Daily Shmutz | COMMENTARY / OPINION  | 6/2/24



Jonathan Pollard: The Next October 7th in Judea and Samaria?  [14:00]   Machon Shilo

Jun 2, 2024 – Discussion between former Prisoner of Zion, Jonathan Pollard and the head of Machon Shilo, Rabbi David Bar-Hayim

Will Donald Trump be assassinated? View Jonathan Pollard’s assessment at this link 


Bidens Ceasefire Speech the Most Hostile Ever Made     Caroline Glick

June 2, 2024  JNS TV – President Biden proposes a ceasefire framework that ensures Israel’s defeat in its war against Hamas and Hezbollah.


Israel’s Great Strategic Failure  By Michael Makovsky

It wasn’t October 7. It’s the continuing avoidance of military action against Hezbollah in Lebanon.

30 May 2024 – It has become conventional wisdom after Oct. 7 that Israel for years had the wrong policy toward Gaza. While the unfathomable catastrophe of that day has rightly forced a critical examination of all the factors that led to it, it’s arguable that Israel’s broad pre-Oct. 7 policy toward Gaza, in contrast to its strategic conception and military preparation, was at least understandable, if not correct. In contrast, there has been less criticism of Israel’s policy toward Hezbollah in Lebanon over the past two decades. Not only does the policy toward the northern front raise even more troubling questions than Gaza, but also, now more than ever, it looks like a major strategic failure.

Ever since Hamas took control of Gaza by force in 2007, Israel has fought several small wars with the genocidal terrorist organization, in response to rocket attacks from the Strip: in 2008-09, 2012, 2014, and 2021. There were also shorter Israeli military campaigns against the Gaza-based Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) in 2022 and 2023. In each of these conflicts, Israel would have been justified to enter Gaza and destroy Hamas in self-defense, but never felt so compelled—until Oct. 7.

It has been frequently reported that Israel, or at least its military intelligence agency, had a faulty strategic conception, the so-called “konceptzia,” that Hamas was deterred for now and more focused on governing Gaza than on attacking Israel. Many pundits in the Israeli and American media, who are overwhelmingly hostile to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, contend he was driven to prop up Hamas over the years with the help of Qatari money in order to divide the Palestinians and reduce pressure for a Palestinian state in the West Bank. Netanyahu, who has waged several wars against Hamas, has repeatedly denied this claim. While there have been plenty of leaks in the media already, Israeli military and government probes are expected to reveal what the military intelligence’s konceptzia was, what was motivating Netanyahu and other Israeli political and military leaders, and what contributed to the IDF inadequately preparing for, and/or ignoring signals of, a major Hamas attack.

In the meantime, it’s worth exploring why Israel did not invade Gaza and uproot Hamas from power years ago, based on the premise that Oct. 7 was not inevitable.


The threat from Gaza, however challenging, appeared increasingly manageable to most Israeli military and civilian leaders, despite the short wars with Hamas and PIJ. This misplaced confidence appears to have been partly driven by an overreliance on technology and missile defense. The 2011 deployment of Iron Dome, Israel’s 90%-plus-effective, short-range air defense system, seemingly minimized the rocket threat. With Iron Beam—a laser version that will be at the very least a powerful supplement to Iron Dome—soon to be deployed, Israel believed it was poised to have an even better counter to rockets fired from Gaza. One Israeli military expert told me a few years ago that once Iron Beam was deployed Israel won’t care what happens inside Gaza.

Hamas’ subterranean (tunnel) threat, which already seemed significant a decade ago, was thought neutralized with the installation along the border of underground sensors and barriers. Israel also believed it had neutralized the threat of a land invasion by installing an expensive fence with sensors and cameras. Moreover, the Israeli Air Force continued to operate at will in Gaza, often successfully killing Hamas and PIJ commanders and destroying terrorist infrastructure with precision strikes.

Secure in the belief that these measures had militarily neutralized the Hamas threat, Israel’s civilian and military leaders were mostly averse to destroying Hamas and removing it from power in Gaza.

Israel remained loath to reoccupy Gaza, which it occupied in 1967 and from which it withdrew in 2005, out of concern that any attempt to do so would result in significant Israeli military casualties. Worse, it would bog Israel down in an unwanted occupation of Palestinians in what was viewed as a secondary or tertiary theater compared to the far more potent and immediate threat of Hezbollah to its north and Iran’s nuclear program. Also, Israel had tried its hand at shaping domestic Arab political arrangements in Lebanon in 1982, where it failed spectacularly, and its leaders opposed trying it again ever since. Further, Israeli leaders understood that such an effort in Gaza would be met by fierce international opposition. Indeed, it faced such opposition every time it launched a military campaign in retaliation for Hamas or PIJ firing rockets.

Moreover, when it comes to who could or would responsibly rule Gaza post-Hamas without threatening Israel, there simply never were serious candidates. Egypt did not want Gaza back after losing it to Israel in the 1967 war. Egyptian President Anwar Sadat wisely sought every inch of Sinai and not one inch of Gaza in Egypt’s peace agreement with Israel four decades ago. After the Palestinian Authority’s (PA) spectacular rout at the hands of Hamas two years after Israel’s withdrawal from Gaza, Israeli governments increasingly doubted they could rely on the PA to govern the Strip. The PA’s endemic mismanagement, corruption, and radicalism helped spawn overwhelming support for Hamas among its West Bank populace, and its financial rewarding of terrorism is especially anathema to the Israeli political right.

So Israel resigned itself to what some of its leaders call “managing the conflict.” That has meant “mowing the lawn,” or periodic military campaigns to degrade Hamas and PIJ after they conducted—or planned to conduct—rocket barrages, and facilitating economic assistance, in recent years from Qatar, when necessary. This wasn’t really a strategy, but a policy of making lemonade out of the available lemons. If Israel had no clear endgame it’s because none existed, beyond perhaps waiting for Hamas to collapse one day. Still, the success of this approach depended on a basic, eminently achievable condition: the IDF’s ability to defend the 32-mile Gazan border. Of course, on Oct. 7, the IDF utterly failed to do just that, for reasons reported and to be determined.

Nevertheless, events since Oct. 7 largely corroborate Israel’s previous reluctance to topple Hamas from power in Gaza.

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“I Just Donated $300k To Trump”     by Shaun Maguire

SATURDAY, JUN 01, 2024 – 05:10 AM – I just donated $300k to Trump. I’m prepared to lose friends. Here’s why.

Back in 2016 I had drunk the media Kool-Aid and was scared out of my mind about Trump. As such I donated to Hilary Clinton’s campaign and voted for her.

By 2020 I was disillusioned and didn’t vote – I didn’t like either option.

Now, in 2024, I believe this is one of the most important elections of my lifetime, and I’m supporting Trump.

I know that I’ll lose friends for this. Some will refuse to do business with me. The media will probably demonize me, as they have so many others before me. But despite this, I still believe it’s the right thing to do.

I refuse to live in a society where people are afraid to speak.

The 2016 Election

I’m going to start off with something provocative, but I think it leads to a different take on the most controversial Trump issue, which is obviously January 6th. So here goes nothing.

I believe the 2016 election was manipulated to hurt Hilary Clinton and to help Donald Trump.

Hilary Clinton herself believes this, she has denied the 2016 election result dozens of times, and still does to this day. Plot twist: I agree with her! Look into Guccifer 2.0 which was the “hacker group” that strategically leaked her emails (through Wikileaks) in a drip campaign at just the right moments. Turns out it was the Russian GRU. And remember all those fake news and bot farms? These incidents are the tip of the spear — some of the publicly known incidents. There was extreme manipulation happening during the 2016 election.

Before proceeding, please watch at least 30 seconds of this video. It’s “24 straight minutes of Democrats denying election results.”

Russia (and others) interfering in the 2016 election was nothing new, this happens in every election, everywhere in the world. Obviously.

But for me, as someone that used to work in National Security, Russia’s implicit support for Trump made me deathly afraid of him getting elected as President.

I was wrong, and Russia miscalculated. President Trump turned out to be a master of foreign policy and particularly strong towards Russia. If you’ve never seen it before, please watch this two minute clip from Trump at a NATO breakfast 5 years ago.

If you’re too lazy, Trump told Germany that they’re a) owned by Russia via their energy dependence b) financing Russia’s war machine by buying their energy c) not investing enough in defense, investing only 1% of GDP, which was below the 2% NATO commitment, meanwhile the US was investing 4.2% of GDP. And yet the world said he’s owned by Russia?

For other Trump foreign policy wins, he: a) signed the Abraham Accords b) successfully put Iran in the penalty box, which the Biden administration immediately unwound and c) he helped India see the dangers of having their comms networks controlled by China resulting in Huawei and TikTok bans there.

My “radicalization” towards the center

August 16th, 2021 was the day I knew I could never support Joe Biden or any of the senior officials in his administration. This was the day that Afghans fell to their deaths from US C-17 airplanes at the Kabul International Airport, or KAIA as ISAF forces referred to it.

Back in 2012 I deployed to Afghanistan working for DARPA. I used to fly out of KAIA at least weekly, usually taking a Blackhawk to Bagram Airfield (BAF), but sometimes jumping on a C-130 down to Kandahar (KAF).

I’m not going to go into all of the details here, but this was personal for me — as it was for anyone that served in Afghanistan. Most have the wrong impression of what happened there. Afghanistan wasn’t Iraq. And real progress had been made. It took roughly 15 years to stabilize most of Afghanistan, but the ISAF coalition had gotten it to the place that little girls were going to school in Kabul, sometimes walked there by their mothers who weren’t even wearing Burkas anymore. All of this was unimaginable a decade prior.

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Alex Petkas – Cost of Glory

May 31 2024 – The US is entering uncharted waters.

Political prosecutions are what brought down the Roman Republic.

Here’s how.

Donald Trump is the first US president to be indicted, let alone ruled a felon by a US court.

The court system of any society is designed to be a neutral arbiter of disputes;

Trust in the courts is crucial to prevent spirals of retributive violence.

In Rome, an office holder was immune from prosecution while holding office

A consul could not be prosecuted during his 1 year term

Same for a “proconsul” = a consul w/ term extended, usually serving as a general or provincial governor

In 50 BC, Julius Caesar was a Proconsul.

Caesar’s enemies – Cato and friends – were publicly vowing to prosecute Caesar when his term ended

Caesar had been a successful general for nearly 10 years, conquered all of Gaul

Cato claimed they had 10 years worth of crimes to prosecute him for.

Caesar wanted to run for Consul again, to renew his immunity.

Unfortunately, to run for consul in Rome, you have to lay down your proconsular office & enter the city.

Caesar would have to become a private citizen in Rome for several months

(Plenty of time for a prosecution)

Caesar asked the authorities for an exception – to “run in absentia”

(in recognition of his achievements on behalf of Rome)

Thus he could keep immunity over the transition to new office

In 52, a law was passed to allow this

But by 50, Caesar’s enemies had unwound the law.

Cato & Friends now forced Caesar into a dilemma:


a) Lay down your office & face prosecution,


b) start a Civil War

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[Ed.:  It is most likely that they will do with Trump as they did with Caesar.  The American People will do NOTHING!  The entire country should have been on the streets immediately after Merchant’s fake trial.  NOTHING!!  The American People should have risen up the moment the 2020 election was stolen.  NOTHING!!  Rome is no more and America is actually already gone as well.]


The Hamas Digital Propaganda Machine Inciting Fear & FUELING Antisemitism  [14:04]  Yair Pinto

Jun 1, 2024 • Join Yair Pinto as he visits the Israel National Library to unveil the Hamas social media misinformation campaign to brainwash the world to support its agenda. Learn how Hamas has shifted public opinion and media narratives to gain sympathy while villainizing Israel as the aggressor despite the horrific atrocities it committed on October 7th. What can be done to win the battle for truth and people’s minds?


Jonathan Pollard: Will Donald Trump be assassinated?   [2:10]  Machon Shilo

July 1, 2024 – Discussion between former Prisoner of Zion, Jonathan Pollard and the head of Machon Shilo, Rabbi David Bar-Hayim


Jonathan Pollard: “Brothers in Arms” Are Not Our Brothers  [21:21]   Machon Shilo

June 1, 2024 – Discussion between former Prisoner of Zion, Jonathan Pollard and the head of Machon Shilo, Rabbi David Bar-Hayim


Jonathan Pollard: Expel the Traitors from Israeli College Campuses  [5:35]   Machon Shilo

June 1, 2024 – Discussion between former Prisoner of Zion, Jonathan Pollard and the head of Machon Shilo, Rabbi David Bar-Hayim


A disgusting corruption of American justice   Rabbi Prof. Dov Fischer

Everything about the case and the way he oversaw it smelled of mendacity and corruption. Opinion.

Jun 1, 2024, 11:24 PM (GMT+3) – We have witnessed one of the most shameful, disgusting episodes in American history. If I had submitted the outline of the Trump trial to a publishing house, they would have rejected the book and said “Even readers of fiction novels will never believe your premises, Rav. Your effort at fiction-writing unfortunately descends right with that O.J. Simpson manuscript about ‘how he would have killed Nicole if he had done it.’ Actually, it is more bogus than the O.J. travesty. Sorry, Rav. Try submitting on another subject that is more believable, like Androids on the 37th parallel.”

As my readers know, I practiced law at three of America’s most prominent law firms, clerked for one of America’s most prominent federal appeals court judges, and was Chief Articles Editor of UCLA Law Review. I also was a law professor for 16 years. By now, I know American law quite well. And I am a refugee from New York City, Brooklyn born and bred, Columbia University brainwashed and reeducated. I know that town and its players.

As so many others have noted, inter alia:

1. Even if President Trump had committed business fraud, it would have been a misdemeanor, and the limitations statute had run. The reasons for statutes of limitation are: (i) after a period of time, memories fade; (ii) after enough time, evidence innocently gets misplaced and lost; and (iii) at some point, every person is entitled to repose, peace of mind. You can’t have anyone, even if a tortfeasor, who commits a wrongful deed at his or her age 25 and then gets served with papers for that malfeasance at age 85. There comes a point in time where, if the government has not acted, time is up. That is a flip-side derivative of the premise that justice delayed is justice denied. It works both ways. So any misdemeanor alleged against President Trump for the “hush money” paperwork was irrelevant.

2. To salvage the reality that the paperwork was time-expired, the New York George Soros District Attorney tried absurdly to link the “hush money” payment to a federal crime that is not time-limited.

3. At no point did the D.A. tell anyone exactly what the federal crime was. Everyone was in the dark throughout the trial. He did not specify it in the indictment or at trial. This is itself dirty. It is straight out of the days of the NKVD (later the KGB) in the Soviet Union: “Arrest the guy meantime; we’ll figure out the crime soon.” Or Lavrentiy Beria: “Show me the man; I’ll show you the crime.”

4. The Soros D.A. ran for office in a rabidly anti-Trump Manhattan county on a promise to get Trump. This is evil: “If you vote for me, I will bring about this one man’s personal destruction.”

5. The jury pool was taken from that wildly anti-Trump county. Consider: If you remember the Rodney King incident and trial back in 1991-1992 Los Angeles, there was a state case brought in Simi Valley, California, against the police involved. The jury found the cops not guilty. Simi Valley had an unusually high percentage of residents who were in law enforcement or otherwise related to police. Many L.A.-area police officers moved there after retiring. The jury, composed from such a pool, predictably found for the defendants.

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Does Biden reject Israel’s right to self-defense?   Caroline Glick

The administration’s effort to stymie military action, coupled with its continued criticism as to how Israel is conducting a just war against a terror group, puts the Jewish state at risk in the region and the world.   Opinion.

Jun 1, 2024, 9:51 PM (GMT+3)  (JNS) – The most basic function of all governments is to provide for the collective defense of the governed. The most basic foundation of sovereignty is a state’s right to defend its country from aggression. Take away a state’s right to self-defense, and you’ve effectively transformed it into a non-sovereign state.

Six Biden administration actions and policies subvert Israel’s right to self-defense. Whether analysed separately or all together, they make it difficult to avoid the conclusion that the administration’s ultimate end is to undermine to the point of ending Israel’s right to self-defense, and so end Israel’s sovereignty, for all intents and purposes.

The six policies the administration is undertaking relate to the battle in Rafah, Gaza’s border town with Egypt; its posture vis-à-vis the International Criminal Court amidst the ICC’s stated intention of issuing arrest warrants against Israel’s leaders on false war crimes charges; the administration’s effort to coerce Israel into accepting Palestinian Authority control over post-war Gaza as a stepping stone towards the swift establishment of a Palestinian state in Gaza, Judea and Samaria, and parts of Jerusalem; the administration’s policies in relation to Saudi-Israeli normalization; and finally, the administration’s determination to block Israel from taking any effective action to prevent Iran from building a nuclear arsenal.

  • Rafah

Sunday, the IDF carried out an airstrike targeting two senior Hamas terrorists in Rafah. Some 45 people Hamas asserts were civilians were also killed in the bombing. Immediately after the incident, the administration harshly criticized Israel for the operation. Vice President Kamala Harris said “the word tragic doesn’t even begin to describe” the loss of human life in the incident. Other senior officials voiced similar revulsion at Israel’s alleged killing of innocent civilians as a result of its killing of two senior terrorists. The U.S. State Department announced it would investigate the incident, which it referred to as “heartbreaking.”

Within moments of the airstrike, IDF forces on the ground were reporting that the fire that caused the deaths of the additional Palestinians was sparked by a secondary explosion. Early assessments were that the explosion was caused by Hamas rockets hidden adjacent to the encampment.

It was also clear, immediately after the bombing, that the operation was not carried out in a humanitarian safe zone, as Hamas alleged. At Israel’s urging, in recent weeks nearly a million residents of Rafah fled to the zones, which the IDF set up to protect them from the crossfire of battle. The bombing was carried out in the war zone, where civilians had already left.

It was also known immediately after the incident that the Air Force used the smallest ordnance permitted to limit to the greatest degree the possibility of the attack causing additional deaths beyond the two terror commanders Israel targeted.

In the two days after the incident, the IDF released intercepted phone conversations between people on the ground who stated outright that the fire in the tents that caused the additional deaths was the result of a secondary explosion of Hamas munitions. Israel played no role in the carnage. Hamas was entirely responsible for everything that had happened.

Given the fact that Israel’s careful prosecution of the war has led to the smallest ratio of civilians to militants killed in the history of modern war, its ally, the United States, could have been expected to give it the benefit of the doubt and not rush to pile on international condemnations of the Jewish state based entirely on Hamas footage and propaganda.

But the fact is that for months, Washington did everything possible to block Israel from carrying out its vital operation in Rafah, knowing all along that Israel cannot defeat Hamas if it leaves the international border under Hamas’s control. The administration’s latest effort to delegitimize Israel’s operation in Rafah by embracing Hamas’s quickly discredited rendition of events follows the administration’s now-established pattern of undermining the operation.

The administration’s tireless efforts to first block Israel from seizing control over Rafah and then embrace Hamas’s lies to criminalize the Jewish state signal that its opposition is not about humanitarian concerns.

If the United States successfully coerces Israel to abstain from controlling Rafah, including the border zone, then Hamas will survive. And if Hamas stays in power, Israel will lose the war. So by undermining Israel’s operation in Rafah, the administration is protecting Hamas from destruction while effectively criminalizing Israel’s war to protect itself from further aggression against Hamas.

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Caroline B. Glick is the senior contributing editor of Jewish News Syndicate and host of the “Caroline Glick Show” on JNS. She is also the diplomatic commentator for Israel’s Channel 14, as well as a columnist for Newsweek. Glick is the senior fellow for Middle Eastern Affairs at the Center for Security Policy in Washington and a lecturer at Israel’s College of Statesmanship.


1,000 New Yorkers Were Murdered While Prosecutors Went After Trump  (VIDEO 1:57)   by Daniel Greenfield 

Criminals were set loose and people died, while prosecutors pursued a political opponent.

May 31, 2024 – While New Yorkers were being killed, robbed, and raped, New York prosecutors spent their time chasing Trump to find him guilty on 34 counts of being a Republican.


Trump Found Guilty of Running Against Democrats   by Daniel Greenfield

The guilty verdict does not make Trump a felon; it makes Manhattan a Banana Republic..

May 31, 2024 – After deliberating for 9 hours, a jury of Trump’s Manhattan Trump-hating peers found him guilty of a crime that doesn’t exist anywhere in the legal codes, invented by a DA who had promised not to prosecute armed robberies but chose instead to prosecute a non-disclosure agreement.

On Wednesday, while the jury spent a whole four and a half hours deliberating how quickly they would convict former President Trump of all the charges, a 15-year-old boy and a 15-year-old girl were shot in the city. Two hours later, a man was shot while sitting in his car in Manhattan.

No one in the Manhattan DA’s office cared since it was too busy trying to nail Trump over a payment that happened eight years ago and which did not involve any actual illegalities.

None of the 8 murders, 54 rapes, 204 burglaries, 303 robberies, 535 felony assaults or 891 grand larcenies that occurred in New York City the same week as the Trump trial garnered a fraction of the attention. That was bad news for the 26 shooting victims, include the 15-year-old girl, and the 54 rape victims, not to mention the victims in the other 110 sex crime victims that all had to take a backseat to a Democrat kangaroo court cutting a 2024 presidential election ad.

Toward the end, the Biden campaign even dispatched an angry and belligerent Robert De Niro (Dirty Grandpa, Little Fockers) in a COVID mask to yell something about Trump outside the courthouse. The prosecution’s case in the courthouse was little more coherent than that, but it didn’t matter with a jury that would have found Trump guilty sooner if it wasn’t for the free food.

After waiting right before the weekend, the jury announced that he was guilty. Of something.

Neither the prosecution, nor Judge Merchan, a partisan activist barely more able to control himself than De Niro, who had gotten into shouting matches with lawyers and even witnesses, let alone the jury could quantify what the actual crime was involved in covering up something that was not itself a crime. The prosecution had failed to prove that Trump had been involved in the cover-up, but even more fundamentally had failed to prove that anything had happened or that having sex with Stormy Daniels was a crime. Its only witness to the contrary was a self-confessed liar and thief who should not have even been allowed to testify against Trump.

The trial that cost taxpayers countless millions as part of a federal-city investigation which began with an illegal FBI raid on Trump’s corrupt lawyer back in 2018 and a Manhattan investigation that ran for 4 years, may have been the longest case of election interference on record. Bogged down by such minor problems as the lack of an actual criminal charge, DA Alvin Bragg, who had been personally disavowed to me even by a Soros representative, claimed that giving a slattern money counted as falsifying business records because it’s not a legal expense.

Contrast the whole thing to Hunter Biden drawing on a shared bank account with Joe Biden to pay hookers and having the secret service show up to politely ask him to be more discreet.

When Hillary Clinton and the DNC paid a British ex-spy to falsely claim that Trump had been cavorting with urinating prostitutes in Moscow through a lawyer, the FBI didn’t raid his offices, and Hillary wasn’t charged with falsifying business records, the whole thing was settled with a low six-figure fine through the FEC. With Democrats, the New York legal establishment dismisses crimes while with Republicans, it invents them just in time for the next election.

The illegal Trump jury verdict came a day after a surprisingly unified Supreme Court led by Justice Sonia Sotomayor rebuked New York State for targeting the NRA for political reasons. In the middle of a runaway crime wave, New York’s Attorney General Letita James and Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg have spent years and massive amounts of resources pursuing conservatives for purely political reasons during a period where over 1,000 people were murdered in New York.

But what’s a thousand corpses when Democrat prosecutors can count coup on Trump?

Neither of the New York cases (or any of the state or federal cases.) were ever about the alleged crimes, but about Trump. The only actual crime in these cases was being Trump and the only actual conviction was for being Trump. More broadly, the investigations, trials and verdicts only exist as a partisan campaign to illegally influence the 2024 presidential election.

The guilty verdict does not make Trump a felon, it makes Manhattan a banana republic.

And the Trump trials have exposed the banana republics across the country where lawless leftists have hijacked the legal system and corrupted the political process to suppress political dissent. Not only have they decriminalized crime and unleashed criminals who roam the streets robbing, mugging and killing at will, but they have criminalized any opposition to their regimes.

The two are not contradictory but complementary. The American public is miserable. No amount of media lies has shaken the reality of going to a supermarket and seeing that the prices have doubled. And all the gaslighting about crime statistics can’t confuse the awareness that street crime has become an everyday occurrence by thugs who show no fear of cops or courts.

Rather than abandon their destructive policies, leftists silence critics and lock up opponents.

New crimes, such as “election denial”, “misinformation” and “doing donuts over the letters BLM on a street” dot the system. Shoot two teenagers in Manhattan and it’s no big deal, but do business in Manhattan while being a Republican and the system will not rest until it gets you.

The Trump trial was not a trial, it was a politically motivated lynching with no legal basis.

The goal is to smear an opposing political candidate, drain his bank accounts and cut nonstop election ads on every cable news network through hoax trials funded by taxpayers. It’s no coincidence that Trump’s election calendar has been packed by an equally busy court calendar.

Unable to win an election at the polls, the Democrats are trying to win an election in the courts.

[Order Daniel Greenfield’s new book, Domestic Enemies: HERE.]


Verdicts Don’t Have To Be “Respected” In a Free Country   by Daniel Greenfield 

Only in totalitarian countries do you have to “respect” verdicts.

June 1, 2024 – In response to a Democrat prosecutor, a Democrat activist and a Democrat jury finding former President Trump guilty of a crime that doesn’t exist based on crimes that they couldn’t define (even right down to the jury finding), Joe Biden and the rest of the party has offered up two meaningless mantras.

“No one is above the law”


“We must respect the verdict.”

I already addressed the first mantra. No one is above the law except Joe Biden, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Eric Holder, Hunter Biden, Barney Frank, Al Gore, and every 2020 BLM rioter. Not to mention every 2023-2024 Hamas rioter and the 2017 inauguration Democrat rioters.

Let’s talk about “respect mah verdict”.

In a free country verdicts don’t have to be “respected”. They can be appealed, challenged or just denounced as wrong. Only in totalitarian countries do you have to “respect” verdicts or else.

Americans have a proud tradition of not respecting verdicts. Sometimes verdicts are right and sometimes they’re wrong. Declaring that a verdict is wrong is not the same thing as assaulting a courthouse (the way BLMers did for months in Portland) or barring immigration authorities from functioning.

Democrats and lefties reacted to the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict by rejecting it. When the Supreme Court struck down Roe v. Wade, they reacted with violent attacks on pro-life centers, protests targeting Supreme Court justices at their homes and proposals (still ongoing) to pack the Supreme Court.

It’s fine to hate a court’s verdict. The corrosive hypocrisy comes when you play “Respect mah authority” when your side wins and “Rise up!” when you lose.

And that corrosive hypocrisy pervades the way the Left relates to power. When power is held by someone else, it’s inherently illegitimate and must be overthrown. And when it holds power, then it’s a sacred trust that must be protected in order to save democracy.

There’s nothing American, democratic or patriotic about this corrupt double standard. It’s the worldview of a radical revolutionary movement that literally rejects the idea that it can ever lose or be out of power because its metric is not ‘systemic’, but ‘ideological’. It doesn’t care about democracy, the constitution or the rule of law.

And that would be fine if it had the common decency to admit that. But it plays the dishonest game of asserting the sacred supremacy of the systems and laws it rejects when it’s in power while plotting to destroy them the rest of the time.

The authoritarian/revolutionary bait and switch is endemic to leftist systems and is a sickening display.

The Left doesn’t respect verdicts except when it issues them.

A consistent approach is that verdicts don’t have to be respected in a free country. The Left doesn’t want a free country. It’s an authoritarian movement that pretends to be liberationist until the moment it seizes power.

Neither it nor its pretensions nor its authority deserve any respect.


Israel Under Fire – Detention, Prosecution, and Punishment following the October 7 Massacre   Lt.-Col. (res.) Maurice Hirsch

May 29, 2024 – Captured members of Hamas’s elite Nukhba Force in an Israeli prison (Israel Prison Service)

Executive Summary

On the morning of October 7, 2023, more than 3,000 terrorists from Gaza, including members of Hamas and other terror organizations, invaded Israel and conducted a heinous massacre. The terrorists were joined in the massacre by Gaza residents. In response, Israel launched a war against the Palestinian terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip and in Judea and Samaria. During the war in Gaza thousands of terrorists were killed and thousands more were detained, including terrorists who participated in the massacre and other terrorist activities.

This chapter discusses the legal frameworks and complexities associated with detaining, prosecuting, and punishing these terrorists. It offers an overview of the relevant provisions of Israeli law, the law applicable in Judea and Samaria, and where necessary, references to international law.

While intuitively any decent society would demand the full punishment of the planners and participants in the October 7 massacre, in the current context there could be a substantial complicating factor: as part of the invasion, the Gazan terrorists took 253 people hostage. While some of them were released, 125 hostages remain in captivity.1

Despite the heinous nature of the attack, Israel seeks to maintain its position among the liberal democracies of the West, fighting terror within the framework of the law as well as the international humanitarian norms and principles, even while its enemies intentionally and openly breach such law, norms, and principles. Similar to the punishment that most Israelis would have imposed on Nazis, most of the Israeli public would support imposing and implementing the death penalty on most, if not all, of the terrorists who planned and participated in the October 7 massacre. The death sentence for these terrorists would be the only moral punishment for people who committed such horrific genocidal acts.


Dershowitz: It’s a Day After the Ruling and I Still Don’t Know What the Crime Is – Merchan Took This a Step Further than Stalin – Supreme Court Should See This Case and Reverse This Case   By Jim Hoft

June 1, 2024 10:40 am – Harvard law professor and author Alan Dershowitz weighed in on the Trump convictions by a corrupt court, a biased jury, and and criminal judge on Thursday.

Dershowitz pointed out what all of us are wondering – we still don’t know the crime President Trump allegedly committed.

As the Democrat operatives’ case against President Trump wound down last week the prosecution still had not defined the alleged criminal act that President Trump allegedly committed. But it didn’t matter. The court was ready to find Trump guilty and send him to prison.

Corrupt anti-Trump Judge Juan Merchan told the jury during instructions before their deliberation that they can consider whether the defendant violated any of the following laws:

1. Federal Employees’ Compensation Act (FECA) (federal election campaign law)
2. Falsification of Business Records
3. Tax Laws

Judge Merchan also told the jury they need not agree to what crime was committed. They just had to feel like a criminal act was committed to find President Trump guilty. This was one of the greatest bastardizations of the justice system in US history.

We still don’t know what the jury decided. We still don’t know what crime was committed. It’s been two days now and the court has not defined what law was broken. The judge and jury never told us!

Alan Dershowitz pointed this out on Friday.

Alan Dershowitz: I want to say right now, I side with President Trump’s assessment of the judicial system more than President Biden’s assessment. I’m a liberal Democrat. I voted for Biden. Biden is dead wrong. We should not respect the legal system that is rigged. In my book, Get Trump, I predicted months before this case ever came to trial that it was a foregone conclusion there’d be a conviction. A biased judge, a biased jury, a biased prosecutor, a man who ran for office on the theory of, let’s find a crime to prosecute Trump for, and they couldn’t find the crime, so they made it up.

We’re now a day after the verdict. I’ve known criminal law. I’ve been involved in criminal law for 60 years. I still don’t know what the crime is. Was he found guilty of intending to violate tax laws, to violate the federal election laws, to defraud voters? I still don’t know. And we’re a day after this. This is the most outrageous case. Everybody knows the quote from Lavrentiy Beria, the head of the KGB under Stalin, when Beria said to Stalin, “Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime.”

He tried to find the crime, and he couldn’t. So he made up the crime. He took it a step further than Stalin and Lavrentiy Beria. This case will go down in history as one of the most abusive prosecutions since the trial of Aaron Burr back in ’18, whatever. This is a stain on our criminal justice system.

Professor Emeritus Dershowitz says the Supreme Court should overturn this case.

Continue reading



May 31, 2024 – Turmoil in Israel over a video of a reservist soldier addressing Prime Minister Netanyahu, and telling him that the army his behind him, but also calling on Minister of Security Gallant to resign if he is not determined to win this war, and that if he does not, the army will not follow him. The press filled with outrage against this “sedition.” An investigation was promptly launched. Meanwhile, the newly elected leader of the tiny Labor Party, General Yair Golan, called on reservists not to report to duty until the government calls for new elections. Mike and Gadi discuss. (We apologize for the poor sound quality on Gadi’s side).


Trump Verdict Won’t Matter, CIA Preparing To RIG Another US Election!!   [38:42]   Stephen Gardner

Many 30, 2024 – Stephen Gardner and Mike Benz https://x.com/MikeBenzCyber go deep on the Trump Trial scam and why a verdict won’t end in Trump’s favor. however, regardless of the outcome he will rise in the polls. We discuss the Georgia election scam. The Hunter Biden Laptop and the filth of the Biden family. Mike Benz concisely communicates why the Biden’s are working so hard for Ukraine. I was shocked. Has the USA been hijacked by the CIA? YES!!

– **Missing Ballot Images in Georgia**: Fulton County audit revealed 380,761 missing ballot images from election day and over 17,000 from the recount audit. Questions arise about the existence of these ballots and discrepancies between ballots and votes.

– **Donald Trump Trials**: Concerns over judge’s actions in Trump trials, including giving 50 pages of jury instructions without providing a copy to the jury, and stating that unanimous conviction on the same crime is not necessary. Criticism of the trial proceeding without a specific crime.

– **Hunter Biden Laptop**: Discussion on the Hunter Biden laptop and the implications of the 51 former intelligence officers’ lies to deceive Americans and install Joe Biden as president. Claims of a psyop run by intelligence agents, possibly involving the CIA.

  • **Biden Family and Ukraine**: Examination of the Biden family’s connection to Ukraine and its potential link to the current US support in the Ukraine war. Speculation about CIA involvement.


Gloat While You Still Can: “This Is The ‘All-In-Lost’ Moment”     by James Howard Kunstler

“The hour is much later than you think…on multiple fronts: Financial, political, medical and geopolitical.” – Edward Dowd

FRIDAY, MAY 31, 2024  04:20 PM – In the pre-gloat hours before the verdict in Judge Juan Merchan’s courtroom, Lawfare caporegime Andrew Weissmann (“Mueller’s Pitbull”) confessed Valley Girl style from his MSNBC clubhouse perch, “. . . I mean, I am, like, now I have a man-crush on him, he is such a great judge!” Bromance on, looks like! If the two happen to frequent the same athletic club in downtown Manhattan, Judge Merchan better be careful in the post-workout shower when he  bends over to pick up the soap. The Pitbull cometh!

Of course, the Alvin Bragg victory in the artfully constructed “Stormy Daniels Payoff Case” decided late Thursday calls to question how come the Mueller Special Counsel Probe into 2016 election interference (actually run by Mr. Weissmann, due to Mr. Mueller’s declining cognitive ability) failed to spot the same web of evidence  – hard as they toiled, and they had a good two years and millions of taxpayer dollars to git’er done?

My guess: too many white lawyers on the Mueller staff. Everybody knows now from watching the latest crop of television commercials that white people are unusually stupid and helpless and cannot cope with common problems without assistance from helpful people of color (POCs). So, God bless Alvin Bragg for finally fixing what Bob Mueller’s fifteen bloodhounds led by a pitbull somehow botched.

The former president is now convicted on thirty-four counts of book-keeping errors in furtherance of an alleged 2016 federal election violation that the Federal Election Commission declined to charge — that is, paying a porn star to sign a non-disclosure agreement about a sexual liaison — because it is not a crime under federal election law, and about which the head of the FEC, James E. “Trey” Trainor III, was barred by Judge Merchan from testifying on during the course of the trial for reasons yet unknown.

Of course, that is but one of a great many points of law that will merit appeal in what everybody — even some white people (people of non-color, PONCs) — knows was a case so crookedly contrived that it is fated to get tossed in the higher courts, and probably with harsh remonstrance to the degenerate officers of the court who brought it and adjudicated it. But you will have to wait on that because the mills of the law grind slowly.

Now, in the radiance of the full Woke gloat, we await Judge Merchan’s sentence, to be announced a mere few days before the Republican Convention in Milwaukee in early July. Jail time at Rikers? Home confinement (with ankle bracelet)? Severe travel restrictions? Reporting to a parole officer? Drug tests? Hey, No one is above the law! It is hard to imagine that the judge will demur from inflicting maximum humiliation on this wanton repeat violator (thirty-four times!) of book-keeping errors. It would tend to interfere with the presidential candidate’s campaign schedule, but so what? Where does it say in the Constitution that an election must be fair?


Mark Levin’s Advice to Trump’s Legal Team: ‘Try Like Hell to Get to the Supreme Court’   (VIDEO  3:21)   By Mike Lachance

May. 31, 2024 9:45 pm – Mark Levin of FOX News reacted to the Trump verdict on the Sean Hannity show last night and offered advice to Trump and his legal team.

Levin is a lawyer who worked in the Reagan Justice Department.

He thinks that this case needs to go to the U.S. Supreme Court, ASAP.

Transcript via Real Clear Politics:

MARK LEVIN, FOX NEWS CHANNEL HOST: Well, I’ll say this, no crime, no jurisdiction, no due process, conflicted judge, Soros prosecutor, Manhattan jury.

You know, I’m going to tell you something, Sean, I’ve spent most of my legal career not as a former federal prosecutor, although I served as an chief of staff to an attorney general. I’ve spent most of my legal career fighting these people, suing the federal government, the DOJ, the IRS, the Treasury Department, the EPA, suing campaigns, fighting over voting rights laws and so forth.

And one thing I don’t think our audience understands and you need to understand, we have too many lawyers who are risk averse, too many lawyers who will whine and complain. I have spent 40 years sitting down with people who put on legal brass knuckles and take these bastards on in court. I’m on the — at the appellate and Supreme Court level, that’s where my focus has been my entire career.

So what they need to do now in my view is to go up the appellate chain in New York, we need to stop whining about how long that’s going to take, seek any emergency, immediate appeal that you possibly can. That’s one — one lane.

And the other lane is to try like hell to get to the Supreme Court.

People say, well, they’re not going to take it? You know what? If George Patton was said, I don’t think I can get to the Battle of the Bulge in time, we would have lost World War II. I am sick and tired of these legal defeatists.

We need to stop whining, stop complaining, we know what the hell we’re up against. It’s not news. It’s a fact.

We got to fight these people with our smarts. We have to take some risks. We need to push the edge of the envelope. I don’t mean in a way that that kooks do it, we need to look at Bush versus Gore. Why did the Supreme Court take that case from the Florida Supreme Court?

Watch the video   

This, by the way, is the reason why Democrats and the media have been working so hard to discredit the Supreme court. Because they knew this was coming.

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