Daily Shmutz | COMMENTARY / OPINION  | 7/23/23



The Revolt of the Pawns   by James Corbett
July 23, 2023 – In early 1980, as the diplomatic fallout from the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan began to play itself out on the grand chessboard, then-US President Jimmy Carter sent his National Security Adviser, Zbigniew Brzezinski, to Pakistan to rally the mujahideen fighters waging jihad against the Russian invaders.

In the footage of that incident, Brzezinski can be seen helicoptering to a spot in the Khyber Pass on the Afghanistan border to address the Islamic fighters taking up arms against the Soviets. Assuring the assembled “freedom fighters” that their struggle will succeed, he raises a finger in the air in the direction of Afghanistan, proclaiming: “That land over there is yours. You’ll go back to it one day because your fight will prevail. And you’ll have your homes and your mosques back again because your cause is right and God is on your side.”

This was, as we now know, pure manipulative hogwash. Uncle Sam couldn’t have cared less about the fate of these fighters. The US government didn’t believe in their God and it didn’t care if they had their homes and their mosques back again. In fact, as Brzezinski himself has since admitted, the Soviet invasion had, in a sense, been a Western operation, the successful culmination of a covert US plan to lure the USSR into Afghanistan and slowly bleed the Red Army in a years-long proxy war.

In the infamous 1998 interview where Brzezinski confirmed this hidden truth, he was asked whether he regretted his role in fostering the rise of the Taliban and Al CIAda.

Regret what? That secret operation was an excellent idea. It had the effect of drawing the Russians into the Afghan trap and you want me to regret it? The day that the Soviets officially crossed the border, I wrote to President Carter, essentially: “We now have the opportunity of giving to the USSR its Vietnam war.” Indeed, for almost 10 years, Moscow had to carry on a war that was unsustainable for the regime, a conflict that bought about the demoralization and finally the breakup of the Soviet empire.

These are not the words of a pious believer in the righteous struggle of Islamic freedom fighters. They are not even the words of an earnest Cold Warrior, blindly supporting anyone who could strike at his Soviet enemy. They are the words of the man who literally wrote the book on The Grand Chessboard—the words of a self-proclaimed geopolitical grandmaster who cooly calculates several moves ahead as he manipulates his pawns on the grand chessboard as part of a grand strategy to checkmate his opponent.

Last week I revealed how the would-be rulers of the world see the grand struggle for geopolitical dominance as a type of chess game and how people around the globe (including the mujahideen in Afghanistan) are treated as mere pawns in that game, to be used, abused and sacrificed in pursuit of the grandmasters’ aims.

This week I will examine the growing political awareness of the pawns in the grand chess game and show what it looks like when they strike back against their masters.

Global Political Awakening


Yes, it is a Coup   by Victor Rosenthal

July 23, 2023 – As I write, Israel is undergoing a carefully planned, well-financed, coup d’état.

Its leaders, members of Israel’s elite, including two former prime ministers, military officers, high tech entrepreneurs, media, judges and lawyers, supported by an army of useful idiots, will tell you that it is not a coup. They will say that it’s the government that is trying to effect a revolution, to destroy Israel’s democracy and install a dictatorship or even a theocracy.

They are either fools or lying. To begin with, Israel is not a true liberal democracy today, nor has she ever been one, except perhaps for brief periods. For the first 29 years of her existence, she was ruled by a single party, Mapai, the Labor Party. Her first Prime Minister, David Ben-Gurion, was a virtual dictator. Later prime ministers were chosen from among the Labor apparatchiks, and some of them were incompetent enough to imperil the existence of the state. The opposition, led by Menachem Begin, was entirely shut out.

In 1977, thanks to public disgust over the Labor government’s failure to prepare for the outbreak of the Yom Kippur War, and the demographic changes in Israel resulting from the immigration of almost a million Jews forced to flee Muslim countries, Begin’s Likud party received enough votes in an election to form a government, and make him prime minister.

But control of the Knesset didn’t translate into control of the country. The elites that controlled government-owned enterprises, the army, the media, the legal system, the labor unions, the educational establishment, and everything else, did not let go. The “new Israelis,” mostly Mizrachi Jews, but soon to include immigrants from the Soviet Union, Ethiopia and other places, were kept out. I remember a song popular around 1980 about a singer who wanted to appear on the (state-controlled) radio, but was turned down because of his Mizrachi accent.* It wasn’t a joke, even at that late date.

The elites saw the demographic bus coming, and they knew that they had to somehow control the “barbarians” who would soon begin to take over by sheer force of numbers. So in the early 1990s, led by Supreme Court Justice Aharon Barak, they engineered a real judicial coup. What was called a “constitutional revolution” vastly increased the power and scope of the Supreme Court, gave quasi-constitutional status to vague laws passed by a small minority of Knesset members, and for the first time enabled the court to overthrow laws passed by the Knesset. A system of legal “advisors,” accountable only to the judicial system, was created, whose “advice” to every ministry and government department is binding. Now, although the “new Israelis” often elect a majority of the Knesset, the elected officials can be blocked from doing anything that the old elites don’t like.

[Ed.:  “The only democracy in the Middle East.”  (My tuchis!)  ‘History repeats itself...’  “There is nothing new under the sun” – Solomon]


The scariest poll you’ll see this summer   ALEX BERENSON

And it’s not about Joe Biden

JUL 22, 2023 – A majority of Americans – and an overwhelming number of Democrats – no longer support First Amendment protections for free speech.

The government should restrict “false” information online, even if doing so blocks people from “publishing or accessing information,” 55 percent of Americans said in a large poll released Thursday. Only 42 percent disagreed.

The antipathy to free speech represents a sea change in attitudes in just five years. It is driven by a powerful new hostility to First Amendment rights on the left.

In an identically worded poll five years ago, Democrats and Republicans favored free speech online by roughly 3 to 2 margins. Today, Republicans still favor the First Amendment by about that much. But Democrats have turned against it by even more.

The support for government suppression of “false” speech clearly violates the First Amendment, which does not distinguish between “false” and legal speech, or online or traditional platforms for speech and debate.

The stunning finding comes from a survey released Thursday by the Pew Research Center, a Washington think tank. Pew’s online poll covered over 5,000 adults, and Pew has asked the same question three times in five years; the trend is unmistakable.

(Freedom? We don’t need no stinkin’ freedom!)

[Ed.:  We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Badges.]


Why did Trump finally decide to run for office? You can thank Ben Shapiro, Seth Meyers & Obama.   TIERNEY’S REAL NEWS

JUL 22, 2023 – Who is Ben Shapiro of the Daily Wire and can he be trusted? As we get closer and closer to the election, it’s a good idea to review the history of top conservative pundits to find out just who has been consistent & can be trusted.

Ben Shapiro, Seth Meyers, Obama & Trump. Why Trump Finally Ran For Office.

Many Republicans are well-aware that in 2011, at the White House Press Dinner, President Obama and Seth Meyers mercilessly roasted and mocked Donald Trump for considering a GOP Presidential run in 2012. It was humiliating and degrading. The entire room was laughing at him.

They laughingly announced, to the world, THAT DONALD TRUMP WOULD NEVER BE PRESIDENT. Many people believe, including me, that this was the pivotal moment when Donald Trump decided to run for President in 2016 and prove them ALL wrong.

This is also the reason, IMHO, that President Trump did not attend the White House Press Dinner during his administration.

Most people do NOT know, however, that Ben Shapiro, one of the original conservative NeverTrump pundits, along with Glenn Beck, wrote an article two weeks before that dinner calling Donald Trump the most “magical” Presidential candidate the Republicans could ever ask for.

Ben’s glowing critique of Trump literally painted him as the “savior” of the Republican party. After Obama’s and Meyer’s roast of Trump, Shapiro buried his views, put his tail between his legs and, afraid he would lose his place at the cool kid’s media table, turned on Trump. Ben has taken money from the anti-Trump camp for over the past 10 years to bash Trump along with the rest of the mainstream media.

What did Ben Shapiro say in 2011 about Donald Trump? Read on.


The Coup We Never Knew   Victor Davis Hanson

January 5, 2023 – Did someone or something seize control of the United States?

What happened to the U.S. border? Where did it go? Who erased it? Why and how did 5 million people enter our country illegally? Did Congress secretly repeal our immigration laws? Did Joe Biden issue an executive order allowing foreign nationals to walk across the border and reside in the United States as they pleased?

Since when did money not have to be paid back? Who insisted that the more dollars the federal government printed, the more prosperity would follow? When did America embrace zero interest? Why do we believe $30 trillion in debt is no big deal?

When did clean-burning, cheap, and abundant natural gas become the equivalent to dirty coal? How did prized natural gas that had granted America’s wishes of energy self-sufficiency, reduced pollution, and inexpensive electricity become almost overnight a pariah fuel whose extraction was a war against nature? Which lawmakers, which laws, which votes of the people declared natural gas development and pipelines near criminal?

Was it not against federal law to swarm the homes of Supreme Court justices, to picket and to intimidate their households in efforts to affect their rulings? How then with impunity did bullies surround the homes of Justices Brett Kavanaugh, Samuel Alito, Amy Coney Barrett, Neil Gorsuch, John Roberts, and Clarence Thomas—furious over a court decision on abortion? How could these mobs so easily throng our justices’ homes, with placards declaring “Off with their d—s”?

Since when did Americans create a government Ministry of Truth? And on whose orders did the FBI contract private news organizations to censor stories it did not like and writers whom it feared?

How did we wake up one morning to new customs of impeaching a president over a phone call? Of the speaker of the House tearing up the State of the Union address on national television? Of barring congressional members from serving on their assigned congressional committees?


Jonathan Pollard on Prison, Torture, Politics, & More!  [1:10:14]  Tamar Yonah, Israel News Talk Radio

Jul 20, 2023 – He gave information to Israel that was vital to its defense. -Information that America, as its ally, should have given Israel in the first place. How many would die in Israel if they didn’t get this vital intelligence?

Hear Jonathan Pollard’s riveting story about his actions, his arrest, his incarceration, the torture he endured, and his new life as a free man. He shares his life and his personal politics with show host, Tamar Yonah.

“The Tamar Yonah Show” on www.IsraelNewsTalkRadio.com

Please like and subscribe so our hearts and voices are not silenced.


An important note from Jonathan Pollard to viewers:

“There was nothing that pained Esther and I more than the fact that we were denied the right to have children. There wasn’t a day we didn’t mourn this loss.”

The late Esther Pollard tied her fate to Jonathan’s, and for three decades fought relentlessly for his release.

Throughout his long years in prison, Jonathan dreamed of the day when he would be able to repay Esther for everything she did for him. Unfortunately, about a year after their arrival in Israel, Esther passed away after a long and courageous battle with cancer.

On the first anniversary of her death, in profound sorrow, and given the fact that he and Esther never had the chance to have children of their own , Jonathan has decided to commemorate Esther’s life and legacy through the establishment of Esther’s Children Center. By strengthening Jewish identity and instilling Jewish values in thousands of children, from toddlers to adolescents, the center will promote Esther’s values on one hand while symbolizing the Pollards’ unfulfilled dream of educating their own children according to these values .

After years in which we felt his pain, prayed for him and fought for his release, this is our opportunity to thank him for all he did.

Together, we will make his dream come true.

Together we will build the Esther Children’s Center

Come join us now. Click here to really make a difference!  https://www.charidy.com/pollard?lang=en

[Ed.:  There is a very important clue as to the enigma of who Yehonatan Pollard is, starting at 1:05:40, and why he suffered punishment for so long, why he survived it, and why he is alive in Israel today.  This brought tears to my eyes and wet my entire face!  Just before that section, Yehonatan described exactly why “IINO”, the term that I coined and use, is a true assessment of today’s plight of the Jewish People. That assessment is what should have brought on the wet face five minutes sooner!]


Gentiles who love Jews and the Jews who hate them    by Eliyahu Tulshinski

Leftist front group used secular Jews to infiltrate John Birch Society

July 13, 2023 – In what could be a satirical tribute to the 2002 book co-written by Dr. Susan Forward, Men who hate women and the women who love them, the self-proclaimed guardians of Jewish Americans, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), infiltrated the John Birch Society in an effort to destroy a pro-Israel group that ran articles like, “A Bad Investment: US Funding, Training PLO Terrorists.”

More pro-Israel than Israel’s Prime Minister

The “Bad Investment” article, which appeared in the John Birch Society’s periodical The New American, exposed details about the funding of Israel’s enemies that Israel’s leaders opt to keep secret even when invited to speak to Congress or to appear on American news channels:

Tuly Wultz and his 16-year-old son Daniel were enjoying a Passover holiday dinner at a Tel Aviv restaurant when the suicide bomber struck. Nine diners were killed in the grisly attack that day in April 2006 and dozens more were wounded, including the Wultzes, Americans from Florida who were visiting Israel on vacation . . .

Few Americans are aware, however, that the deadly attack that took the life of Daniel Wultz was planned and carried out by U.S.-trained terrorists of the PLO’s (Palestine Liberation Organization) notorious al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades. The Brigades, which are formally listed as a terrorist organization by the U.S. State Department, have carried out numerous suicide bombings, car bombings, shootings, and rocket attacks. Nevertheless, they are a major military arm of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas’ PLO/Fatah organization. As such, they share in the hundreds of millions of U.S. taxpayer dollars that annually are showered on the Abbas-led Palestinian regime.

Total Page Visits: 122

About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.