Daily Shmutz | COMMENTARY / OPINION | 7/5/24



Can Israel afford to stand up to America?    MELANIE PHILLIPS

Netanyahu is addressing Congress because he has no other option

JUL 05, 2024 – There’s no denying the severe tensions between the Biden administration and the Israeli government over the war being waged against Israel by Iran and its proxies.

Last month, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu publicly accused US President Joe Biden of withholding weapons and ammunition from the embattled Jewish state.

Two weeks later, Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Tex.), chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, said the US was withholding from Israel no fewer than seven weapons systems.

Ever since the October 7 Palestinian Arab pogrom in southern Israel, America has been giving to Israel with one hand while chaining it with the other.

The Biden administration has made Israel slow down its attempt to destroy Hamas in Gaza, repeatedly forcing the Israelis into paralysing ceasefire negotiations that have given Hamas the upper hand, and insisting on humanitarian aid supplies most of which were stolen by Hamas to strengthen itself.

Crucially, the US forced Israel not to take early pre-emptive action against Hezbollah in Lebanon, where the terror group has embedded among the civilian population around 150,000 rockets and missiles. As a result, there have been hundreds of missile and rocket strikes on northern Israel, with more than 60,000 Israelis displaced from their homes over the past nine months while swathes of the upper Galilee have been burned to the ground.

The Iranian regime has said that if Hezbollah is seriously attacked, Iran will “obliterate” Israel. Hezbollah’s foreign relations chief, Khalil Rizk, said on Al-Manar TV last month: “Is this war now with Israel? My answer is that this is not a war with Israel. Israel is merely a tool. The main war, the real war, is with America.”

Yet astoundingly, the Biden administration wants an empowered Iran to be a key pillar of the future architecture of the Middle East. It purports to believe this will produce “stability”. Accordingly, the US is actually protecting Iran from Israel, the nation that the genocidal Iranian regime has sworn to exterminate.

Even when Iran fired a barrage of rockets and drones at Israel in April and America and others scrambled to help knock them out, the US stopped Israel from responding robustly.

Earlier this week, The New York Times reported that Netanyahu had pushed Biden hard on the need to hit Iran and avoid looking weak. “Let me be crystal clear,” Biden was said have told Netanyahu in a phone call. “If you launch a big attack on Iran, you’re on your own. You do this and I’m out.”

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has acknowledged that the evacuation of the north under daily Hezbollah rocket and missile attacks has meant Israel has shrunk.  Yet he behaves as if this intolerable development emanates from Israel’s actions in Gaza and that a ceasefire there would put Hezbollah back in its box.

Accordingly, the US is solemnly “negotiating” with Hezbollah, just as it “negotiated” with Iran. The Bidenites really believe that genocidal fanatics can be reasoned out of their intention to murder, destroy and conquer. This is beyond grotesque.

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The 2024 Election Fix Is In – Only We Can Stop It   by Joe Hoft

Jul. 4, 2024 7:00 pm – The 2024 Election Fix Is In – Only YOU Can Stop It!

Early on the 4th of July I received this message from John L Kachelman, Jr., who has provided exceptional stories over the past few years about the rise of communism and what is going on in America today:

Thanks Joe! Sadly the courageous citizens that brought us independence from governmental tyranny have vanished into the gulags of tyranny. The independence gained by bold valor and firm resolve has been surrendered by a citizenry that glutted on selfishness and sold its soul for governmental conveniences. The courageous voices of freedom have been intimidated, hushed or imprisoned and hardly a squeak of objection has arisen as more and more are persecuted. And the politicians elected to uphold the Constitution and guard the citizen’s inalienable rights ignore or offer compromises that further erode the freedom that our “Independence Day” celebrates!

Unfortunately, Kachelman, Jr. is right. It is only the American citizen and divine intervention that can save this country.

For decades I traveled the US and the world leading and performing audits for a Fortune 500 Company. I was involved with process, system, data, client, compliance, fraud and all types of audits. I led audits in the US, Canada, the UK, Japan, Hong Kong, China, Australia, India, and many other countries. I presented to executives, audit committees, risk committees and boards in numerous countries and was stationed in Hong Kong for nearly a decade.

I wrote about the many oddities, errors, fraudulent acts, and cover-ups in the 2020 Election. I put together three books describing the reasons why the 2020 Election NEVER should have been certified which supported the claim that the 2020 Election was stolen.

But rather than gathering experts in auditing, process controls, IT, and systems controls to unwind the 2020 Election and address the many gaping holes that led to fraudulent results, sadly, the work to date from those who should care about free and fair elections is almost non-existent.


The Democrat Party has gone full communist. If fraudulent elections allow them to win, then keep on with the status quo. State and local election representatives aligned with the Democrat party act more like tyrant communists than Americans as they push the elimination of election integrity across the country and in states like Hawaii.

In states like California, election fraud is now the norm and efforts for integrity are criticized by those in power who should welcome free and fair elections.

Any state like Oregon or Colorado that promotes mail-in ballots is lost. The Democrats want it that way. Many citizens of these states believe the states are red, but we will never know as long as mail-in ballots are in place.

Rather than confront the Democrat machines in New York City, Chicago and other major US cities, the GOP looked the other way. Now these cities are being destroyed and raped by corrupt politicians, and the corrupt elections emanating from these hellholes are being pushed on the rest of America.

The Republican Party RINOs

The Republican Party led by RINOs is so hateful towards those outside their elite group that they would rather see communism take over America than allow their party to be taken over by good Americans who want to save this country, also known as Trump supporters. Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan are two leaders in this movement.

It was confirmed recently that Paul Ryan was one of the first to have the Steele dossier that framed President Trump and aligned him with Russia. This document was used to frame President Trump; it was a lie, and Ryan kept this to himself, ran the GOP investigation into Trump-Russia, and never told a soul that he knew the Trump-Russia connection was all garbage. Ryan and the RINOs in the GOP are happy to do things like this if it means removing President Trump and his tens of millions from the party so they can run the GOP.

We see these same RINOs in every state pushing their anti-Trump agenda behind the scenes using trickery and lies to eliminate Americans in the Trump pro-America movement. Missouri GOP leadership is removing Trump supporters from the delegation going to the RNC.

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‘A Fire in His Soul’: Irving Bunim    By Alex Grobman
July 4, 2024
Part V

Unprecedented Access to Visas

In July 1946, Irving Bunim, Stephen Klein and Rabbi Joseph Baumel of the Mizrachi met with Dean Acheson, then undersecretary of state (1945-1947), to obtain 4(d) visas for those from Shanghai. As historian Jonathan Helfand pointed out, after the meeting with Acheson, the State Department “borrowed help from the [American] Consuls” to start processing 250 men, women and children.

In November 1946, Bunim announced that the Vaad had paid part of their transportation to the U.S., and that they were still the Vaad’s responsibility. Then 300 additional visas became available, and Acheson promised he would use the 4(d) visas for the rabbis and yeshiva students in Europe just as he had for the rabbis in Shanghai.

 Meeting With Dean Acheson

After the meeting with Acheson, Helfand quoted Bunim, who proclaimed he “became our best friend.” The reason was clear:

“Instructions went out to all Consuls to process the rabbis and yeshiva students. They have made concessions that are unknown and unheard of in the entire history of the U.S. They allow us entirely to certify that a man is a rabbi or student, and they take our word for it without their own investigation. Furthermore, we investigate the synagogues, and if we say a synagogue is reliable and financially responsible, they ask no questions. They have given us a man here in New York, with instructions from Acheson, to proceed with this work. When he came to the Crown Heights yeshiva (where Baumel was the principal) and saw all the work being done there, he put them down for three extra rabbis. When Torah Umesorah gave them a program and asked for 30 rabbis, he said they could use 50. They rushed down to us asking whether they should assume responsibility for 50 rabbis.”

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After We Fought the British for Independence, We Fought the Left   by Daniel Greenfield 

We won then, but can we win now?

July 5, 2024 – For July 4th, a Washington Times article by Kerry Picket took note of my book, “Domestic Enemies: The Founding Fathers’ Fight Against the Left”.

Mr. Greenfield calls it a “200-plus year war” against the left’s takeover of America which he said dates back to when the French Revolution went in a more violent and politically wayward direction than the earlier American Revolution.

“It’s something that you see in the correspondence of some of the Founding Fathers. As the French Revolution exposes what it is. It’s a radical movement. It’s a violent movement,” Mr. Greenfield said.

He continues, “John Adams would later write to [Thomas] Jefferson, ‘You certainly never felt the Terrorism, excited by Genet, in 1793. when ten thousand People in the Streets of Philadelphia, day after day, threatened to drag Washington out of his House, and effect a Revolution in the Government.’”

Not long before we won our independence from the British, we were forced to fight the Left.

George Washington becomes the only sitting president to command troops in the field in order to stop the wave of anarchy and terror that American leftists had begun to spread around the country.

Washington warns that if the Left triumphs, “we may bid adieu to all government in this Country, except Mob and Club Govt.”

It’s not hard to see that we’ve been run by Mob and Club Govt for some time now. And this is a theme that I also picked up in today’s article, “July 4th Marks Our Struggle Against the Left”.

Where the American Revolution had emphasized the independence of the individual from the state, the French Revolution focused on building up the state as the guarantor of freedom.

It was this distinction that confined most of the ugliness between key figures in the American Founding to nasty letters while the streets of Paris ran with the blood of political opponents. The new regime was so busy enforcing equality against everyone accused of aristocratic and reactionary tendencies that no one had any rights left against state or mob violence.

“If the progress of Jacobinism is to be arrested at all, it is by fighting it,” a letter from Abigail Adams quoted. ”And if there be a Nation on Earth capable of going the necessary lengths, and making the proper Sacrifices to stop its course,—it must be one that is already possesed of substantial Liberty, that knows how to appreciate it, & how to distinguish between it, and that Sort of Liberty which France is trying to propogate throughout the World. To every other Nation & people, the french liberty is perhaps equal, if not superiour to their own.”

That was what America could uniquely offer. Individual freedom over a massive program of state-dominated social transformation.

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July 4th Marks Our Struggle Against the Left   by Daniel Greenfield 

The American Revolution vs. the French Revolution.

July 4, 2024 – July hosts two revolutions that changed the world.

On the fourth of the month, the Declaration of Independence pledged “lives”, “fortunes” and “sacred honor” under the “protection of divine Providence” to fight for the belief that government derives its consent from the governed. On the fourteenth of the month, French radical mobs stormed the Bastille prison leading to over 100 deaths in an event likely triggered by the antics of the infamous monster the Marquis de Sade. None of the 7 prisoners inside were worth liberating, but the assault on the Bastille made brutal mob violence the symbol of the revolution.

Three days earlier, a proposed French version of the Declaration of Independence, drafted by Lafayette with some input from Thomas Jefferson, languished. By the time the tangled mess of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, with its emphasis on enforced equality was approved next month, the fundamental distinctions between the two revolutions were set.

Abbe Sieyes, the former clergyman who ended up writing much of the Declaration, would turn heretic to survive during the Reign of Terror, and was instrumental in bringing Napoleon to power, while the Count of Mirabeau, the other ‘editor’ of the Declaration, had been a secret agent of the monarchy. Two years later, Lafayette was on the run from the leftist radicals running France. While the Constitution ruled in America, the Rights of Man were in shambles in France.

The sharp contrast between the Founding Fathers of the two republics is more than a matter of history. The American and French revolutions are still playing out all this time later.

When the French Revolution arrived with its promise of mandatory equality, it was highly seductive to Americans who were losing touch with their own revolution. A whole generation had come of age who had been children during the days of Bunker Hill and Valley Forge.

What they wanted was not the old American Revolution, but an exciting new French one.

In my book ‘Domestic Enemies: The Founding Fathers’ Fight Against The Left’, I describe the struggle for the soul of the nation that ensued between George Washington and the radicals.

Citizen Genet, an emissary of the French Revolution, had helped set up ‘Democratic Societies’ dedicated to promoting a radical revolution in America. The name would later influence the new Democratic-Republican Party which would eventually shed the Republican part of the name to become today’s Democratic Party.


Lebanese on Social Media Desperate to Stop Hezbollah-Prompted War   by Hugh Fitzgerald

How much do the Mullahs care for the well-being of the Lebanese?

July 3, 2024 – While Hasan Nasrallah, the head of Hezbollah, repeats in Beirut the threats of his puppet-masters in Tehran, who have described the massive destruction they are prepared to visit on the “Zionist entity,” many Lebanese, horrified at what they see as a march toward war with Israel, have been filling social media with both their anguished calls for peace, and with denunciations of Hezbollah for dragging the country into a war that almost all Lebanese, save for the members of Hezbollah, do not want, for they remember what happened to the country in the 2006 Lebanon War. More on their on-line campaign to stop Nasrallah in his dangerous tracks can be found here: “‘Lebanon doesn’t want war’: Online campaign targets Hezbollah,” by Ohad Merlin, Jerusalem Post, June 23, 2024:

As Israel and Hezbollah exchange deadly blows at the border and threats of an imminent war are sounded daily, some activists and media personalities in Lebanon who oppose the Iranian-backed terrorists of Hezbollah have come out with a series of videos and online campaigns in what appears to be a last-ditch effort to turn public opinion in the Land of Cedars against the prospects of war with Israel.

One salient example of these efforts is the hashtag “Lebanon doesn’t want war,” which had almost 40,000 appearances over the last month alone, garnering roughly 100,000 engagements and a potential reach of almost 30 million users. The hashtag was also accompanied by a series of infographics and other hashtags, such as “Disarming Hezbollah is vital” and “Resolution 1701,” [the UN Resolution which required Hezbollah to withdraw its forces well north of the Litani River] which were shared by a wide array of Lebanese activists on social media.

Some commentators directly addressed Hezbollah and its leader, Hassan Nasrallah. Nancy Nessrine Lakiss, a Lebanese journalist from Elsharq press, posted a picture showing a white dove with the slogan “We shout for peace, not for war,” adding: “Hezbollah published a video from its military media provoking Israel, so Israel decided to threaten us with bombing the airport. Please have mercy on us! How can you bear this much blood and death? Who will build Lebanon again? And if it is built, who will live in the houses after all this destruction and killing?”

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You’re off from work today because of 17 year olds with guns.

Happy birthday America!    Kyle Rittenhouse @ThisIsKyleR

Jul 4, 2024 2:13 PM


Leo Hohmann: Globalist Front Man Klaus Schwab Tells Elitist Followers They Must ‘Force’ Humanity into a World Ruled by AI and Other Dehumanizing Technologies   By Leo Hohmann

Jul. 4, 2024 10:40 am – World Economic Forum founder and director Klaus Schwab, speaking at the WEF’s recently concluded summer meeting in China, has informed his elitist followers that ushering in the globalist agenda will require humanity to be “forced” into a “collaboration” with the unelected organization. And the time for forced collaboration has now arrived.

Schwab made the declaration during his opening remarks at the WEF’s Annual Meeting of the New Champions, also known as the “Summer Davos,” in Dalian, China.

He praised China for its economic policies, which are seen by the globalists as the model of top-down centralized planning in a high-tech surveillance state run through smart cities, smart EVs, smart homes, smart appliances, smart meters, AI, digital IDs and CBDCs, all of which hold one thing in common — they come with on-off switches not under the control of the end user, which is we the people. In their ideal world, we live as slaves at the privilege of our masters. We get out of line, they can cut off our electric power, our electric car, our electronic digital money, everything.

Schwab told the elitist participants gathered in China that they must “force” humanity into a “collaboration” with the unelected WEF. This is why Schwab told his globalist comrades at a previous meeting two years ago to expect an “angrier world.” When you force people to live in ways that controvert their best interests, it tends to make them angry! They know their policies related to a green economy, perpetual wars, severe restrictions on travel, farming, eating meat and a host of other activities considered crucial to a middle-class lifestyle will be extremely unpopular and cause civil wars on top of the world war they already have planned.

Remember, as the 2023 World Governments summit, the globalists told us that there would need to be a “shock” event in order to usher in a new world order. Now they’re being even more honest and telling us that we will be FORCED to accept their new world order.

Schwab stated:

“To drive future economic growth we must embrace innovation and force the collaboration across sectors, regions, nations, and cultures to create a more peaceful, inclusive, sustainable, and resilient future. At this critical juncture the active participation of all stakeholders is essential to ensure a sustainable development path.”

Of course the biggest stakeholders of all, those paying taxes to fund governments, have no seat at the table in Schwab’s elitist meetings. And that’s by design. We are seen by these globalist predators as useless eaters, part of a herd that needs to be culled in order to preserve global resources for themselves. That’s what Malthusians believe.

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Newt Gingrich: The Key ‘Lessons in Liberty’    By Newt Gingrich

Jul. 4, 2024 2:00 pm  Real Clear Wire – Historic leaders often share something important in common. They are not born great. Their greatness is a result of a lifetime of difficulty and consequential choices.

As Jeremy S. Adams discussed in his book, “Lessons in Liberty,” this is especially true for remarkable Americans. In the book, Adams details the inspiring lives of extraordinary Americans and what we can learn from them today.

George Washington, for example, struggled his entire life to keep his temper under control. This lifelong effort made him a model for discipline and restraint. Clara Barton nursed her badly injured brother back to health when she was only 11 years old. This harrowing experience later equipped her with the skills and bravery to serve as a nurse in the Civil War. U.S. Sen. Daniel Inouye was a 17-year-old Japanese American who lived in Hawaii when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. The sneak attack angered him so much he joined the U.S. Army to fight in World War II.  Despite discrimination and hardship from the U.S. government, Inouye became a highly decorated soldier and longtime U.S. Senator.

I spoke with Adams about his book on a recent episode of Newt’s World. He is a serious scholar and educator. He teaches social studies and political science to highschoolers and students at the University of California at Bakersfield. He was the Daughters of the American Revolution 2014 California Teacher of the Year and a finalist for the Carlston Family Foundation Outstanding Teachers of America Award.

We talked about the personal wisdom of Washington, Barton, Inouye, and other extraordinary Americans. Adams said in his book that Americans need to “honor what is honorable, praise what is praiseworthy, and most of all, emulate which is highest and best, so we can take advantage of the miracle of human freedom.” While no historic figure is perfect, their fallibility makes them so worthy of our study.

Unfortunately, many young students in America are not learning about our great historical figures. Forty percent of Gen-Z members characterize the founding fathers as villains. Fifty percent of high schoolers say that their lives have little to no meaning, and only 52 percent of Americans would be willing to fight to defend the country.

Something disturbing is happening in classrooms across our country. Our nation’s young people are being influenced by viewpoints, values, and behaviors of people who hate America and the principles on which it was founded. As President Ronald Reagan said, “freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.” Each generation has a duty to renew and protect America and its values.

As we discussed on the podcast, America is also bigger than a singular party. It is bigger than any ideology. We are more than just Republicans or Democrats. We were more than federalists or anti-federalists. We are all Americans. The 10 men and women Adams discussed in his book were from different time periods and backgrounds. Some were liberal and some were conservative. But they all worked to make America great.

Importantly, none of them were personally born great. Their greatness was a choice. That is the key lesson of liberty.


Our Right To Abolish Government    JAMES ROGUSKI

Americans must remember the true purpose behind our 4th of July celebrations.

JUL 04, 2024

Governments are instituted to serve We the People.

We have authority over our government.

We have the power to reform, alter or even abolish our state governments.

What are WE waiting for?

Exercising the right, and the duty, to reform and to even abolish government when it no longer serves us, is how the united States of America began 248 years ago.

In Congress, July 4, 1776

The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

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“I Fear the Far Left” – Renowned Nazi Hunter Serge Klarsfeld Urges Jews to Vote Right-Wing in French Elections   By Margaret Flavin

Jul. 4, 2024 7:00 am – As The Gateway Pundit previously reported, France’s globalist president Emmanuel Macron took a massive gamble calling for a snap election following an enormous defeat in the EU elections earlier last month.

Now, his bet has officially blown up in his face as Marine Le Pen’s right-wing party,RN,  won the first round of legislative elections.

The lefties responded by taking to the streets to riot. 

Now, renowned Nazi hunter Serge Klarsfeld has come out publicly to urge Jews to support France’s right-wing party.

ABC News reports:

But Klarsfeld told The Associated Press in an interview at his Paris apartment that the far-left France Unbowed party has militant pro-Palestinian supporters and “antisemitic overtones,” while Le Pen’s party supports Israel and Jewish people.

“Marine Le Pen is the head of a party which supports Israel and supports the Jews,” Klarsfeld said in the interview Tuesday. “So we gave this advice to those who will be faced with this runoff between the far left and what used to be the far right, which for us is now a populist party, to vote for the right,” he said.

Klarsfeld continued, “I fear the far left. The far left has a deep-seated hatred of Israel and has … militants who are pro-Palestinians.”

In the months following the Hamas terrorist attacks against Israeli civilians, pro-Hamas mobs have repeatedly taken to the French streets to cheerlead for terrorists.

The Gateway Pundit reported that Khaled Mashal, the former leader and founding member of Hamas, called for a global Muslim uprising in support of Palestine. During a recent address posted on YouTube, Mashal emphasized the need for Muslims to sacrifice and carry Jihad, including the willingness to offer their blood and souls to advance the Palestinian cause.

In response, thousands of Muslims took to the streets to protest for Hamas in Paris.

Le Pen herself has been vocal with the concerns about the changes that have happened to her country as French culture is smothered.

In 2017, she refused to go to a meeting with Lebanon’s top cleric for Sunny Muslims after being told she must wear a headscarf.

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July 3, 2024


Hola 👋

Rina speaking 🗣️🗣️🗣️

In case you’re wondering 🤔 of what’s going on in France 🇫🇷

Here some clarity of at least one subject

NO, NO, & NO

It’s not the extreme right that the AMERICAN MSM ARE TALKING ABOUT

Is not like the real extreme right that we knew in the past aka Like, fasciste, white supremacy, nazi, homophobia, etc.

It’s the same as when they ( MSM) speaks of the Israeli extreme right: Ben Gvir or Smotrich, or the “settlers” of Judea and Samaria, as if they are nazis and monster killers or something 😳

The R N or Rassemblement National( National Rally) directed by Marine LePen is a national populist movement against immigration (restricted) and no illegal immigration – no law of return such as bringing in family members etc…)

Marine Le Pen’s “far-right”National Rally (RN) has pulled off another victory and is now well on the way to its goal of turning French politics on its head.(thank G-d.)

The opposition is actually French President Macron, who just dissolved the French Parliament ( National Assembly) ( that was a complete insane move) as his party didn’t win by far the Majority in the European 🇪🇺 vote so, like a spoiled brat, he decided to ask the French People to vote again on June 30 and second turn July 7 th!

However again he didn’t get the majority.  So, Môssieur the French President will probably “Mach nice” to LFI ( la France insoumise) the New populaire Front ( all leftists ) comprised with a coalition of all leftists parties including the “ greens” LFI directed by Luc Melanchon a French politician who turned his vest from the republic ( used to be a communist) married a Muslim woman a few years ago and just last week openly said:

“Free Palestine 🇵🇸 from the oppressor Yisraël 🇮🇱who’s committing genocide on the poor Palestinians in Gaza”

He does not think he is an antisemite and even worse … ( won’t go in details…)


The French Jews have no choice but to basically vote for the RN: lead By Bardella who would become the Prime minister but not necessarily. They will get the majority of the seats in the parliament of 289 deputies out of 577 seats to make the majority and rule under a president that will have the majority anyway.

So if Macron allies his présidentiel party with Melanchon, they (both of them) will have the majority and rule: him as president and Melanchon pro Palestinian as prime minister and that’s if Melanchon (who is chummy with Rima Hassan an Arab French who did get elected deputy in the European Parliament,) is able to go in and out of Syria and is great friend with all the Hamas leaders … yes that’s right and Great friend of Melanchon too.

This is why out of two evils the French Jews have to chose between the lesser definitely 😢😫

Great combination.

All this because of ego of stupid little puppet of the WEF French president Emmanuel Macron 🤢🤮

So over 30 Jewish representatives of communities met  with Marine LePen and this is what she told them :

🇫🇷🇫🇷🇫🇷Press release :

LR-RN/Jews of France

A common will…

A meeting went well on Monday July 1 in Paris in the presence of Ms. Marine le Pen, certain members of the RN and a representative leadership panel of more than thirty Presidents of the Jewish community of France.

This historic meeting was organized, thanks to the intermediation of knowledge common to the parties, by two presidents recognized and appreciated by the Jewish community of Ile de France:

Although invited to dialogue for several months at the request of more than twenty presidents, the Consistory and the CRIF declined the invitation to dialogue.

This meeting made it possible to clarify certain crucial subjects for the Jewish community and was intended to alleviate any concerns that the Jews of France might have.

Marine Le Pen spontaneously responded very clearly and precisely to the various questions asked to her for almost an hour and a half, particularly on:

⁃ The ritual slaughter for which she confirmed that there would be no change.

⁃ Circumcision, of which she recognized the ancestral tradition and which she has no intention of banning

⁃ The wearing of the kippah which it does not intend to prohibit either and which presents no contraindication to the laws of the republic.

– exam dates, often set on Shabbats and Jewish holidays. Particular attention will be paid so that this is no longer a constraint.

On the subject of Israel: Marine Le PEN once again recalled that Israel, the only democratic state in the Middle East, has the right to defend itself and protect its population, even more so after the massacre of 7/10. She, once again, recalled that this pogrom was committed by Hamas terrorists, whose total eradication she hopes for lasting peace between Israelis and Palestinians.

This is the information that it was necessary to send to the Jewish community in France and elsewhere, in a crucial electoral period reminding above all else, that not only does the political elimination of the popular front ( LFI and other leftists/ green parties) remain the only possible path, and that the RN is the Republican party which will protect the Jews of France in its daily life.

Voila in short what’s going on.

Hope you got it.

So, it is not what you think the Media/mafia is telling you exactly ! BHM

So many of my friend and family members have asked me about this far right party and how bad it is for the French Jews.  It is actually ( for now ) the best option because if the other way around happens, French Jews will have to move out of France. No joke.   Antisemitic acts have rise by over 300% in the last two weeks and they are becoming bolder louder and stronger… because THEY CAN.


It’s not the Eldorado but at least it’s not gonna become the “shuks of Ramallah”… YET…

As far as the Olympic Games in Paris in July there… let’s see the results in July 7th

⚠️⚠️⚠️ I personally would not go there … they are on the real verge of CIVIL WAR ☹️😩😞‼️

Capishe  👍👌


💔🗽💔 💙 🔯 🕎 🇮🇱 💙❣️


Survey Shows ‘Complete Collapse’ of Israeli Left Since Oct. 7    Andrew Tobin

July 3, 2024  JERUSALEM — Nearly nine months after Hamas’s Oct. 7 terror attack, the Jewish state’s political divisions have reemerged, with protests criticizing the government for various and often opposing reasons breaking out across the country.

But a sweeping new public opinion survey by pollsters affiliated with the Hebrew University of Jerusalem has revealed how the Oct. 7 attack on Israel solidified a national consensus on what used to be the country’s main political disagreement. When it comes to the Palestinians, the survey found, almost everyone is a right-winger now.

“Oct. 7 caused a complete collapse of the old Israeli left,” Hebrew University political psychologist Nimrod Nir, who led the survey, told the Washington Free Beacon. “Until a few years ago, I could find out which political camp you were in by asking you one question: Palestinian state, yes or no? Today, that question doesn’t really differentiate the two camps because no one supports the old idea of a Palestinian state.”

The findings help explain why the Biden administration has so far failed to persuade Israel to end its war to destroy the Palestinian terror group Hamas in Gaza and recommit to a two-state solution.

“There isn’t even a majority for a Palestinian state among liberal voters anymore,” Nir said. “It’s just not on the table.”

Nir and his team, known as Agam Labs, surveyed a nationally representative sample of 4,000 Jewish Israeli adults in August and then, from Oct. 9 through last month, checked back in with most of them every 10 days or so. By tracking so many of the same individuals over time, the pollsters were able to minimize noise and uncertainty—yielding the most comprehensive picture to date of how Israeli politics have shifted since Oct. 7.

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Has Israel’s security apparatus learned nothing from Oct. 7?    Ruthie Blum

The quiet release of Shifa Hospital director Mohammed Abu Salmiya to Gaza is a travesty that must not go unpunished.  Opinion.

Jul 2, 2024, 10:53 AM (GMT+3) – (JNS) If Mohammed Abu Salmiya hadn’t filmed a couple of hate-filled videos upon his triumphant return to Gaza on Monday morning, the Shifa Hospital director’s release from Israeli incarceration would have remained under the radar.

But Abu Salmiya, one of some 50 Palestinian Arab detainees let out of the Sde Teiman military base in southern Israel and whisked back to the terrorist enclave from whence they came, was proud to highlight his ordeal.

It’s lucky he did. Otherwise, the fact that he’s now back in the business of using his illustrious license and position to store weapons and abuse hostages would have escaped notice—not only of the Israeli public, but of the very government that’s supposed to have learned a lesson or two on and since Oct. 7.

In his clips, Abu Salmiya failed to mention his own key role in Hamas’s atrocities, which involved aiding and abetting the perpetrators of the massacre and mass abductions. This isn’t mere speculation; all evidence of Shifa operations is fully documented, with footage, photos and Israel Security Agency Interrogations galore.

Naturally, this didn’t stop the Shifa chief, who was arrested in November, from accusing the “enemy” of criminal behavior toward the “hundreds of doctors, nurses and medical technicians” in Israeli prisons. Nor did it prevent him from encouraging the “resistance” to fight to free all Palestinian Arab terrorists—or from having the nerve to call on human-rights organizations to visit them and see the “tragic” conditions under which they’re being held.

“The prisoners have lost weight—at least 25 kilos,” he said. “Everyone is suffering.” About the starving hostages, some of whom he happily harbored in his facility, he had nothing to say. He was too busy vowing to resume his “medical” work and rebuild Shifa.

Dr. Mengele is grinning in his grave.

Two people not the least bit amused are Avi and Adi Marciano, whose 19-year-old daughter, Noa—an Israel Defense Forces field observer—was murdered on Shifa grounds.

“Noa was abandoned before Oct. 7, by not having been listened to,” her father posted on Facebook after learning the news about Abu Salmiya’s newfound freedom. “She was abandoned on Oct. 7 when they didn’t come to save her. She was abandoned again afterwards when they didn’t do enough to bring her home alive. And now, seven months after we buried her, the State of Israel decides to release those responsible directly or indirectly for her murder.”

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Media bias threatens Israel’s survival   Noah Beck

Technology and the shrinking human attention span have produced legions who know nothing of history and decide the merits of this conflict on the basis of 30-second videos.   Op-ed.

Jul 3, 2024, 12:01 PM (GMT+3) – “You can’t empathize with what you don’t know” – that simple psychological truth explains how Israel, the only democracy fighting for its very survival against Jihadi barbarism, can be so easily demonized into an international pariah. When the global media stubbornly ignores Israel’s humanizing stories and downplays the evil of its enemies, while amplifying every anti-Israel false allegation and/or narrative, the resulting global isolation can existentially threaten a tiny country surrounded by bloodthirsty hostility and dependent on international trade for its military and economic survival.

On June 8th, a mere 13 hours after the New York Times sent its news alert about four Israeli hostages being rescued by the IDF, it sent a second news alert about hundreds of Palestinian Arabs killed in the rescue operation, as if Israel – rather than the hostage-takers – should be blamed for those deaths and as if they were more newsworthy, even though civilian deaths in war happen every day while successful hostage rescues are exceedingly rare. (And, as it turned out, only about a hundred armed Palestinian Arabs fighting the rescue were killed by the IDF).

There was no NYT story to spotlight the heroism of Arnon Zmora, 36, from the elite Yamam counter-terrorism unit, who was killed by incoming fire while leading the hostage-rescue team. Instead, in this 882-word article about the operation, the paper stripped away all humanizing details when tersely mentioning him for the first time in the third paragraph: “One special forces police officer died.”

In a similar, but longer version of the article, only after 1,015 words (out of 1,333) did the paper give him a name (but nothing else): “Chief Inspector Arnon Zamora, was seriously wounded in combat and later died of his injuries, an Israeli police spokesman said.”

The bravery, complexity and sacrifice of Israel’s rescue operation are worthy of a major motion picture but hardly noticeable in the New York Times‘ coverage, which reliably emphasizes alleged civilian casualties in Gaza, with this 776-word article, this 181-word article, this 57-second video (“Israel Bombards Central Gaza During Hostage Rescue Operation“), and this 79-second video (“Gazans Describe Deadly Israeli Raid in Nuseirat“) showing the devastation of Israeli airstrikes and testimony from two Gazans describing their suffering and pleading for an end to the war. The video’s caption notes that the Israeli hostage rescue “left more than 200 people dead, according to Palestinian health officials” without mentioning that a raping-and-beheading, jihadi terror organization controls the health officials providing those inflated casualty figures which, by their own admission, do not differentiate between terrorists and civilians.

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The current pressure on Israel    Ambassador (ret.) Yoram Ettinger, “Second Thought: a US-Israel Initiative”

July 2, 2024

*Since Israel’s establishment in 1948 – which was ferociously opposed by the State Department, and tenaciously realized by Israel’s defiant Founding Father, David Ben Gurion – The State Department has systematically pressured Israel to act against its own assessment of its own national security requirements.  In fact, in most cases, Israel’s compliance with State Department pressure undermined the US’ own interests, while a defiant Israel spared a major setback to the US’ own interests.

*Since the horrific Hamas terrorism of October 7, 2023, the State Department – which subscribes to a worldview, contending that terrorism is driven by despair, and therefore should be confronted diplomatically and financially, not militarily – has intensified the pressure on Israel to refrain from militarily preempting Hezbollah, the chief proxy of Iran’s Ayatollahs.

*In addition, the State Department has pressured Israel to switch from fighting – to negotiating with – Hamas, a proxy of Iran’s Ayatollahs and a branch of the Moslem Brotherhood, which is the largest Sunni terror organization in the world.  The pressure has been exerted, notwithstanding Hezbollah’s and Hamas’ commitment to fanatic, Islamic anti-US ideologies – which transcend financial and diplomatic benefits – mandating the toppling of all pro-US Arab regimes, bringing the “infidel” West, and especially “the great American Satan” to submission. Moreover, Hezbollah’s and Hamas’ ideologies are committed to the uprooting of the “infidel” Jewish state – which is deemed by them as the Middle East beachhead of the US – as evidenced in Hezbollah’s and Hamas’ school curriculum, mosque sermons and systematic regional and global terrorism, which extends to Latin America and the US homeland.

*The State Department pressures Israel into another round of negotiation with Iran-controlled Hezbollah and Hamas, despite the fact that all previous agreements were violated, intensifying terrorism, transforming these two terror entities into the most fortified above-ground and under-ground terror states in the world, and paving the road to the October 7 massacre and the current Iran-orchestrated Hamas and Hezbollah wars on Israel.

More examples of State Department ill-advised pressure on Israel:

*In 2006, Israel bowed to State Department pressure, allowing the participation of Hamas in the Palestinian Authority election, which catapulted Hamas to unprecedented political stature in Gaza, Judea and Samaria.

*In 2006, Israel complied with State Department pressure (assisted by Israeli clones of Foggy Bottom), ending its war against Hezbollah through UN Security Council Resolution 1701, rather than through the obliteration of Hezbollah’s military infrastructure. It solidified Hezbollah’s dominance in Lebanon and bolstered its role as a regional and global epicenter of terrorism and drug trafficking in the service of Iran’s Ayatollahs, as demonstrated by Hezbollah’s expanded foothold on US soil, and growing terror collaboration with the drug cartels of Mexico, Columbia, Bolivia, Ecuador and Brazil.

*In 2000, the State Department offered an $800 MN inducement (which was never realized) for Israel’s intent to evacuate South Lebanon, which elevated Hezbollah into a dominant stature in Lebanon, and ushered in a 150,000 missile strong Hezbollah terror machine, fortified by a most advanced underground tunnel network, which may exceed Hamas’ tunnel complex.

*Since the 1993 establishment of the PLO-controlled Palestinian Authority, the State Department has promoted annual foreign aid to the Palestinian Authority, while pressuring Israel to facilitate the establishment of a Palestinian state. This policy has been pursued irrespective of the core Palestinian ideology and its rogue daily conduct – which mandate the annihilation of Israel – as evidenced by the 1964 PLO charter, Palestinian hate education, mosque sermons, monthly allowances to families of terrorists and the Palestinian intra-Arab terrorism. Foggy Bottom ignores the potential impact of a Palestinian state west of the Jordan river: toppling the pro-US Hashemite regime east of the river, transforming Jordan into an epicenter of anti-US Islamic terrorism and destabilizing the pro-US Arabian Peninsula regimes – a setback to Western economy and national and homeland security.

*In 1981, the State Department pressured (and punished) Israel against bombing Iraq’s nuclear reactor.  Israel defied the pressure, which spared the US a potential nuclear confrontation in 1991, and snatched the pro-US Arab oil-producing regimes from the jaws of the anti-US Saddam Hussein.

*In 1973, the State Department pressured Israel, successfully, against preempting Egypt and Syria. Israel’s defiance of this pressure would have spared the region the costly war of October 1973.

*In 1967, the State Department pressured Israel against preempting Egypt and Syria.  Israel defied the pressure, devastated Egypt’s military force, which was involved in an attempt to topple all pro-US Arab oil-producing regimes, at a time when the US was heavily dependent upon Persian Gulf oil. Israel’s defiance spared the US a dramatic national security and economic blow.

Israel’s survival requires defiance of State Department pressure

*Israeli compliance with State Department pressure would snatch Hamas from the jaws of obliteration and would be perceived – in the Middle East – as a dramatic victory for Islamic terrorism. It would escalate the lethal threat (from the Moslem Brotherhood and Iran’s Ayatollahs) to every pro-US Arab regime, such as Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Egypt and Jordan, and to US homeland security (as recently stated by the FBI Director).

*Israeli capitulation to State Department pressure would devastate Israel’s posture of deterrence – in the volcanic Middle East, where one’s posture of deterrence is a prerequisite for one’s survival – which could induce an Iranian ballistic missile offensive against Israel and an Iran-supported terror offensive by Hamas, Hezbollah, the Palestinian Authority and radical Israeli Arabs.

*Israel’s succumbing to State Department pressure would reduce/eliminate the inducement of moderate-Arab regimes to expand normalization/peace with Israel, which was initiated by their high respect for Israel’s posture of deterrence, in the face of the mutual threats by Iran’s Ayatollahs and the Moslem Brotherhood, and against the backdrop of the slackened US and Western posture of deterrence.

*Refraining from the obliteration of Hamas’ military infrastructure and Hezbollah’s terrorist presence in South Lebanon would preclude the return of most Israeli evacuees (150,000 – equal to 5 million evacuees in the US) to their homes in the areas adjacent to Gaza and Lebanon.

*Both the US’ and Israel’s national security benefit from Israel’s defiance of State Department pressure, which highlights Israeli preference of long term national security over short term diplomatic convenience.


Why Are Hamas’s Crimes Ignored by Western Media?   by Bassam Tawil
July 2, 2024 at 5:00 am

  • The Palestinian Authority and other Arab governments have been reminded in recent days of the reasons why entering the Gaza Strip after the war would be risky, if not impossible…
  • According to reports from the Gaza Strip, Hamas has murdered a number of Palestinians who it believed had indicated willingness to be part of a new government that would replace the terrorist group after the war.
  • Hamas, apparently, does not want food or medication to reach the Palestinian population in the Gaza Strip, particularly not via Israeli border crossings. This situation is most likely caused by Hamas’s desire to prolong and aggravate the suffering of the Palestinians and create a “famine” so it can place the blame on Israel.
  • “Why is the media ignoring what is going on in central and southern Gaza? Hamas is assassinating Gazans, particularly tribe leaders, in order to deter anyone other than Hamas from delivering humanitarian relief and participating in Gaza.” — Hamza Howidy, Palestinian social media influencer from the Gaza Strip, x.com, June 26, 2024.
  • Until the international community – and particularly the Biden administration – fully support Israel’s efforts to destroy Hamas, unfortunately there can be no real discussion of “the day after” in the Gaza Strip.
  • Israel… will not be the only party to benefit from Hamas’s demise. A large number of Arabs and Muslims who oppose Hamas and other Iran-backed Islamist groups will also benefit, even though it is “politically incorrect” and immensely dangerous to say so.
  • In reality, those advocating for a “ceasefire” are asking for Hamas to be allowed to continue ruling the Gaza Strip, rearming, and gearing up to attack Israel — in their words, “again and again.”
  • A ceasefire will only ignite an immediate increase in terrorist attacks against Israel. Worse, Islamists worldwide will be incentivized to launch attacks not only against Israel but also against Europe. Islamists have already attacked US troops in the Middle East more than 150 times in the region since Oct 7.
  • By exposing the crimes of Hamas against its own people and raising awareness of these threats — instead of helping the terrorists cover them up — the international media can actually help to protect their own countries against steadily increasing terrorism. At the moment, terrorists over the world can only see their efforts as victorious, glorified and rewarded.

If you think that the Palestinian Authority (PA) or any Arab state would agree to take control of the Gaza Strip as long as the Iran-backed terrorist group Hamas has not been totally destroyed and removed from power, you would be wrong.

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Mark Levin: They lied to us about Biden    [16:45]

June 29, 2024  Fox News – ‘Life, Liberty & Levin’ host Mark Levin says the only way President Biden is not the Democratic nominee is if he decides to step aside.


Israel’s End Game with Hezbollah   [1:04:48]   Caroline Glick

June 30, 2024  JNS TV – What is the IDF’s end game with Hezbollah? Can Israel really fight a two-front war on its Southern and Northern border? Is avoiding a full-scale with the Iran-backed militia even desirable?

Journalist and author Caroline Glick discusses all this with the Herut Center’s CEO Amiad Cohen. He argues that Israel must take back all of southern Lebanon while seeking to prevent a Groundhog Day situation with Hezbollah.

Anyone trying to make sense of the North needs to watch this!

00:00 Introduction and Discussion of the Situation in Lebanon 03:18 Israel’s War Against Iran on the Northern Border 06:06 Iran’s Strategy: Weakening Israel Economically and Through Negotiations 12:41 Challenges Faced by Israel: Exhaustion, Threat to Cities, and Reluctance to Go to War with Biden 25:07 Preventing a Groundhog Day Situation with Hezbollah 32:47 Preparing for a Long-Term War: Rebuilding Israel’s Military 36:03 The Strategic Challenge of Proxies: Hezbollah in Lebanon 39:55 Exploring Regime Change in Iran: A Solution to the Iranian Threat 57:43 The Impact of the US Elections on the Region

[Ed.:  This was a very informative interview with Amiad Cohen regarding Hezbollah and Lebanon.]


Shooting attack reveals uncomfortable truths about Israel   By  Moshe Phillips

Hamas terrorists standing within the municipal boundaries of Tulkarm, a Palestinian Authority-governed city, unleashed a barrage of gunfire aimed at the nearby Israeli town of Bat Hefer. Then they posted a video of the shooting on social media.

06-20-2024 – Nobody in the State Department, or the United Nations, or at J Street headquarters, is talking about the recent terrorist shooting attack on the Israeli town of Bat Hefer, less than 12 miles from the coastal town of Netanya. Because it shattered the premise at the heart of all their proposals concerning the Arab-Israeli conflict.

Hamas terrorists standing within the municipal boundaries of Tulkarm, a Palestinian Authority-governed city, unleashed a barrage of gunfire aimed at the nearby Israeli town of Bat Hefer. Then they posted a video of the shooting on social media.

It was the third such shooting attack on Bat Hefer in two weeks. The Times of Israel pointed out that there have been similar attacks targeting Kibbutz Meirav, which is next to the PA city of Jenin. Once again, terrorists within the boundaries of the city were able to shoot into an Israeli community without ever having to go beyond the borders of their PA-ruled city.

These incidents lay bare the flaws in the ongoing crusade by the Biden Administration and J Street to establish a Palestinian state. The statehood proponents try to reassure the Jewish public by using vague, soothing terms such as “security guarantees” and “demilitarization.” But those words are worthless. No Arab regime has ever been demilitarized, and nobody can “guarantee” Israel’s security – because there is no government on earth that will ever have the political will to step in and forcibly demilitarize or guarantee anything.

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Every Leftist Cause begins as Humanitarianism and ends as Terrorism   Daniel Greenfield

The more the leftist cares, the worse the atrocities he can justify with his boundless caring. Leftist violence is not the outcry of the oppressed, but the mandate of the oppressors.   Opinion.

Jun 30, 2024, 7:04 AM (GMT+3)

“Liberty, equality, fraternity, or death; – the last, much the easiest to bestow, O Guillotine!” — A Tale of Two Cities, Charles Dickens

Every leftist cause is founded on empathy.

The quintessential leftist, no matter how much blood eventually spatters his hands, starts off by caring a great deal about other people. His heart bleeds for the oppressed, the workers and the peasants, for racial and sexual minorities, and for all the oppressed peoples of the world.

The ideological fashions may change but the story is always told the same way.

Somewhere there is an oppressed group to be liberated. And he, she or they is the one to fight for their liberation. Along the way that exquisite sensitivity which may lead an upper class Ivy Leaguer to learn all about the customs and suffering of black transgender men in Detroit or Hamas terrorists in Gaza congeals into an equal insensitivity for the suffering of his targets.

And then people die. Sometimes it’s those he considers the oppressed or the oppressors. Usually both. The humanitarians become terrorists and their revolutions lead to tyranny.

The opposite of tyranny isn’t revolution just as the opposite of empathy isn’t a lack of caring. They are both circles. Revolutions make tyrannies and empathy leads to cruelty. While there is a small subset of humanity that genuinely lacks empathy, most of the ideological bloodshed of the last century and this one was committed by men and women who cared far too much.

Those who care too much will eventually care enough to kill.

That is the argument that has been made in defense of every murderous leftist cause and is currently being made for Hamas. If you really care about the suffering in Gaza, you too would set yourself on fire or burn Israeli families alive in their homes. If you really care, you won’t care.

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CHAPTER 25: Philanthrocapitalism and Collectivism    by Linda Goudsmit
Space Is No Longer the Final Frontier—Reality Is (forthcoming release July 2024)
June 30, 2024

Globalism is a replacement ideology that seeks to reorder the world into one singular, planetary Unistate, ruled by the globalist elite. The globalist war on nation-states cannot succeed without collapsing the United States of America. The long-term strategic attack plan moves America incrementally from constitutional republic to socialism to globalism to feudalism. The tactical attack plan uses asymmetric psychological and informational warfare to destabilize Americans and drive society out of objective reality into the madness of subjective reality. America’s children are the primary target of the globalist predators.

In order to fully comprehend the scope of the planned globalist assault on your children’s minds, it is helpful to review Norman Dodd’s 1982 interview with G. Edward Griffin, and Dodd’s stunning 1954 Report (Chapter 9). You will recall that Norman Dodd was appointed Director of Research of the Reece Committee to investigate tax-exempt foundations and determine if their activities could justifiably be labeled un-American. Dodd examined the recorded minutes of the Carnegie Corporation’s board meetings and discovered how tax-exempt foundations in America, since at least 1945, had been operating to promote a hidden agenda. The foundations’ real objectives were to influence American educational institutions and control foreign policy agencies of the federal government in order to condition Americans to accept world government. The government was to be based on the principle of collectivism (socialism) and ruled by the same interests that control tax-exempt foundations.

Twenty years after the Dodd Report, in 1974, Congress passed and President Gerald Ford signed into law the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA). Steve J. Sands explores its seismic societal consequences and reviews the history of third-party investment management in America in his previously referenced article, “Who Owns Corporate America?[i] Prior to 1980, most investments were made directly by each corporation. Sands asks, “What changed around 1980 to make the market shift toward third-party investment management?” The answer is fascinating:

In 1974 The Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) was passed. One of the elements of ERISA was that it made it clear that companies could use third-party investment management. Hence the rise of third-party investment management by companies like BlackRock, State Street and Vanguard Group. BlackRock was founded in 1988. Vanguard was founded in 1975. While State Street was founded in 1792 [as Union Bank], it created the Standard & Poor’s Depositary Receipt (SPDR) in 1993. State Street’s SPDR 500 (SPY) Trust exchange-traded fund (ETF) was the first of its kind, and they are now one of the largest ETF providers worldwide. Trading on SPY began January 29, 1993. ETFs are widely used for mutual fund investments by third-party investment companies. The clear demarcation from direct to third-party investment management was the passage of ERISA.

It is interesting to note that while ERISA’s intent was to fix pension problems [crisis], one of the solutions was to introduce the allowance of third-party investment firms. The report from the WEF states:

With economic and demographic fundamentals promoting ever faster growth in institutional assets since around 1980, the stage was set for the emergence of the modern asset management industry.

Sands provides an incisive timeline of events chronicling the shift from direct investment to third-party investment management, and its acquisition of controlling interests in America’s publicly held companies:

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Jonathan Pollard: The Outbreak of Pogroms in America & the Expected Tsunami of Aliyah   [22:29]   Machon Shilo

June 28, 2024


Why Netanyahu Should Address Congress   [27:53]   Caroline Glick

Jun 27, 2024  JNS TV – A New York Times article claiming to represent a diverse group of Israeli leadership asks Congress to disinvite Netanyahu. Does Netanyahu represent the will of the Israeli people?


What Rhymes with FBI?   Publius

JUN 29, 2024 – Mark Twain has been credited with the quip that “history doesn’t repeat itself, but it often rhymes.”  When it comes to corruption and the FBI, he may have been right.

In the late teens to early twenties, evidence began to trickle out in the media suggesting that an individual within the Executive Branch of the United States Government had profited significantly from his official position.  Over the course of several years, it became clear that money had flowed from an energy company looking to secure favorable business deals to a self-dealing Executive Branch official.  Millions changed hands and the Bureau was called in to investigate.

Yet, the Bureau wasn’t actually there to investigate the corrupt official.  They were there to investigate any person asking questions about the corruption. They were there as part of an effort to protect the high-level official from rightful scrutiny for his unexplainable wealth.  They were there to intimidate those bringing to light misdeeds and corruption.

If this sounds familiar, it should.

You just may have the century wrong.

The Teapot Dome Scandal rocked the Republican administration of Warren G. Harding.  The self-dealing and fraud that gave rise to the Teapot Dome Scandal ultimately resulted in the indictment, conviction, and imprisonment of a member of the President’s cabinet.  And the behavior of the Bureau during the scandal resulted in the Attorney General being fired following President Harding’s death.

J. Edgar Hoover was brought in to reform the Bureau.  By the time he took control of the law enforcement agency that would eventually become the FBI, the agency had been exposed as having been involved in spying on members of Congress in connection with Congressional investigations into the Teapot Dome Scandal.  In the short 20 years of its history, the soon-to-be FBI had devolved from a professional law enforcement agency focused on combatting criminal behavior that crossed state lines to a tool for the party in power to harass and investigate political rivals.

Director Hoover purged the ranks. He saw the purge as a necessary step to change the politicized culture of the Bureau by removing agents and staff hired not on merit, but based on ideology.  His later misdeeds aside, Hoover was right about the connection between personnel and policy and the need for a personnel reset at the Bureau.

Despite the fact President Harding was a Republican, it was a Republican Senator who arranged for the Senate to investigate the Teapot Dome scandal.  And it was that same Republican who had his office ransacked—presumably by the Bureau—in response.  The investigation into the Teapot Dome scandal was shockingly bipartisan.  Yet it wasn’t the last time Republicans would demonstrate a willingness to investigate the apparent misdeeds of the Bureau under a Republican Administration.

50 years after the Teapot Dome scandal came to light, evidence again began to trickle out in the media. Questions again were raised whether the Bureau and the broader intelligence community were abusing their authorities and had been used by the Nixon Administration to spy on, investigate, and harass political opponents.  Once again, Republican members of Congress rose to the occasion, recognizing the risks that the politically-driven abuse of law enforcement and intelligence authorities posed to the Republic.  Republicans participated in the congressional investigations into Watergate and the accompanying abuses of Executive Branch authorities by the Bureau and the intelligence community.  Republicans again put party aside and stepped forward and supported an investigation into a Republican Administration.  The investigations resulted in significant changes to the Bureau, the broader intelligence community, and how Congress conducted oversight of both.

And here we are today.  Another 50 years have passed.  Again, evidence of misdeeds has trickled out in the media. Again, questions have been raised about the activities of the Bureau and whether the FBI’s authorities have been usurped for political purposes.

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Chevron & the Deep State     TIERNEY’S REAL NEWS

JUN 29, 2024 – The Supreme Court just struck down the Chevron Doctrine which has poisoned our country for almost 40 years. This is a MAJOR ruling. The people we elect to make the laws aren’t the ones who actually make the laws today – it’s done by unelected bureaucrats in the administrative state.

John McAfee – who allegedly committed suicide after making a video about the administrative state – called these “unelected bureaucrats” the “Deep State” – and I think he paid for that with his life. The “Deep State” basically reports to the NWO – the Globalist oligarchy that wants to strip America of her sovereignty and rule the world.

I don’t think many people really understand what SCOTUS just did by overturning the Chevron deference of 1984. Nor do they understand how it came into existence in the first place.

Since 1984, the Chevron ruling is what has given Federal agencies the power to govern themselves and interpret the law as they see fit. It has given the “Deep State” the power to rig elections, censor opinions, mandate regulations and even remove President Trump with basically no recourse through the courts.

The Chevron doctrine, adopted in 1984, required courts to give deference to the opinion of federal agencies when laws were ambiguous or not clear.

How did Chevron come about in the first place? On June 25, 1984, the Supreme Court issued a unanimous decision in the original Chevron case. It was UNANIMOUSLY decided by Justices William Brennan, Byron White, Harry Blackmum and Lewis Powell and written by John Paul Stevens. Stevens was appointed by Gerald Ford after the swamp drove out Nixon. Ford was a swamp creature himself.

Stevens authored the original Chevron deference opinion. He was allegedly a conservative Justice but his decisions were quite liberal. He retired in 2010 and was replaced by Elena Kagan.

Allegedly, Justices Thurgood Marshall and William Rehnquist did not participate in the 1984 Chevron decision because of illness. Hmm. Justice Sandra Day O’Connor had a financial interest in one of the parties and recused herself to avoid a conflict of interest.

That seems very odd doesn’t it? Why is no one reporting that important fact on a unanimous decision by a fractured SCOTUS that basically handed over power to the Communists for the past 40 years? IMHO, Chevron was a major step in the Communist coup of America – engineered by SCOTUS – during the Reagan administration.

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