Daily Shmutz | COMMENTARY / OPINION  | 5/9/24



The Gantz Megillah   BY GADI TAUB

How America is using ex-IDF Chief Benny Gantz as its Trojan horse to impose U.S. demands—and ensure Israel’s defeat in Gaza

May 7, 2024 – In the eyes of the Biden administration Hamas is the smaller problem. The bigger problem is Benjamin Netanyahu. The U.S. is willing to live with Iran’s proxies everywhere, as part of its “regional integration” policy—i.e., appeasing Iran. But they are unwilling to live with Benjamin Netanyahu’s coalition. The stubborn Netanyahu clearly does not want to learn from his would-be tutors like U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken how to “share the neighborhood” with genocidaires in Gaza, Judea and Samaria, Lebanon, and Tehran, whom his electorate understands to be bent on murdering them.

If the Netanyahu problem is too big to contain, then it follows that it must be solved. And it seems that the Biden administration has zeroed in on what Tony Badran has called a Herodian solution: finding a local proxy who will impose the U.S. agenda on a reluctant Israeli electorate.

King Herod the Great won his throne because the Roman Empire stepped in and helped him defeat his Israelite adversaries. The American empire wants to help install Benny Gantz as Israel’s next prime minister for the same reason: The plan is for the administration to help him defeat Netanyahu, then for him to assemble a dovish coalition that will return Israel to the two-state track negotiations—which, though unlikely to produce two states, would nevertheless help “de-escalate” in Gaza, the last hot spot in the region where Iran’s power is actually challenged.

Since the whole Democratic Party’s Middle East policy is at stake, the pressure on Israel has been relentless. Never before has an American administration worked so systematically to undermine Israeli democracy and sovereignty, an effort that is especially shocking in the context of an existential war for survival following a heinous, large-scale terrorist murder spree. Wars provide opportunities, and it seems clear that the opportunity that the Biden administration saw in the Oct. 7 attacks had less to do with ensuring Israel’s security than it did with stifling any remaining resistance to Washington’s pro-Iran regional integration policy.


SHOCKING: Biden BETRAYS Israel After Rafah  [51:45]  Caroline Glick

May 9, 2024  JNS TV- Biden takes an unprecedented move and stops a weapons transfer to Israel as the Jewish State makes moves to finish Hamas.


Jonathan Pollard: Benjamin Netanyahu’s Infamous Legacy  [31:42]   Machon Shilo

May 8, 2024Discussion between former Prisoner of Zion, Jonathan Pollard and the head of Machon Shilo, Rabbi David Bar-Hayim


Jonathan Pollard: Emperor Netanyahu Has No Clothes  [6:41]   Machon Shilo

May 9, 2024 – Discussion between former Prisoner of Zion, Jonathan Pollard and the head of Machon Shilo, Rabbi David Bar-Hayim


The Shoah: An Event of Overbearing Magnitude   By Alex Grobman
May 9, 2024 – “There are events of such overbearing magnitude that one ought not to remember them all the time, but one must not forget either. Such an event is the Holocaust,” declared Rabbi Israel Spira, the Bluzhover Rebbe.

Although the rebbe survived the Shoah, his wife and children were not so fortunate—all of them were murdered by the Nazis.

Remembering is a critical part of what it means to be a Jew, Rabbi Yitz Greenberg reminds us. Because we recall that we were once slaves in the land of Egypt, we view those living in desperate circumstances differently from people who never suffered. Our memory and experience of the Exodus commands us to treat people with love and compassion.

Memory guides our response, the rabbi notes. When memories fade, the climate for Holocaust deniers is created. Holocaust denial is not a Jewish issue alone. It is an attempt to distort the way in which we convey the past to the future. If we are concerned about the way history is communicated, we must be vigilant about transmitting facts without allowing those with their own agenda to obscure or falsify our understanding of the past.

Preserving the memory of the Holocaust enables us to understand how the Germans used the latest technology in their attempt to destroy the Jews of Europe.

 The Fragility of Civilization

Studying the Holocaust is essential for understanding the role and responsibilities of individuals, organizations and nations when confronted with the policies of annihilation. German journalist Heinz Hoöhne described the need to recognize this obligation when he declared, “The sensational fact, the really horrifying feature, of the annihilation of the Jews, was that thousands of respectable fathers of families made murder their official business and yet, when off duty, still regarded themselves as ordinary law-abiding citizens who were incapable even of thinking of straying from the strict path of virtue.”

Henrich Himmler, Reichsföhrer SS, expected the mass massacres had to be implemented “coolly and cleanly,” Hoöhne said. “Even while obeying the official order to commit murder, the SS man must remain ‘decent.’”


REVOLUTION Outside The Met Gala   Ben Shapiro

[Ed.: I recommend the whole video. But if you don’t have time, try to listen to 17 to 32 minutes.]


Palestinian State?   Ambassador (ret.) Yoram Ettinger

US policy in the Middle East: speculation vs. track record?
May 8, 2024
On April 29, 2024, Secretary of State, Blinken, expressed his hopeful vision: “We continue to work… on a plan to build a just and lasting peace, a pathway to a state of the Palestinians with guarantees for Israel’s security as part of a more integrated and a more secure region… greater stability in this region and to prevent conflict from spreading….”

*However, policy-making should not be based on hope, but on reality. It should be a derivative of Middle East reality, where Iranian, Hezbollah and Palestinian (PLO and Hamas) terrorists are driven by fanatic visions and by an unwavering commitment to bring their enemies to submission. They are not driven by despair, neither by peaceful coexistence with their enemies, nor by life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. In the Middle East, deeply-rooted zealot ideologies transcend “money talks.”

*Moreover, reality has documented that terrorists bite the hands that feed them, as demonstrated by Iran’s Ayatollahs (whose rise to power was critically assisted by the US), Afghanistan’s Mujahideen (whose victory over the USSR was enabled by the US), Libya’s Islamic terrorists (who gained power due to a US-led NATO military offensive against Qadhafi), the Palestinian Authority (which was imported by Israel into Judea and Samaria), Hamas (which owes much of its terrorist maneuverability to Israel’s disengagement from Gaza), etc.

*Hence, the failure of all State Department’s Israel-Arab peace proposals, which centered on Palestinian interests, contrary to the successful conclusion of six Israel-Arab peace accords, which centered on Arab national interests, denying Palestinians a veto power over the peace process.

*Secretary Blinken’s hope-based vision of a Palestinian state, which would peacefully-coexist with Israel and Jordan and contribute to regional stability, is detached from the 70-year-old Palestinian intra-Arab track record, the 85-year-old interaction with enemies and rivals of the US (Nazi Germany, the Soviet Bloc, Ayatollah Khomeini, Latin American and global terrorism, North Korea, Venezuela, Cuba, Russia, China, the Moslem Brotherhood, etc.), and the 100-year-old anti-Jewish Palestinian terrorism.


The People Setting America on Fire   BY PARK MACDOUGALD

An investigation into the witches’ brew of billionaires, Islamists, and leftists behind the campus protests

May 6, 2024 – Over the past several weeks, Americans have witnessed what has seemed like a mass outpouring of support for terror on elite college campuses. At Columbia, Yale, Princeton, NYU, UCLA, Northwestern, Texas, and elsewhere, masked mobs have occupied schools with tent encampments, established self-proclaimed “autonomous zones,” clashed with police, harassed and threatened visibly Jewish students, and issued demands for their universities to divest from Israeli “genocide.” Politically, moreover, the protests have displayed an incoherent mix of campus progressivism, hardcore Islamism and Arab nationalism, and revolutionary anarchism and communism, including open praise for North Korea. The only unifying thread would appear to be opposition to Israel and its alleged imperial patron, the United States.

Have America’s college students suddenly converted en masse to anarcho-communist-jihadism? Not quite. Many are far left and anti-Israel. Some are foreigners, or the children of foreigners, who have imported the conspiracies and hatreds of their homelands. More, admitted under relaxed pandemic-era admissions standards and proudly ignorant of both American and world history, are taking the “decolonial” half-knowledge pushed by their elders to its logical conclusion.

But students are not the only, and perhaps not even the most important, faction active in the campus protests. As in the “mostly peaceful” Black Lives Matter protests of the summer of 2020, “outside agitators”—professional radicals and organizers, black bloc antifa thugs, Marxist-Leninist revolutionaries, and Palestinian and Islamist radicals—have played a central role in organizing and escalating the campus protests, just as they have organized and escalated the wider anti-Israel protest campaign that began almost immediately after Oct. 7. This largely decentralized network of agitators is, in turn, politically and financially supported by a vast web of progressive nonprofits, NGOs, foundations, and dark-money groups ultimately backed by big-money donors aligned with the Democratic Party.

The first hint that the protests are not entirely organic is their striking resemblance to previous rounds of organized far-left agitation, from the “uprising” of summer 2020 to the rolling antifa vs. Proud Boys brawls of 2016-17. The creation of “liberated” or “autonomous” zones on campus, for instance, is a hallmark of anarchist organizing familiar from Seattle’s Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone and New York’s City Hall Autonomous Zone four summers ago. Familiar, too, is the governance of these zones, with masked security details prohibiting filming from outsiders and directing reporters to trained media representatives. During clashes with police or with counterprotesters, students and their allies have deployed classic “bloc” tactics, covering their faces and dressing in matching outfits to promote anonymity, linking arms to interfere with police attempts to conduct arrests, and attempting “de-arrests”—i.e., the coordinated swarming of police officers—to rescue apprehended comrades. At Yale, student activists doxxed the police officers sent to clear them out of the encampment—another harassment tactic frequently deployed by antifa.


A Palestinian State Will Lead To More Massacres, Final Nail in Coffin Torpedoing Biden Legacy    by Bassam Tawil
May 7, 2024 at 5:00 am

  • If the Saudis were really interested in normalizing their relations with Israel, they could have done so long ago. Saudi Arabia’s de facto ruler, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, is delaying the move, in part, reportedly, out of fear of facing a backlash from his own people. He may, however, also have serious reservations that he would prefer not to talk about in public.
  • Like most Arabs, the Saudis could not care less about a Palestinian state and might secretly prefer not to have one at all. They are no doubt aware that the Palestinians themselves are the biggest obstacle to the establishment of a state of their own. During the past eight decades, they have acted as a serial wrecking ball to every peaceful place they set foot.
  • The last thing most Arab states want is a Hamas-controlled Palestinian state. Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain justifiably regard Hamas and other Islamist groups such as the Muslim Brotherhood as a threat to their national security, most likely the main reason they all have refused to take in Gazan refugees.
  • Blinken’s claim that a Palestinian state would “isolate” Iran and its proxies is pure nonsense. The opposite is the case. Iran, its proxies and Qatar would doubtless be extremely happy if the Biden administration would allow them to establish a terrorist state on Israel’s doorstep. This state would be used by Iran and its terrorists as a launching pad for more October 7-style massacres of Israelis to further their goal of destroying first Israel, then the Arab states.
  • It is Israel — not Iran — that will find itself “isolated” and surrounded by Iran-backed Islamist terrorist groups…
  • A Middle East that includes a Palestinian state controlled by Iran and Islamist terrorists will be a less secure region, especially after Iran acquires nuclear weapons.
  • Biden, by reconfirming that terrorism “works,” would embolden all the other terrorists. Just keep on terrorizing everyone, and, when your demands are met, keep on increasing and hardening them.
  • More significantly, by appeasing Iran, Qatar and potential voters in Michigan by creating a Palestinian state, the Biden administration will in fact be inviting Iran to initiate still more attacks – not only on Israel but also on US forces in the Middle East…. If Iran finally coerces the US to withdraw from the region as it is reportedly thinking of doing, the regime will finally be able to take over its neighbors’ oil fields and holy sites without worrying about the US interfering.
  • Meanwhile, as the Biden administration, busy trying to win re-election in November, seems to have no idea how to end all the conflicts it ignited, directly or indirectly, in Gaza, Ukraine and the Indo-Pacific. The US has been backing both sides of all of them. Iran, presumably taking advantage of these distractions, and perhaps as a consolation prize for losing so much of Hamas -– has been moving to take over Sudan. It is a country rich in oil, gold, rare earth minerals and terrorism — and felicitously positioned to help Iran launch unlimited combat drones – the planet’s new “cheap, instant air force” — at both Israel and US forces, and enable Iran to use Sudan’s port on the Red Sea to continue obstructing maritime traffic.
  • After all, if terrorism “works,” why stop?

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WAYNE ROOT: My Warning to President Trump: This Crisis & Chaos in America is All About Obama. Get Ready for What’s Coming Next. Hint: Michelle Obama.   By Wayne Allyn Root

May. 6, 2024 3:20 pm – Let’s put two and two together.

Start with what’s happening in America at this very moment.

The anarchy on college campuses. That’s not brain-dead Biden. It’s all Obama. Why do you think it’s all centered around Columbia University?

This all started at Columbia University, Class of 1983. I’m a witness. We were taught to hate America and support socialism and communism. Even back then, all my Columbia classmates wanted “Death to America.” We were taught “Cloward-Piven”- the plan to destroy America, the US economy, the great American middle class, and of course, capitalism.

Who was my college classmate back at Columbia? Obama.

The weaponization of government and persecution of President Trump. That’s not brain-dead Biden. It’s all Obama.

That all started with Obama’s presidency. Obama used the NSA and CIA to spy on Trump and then frame Trump with fake “Russian Collusion.” Just like the fake trial going on in New York right now. Take note President Trump. This is Obama going after you.

Obama also used the IRS to try to destroy his critics and opponents. I’m a witness. I was one of Obama’s victims.

Obama used the IRS to try to destroy my life. The IRS was his personal goon squad. Obama used the IRS to threaten, intimidate and terrorize conservatives and conservative non-profits.

When I went public and exposed Obama on Fox News, guess what happened next? Hundreds of GOP donors who had written checks to Mitt Romney’s campaign, contacted me to say they were also victims of IRS attacks only days after writing a check to Romney. You know what this means?

Obama used the IRS to rig the 2012 presidential race.

That was when the rigging and stealing of presidential campaigns begun. Take note President Trump. Trust me, it was Obama who came up with the plan to rig and steal your 2020 election.

How about the massive spending, welfare and debt that is crushing the US economy and producing the worst inflation in modern history. That’s not brain-dead Biden. That all started under Obama too. That’s all “Cloward-Piven.”

The open border and the mass foreign invasion of America. That’s not brain-dead Biden. It’s all Obama.

The border was first opened under Obama. People have short memories. It was so bad back then, I was the opening speaker for candidate Trump at the last Trump rally before the 2016 election. I warned…

“If Hillary wins, it will be the third term of Obama. He will finish the job. Obama will open the border like never before. It will be open borders on STEROIDS. He will wave millions of criminals, gangbangers, radical Islamic terrorists, and military-age males from our enemies across the globe into the USA. Between the crime, welfare, spending, debt and terrorism, we will never recover. And mark my words, millions of illegals will be allowed to vote, and no Republican will ever be elected president again. America will fall.”

No truer words were ever spoken.

It’s all happened exactly as I warned. Except Trump interrupted the plan, so it came four years later. Everything I predicted is happening right now.

The list goes on and on. DEI. CRT. ESG. Green New Deal. Transgender brainwashing. This split with Israel. All of this started under Obama.

For all intents and purposes, Obama is the real President of the United States. He’s giving the orders. He’s coordinating this chaos and crisis.

I know my old college classmate, better than anyone in the world. I know how he plays the game. I’ve correctly warned about and predicted every move he’s made since 2009.

If I were Obama, what would I do next?

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Israel must take steps to reduce reliance on foreign weaponry for war against Hamas – opinion    By BOAZ GOLANY

This is absolutely necessary, but this must be done intelligently and with minimal impact on its economic and social fabric.

MAY 4, 2024 08:12 – Since October 7, 2023, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) have been embroiled in high-intensity battles across multiple fronts, both within and outside of Israel. The replenishment of damaged military platforms and components and the provision of essential ammunition have become paramount to the war effort. However, two key factors have significantly complicated this mission.

Firstly, a global shortage of critical supplies, such as 155-mm. artillery shells, has arisen due to the war in Ukraine, which has diverted many of these resources over the last two years. Secondly, there is a concerning trend of export limitations on armament supplies to Israel (in some cases up to a total embargo) imposed even by traditionally friendly nations such as Italy, Canada, and France.

While the United States has recently approved an unprecedented military aid package to Israel valued at over $14 billion, there are rumors circulating from Washington suggesting that the US may also cease providing Israel with much-needed weaponry, such as precision munitions for its Air Force.

In response to these threats, Israel has already initiated proactive measures to significantly reduce its reliance on foreign military supplies. Can a small country with limited resources realistically achieve such a goal?

The answer is affirmative, as exemplified by North Korea, a nation that has been under stringent international sanctions for decades, yet possesses formidable military capabilities, including ballistic missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads. However, Israel must tread cautiously, as North Korea’s achievements came at horrific economic and social costs, a path Israel must never take.


Can the Current Universities Be Saved? Should They Be?   Victor Davis Hanson @VDHanson 

May 03, 2024 – Elite higher education in America—long unquestioned as globally preeminent—is facing a perfect storm.

Fewer applicants, higher costs, impoverished students, collapsing standards, and increasingly politicized and mediocre faculty reflect a collapse of the university system.

The country is waking up to the reality that a bachelor’s degree no longer equates with graduates being broadly educated and analytical. Just as often, they are stereotyped as pampered, largely ignorant, and gratuitously opinionated.

No wonder polls show a drastic loss of public respect for higher education and, specifically, a growing lack of confidence in the professoriate.


CHAPTER 17: Cultural Terrorism Comes to America    by Linda Goudsmit

Space Is No Longer the Final Frontier—Reality Is (forthcoming release June 2024)
May 5, 2024 – Globalism is a replacement ideology that seeks to reorder the world into one singular, planetary Unistate, ruled by the globalist elite. The globalist war on nation-states cannot succeed without collapsing the United States of America. The long-term strategic attack plan moves America incrementally from constitutional republic to socialism to globalism to feudalism. The tactical attack plan uses asymmetric psychological and informational warfare to destabilize Americans and drive society out of objective reality into the madness of subjective reality. America’s children are the primary target of the globalist predators.

The upward mobility provided by the capitalist system and meritocracy in the United States created a vibrant middle class. In a land of opportunity, working-class people were no longer reliable revolutionaries. Scott S. Powell, Senior Fellow at the Discovery Institute in Seattle and writer for The American Spectator, explains the shift in Marxist strategy with a bit of history about Vladimir Lenin. From Powell’s August 15, 2015, article, “The Quiet Revolution: How the New Left Took Over the Democratic Party“:[i]

The proletariat never did revolt successfully en masse in any advanced industrialized state. Instead, Marx’s political and economic revolution was first staged in the largely agrarian nation of Russia, carried out by Marxist revolutionary leader Vladimir Lenin. Lenin made major contributions to Marx’s theories, so much so that Marxism-Leninism became the dominant theoretical paradigm for advancing national liberation movements, communism, and socialism wherever in the world radical revolutionary movements arose.

Among Lenin’s contributions was the theory of the vanguard. Since it was apparent that the proletariat masses were unlikely to rise up, Lenin argued that it was necessary for a relatively small number of vanguard leaders—professional revolutionaries—to advance the revolutionary cause by working themselves into positions of influence. By taking over the commanding heights of labor unions, the press, the universities, and professional and religious organizations, a relatively small number of revolutionaries could multiply their influence and exercise political leverage over their unwitting constituents and society at large.

It was Lenin who introduced the concept of the “popular front” and coined the phrase “useful idiots” in describing the masses who could be manipulated into mob action of marches and protests for an ostensibly narrow cause of the popular front, which the communist vanguard was using as a means for a greater revolutionary political end.

The Marxists needed to identify a new cohort of rebels to collapse American society from within. They chose academia and anointed its graduating student population of useful idiots to be vanguard leaders for changing hearts and minds in America. What Bolshevik George Lukács was unable to impose in Catholic Hungary, cultural terrorism, has been wildly successful in America; it just needed a different strategy in order to succeed.

The 1969 Woodstock Festival was a watershed event for the counterculture movement in music, drugs, and sexual permissiveness. The sexual revolution was a social and cultural movement advocating sexual liberation and acceptance of public nudity, premarital sex, extramarital sex, alternative forms of sexuality, contraception, pornography, homosexuality, masturbation, and abortion. Significantly absent from any discussion of sexual liberation were love, loyalty, commitment, and respect.

The foundation for the sexual revolution that challenged and defied America’s traditional Judeo-Christian standards of sexual behavior in the 1960s and 1970s had its roots in Alfred Kinsey’s twin books, Sexual Behavior in the Human Male (1948)[ii] and Sexual Behavior in the Human Female (1953).[iii] Alfred Kinsey and the Kinsey Institute were supported by the Rockefeller Foundation and protected by the U.S. government. Kinsey’s fraudulent research was presented as scientific, factual, and normative. Its catastrophic consequences continue to reverberate in America, advancing Marxism’s intent to collapse from within America’s cultural norms and family infrastructure.

The sexual revolution drastically changed attitudes about sexual behavior and freedom of sexual expression. Those changes were animated, echoed, and reflected in literature, films, and legislation. Eventually the counterculture attitudes of sexual freedom and liberation from traditional Judeo-Christian sexual restrictions touched the children.

Author and researcher Dr. Judith Reisman (1935–2021) was an indefatigable defender of children and society’s moral responsibility to protect them. Her work exposed Kinsey’s fraudulent research and abhorrent ideology that children are sexual from birth and have a right to experience sexual pleasure whenever and with whomever they want. Kinsey insisted that Judeo-Christian principles concerning human sexuality were outdated, unscientific, and repressive. Dr. Reisman’s exposé of Kinsey implicated its hidden sociopolitical connections to the globalist War on America. She explained how Kinsey’s narrative was weaponized for use in the Culture War to support the sexual revolution, collapse societal norms, and change laws regarding the protection of children, globalism’s ultimate target.


The fragility of the world: Yom Hashoah 2024   Dr. Alex Grobman

The Germans presumed the right to determine who should live and who should die.  Op-ed.

May 5, 2024, 7:25 PM (GMT+3) – The question of how and why the Holocaust occurred in the Western civilization remains an issue of concern, because it reveals something about the nature of our society and humanity. Among the myriad of moral dilemmas the Holocaust raises is how members of the SS, especially those in the Einsatzgruppen (the mobile SS killing units), the Wehrmacht (German military) and the German police, were able to torture, brutalize and engage in the mass murder of Jews and other fellow human beings?

G. M. Gilbert, who served as a prison psychologist at the Nuremberg war crime trials in 1945‐1946, said the most challenging question ever posed to him on this subject was raised by Israeli Attorney-General Gideon Hausner at the Adolph Eichmann Trial, which began on April 11, 1961, in Jerusalem. During direct examination as a witness for the prosecution, Hausner asked “What kind of mentality did the mass murderers of Hitler’s SS possess to be able to do the horrible things they did?”

Although the Israeli court disallowed the question, since it wanted to focus on the judicial question of Eichmann’s guilt, Gilbert said the question about human nature still persists: “What kind of animal species is it that organizes and executes senseless, coldblooded, systematic slaughter of its own members, and how do some of its members become qualified to perform this inhuman destruction of their fellow human beings?”

Just Following Orders

In practically, all Nazi trials in the Federal Republic of Germany defendants claimed they “could not disobey, despite their mental dissociation from their orders, for fear of being shot themselves,” declared Helge Grabitz, Senior Public Prosecutor in Hamburg. Accused individuals, who did not have criminal records before or after the Third Reich, appear in court as honorable citizens who unintentionally “got mixed up in all of this,” due to the circumstances at the time.

When defending themselves, Grabitz observed, they exhibited impeccable memories, except for the crimes under consideration. They claim to have joined the SS completely naïve of its criminal character in order to secure employment during a period of economic crisis. They present themselves as working on behalf of the community’s needy or as elderly ill men with loads of medical records. There were of course Nazi leaders who murdered Jews, Gypsies and other “subhuman creatures,” not only without suffering any consequences, but “were even decorated for their crimes.”

Were these people ordinary and average individuals or a “new inhuman personality type” that Gilbert designated as “the murderous robots of the SS”? Did they ever experience a conflict between the law and their conscience, since only an individual is capable of assuming moral responsibility for one’s actions,” asked Hebrew University philosopher Samuel Hugo Bergmann.

“The Beginning of a Significantly New Era”
The Holocaust has emerged “as the beginning of a significantly new era, one in which the extermination of human life in guiltless fashion became thinkable and technologically feasible” declared Father John T. Pawlikowski, Professor Emeritus of Social Ethics at Catholic Theological Union in Chicago. “It opened the door to an age in which dispassionate torture and the murder of millions became not just an action of a crazed despot, not merely an irrational expression of xenophobic fear, not just a drive for national security, but a calculated effort to reshape humanity supported by intellectual argumentation from the best and the brightest minds in a society.

“The Holocaust was not the product of a crazed despot but the brainchild of some of the most sophisticated philosophers and scientists’ Western society had yet patented.”

The challenge and “thus the basic moral question that emerges from a study of the Holocaust is how we today grapple with a new sense of freedom and power within humankind in a context of a highly sophisticated technological capability with the capacity for massive destruction.”


The ‘Palestinian People’: A Brief History   BY HUGH FITZGERALD

MAY 4, 2024 10:00 AM – As readers of Jihad Watch know, the “Palestinian people” first came into existence in 1964, at the suggestion of the KGB, and then the phrase really took off after the Arabs’ defeat in the Six-Day War in 1967, when it was deemed necessary to reframe the Arab-Israeli conflict. No longer would that conflict be seen by the world as a gang-up by nearly two dozen Arab countries on a single, small Jewish state, hardly discernible on a world map. Now it was presented as a war of “national liberation” by the “Palestinian people,” who had been, so the Arabs insisted, cruelly dispossessed of their land by Jews. Zuheir Mohsen, the head of the “Palestinian” terror group As Saiqa, and a member of the PLO executive committee, famously told an interviewer for the Dutch newspaper Trouw in 1977 that “The Palestinian people do not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct ‘Palestinian people’ to oppose Zionism. Yes, the existence of a separate Palestinian identity exists only for tactical reasons.”

David Feinstein recapitulates the history of the term “Palestinian people” here: “I am a Palestinian – opinion,” by David Feinstein, Jerusalem Post, May 2, 2024:


How Hamas Bought Joe Biden   BY DANIEL GREENFIELD

Bloodstained currency, smuggled gold bars and a $200,000 check.

MAY 4, 2024 11:00 AM – On March 1, 2018, Joe Biden got a $200,000 check. The story of where that check came from involves everything from “bloodstained currency” to smuggled gold bars to ‘The Exorcist’.

But above all else it involves an enemy Muslim tyranny with ties to 9/11 and Hamas.

When I first broke the story a week before Election Day, it was about how hospital patients in smaller poorer hospitals, including one that had inspired ‘The Exorcist’, had suffered because of the corrupt greed of the Biden family. But even then there was a strange element which led to one of the key figures in the case receiving “blood-stained currency from a Middle Eastern country” and a “torture ticket” after suing James Biden: Joe’s brother.

Four years later, in the midst of the Hamas war, the identity of the “Middle Eastern country” behind the Biden business takes on new importance because it is a state sponsor of Hamas.

And congressional investigators and investigative journalists have also traced a trail from Qatar, through James’ health care business to that $200,000 check he sent to Joe Biden.

The health care business that brought together the Biden family and an Islamic terror state had targeted stricken rural hospitals in Kentucky, Missouri and Pennsylvania.

Americore’s CEO was introduced by James Biden to Joe at a fundraiser for the Beau Biden Foundation: co-chaired by Hunter Biden whose infamous laptop bore the foundation’s sticker.

James Biden allegedly promised that Joe would get behind the company, join its board and that the company’s work would even “help his brother get elected.”

“There’s not a single door in the country that we can’t open,” James promised the company.

But the money wasn’t coming in and James Biden was taking out major personal loans from the company that was supposed to be managing struggling hospitals. And with Joe out of the White House, there wasn’t going to be any government bailout of Americore any time soon.

James Biden didn’t set out to open doors in this country, but in an enemy of the United States.

The Americore pitch sought $30 million to buy up hospitals and named Jim as the “Brother and Campaign Finance Chair of former Vice President Joe Biden.” Internal documents showed that this resulted in a meeting with a Qatari “minister”. While the Qataris had plenty of money to burn, getting it to America involved conspiracies more often associated with drug dealers.

A “former executive recalled discussion at one point of trying to move money across a Middle Eastern border in the form of gold bars”.

Qatar’s ties to the Muslim Brotherhood (the parent organization of Hamas) and Iran had led to an embargo by its neighbors. And Qatar’s ties to terrorists, including to Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the mastermind of 9/11, who hid out there until he was allegedly tipped off by a member of the Islamic tyranny’s royal family that America was coming to get him, may have complicated the proposed investment funding mechanisms.


The Israeli Genocide of ‘Palestinians’: A Brief History   BY HUGH FITZGERALD

MAY 4, 2024 2:00 PM – For its enemies, in addition to being an “apartheid” state, and a “colonial-settler” state, Israel is also a “genocidal” state. This claim has been made ad nauseam since October 7, but it was made frequently before then as well. Yet both before and after October 7, those making it never adduce any evidence to support the charge. This lack of evidence, however, doesn’t stop them, and much of the world that is so ready to believe the worst of the Jewish state, from accepting this claim without examination. More on this charge can be found in this pre-October 7 article that still holds true: “Deconstructing the Israeli Genocide Libel,” by Chaim Lax, HonestReporting, March 5, 2023:

“One of the most pernicious lies that continues to be spread about Israel is the claim that the Jewish state has committed (and continues to commit) the crime of genocide against the local Arab population, including the Palestinians.

Whether it’s being advanced by Hollywood superstars like Mark Ruffalo, noted legal scholars, or United Nations officials, the genocide claim is one of the most popular and harmful libels about Israel to be spread in the 21st century.

Here we deconstruct the genocide libel.


The Scorpion Pass Massacre: A Brief History   BY HUGH FITZGERALD

MAY 4, 2024 4:00 PM  – …The attack was carried out in the middle of the day on an Egged bus (Israel’s largest bus company) containing 14 passengers plus a driver. The attackers shot at the bus as it was travelling very slowly around one of the hairpin bends, killing the driver. They then boarded the bus and shot most of the passengers. Eleven riders (ten passengers and the driver) were killed and three passengers were injured. One of the injured a nine year-old boy, Chaim Fuerstenberg, survived in a semi-conscious and paralysed state for 32 years, dying in 1986.

Ephraim Fuerstenberg had been on vacation in Eilat with his wife Hannah and two children, Chaim, nine and Miri, five. Ephraim was killed first, then Hannah, who was raped and then killed. The two children were protected by the body of an Israeli soldier who threw himself on them as the attack began. When Chaim asked his sister if the attackers had gone, he was overheard and one of the assailants came back and shot him.


Germany’s Obsession with the Jews   By Alex Grobman PhD.

27 Nisan 5784 – May 5, 2024

“History has seen many instances of persecution of the Jews—but never a State-inspired persecution planned with such diabolical consistency, and carried through so cold-bloodedly and systematically, and on such a scale and with such terrible consequences, as that persecution set in motion by the National Socialist regime, with all the administrative and technical resources at its command, in the territories under it command” asserts German historian Helmut Krausnick, the former head of the Institute of Contemporary History, a leading German research institute on the history of National Socialism.

To understand why this was “no chance development and that even Hitler was no mere ‘accident’ of German history,” Krausnick suggests that while analyzing antisemitism “as the core of National Socialist ‘ideology,” one should examine the philosophy that lead to the murder of six million Jews, which involved the leaders, supporters, but also segments of the “educated” classes, especially in Germany, who had been subjected for a considerable period, and “to which they finally succumbed.”

Krausnick quotes a number of antisemites, who in a series of publications in German speaking-countries, years before the Nazis came to power, stigmatized Jews as parasites and demanded that, at the very least, they be made to adhere to special laws. An “obscure” German journalist, Wilhelm Marr (1819-1904), whom historian Mosche Zimmermann labeled “the patriarch of antisemitism,” for having introduced the political term Antisemitismus into politics and founding the first “Anti-Semitic League,” wrote a pamphlet in which he pressed for a battle between “Germanism” and the “threatening world of domination” of “Judaism.” Jews, he said, were unequivocally “racially inflexible;” they were incapable of modifying their own behavior and could not be changed by others either. No one could live with them in peace and as equals due their “tribal peculiarities” and “alien essence.”


Do We Have What it Takes to Live in the Middle East?   by Victor Rosenthal

May 5, 2024 – The struggle to establish and maintain a Jewish sovereign state in Eretz Yisrael has lasted more than one hundred years. Since 1948, the existence of the state has hung in the balance several times. This is one of them.

Our endless war is primarily with the Palestinian Arabs, but other nations join in confrontation from time to time. The war is at bottom a tribal/religious war, between Muslims and Jews over this land. Despite various shifting alliances, and despite the involvement on either side of various non-Muslim powers and their maneuvering for access to the resources and strategic aspects of the Middle East, one single fact is unchanging and underlies the hostility directed at Israel: Muslims cannot tolerate a sovereign Jewish entity in Dar al Islam. It is an affront to Islam and an affront to the honor of the Muslims who have been defeated – to their minds, only temporarily – by Jews.

Although Israel has signed “peace” treaties with some of her Muslim neighbors, Islamic ideology does not admit the possibility of a permanent peace with a non-Muslim tribe. What the West thinks of as a peace treaty is at best an extended hudna, a temporary cease-fire that can be broken when the Muslim side believes that it is strong enough to win, after the model of Muhammad’s CE 628 treaty of al-Hudaybiya – which he broke with devastating effect two years later.

When Israel was attacked on 7 October, a wave of anti-Israel and anti-Jewish hatred was unleashed throughout the world, led everywhere by Muslims for whom the religious importance of the war in Gaza is clear. In American universities, Muslim students have been in the forefront of the demonstrations; and in Europe, Muslims are the main perpetrators of anti-Jewish violence.


Idiot Protestors Doing Stupid Things!   [19:07]   Awaken With JP


Cognitive Egocentrism and the Palestinian Cause    by Aymenn Jawad al-Tamimi Substack
April 29, 2024 – The term ‘cognitive egocentrism‘ was long ago coined by Richard Landes to describe the phenomenon of projecting one’s own assumptions and ideals about the world onto others. I first remember reading Landes’ description of cognitive egocentrism in around 2008 or so. More than 15 years later, the notion of cognitive egocentrism remains highly relevant, especially with a considerable amount of discourse about the Palestinian cause since 7 October 2023 (though in many ways that discourse is a continuity of what came before).

Leaving aside questions of rights and wrongs, it seems to me that any political cause needs to be understood and dealt with according to the realities on the ground, and not on the basis of wishful thinking on the part of outsiders. Thus, the Palestinian cause and what represents it are defined principally by the Palestinians themselves who are on the ground in the Palestinian territories and the Palestinian factions that represent them. In turn, on the wider regional scale, the cause is principally defined and represented by the Palestinians in neighbouring countries and the factions that represent them.

“Some of the discourse about the Palestinian cause in the pro-Palestine protests in Western countries is well out of touch with reality, and instead projects its own intellectual fantasies and ideals onto the Palestinian cause.”

When this point is borne in mind, it becomes apparent that some of the discourse about the Palestinian cause in the pro-Palestine protests and wider advocacy in Western countries is well out of touch with those realities, and instead projects its own intellectual fantasies and ideals onto the Palestinian cause.

Probably the most striking example of this cognitive egocentrism is the concept of ‘queers for Palestine’: that is, people who make a show of their ‘queer’ sexual identity and portray it as somehow relevant to the Palestinian cause and claim that Palestinian liberation is ‘queer liberation.’ There is even academic discussion about ‘queering Palestine.’ This sort of discourse is far removed from the reality of ‘queer’ life in the Palestinian territories where I have spent time.

The simple fact is that life is very difficult for ‘queer’ people in the Palestinian territories because ‘queer’ sexual identity and behaviour are generally not accepted in Palestinian society, whether among Muslims, Christians or even Samaritans (if you consider the Samaritans in the West Bank to be Palestinian). Objectively speaking, it is easier to be homosexual in Israel or any Western country than the Palestinian territories, and there is clearly an open ‘queer’ culture in Israel that one will not find in the Palestinian territories. This is the reality regardless of one’s position on so-called ‘pinkwashing’ of Israel. The fact that Samaritan priest Husni al-Samari, based in the West Bank, told me of the societal danger being posed to Israel by homosexuals in Tel Aviv but mentioned no comparative issue in the Palestinian territories is itself indicative of the contrast between Israel and the Palestinian territories. Similar observations on the difficulties for ‘queer’ people in the Palestinian territories are made by the writer Jonathan Krohn, who, unlike a lot of outside commentators, has specifically explored this issue through work on the ground.

None of the above is any comment on debates about ‘queer’ rights or scoring points for one side or the other. It is just an observation about how Western protest slogans and discourse equating Palestinian liberation and ‘queer liberation’ reflect idealistic, emotional projection, and not proper cognitive identification with the Palestinian cause.


The Democratic Party: The Purveyor of Anti-Semitism    by JEFFREY LORD

Just like Columbia, Democrats have a history.

May 3, 2024, 6:39 AM – he scene: the Democratic National Convention of 2012. The job at hand: renominate President Barack Obama.

But first, as is standard procedure for both political parties, a party platform had to be adopted. As such, headlines like this one from the U.K. Guardian emerged:

Democratic convention erupts over reinstatement of Jerusalem to policy

Row over Israel mars second day of convention as party moves to add back ‘God’ and ‘Jerusalem’ language to platform

It took the personal intervention of Obama to reverse the removal — because, according to reports, Jewish donors were livid.

Move through the next few years to 2019, and there is Minnesota Democrat Ilhan Omar, as NPR reported at the time (emphasis added):

In February, Omar responded to a tweet from journalist Glenn Greenwald, who posted about House GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy threatening to punish Omar and another congresswoman for being critical of Israel.

Omar wrote back, “It’s all about the Benjamins baby.” ….

In another tweet soon after, Omar named the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, or AIPAC, saying it was funding Republican support for Israel.

And in 2021, the New York Post headlined of Omar’s colleagues in the so-called Squad convincing their fellow House Democrats to “zero out” funding of Israel’s “Iron Dome” defensive security system:

The Squad’s anti-Semites carry the day among House Democrats yet again

It’s no shock that the news articles on the current anti-Semitic Columbia protests report the enthusiastic presence of none other than Omar’s student daughter.

All of this considered, it is no wonder that there has been an explosion of Jew-hatred coming from all these far-left-leaning colleges and universities.

The plain, hard fact that must now be understood is that one of America’s two major political parties — the Democrat Party — has not only become the command central platform for today’s outbreak of anti-Semitism; for those who came in late, anti-Semitism has always had a home on the left and specifically in the Democratic Party.

As noted here previously, the party was a serious handmaiden to the “formation of the Ku Klux Klan, which, according to Columbia University historian Eric Foner[,] became ‘a military force serving the interests of the Democratic Party.’” According to “University of North Carolina historian Allen Trelease’s description,” the Klan was specifically the “terrorist arm of the Democratic Party.”

And while the Klan obviously targeted black Americans, attention should be paid to the serious historical fact that the Klan also targeted Jews.



Taxation without representation is THEFT    TIERNEY’S REAL NEWS

MAY 04, 2024 – If you have a Democrat relative or friend who says that they just “don’t like” Donald Trump and that’s the reason they plan to vote for Biden – this is one of the most compelling videos I’ve ever heard to refute that. It has to do with healthcare – which nobody ever really talks about anymore.

This man made a video of his experience – but I also transcribed it for those, like me, who would rather read. So far, it has over 1 MILLION views…

FORMER DEMOCRAT VOTER: With the elections coming up, I thought I would share why I am no longer a Democrat. You know, I have had the ability to vote for people even though I didn’t like them. But, I can honestly say I’ve never voted against somebody – that’s just to me the wrong way to look at it.

But, the thing that got me leaving the Democratic Party was, more or less, one specific issue. See, I was a two-time bone cancer survivor, still am, that’s how I lost my arm. And, having healthcare was extremely important to me.

I heard all the [ObamaCare] talking points of you know, “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. If you like your plan, you can keep your plan. The average family is going to save $1500 a year. It’s not a tax.”

All of this stuff made sense to me – how it was being pushed. And then the Democrats were also saying, “Well, the Republicans don’t want you to have insurance if you have pre-existing conditions.”

Well, I was a walking pre-existing condition having cancer twice. My insurance, before ObamaCare, was $185 a month with a $1000 deductible for a family of five.

So, I voted for Obama-Biden in 2008 based on ObamaCare. Now, fast forward to 2010 when ObamaCare was implemented. Everything that they said was not true.

The Supreme Court ruled that it was a tax. If you didn’t have insurance, a penalty. So that was a lie. Insurance premiums went up, instead of down. That was another lie.


The TRUTH About Oct. 7th & Israel’s Mission to DEFEAT Hamas In Rafah  [12:45]  Yair Pinto

May 3, 2024  TBN – Join Yair Pinto as he travels to the Israel-Gaza border to recount the events of October 7th, 2023. Hear how the Hamas invasion of Israel unfolded, Yair’s call to military service, and the IDF’s war against the terrorist organization inside the Gaza Strip. With only four Hamas battalions remaining, the IDF is poised to enter Rafah and capture Hamas’ final stronghold after civilians have been evacuated. Don’t miss this episode of My State on TBN Israel!

Please join us in praying for the peace of Israel and Jerusalem.


Netanyahu: Rafah Operation is HAPPENING   [39:46]  Alex Traiman and Josh Hasten

May 2, 2024 (JNS TV) – Prime Minister Netanyahu has declared that a Rafah operation will happen regardless of whether Hamas accepts the new hostage deal offered by Israel. But how much longer will Israel wait to go in? How much of this rhetoric is public diplomacy and how much can be trusted as actual policy?

JNS CEO Alex Traiman and Middle East correspondent Josh Hasten analyze this story in all its angles as well as top stories happening in Israel

– ICC threatening arrest warrant against Netanyahu

– Biden administration accusing whole IDF units of human rights violations

– Violent anti-Israel protests across campus

– Antony Blinken’s Middle East trip and much more!

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About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.