Daily Shmutz | COMMENTARY / OPINION | 7/19/24



Who ordered the hit?   TIERNEY’S REAL NEWS

JUL 19, 2024 – Since the CIA was formed in 1947 as an independent spy agency, there have been numerous political assassinations, attempted assassinations, coups and roughly 30 mass shootings in America. Do you think that’s a coincidence? I do not.

In the 1960’s, four major political assassinations – John F. Kennedy by Lee Harvey Oswald, Martin Luther King by James Earl Ray, Robert Kennedy by Sirhan Sirhan and Malcolm X by Muhammad A. Aziz – were all immediately ruled by US intelligence as carried out by “lone gunmen” with personal, not political, motives and no connections to the US Government. Right.

Eyewitnesses, forensic evidence and a cursory examination of the timeline and facts about each shooting would lead any thinking person to dispute that conclusion. Yet, even 50 plus years later, we continue to pretend that’s what happened. It’s obvious that these assassinations were all carried out by what we today call the NWO Deep State and covered up.

The families of all these men do NOT believe the official narratives to this day. Neither do most Americans. The men accused of their murders were all framed and used as patsies to protect the real shooter or shooters and the people who hired them.

The same goes for mass shootings and school shootings – which have strangely skyrocketed since the CIA was formed and the Deep State NWO became more and more determined to remove our guns so we end up defenseless like Europe.

No thinking person believes the official narratives behind the slaughters at Columbine, Sandy Hook, PulseVegas and Parkland. If you’ve never studied my in-depth reporting on Parkland from 2018 – WHILE IT HAPPENED – do it now. That autistic boy, Nikolas Cruz, didn’t murder anybody. Another patsy. They use the same playbook over and over.

The story we were told about Nixon and Watergate was also a lieNixon was framed and removed from the White House in 1973 by a coup led by the CIA.

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[Ed.:  We must be aware that they have many ways to kill a person besides ‘lone gunmen’ on roof tops.  In the next 16 weeks, since Trump is so naive as to use the US Secret Service as his protection, it’s almost inevitable that they will get him, one way, or the other.  If and when they do, we will be out here on our own, all alone.  We’re barely connected with each other, much less to say ‘organized’. One can ask:  What is the Secret of the Secret Service?  That would be a rhetorical question at this point!]



‘The FBI Is Where Evidence Goes to Die – They are the Mop-Up Men for Crimes of the State” – Mike Benz on the FBI’s Lone Gunman Claim in Trump Assassination Attempt   (VIDEO  5:00)   By Jim Hoft

Jul. 19, 2024 9:00 am – Mike Benz is a former State Department official with responsibilities in formulating and negotiating US foreign policy on international communications and information technology matters. Mike is the founder of the Foundation for Freedom Online.

Mike recently sat down with Kara McKinney on her Tipping Point program on OAN.

Mike Benz: “The FBI is where evidence goes to die. They are the mop-up men for crimes of the state. They have been for a century now, but particularly in the past 20 years. It’s so gross as to basically when they make us never believe something until the FBI officially denies it.

This is a situation where they made a formal determination it was a lone gunman before the night was even over. They already made their conclusion before they started the investigation.

Then you the fact that there was not a single social media post, now over 100 hours since the event took place, not a single X post, Facebook post, Instagram post, Reddit post. You don’t just get the idea to assassinate the President of the United States without something so extreme that it tilts the entire world on its axis unless you have some community you’re interacting with that is encouraging you, goading you on or radicalizing you.

And my concern is that the FBI, who was at the shooter’s house, the killer’s house, mind you, this man murdered Cory Comperatore, a hero firefighter protecting his daughter. So the murderer and would be assassin of the President of the United States, this person was obviously following people online, communicating with people online.

The FBI was at his house for four hours before they disclosed a name. That means they have the IP When you have someone’s IP address, the router that they’re using the Internet from, you know everything. You know their search history, you know what they plugged into Google, you know what they bought in their Amazon shopping carts, you know every connection node you could possibly ask for.

The fact that the entire thing has been locked up, everything’s shut down on socials, everything now going to be shrouded in the cloak of an ongoing investigation, likely for months now, when we know that the FBI has gotten busted a dozen times in the past decade alone, being ultimately responsible for radicalizing these shooters. We saw this happen with the Whitmer fed-apping/attempted assassination, we were told, where there’s this five alarm fire about how there was this MAGA group that was going to kidnap and potentially assassinate the Michigan governor. Months go by, it turns out half of them were feds, and the other half were radicalized. They were flown around the country. They were pitched to buy explosives all by federal agents.

You had the case in 2015 where the FBI in the Garland, Texas shooting with ISIS, and it turned out that the FBI, years later, took four and a half years after the event for it to come out that the FBI had paid an informant $125,000 to tell him to, quote, tear up Texas and to radicalize the person.

Watch  [5:00]  


A 1953 CIA Assassination Manual and the Attempt on Trump’s Life   BY DUKE SMALLHOUSE

A whirlwind of conjecture continues to swirl around the circumstances of the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump during a July 13 campaign rally at the Butler Farm Show Grounds near Butler, Pennsylvania.

Official reports indicate that twenty year old Thomas Matthew Crooks, killed by a Secret Service sniper immediately after firing the shots, was the sole gunman involved in the failed assassination attempt, and that he apparently acted alone.

Yet the precise details of the case remain prohibitively hazy and are likely to remain so, even as law enforcement, professional journalists, and citizen investigators probe the scant body of information presently available on the planning, motivations, and potential associations of the perpetrator.

A host of troubling irregularities around the conduct of law enforcement and Secret Service agents prior to the shooting have naturally generated a large amount of plausible but still tenuous conspiracy theories in which shadowy deep state actors prominently feature.

The ostensible involvement of the CIA in the Kennedy assassination offers the most obvious precedent for the framing of emergent theories on the recent attempt on Trump’s life. Even so, the historical involvement of the American intelligence community in political assassinations, particularly of American citizens and most especially of high profile American politicians, is unsurprisingly shrouded in a high degree of secrecy. The very nature of political assassinations by intelligence agencies by definition necessitates as many degrees of separation as possible between state actors and the perpetrators of said killings, such that we cannot and should not expect to find a clear body of evidence, much less a paper trail, linking high level conspirators with the actual assassination.

Yet we are not entirely without documentation of assassination protocols originating from the official records of intelligence agencies. A 1953 CIA document titled “A Study of Assassination” helps illuminate the long history of the involvement of the intelligence agency in political killings.

[Ed.:   The Official CIA Manual of Trickery and Deception]


“The Official Story of a Lone Gunman Is COMPLETE BUNK”   [VIDEO  9:09]    THE VIGILANT FOX

Watch as Dr. Chris Martenson meticulously breaks down the damning audio evidence.  [9:09]

JUL 19, 2024The Trump assassination attempt reeks of foul play, and now brilliant minds are using their heads to uncover what really happened that day. In a thoroughly detailed 32-minute exposé, Dr. Chris Martenson has presented “rock solid audio proof that there were at least two shooters targeting Trump and the crowd.”

This is no longer a fringe “conspiracy theory” because even CNN has acknowledged the presence of gunfire from three distinct weapons: Three shots from Crooks (A), one from the countersniper (C), and five from the mysterious “Weapon B.”

Watch as Chris Martenson meticulously breaks down the audio evidence.

• There were at least two distinctly different [unfriendly] weapons being fired.

• First three shots were further away than the weapon(s) that fired the next 5-7 shots.

• Sonic cracks tell us that they were also fired at Trump’s & audience’s direction (and weren’t taking out Crooks, eg).

• This means that the “lone shooter” story is 100% false.

As such, Dr. Martenson concludes, “So this tells us that this was a full-on operation.”

These are the questions that need to be asked. I fear for my safety and everybody else’s safety for coming out with this stuff because one thing we know is they don’t like loose ends in these stories. But man, they bollocksed this operation up really badly. Whoever was in charge of it is probably already floating in a river. I don’t know what’s going to happen to them because they really messed this operation up.”

Click here to watch the full video.


‘Certainly smell it coming,’ Gad Saad says of ‘tipping point’ time for Jews to flee Canada   DAVE GORDON

The pro-Israel professor, who has penned scholarly writings on happiness, brings a humorous and satirical approach to his activism.

July 16, 2024 – Aself-declared “parasitologist of the human mind,” Gad Saad writes in a 2020 book that he is “seeking to inoculate people against a class of destructive ideas that destroy our capacity to reason.”

“If they go unchecked, parasitic idea pathogens, spawned by universities, eventually start to infect every aspect of our society,” wrote the marketing professor at Concordia University in Montreal.

In addition to being a widely-published scholar, Saad is also a fixture in the press, where he is cited not only as an expert on evolutionary behavioral sciences and economics but also as one of the Jewish state’s most prominent vocal supporters in the academy.

Saad spoke to JNS after a June speaking engagement for the Tafsik organization, in Toronto.

Saad had just made his 10th appearance on Joe Rogan’s podcast, which reportedly reaches some 14.5 million people. The professor has appeared on many other popular media shows and has nearly 1.5 million followers across several social media platforms, where his feeds mix documenting his food, satirical comments about current affairs and biting sarcasm of leftism.

For example, upon learning that the South African actress Charlize Theron decided as a parent that gender was something upon which her child could decide, Saad wrote on Twitter that “I don’t want my children to be restricted to viewing themselves as carbon-based.”

“This is why I am now immersing them in the fluidity of the Periodic Table,” he added. “I’ve asked them to look at all elements and decide which ones they self-identify with (in terms of their building blocks).”

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Reagan’s last joke   [2:00]


Antisemitic and Anti-American Jihadists Have Infiltrated the West   [4:49]    Mark Levin

Drugs and sex trafficking aren’t the only adverse affects of illegal immigration. There’s also terror. A second crusade is underway as Islamists bent on the west’s destruction are making their way into Europe and the U.S. And many of the anti-Israel protests you see around the world? The CIA has confirmed that Iran has been financing many of them.


Operation Barbarossa: The German Invasion of the Soviet Union   By Alex Grobman
July 18, 2024

Part I

On June 22, 1941, the Germans invaded the Soviet Union. It has been called the “most monstrous war of conquest, enslavement and extermination “ in modern times, notes German historian Jürgen Förster. More than 3 million German soldiers were involved in Operation Barbarossa, which found the Russians surprised, confused and unprepared, historian Richard Breitman points out.

The next day, SS Obergruppenführer Reinhard Heydrich, chief of the Reich Main Security Office (RSHA), unleashed approximately 3,000 men of the Einsatzgruppen (mobile killing units, A, B, C and D) to seek out and destroy the 5 million Jews in Russia, and those in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Eastern Poland and the former Russian territories under German occupation, and vanquish civilian resistance. Ninety percent of the Jews in Russia were concentrated in the cities.

The Einsatzgruppen followed behind the advancing Wehrmacht, the German army, to gain the element of surprise. “The Jews are remarkedly ill-informed about our attitude towards them,” reported Sonderführer (Detachment Commander) Schröter from White Russia on July 12, 1941. Thus the effect “was all the more cruel as a result,” stressed German journalist Heinz Höhne.

Within hours, the German military commanded every bridge crossing, border and rivers from the Baltic Sea to the Carpathian Mountains, Breitman said. The Luftwaffe destroyed many Russian planes still parked on the ground, while German tanks sped their way to the east. Western experts were convinced Germany would be victorious within a few months.

In early July, Moscow, Leningrad and Kiev were expected to be in German hands within days. On July 4, Reinhard Heydrich asked Einsatzgruppen B for the names of all soldiers of the Einsatzkommando who would be accompanying the advance troops as they entered Moscow, according to Alfred Streit, Nazi war crimes prosecutor.

Hitler did not envision this [to] be a conventional war, asserts historian Förster. Hitler planned and organized a Vernichtungskrieg (war of annihilation) to achieve his concept of Lebensraum (living space) by conquering Russia. The “idea of acquiring living space,” Förster said, was “inextricably intertwined with the extermination of Bolshevism and the Jewish people, with the doctrine of economic self-sufficiency, and with the strategic necessity of thereby winning the war against Great Britain.”

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Washington neocons think they own American foreign policy and have long used assassinations for regime change   LEO HOHMANN

The 3-letter agencies will not hesitate to use assassination at home or abroad against anti-war politicians who buck the system, which was designed to empower the military-industrial complex.

JUL 18, 2024 – In my last two posts, I communicated some things that concern me greatly about Donald Trump. But in today’s post, in the interest of balance, I will point out one thing that I like about Trump.

Let’s first summarize Trump’s demonstrated weaknesses and then I’ll share what I think is his biggest strength. You are free to agree or disagree in the comments below the article.

In my first article, I pointed out how Trump is shaky on the Second Amendment and this is only one example of how he seems willing to compromise on major issues of importance to true conservatives.

He’s also compromised on the issue of life. Trump has basically, with nary a wimper from pro-lifers, transformed the Republican Party from a pro-life party into a pro-abortion party. Trump says it should be OK to kill a baby in the womb up to 14 or 15 weeks gestation. That’s nearly the entire first trimester of pregnancy in which a baby’s life is now free to take without the mother having a conscience about it, if we go by the Trump doctrine on life. This is basically where Democrats were on this issue in the 1970s and 80s but it sounds conservative now when Democrats are saying babies can and should be aborted during all nine months of pregnancy, if that’s what the mother wants. But just because you want to set a limit on when you can still abort a child is in no way, shape or form a pro-life position and it’s time we pro-lifers admit that we are simply choosing the lesser of two evils.

In my second article, I showed how Trump has a terrible sense of judgment in picking people for important jobs, like his choice for vice president and his choices for the Supreme Court and various cabinet-level advisory roles. Of his three nominees to the Supreme Court, for example, two of them are not very conservative at all. His vice presidential pick, JD Vance, shows Trump has zero understanding of technocracy, something that was obvious during his first term and the Vance pick shows he’s still clueless in this important area that the globalists exploit for greater control of we the people.

But now that I’ve gotten that off my chest of Trump’s faults, I’d like to point out his major strength. He is not a neocon. As such, Trump’s first inclination is always to avoid getting us into wars. This is good. Very good. I wish more politicians in both parties were anti-war. Being anti-war does not mean you are pacifist. Far from it. I believe Trump evaluates geopolitical situations with the mindset of what is in America’s national interest. Not, how can we further the interests of empire and the military-industrial complex, as so many politicians do.

Because Trump has a healthy revulsion for war, he will always be hated and vilified by the Washington deep state, which is a Uniparty that controls everything. This Uniparty controls all federal agencies, most federal courts, the mainstream corporate media, the major social media platforms, the military, law enforcement, and the education and medical establishment in this country. All of this is controlled by blood-thirsty globalists. Going against these forces ensure that you will encounter horrific blowback, and Trump has certainly encountered his share of that, right up to and including an assassination attempt.

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[Ed.:  The comments to this article are also interesting.]


06/01/2010–The Cogent Response to Gays in the Military   RESA WARCHICK KIRKLAND

From the Only Ones Whose Opinions Matter

JUL 18, 2024 – I was intending to write an article on this subject myself, but was blown away by a letter I received from a warrior who is overseas, doing history’s work: fighting for freedom. His response is the epitome of logical sequencing and reasoned analysis, scientific in its conclusions and mathematical in its preciseness.

In other words, indisputable in its truth, the final nail in the coffin of iron-gripped PC: Political Castration, the Communist plan to render America impotent.

There is no way I could have done better. I am printing it here unabridged, and as per his request, giving no clues to his name or service. Shame, really, that he must fear retaliation for truth. Such a response is supposed to be reserved for the lie.

Welcome to Armageddon…with our permission borne of sloth. And wickedness.
The logical place to begin this discussion is in describing the purpose of the military. Despite recent mission changes that reflect a greater focus on stability operations, ie., nation-building, the primary purpose of the military is to violently execute political goals that cannot otherwise be effected through diplomacy and other non-violent avenues of approach (sanctions, boycotts, etc.). We exist to destroy those who would threaten our political and economic existence. Any change to the military, whether it is in training, equipment, doctrine, or social norms, should be to enhance the lethality of our Armed Forces.

Soldiers are trained to fight as a team, not as individuals. If you look at something as simple as the construction of sectors of fires in a defense, you understand immediately that the primary goal of individual fighting positions is to protect your team members to the left and right of your position. It is not to defend your front. Your front is covered by your buddies to your left and right. In other words, trust and reliance on your team members are absolutely essential. Soldiers live together- at times in conditions that most civilians would find completely uncivilized- sleep together, eat together, shower together, and even defecate together in open slit trenches, in order to accomplish the mission. It is a very strange relationship they share because their lives are so open and inter-connected. During combat, the intensity and necessity of that relationship grows. You must believe that your team members have your survival and well-being as the second highest priority during battle. Notice that I said, “second highest priority”. The top priority of any military action is to accomplish the mission.

When Congress or the military attempts to inject social engineering, specifically open homosexuality in the ranks, into this relationship, it is a disaster in the making. Now- instead of mission accomplishment being the top priority- it is individual rights and relationships that become the priority. I find it to be very ironic that Congress and the President are choosing to deal with this issue in the midst of a two front war on Global Terrorism. It is very revealing that the top military concern of the Democrats is allowing open homosexuality into the ranks rather than defeating the enemy in our wars.

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Israel’s Response to Terror   by Nils A. Haug
July 18, 2024 at 5:00 am

  • Hamas, designated a terror group by Western nations, is an Islamist fundamentalist group whose 1988 Covenant openly supports a Sharia law-based paradisical Caliphate free of non-believers and a world free of Jews (end of Article 7).
  • Despite Israel’s compliance with humanitarian concerns, rules of war, and attempts to avoid Palestinian civilian deaths, the perception remains that Israel should be the one to make concessions for a ceasefire, not Hamas, which should immediately release the hostages it took.
  • Hamas, like other Islamic groups from a different culture, does not accede to the West’s laws of war – this much is clear from their treatment of hostages. Freed hostages tell of “cages, beatings and death threats.” Hamas, in violation of the truce agreement, has not permitted the Red Cross to see the hostages. One can imagine how come.
  • The conflict therefore becomes one between a Western state, ultimately seeking peaceful coexistence and adhering to the ethics of a just war, assaulted by terrorist groups pursuing total conquest and seeming to be driven by an ideology of unquenchable animosity toward “unbelievers.”
  • Most Western leaders apparently desire to divide Israel, even further than it already has been divided, into two sectors: one for the Jews and one for the Palestinians — all in the name of human rights, social justice, and supposed fair play.
  • At its core, these proposals are anti-Zionist and in practical effect, anti-Semitic. For a start, more than half the land promised to Jews by the 1917 Balfour Declaration was reallocated by the British authorities to what is now the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordon. Jewish rights to what remains of their historic land is continually denied, along with stupefying proposals that the Jews should be forced to be ruled by the very people desiring their extinction.
  • What accommodation, however, can there possibly be between two conflicting core narratives, in which one party seeks the ideal of martyrdom — “We love death as our enemies love life” — while the other desires to live in peace, without constant threats to its existence?
  • Israel is not only fighting to prevent long-term future attacks from Gaza, but also to defeat terrorists from overwhelming the Judeo-Christian values that have been achieved over centuries with much sacrifice.
  • Israel has actually been singled out for implementing “More measures to prevent civilian casualties than any other nation in history.”
  • Israel is the “only country in world,” the British journalist Douglas Murray pointed out, “who are never allowed to win a war, which is a reason why wars keep occurring.”
  • US President Joe Biden and his ministers of state try their utmost to impose unacceptable cease-fire agreements upon Israel. Fortunately, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, “the Churchill of the Middle East,” will have none of it. Israel stands firm against prematurely ceasing military action: their ultimate aim is not only to destroy Hamas’s military capability and to rescue remaining hostages, but to defeat terror for the future of the Free World.
  • “It is left to little Israel to make the first stand against radical evil and the new axis of nations dedicated to the demise of the West. With resolve, courage, and dedication, but, alas, with much more sacrifice, Israel will show the way.” — Professor Leon R. Kass, aei.org, November 3, 2023.

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NEVER Cower to the MOB: Producing “October 7th – The Play”   Caroline Glick

July 17, 2024  JNS TV – When Phelim McAleer, Ann McElhinney, and Geoffrey Cantor set out to produce a play depicting the October 7th massacre, they knew it would create waves. But they never expected a “verbatim”, historically accurate, production to require in-audience security and actors to fear for their careers.

Nevertheless, they pushed forward with their mission and boarded a plane for Israel, determined to document survivors’ stories. What they discovered and recreated in their play is a story of hope and resilience – the story of Israel.


0:00 Intro

2:00 Background of the play

7:00 Initial trip to Israel

13:00 Interviewing Shani, Nova survivor

15:00 A theme of faith

18:00 The writing process

23:15 Geoffrey Cantor on his experience

34:00 Handling hostility towards the production

44:00 Security of the show

51:50 Impact on non-Jewish audiences

54:00 Taking the play to the Ivy League & beyond

1:00:00 Parting words – making art from tragedy

1:10:38 Clip from the play


“That Doesn’t Add Up”: Top Sniper Exposes the Biggest Holes in the Trump Shooting Narrative [12:54]   Glenn Beck

Jul 15, 2024 – Dallas Alexander was part of the special operations unit that broke the world record for the longest confirmed sniper kill. He has also worked VIP protection at the highest levels. Now, he tells Glenn why he believes Trump’s failed assassin didn’t act alone: “someone on the ‘inside’ had to have helped with this.” Dallas also explains how difficult this shot would be to make and why he has a hard time believing the rooftop used by the killer wasn’t marked by the Secret Service: “[Even] children who play Call of Duty or go to paintball would know that that roof is the most important position to secure, period.”


Erik Prince: I Don’t Trust the FBI to Investigate Trump Assassination Attempt!  [29:37]

Jul 16, 2024  Judicial Watch – Erik Prince is an entrepreneur, private investor, and thought leader on military reform. He founded Blackwater Worldwide, an integrated private military corporation, after active service as a US Navy SEAL.

Mr. Prince also founded Presidential Airways, a global transportation company with over 75 aircraft operating in emerging markets. After selling Blackwater, he founded Frontier Resource Group, a private equity firm focused on natural resource projects and manufacturing.

His latest project is Unplugged, a proprietary phone focused on data privacy and security including its own secure Messenger and VPN. Unplugged is independent of the Google and Apple universe.


How the CIA creates Lone Gunmen through the MK Ultra Program    PEPE LIVES MATTER

JUL 17, 2024 – The CIA is capable of creating lone gunman in three to six weeks with a trained therapist and hypnotherapy.

Dr. Milton V. Kline, former consultant to the CIA’s super secret behavior-modification project Bluebird, is currently campaigning for strict legal constraints on hypnosis said exactly this in a now declassified document:

“He was outspoken in his belief that one of the central goals of these ex- periments-to create a hypnotized, remote-control assassin-was entire- ly possible, though he denies knowl- edge of any “terminal experiments” that would have tested his theories. The fictional Manchurian can- didate, presented in Richard Con- don’s thriller and later in a movie starring Frank Sinatra, is, in Kline’s mind, still a frighteningly real specter. “It cannot be done by everyone,” he argues. “It cannot be done consistently, but it can be done.” Kline claims that given the proper subject and circumstances, by using hypnosis he could produce such a killer in three to six weeks.”

Document: https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/document/cia-rdp90-00552r000303090037-8

Under hypnosis, Sirhan Sirhan remembers a woman who gave him coffee and lead him to a dark place. He was lying on a table and then the next thing he remembers is being restrained after shooting at RFK. He literally can’t remember anything in between. A dark place and a coffee? Was he drugged?

Was he under hypnosis when the event happened? Did you know that Sirhan joined the mystical order of the Rosa Crucians and took to self-hypnotism.

This means he was a perfect person to act as the patsy, someone who was easily programmable.

Kennedy speaks on his father’s death and how MK Ultra and the CIA may have played a role.

-Sirhan Sirhan was small in stature. He had super human strength at that moment. The bullet that killed Kennedy was shot from behind yet Sirhan was never behind him. The carbon tattoo showed that the bullet came from mere inches from his head. They can account for every bullet out of the gun fired by Sirhan.

-The police destroyed evidence at the scene. Destroyed photos and would not take the gun to trial.

-Sirhan had vivid memories of staying in a hospital for months yet the hospital only had records of him staying at an hour after he “hit his head.”

-The man behind Robert Kennedy, Thane Eugene Cesar, was a self proclaimed CIA agent. He hid to the Philippines after and no one questioned him.

You can read a full breakdown here of a thread I did on this. This is an easy red pill for normies and Democrats when you show them this kind of information.

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Trump & Other Victims Should Sue SS and Butler County Police for Gross Negligence.   JOHN LEAKE

FBI cannot be trusted to conduct proper investigation. Trump’s lawyers should sue the Secret Service and Butler County police agencies to initiate discovery and demand preservation of evidence.

JUL 17, 2024 – A friend just read my mind when he sent me this photograph.

The FBI cannot be trusted to preserve evidence and perform a proper investigation of this incident. Unless Donald Trump believes that the U.S. Department of Justice has suddenly become his friend, he should sue the Secret Service and all participating Butler County police agencies for gross negligence.

The family members of the decedent Cory Comperatore and the wounded David Dutch, 57, of New Kensington, Pennsylvania, and James Copenhaver, 74, of Moon Township, Pennsylvania should also consider suing these agencies for gross negligence.

If Donald Trump and his closest advisors like the men and women in their Secret Service detail, they should still sue the Secret Service for the purpose of initiating discovery and preserving evidence. Trump and his advisors should consider that even SS agents with whom they have a personal bond may be subjected to intimidation by the Secret Service or FBI, especially if they have families.


Will the Biden Administration Start WWIII?     JOHN LEAKE

We should not be surprised by a dramatic escalation with Russia before November.

JUL 17, 2024 – There is a long and instructive history of ruthless men starting foreign wars whenever they perceived their hold on power to be weakening. As James Madison remarked in a 1787 debate:

The means of defence against a foreign danger, have been always the instruments of tyranny at home. Among the Romans it was a standing maxim to excite a war, whenever a revolt was apprehended. Throughout all Europe, the armies kept up under the pretext of defending, have enslaved the people. It is perhaps questionable, whether the best concerted system of absolute power in Europe could maintain itself, in a situation, where no alarms of external danger could tame the people to the domestic yoke.

Watch out for a sharp escalation with Russia before November. The American people should not be suckered by our government invoking the specter of a foreign bogeyman in order to suspend the election. The Democrats have already signaled their endorsement of this strategy by accepting that their hero Zelensky suspended elections in Ukraine.

Likewise, we should watch out for false flag attacks attributed to Russia.

The Deep State is desperate and may yield to the temptation to kill millions before it relinquishes power.


TRUMP ASSASSINATION: Pro-Trump Mayor Who Shielded Pregnant Wife, Criticizes Security Lapses During Assassination Attempt   By Benjamin Wetmore

Jul. 17, 2024 8:00 am – Mayor of Slippery Rock, PA, and Marine Jondavid Longo spoke with the Gateway Pundit about the attempted assassination of President Trump on July 13, 2024, in Butler, Pennsylvania.

“I covered my wife up, who I just recently found out was pregnant. And I started scanning behind me because I wasn’t quite sure where those rounds were coming from. I just knew they were coming from behind us because the rounds were going right over us,” Mayor Longo said.

“Through the bleachers. But in the direction of the President. At first, I thought, God forbid, someone seated behind us with a gun. That sound, that I recognized, didn’t sound like it was coming from a concealed pistol. Rather, it sounded like something that was coming from a long distance. You can kind of hear that whiz.”

Mayor Longo only heard three gunshots from the gunman.

“I only for certain heard three gunshots from the gunman.”

Despite being a Marine, and being in combat situations, when you’re at home, and keep in mind I’ve been home since 2011, was the last time I was in Afghanistan, so, I’m still vigilant and still cautious I’d like to think but the fact is that you’re not primed in that moment, when you’re at home and at a rally like this and Donald J. Trump and a bunch of other members of government are in attendance, you just don’t think that that could have been a possibility in 2024, and in Butler County, which is this staunch-red conservative County that adores Donald Trump.”

Mayor Longo also witnessed the aftermath of the murder of Corey Comperatore.

Longo says that the crowd was remarkably calm under fire.

“We all tried to do our part. I didn’t do anything special, I did what any father or husband would do in that situation and in that time.”

“When President Trump stood back up again, it was a weird set of emotions, it was pure elation in that moment. It was relief. Thank God they didn’t kill him. It was inspirational. He wrangled his arms from the Secret Service.”

“It was triumphant defiance.”

Former President Donald Trump after being shot at a Pennsylvania rally in July, 2024.

Trump was last in Butler on Halloween 2020, October 31, 2020.

In 2020, the Trump Rally took different security measures than what was in place in 2024, according to Mayor Longo. The security in 2020 was in a more secured area.

“At the Butler Airport in 2020, the venue was a lot more closed off, there were a lot of airplane hangars around us. There were law enforcement agents and Secret Service agents, and I remember teams on every one of the hangars around us. All of the buildings were covered. If you compare that to the Butler Air Show in 2024, we’re out in the middle of the field. Lots of openness. It was a very open venue. Driving into the place, you saw a lot of police officers, Secret Service, and orderly attendees. Everyone thought that there’s no way this could be gunfire. How could anyone get to a point where you could fire into this venue…”

“Everyone’s mind is boggled on this point right now.”


Trump Assassination: Security Left the Gates Wide Open, Anyone & Anything Could have Gotten In   (VIDEO INTERVIEW 17:32)   By Benjamin Wetmore

Jul. 17, 2024 7:30 am – Jim Hulings is the Butler County GOP Chair. He had only recently been elected to the volunteer position when, on Saturday, he found himself in the VIP section of the Trump rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, as shots rang out during the nation’s most recent presidential assassination.

“It was the worst moment of my life, to think that President Trump had come here, to Butler, and was being killed in front of us. I just couldn’t believe it.

And that was then matched by the greatest moment possible when Trump emerged, bloody but triumphant, and told us to fight! It was the greatest feeling to see that in person, and thank God they didn’t kill our President,” Hulings said.

We did not run, they had to tell us to leave,” he added.

“When they opened up (security) at 1:00PM, they let the General Admission people go. We had to go through the checkpoint, we had to go through the magnetometers, and we had to turn over things that weren’t on the list. Umbrellas, chairs. The General Admission… I don’t think there was any security there… We were going through one at a time, they went down 30-40 at a time… I’m thinking… that doesn’t seem very secure to me because they didn’t check those people.”

Hulings said he felt the security at the event was “bizarre” because it closely searched and inspected some in the crowd, but let others in with no security whatsoever.

Hulings said he could not see the normal detachments of snipers throughout the rally.

“The security at the event, however, was letting people into the event without any screening and I knew that that was a major security lapse. Someone could have gotten a gun into the event very easily.”

What Hulings is describing is that Trump rallies typically have two entrances: general admission and expedited entry, which is typically for elected officials and others.

Both groups are subject to the same security screenings, including metal detectors and pat downs, to ensure that nothing is brought in that might be dangerous to the President or attendees. But what Hulings explains is that security in Butler, Pennsylvania let in at least hundreds of General Admission attendees with no screening.

“They found a money clip in my pocket that I didn’t even know I had,” said Hulings. But then I saw people in the General Admission line who were being let in without any screening whatsoever. We were at the front of the expedited entry line, and by the time we got through security there were already hundreds who were down there from general admission. They were just letting them all in.”

The U.S. Secret Service has received the brunt of public criticism about their handling of security at Butler. The criticism has blamed the Secret Service for allowing a situation to develop where a potential shooter had the ability to take a shot at a President. But what Hulings and others tell the Gateway Pundit is that the security failures were more systemic than just with the Secret Service.


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Ron Paul: Why We’ll Never Know What Really Happened In Butler, PA    by Ron Paul via The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity,

WEDNESDAY, JUL 17, 2024 – 05:47 AM  Zerohedge – Just days after the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump, theories are flying from all directions. Many who ridiculed the “conspiracy theories” of conservatives are now suggesting the whole event was a set-up to boost Trump in the polls ahead of the election. Others suggest it was the “deep state” or even foreign actors who organized it.

Former US Navy Seal and founder of Blackwater, Erik Prince, claims that “The fact that [the Secret Service] allowed a rifle armed shooter within 150 yds to a preplanned event is either malice or massive incompetence.” He went on to observe that, “unaccountable bloated bureaucracies continue to fail us as Americans,” adding that “unserious and unworthy people in positions of authority got us to this near disaster. Merit and execution must be the only deciding factors in hiring and leadership, not the social engineering priority of the day.”

Video has emerged showing that for at least two minutes law enforcement knew someone with a gun was on a roof aiming at the former President and no one communicated the need to pull Trump from the stage. You can clearly hear the crowd warning law enforcement that someone was on the roof. Yet he was unhindered until the first shots rang out.

Considering this fact, Erik Prince has a point.

If this is like any previous governmental foul-ups, we can expect hearings, investigations, and commissions that will actually serve to hide the official errors or even malicious intent by some in the government.

That’s what government does no matter who is in office: protect itself from actual scrutiny and resist being exposed as incompetent or worse.

But what if there was a genuine investigation that actually revealed the truth about what happened at the Trump rally over the weekend?

Could we rely on the mainstream media to even report it?

Continue reading

[Ed.:  Those of us who have seen so many countless assassinations perpetrated by our government do not need to be told what happened at the assassination attempt in Butler PA.  There is always the same pattern and the same stench each time “we’ll never know what happened.”  This time however, we know enough that someone like Tom Fitton will be able to adequately prosecute all the ‘actors’ in the play.]


To the “nice people”, Trump deserved to die    Giulio Meotti

For months, people have heard politicians, actors and the press calling Trump “Hitler” and the GOP a Nazi movement.  Op-ed.

Jul 16, 2024, 10:13 AM (GMT+3)  INN If Thomas Matthew Crooks had succeeded, America would have plunged into civil war.

What is the moral lesson of the shooting of Donald Trump?

This article appeared in the Washington Post: “With each passing day, it will become increasingly difficult and dangerous to stop Trump by any means, legal or illegal”.

By any means, legal or illegal? So why not act accordingly? And didn’t actors like Johnny Depp imagine they could “kill Trump”?

In 2022, Joe Biden gave a controversial speech in front of Independence Hall where he denounced Trump supporters as enemies of the people. Biden embraced the claim that this could be our last democratic election. As soon as Trump was elected, unbridled anger became the norm, as in the case of Kathy Griffin who showed up holding Trump’s severed and bloody head.

Just recently, another celebrity, actress Lea DeLaria, implored Biden to “blow up [Trump]”. For months, people have heard politicians and the press calling Trump “Hitler” and the GOP a Nazi movement. Up to threats against conservative Supreme Court justices before the plot to assassinate Brett Kavanaugh.

And so we go from Spike Lee’s “Trump is like the Nazis and Mussolini” to Sir David Attenborough’s “we could shoot him”. Mickey Rourke had said that he would like “30 seconds in a room with Trump.” Madonna shouted in front of thousands of people at the Women’s March on Washington that she had thought a lot about “blowing up the White House”. Robert De Niro that he would like to “punch Trump in the face”.

The May 16 edition of the once-venerated New Republic depicted Trump as Hitler on the cover. The argument that Trump posed a Hitler-level threat to American democracy can be traced back to the first outbreak of Trump Derangement Syndrome among left-wing journalists in 2016.

Ruth Sent Us, the left-wing pro-abortion group, published the home addresses of conservative judges and informed its followers that Judge Amy Coney Barrett “goes to church every day” and that her children attend a certain school. In other words, here’s where she’s hiding for anyone who wants to take her out.

Kavanaugh narrowly escaped an activist who tried to break into his home with a semi-automatic pistol, a knife, a hammer and a screwdriver. Arrested, the attacker confessed that he wanted to kill the judge “because he is against abortion”. Silence in the media: just think if, with roles reversed, a white supremacist had tried to massacre a progressive judge.

In 2017 James Hodgkinson, a 66-year-old volunteer at the campaign committee of Bernie Sanders, the socialist senator, shot Republican senator Steve Scalise. “I hate Trump,” Hodgkinson said.

Political violence is also spreading in Europe and the latest avatar is the attempted assassination of Robert Fico. The man who shot Fico, Juraj Cintula, is just a “pensioner”, a “poet”, a “pacifist”, an “activist”, while the Slovak prime minister he tried to kill is a “xenophobic populist”.

It was May 6, 2002, when at the Media Park in Hilversum, Holland, nine days before the parliamentary elections in which it had grown to become the second strongest party in the country, Pim Fortuyn was assassinated by a fanatical ecologist, Volkert van der Graaf. To the judge who interrogated him, the killer said that he saw in Fortuyn “a danger for the weakest groups in society”, the Muslim immigrants.

Fortuyn was eliminated after a campaign of political and press demonization unprecedented in Western Europe. Journalist Maty Verkamman said: “Professor, you have the mind of Hitler and the charm of Himmler”. Jan Bloker, columnist for the left-wing newspaper Volkskrant: “Fortuyn will be the Mussolini of the 21st century”. Minister Marcel van Dam on television, pointing the finger at Fortuyn, said: “You are less than a human being”.

If Salman Rushdie “offends Islam”, as the journalistic milieu has been repeating for decades, why shouldn’t an Iranian assassin have killed him? The same goes for an “Islamophobe” speaking in a square in Mannheim, Germany.

In this mad West there is reason to be proud these days of being an inoffensive conservative, but sad to see civilization going adrift.



Trash talk against Bibi…nothing learned from America?   Jack Engelhard

Loose lips, and we nearly lost Trump. Loose lips, and Bibi faces the same danger.  Opinion.

Jul 17, 2024, 11:00 AM (GMT+3) INNApparently, leftist politicians in Israel can’t help themselves. Nothing stops them from going after Bibi, in the most awful ways.

Take, for example, former prime minister Yair Lapid. Only days after Trump was nearly assassinated, the result of vile rhetoric, Lapid addresses Bibi as a ‘’whiner” and a “coward.”

Strong words. Vile words. Has nothing been learned from America and what nearly happened to Trump? Trump got lucky, by a fraction of an inch.

Loose lips, and we nearly lost Trump. Loose lips, and Bibi faces the same danger. Attention must be paid to those who plot to harm our leaders in both our beloved countries.

We saw it all first-hand in America, as readers will recall this column, from Jan. 7, 2021, which became part of our collected essays under, Writings.

What follows is a sampling of that Jan. 7, 2021 column:

Trump’s supporters haven’t forgotten, in no particular order –

-Rep. Maxine Waters urging Democrats to declare war on Trump and his supporters, as follows: “If you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere.”

Prophetic. Since those words were spoken June, 2018, no Trump supporter was safe anywhere.

-From The New York Times came the word that Trump was to be Resisted and belittled by all reporters and columnists. Trump was to be given no shade. He was to be hounded.

Likewise, throughout the media.

-Comedian Kathy Griffin took the hint and showed up with a plaster mock-up, which depicted President Trump’s head dripping in blood.

No federal action was taken.

On the Late Shows, people laughed.

-On all the Late Shows, Trump was a nightly object of derision.

-Robert De Niro drew wild applause when he said, of the President, “I want to punch him in the face.” (Some might call it treason.)

Every Awards show, New York to Hollywood, began and ended with poison-tipped yuks against Trump.

-The House of Representatives spent Trump’s entire four years with that single objective, to punch him in the face, through Russia, Ukraine, and impeachment.

-Shady lawyers were given starring roles on CNN when they offered themselves as proof-positive witnesses to Trump’s alleged wrongdoings, until they were caught lying.

-Women of questionable repute were brought forth to allege indiscretions. None was substantiated.

But worth a try. Something might stick.

-Rep. Schiff was everywhere, claiming to have absolute proof that Trump was a Russian agent. The goods never materialized.

-But the show must go on, and it did when Speaker Pelosi theatrically ripped up Trump’s State of the Union address.

-Special Counsel Robert Mueller was handed the task to dig up any dirt he could on Trump. After a probe that lasted two years. and cost millions, zero. No bang for the buck.

-When it appeared that Trump’s campaign for a second term might succeed, the Democrats sent in the goons.

-Throughput the country, they defaced statues, harassed pedestrians and motorists, burned down shops and destroyed entire neighborhoods.

The media saw nothing, heard nothing. Peaceful protests, they said.



You Say You Want a Revolution? YOU GOT IT!

JUL 15, 2024

“… The Democrats must be arrested, tried, and hanged at Nuremberg. ALL. OF. THEM. We are not taking them back because it is impossible to coexist with racist, sexist, perverted, pedophile, genociding, flu coup-ing, biological weapons fagging, election stealing treasonous, murderous Hitlerites hell-bent on death and destruction.”

The Zapruder Film of the Trump Assassination Attempt, July 13, 2024

The original fighting of the Revolutionary War began with a shot that has unknown origins, although most historians and witness accounts place it on an agitated British Soldier.

I concur. Had it been an American, he would have come forward after America’s shocking victory against what was then the greatest standing Army in the Western hemisphere.

He’d have been hailed an HERO.

So yes, that first shot was taken by an arrogant enemy of America.

Back then it was known as “The Shot Heard ‘Round the World.”

The Colonies rose up after that first shot at America’s birth, April 19, 1775. The war was on, the Declaration drawn, the Constitution formed and sealed, and the greatest nation in history ripped itself out of the ethereal womb of freedom and roared at its own oppressive monarchistic Nursing Mother nation.

And the infant won.

Over the past 8 years we have seen the same oppressive tactics on display, from those who are supposed to believe like we do. They have been building up to inevitable assassination and it is clear to every moral, Judeo/Christian, critical thinker in America.

The Left, the Democrats, have drawn first blood. The Democrats fired the shot that every real American heard. WE THE BOSSES HEARD THAT SHOT. And WE THE BOSSES WILL respond to it.

The Democrats have called repeatedly for destruction. Violence. Theft. Murder. 2020 was NOTHING but demonic leftist murder, mayhem, and epic assholery of Communist limpdickery. The Democrats have violently and repeatedly raped our beloved Constitution—born of that first shot heard ‘round the world—and gotten away with it.

The enemy Democrats, like the Enemy British, have stopped at NOTHING to destroy America, our hard-won “birth pangs of freedom nation,” and the man we chose twice—in MASSIVE LANDSLIDES—to protect the freedoms of the real power of the USA: WE THE BOSSES.

So now that the Democrats have fired the first shot, drawn first blood,d WE THE BOSSES have decided to give you what you warmongers want.

You’ve changed the rules of the game. There is NO coming back from treason, murder, biological weapons Flu Coup, your rampant racism and DEI faggotry, child mutilation and grooming for your perverted midget-dicked fag-f*cking asses. There is NO coming back from TREASON.

You are NOT just walking away from this. The crimes you’ve committed—including the despicable, impotent, not-a-man RICO defendants FBI, DOJ, CIA—are punishable by death, and WE THE BOSSES demand death.

One down…

You absolutely, positively, must die for what you’ve done. THE LAW AND WE THE BOSSES DEMAND IT. No life in prison, no judge faggotry, no cowardly Marxist tactics of the weak and infirm.

Your sex won’t save you. Your age won’t save you. Your “status” won’t save you. Your money won’t save you. You are paying full measure for your crimes just like your fathers did at Nuremberg.

You are NOT just walking away from this.

I suppose I should thank you, however, just like our men thanked King George for hs arrogance and for the British army brutality and constant line-crossing that finally galvanized a nation of peasants with pitchforks to beat back the greatest standing army on earth at the time.

It was American ideals that beat the British (multiple times) and made us the most secure, free people in history.

It was American values that ended the Leftist Totalitarian god of the Democrats Adolf Hitler and his Communist fagatronics.

And it was American values that demanded full accounting and the death penalty at Nuremberg for the Holocaust. (Democrats were too busy with Operation Paperclip, saving their NAZI friends.)

We did it before. We need to do it again.

So we will.

The Democrats must be arrested, tried, and hanged at Nuremberg. ALL. OF. THEM. We are not taking them back because it is impossible to coexist with racist, sexist, perverted, pedophile, genociding, flu coup-ing, biological weapons fagging, election stealing treasonous, murderous Hitlerites hell-bent on death and destruction.

We are NOT the same. We don’t ACT the same. We don’t BELIEVE the same. We don’t REACT the same. Democrats are NOT Americans; they’re murderous Communists.


Now, the Danger on the Left Must Be Stopped     BY BERNARD-HENRI LÉVY

Mélenchon is as much of a demon as Marine Le Pen

JULY 15, 2024 – Up until the European elections on June 9, I said: No to the National Rally and to the New Popular Front, these twin parties, one supposedly of the left and the other supposedly of the right, both equally Putinian, and equally destructive to our common European home.

Up until this past Sunday, July 7, the day of the second round of France’s legislative election, I stuck with my position of equivalence: Neither Bardella nor Mélenchon, neither of their absurd, demagogic, disastrous programs, both of which would scuttle republican principles, should be countenanced.

Now, the National Rally is, if not defeated, then at least contained.

The French—through one of their reflexes of political wisdom that comes to them at history’s critical hours and who I won’t insult by qualifying them as conservative—said no to the more or less human face of Le Pen-ism.

It’s now the other faction, Mélenchon’s, which is at the gates of power.

And that faction is, for now, the one that incarnates the main threat to the Republic, democracy, and France, and which must be opposed with full force.

Continue reading


The French Election    MARC WEITZMANN

Whoever wins, loses. French Jews, meanwhile, are already losers.

JULY 15, 2024 – On June 16, in the French city of Courbevoie, a suburb in the north of Paris, a 12-year-old girl was beaten, tortured and raped by three boys her age for being Jewish.

According to the procureur (the French DA), the girl had been advised by her parents due to heavy pressures at school since Oct. 7 to hide her Jewish identity and pretend to be a Muslim. Her main aggressor, whom she’d met online and had a flirting relation with, was a 13-year-old Portuguese kid who had converted to Islam and was in the nearby city of Rueil.

Nobody knows how he learned the girl’s real identity. But when he did, he set up a trap for the girl with two of his friends. The three kids showed up in the Courbevoie hood where the girl lives, found her in the street, and took her to an abandoned nursery nearby where she was called a liar, a “dirty Jew” taking part in “the genocide in Gaza.” They then beat and raped the girl for two hours and threatened her with death if she did not give them 200 euros the next day and if she talked to the cops. Pictures of the Palestinian flag and of the slogan “Free Palestine,” that had been obsessively hammered on in every left-wing demonstration since Oct. 7, and again during the campaign for the European election that had just ended, were found in the main perpetrator’s phone.

We know these details because of the traumatized Jewish girl’s courage and moral strength. According to her parents’ legal counsel, the lawyer Muriel Ouaknine-Melki, she refused to keep silent about her treatment. Instead, she immediately reported the facts home and insisted on filing a complaint. Accordingly, she also had to undergo a battery of medical examinations the following days. At the age of 12, she was prescribed a preventive treatment for AIDS and a morning-after pill; she’s suffered from harrowing flashbacks and insomnia ever since.

How was her courage rewarded? Anyone curious about the details of what happened had to rely on media labeled “right wing” (Le PointLe Figaro). Prestige left outlets like Libération and Le Monde, on the other hand, covered the story as soberly and quietly as they could, with the latter taking so many precautions in its presentation of the facts that the journal sometimes seemed to doubt the victim’s version.

Did the left—and more specifically, did Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s far-left party La France Insoumise (LFI) with its obsessive “anti-Zionist” agitprop—bear some responsibility for the crime? The question was of course on everybody’s mind. But in the stormy political context it was a question people found too problematic to ask.

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Exclusive on Trump Assassination: “I’ve Been to Every Trump Rally, They Left a Clear Line-of-Sight to Kill Trump”  (VIDEO INTERVIEW)   By Benjamin Wetmore

Jul. 16, 2024 8:00 am – In the aftermath of Saturday’s attempted assassination of President Trump, details are continuing to emerge about the security decisions that made the shooting possible.

Lori Levi has attended every Trump rally selling merchandise except for 10, and noticed major security lapses in the set up and layout of the Trump rally by event organizers.

“I had a terrible feeling. I knew something was wrong. I kept waiting for them to fix the basic security problems, since there was a direct ‘line-of-sight’ to President Trump.”

The FBI and federal authorities have assumed total control over local law enforcement to respond to media inquiries. In an email, the City of Butler police told the Gateway Pundit, “The FBI has assumed the role of the lead federal law enforcement agency in the investigation. The FBI is now issuing all press related material.”

The corrupt FBI has been caught fabricating evidence used against Trump in the Russian collusion hoax case. The FBI was caught by Congress lying to hurt Trump. The FBI has been busy persecuting the January 6th protesters with imaginary criminal offenses. The corrupt FBI has worked to take out Trump by any means necessary.

Even the High School Crooks graduated from is now directing people to the FBI instead of making any additional comments.

Levi, a long-time rally attendee who attends every Trump rally as a vendor selling Trump-related merchandise, tells the Gateway Pundit: “I knew something was wrong the day before when I came to set up in Butler, Pennsylvania.

They weren’t blocking the line of sight like they have in every other location. Typically they would put cranes, or heavy machinery, in the way to block a clear line-of-sight to Trump as a security protocol. I kept thinking that his security detail was going to bring it in later, but they never did.”


“When we came in on Friday, after attending hundreds of Trump rallies, we noticed the situation did not look right. They can’t protect him from here. I just had this terrible feeling. I knew something was off.”

Levi makes clear that at every other Trump rally, the Secret Service made sure that there was no easy long-distance ‘line of sight’ to the President.

Levi says that the security protocol is to create a “layered” barrier to create a ‘line of sight’ protection for President Trump from sniper and would-be assassins.

This protocol was not in place at the Trump rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, says Levi.

“I assumed they would bring in dump trucks, semi trucks, cranes, to block the line of sight, but they didn’t.”

“I do not believe that some 20 year old kid could have pulled this off,” said Levi. “The Secret Service does not make these kind of mistakes. I don’t believe this story. I think they let him get the shot off first.”

Levi also notes that the security perimeter to protect the typical Donald Trump rally is usually much farther out than it was in Butler, Pennsylvania at the Butler Farm Show Airport.

Other attendees tell the Gateway Pundit that the security problems extend not just to letting a Presidential assassin climb the most obvious building with a direct line-of-sight to the President, but they include a wide variety of other security failures that have as yet gone unreported by the mainstream media.

There were multiple security failures in Butler, Pennsylvania by the President’s official security detail.

Eyewitnesses also relate that the FBI has been vacuuming up photos and video from the event from attendees, and if past procedure is any indication, they will classify and seal all such material as the product of an ‘ongoing law enforcement investigation’ indefinitely.

The evidence and proof of the Trump assassination attempt is being buried right now. Federal law enforcement is starting to blame local law enforcement for the failure, claiming that they were in charge of providing security on the outer perimeter of the rally.

A source close with law enforcement in the area told the Gateway Pundit today that local Sheriff Michael Slupe was instructed to ‘stand down’ and not send extra manpower and SWAT teams to the rally site in advance of the President’s appearance in Butler, a small town of 13,000 in Pennsylvania about 30 miles northeast of Pittsburgh. This was allegedly done over the objections of Sheriff Slupe.  [Emphasis added]



Detailed Analysis of Trump Assassination Attempt   [VIDEO  1:06:10]  JOHN LEAKE and Dr. Peter McCullough

A critical evaluation of video recordings and witness testimony of the incident.   

JUL 16, 2024 – The incident on July 13 in Butler, Pennsylvania is the first time a would-be assassin has shot at a U.S. president or presidential candidate since John Hinckley shot President Ronald Reagan on March 30, 1981. As such, it is the first assassination attempt in our era in which most citizens are carrying cell phones equipped with video cameras.

Instead of one “Zapruder film,” we now have hundreds of videos of the incident, shot from multiple locations and angles. Instead of depending on the mainstream media for reporting, we now have hundreds of citizen documentarians who can capture footage and rapidly upload it to the internet.

In this video production of the McCullough Foundation, we analyze multiple video recordings and witness testimonies of the Trump assassination attempt. Please check out our critical presentation and evaluation of this historically significant incident and share it with your friends.

Endeavoring to learn the truth of this incident lies at the heart of the McCullough Foundation’s mission. To learn more about our work, please visit the McCullough Foundation website by clicking on the icon below and consider making a donation to support our ongoing efforts to protect our Constitutional republic from tyrants.



July 14, 2024 – Discussion between Jewish hero, Jonathan Pollard and the head of Machon Shilo, Rabbi David Bar-Hayim


Veteran Sniper Reveals Possible Twist for Would-Be Trump Assassin’s Narrative Following Shock Remarks   by Jordyn M.

July 15, 2024  Resist the Mainstream – A veteran sniper has cast doubt on the official narrative surrounding the recent assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump.

Dallas Alexander, a former Canadian military sniper with 14 years of experience, has suggested that the 20-year-old gunman, Thomas Matthew Crooks, may have received assistance from within an agency, organization, or even the government.

“I’m very familiar with the layout of these types of things and what the job should be, and yesterday what happened,” he said in the now viral video.

“I have no doubts in my mind that the shooter had help from somewhere within an agency, an organization or the government.”

Watch  [2:20]

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Jonathan Pollard: Israel Versus Iran, Israel Versus Russia   [13:27]   Machon Shilo

Jul 15, 2024 – Watch Jonathan Pollard and Rabbi David Bar-Hayim on Biden and Iran:





“I don’t trust the FBI or the leadership of the Secret Service. I don’t trust anyone in the federal government right now to investigate anything that’s politically sensitive. Judicial Watch will conduct its own investigation,” @TomFitton.

[Ed.:  Tom is absolutely right.]


The Immaculate Conception of Thomas Crooks

July 14, 2024   Washington Free Beacon – Had Saturday’s assassination attempt been carried out against President Joe Biden, we have no doubt we would have read about how the right’s dangerous rhetoric was behind it. We are old enough to remember more than a decade back when former Alaska governor Sarah Palin’s use of crosshairs imagery to identify congressional districts—or, as the Atlantic’s James Fallows put it, “extreme, implicitly violent political rhetoric and imagery”—was fingered as an incitement for former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords’s (D., Ariz.) shooter. (He was, in fact, a deranged individual with no discernible motivation, political or otherwise.)

We could go on: The media fatuously attributed Georgia spa shooting in 2021 to right-wing, anti-Asian hatred while the motivations of the left-wing lunatic who almost took out Rep. Steve Scalise (R., La.) and other Republican lawmakers on a baseball field in 2017 went studiously unexamined.

Plenty of poisonous rhetoric has been flying around on the left for the past decade. Biden is waging a campaign whose only argument, expressed with intermittent coherency, is that democracy is on the ballot. “We’re done talking about the debate, it’s time to put Trump in a bull’s eye,” Biden told donors last week. Even in the 2022 midterms he was scaremongering in front of Washington, D.C.’s Union Station, telling voters that the race was about “democracy itself” and a Republican victory would “allow dark forces to thirst,” whatever that means. The New Republic and others compare former president Donald Trump to Hitler.

We don’t know whether those moronic and misguided talking points led Thomas Crooks to try to assassinate Trump, but there are a few things we do know.

  1. The Democratic Party has bathed itself in violent and hysterical rhetoric about Trump. See above. And yet, the Democratic Party has consistently egged on Trump in the belief that he is the weakest possible standard bearer for the GOP.
  2. Trump is a force of nature, a unique political talent, and a showman who at the moment of maximum danger yesterday was at his finest. As it turns out, the Republican primary voters who nominated him see things clearly.
  3. The media are a spectacularly incompetent and ineffectual arm of the Democratic Party that has done more to empower Trump’s rise and resurrection than any other institution in American life. Their raison d’etre is defeating Trump and they’re about to go 1 for 3.
  4. The ultimate dissonance comes from the well wishes of Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, and other pooh-bas of the Democratic Party. “Get well soon, Donald, so you can get back to destroying our democracy!” Either they didn’t actually believe their self-interested talking points about Trump the tyrant or they are coming to the realization that the public doesn’t buy it.

The Democrat-media complex has chosen the method of its destruction, and it is becoming increasingly difficult to imagine anything other than a Trump restoration in November. We can’t help but savor it.


BREAKING: Hamas and Hezbollah leaders ELIMINATED in coordinated STRIKE by IDF  [16:00]  Yair Pinto

Jul 14, 2024 • #israel #israelnews #israelwar – TBN Israel’s Yair Pinto reports on the Israel-Hamas War. IDF eliminates top Hamas leaders Mohammad Deif and Rafa’a Salameh in Khan Yunis and senior Hezbollah commander Abbas Qassem in Lebanon. Hezbollah rockets injur four female soldiers in Kiryat Shmona. A mysterious explosion occurs at a key Iranian UAV base. Stay up-to-date with the latest developments here on TBN Israel.


BLOOD on their hands: Trump’s Assassination Attempt was NOT out of NOWHERE   [38:53]    Caroline Glick

July 14, 2024 – The Caroline Glick ShowThe drumbeat of demonization that led to Trump’s near assassination did not begin yesterday.

The attempt on the former president’s life is the fruit of what billionaires and nefarious interests have been sowing for many years in both Israel and the USA. What’s worse, their collusion for chaos and delegitimization of popular sentiment has given the green light to political violence, all in the name of upholding “democracy.”


00:00 Origins and Parallels of Political Violence

02:12 Left-Wing Funding and Organization

04:06 Lawfare and Media Collusion

07:20 Unequal Enforcement of the Law

09:13 The Need for Responsible Discourse and Unity


Candace Owens is a cautionary tale about platforming ignorance   [13:52]  Jonathan Tobin

 Jul 14, 2024  JNS TV – The extremist talker went off the deep end by engaging in Holocaust denial. Conspiracy theories are the last refuge of antisemitic media con artists.


00:00 Introduction

01:53 Candace Owens’ Holocaust Denial

04:17 Owens’ Rise to Popularity

06:11 The Internet’s Role in Owens’ Rise

09:07 The Slippery Slope of Partisan Suppression

12:01 Lessons Learned from Owens’ Journey


Trump and Lion same gait. [Ed.]

Flag Angel at assassination attempt 7/13/24   [Ed.]

Trump and Van Gogh   [Ed.]


“This Was NOT Faked” – Mike Adams Delivers Gripping Forensic Assessment on Trump Assassination Attempt  [1:25:34]   THE VIGILANT FOX

Media Blackout – Episode 31

JUL 14, 2024

#10 – Trump Responds After Assassination Attempt; Shooter Dead; Secret Service Reportedly Ignored Warnings

Plus, Mike Adams delivers a gripping forensic assessment. “This was NOT faked.” (Watch)

#9 – Disturbing Government Data Suggests COVID-Vaccinated Kids are 45 TIMES More Likely to Die Than Unvaccinated Children

#8 – Anderson Cooper Dies Inside as Glorious Trump Quote is Read on Air

#7 – Elon Musk Issues Warning to America: Democrats Plan to Steal More Elections

#6 – Excommunicated Archbishop Sounds the Alarm on “Criminal Conspiracy” Between the Deep State and the Deep Church

#5 – Ben Shapiro Tears into Censorship Cartel in Fiery Congressional Testimony

#4 – Dr. David Martin Exposes Purdue Pharma’s Sinister Move That Led to “Hundreds of Thousands” of American Deaths

#3 – Senate Democrats Block the SAVE Act, Leaving Door Open for Illegal Immigrants to Vote in Presidential Election

#2 – Alarming Study Reveals Antibody-Dependent Enhancement and Infant Deaths Following RSV Vaccine Trial

#1 – Deep State Officially Tries to Launch Bird Flu as Colorado Declares State of Emergency

Plus, Dr. Peter McCullough gives his expert opinion on what’s going on with Joe Biden’s brain. (Watch)

BONUS #1 – Trump Issues New Statement on Morning After Assassination Attempt

BONUS #2 – More Photos of Trump Shooter Released

BONUS #3 – Trump Assassination Attempt Predicted 3 Months Ago by Christian Prophet


Know Thy  Enemy  MICHOEL GREEN

Reflections on the 2005 Zionist expulsion of Jews

JUL 14, 2024 – My watershed moment came in the summer of 2005 when Ariel Sharon and his cohorts conducted a mass expulsion of some ten-thousand Jews from Gush Katif.

Twenty-two beautiful synagogues, thousands of homes, gardens, greenhouses, yeshivas, parks, fertile fields. Young and old, women and children, hoary seniors and tender babies, mercilessly driven out of their homes in tears, clutching their Torah scrolls. Images from this traumatic day still haunt my imagination.
The biggest expulsion of Jews since the expulsion of Jews from the Iberian Peninsula in 1492 and 1496.
Except this time, it wasn’t at the hand of a fanatic Catholic monarchy. This time, it was a so-called Jewish State, led by a “right-wing” prime minister. It was conducted by Jews, police and other govt. employees, who were just “following orders..

Moreover, here Jews weren’t being expelled from distant Diaspora lands to which our ancestors had been exiled. Instead, we were getting expelled from our own Holy Land, cruelly evicted in order to make way for a jihadist terror state for a hostile population that demanded a Judenrein land of their own purged of its Jews.

And irony of ironies: the date for this historic expulsion — that they attempted to whitewash by calling it “disengagement” — was slated for August 14th, 2005, which just ‘happened” to coincide with the 9th of Av, the date that marks the cataclysmic destruction of both Holy Temples and a numerous other national calamities, including the expulsion from Spain in 1492! [1]
I had spent weeks that summer on the telephone calling Israeli police officers and begging them to refuse orders to expel fellow Jews. Every single one whom I was able to reach wept on the phone and told me they agreed this expulsion is immoral and unjust. Many said they planned to call up sick that day, but none were willing to refuse orders.

I simply couldn’t wrap my head around it. Jew-haters expel Jews. Since when do Jews expel Jews!?
At that point I began to wake up to the harsh reality that the Zionist State is just another assault against Jews, in fact the most insidious in history.
It has effectively weaponized the Jewish people, turning Jew against Jew, committing unthinkable crimes against their own.
If this sinister government can forcibly expel thousands of Jews and cede their beautiful synagogues, farms, greenhouses, homes, etc., to genocidal jihadists whom they created and funded, all for some alleged “greater good,” then what else are they capable of doing?
When this rogue regime opened the border to those same bloodthirsty hordes and allowed eight hours of horrific slaughter, rape, torture, abductions, etc., it sadly came as no surprise.
People of Israel, I beseech you. Wake up. Your regime is your mortal enemy.  [Emphasis added]
Ariel Sharon, Bibi, et al…they’re just a repackaged version of Ferdinand and Isabella, Stalin and the other totalitarian mass murderers of the past century. Their job is to enslave and euthanize you, all in the name of some “greater good” of course.
It doesn’t matter what their proposed “greater good” is. It might be “public health,” “carbon reduction,” “peace process,” “diversity,” or any other touted value.
Their goal is simply “depopulation,” i.e. elimination of the earth’s human population.
Zionism was a hoax. You’ve been duped. Your love for your Land has been cynically exploited. The objective all along was to enslave you under the guise of nationalist obedience and groom you for slaughter.
Wake up now.
Defy all orders. Resist. Expose their lies. ALL of them.
Your life and the lives of your children depend on it.


[1] Signed on March 31st, 1492, the Alahambra Decree ordered all Jews to leave Spain within three days from July 31st, 1492, i.e. by August 2nd. Not coincidentally, August 2 of that year was Av 9 in the Jewish calendar.

The 1st Holy Temple had been destroyed on the 9th of Av in 423 BCE and the 2nd Temple on 9 Av, 69 CE. Moreover, the once-proud city of Better was destroyed by the Romans in 133 CE and its inhabitants slaughtered. The site of the Temple on Jerusalem was ploughed and desecrated in 9 Av of 134 CE. The Jews of England were expelled on the same date in 1290 CE.

The Children of Israel were condemned to wander 40 years in the desert on the 9th of Av, 1312 BCE.

Funny how the Zionist ruling class must happened to pick this date for their banishment and forcible removal of Jews from their homes in 2005 CE. Funny not funny.

It’s time to end this cruel joke once and for all.


The same bureau that investigated the Las Vegas shooting and the January 6th pipe bombs is now investigating the attempted assassination of Trump.   Thomas Massie @RepThomasMassie

11:24 PM · Jul 13, 2024 – This is also the same bureau that raided Mar-a-Lago.

I’m sure they’ll get to the bottom of this soon.


“Something ‘FISHY And Suspicious’ About Trump Assassination Attempt Says Security Expert  [5:28]

Jul 14, 2024 • LONDON – Gunfire erupted at a Donald Trump rally on Saturday, sparking panic in the crowd and spattering the Republican presidential candidate with blood, before he emerged and defiantly pumped his fist in the air and was ushered to a waiting car.

Trump grimaced and grabbed his ear before security hustled him away, his red “Make America Great Again” hat knocked off. The Secret Service and the former president’s campaign said Trump was safe following the shooting in Butler, Pennsylvania, about 30 miles (50 km) north of Pittsburgh.

Live video showed blood spattered on Trump’s right cheek and ear.

Downing Street in the United Kingdom issued a statement about the shooting:

“We are shocked by the scenes at President Trump’s rally in Pennsylvania. We condemn all forms of political violence in the strongest terms and we send our best wishes to President Trump and his family at this time.”

Cristo speaks with international security expert Will Geddes.


Things are NOT what they seem!    TIERNEY’S REAL NEWS

JUL 13, 2024 – There have been many things happening behind the scenes in the past few weeks which appear to be another orchestrated coup against the office of President – but this time it’s to take down Joe Biden.

Now, I have no love for Joe Biden nor do I believe he is a legitimate President – he’s an old mobster and he was installed by the CIA & the New World Order. The same people who stole the White House from President Trump to install Joe Biden now want him removed and replaced with someone else. In other words, the will of people doesn’t matter in the US anymore – it’s the will of the New World Order and their chosen Deep State lackeys.

Yesterday, President Trump came out and said Obama & Biden hate each other – Obama wants Biden out and Kamala in.

Now, that seems obvious enough but it doesn’t exactly fit with what’s been going on of late, does it? How do you explain that if Biden is allegedly doing everything Obama tells him to? Is Biden really Obama’s puppet or not?

For example, why did George Clooney hold a fundraiser for Biden just last month in California, invite the likes of Julia Roberts, Barbara Streisand and Jimmy Kimmel, and then Obama showed up to “handle” Biden. If Obama wants Biden gone – why did this happen? Here’s what I think.

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The war against the Jews   Melanie Phillips

In Britain, France and America, the left is on the wrong side. The Jews are in the middle because they don’t know who hates them more,” said Chief Rabbi Sebbag.   Opinion.

Jul 12, 2024, 12:21 AM (GMT+3)  JNS  – We have to face without flinching what is now undeniable: There is a war across the globe raging against the Jewish people. It’s a war not just to destroy their national homeland but to drive them out of people’s heads, their conscience and their world.

Led by Muslims and the left, with its base in the universities, this war has extended much further than these circles into professional and commercial life.

The Palestinian flag, the symbol of the agenda to destroy Israel and erase the identity and history of the Jews in their ancestral land, is everywhere. Often-murderous antisemitism, once confined to cranks, Nazi supporters and the clinically insane, has been normalized and is surfacing in the most banal, everyday settings.

A Toronto health food restaurant is using the hashtag “#zionistsnotwelcome” in social media posts. In Britain, an ordinary middle-aged Manchester woman declared that Zionist lives weren’t worth saving and that Zionists “need to be finished.”

Palestinian flags sprouted in London at the Wimbledon tennis tournament, during Fashion Week in Berlin and on the lapel of a Delta Airlines flight attendant. In Amsterdam, Anne Frank’s statue was defaced with “Gaza” graffiti. At a Madrid rock concert, the crowd sang: “Let’s go bomb Tel Aviv.”

While this madness has liberals and left-wingers in its grip, its main impetus is coming from the Islamic world. U.S. Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines stated this week that the Iranian regime has been actively fueling the Gaza demonstrations by using agents posing as activists online, encouraging demonstrations and even providing participants with financial support.

In addition to Iran, the campaign has been orchestrated by Hamas and other Muslim Brotherhood operatives. The reason for all this is that fanatical hatred of the Jews is fundamental to the religion of Islam, as is the aim of Islamizing the world.

While many Muslims don’t subscribe to fanaticism or fundamentalism, far too many do—and the overwhelming majority subscribe to the demonization and delegitimization of Israel that flow from Muslim Jew-hatred.

The reason the Oct. 7 pogrom in Israel sparked immediate and triumphant Muslim demonstrations was the ecstatic belief that, having destroyed Israeli invincibility by murdering and capturing so many Jews, the way was now open to destroy Israel, wipe out the Jews and conquer the West for Islam.

The far-left, who have latched on to the anti-West aims of this campaign, also believe that their revolutionary time has come.

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Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.