Daily Shmutz | COMMENTARY / OPINION  | 6/7/23


The strange suicide of the West    Giulio Meotti

The West is deconstructing itself, soon to become dhimmi. Op-ed.

Jun 7, 2023, 12:54 PM (GMT+3)  – In Austria, a school had the brilliant idea of changing a song’s words from “Gottes Liebe ist so Wunderbar” to “Allah’s Liebe ist so Wunderbar”.

Isn’t everything wonderful?

A few days ago, I wrote about Bordeaux. Now it’s the turn of Grenoble, the city made famous by Stendhal. Because by discovering how a city goes insane, you can better understand the collective madness that has enraptured the West, where there are now two factions facing each other in the open field (non-populist / pro-European): those who defend civilization and those who deconstruct it.

Éric Piolle, ecological mayor of Grenoble, the capital of the Alps of Roman foundation before being the “European green capital”, has just pulled a brilliant idea out of his woke hat: “We delete references to religious holidays in our calendar and declare public holidays the secular holidays that mark our attachment to revolutions, the Commune, the abolition of slavery, the rights of women and LGBT people”.



The LGBTQ+BS Gender-Bender Generation   MARK ALEXANDER

Who makes up the bloated “Pride Month” constituent list of gender-confused “alphabet people”?


The foundation of national morality must be laid in private families.” — John Adams (1778)

There are 12 “American Pride” months on my calendar, but unfortunately I am not on the same calendar as Joe Biden or his Democrat Party cadres and their Leftmedia propagandists.

For them, promoting American Pride would have the undesirable effect of unifying the country, and unity is like killer kryptonite to leftists, who thrive on hate and division. That’s despite the “President UNITY™” pretense, which is a fictitious facade and a stellar example of the art of the “BIG Lie” that Demos have mastered.

Central to the Left’s identity politics strategy is the pandering to their largest voter bloc, women, who Demo political strategists consider to be emotionally incontinent dupes. (Shhhhh — don’t let their female voters know that!)

Nothing aggravates the ranks of right-thinking conservative women more than to have leftist women be the Democrat Party’s most prolific enablers.

The Demos are completely dependent on female voters — majorities of whom have elected every Democrat president since 1960 and have been a majority force in midterm elections. In the 2020 presidential election, there was an 11-point gender gap, the largest in four decades. And in the abysmal 2022 midterm red ripple, there was a colossal 22-point gender gap — men voted Republican by a 14-point margin while women voted Democrat by an eight-point margin. No wonder Democrats are so hostile toward traditional marriage — because single women are among their most reliable constituencies.



Who blew up the dam?   [10:27]   Tucker Carlson

June 6, 2023  6:00 PM – More than 78.9 million viewed his first 10-minutes clip.

At Fox he had only 2-3 million views per night.

Total Page Visits: 186

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