happen when Israeli leaders meet Blinken and others of that sort…and remember, this is supposed to be a right-wing government.

Until it isn’t.

So why are we fighting…for the benefit of Abbas and his terrorists? The IDF heroes, risking life and limb, deserve better.

At a time when Israel is being pummeled from all sides, Israeli leaders need to get their act together and speak in a single Churchillian voice. Clarity please when the ICC casts a dark shadow over Netanyahu and the Jewish State, and when Ireland, Spain and Norway take the side of terrorists by agreeing to recognize a “Palestinian” state.

Lest we forget that moment of silence for the butcher of Tehran.

Meanwhile, the war goes on, and we learn that only about a third of the Hamas terrorists have been eliminated, while newly-minted Nazis riot on street and campus.

Wobbly won’t do in the face of all this.

Entering the flare-up was Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who smoked out Gallant with mockery, saying that Israel will never trade Hamas-land for Fatah-land.

Sanity at last.

Or so you thought…until Netanyahu appeared on CNN to reverse himself, insisting that Israel has no plan to re-take Gaza.

Rather, it should be governed by the PA, plus an assortment of international troops.

Bottom Line…same old story. Nothing has been learned.

Continue reading


Leo Hohmann: NATO Has Become the Military Wing of a Globalist Power Structure That Promotes the Self-Destruction of All Nations and a Depopulated World    By Leo Hohmann

May 25, 2024 7:00 am – One of NATO’s primary missions is to spread instability throughout the world, using the military-industrial complex to bully and intimidate countries non-compliant with a militant anti-family anti-God agenda flowing out of Western capitals and promoted by Western media.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg asserted on Friday the alliance’s commitment to defending the rights of LGBTQ individuals, aligning with numerous Western officials, institutions, and organizations in commemorating the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, and Transphobia.

Author Jose Nino summed it up nicely in a piece for Big League Politics:

“The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is committed to spreading degenerate values abroad.  With Russia seemingly making major gains against NATO-backed Ukrainian forces in Eastern Ukraine, NATO leaders have been engaging in bizarre virtue signaling to divert attention away from the abject failure of this proxy war against Russia.

“Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 24, 2022, NATO Secretary Jens Stoltenberg has been particularly vocal about NATO’s values and why it’s an institution that has to be trusted despite its long track record of causing instability abroad — from Serbia all the way to Libya.”

On Friday, May 17, Stoltenberg, reaffirmed NATO’s commitment to LGBTQ+ values by arrogantly proclaiming in a post to X the current Western value system and what it is based upon:

Nino reminds us of why NATO was founded in the first place, in the wake of World War II in 1949. It was to counter the Soviet Union’s influence on the European continent.

“However, since the collapse of the Soviet Union, NATO has worked to remake the world in America’s increasingly dysfunctional image. Its interventions in the Balkans all the way to Libya have brought nothing but harm and instability.”

NATO is no longer seen by most nations of the world as a defensive alliance.


Why progressives want to forget George Floyd   Kat Rosenfield

BLM revolutionaries squandered their opportunity

MAY 24, 2024 – Leonard, the hero of Christopher Nolan’s Memento, cannot form new memories. This poses something of a problem when you’re trying to find the guy who killed your wife. Her brutal murder is the last thing Leonard remembers, and he has been hunting for the perpetrator ever since. To survive in the present, he has a stack of Polaroids that he uses to identify friends and a carpeting of tattoos on his body, including the words JOHN G RAPED AND MURDERED MY WIFE draped across his collarbones. This is written backwards, so that he can read it every time he looks in the mirror. It is his purpose. It tells him who he is.

Because a human epidermis only has so much square footage, Leonard has to be ruthless about retaining only the information that serves his purpose, resigning the rest to the abyss. But the twist of Memento, when it comes, reveals more than the limits of a life defined by a quest for vengeance that will be forgotten as soon as it is achieved; it reminds us that memory can be treacherous, that history is narrative, and that sometimes, in the single-minded pursuit of justice, we do things we’d rather forget.

I was reminded of the film while reading Morning After the Revolution, the new book by journalist Nellie Bowles. Described as “a moment of collective psychosis preserved in amber”, it is a look back at the social justice movement which had been simmering under the surface of American society since roughly 2014, then exploded into a reckoning four years ago tomorrow, when George Floyd was murdered by police in Minneapolis. The book is, among other things, a historical record — one that the movement in question would definitely not choose to permanently inscribe on its skin. The fact that Bowles used to be a New York Times writer and card-carrying member of the woke crowd herself makes her account at once more credible to the reader and less convenient to its subjects.


The Free World: An Alarming Status Report   by Majid Rafizadeh
May 25, 2024 at 5:00 am

  • It seems urgent for the long-term survival of the United States and the Free World – where people enjoy unprecedented freedom of speech, property rights, economic opportunity, religious freedom and other civil liberties – not to accept assaults on these hard-won achievements either at home or abroad.
  • Adversaries have become increasingly empowered, and allies may well be losing confidence in the West’s leadership. This week it was announced that three countries in Europe, Ireland, Norway and Spain – all of which have long, unfortunate histories of antisemitism – plan to recognizing a Palestinian State that will be terrorist.
  • US President Joe Biden assured Russia in 2022 that a “minor incursion” into Ukraine would be all right. Predators do not “do” minor.
  • The Biden administration handed over Afghanistan to a terrorist group, the Taliban; now it looks as if the Biden administration and these three racist countries in Europe are determined to hand Gaza to another terrorist group, Iran’s proxy, Hamas, which openly says it is more committed than ever to destroying its free, democratic neighbor, Israel.
  • Israel is trying to protect its citizens and maintain its sovereignty in the face of relentless aggression, while battling not only Hamas but also two illegitimate antisemitic courts (the International Criminal Court and the International Court of Justice), the antisemitic United Nations, antisemitic European countries, well-funded antisemitic demonstrations in the West, and the Biden administration… [which] for years has been trying to force out Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
  • The US would doubtless prefer an Israeli prime minister who would allow Hamas to remain in control of Gaza and reconstitute its military capabilities; who would allow the creation of a terrorist Palestinian state bordering Israel, and who would stand aside as genocidal Iran obtains nuclear weapons.
  • In addition, the Communist Chinese regime, seeing the Biden administration reward aggression, past, present, and presumably future, is encircling the Philippines and Taiwan and sending tens of thousands of young men of military age in packs across America’s southern border, and more than 5,000 over its northern one.
  • One can only wonder which of the likely leaders of the Free World will permit — or put a stop to — these staggering negative trends of geopolitical deterioration in the future.


Open Letter to Israel President Isaac Herzog   By David Bedein | Center for Near East Policy Research

May 24, 2024 – As the President of Israel, you envision an era of “normalization” with Saudi Arabia That would sit well with Israel.

However, “normalization” does not exist in law or diplomacy.

Saudi Arabia, kingpin of the Arab League of Nations, has led an active state of war on Zionism since the first day of Israel’s creation in 1948, in accordance with the charter of the Arab League of Nations, which promotes the liquidation of the Jews in Palestine.

The same goes for the Saudi proxy, the Palestine Liberation Organization, the PLO, which in 1964 issued a charter for the annihilation of the Jews of Palestine, a charter which was supposed to have been cancelled at the outset of the Middle East peace process in 1993 – but was not.

In the normalization, will you ask the Saudis to take the following steps?

  1. Cancellation of the state of war with Israel
  2. Directing Saudi-funded UNRWA education to encourage peace education by removing Palestinian texts and teachers who continue to preach war against Jews. The PA schools feature a 4thgrade textbook dedicated to the legacy of Dalal Al-Mughrabi, a woman terrorist who commandeered a bus and murdered more than 30 passengers, including 13 children.
  3. Removal the PA war curriculum


  1. Directing Saudi funds for UNRWA to settle descendants of Arab refugees from the 1948 war, who now dwell in 59 “temporary” UN refugee camps under the pretense of the “right of return” to a pre-1948 that no longer exists. At this point in time, the Palestinian Authority instils in the minds of every child that their only future lies in villages which were left in 1948.


  1. Demanding the repeal of the PA law which provides a salary for life for anyone who murders a Jew. This is a legalized incentive to murder.


  1. Will the Saudis ask the PA to remove new PA maps which obliterate Israel? A policy of normalization would present UN maps which portray all UN members in good standing, including Israel.


  1. Will Saudi aid to Middle East Studies programs at universities around the world now require the removal of curricula which denies the Jewish connection to the land of Israel?

In short, do you believe that Saudi normalization must remove the vestiges of war from Saudi policy?

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Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.