Daily Shmutz | COMMENTARY / OPINION | 7/12/23




Is the 2024 Election the Last Gasp for America?   By Brian C. Joondeph

July 12, 2023  – Monty Python’s 1979 hit movie “Life of Brian” featured a song about optimism:

Some things in life are bad

They can really make you mad

Other things just make you swear and curse

When you’re chewing on life’s gristle

Don’t grumble, give a whistle

And this’ll help things turn out for the best

Always look on the bright side of life

One might apply this to politics and current events.

Are you optimistic that America is just in a phase that we will get through, that things will soon return to normal, or we don’t grumble and just give a whistle?

Or are we watching the end of the American experiment, in keeping with the adage that empires last no longer than 250 years before crumbling into totalitarianism or chaos?

Is looking on the bright side of geopolitical and economic life wishful thinking, denial of reality?


Ep. 9  The Andrew Tate interview  [2:30:58]  Tucker Carlson   July 11, 2023


Our Alleged President is a Corrupt Scumbag – and the Ruling Class is OK With That   by Kurt Schlichter

Is a backlash coming?

July 11, 2023  – It’s undeniable that PINO – President-In-Name-Only – Joe Biden is massively corrupt in every possible way. From leveraging his position as vice-president for cash to covering up for his meth-addled, stripper-banging, scumbag son – who is currently spilling his Bolivian party powder all over the White House – this senile pervert is a one-man crimewave. And the ruling class simply doesn’t care. If anything, its members are happy about it. This is not something they merely excuse. This is something that they find a positive good. Grandpa Badfinger reset the corruption bar for all of them. Now they too can now freely line their own pockets without fear of shame or prosecution while sending us proles an unequivocal message – we can do whatever we want.

As the gang at the Ruthless podcast (who I’m scheduled to visit next month) observe, this is not about hypocrisy. We’re so far past “Imagine the scandal if Trump did that!” This is about hierarchy. This is to show you that they have power and there is nothing you can do about it.

But I’m unconvinced they are thinking this through.


Silencing the ‘Sound of Freedom’   by Mark Tapson

Why is the leftist media targeting a movie about child sex trafficking?

July 11, 2023 – Arguably no issue is less partisan, and more likely to unite people of every political stripe, even in our current state of hyper-polarization, than child trafficking. How could opposition to the cruel kidnapping of children and their forced recruitment into the international sex trade fail to draw unified support from all corners? And yet when a movie comes along that dares to address this uncomfortable topic, this horrific evil, head-on – a movie aimed not only at raising awareness but at inspiring action – the Left curiously rallies to undermine it with partisan smears and ugly innuendo.

… Here are a few statistics from the Polaris Project, a movement to end human trafficking:

  • Human trafficking is a $150 billion-a-year criminal enterprise business worldwide
  • 27% of human trafficking victims are children
  • The United States is #1 in the world for sex trafficking
  • More than 500,000 children a year go missing in the U.S. alone
  • Over 500,000 online sexual predators are active each day
  • As of 2021, there are 252,000 websites containing images or videos of children sexually abused


Corporate media defends child trafficking and attacks powerful new film exposing it   Mike Adams,  Brighteon Broadcast News

July 11, 2023 – Corporate media DEFENDS child sex trafficking by attacking blockbuster “Sound of Freedom” movie

[59:39 – 0:00 Sex Trafficking, 23:20 Los Angeles is Finished, 41:14 WEF]

The left-wing corporate media has exposed how sick, perverted and satanic it truly is by attacking the “Sound of Freedom” movie that exposes child trafficking.

 In effect, the blockbuster new film has caused the demonic entities running the left-wing media to come out of the closet and profess their support for child murder, child mutilations and child trafficking. They endorse it all.

– Corporate media attacks “Sound of Freedom” to try to bury truth about child sex trafficking

– The spectrum of left-wing EVIL: #Abortion -> #Trans mutilations -> Child #trafficking -> Organ harvesting

– Almost every Democrat in America is willing to go along with child mutilations and murder

– Seething evil has taken over the minds and dark souls of the Left in America

– We must arrest and criminally prosecute all surgeons that mutilate children

– Some children sold into sex slavery are sold by their own parents

– Target retail stores are engaged in sexualization of children, warn AGs

– God’s wrath has been unleashed upon America because the nation has turned away from God

– America must make a choice: Satan or God. Biden represents satanism and demonism

– America will be “turned to rubble” if God is not brought back into the fold

– Rapper 50 Cent warns that Los Angeles will collapse under no-bail crime policies

– WEF wants to use digital money controls to BAN purchases of ammo

– Fiat currency #hyperinflation will drive the masses into #crypto as more reliable money

– Privacy coins will be the top destination of choice for those who want to protect their assets

– Liberals argue that #censorship is the “highest form of speech”


Douglas Macgregor & Kim Iversen: The Russians Have 750.000 Troops Ready to Attack   [27:33]   Douglas Macgregor S.C.

Colonel Douglas Macgregor Straight Calls – Analysis of breaking news and in-depth discussion of current geopolitical events in the United States of America and the world.

[Ed.:  Douglas McGregor for President!!   …Oh nevermind, he wouldn’t be foolish enough to do that.   …Nevertheless, I really wish that he was our President.]


Modern Orthodox Judaism Failed to be Either Modern or Orthodox During Covid   BY ETAN GOLUBTCHIK

JULY 7, 2023  – In light of Jeffrey Tucker’s recent article, among others, which criticized his tribe of elite libertarians for their failed response to the covid crisis, I would like to offer a detailed critique of my own tribe and its failed response.

It is important  to emphasize that the process of calling out one’s own tribe is quite painful. As others have stated, the realization that our role models and peers who were integral to helping us form our own world views and moral systems failed in the face of adversity can be a soul-wrenching experience.

Despite witnessing many of the horrors of the past few years, including unnecessary mass excess mortality and huge spikes in poverty rates on a global scale, the most painful internal scars I bear relate to the disappointment in those I once thought would stand in the breach with me to protect the vulnerable and young among us.

These were the ones whom I believed shared a world ethic with me based on our religion and the philosophy we studied together, yet they failed to demonstrate allegiance to these values. Through websites and apps like Brownstone, Twitter, and more I have been able to find others who held ethical standards similar to my own, but that can never truly replace what I lost when my own tribe let me down catastrophically.

What is Modern Orthodox Judaism?

The Modern Orthodox movement in Judaism, of which I had always considered myself a card-carrying member, can trace its roots back to 19th century Europe. Following Napoleon’s reforms, Jews were generally allowed and encouraged to leave their segregated villages and fully integrate into the modern industrial secular society. While many Jews were immediately drawn by this emancipation to leave behind many of the norms and requirements of an orthodox Jewish lifestyle, an opposing Jewish approach chose to reject as much of this modernity and emancipation as possible to help ensure a continuation of Jewish observance and traditions.

These polar camps represent the early formations of what are now considered the Reform and Reconstructionist movements on the one hand, and the Ultra-Orthodox movement, on the other. In between these opposing camps, the Modern Orthodox movement rose to the challenge of trying to integrate a fully Torah-observant lifestyle as much as possible into the new cosmopolitan secular society.


Let Them Eat Cake    Chananya Weissman Newsletter

July 11, 2023 – Wednesday at 4:30 PM Israel time will be my weekly Torah class.  The link to register for the live program is here.

Thursday at the same time will be my monthly Erev Rav and Amalek program.  I will be joined by Dr. Jayne LM Donegan, who courageously stood up to persecution from the General Medical Council (GMC) in the UK and the fake media for her sensible and scientific views about vaccines.  The link to register for the live program is here.

Let Them Eat Cake

If you want to find true heroes, don’t look in governments or positions of leadership. That’s where to look for the greatest scoundrels and most feeble cowards. This is by design; people with integrity and strength of character aren’t allowed to get far, lest they spoil the party for those who are really in charge.

If you want to find a true hero, you can visit the West Orange Bake Shop in New Jersey and ask for Yitzy Mittel. (Full disclosure: until a few days ago I hadn’t heard of this bakery or Mr. Mittel, and have no connection to either of them.)

The Jewish Telegraph Agency – a media service that has no great love for Orthodox Judaism, to put it mildly – ran an incredible story a few days ago. Naturally, it was a thinly veiled editorial disguised as news, but if one is not overly susceptible to propaganda he will draw the opposite conclusion from the one desired by the JTA and their Erev Rav ilk.

The piece carries the following title: “A kosher baker rejected a synagogue’s order for rainbow Pride treats. The firestorm has been fierce.” The Times of Israel, who combine low journalistic standards with blood-libel-level hatred for Orthodox Jews, republished the piece, but opted for an even more inflammatory headline: “NJ Jews reel after kosher baker rejects synagogue’s order for rainbow Pride treats”.

That’s right, according to the Slimes of Israel, the Jews of New Jersey are reeling! What are they reeling from? A synagogue shooting? A string of violent attacks? A huge criminal scandal?

No. An Orthodox Jewish baker canceled an order for a custom cake celebrating sexual perversity.

Fake “rabbis” from fake synagogues who represent branches of “Judaism” whose sole purpose for existing is to falsify the Torah for people who want to have their “cake” and eat it too, were predictably outraged.

Worst of all, the Supreme Court recently curtailed their ability to utterly destroy this man, his bakery, and everything close to him. These vicious, vindictive monsters who call themselves Orthodox Jews, and demand to be accepted as such, will have to work harder to bankrupt and ruin this principled man who wouldn’t bake them a stupid cake. The injustice of it all!

Nothing, but nothing, outrages these people more than an Orthodox Jew standing in the way of their cultural revolution. These hysterical phonies – it’s highly doubtful that these Conservative, Reform, and Reconstructionist “rabbis” are even Jewish at this point – have sympathy for every terrorist, love for everyone who hates them, and tolerance for everything intolerable, but the one person they cannot stand is the Orthodox Jew who refuses to cater to them.

For all the myriad ways they “interpret” the Torah and its commandments out of existence, denying our traditional teachings and dismissing our greatest rabbis throughout the ages as nobodies who just made it all up (quite the conspiracy theory, and quite the projection), the only “interpretation” of the Torah they cannot tolerate is the one that has immutable commandments, the one that has real standards, the one that has stood the test of time. One that actually means something, which by definition is exclusive, not inclusive of everything that contradicts it.

The only Jew these Erev Rav cannot tolerate is one who has principles that he simply will not compromise. In other words, a real Jew, precisely the sort of Jew they are not.

One must wonder why these fake Jews who believe men should marry and defile themselves with other men, who insist the Torah doesn’t forbid such things, who insist this is exactly what God wants men to be doing, would patronize a kosher bakery in the first place. After all, where does the Torah say we have to eat only kosher food? And even if it does, so what? Nothing a little reinterpreting can’t solve.

Besides, who taught us what kosher even means if not the very same Talmudic sages, with their traditions dating back to Har Sinai, that these Erev Rav reject?

It’s no coincidence that when these Erev Rav have an appetite for perversity-celebrating pastries they suddenly want them to be kosher. What good is being a pervert, after all, if one cannot claim to be an Orthodox pervert? And if one can commission an Orthodox Jew to willingly participate in the farce – or cower before it – that is a true victory. That’s the ultimate goal.

Yitzy Mittel is a hero. He surely knew that holding fast to his principles and canceling an order for perversity-themed pastries would not be met with understanding, let alone respect, by the false purveyors of tolerance.

We all know the rules by now. You do not say no to the rainbow mafia. You do not refuse any of their demands. You do not criticize them or anything they do, ever. If you have a problem with something, you kiss their feet and keep it to yourself. If you don’t cater to their every wish and demand, if you don’t ingratiate yourself to them, if you don’t celebrate every push of their envelope to the point of surrendering your children, they will do everything they can to destroy you.

These people don’t have boundaries, after all. That’s the essence of who they are.

Naturally, people who falsify the Torah will skew reality to portray themselves as victims instead of the agitators and terrorists that they are. But, despite the best efforts of partisan media hacks to flip the script, Yitzy Mittel comes across as a reasonable person with integrity. He has no problem with serving people whose beliefs are antithetical to his own, but he cannot in good conscience custom-make a product that celebrates something that is antithetical to what he stands for.

Why should he? Why should anyone?

Would the LGBT mafia expect him to custom-design a cake with swastikas for a Nazi convention? Would the JTA, the Times of Israel, and their morally bankrupt ilk defame a Jew who refused such an order?

Would the rainbow terrorists expect a Muslim baker to fulfill their order? Would they be obnoxious enough to seek one out in the first place? Of course not. They have the greatest of respect for Islamists, because they too want to destroy Israel – albeit in different ways – and that’s the most important thing.

(Speaking of that, a Ramat Gan resident was fined by the Erev Rav tyrants who control Israel for posting a Shema Yisrael sign to protest abomination parades. See here.)
Here’s an even sharper question. It’s probably theoretical, since responsible adults with real jobs and businesses aren’t running around agitating at gay parades, drag shows, and other “pride” events. Let’s say there was an LGBT bakery and someone ordered a cake featuring verses from the Torah that are incompatible with the perversity movement. Maybe even a stoning scene! All in good fun, of course.

Would even one LGBT baker fill this order without so much as a sideways glance, or would they all react with fury and rally the mob? Who would receive favorable coverage from the Times of Israel in that scenario?

Nu, fair is fair, but hypocrisy is their trademark. It comes with changing the rules every five minutes, falsifying the Torah, and defying God’s nature.

I don’t know who Yitzy Mittel is, but he is a hero.

Why did this extremely important story receive almost no coverage in media with a predominantly Orthodox Jewish audience? Arutz Sheva merely republished the JTA story (here), and later published an op-ed by Rabbi Dov Fischer (here). Aside from that, I couldn’t find anything.

Why is the supposedly Orthodox Jewish media not celebrating this hero who is risking everything for the sake of the Torah? Why are they not giving this story – one that has serious implications for our community – any attention at all?

I think I know why. If they covered this story, they would have to take the side of the baker. And if they take the side of the baker, they will become the next targets of the rainbow mafia. So they quietly surrender.


Your local Orthodox rabbi, who would like to remain employable, will not make any public statements about this story for the same reason.

What fearless leaders we have. Gedolim, I tell you!

Chazal tell us that in a place where there are no men, strive to be a man (Avos 2:5). (No apologies to the feminist mafia; they’re passé now, anyway.) Yitzy Mittel is a man. He had the courage to do what very few people would do. Chances are you wouldn’t have the courage to do what he did (at least not yet).

So I want you to support Yitzy Mittel and the West Orange Bake Shop. We all owe him for standing up for what is right and true, in the face of a mob that will destroy anything in its path. Let his bakery be so inundated with orders that they don’t have time to answer questions from Erev Rav journalists. Let them go from strength to strength, and let the fake rabbis and perverts eat their hearts out.

If someone can bring an order of chocolate chip cookies to Israel for me, I would be most grateful.




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*   *   *

Worth a watch and a read:

Thousands of anti-LGBTQ+ protesters storm Georgia Pride festival

Modern Orthodox Judaism Failed to be Either Modern or Orthodox During Covid


Douglas Macgregor – Cluster Munitions: A War Crime or a Tactical Necessity?   [27:45]   July 10, 2023


LG(B)T(QIA+) tyrants, 303 creative, and a little Kosher Bakery   Rabbi Prof. Dov Fischer

The US Supreme Court stopped the force-feeding of LGBTQ lifestyle down the throats of everyday people with wholesome family values.   Op-ed.

Jul 9, 2023, 5:21 PM (GMT+3) – The United States Supreme Court has slammed a door shut on LG(B)T(QIA+) tyrants, who traverse the country trying to force-feed their lifestyle down the throats of quiet, everyday people who harbor normal wholesome family values that accord with Torah and Nature.

In 303 Creative v. Elenis, the heroic Lorie Smith won an extraordinary right —the right of free speech — which includes freedom of conscience and the freedom to think. Obama’s Sonia Sotomayor raged against that shocking notion. She was joined by Obama’s Elana Kagan and by She Who Cannot Define a Woman. Some day, perhaps, America will not need a divided Supreme Court to affirm the freedom to “speak or not speak” according to one’s conscience. But for now, we have the 303 Creative court and Lorie Smith to thank.

Lorie Smith lives in a Colorado that has gone LG(B)T(QIA+)-crazy, as baker Jack Phillips’s many years of fighting Colorado Ahave demonstrated. Smith is a web designer and proactively wanted to ascertain, as a faithful Christian, that she would not encounter state-imposed financial destruction and forcible government “re-education” (“remedial . . . training”) if she would refuse in the future to design a website celebrating a homosexual or lesbian wedding. The 303 Creative court observed that, in this particular case, Colorado was not merely seeking to ensure the sale of goods or services on equal terms but also to compel an individual to create speech she does not believe.

Smith had made clear she gladly will work for LG(B)T(QIA+) clients, just will not design a web page that “contradicts Biblical truth” and conflicts with the Word of G-d. In Smith’s 2-1 losing 10th Circuit appeal, Judge Mary Beck Briscoe (Clinton judge) and Judge Michael R. Murphy (Clinton judge) voted against her right to free conscience. Uh-huh. By contrast, Chief Judge Timothy M. Tymkovich (George W. Bush judge) supported her appeal. So she brought her appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court, seeking an injunction: a court order assuring her right to refuse devoting her artistic gifts to design celebratory products violating her conscience.

By a 6-3 margin, the 303 Creative court held Colorado may not force a website designer to create expressive designs that convey messages she opposes. The Court cited a long line of Supreme Court legal precedent that consistently has upheld the freedom to think as one may, to speak as one thinks, and not to be compelled to provide a platform for perspectives repugnant to the speaker’s views.

  • Thus, in West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette, 319 U.S. 624 (1943), the Court held the government may not coerce “J[] Witness” school children into reciting the pledge of allegiance.
  • In Hurley v. Irish-American Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Group of Boston, Inc., 515 U. S. 557 (1995), the Court held that Massachusetts could not force veterans organizing a Boston parade to include a group of “gay,” lesbian, and bisexual individuals because requiring the veterans to include voices they wished to exclude would impermissibly require them to “alter the expressive content of their parade.”
  • And in Boy Scouts of America v. Dale, 530 U.S. 640 (2000), where the Boy Scouts sought to exclude an assistant scoutmaster after learning he was homosexual, the Court held the Boy Scouts to be “an expressive association” and upheld its “choice not to propound a point of view contrary to its beliefs.”


Welcome to the Islamic Republic of France – or is it Faraz?   Giulio Meotti

There will not be a wave of adherence to Islam, but more simply the religious minority will impose its rules by becoming the majority. Op-ed.

Jul 9, 2023, 8:49 AM (GMT+3) – These are the twenty most popular names among newborns, boys and girls. In Algeria? Tunisia? Egypt? Saudi Arabia? Iraq? Yemen? No, in the sixth largest department of France, Seine-Saint-Denis.

Muhammad, Adams, Ibrahim, Isaac, Rayan, Mousse, Imran, Amir, Ismaël, Aylan, Lina, Nour, Inaya, Aya, Fatima, Aicha, Mariam, Maryam, Fateum,ata, Sarah

Already today hundreds of territories are beyond the control of the Republic. The violence of recent days has proved it.

According to the DGSI, the French internal secret service, there are 150 enclaves. The former number two of the DGSI, Alain Chouet, speaks of “1,514 neighborhoods where access to the security forces, emergency, medical and social services is prohibited. They are in 859 cities and 4 million people live there, 6 percent of the total population”. The police can only intervene in force and for limited periods of time. Will the army one day have to occupy the suburbs militarily to restore order?

It’s already happening. On July 3, the Ouest-France newspaper published an interview with a soldier who, on condition of anonymity, confirmed his participation in operations against the violent, indicating the presence of about thirty colleagues who intend not to “let the country burn”.


A Constitution -The “excuse du jour”   Dr. Martin Sherman

The raising of the issue of a constitution as a potential way out of the political impasse over the future of Israel’s legal system is nothing but a red herring on the part of the opponents of judicial reform. Op-ed.

Jul 10, 2023, 6:00 AM (GMT+3) – I don’t think it is right for the Supreme Court to change fundamental things in accordance with what it refers to as the judgment of ‘the reasonable person.’ That’s an amorphous and completely subjective definition that the Knesset never introduced to the legal code –Yair Lapidarticulating his opposition to the reasonableness clause.

If the reasonableness clause is abolished, all lines will have been crossed. It will demolish the authority of the Supreme Court and our democratic structure—Yair Lapid,articulating his support for the reasonableness clause.

As the obsessive, borderline-maniacal Bibi-phobic opponents of judicial reform continue with their destructive and lawless demonstrations-cum-riots across the streets of Israel, protesting all—and any—government decisions of which they disapprove—whether major changes in the judicial system, minor changes in the judicial system, the dismissal of elected ministers or appointed bureaucrats—a new demand is emerging as a panacea-like balm for the nation’s tribulations. This is the idea of a Constitution for Israel. Usually touted as to be based on Israel’s Declaration of Independence, it is suggested that the formulation of such a constitution would placate the demonstrators opposing the coalition’s legislative initiatives.

Seductive & deceptive

A constitution for Israel is a seductive idea and gives the impression of adopting the example of the USA, the leader of the democratic world. But it is also a highly deceptive notion—being far more declarative than substantive in terms of being an effective template that determines the functioning of the political system.

For, the existence of a constitution is no guarantee of individual rights or civil liberties or any of the enlightened goals that the opponents of judicial reform profess to cherish. Indeed, a brief jaunt through Google would reveal that countries such as the USSR (and later, Russia), North Korea, and Upper Volta (later Burkina Faso) all boast constitutions that include(d) an array of lofty human rights. Yet the demonstrators are very unlikely to endorse any of these states as a model democracy for Israel to emulate.

Thus, it should be clear to any serious student of political science that an authentically substantive constitution cannot, in and of itself, create societal values. On the contrary, it can only reflect them. For if it does not, it will remain nothing more than a worthless piece of paper, bearing meaningless words and empty promises.


The Biden-Big Tech Censorship    [5:30]   Wall Street Journal Opinion

Dr. Robert Malone

7/8/23 – Beyond the point of the video regarding big-tech censorship, the WSJ’s video also shows that 1) the truth is finally emerging in more conservative main-stream media and 2) news sources are finally getting less afraid to criticize the government for their failed COVID public policy responses and draconian censorship operations.

During the COVID crisis, I was repeatedly accused of being a mass murderer.

Now the Wall Street Journal has published an op-ed which puts the blame where it belongs.”Covid Censorship Proved to Be Deadly Government and social-media companies colluded to stifle dissenters who turned out to be right. (WSJ Article)


Is What’s Happening in France Coming Here?  [17:24]    JP Sears


Setting The Record Straight: Part III: “‘From The River To The Sea, Palestine Will Be Free’”   By Alex Grobman PhD.

20 Tammuz 5783 – July 9, 2023 – *Editor’s Note: This is the third installment in ‘Setting The Record Straight,’ the most recent series of articles from Jewish Press Online contributor, Alex Grobman, PhD

“From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,” is a mantra often heard on university campuses throughout the US, Canada, Australia, and Europe. It is a call for the total destruction of the Jewish state since the borders of Israel are between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea.” [1]

Eliminating Israel is exactly what the Hamas Covenant 1988 proclaims in Article Eleven: “The Islamic Resistance Movement believes that the land of Palestine is an Islamic Waqf consecrated for future Moslem generations until Judgement Day. It, or any part of it, should not be squandered: it, or any part of it, should not be given up. Neither a single Arab country nor all Arab countries, neither any king nor president, nor all the kings and presidents, neither any organization nor all of them, be they Palestinian or Arab, possess the right to do that. Palestine is an Islamic Waqf land consecrated for Moslem generations until Judgement Day. This being so, who could claim to have the right to represent Moslem generations till Judgement Day?” [2]


The Politics of Pronouns   by Linda Goudsmit
July 9, 2023 – This article is a chapter from my new book, Space Is No Longer the Final Frontier–Reality Is, scheduled for release by the end of 2023.

CHAPTER 25: The Politics of Pronouns

Globalism is a replacement ideology that seeks to reorder the world into one singular, planetary Unistate, ruled by the globalist elite themselves. The globalist war on the nation state cannot succeed without collapsing the United States of America. The long-term strategic attack plan moves America incrementally from constitutional republic to socialism to globalism to feudalism. The tactical attack plan uses psychological, informational warfare to destabilize Americans, and drive society out of objective reality into the madness of subjective reality. The primary target of globalist predators is America’s children.

A child’s ability to test reality is a reference to his ability to identify the world of facts. It is a human psychological survival skill. When little Johnny tells his Mommy he is a bird that can fly, it is his Mommy’s responsibility to keep Johnny in objective reality, and explain to Johnny that he is a child, not a bird, and he cannot fly. If instead of objective reality, Mommy or Daddy encourages Johnny’s subjective reality, and escorts him to the top floor of their apartment building to fly, Johnny will fall to his death. Objective reality always prevails.

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About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.