Daily Shmutz | COMMENTARY / OPINION  | 6/9/24



America’s Mayor Live (E425): The Hunter Biden Trial is a Trap; Don’t Take the Bait  [1:28:12]   Rudy W. Giuliani

June 7, 2024


Jonathan Pollard: My first time on the Temple Mount in 1970   [30:41]   Machon Shilo

June 9, 2024


Jonathan Pollard on the Spectacular HOSTAGE RESCUE from Gaza   [14:37]   Machon Shilo

June 9, 2024


J. Pollard & Rav David Bar-Hayim: Avigdor Lieberman-Iran Plans 2nd Holocaust. Netanyahu Must Go   [13:55]   Machon Shilo

June 9, 2024


ESCAPE FROM HAMAS: What Israel’s Hostage Rescue Tells You About Gaza   [45:13]   Caroline Glick

June 9, 2024 – An incredible Israeli rescue operation brings four hostages home from Gaza and Hamas captivity.

But, reaching a new low, the media focuses on the civilian casualties quoting numbers from the Gaza Health Ministry and calls Israel’s operation a war crime.

But do the details of this operation point to something about the Gaza civilian population and the way the media operates?

00:00  IDF Raid Rescues Israeli Hostages

10:4319:25  The Gaza Health Ministry is Hamas

19:2527:10  Manipulated Casualty Numbers that Are Repeated

27:1036:00  The Media is Complicit/Jerusalem Day Manipulation

36:00  Understanding the Whole Picture: The media, civilians and health ministry is a part of this.

[Ed.:  “Innocent civilians” in Gaza is an oxymoron. There are no innocent civilians.]


Hamas is FINISHED  [9:09]   The Tom Nash Report

June 9, 2024


Shavou’ot (Pentecost) guide for the perplexed, 2024   Ambassador (ret.) Yoram Ettinger

“Second Thought: a US-Israel Initiative”
June 9, 2024

1. Shavou’ot (June 11-12, 2024) and the Land of Israel

*Shavou’ot commemorates the receipt of the Torah (the Five Books of Moses). It is one of the three liberty-driven Jewish pilgrimages to Jerusalem:  Passover, Shavou’ot (Pentecost) and Sukkot (Tabernacles). It documents the critical linkage between Judaism, the Land of Israel and the Jewish people. These pilgrimages constitute central milestones in the formation of Jewish history and the 4,000-year-old Jewish roots in the Land of Israel.

*Shavou’ot is an historical, national, agricultural and a spiritual extension of Passover. Passover highlights the physical liberty from slavery in Egypt; Shavou’ot highlights spiritual liberty, embracing the values of the Five Books of Moses, the Ten Commandments and The Ethics of our Fathers (Pirkey Avot). Therefore, the eve of Shavou’ot is dedicated to an all-night study of Jewish values.

*Shavou’ot is also called the Holiday of the Harvest (Bikoorim in Hebrew), since it concludes the harvesting season, which starts during Passover.

*Shavou’ot commemorates the 40 years of the Exodus, which entailed tough challenges on the road to the Land of Israel, forging the state-of-mind of the Jewish people and the Jewish State.

*Shavou’ot means “weeks” in Hebrew and its root is identical to the root of the Hebrew word for “vows” (שבע), which is the same word for “seven.” It documents the seven weeks between Passover (the Exodus) and Shavou’ot.

*Shavou’ot highlights the prerequisites for a secure Land of Israel: the willingness to sustain blood, sweat and tears; faith and principle-driven tenacity in the face of severe odds; the steeper the hurdle, the more critical is the mission; crises are opportunities in disguise.

2. Shavou’ot’s impact on the formation of the US

*The holiday of Shavou’ot commemorates the legacy of Moses, which had a significant impact on the Early Pilgrims and the Founding Fathers, and the formation of the US culture, civic life, the federal system (e.g., the Separation of Powers), the US Revolution, The Federalist Papers, the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

  • *The Liberty Bell and the Abolitionist Movement were inspired by the Biblical concept of Jubilee – the role model of Biblical liberty – which is a cardinal component of the Mosaic legacy. The essence of the Jubilee is engraved on the Liberty Bell: “Proclaim liberty throughout all the land and unto all the inhabitants thereof (Leviticus 25:10).”
  • *The Liberty Bell was installed in Philadelphia in 1752, 50 years following William Penn’s Charter of Privileges, and eventually inspiring the 50 States in the union. According to the Biblical Jubilee, all slaves must be released, and land must be returned to the original proprietors every 50 years. Shavou’ot is celebrated 50 days following Passover, and Pentecost – a derivative of the Greek word for 50 – is celebrated 50 days following Easter.  According to Judaism, there are 50 gates of wisdom, studied during the 50 days between Passover and Shavou’ot.

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[Ed.:  The holiday of Shavou’ot begins this year at sundown, on Tuesday, June 11, 2024.]


Compassionate Israelis, complicit Gazans   Ruthie Blum

The heroic hostage-rescue operation brought out the best in the Jewish state and typical sociopathy in the Strip.  Op-ed.

Jun 9, 2024, 2:42 PM (GMT+3) – (JNS) When the news broke in Israel on Saturday that four hostages had been rescued in a daring military operation, the entire country wept with joy. Literally. Even typically cynical broadcast journalists couldn’t contain their tears as they reported from the field and in-studio. (Ed. It’s in Hebrew, but watch Channel 12 leftist broadcaster break down announcing the rescue.)

Beachgoers who learned of the event via cell phone alerts urged the lifeguard to announce it in his megaphone. Once he obtained permission from the Tel Aviv-Jaffa Municipality to do so, he happily obliged.

As he belted out the names of Noa Argamani, Almog Meir Jan, Andrey Kozlov and Shlomi Ziv—and punctuated the declaration with “Am Yisrael Chai” (“The Jewish People Lives”)—the crowds on the coast erupted in ecstatic applause.

Israelis at cafes, parks and movie theaters had a similar collective reaction. Ditto for those vacationing abroad.

The only members of society initially unable to participate in the celebration were the Shabbat-observant. Not wishing them to miss out on the jubilation, Israelis hung signs in stairwells to let their religious neighbors know what had transpired.

Others yelled out windows to passersby walking home from synagogue. Such scenes of solidarity made everyone resume crying.

They served as a reminder that Israelis have a familial bond and consider it urgent to share good tidings with one another. Later, everybody would find out about the day’s tragedy: that Yahalom Commande. Arnon Zamora from the National Counter-Terrorism Unit succumbed to wounds sustained in the heroic operation.

Compare this with social ties in Gaza. The terrorist enclave is where Noa, Almog, Andrey and Shlomi spent 246 days in captivity, after being brutally abducted on Oct. 7 from the Nova music festival.

It is also the location of an additional 120 hostages whose fate is in the hands of Hamas and the “uninvolved” civilians who willingly aid and abet their uniformed counterparts. This fact is intentionally omitted by the antisemites bemoaning the number of Palestinian Arabs killed by Israeli forces during the rescue raid.

The undertaking was particularly complex, since the captives were being held in two separate buildings in the densely populated residential area of Nuseirat. Noa was reportedly imprisoned by the family of a doctor and his son, a correspondent for Al Jazeera and the Palestinian Chronicle

The apartment—the last of a string of private homes to which she was taken over the past eight months—was a lot less shabby than the tunnels underneath, as the members of the household reminded her whenever they deigned to grant her request for food or a shower.

Chalk it up to the heartwarming hospitality of a physician. Or maybe it was the kindness of his daughter and daughter-in-law that kept the confined Israeli female from starving. When the time is right for her, Noa will recount the details of her harrowing experience.

That her captors were eliminated is fitting. Ditto for anyone in the vicinity who began firing at the Israeli units and anti-terrorism squads engaged in saving the young woman and three men snatched from a party on Simchat Torah.

There’s camaraderie for you: a neighborhood filled with men, women and children banding together to prevent terrorized Jews from escaping their enslavement. Hamas is surely proud of its handiwork, especially in light of the international outcry on its behalf.

One thing that can be said of Gaza is it lacks internal dissent. The opposite is the case in Israel.

Indeed, by Saturday night—when Palestinian Arabs were unified in their hatred of the Jewish state for saving four of its citizens—many Israelis who had celebrated earlier in the day were out in the streets demanding that the government make a deal with Hamas to return the rest of the hostages. That Hamas refuses to enter into any agreement that removes it from power doesn’t seem to register with them.

But at least they care about human life. The Gazans, on the other hand, are too busy worshiping death to have compassion for hostages in their midst—or to replace the regime responsible for their woes.


So you want to know ‘is the deepstate real’? Yes! I WORKED in Washington DC during COVID & they told me, CDC, FDA, NIH officials ‘silently’ that their job, their main role is/was to HURT Trump daily, all of them, that they have an ‘unspoken understanding’ and some literal, headed by Fauci, Birx camps etc. to ensure the pandemic response is devastating; NOW, you see BEELZEBUBS Brag & Merchan     DR. PAUL ALEXANDER

JUN 09, 2024 – You see Garland, on the legal side, using our Justice department, using what we thought was our system of Justice, to achieve their DARK aims…abusing Trump…whether you like him or not, was any of this right?

You see them and what they did, you think they not coming for you? Next…You fail to grasp that the attacks, the wrong done on Trump is really an attack on you…the people….these people in the deepstate think they ‘OWN’ America and it runs and exists ONLY for them…and they will decide who lives and dies and who succeeds…you see Trump aka 45 was really from the outside and in their mind, not belonging to ‘their’ world…they the deepstate and media are the ONLY ones to choose who will be POTUS…not you…it is CHOSEN…anointed…all of this is to send the message using 45 as an example, to not try this fucking shit again, don’t come up here with your name and money and fame and think you can be POTUS, no outsider…DON’T, for we will fuck you and destroy you like how we are doing to 45…we are making an example of 45 to send you a message…know your place…

I saw the deepstate in DC, I met many, openly told me who they were and their daily deeds…to do one thing, harm USA and Trump…

Deepstate is real, the administrative deepstate, one from State department told me para ‘Trum has no power, none, we don’t listen to him, he is only a visitor, we run things, I am here 30 years, we run this town, he is passing through, I will be here when he is gone’…

But the problem is, they are playing with a master…who is playing them…and he has us on his side…100 million standing army…

My concern is this will not be pretty, not be nice as RUSH said…democracy never is. getting there. and these sick evil beasts cannot grasp, they did not create Trump…Trump created Trump over 50 years in a love affair with the people…the media, the deepstate, none of them can damage or destroy Trump…he grows stronger, larger with each act on him…

So you now understand why 45 must win in November, why SCOTUS must act, and why 45 must go balls to the wall and burn DC down, burn it down to the studs…fuck them all to the cross….complete…use the legal system the same way they did to take them out…and rebuild…all the alphabets…all of them…close 10-15 agencies complete and fire 5000 across all, each, top down…and imprison many…it is that corrupt. but the 4 years under Trump next will be hard but it is a must to rebuild and remake America…for the good…and rid us of the filth that exists now.

I will write shortly on my discussions with CDC, FDA, NIH officials ‘off the cuff, anonymously’.


Dire Warning From Economist Jim Rickards: ‘Are They Trying to Start a Nuclear War?’    by Leo Hohmann

June 8, 2024 2:00 pm – Says Leo: Must-read article I hope everyone will share with their sleeping friends and family members; If our people knew how close we are to nuclear war they would be in the streets demanding peace talks now!

I’ve been warning for two years about NATO putting itself on an escalator toward World War III. Many people thought I was a little over the top in my analysis, but now suddenly I’m not feeling so alone in my assessment.

Over the last several weeks and months, many other astute observers have finally taken off the blinders, opened their eyes and acknowledged just how close we are to the point of no return in the rush to war with the world’s largest nuclear-armed country, Russia.

I can’t tell you how many times in recent weeks I’ve read or heard comparisons to the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis. The only difference is back then we had sane American leaders who realized the importance of diplomacy and talking directly with our adversaries in order to avoid a devastating nuclear exchange.

Some Westerner commentators, even some very smart ones, still deny that nuclear war is a real possibility in today’s world, or if it is, it’s very remote. My sense is that it’s not remote at all, given the leadership we now have in Washington.

If what we’ve seen so far is any indication, the Third World War will start as a conventional war between the U.S./NATO and Russia and quickly escalate to nuclear warheads exploding on military and civilian targets.

Why do I believe this?

It doesn’t matter if you like Putin, hate Putin or are indifferent towards Putin, there are some indisputable facts:


Marxism and Islamism   [0:59]   Mark Levin Show



JUN 08, 2024 – A person claiming to be the cousin of a juror posted the day before Trump’s conviction – on the the court’s Facebook page (called the New York State Unified Court System and dated May 20th) – that Trump was getting convicted. If this is confirmed, the case would likely have to be declared a mistrial according to New York Law.

The left is frantically calling this a “hoax” that MAGA fell for – after the poster suddenly declared himself a “shitposter” and a fraud – and they are attacking anyone who posts about it. That alone tells you it’s real.

Read the comments below this post:

I’m not buying that it is a hoax. I think it’s very real and they are spinning it for damage control.

Based on what I’ve read so far, I think the juror’s cousin did post that on the court’s Facebook page – the New York Courts and the judge knew about – and saved it to be edited and released after the verdict was reached to provide an out for themselves – if necessary. I think that the FBI tampered with the post AFTER the fact to make it less inflammatory, and then forced Facebook to delete it. Here’s why I think that.

The corrupt judge, Juan Merchan, presiding over Donald Trump’s New York bogus Stormy trial, alerted both the prosecutors and Trump’s defense team on Friday, June 7th, with a letter, about a Facebook post that allegedly appeared on May 29 – a full day before the verdict was reached on May 30. The jury only deliberated for two days.

In other words, the corrupt Judge waited 8 days AFTER the verdict was announced to release this letter – and then he actually edited the line to remove the words: “Thank you for all your hard work against the MAGA crazies.”

brief letter from New York judge Juan Merchan on June 7th told both the prosecution and defense that the court “became aware of a comment” from a user named “Michael Anderson” that states: “My cousin is a juror and says Trump is getting convicted … Thank you folks for all your hard work!!!!”

Hmm. He LEFT OUT the words “MAGA CRAZIES.” Why? In his letter, Merchan also did NOT mention any sort of investigation into the matter. THE VERDICT SHOULD BE THROWN OUT FOR THAT ALONE.

The comment was posted under an unrelated post on the New York court system’s Facebook page from May 29, the day before jurors found Trump guilty on 34 felony counts.

Merchan should immediately hold a hearing on the record to resolve this.

AFTER every media outlet reported on this and called for a mistrial, the post was removed from Facebook and the guy named Michael Anderson, WHO SAID HE WAS THE JUROR’S COUSIN, came out and said he was a “professional shitposter” and said it was a hoax. Hmm.

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Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.