Daily Shmutz | COMMENTARY / OPINION | 6/9/23


145 days of LGBTFU doesn’t seem like oppression for them! Who approved these?


The Department of Education Declares War on Parents  by Daniel Greenfield

Schools that don’t expose children to woke porn will be investigated by the Department of Education.

June 9, 2023  – In May I wrote about the beginning of a federal effort to go after schools through the Department of Education.

Last year, the Forsyth County School District in Georgia pulled “All Boys Aren’t Blue, along with 7 other books from middle school shelves. It brought back all the books except ‘Boys’.

Now Biden is going after them.

The Department of Education conducted a civil rights investigation accusing the school district of creating “a hostile environment for students based on sex”.

How did the Georgia school district do this?

According to the Department of Education investigation letter, at the behest of the school board, “books that were obviously sexually explicit or pornographic” detailing “graphic details of sexual acts” were removed from school libraries.

This would have included All Boys Aren’t Blue which includes sections such as, “he reached his hand down and pulled out my d____. He quickly went to giving me h___” and “for the first few minutes, we dry humped and grinded.”

The school district launched its review after Mama Bears of Forsyth County made headlines by reading excerpts of the graphic materials being pushed on children at school board meetings. The materials were so shocking that the activist mothers were told to stop and one was banned from school board meetings.

The Department of Education launched its investigation to aid supporters of sexualizing children, but found nothing to justify the false accusations of racial or sexual discrimination. But a mere lack of evidence of wrongdoing means nothing to a predatory woke bureaucracy.


Breaking: Tucker Carlson Releases Episode 2 of His Twitter Series – Questions Obama’s “Highly Creepy Personal Life” and the Epidemic of Child Sex Abuse  By Jim Hoft

Jun. 8, 2023 6:07 pm – Tucker Carlson released Episode Two in his Tucker on Twitter Series on Thursday night.

Tucker’s first video has over 100 million views.

In Episode 2 Tucker confronts American taboos including Barack Obama’s creepy marriage and the epidemic of child sexual abuse.

Tucker Carlson: By 2008, it was obvious to anybody who was paying attention that Barack Obama had a strange and highly creepy personal life, yet nobody ever asked him about it. By that point, a leader’s behavior within his own marriage, the core relationship of his life, had been declared irrelevant. It was Barack Obama’s business, not yours. One by one, with increasing speed, our old taboos have been struck down. Those that remain have lost their moral force. Stealing, flaunting your wealth, striking women, smoking marijuana on the street shameless public hypocrisy, taking other people’s money for not working. All of these things used to be considered unacceptable in America. Not anymore. So it probably shouldn’t surprise us that the greatest taboo of all is teetering on the edge of acceptability child molestation. A generation ago, talking to someone else’s children about sex was widely considered grounds for a thrashing.

You won’t want to miss Episode Two!


The price paid    ROBERT W MALONE MD, MS

Reflections on the consequences of whistleblowing and notoriety

JUN 8, 2023

He notices the subtle furrowing of her forehead, the slight change in how she is holding her eyebrows, and asks “Are you OK”. She answers “No, I am depressed and angry. It’s not just the constant on-line attacks, it is also the lack of support from so many that I had thought were friends.”

And there it is. The unspoken truth which daily eats at our souls, the truth that we both are constantly aware of but try not to talk about, is out in the open between us.

How is an individual, or a close couple, supposed to deal with the daily reality of organized censorship, gaslighting, defamation, and on-line bullying persisting for years and years? There are no well established guidelines, and those friends and colleagues who have experienced some form of this only offer general platitudes. Platitudes which range from some variation of “suck it up, snowflake” to blaming the victim. I often state that I refuse to define myself as a victim, but I do not know of a better term.


We’re Losing on Every Front So We Must Change Strategies Immediately   JD RUCKER

It seems every political, cultural, or religious “victory” we’re able to achieve turns out to be nothing more than a temporary reprieve.

JUN 8, 2023 – There are three types of people who will read this post all the way through. Most will do so because they think I’m wrong. They’ll say the right is scoring some victories and taking some defeats, but it’s all part of the right-left, good-evil, conservative-progressive ebb and flow that has driven political, cultural, and religious battles throughout modern American history.

Some will read it looking for the glimmer of hope that keeps them motivated to not give up on America. My writing often presents the bad while offering a reminder that not all is lost as long as we keep fighting the good fight.

A few will read this to see if I’m aligned with their perspectives or able to convince them that I’m right. These are the people who or often labeled as cynical even as they declare they’re just being realistic. I’ll be labeled cynical, but I certainly believe I’m just being realistic.


The strange suicide of the West    Giulio Meotti

The West is deconstructing itself, soon to become dhimmi. Op-ed.

Jun 7, 2023, 12:54 PM (GMT+3)  – In Austria, a school had the brilliant idea of changing a song’s words from “Gottes Liebe ist so Wunderbar” to “Allah’s Liebe ist so Wunderbar”.

Isn’t everything wonderful?

A few days ago, I wrote about Bordeaux. Now it’s the turn of Grenoble, the city made famous by Stendhal. Because by discovering how a city goes insane, you can better understand the collective madness that has enraptured the West, where there are now two factions facing each other in the open field (non-populist / pro-European): those who defend civilization and those who deconstruct it.

Éric Piolle, ecological mayor of Grenoble, the capital of the Alps of Roman foundation before being the “European green capital”, has just pulled a brilliant idea out of his woke hat: “We delete references to religious holidays in our calendar and declare public holidays the secular holidays that mark our attachment to revolutions, the Commune, the abolition of slavery, the rights of women and LGBT people”.



The LGBTQ+BS Gender-Bender Generation   MARK ALEXANDER

Who makes up the bloated “Pride Month” constituent list of gender-confused “alphabet people”?


The foundation of national morality must be laid in private families.” — John Adams (1778)

There are 12 “American Pride” months on my calendar, but unfortunately I am not on the same calendar as Joe Biden or his Democrat Party cadres and their Leftmedia propagandists.

For them, promoting American Pride would have the undesirable effect of unifying the country, and unity is like killer kryptonite to leftists, who thrive on hate and division. That’s despite the “President UNITY™” pretense, which is a fictitious facade and a stellar example of the art of the “BIG Lie” that Demos have mastered.

Central to the Left’s identity politics strategy is the pandering to their largest voter bloc, women, who Demo political strategists consider to be emotionally incontinent dupes. (Shhhhh — don’t let their female voters know that!)

Nothing aggravates the ranks of right-thinking conservative women more than to have leftist women be the Democrat Party’s most prolific enablers.

The Demos are completely dependent on female voters — majorities of whom have elected every Democrat president since 1960 and have been a majority force in midterm elections. In the 2020 presidential election, there was an 11-point gender gap, the largest in four decades. And in the abysmal 2022 midterm red ripple, there was a colossal 22-point gender gap — men voted Republican by a 14-point margin while women voted Democrat by an eight-point margin. No wonder Democrats are so hostile toward traditional marriage — because single women are among their most reliable constituencies.



Who blew up the dam?   [10:27]   Tucker Carlson

June 6, 2023  6:00 PM – More than 78.9 million viewed his first 10-minutes clip.

At Fox he had only 2-3 million views per night.

Total Page Visits: 853

About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.