Daily Shmutz | COMMENTARY / OPINION | 7/30/24



Jonathan Pollard & R’ David Bar-Hayim: Hostage Deal Hysterics & the Leftist High Command   [36:22]

July 28, 2024   Machon Shilo


Mr. Netanyahu goes to Washington and Mr. Biden “comes to —”     Rabbi Prof. Dov Fischer

I cannot say why these things are happening or what G-d’s plan is. This sense of miraculous times all began with the unnatural survival of President Trump. But there is more.  Op-ed.

 Jul 30, 2024, 8:29 PM (GMT+3)  Israel National News –  It was a haughty, arrogant, and deeply vicious moment. On his way through the aisle to deliver his final State of the Union (SOTU) message in March, President Joe Biden shook hands of Senators and House Representatives in the traditional manner.

As he came to Sen. Michael Bennet, Democrat of Colorado, Bennet sycophantically brown-nosed Biden, complimenting him on “what you are doing on the humanitarian stuff” amid Israel’s desperate and existential war to get back the hostages and defeat murderous Hamas terrorism permanently. Biden, crowing in his glory on the cusp of delivering the SOTU, did not merely say “thanks” but bragged: “I told him, ‘Bibi — (and don’t repeat this) — but you and I are going to have a ‘Come to Jesus’ meeting.’” Someone then told Biden that he was being heard “on a hot mike” — and Biden replied “Good. That’s good.”

(For the benefit of my Jewish readers (including me), I looked up “Come to Jesus.” Merriam-Webster says it means “a moment of sudden realization, comprehension, or recognition that often precipitates a major change.”)

Ever since President Trump was targeted that Shabbat day in Butler, Pennsylvania, there has been a great deal of talk in America about miracles and G-d’s role in our lives. I, too, recently wrote on that subject here. I cannot say why these things are happening or what G-d’s plan is. This sense of miraculous times all began with the unnatural survival of President Trump, who was a clear shot from that unguarded roof, and would be gone if he had not turned at that moment toward that chart tabulating illegal immigration under Biden-Harris. But there is more:

1. The worst human massacre against Jewish people since the Shoah occurred on Shabbat Shmini Atzeret, October 7, 2023. Arab murderers — whether we call them “Hamas” or we call the non-Hamas butchers “Arab murderers” or “innocent Gaza civilians” — slaughtered 1,200 Israelis hailing from more than 40 countries, including the United States.

The vast majority of those murdered were Israeli secularist leftists who hate Binyamin Netanyahu and the freely elected conservative Israeli government. Many were of varied political camps, but celebrating a pagan-like “Nova festival” on a night that observant Jews were gathered joyously in synagogues in Israel and throughout the world, celebrating the end of Sh’mini Atzeret and the beginning of Simchat Torah.

Other massacre victims, primarily — but not at all exclusively — were Israeli secularist leftists who lived in kibbutz communities on Israel’s side of the Gaza border because they quixotically wanted to “advance peace” and believed in the inner goodness of the “innocent Arab Gaza civilians,” their comparative neighbors. Israel — you know, that genocidal apartheid country — maintained a policy of allowing thousands of Gaza Arabs to come into Israel every day, and these peace-focused Jewish leftists (think: Bernie Sanders, Chuck Schumer, George Soros) welcomed the “innocent Arab civilians” from Gaza into their homes regularly. When the “innocent Arab civilians” had medical crises, they crossed the border, and their “Peace Now” dear Israel friends ambulanced them to hospitals.

Those leftists were the ones who mostly were slaughtered. I mourn their loss, and hundreds of Orthodox Jews have been among the Israeli Defense Forces who have given their lives in Gaza for them. I mention the Leftist-Orthodox factor only to share at least two miracles:

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En route to Beirut?   Ruthie Blum

Israel must stop engaging in tit-for-tat strikes against Hezbollah and launch a serious campaign in Lebanon. “Red lines” aren’t merely for coloring books.  Opinion.

Jul 30, 2024, 12:30 AM (GMT+3) Israel National News – (JNS) When 12 kids were slaughtered Saturday in the Golan Heights town of Majdal Shams by an Iranian missile supplied to Hezbollah, Israelis were horrified but not surprised. Given the incessant bombardment of northern Israel—leading to the evacuation months ago of hundreds of families from their homes — which the residents of Majdal Shams, near the Syria border, refused to do —mass murder was just a matter of time.

That’s what happens with a policy of containment—a key element of the very “conceptzia” that enabled Hamas’s Oct. 7 massacre. If an enemy assault fails to be as deadly as it could have been, Israel doesn’t treat it with the response it deserves. Instead, it prides itself on preventing more casualties thanks to Iron Dome defenses and public obedience to Home Front Command directives.

These include: informing us of how many seconds we have to enter a bomb shelter or safe room when an air-raid siren goes off; instructing us to exit and clear away from our cars when caught by an alarm while driving on the highway, then lie on the asphalt with our hands on our heads; warning us not to photograph interceptions, which can result in injury from falling shrapnel; admonishing us to lock our doors, turn out our lights and close our shutters at the first sign of a potential terrorist invasion; and assuring us that we’ll be the first to know if we need to stock up on supplies ahead of a greater, less temporary threat.

It’s no wonder, then, that our military is called the Israel Defense Forces. Considering the fact that we are surrounded by foes both bent on our destruction and equipped by Tehran to carry it out, one would have thought it appropriate to replace the word “defense” with “offense.”

But no. The IDF boasts of being the most moral army in the world, with a code of ethics fit for local and international kangaroo courtrooms, not soldiers risking their lives to protect the country.

Though it was crafted by Asa Kasher, a far-left activist working to topple the government and undermine Israeli efforts at victory over Hamas in Gaza, it’s still touted as a holy guide, rather than tossed in the trash where it belongs.

Another part of the “conceptzia” that hasn’t been discarded despite the Oct. 7 atrocities is the principle of “legitimacy.” Rather than responding to every rocket launch as though it had succeeded in its aim of mass murder, the government and IDF top brass treat each failed attempt as a statistic—a number added to the spreadsheet of projectiles emanating from one of the many entities in the region working to wipe Israel off the map.

The most egregious example was on April 14. Since the Iranian launch of hundreds of drones and ballistic and cruise missiles left only a seven-year-old Bedouin-Israeli girl injured and caused minor damage to two Israeli airbases, Israel and the “coalition” of countries that assisted it in intercepting the bulk of the projectiles left it at that.

Any time Jerusalem is challenged about this overly cautious policy, its answer is always the same: that Israel wouldn’t be given the “legitimacy” from Washington, New York or Brussels to preempt, or even retaliate, with what the Biden administration, the United Nations and the European Union consider “disproportionate force.”

There’s no doubt that this is true. Yet, as we have witnessed, neither Oct. 7 nor July 27 (the day that kids playing soccer were obliterated) provided world justification for an Israeli blitz of the kind required for deterrence.

On the contrary, the greater the care the IDF takes to prevent civilian deaths, the worse the attitude toward the Jewish state becomes and the higher the antisemitism in the world rises.

Furthermore, tough Israeli actions don’t incur as much wrath as one might expect. Take the Israeli Air Force strikes on Houthi targets in Yemen last weekend, for instance. Following the drone attack in Tel Aviv the previous day by the Iran-backed terrorist group, which killed an Israeli civilian and wounded some others, the IAF hit the port city of Hodeidah.

This wasn’t the first act of Houthi aggression over the past few months. But the others hadn’t succeeded in spilling blood.

The reaction to the havoc wreaked in Hodeidah was pretty mild. In fact, it’s barely been mentioned, other than by those assessing that it was a signal to Tehran about Israeli capabilities.

Nevertheless, IDF Spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari felt the need to report on the operation by referring to it as “necessary and proportionate,” and “carried out in order to stop and repel the Houthis’ terror attacks after nine months of continuous aerial attacks aimed at Israeli territory.”

The supplicant position is really wearing thin. But the above was nothing compared to Hagari’s little briefing at the site of the Majdal Shams soccer field in the immediate aftermath of the child killings.

“We didn’t know that Hezbollah was planning to fire here; we didn’t have intelligence about it,” he said. “No one thought that a murderous terrorist organization would fire at a football field where boys and girls were hanging out. No one imagined such a thing.”

Israelis of all stripes were outraged by the remarks. The next morning, Hagari clarified that what he had meant to do was “illustrate the cruelty of the murderous terrorist organization Hezbollah.”

Be that as it may, it was an odd thing to point out to a populace that’s been familiar with the savagery of Hezbollah and the organization’s fellow terrorist barbarians for decades. At this juncture, all the IDF should be doing is securing victory. Enough with the PR for foreign consumption.

Israel’s Security Cabinet on Sunday night authorized Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant to “to decide on the manner and timing of the response” to the Majdal Shams massacre. Let’s hope that they’re fast and furious.

Beirut must pay for Hezbollah aggression. Unless Lebanon is held accountable, Israelis won’t be willing or able to return to their homes in the north. Avoiding a full-scale war makes a mockery of “red lines,” relegating them to the language of coloring books.


The Paris Olympics in a time of inhumanity   Jack Engelhard

Israel has become the world’s shooting gallery. Everybody gets a chance to take a shot. Opinion.

Jul 30, 2024, 2:01 PM (GMT+3)  Israel National News –  Sure. Why not? Everybody else is out to get Israel. So Turkey’s leader Erdogan wants to be part of the action. Says he is ready to invade and destroy Israel.

What did Israel ever do to him? Nothing. Except that Israel has become the world’s shooting gallery. Everybody gets a chance to take a shot.

But only one. After that, the Israelis tend to fire back, double, and this the nations will not tolerate…Jews fighting back.

Jews fighting back? Pronto ceasefire. The Jews must keep taking it from north, south, east, west, Hezbollah, Hamas, Fatah, and even, suddenly, the Houthis.

Who are the Houthis? Did they invent the cure for polio and syphilis, as did the Jews? Not at all. They are a group of savages somewhere in Yemen who also wanted to get in on the fun. They had a storage of bombs, supplied by Iran, no doubt, so why not drop them on Israel and make a name for themselves.

The other terrorists also make a name that way. Do you know Hamas for their proficiency in science, literature and hi-tech? No. You know them for their proficiency in murdering Jews.

The nations remember those good old days, when Jews, throughout Europe, had no means for fighting back. They were sitting ducks for the Gestapo.

This includes France, of course, where my parents had started to raise a family, until the knock on the door from the gendarmes, the French Police.

If you read my books, you know the story…and altogether there were thousands of Roundups, until 76,000 French Jews were sent to the gas chambers.

France capitulated to the Germans after three days, and after that they became collaborators. Not all. But many.

Many of them denounced their Jewish neighbors for the Gestapo and the gendarmes. Edith Piaf kept singing.

The world was a lousy place back then, and still so today. Nothing has been learned. Different people. Same old hatreds. Passed on from mother’s milk, father to son. The Paris Games opened with this from the Beatles, “Imagine all the world living in peace.” Imagine people being hunted just for being Jews.

“Goodness is a theory,” I wrote in one of my columns for this book of Writings. “Wickedness is a fact.”

I wrote on, “At the Wannsee Conference, the ministers had the conquered world all mapped out…Jews marked for death country by country.

“There was talk around the table that in some countries, the local Christian population might rise up to defend their Jewish neighbors.

“Not to worry, chuckled mastermind Reinhard Heydrich. We can always count on the burghers, on local antisemitism.”

He knew the world. He knew it better than the songwriters, the philosophers, and the poets.


Numerous Athletes Fleeing Olympic Village as Woke Virtue Signalling Creates Nightmare Conditions    By Michael Schwarz

July 30, 2024 at 8:10am – If we teach our children properly, they will remember the 2024 Paris Olympics as the distilled essence of anti-human wokeness.

First, billions of Christians worldwide had to endure opening ceremonies polluted by a blasphemous display of sexual deviants mocking Jesus. Then came an official explanation of the performance that compounded the original affront with blatant lies.

Now, according to multiple reports, athletes from across the world have responded to the International Olympic Committee’s virtue-signaling, climate-worshiping, “sustainability” theater by fleeing the anti-human living conditions they experienced inside the Olympic Village.

With the pompous self-satisfaction that defines the modern woke liberal, IOC officials deliberately created those conditions.

In a statement entitled “All you need to know about Paris 2024 sustainability,” the IOC enumerated and touted its own efforts toward “reducing carbon emissions and promoting sustainable energy sources.”

Suffice it to say that the world’s best athletes have different priorities.

According to NBC, Team USA tennis star Coco Gauff gave her TikTok followers a brief tour of the cramped spaces in which ten girls, sharing two bathrooms, tried to live and function — at least until five of Gauff’s teammates opted for a hotel.

Gauff did not indicate exactly why her roommates left for cozier spaces. But one may guess why world-class athletes, presented with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, might prioritize physical comfort over climate-related virtue-signaling.

For instance, in its infinite wisdom and goodness, the IOC installed “a geothermal cooling system instead of traditional air conditioning.”

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According to NBC, however, “some athletes brought their own mobile AC units.”

Likewise, the IOC touted a public transport system that “not only reduces carbon emissions but also promotes sustainable mobility options for the community.”

But this did not impress members of South Korea’s swim team, all of whom checked into a hotel, per NBC.

In fact, South Korean swimmer Hwang Sun-woo compared the non-air-conditioned bus to a “sauna.”

Furthermore, the IOC celebrated its own “sustainable food practices.”

“The amount of plant-based food for spectators will be doubled to halve the carbon footprint of meals,” the climate-worshiping, woke busybodies announced before the games.

Apparently, the dreadful food found its way into the Olympic Village.

Indeed, according to the swimming news organization SwimSwam, members of the British and Italian Olympic teams have left the village due in part to the “low quality of food.”

In classic British parlance, rowing star Ollie Wynne-Griffith described the conditions as “absolutely mental.”

Wynne-Griffith stayed elsewhere from the outset. A visit to the Olympic Village convinced him that he and his teammates made the right choice.

“We all were there and thought, ‘I wish we were in the village,’ and then about an hour later you are like, ‘I’m quite glad we are not in the village,” he said.

Of course, given the years-long commitment those athletes have made, one cannot help but feel sorry for them.

In light of the IOC’s anti-human priorities, however — evidenced by their unabashed worship of both Satan and the planet — the sooner these Olympics come to a close, the sooner we can relegate them to a bad memory.

[Ed.:  IMHO, we really don’t have to worry about it.  The Olympics have put a nail in their own coffin.  Now-a-days, who needs sports, anyway, when we have wars?]


A World Of Opposites    [VIDEO 2:49]   By An Anonymous ‘woman’

July 30, 2024 – This is the most thorough summary of all the hypocrisy we see every day! The list is so huge that I hadn’t actually thought about every one collectively! This is not only great, but frustrating when you realize how divided we are!


Top 28 Reasons to Join the IDF  Chananya Weissman | chananyaweissman.com/

  1. You can be part of “the most moral army in the world”, so called for their policy of sacrificing you to protect the other side.
  2. You can still be hated and persecuted by the world anyway.
  3. You can get killed by “friendly fire” incidents and “operational mistakes”.
  4. You can get sent into death traps by traitors and useful idiots who use the IDF as a vehicle to kill Jewish fighters and turn over our land.
  5. If you die you will be honored in very moving state ceremonies, and some people will think of you in a vague way during moments of silence. It won’t bring you back, but it’s your best chance of being remembered as a hero. (And your headstone will be left blank instead of wishing for Hashem to avenge your death. The people who led you to your death definitely don’t want that.)
  6. Your organs might be donated to those you were fighting. Hopefully you will actually be dead by the time they are taken, but if not, close enough to make a final sacrifice.
  7. You can get your legs blown off instead, and be celebrated in statist promotional videos.
  8. You can be forcibly injected – not physically forced, but basically forced – with lots and lots of safe and effective vaccines that definitely won’t hurt you. Probably.
  9. It’s rough losing your limbs, but you also get to enjoy handicapped benefits for the rest of your life. The state will rob you less than it robs people with all their limbs.
  10. If you’ve successfully been indoctrinated to hate religious Jews, you can join special units where you get to beat them up with no consequences. The state has your back.
  11. If you have a sadistic streak, the Shabak might recruit you to torture people.
  12. You won’t be allowed to be victorious over the Arabs, but you can let out your aggression on Jews and throw them out of their homes, sometimes by the thousands (just call it an evacuation for their safety).
  13. You can stay in shape running away from Arabs who throw rocks at you.
  14. You can get outdated, malfunctioning weapons. This is a good thing, lest you have an urge to open fire on Arabs who throw rocks at you. Sticks and stones will break your bones, but the state will break your body and your soul if you open fire.
  15. Jews around the world who have been indoctrinated to support the IDF will lavish gifts upon you. This is good, because you will need the basics.
  16. You can get prosecuted for accepting these donations, because it’s unsafe, and might make it harder for you to be killed, which would slow down the agenda.
  17. You can get arrested by military police wearing black masks for being too rough on monsters who tortured and brutally massacred your people, then treated worse than the monsters.
  18. You can be ordered to stand down when the traitors let the next massacre happen.
  19. You can be ambushed at your base and killed in your sleep before the next massacre.
  20. Brainwashed citizens who support the IDF will dance with you before you get sent into a death trap.
  21. If you follow orders really well and aren’t religious, you can get promoted pretty high.
  22. If you follow orders really well and are religious, you get first crack at the death traps.
  23. The girls in the IDF are indoctrinated to have loose morals, and they REALLY follow orders.
  24. If you have no soul and are willing to sell out your own people, you can really go places.
  25. You get to laugh at all the fools who believe what the media – which we control – tells them.
  26. You don’t ever have to think again, just follow orders.
  27. You get to serve your country.
  28. The rabbis who work for the state all agree: It’s a Mitzvah

[Ed.:  INSANITY: Prosecutors Called Hamas Terrorists In Gaza To Testify Against IDF Soldiers]


How to End the New War of Attrition   by Victor Rosenthal

July 30, 2024 –  Welcome to that familiar location, the one between a rock and a hard place.

Since the day after the invasion and massacre on 7 October, Hezbollah has been waging a successful war of attrition against Israel. More than 80,000 Israelis have been displaced from their homes on the northern border, and more than 50 have been killed by rockets and antitank weapons. Border towns and kibbutzim have become wastelands. Homes and other structures have been destroyed, and fields burned.

Israel has responded in a carefully measured, tit-for-tat fashion which, as anyone familiar with the Middle East knows, sends a message of weakness and an invitation for further depredation. There are three apparent reasons for this:

1. The IDF does not want to fight a two-front war.

2. Hezbollah has between 130,000 to 200,000 rockets, missiles, and drones that it can launch at Israel, some of them with precision guidance systems that can strike within a few meters of a target. The home front is expected to suffer thousands of deaths and massive destruction of property and infrastructure.

3. The American administration has told Israel that if it attacks Hezbollah preemptively, it will not support us (presumably with weapons deliveries or at the UN).

On 28 July, a Hezbollah rocket with a 50 kg warhead struck a soccer field and playground in Majdal Shams in the Golan Heights. 12 children and teenagers were killed and numerous others injured, some critically. There was an alert, but it came only a few seconds before the explosion, and the children did not have time to reach a nearby concrete shelter. One child was missing for a day, before it was determined that his body had been blown to bits.

Majdal Shams is the “capital” of the Golan Druze. The Druze mostly live in Lebanon, Syria, the Golan, and the Galilee region of Israel. They have a unique religion, and a tradition of loyalty to the states in which they live. They also have a military tradition, and Israeli Druze serve in the IDF and Border Patrol. They are considered among the best fighters and officers and have paid a high price in blood in Israel’s wars.

The entire region is watching to see how Israel will react to the murder of 12 children. Such an atrocity demands a disproportionate response. If the reaction is typical of the recent past, our enemies will know that the understanding that murdering Israeli civilians is normal behavior is still in effect. The Druze will know that Israel does not care about them or value their contributions to the state. After all, we hit the Houthis’ oil industry and port after they killed one Jew in Tel Aviv.

The Americans have already informed us that yes, we are allowed to retaliate, but no, it cannot be disproportionate. And we may not touch Beirut, where Hezbollah boss Hassan Nasrallah is holed up.

When we were invaded on 7 October, the Biden Administration expressed its horror at the massacre of 1200 Israelis and expressed its support. But in the following days it tried to delay or prevent a ground invasion of Gaza. Once the ground war started, it supported Egypt’s demand that not one Gazan would be allowed to cross the border; but at the same time it complained about civilian casualties in the Strip. Then it tried to prevent us from entering Rafiah and taking control of the border between Gaza and Egypt to cut off Hamas’ weapons supply. Even after we demonstrated that it was possible to move civilians out of the way, it continued to throttle our supply of ammunition, to “protect” them. The administration also delayed the delivery of “smart” munitions which enable precise strikes at military targets! All during the war it has pressed for a hostage deal on terms that would leave Hamas in control of Gaza. And it has encouraged the “bring them home at any price” movement in Israel, as well as the forces opposing PM Netanyahu, who wants to keep fighting. Following the philosophy of never allowing a crisis to go to waste, the Biden administration wishes to turn the “day after” the war into a “two-state solution” that would put most of Israel into jeopardy from 7 October-style invasions.

Many seem to have forgotten that on 13 April of this year, Iran launched a direct attack on Israel, launching more than 300 ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, and drones against us. Israel – with some help from the US and others – succeeded in shooting most of them down (at an estimated cost of $1 billion). But had a large number of them reached their targets, the destruction and death would have been beyond estimation. It was an attempt to destroy the fabric of our nation and demanded a suitable response. Instead, we bombed an Iranian air defense radar installation. We were told this would “send a message” to Iran. It did, but not the intended one. It informed them that it’s acceptable to shoot at Jews, and they should keep trying. After all, what do they have to lose?

The Majdal Shams attack cannot be allowed to go unavenged. We cannot afford to allow our deterrence to erode further. The wolves are circling. Yesterday, the little pisher of Turkey, Tayip Recip Erdoğan, threatened that he too could invade Israel. Why not? Everyone is doing it. But still more important: we cannot betray our Druze citizens (and those in the Golan who still hold Syrian citizenship but more and more are becoming Israelis). We owe them, and we need them.

There is little chance that we can make the Americans agree. I would like to think it is because they don’t understand the Middle East, and it’s partly that, but it’s also because the Democratic administration is still following the pro-Iranian policy established by Barack Obama. Nevertheless, we have no alternative but to do it anyway.

But what about the danger from Hezbollah’s arsenal? Many analysts think that Israel could not survive the full force of the blow it could inflict. Of course the state of Lebanon would also be bombed into the stone age, but the Iranian puppeteers are perfectly happy in sacrificing the hosts of their proxies if it will achieve their goal.

We are in a bad spot, but there is one strategy that might succeed: that is to strike a massive blow at the Iranian regime and Iran’s infrastructure, to cut off the head of the snake, so to speak. If this could be done quickly and effectively, Hezbollah would be left high and dry, and could be persuaded to avoid the mutual devastation that would result from all-out war with Israel.

Would it work? How would we do it? I am not a military expert. But I do know that we cannot continue along the road we are following today, because it leads only to destruction.


The RNC is Snatching Defeat From the Jaws of Victory   CAPT. SETH KESHEL

Topic: Perspective

JUL 29, 2024

Sit down.  Pour yourself a drink and let me tell you a story.

No shit, there I was.  It was almost Christmas in 2020 and there I sat, huddled around a table with a few other patriots who were doing their damnedest, against all odds, to keep President Donald J. Trump in the White House.  He still had a month to go in his first term, and the certification of the electoral votes was still weeks away.  Over the commotion in the room, I looked up and saw one of my new colleagues tuning in to a Zoom call with a bunch of lawyers.  50, 100, who knows – the number is irrelevant.  It was a lot of them, and they all worked in various levels of the Washington, D.C., bureaucracy and had a job so long as a Republican president was in town.

A bunch of Republican legal minds, what can go wrong?  At least that’s what I thought as I leaned in a little closer to try and get the inside baseball on any potential challenges or court happenings that could shift the tide as the window to change public opinion came into competition with Santa Claus, Christmas carols, and Grandma’s best meals.  What were these weasels doing?  They were coordinating their mass resignations, that’s what.

President Trump filled the public space with promises that he was challenging the results, thought he would win, and would expose the truth of the 2020 election.  Not so the bureaucratic slimeballs who nurse at the tit of the most historically evil center of power in the history of the modern world.  They must behave themselves and refine their table manners, or they may never be invited to the party the next time the right wing of the Uniparty holds significant power in Washington.  There is no greater injustice than to get the side-eye at the next cocktail party in Georgetown, at least not an injustice worth suffering for standing up for attempting to rescue the country from a perhaps unconquerable decline.

So they quit.  Soon after, Trump cabinet members would run to the press and recommend he concede a corrupt quasi-election, and a few in his close orbit even recommended he be removed via the 25thAmendment, like the manipulative sociopath Betsy DeVos, who was happy to serve with President Trump when it meant a prestigious perch for herself.

Why am I talking about lawyers right now when you thought you were going to be reading about the RNC and the consultants who don’t know their asses from a hole in the ground that are busy leading the 2024 election to hell?  Because they have a lot in common.

Continue reading


Israel-Iran Conflict: South African Chief Rabbi Reacts to Netanyahu Speech to Congress  [11:24]    Chief Rabbi Goldstein

Jul 29, 2024 – Chief Rabbi of South Africa reacts to Israeli Prime Minister, Netanyahu, speech to Congress on the Iran threat. The video covers Israeli military strategy, US Congress reaction, and the Iran-Israel conflict.

During his speech to Congress, Netanyahu highlighted the pressing concerns regarding Iran and stressed Israel’s imperative to take action. The Chief Rabbi delves into an analysis of Netanyahu’s address discussing its impact on military tactics and the ongoing Iran-Israel conflict.

Highlights include:

1/ The impact of Netanyahu’s address on the Iran Israel conflict

2/ Insights from the Chief Rabbi on Israeli military strategy

3/ Reactions from the US Congress and their effect on Israel

4/ Contextual analysis of past Israeli prime minister speeches


Israel Needs a War with Lebanon: Historian Gadi Taub  [42:58]

Jul 29, 2024 – Gadi Taub is an Israeli historian, author, and commentator known for his work in political and cultural criticism. He holds a Ph.D. in American Studies from Rutgers University and is a faculty member at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, where he teaches in the School of Public Policy and the Department of Communications and Journalism.

He has written several books, both fiction and non-fiction, exploring themes of Israeli identity, politics, and culture. Notable titles include “The Settlers and the Struggle over the Meaning of Zionism” and “The Valley of the Cross,” a novel.

Taub is a prominent voice in Israeli media, known for his critical views on various aspects of Israeli society and politics. He has written extensively on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the role of religion in Israeli politics, and the country’s democratic challenges. Besides his academic work, Taub is a frequent contributor to newspapers, magazines, and television programs in Israel, providing analysis and commentary on current events and political developments.

He is known for his outspoken and sometimes controversial opinions. He has been critical of the Israeli left, the settlement movement, and certain aspects of liberalism, often sparking debate and discussion within Israeli society and beyond.

He is co-host of the     / @israelupdate-

Israel Update is a video podcast hosted by Israeli historian and political commentator Gadi Taub and Michael Doran. The show offers news from the ground as well as an unparalleled insider perspective on the war.

This interview was conducted by Pamela Paresky.

00:00 The Need for a Clear Israeli Victory 01:28 The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict as the First Israeli-Iranian War 02:27 The Threat Posed by Iran and the Importance of Bold Actions 03:26 The Failure of the Two-State Solution and the Role of the Palestinian Authority 05:24 Recognizing the War Between Civilization and Barbarism 19:52 What is the case for rejecting two state solution 35:00 north Gaza should be annexed 38:20 Palestine Authority will be next war


Are the 2024 Olympics a trial run for a 1984 Digital State?   ASHMEDAI

First person report of QR Codes, Digital ID’s and police militarization of Paris

JUL 28, 2024 – This is a guest post from a friend who is on the ground in Paris reporting what the situation is like.

The best way to begin might be to say that there are three distinct categories of Olympic games sites that the City of Paris wants to make ultra-safe for visitors and athletes, each with its own unique security challenges.

First, there are the many official, already-existing sporting venues (stadiums, arenas, tennis courts, aquatic centers, etc.) located throughout Paris and France. These require the least amount of novel security measures, whether in the form of protective perimeters or the (unusual) methods used to maintain them.

Included among these is the historic Grand Palais, an architectural jewel from 1900 located at the foot of the Champs-Elysées. A monumentally massive building with a marvelously versatile interior space, it regularly plays host to museum exhibitions of all types, in addition to galas, elaborate fashion shows, concerts, conventions and even an ice-skating rink. Turning it into an Olympic sporting event site won’t have been very difficult.

Second, and complementing these dedicated sporting facilities, are several famous outdoor public monuments and historic landmarks that have been transformed into temporary games sites.

These comprise, most notably, the Trocadero and area next to the Eiffel Tower, the Château de Versailles, the Place de la Concorde, the Alexandre III Bridge, and the expansive lawns in front of the Hôtel des Invalides.

Massive amounts of bleachers and facilities for ticketed spectators have been brought in and creatively set up to adapt to the often unusual contours and spatial constraints of these areas. Seeing the obelisk at la Place de la Concorde hidden behind a patchwork of crisscrossing bars and stands was strange indeed. From the outside, the expansive fenced-in area, with giant stands rising out from the emptied out streets, looks like a curious sort of fairground.

Third, and arguably most importantly, there is the Seine river itself, which will be the location of the opening ceremony as well as several aquatic competitions.

From a security standpoint, the first category of venues is the most straightforward because entrances and exits are already part of the structures. All that is necessary to guarantee spectator and athlete safety is to set up slightly expanded perimeters around the buildings and flood the access points with staff and security guards so that no one — or anything — dangerous gets through.

Think of the Barclays Center on game night. Plenty of space to accommodate the crowds at the entrance waiting to go through security, with minimal disruptions to the immediate surroundings.

The second category of event sites, as mentioned above, significantly modify public spaces outdoors; they pose greater security and logistical challenges, as the physical enclosures separating “outside from inside” — separating the ticketed spectators from the unticketed — have to be brought in on trucks and set up.

These barriers are made up of hundreds of miles of what are essentially chain link fence units (about 10-feet long and 7-feet high) set into concrete slabs that can be moved around and connected as needed.

They wrap around the temporary outdoor sporting event sites in odd, unsightly ways and, notwithstanding the considerable effort to line them up neatly, look to many like human kennels. (Upset Parisians are referring to them as cages.)

The last site/category of Olympic events, and the location of the opening ceremony, the Seine river, is the most problematic in terms of security perimeters.

In fact, in order to meet the endless safety, commercial, and sanitary needs associated with the many uses to which the river is being put, an unprecedented thing has taken place: for 8 days leading up to the opening ceremony (tomorrow), the Seine and its immediate surroundings have undergone a form of privatization that has kept almost the entirety of the Parisian population off its riverbanks and away from its nearest surrounding streets and bridges.

Implementing this shutting down of the river has involved widespread use of the aforementioned chainlink-type moveable fences — thousands of them — along with a novel but not entirely unfamiliar technological device: the QR-coded pass.

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Self-hating Jews   Adina Kutnicki

There seems no doubt that there are Jewish funders, in tandem with non-Jewish co-conspirators, who are helping fund some of those bent on destroying the Jewish Homeland. America, alike.   Op-ed.

 Jul 28, 2024, 7:35 AM (GMT+3) – Too many people from divergent walks of life, even the most well-informed within the loftiest recesses of political/media/academia/business power centers, are left scratching their heads – at the bizarre spectacle of Jews (by birth) marching in lockstep, that is, arm in arm, with avowed enemies of Israel. As should be expected, reflexively, they spew anti-semitic and anti-American vitriol; a marriage made in hell. But, for the most part, a preponderance of these onlookers are overjoyed that this is the case and stay silent. After all, as is said, “to be silent is to agree.”

Despite the interest or, for that matter, the lack thereof in this odd phenomena, there are countless exhibits demonstrating its overall truth. See the claims in Launderers for Muslim Brotherhood Mafia; Campus Jihad in Forefront!

In point of fact, a most glaring and grotesque testimonial took place in the run-up/during/after PM Netanyahu’s D.C. speech before Congress, July 24, 2024. Inarguably, over many decades, Netanyahu is, rightfully, deemed an incomparable orator – without peer on the world stage. But said oratorical prowess is neither here nor there, regardless of the content. For when it comes to the anti-American/anti-Israel braying jackals howling outside the Capitol and elsewhere, well, all of it is poison.

Let’s place the spotlight on the self-hating Jews:

Jewish Voices For Peace Hold A Sit-In On Capitol Hill Protesting Prime Minister Netanyahu’s Visit. Like it or not, they are a clear and present danger. Though small in numbers, they lend an overall “kosher” stamp of approval towards the destruction of Israel, as well as aim a dagger in the heart of the heretofore greatest Constitutional Republic, America. This twin-edged spear dare not be underestimated.

As intuited from the above, one cannot separate the outright support for Jihadi Terrorism vis-a-vis the “Dark Money Launderers” who directly aid and abet the enemies of Western Civilization – or what’s left of it!

More specifically, according to the highly esteemed political/geo-analyst, Caroline Glick:

“Lawfare, or the use of the language of law and the judicial process to achieve political, rather than legal, outcomes, isn’t the only aspect of the left’s current campaign to overturn the election results where MQG (leftist Movement for Quality Government) is leading the charge. The movement is also the primary organizer and sponsor of the mass protests against judicial reform. The speakers at the rallies stand under the MQG banner when they call for insurgency, civil war and violence.

Since the media, as full partners in MQG’s efforts, are working now as full-time propagandists, no one is asking the organizers who finances their activities. Someone is paying tens of millions of shekels to rent buses to transport scores of thousands of people to rallies, buy them flags, print banners and signs, rent stages and sound systems, and finance ad campaigns in every newspaper and on billboards across the country.

Whoever is footing the bill, the front group for all of it is MQG.

A look at MQG’s funding reports on the Government Registrar of Non-Profits website doesn’t reveal much. MQG’s private and institutional donors are unnamed. But under the law, all registered nonprofits are required to report funding they receive from foreign governments. So MQG’s only named donor on its annual reports is the U.S. State Department.

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‘Even the cockroaches won’t survive’: Expert discusses Hezbollah’s new EMP weapon   By MATAN WASSERMAN

Rotem Mey-Tal, CEO of Asgard Systems, a company developing military technology for the defense industry discusses Hezbollah’s new tactic and supply of electromagnetic ordnance.

JULY 28, 2024 11:10 – The Kuwaiti newspaper Al-Jarida reported that Iran has supplied Hezbollah and other Iranian proxy forces with electromagnetic ordnance, which can disable communication systems and shut down radars. Rotem Mey-Tal, CEO of Asgard Systems, a company developing military technology for the defense industry and the initiator of the “30U30 in Defense” competition for 2024, discussed the issue.

First, what is electromagnetic ordnance?

“Describing electromagnetic ordnance is like talking about something no one has ever seen, but everyone understands exists and is present in reality—in our case, on the geopolitical and military chessboard of the Middle East. In essence, imagine lightning striking the building you live in, not hitting a lightning rod or antenna, but the entire building, causing all the electrical panels, water heaters, water and electrical systems, household appliances, computers, television systems, and even life-saving medical systems to stop working. It’s like a power outage, but in this case, the systems can also burn out from the inside like in an electrical short.”

Where is this threat aimed?

“I suspect the threat is more focused on bases, strategic facilities, desalination systems, and the Israeli power grid. However, it’s impossible to say precisely, as such a weapon has never been used in history, so there are no sources or references to learn from.”

Does it work like an electric wave or like conventional munitions and rockets?

“The physics are the same in any way they choose to use such capability, but I suspect the model will likely be in the form of a low-flying UAV. Much like the Iranian-Houthi attack of the upgraded Samad 3 UAV, which struck near the US Embassy in Tel Aviv last weekend, only instead of a kinetic warhead with gunpowder, the front of the UAV can be armed with an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) activation mechanism, which is triggered during the UAV’s flight and emits an EMP upon contact with the target. But again, it’s mostly speculation, as there is no documentation to date of the use of such a weapon or technology.”

Is this an escalation? How do you think such a threat should be addressed?

“In my personal opinion, not only is this an escalation on the map of potential threats, but it should also be regarded as close to a non-conventional weapon threat. Just as no sovereign country would tolerate a non-conventional weapon threat, the same applies here. This is because, in 2024, electronic processors manage and operate all the vital systems in the State of Israel—infrastructure, medical systems, security, and military applications.

“Think of the analogy from the 1960s, which describes that in a nuclear explosion, only the cockroaches would survive. In the same vein, in an electromagnetic attack, the ‘cockroaches’ (a nickname for electronic components in electrical circuits) will not survive this time. It will affect all of us in our daily lives and emergency preparedness. Like in a poker game, when someone raises a bet on the table, everyone stops everything and looks him in the eye to understand his next move or whether he is bluffing. I think we need to look them in the eye.”

[Read the comments to this article!]


The hour of Israeli leadership has arrived   Caroline Glick

The Jewish state’s need to act against Iran largely alone won’t disappear, even if Trump becomes president again in November.  Op-ed.

Jul 28, 2024, 2:17 AM (GMT+3) – (JNS) Hours after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu delivered his address before the Joint Houses of Congress, Kuwait’s Al-Jarida newspaper reported that Iran has provided Hezbollah with electromagnetic pulse weapons.

Citing a source from Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Quds Force, the newspaper reported that the devices now in Hezbollah’s hands are capable of neutralizing Israel’s radars and communications systems.

The IRGC also reportedly provided Hezbollah with drones with electromagnetic pulse warheads and EMP bombs. Some of the EMP projectiles can be launched from stationary launchers and others from drones and can reach targets deep inside Israel, according to the Kuwaiti report.

The implications of the report are stark. The destructive power of an EMP attack is equal to that of a nuclear attack. Given Iran’s nuclear advances, there is every reason to believe that Iran has developed EMP capabilities, and would transfer them to Hezbollah. Iran’s now open threat of an EMP attack against Israel is nothing less than a threat to annihilate Israel. And since the threat was made in the midst of Iran’s multi-front war against Israel, it has to be taken seriously, with appropriate urgency.

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CHAPTER 29: Gnosticism, the Frankfurt School, and Freirean Education   by Linda Goudsmit
Space Is No Longer the Final Frontier—Reality Is
July 28, 2024

Globalism is a replacement ideology that seeks to reorder the world into one singular, planetary Unistate, ruled by the globalist elite. The globalist war on nation-states cannot succeed without collapsing the United States of America. The long-term strategic attack plan moves America incrementally from constitutional republic to socialism to globalism to feudalism. The tactical attack plan uses asymmetric psychological and informational warfare to destabilize Americans and drive society out of objective reality into the madness of subjective reality. America’s children are the primary target of the globalist predators.

The reader will recognize the unmistakable voice of Gnosticism in ideological Marxism and the myriad Marxist species attacking America and its children in schools today. Political Marxism, which focuses on social agency (an individual’s independent capability or ability to act on one’s own will) and class conflict, was reconstituted as cultural Marxism by the Frankfurt School (Chapter 15). Its members launched the Marxist Cultural Revolution against America in 1935. To understand the foundations of Frankfurt School tactical maneuvers, particularly social change through education, a 2009 article written by Timothy Matthews is very instructive. “The Frankfurt School: Conspiracy to Corrupt[i] begins with a prescient quote by English Catholic historian Christopher Dawson:

Western civilization at the present day is passing through a crisis which is essentially different from anything that has been previously experienced. Other societies in the past have changed their social institutions or their religious beliefs under the influence of external forces or the slow development of internal growth. But none, like our own, has ever consciously faced the prospect of a fundamental alteration of the beliefs and institutions on which the whole fabric of social life rests…. Civilization is being uprooted from its foundations in nature and tradition and is being reconstituted in a new organisation which is as artificial and mechanical as a modern factory. —Christopher Dawson. Enquiries into Religion and Culture (1936), p. 259.

Basically, the Frankfurt School believed that as long as an individual had the belief—or even the hope of belief—that his divine gift of reason could solve the problems facing society, then that society would never reach the state of hopelessness and alienation that they considered necessary to provoke socialist revolution. Their task, therefore, was as swiftly as possible to undermine the Judeo-Christian legacy. To do this they called for the most negative destructive criticism possible [Marxist Critical Theory] of every sphere of life which would be designed to destabilize society and bring down what they saw as the ‘oppressive’ order. Their policies, they hoped, would spread like a virus, ‘continuing the work of the Western Marxists by other means’ as one of their members noted.

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A Brain   [1:09]   Jessica Rojas  @catsscareme2021

This made me laugh so good!


I, Kamala Harris   [VIDEO 1:52]   Elon Musk @elonmusk

This is amazing

Jul 26, 2024   83.2M Views

“This Is Amazing” Elon Musk Retweets EPIC Kamala Harris Achievement Ad – Quickly Racks Up 55 Million Views

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