Daily Shmutz | COMMENTARY / OPINION  | 5/30/23


Horowitz: The shocking degree of political betrayal from Kevin McCarthy   DANIEL HOROWITZ

May 30, 2023 – Imagine a family facing impending bankruptcy while suddenly hitting their credit limit. Typically, that family would make serious lifestyle changes to balance the budget, and if they found it necessary to take out a new line of credit, they would only do so for the minimal amount necessary for a short period of time. Well, when it comes to the uniparty in Washington, after the $11 trillion COVID spending and money-printing orgy, they responded to calls for spending cuts and reforms … by allowing an all-you-can-eat debt buffet from now until 2025! Don’t worry, they gave us a couple of spending and accounting gimmicks in return.
The central flaw in McCarthy’s approach to this deal was his entire messaging in the lead-up to this act of political adultery. Rather than drawing a line in the sand on the GOP-passed bill and then making the battle about debt, inflation, and the weaponization of government, he made the battle about getting Biden to negotiate and about not defaulting on the debt. In other words, he conveyed the message that Republicans fear not raising the debt limit just as much as the Democrats. Perforce, Biden easily agreed to “negotiate” so McCarthy could say he got “something” other than a “clean” debt limit increase. Once Biden agreed to negotiate and McCarthy wrongly validated June 1 as a drop-dead deadline, he had no leverage left. Hence, the interception rather than a touchdown in the form of the debt ceiling bill.


Are Independent Nation-States Obsolete?   ROBERT W MALONE MD, MS

Is a globalized command-economy unelected technocracy a viable alternative?

MAY 30, 2023 – As we emerge from the psychological trauma of the COVID crisis, the data and receipts in the form of FOIA’ed documents are coming in from all over the world demonstrating that governments and transnational organizations (NGO, WHO etc.) have completely failed to respond in a measured, mature and appropriate manner to the infectious disease “threat” of COVID, to the extent that this genetically engineered virus really has been a threat to the majority of the global human population. In particular it is now well documented that the members of the “five eyes” intelligence community cooperative (UK, USA, Canada, NZ, Australia), have intentionally and consciously deployed propaganda and military-grade psy-ops methods to “convince”, coerce and compel their citizens to accept an experimental medical treatment (the genetic SARS-CoV-2 “vaccine”) without informed consent or really any shred of respect for personal bodily autonomy. Let alone adequate clinical data demonstrating safety and effectiveness in preventing infection, replication, spread, disease or death by SARS-CoV-2.

As if that is not enough, please also recall the enforced use of sham paper mouth/nose masquerades whose primary positive utility appears to have been for enabling efficient and globally harmonized virtue signaling, and of course the clear political overreach of the “lockdowns”, which were predicted by more mature and experienced voices to cause far more harm than good and of which prediction time (and data) have clearly vindicated those many sane “conspiracy theorists”.

The list of lies and manipulations which supposedly “democratic” governments have willingly imposed on their citizens in the name of “public health” is enormous. And still they persist with their lying.

“They lie to us, we know they’re lying, they know we know they’re lying, but they keep lying to us, and we keep pretending to believe them” : Alexander Solzhenitsyn.


Homeschooling Is Key To Preserving Liberty   By Ron Paul, MD

May 30, 2023 – The most recent release from the federally funded Nation’s Report Card shows that 40 percent of eighth graders lack even a basic understanding of US history, while only 14 percent are proficient or advanced in history. This score from 2022 showing so many students lack basic understanding is bad. It also indicates a continuation of a decline that started in 2018, the last time the score was previously reported.

This report should frighten everyone who wants to restore limited, constitutional government and a true free-market economy. Students who graduate high school without basic knowledge of how the government is supposed to work and why the drafters of the Constitution designed it the way they did, as well as the history of the US, are more likely to fall for the lies of authoritarian demagogues who promise economic and personal security in exchange for the people’s liberty.

Even scarier is the fact that many government schools have replaced history and civics with critical race theory, transgender ideology, and other forms of cultural Marxism. Contrary to claims of its defenders, opponents of critical race theory do not object to teaching students the truth about America’s racial history. Instead, critics object to teaching students that the free market is irredeemably racist and thus must be replaced by rule by the “woke.”

Similarly, critics of promoting transgender ideology in schools are not motivated by a desire to punish adults who decide they wish to identify as a different gender. Instead, the motivation is a desire to protect children from being exposed to these and similar topics at an inappropriate age. There are also legitimate concerns over allowing children to have life-altering gender reassignment medical treatments. How is it rational to tell a 13-year-old he cannot choose to have a beer but he can choose to alter his gender? And how is it rational or fair to allow boys to play on girls sports teams simply because the boys have switched pronouns?

The good news in all this madness is that it is encouraging more parents to look into alternatives to government schools such as homeschooling. I have long believed that future leaders of the liberty movement will come from the ranks of homeschoolers. This is a reason why I have started my own homeschool curriculum.


Medvedev guarantees Russia will nuke America if Biden deploys F-16s   Mike Adams

We now know how the United States gets hit with nuclear weapons. Biden is promising to deploy nuclear-capable F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine, which would put the US within easy striking distance of key Russian targets.

In its defense, Russia now says (through former president Medvedev) that it will pre-emptively launch nuclear missiles against the United States of America. That means nuclear strikes on key U.S. cities may be just weeks away, unless somebody backs down.

Almost nobody is really prepared for a nuclear war in the United States. Are you?

[1:15:52 – 0:00 Intro; 2:50 The Worst Deal; 18:43 Finance; 33:28 Texas; 40:44 Nuclear War]

– House Speaker Kevin McCathy CAVES to Biden on the debt ceiling

– Now clear the USA will print money to the point of collapse

– The fate of the dollar (and the USA) is now sealed

– USA could DEFAULT on debt as early as June

– Target partners with satanist to push for child mutilations

– Target loses $10 billion in 10 days as boycott accelerates

– Tranny terrorists threaten to BOMB five Target stores for pulling some LGBT displays

– USA Today LIES to its readers, falsely claiming Target bomb threats due to conservatives

– State Farm halts new home insurance policies in California due to impending catastrophe

– Texas AG Ken Paxton impeached by cabal of RINOs and Dems, all funded by Big Pharma and Big Tech

– Paxton needs our support to survive the senate trial

– Former Russian president Medvedev promises pre-emptive nuclear strike against the West if F-16s are given to Ukraine

– Certain F-16 fighter jets can carry nuclear weapons

– Biden has found the perfect way to make sure America is nuked

– This would allow the Obiden regime the perfect cover story for financial collapse and martial law


What does WOKE really mean – and what is its purpose?   [28:20]    TIERNEY’S REAL NEWS

MAY 29, 2023A friend sent me this lecture which defines what WOKE is and what its purpose is. I knew WOKE was “Communism” but didn’t understand how all the “identity groups” fit together – other than a way to distract us and turn us against each other.

I’ve never heard it explained this way and I think this is RIGHT ON. Here’s the video followed by a transcription. It’s easy to understand. Must watch TV for all…

JAMES LINDSAY: “Woke is supposed to advance “equity” in Europe. So here’s the definition of equity and see if it sounds like a definition of anything else you’ve ever heard of?

The definition of “equity” comes from the public administration literature. It was written by a man named George Frederickson and the definition is:

”An administered political economy in which shares are adjusted so that citizens are made equal.”

Does that sound like anything you’ve heard of before? Like socialism, they’re going to administer an economy to make shares equal? The only difference between equity and socialism is the type of property that they redistribute, the type of shares they’re going to redistribute – social and cultural capital – in addition to economic and material capital.


Scott Ritter – Poland Seeks to Occupy Part of Ukraine  [43:58]   Douglas Macgregor Col


WAYNE ROOT: If Billion Dollar Brands Want to Commit Suicide, Let’s Help Them! Move Over Disney and Bud Light. Here’s the New #1 Target.   By Wayne Allyn Root

May 26, 2023 1:15 pm -This is what Obama would call a “TEACHABLE MOMENT.” It’s time to teach woke corporate America a lesson they’ll never forget.

There are things we can control, and things we can’t. We all know the 2020 election was rigged and stolen. We all know many races in the 2022 midterms were rigged and stolen too (see Kari Lake). We’re all worried that nothing has changed and therefore 2024 will be rigged and stolen.

I’m sure Democrats would now say, “Really? Stolen? How?”

I can start with the FBI…DOJ…CIA…Deep State…social media…mainstream media…the next deadly pandemic…mail-in ballots without Voter ID…ballot drop boxes…ballot harvesting…or how about open borders?

Or did you think we haven’t noticed Biden and his Marxist pals are waving in millions of foreigners/illegal aliens/criminals to “fundamentally change America forever.” This is the very definition of “foreign interference in elections.”

So, elections may be out of our control. We will never give up, or give in. We will vote, donate and fight to the last man, to the last minute. But if elections are rigged against us, we may be powerless to defeat the evil, radical left- even if we make up the majority of voters, even if we’re winning elections by a landslide.

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About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.