Daily Shmutz | COMMENTARY / OPINION | 8/15/24


The American blueprint for failed negotiations in the Middle East   [45:40]  Caroline Glick

August 15, 2024  JNS TV  – The White House is pressuring Israel to throw in the towel, but will Bibi give in to the unprecedented pressure? While it may seem as if America is trying to protect Israel from an attack, the truth is that the Biden administration is also containing Israel and preventing a victory. This is in direct contradiction to Trump’s successful policy in the region. We’ll discuss all this and more on today’s Caroline Glick In Focus episode!


0:00 Intro

1:30 US deploys in Middle East

7:30 America tries to cool tensions

11:00 Hostage talks

20:00 Containing Israel

25:40 Appeasement as US policy

35:00 Trump’s approach


Jonathan Pollard: No To Victory? Israel Defense Minister Yoav Gallant & the Americans  [29:38]

August 15, 2024  Machon Shilo

[Ed.:  Do tune in to (at least) the last portion of this discussion where Rav David Bar Haim says:   “They all need to be removed from their positions.  I also think all of them need to be put on trial; at least some of them are, in my view, collaborating with the enemy, both before, and during the war.  As such, I believe they should be executed.  But this of course, must be decided by a court of law, by a military tribunal. So, it shall be done!”

He is referring to (my notes):

War Cabinet Minister Benny Gantz,

Chief of the General Staff, LTG Herzi Halevi,

Commanding Officer of the Southern Command, MG Yaron Finkelman, Commander of the 99th Division, Major General Barak Hiram,

Major General (Aluf) Herzl “Herzi” Halevi (now promoted to Head of Military Intelligence),

Military Judge Advocate General  Major General (Ms.) Yifat Tomer Yerushalmi and her legal thugs;  General Fuchs x-Commander of the Central Command in Israel;

Avi Blott will be the new leader of the Central Command. Brigadier General Shlomi Binder, the head of the Operations Division 5/2/24 

Aharon Haliva, Head of Military Intelligence  (Primary culprit for responsibility for Oct. 7th.) ?!?! (per Caroline 31:00 7/10/24.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aharon_Haliva)

! Nitzan Alon Reserve Major General, Commanding officer in Cemtra; Command (Judea Samaria) radical left, against majority of Israelis – responsible for Judea-Samarian persecution of Jews. Brought in by Herzi Halevi, main source for releases against Netanyahu.]


Former FBI Agent Reveals Suspicious Links Between Failed Trump Assassins And FBI   [12:36]   Glenn Beck

Aug 12, 2024There are still way too many unanswered questions about the Butler, Pennsylvania, assassination attempt against Trump. But now, more information is coming out about a second would-be assassin. This time, it was a Pakistani man who was arrested after allegedly plotting with Iran. But FBI whistleblower and former agent Steve Friend tells Glenn that everything about this story – and the Pennsylvania attempt – points to FBI grooming. Is the FBI influencing potential assassins just to arrest them and ask Congress for more money? Steve Friend also weighs in on the story of Secret Service agents who broke into a salon during a Kamala Harris event.


WAYNE ROOT: The Tulsi Gabbard Story Should Scare Every American to Death. Do You Understand How Evil, Vicious and Out-of-Control Democrats and the Deep State Are Right Now? Can You Imagine What Democrats Will Be Willing to Do If They Win in November?   By Wayne Allyn Root

Aug. 15, 2024 12:20 pm – I’ve said this for over twenty years- “We have a 2-party system. The Democrat Party is filled with radical, extreme, Marxist, communist traitors who want to destroy America. Pure evil. Satan inspired. They are the enemies of good patriotic Americans. They are the real “domestic terrorists.” But my party- the GOP- is a party of weak-willed, feckless, cowards afraid of their own shadow, and sellouts who claim to be Republicans, but really play for the other side.”

This is true, now more than ever. Except now it’s true squared times 100,000!

Think of what Democrats (ie radical communist traitors) and the Deep State have done to President Trump and other great American patriots over the past few years with this weaponized government…

President Trump was impeached twice over nothing. He was hounded for his entire four year term by false charges. Then the dirty Democrats and Deep State rigged and stole the 2020 election to keep him from finishing the job.

Next they persecuted Trump for the past four years to try to stop him from ever taking back the White House. They indicted him four times. They forced him to spend tens of millions of dollars in legal fees. They tied him up in court instead of campaigning. Their rigged judges and juries first tried to bankrupt him in civil court, then convicted him in criminal court of 34 felonies, without a unanimous verdict.

When all of that couldn’t stop Trump, it sure appears the Deep State conspired with either our own government, FBI, and Secret Service, or a foreign enemy, or both, to try to assassinate President Trump.

Now many legal experts believe Trump will be sentenced to prison on September 19th by a judge who is a biased, out-of-control, liberal crusader with a serious case of “Trump Derangement Syndrome,” as well as plagued by ridiculous conflicts of interest (his daughter has made millions of dollars working with leading Democrats).

It’s impossible to believe this could be happening in America.

Don’t forget what they did to Peter Navarro and Steve Bannon (who sits in prison right now).

And the January 6th prisoners- who have become political hostages, enduring cruel and unusual punishment.

Jake Lang stands out as one of the most egregious cases in this country’s history. He’s spent almost four years in prison without a trial, much of the time in solitary confinement. He’s been transferred to almost twenty different prisons in awful conditions. Now the evil vindictive Biden-Harris government has, out-of-the-blue, added a new felony charge to Jake’s case. All because he won’t settle and admit guilt. He demands his day in court. This enrages the out-of-control communist tyrants who run our Banana Republic.

But now there is an even more frightening level of extreme weaponization of government- see what they’ve done to Tulsi Gabbard.

Her story rises to a level that might surpass all-of-the-above. Tulsi is a former prominent Democrat Congresswoman and former Democrat Presidential candidate who humiliated Kamala Harris on the presidential debate stage. She left the Democrat Party and endorsed President Trump. She has outed Democrats for what they are- evil communist traitors, intent on destroying our nation.

[Ed.:  Wayne Root asks the question in the title:  “Can You Imagine What Democrats Will Be Willing to Do If They Win in November?”  But their ‘Win’ is not in question.  Their ‘Win’ (read: STEAL) in a certainty,  So, with all due respect to Wayne Root, the question is:  “Can You Imagine What Democrats Will Be Willing to Do When They Win in November?”  Sorry to rain on our parade!  Sorry to pop our balloon! Sorry, but our nation has already fallen!]


Operation Barbarossa: The German Invasion of the Soviet Union   By Alex Grobman

August 15, 2024

Part V

How Were the Jews Murdered?

In the East, “most of the Jews” were murdered through mass executions—“a killing procedure that had proven its effectiveness, despite Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler’s concern about the side effects for the perpetrators” and frequent objections from within the German hierarchy, according to historian Christopher R. Browning. By the end of 1941, between 500,000 and 800,000 Jewish civilians had been murdered and whole regions were reported to be judenrein (free of Jews), according to German historian Jürgen Matthäus. Many of the surviving Jews were imprisoned in ghettos established at the beginning of August 1941.

From the beginning of Operation Barbarossa until the end of September 1941, the number of victims murdered had increased from “hundreds to many thousands,” Matthäus said, and expanded to include Jews of every age and both sexes. In the occupied Soviet Union, more than 76,000 were killed in Lithuania. More than 44,000 were murdered in Ukraine by early September; in Kamenets-Podolsk nearly 24,000 Jews were murdered between August 27 and 30; and in the Babi Yar ravine near Kyiv, 33,771 were murdered on September 29 and 30.

On December 12, 1941, Himmler instructed his unit commanders to organize “comradely get-togethers” whenever they completed an operation in which the “enemies of the German people” had been given “the just death sentence,” notes historian Christopher Browning. The goal of these evenings was to expose the men to music and lectures leading them “into the beautiful regions of German spiritual and cultural life.” Himmler expected his commanders and officers to be personally accountable so the spirit and character of their troops did not suffer as a result.


Jonathan Pollard: Judicial Treachery in the Army & the Mixed Multitude   [11:37]   

August 14, 2024  Machon Shilo


China Is Now Goading Iran into Attacking Israel   by Gordon G. Chang

August 14, 2024 at 5:00 am

  • As countries around the world pressure Iran not to strike Israel — Tehran blames the Jewish state for the bomb that killed Haniyeh on July 31 — China was, in effect, publicly goading Iran to act.
  • Hamas is a proxy of Iran. Iran’s regime believes that it is no one’s proxy, but the Chinese seem to think that Iran is indeed theirs.
  • First, there is Beijing’s direct economic lifeline to the ailing Iranian economy.
  • Beijing also provided diplomatic cover for the assault on Israel. Propaganda support may have been even more important: Some 96.5% of the videos on Hamas carried on the Chinese-owned social media platform TikTok support the terrorist group. China’s Communist Party uses that platform to amplify favored narratives.
  • [T]he [Gulf] region is now especially concerned about the flood of Chinese weapons into the hands of Iran and its terrorist proxies. Regional leaders should be: All three of Iran’s main proxy groups—Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis — fight with Chinese arms.
  • China’s President Xi Jinping, apparently adopting the views of Mao Zedong, has been promoting “chaos” to pave the way for worldwide Chinese rule. Wang Yi in his call on the 11th to Tehran made a bold chaos move.
  • China, from all indications, wants more war in the world’s most war-torn region.


WAITING FOR WAR   [1:00:42]  Michael Doran and Gadi Taub

Aug 13, 2024Mike and Gadi weigh the alternative scenarios as tensions mount: on the one hand Iran and Hezbollah must respond, on the other hand they fear a massive and costly Israeli retaliation.  For its part, the US hopes to provide Iran and Hezbollah a pretext for restraint, by brokering a ceasefire agreement on Gaza. All the pieces are set on the chessboard. What now?


This long post was written by a brilliant Veteran who has made gargantuan efforts to read federal documents and put together the dots for us, explaining the plan for our New World Order   MERYL NASS

He prefers anonymity but deserves acclaim. I have commented on some of these documents previously

AUG 13, 2024 – He wrote the material below over a long time and put it all together as an article on X last month, which has received nearly 200,000 views. (Amazing it was not taken down.) You may want to pdf and save this. Very important information. This takes time and attention, so get a cuppa and settle down when you have time to give this your undivided attention for perhaps an hour.

About ten graphics went missing as I prepared this post, so you may want to just go to the tweet and read the article there, with all graphics intact:


“WEF, W.H.O., U.N., Global Governance” “New World Order” “The Great Reset” or whatever you want to call it seems like similar goals to everything below.

As stated in the White House document below. Climate Crisis, Global Health Security, One Health and Pandemic Preparedness are officially under “Whole of Government” to include DOD Biodefense Authorities and a National Security Issue.

The documents below establish the Biden Administrations goals of a centralized climate friendly Blockchain and U.S. CBDC, Public Land leases to include National Parks to companies like Blackrock for wind and solar green initiatives, The removal of livestock for human consumption due to zoonotic threats, Food Controls due to zoonotic threats and moving to “alternative” protein sources., Digital ID system along with Bio Surveillance Hubs globally under pandemic early warning initiatives, additional Bio Research facilities to continue to study zoonotic threats, New rapid vaccine developments using lessons from operation Warp Speed, full support of the WHO, UN, World Bank, Gavi Vaccine Alliance, Gates Foundation and others. And so much more.

To me it appears they could kill every freedom Under these goals. So I complete this Article on July 3rd in hopes that someone with more resources than me looks into it and honors all the sacrifices to make America the great nation that it is with all the Freedoms it has. One Nation Under God and happy Independence day Patriots.

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Archbishop’s Contribution to the Instant Book “Globalisti Assassini”: OMNIS POTESTAS A DEO   By Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò

OMNIS POTESTAS A DEO is Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò’s contribution to the instant book “Globalisti Assassini” published by Visione editore.

Globalisti Assassini reconstructs the bloody trail of politics, from JFK to Trump. A work that reveals conspiracies and intrigues in a fragile and manipulated democracy

Aug. 13, 2024 1:20 pm – Having recourse to assassination as a tool to eliminate a political opponent, awakens in us a sense of rebellion that comes from the deepest fibers of our being, from that sense of violated justice that is the same that we feel in the face of the impunity of the guilty, the violent arrogance of his crimes. Unicuique suum tribuere: giving each what is due to him sums up the foundation of the natural Law that we see betrayed both by the failure to punish the guilty and by the persecution of the innocent and the weak. In this violation we see the abdication of the authority that in every human society is precisely responsible for administering Justice in the name of Christ, Lord and Universal Judge.

But what justice can there be, where the authority itself not only does not punish the wicked and does not reward the good, but where it is actually the first to encourage evil and impede good? The origin of this inversion is the necessary consequence of a much worse reversal of the social order, namely the rejection of Christ as God, King, and Lord. It is the Revolution, that is, the institutionalization of Lucifer’s Non serviam, and along with it the reversal of the concept of Good and Evil.

The child who is killed in the womb, the woman who is raped, the sick person abandoned to die by the doctor, the shopkeeper who is robbed, the elderly person who is beaten, the citizen who is oppressed by unfair taxes, the student who is corrupted by the teacher – these are all faces of a general injustice that cries out for vengeance in the sight of God precisely because it is in God that each of us finds the supreme Guarantor of Justice. This request for vengeance – that is, for the restoration of violated Justice – is even stronger when the evil that we see committed in broad daylight is not only not punished, but is even encouraged; while those who resist, those who do not accept subversion, those who continue to believe that there are immutable and eternal principles to which to adhere, are persecuted by the authorities. The teacher who is fired for not wanting to refer to a male student with a feminine pronoun, the student who is expelled for having stated in class that there are only two sexes, the doctor who is laid off for having refused to administer a lethal serum to a patient, the scientist who is removed for not having endorsed the climate fraud, the priest who is removed from his parish for having condemned the doctrinal and moral deviations accepted today – these are the first victims of the Revolution. There is no room for these people in the overturned society, just as there was no room for criminals and the wicked in the society ordered under the Law of the Gospel.

When we try to make sense of what is happening around us today, we must have the courage to recognize the betrayal of human authority with respect to the supreme Authority of God. Without this betrayal, nothing that is happening would even be imaginable. And so it is from the restoration of a healthy authority that conforms to the will of God that we must begin to rebuild society.

The failed assassination attempt on President Donald J. Trump is the latest in a long series of similar episodes through which corrupt governments eliminate people they consider an obstacle to the pursuit of their plans: whether it is a former President of the United States, a Prime Minister or a former “inconvenient” collaborator, nothing changes. Not to mention the “suicides” and fatal accidents of those who, with their testimony, could have convicted leading figures of the deep state or the globalist lobby.

The cowardice of the murder committed by a hitman makes clear the injustice of an action against an “enemy” with whom one does not accept a fair confrontation, from which he would emerge victorious. The modus operandi is the one that every tyranny has used against its opponents: ridicule (the opponent is a buffoon not to be taken seriously), pathologization (he is a madman who should be locked up in a mental hospital), criminalization (he should be put in jail) and moral or physical elimination (he must not exist: he is a non-person without rights). Anyone who undermines the System – especially if he has an authority that comes from the evident reasonableness of his arguments that risks opening the eyes of the masses – is made the object of this progressive ostracization precisely because he reveals the corruption of power and the intolerant lie that fuels it. Donald Trump must therefore be “put in a bullseye” – according to the expression used by Joe Biden five days before the attack – and when he is hit or injured, the moral responsibility does not lie with the person who created the climate of violence or with the hitman, but with the victim who “asked for it,” and who actually exploits the aggression suffered to his own advantage.

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[Ed.:  I love this guy!]


Possible advantages of a preemptive strike on Iran   Louis Rene Beres

Israel’s safety could best be served by waging a “just war” against a still pre-nuclear Iran.

August 12, 2024 – During its impending war with Iran, Israel’s overriding objective should be to keep that jihadist enemy non-nuclear. The best way to meet this objective will be by systematically controlling conflict escalations (“escalation dominance”). In the final analysis, this task will require Israel to shift from “deliberate nuclear ambiguity” to “selective nuclear disclosure.”

During its impending war with Iran, Israel’s overriding objective should be to keep that jihadist enemy non-nuclear. The best way to meet this objective will be by systematically controlling conflict escalations (“escalation dominance”). In the final analysis, this task will require Israel to shift from “deliberate nuclear ambiguity” to “selective nuclear disclosure.”

If Iran were an already nuclear enemy state, Israel’s demonstrated capacity for effective self-defense would be severely limited. However, because Iran is still pre-nuclear, the expected Iranian aggression could be a net gain for Israel. Ironically, this foreseeable Iran-created war could offer Israel an eleventh-hour opportunity to prevent enemy nuclearization and avoid a vastly more destructive war. In legal terms, this signifies an opportunity for “anticipatory self-defense.”

“The safety of the people,” declares Roman philosopher Cicero, “is always the highest law.” In the past several months, Tehran has been taunting Israel as if the Jewish state was somehow the weaker adversary. But in any intra-war search for “escalation dominance” by an already-nuclear Israel and a not-yet-nuclear Iran, competitive risk-taking would strongly favor Israel.

From the standpoint of international law, preemption could represent a fully permissible strategic option. Though a “bolt from the blue” Israeli preemption against Iran would involve multiple and intersecting difficulties, these difficulties are unlikely to apply during an already ongoing conventional war. Ritualistically, Iran declares its intention to strike Israel as “punishment.” In law, however, this barbarous declaration is an open admission of mens rea or “criminal intent.”

Even if Iran were not in a condition of self-declared belligerency with the Jewish state, an Israeli preemptive action could still be lawful. Israel, in the fashion of every state under international law, is entitled to existential self-defense. Today, in an age of uniquely destructive weaponry, such law does not obligate Israel or any other state to expose its citizens to increasingly plausible extermination. When hostilities are already underway, Israel’s legal right to attack selected Iranian hard targets would be unassailable. Such hostilities would include surrogate or proxy attacks on Israeli noncombatants by jihadist terror groups.

Prima facie, these are bewildering matters. What should Israeli strategic planners conclude? In part, at least, the answer depends on their view of Iran’s reciprocal judgments of Israel’s leaders.

Do these judgments suggest a leadership in Jerusalem that believes in the potential net benefits of a measured nuclear retaliation? Or do they suggest a leadership in Jerusalem that believes such a reprisal would bring upon Israel variously intolerable levels of conventional Iranian destruction? And is the leadership in Tehran expectedly rational?

All relevant Israeli calculations should assume adversarial rationality.  In the absence of calculations that compare the costs and benefits of available strategic alternatives, what would take place between Israel and Iran would remain just a matter of conjecture. At the same time, the prospect of non-rational judgments in this belligerent relationship is always possible, especially as the influence of Islamist/jihadist ideology remains tangible among Iranian and Hezbollah decision-making elites.

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[Ed.:  Yes, Professor Beres, this is correct and advantageous thinking, but “preemption” is not a word in IDF’s legal team’s vocabulary.]


Do We Have an Ally in America? Or Something Else?   by Victor Rosenthal

August 13, 2024

“You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. And what I mean by that is an opportunity to do things that you think you could not do before.” – Rahm Emanuel

Emanuel was Chief of Staff for Barack Obama in 2009-10, and his maxim hasn’t been forgotten by the former Obama administration staffers that are making US policy toward Israel and the Middle East today. They have passionately embraced it as Israel faces what is probably her greatest crisis since 1973 (arguably 1948), in which she has been attacked simultaneously from seven fronts: Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, Judea/Samaria, Yemen, Iran, and Iraq.

Since the traumatic massacre and hostage-taking of 7 October 2023, the Americans have attempted to bend the arc of events toward the goals set out in Obama’s Cairo speech in 2009 and the Baker/Hamilton report of 2006: a unified Palestinian state in Judea, Samaria, and Gaza; the re-division of Jerusalem, the return of the Golan Heights to Syria, and the elevation of Iran to the role of regional hegemon.

The publicly-stated objective of this exercise is to bring peace to the region by ending the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and placing Iran in the role of policeman to suppress the extremist Sunni forces in Iraq and Syria that express themselves in the form of ISIS (for example). This will theoretically enable the US to disengage from the region, immunize herself from terrorism emanating from it, and turn her attention toward her true rival, China.

It’s not clear if the authors of this doctrine, particularly Ben Rhodes, a co-author of the Iraq Study Group report and the writer of Obama’s Cairo speech, intend that a byproduct of it would be to greatly empower the enemies of Israel and even bring about the end of the Jewish state. But either they don’t understand that the tribal and religious aspirations of the Palestinian Arabs will never be assuaged by the possession of only part of what they believe is their birthright, or they do understand and fully support them. Similarly, they either fail to take seriously or approve of Iran’s stated desire to “wipe Israel off the map.”

From a strictly American point of view, the policy is defective and dangerous. The theocratic and oppressive Iranian regime is not kidding when it displays banners calling for “Death to America,” the “Great Satan.” The Obama/Rhodes plan which legitimizes Iran becoming a nuclear-armed power – something that is expected at any moment – could not be more irresponsible, especially considering the penetration of Iran’s terrorist proxy organization Hezbollah into South and Central America and the open southern border of the US.

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Will Iran and Hezbollah Attack Israel on Tisha B’Av?  [42:20]   Josh Hasten and Alex Traiman

August 12, 2024 JNS TV – New reports have made it clear that Tehran and Hezbollah are indeed planning to attack Israel as the Jewish State waits in fear and suspense.

Also, the international media demonizes Israel for attacking Hamas inside a Gaza school, did Kamala Harris say she was open to an arms embargo against Israel? And new developments in the case of the soldiers accused of sodomizing a Hamas prisoner.


00:00 Anticipation of an Iranian Strike and the Significance of Tisha B’Av

08:50 Media Portrayal of Israeli Strikes and the Potential for a Ceasefire

12:52 Controversies Surrounding Kamala Harris’ Comments and Sanctions

23:25 The Sdei Teiman Detention Center and Allegations of Sexual Assault

29:37 Norway’s Actions Against Israel and the Debate Over Ultra-Orthodox Military Service


The Anti-Israel Sanctions Machine   BY MICHAEL DORAN

In response to Hamas’ Oct. 7 terror attack, the Biden-Harris administration assembled a team tasked with toppling Bibi

AUGUST 11, 2024  Tablet Magazine – President Biden recently achieved a historic first for which he has received no credit. He is the first president to form an interagency team dedicated to imposing sanctions on an ally, namely, Israel.

To be sure, the United States sanctioned allies on many occasions. Recent examples of this kind include sanctions designed to prevent Germany from completing the Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipeline, and sanctions on Turkish defense industries to penalize Ankara for its procurement of the Russian S-400 surface-to-air missile system. These sanctions resulted from a specific action by an allied government that Washington sought to reverse.

But the sanctions against Israel are of a qualitatively different kind. The Biden administration has assembled an interagency team of targeteers tasked with finding individuals and groups to sanction—not to reverse a specific policy, but to weaken if not topple the government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

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Israel Must Not Allow Hamas to Survive Gaza War   by A.J. Caschetta
August 12, 2024  Special to IPT News – Chinese support for Hamas is no surprise. In December, the IDF discovered massive caches of Chinese weapons in Gaza. In 2014, the IDF disclosed that an enormous Chinese-made tunneling machine with 40 inch blades was used to dig Hamas’s underground city.

China has been hosting “unity talks” between Hamas and Fatah since April. In June, Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Webin announced that China supports “all Palestinian factions in achieving reconciliation and increasing solidarity through dialogue and consultation.” On July 23 came the announcement that Chinese diplomacy had culminated in the Beijing Declaration, an agreement to form an “interim national reconciliation government” allowing Hamas and other Palestinian terrorist organizations to survive in the light of day as partners in a government.

The Biden administration’s plan for Hamas’s survival, on the other hand, is more subtle.

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Rebuilding Trust…and other recent thoughts   Chananya  Weissman | chananyaweissman.com/

August 11, 2024 – When a critical mass of people stopped taking the poison shots, and the monsters who rule over us had to “discover” that they weren’t so safe and effective after all to save face, there was no accountability.  No heads rolled.  The same monsters who poisoned us still rule over us.

What was the message?  The “healthcare” system needed to rebuild trust.  Their main concern was that the sheep continue to trust them, and keep turning to them to keep them healthy and safe, so the sheep could continue to be easy prey.

In the aftermath of the coordinated mini-Holocaust that everyone near the top of the power structure had to know about, there was no accountability.  No heads rolled. The same monsters who allowed thousands of Jews to be brutally maimed, tortured, killed, and hauled off to captivity to advance the Amalek agenda still rule over us. They even get to lead our people into “war”.

When a critical mass of people started to wake up ever so slightly, the monsters who rule over us had to admit that “mistakes were made”.  But their main concern, once again, was about rebuilding trust in the IDF, so the sheep would continue to follow their instructions and count on the monsters to keep them safe…so they could continue to be easy prey.

It’s always the same playbook.

*   *   *

I’m sure this keeps him up at night.

The snake also looks back and wonders if he could have done things that would have prevented them from eating the forbidden fruit.

And the people who tortured a false confession out of Amiram Ben Uliel wonder if there’s anything they could have done that would have prevented it.

And the Germans…never mind, you get the point.

*   *   *

American Jews: “It’s perfectly safe here.  Don’t believe the news.”

American Jews believe the news 100% about every other narrative.

Make it make sense.

*   *   *

Whatever they refer to as “Iron Dome” is taking out more people than it ever took out missiles.

*   *   *

The vast majority of Jews outside Israel have a galus mentality, and the vast majority of Jews inside Israel were born with Stockholm Syndrome.  If you want to reduce complex problems to the bare essentials, you can’t do much better than that.


“Judicial Reforms Led to October 7 Massacre”– Historian Gadi Taub   [13:09]

Aug 9, 2024 – Gadi Taub is an Israeli historian, author, and commentator known for his work in political and cultural criticism. He holds a Ph.D. in American Studies from Rutgers University and is a faculty member at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, where he teaches in the School of Public Policy and the Department of Communications and Journalism.

He has written several books, both fiction and non-fiction, exploring themes of Israeli identity, politics, and culture. Notable titles include “The Settlers and the Struggle over the Meaning of Zionism” and “The Valley of the Cross,” a novel.

Taub is a prominent voice in Israeli media, known for his critical views on various aspects of Israeli society and politics. He has written extensively on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the role of religion in Israeli politics, and the country’s democratic challenges. Besides his academic work, Taub is a frequent contributor to newspapers, magazines, and television programs in Israel, providing analysis and commentary on current events and political developments.

He is known for his outspoken and sometimes controversial opinions. He has been critical of the Israeli left, the settlement movement, and certain aspects of liberalism, often sparking debate and discussion within Israeli society and beyond.


CHAPTER 31: Marxism, Gnosticism, and Transgenderism   by Linda Goudsmit
Space Is No Longer the Final Frontier—Reality Is
August 11, 2024

Globalism is a replacement ideology that seeks to reorder the world into one singular, planetary Unistate, ruled by the globalist elite. The globalist war on nation-states cannot succeed without collapsing the United States of America. The long-term strategic attack plan moves America incrementally from constitutional republic to socialism to globalism to feudalism. The tactical attack plan uses asymmetric psychological and informational warfare to destabilize Americans and drive society out of objective reality into the madness of subjective reality. America’s children are the primary target of the globalist predators.

If “liberation is a destructive lie,” as James Lindsay stated at the end of Chapter 30, what is the truth? Lindsay offers an incisive analysis in this summary of The New Discourses Podcast, Ep. 61, The Gnostic Temptation:[i]

Why are Gnostic cults so tempting? Why do people get sucked into them? It’s not because Gnostics go around telling people they’re wrong. It’s because they go around telling people they’re limited. Your beliefs, maybe in science, spirituality, Christianity, politics, or whatever, aren’t wrong; they’re low-level. The Gnostics hold themselves out as people who know more about whatever you’re into than you do, and they explain their superiority as being “liberated” from the limitations “THEY” (your teachers, pastors, etc.) are placing upon your knowledge. They don’t want you to know these secrets, but we do. That’s the Gnostic temptation.

So, “liberation” is presented as transcending one’s mortal limitations, including one’s own physical body. Understanding the gnostic roots of transgenderism is essential for understanding Marxist political exploitation and its implications for the modern trans movements. One of Gnosticism’s core beliefs is its dualistic worldview. Adam Drakos’s January 17, 2022, article on Thinking West, “The Gnostic Roots of the Trans Movement,”[ii] explains the importance of understanding this duality:

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Olympics Pres: We Would Screen Out Men if Science Could Tell Men and Women Apart   [VIDEO]   By Michael Austin

August 10, 2024 at 9:03am – Science has a foolproof way of telling you whether someone is a man or woman — chromosomes.

If they’re XY, you’re looking at a guy.

Apparently, that memo didn’t make its way over to the office of the International Olympic Committee President Thomas Bach, because he seemed to be a little more confused on the subject in recent comments.

The comments came in response to Bach being pressed by a reporter on the female boxing controversy currently dominating Olympic discourse.

The two finalists in the women’s boxing final, Algeria’s Imane Khelif and Taiwan’s Lin Yu-ting, failed a chromosome test last year, according to the International Boxing Association.

By implication, that suggests both tested positive for XY chromosomes, making them male. However, the credibility of the IBA has been called into question.

Some media outlets have reported that Khelif suffers from an incredibly rare medical condition known as “Differences of Sex Development.”

The Cleveland Clinic defines DSD as “conditions where a person’s reproductive organs and genitals are ‘mismatched’ at birth. Examples include male chromosomes (XY) and genitalia that appears female (vulva) or female chromosomes (XX) and genitalia that appears male (penis). Some people with DSDs have characteristics of both sexes.”

But if it is true that Khelif has DSD, that still doesn’t answer the question. As far as we know, the boxer could be a male with DSD.

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Victor Davis Hanson Discusses the Controversies Surrounding Tim Walz and Offers Advice to the Trump Campaign  (VIDEO  22:20)   By Mike Lachance

Aug. 10, 2024 10:00 pm – Conservative scholar and historian Victor Davis Hanson recently spoke to podcaster Tony Kinnett and offered some of his sober analysis on the introduction of Minnesota Governor Tim Walz to the 2024 race.

Hanson touched on Walz’s record as a far left governor and the questions swirling around his military record.

Hanson also had some advice for the Trump campaign on the messages Trump should focus on and hammer each day as he speaks to voters across the country.

Partial transcript via The Daily Signal:

Hanson: Yeah. So, when she picked Walz, there was no traditional, no unusual, no eccentric reason why he would be picked. Minnesota’s going to go blue. He doesn’t bring the Electoral College to that. He’s not well known. Seventy percent of the people have no idea who he is. He was not vetted.

And so, almost immediately, it took all the attention off what Trump had said, or his campaign was plateauing, and it put it on both his hard-left record, basically greenlighting for four days rioting in Minnesota, the tampons for boys’ restrooms, open borders, illegal alien subsidies, canceling pipeline—I mean, it was more extreme than hers.

And then, personally, all these things started to come out and he kind of asked for it. His first introduction to the American people, he said, he mentioned the completely refuted lie and smear about the couch. And he said, “Couch,” and then he turned to Kamala Harris and he said, “How’d you like that?” Well, she kind of even, “How do you like me lying about the vice president?” It didn’t work.

This is part of what he said about the Trump campaign:

Just focus on, they have nominated two neo-Marxists who are openly proud of what they have done. Here’s the record, here’s what I did in the past, here’s what I’ll do in the future. You couldn’t have a starker choice. And if he does that, he’s got about 88 days to do it, he will win. He still has time.

I mean, in 1988, the Republicans got a similar gift. All of a sudden they nominated Mike Dukakis and he knew his problem because he was from Massachusetts. So he said, “It’s not about ideology. I’ve never been … Competence, I’m more competent than Bush. It’s all about what I’ve done.” And he left the Aug. 1 convention 17 points ahead, and the Bush campaign went into panic. And they asked [Ronald] Reagan and Reagan said, “You know what? It’s bad. I don’t know what I can do to help you.”

You can watch the whole thing here

It’s fascinating to hear the part where Hanson talks about how wrong the polls have been in past elections. This year may be one of those cases. Polls showing strong support for Harris are difficult to believe.


Just my two cents [3:22]    Estee Palti

Jul 19, 2024Just my humble opinion


Waiting for the Apocalypse: Have Iran/Hezbollah Gotten Cold Feet?  [32:42]   Ruthie Blum and Ambassador Mark Regev

Aug 8, 2024  JNS TV – How many Israelis need to be massacred to lend the Israel Defense Forces legitimacy to take action?

This question has been front and center as Jerusalem decides whether to strike Iran and Hezbollah first or to wait for Tehran to launch its assault.

While many Israelis insist that a wider war is necessary to neutralize the Iranian-led threat, some are saying that realism must prevail over idealism.


0:00 Preparing for battle

3:00 What are Israel’s goals?

8:30 Going on the offensive

12:30 Deterrence

21:00 Gaza goals

27:00 Realism Vs. Idealism


The Coming Kamala Calamity & Israel  [59:41]   Caroline Glick

Aug 7, 2024  JNS TV – Prepare to be rattled by the harsh realities Israel must confront to emerge victorious from the current crisis.

American foreign policy specialist David Wurmser joins “The Caroline Glick Show” today for a full 360-degree assessment of the threats facing the United States and Israel across the globe.

Together with JNS senior contributing editor Caroline Glick, Wurmser examines what a Harris/Walz victory could look like and how the Jewish state should strategize for possible outcomes.


0:00 Kamala’s VP choice

5:45 American deployment in the Middle East

9:20 Implications for the U.S.

15:30 What happens if Kamala wins

17:50 Why isn’t Israel preemptive attacking?

24:40 Lessons from Haniyeh assassination/deterrence

36:00 Realistic strategy for Israel

43:30 Looking at Egypt

56:00 Strategic environment today (Iran)

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Jp7MORoeoU


It’s time to end Israel’s nuclear ambiguity   Prof. Louis René Beres

Listening to Iran’s repeated threats to initiate aggressive war with Israel, something seems to have been overlooked: Israel is a nuclear power; Iran is not.  Opinion.

Aug 7, 2024, 10:45 AM (GMT+3)

Synopsis: Israel’s political leaders and military strategists should plan for an immediate end to “deliberate nuclear ambiguity.” This is because still non–nuclear Iran (1) is loudly broadcasting its willingness to re-start and enlarge active hostilities against Israel, and (2) is apt to miscalculate and overestimate its actual capacity for “escalation dominance.” Though Iran would surely suffer the greater harms if Israel were left no rational intra-war choice but to “go nuclear,” the more powerful Jewish State could still suffer the egregious consequences of Iranian “hubris.”

In full:

Listening to Iran’s repeated threats to initiate aggressive war with Israel, something seems to have been overlooked: Israel is a nuclear power; Iran is not.

It follows that Iran is hardly in a credible strategic position to make such threats. After all, any actual follow-through on these arguably incoherent threats could produce potentially unendurable Iranian losses.

What is going on here?

Why such an ironic disconnect between relative national power capacities and the country issuing existential threats? Prima facie, in any direct and protracted war with Iran, only Israel would be in a position of “escalation dominance.”

The factor that could substantially change such Israeli superiority would be direct North Korean military involvement. This is because Iran’s belligerent ally in Pyongyang is “already nuclear” and because Israel is a “fifty target state.” In short, Israel is a geographically small adversary with no meaningful strategic depth. Absent a recognizable nuclear advantage, this is anything but an enviable survival position for an imperiled nation.

The remedy, for Israel, should be an immediate policy shift from “deliberate nuclear ambiguity” (Amimut in Hebrew) to “selective nuclear disclosure.

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Guess Who’s Paying For The Anti-Israel Protests?   [5:37]   Mark Levin

The Islamo-Nazi regime in Tehran has been funding the anti-Israel protests around the globe. Why is the administration continuing to fund Iran? Joe Biden is the most anti-Israel President. Obama comes in a close second. While Israeli- and American- hostages remain in Gaza, many Jewish Americans are seeing certain Democrats for what they really are– Marxist, Islamist, anti-Semites.


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Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.