Daily Shmutz | COMMENTARY / OPINION | 8/22/24



The DNC mutiny you may have missed   [37:19]    Caroline Glick

August 22, 2024  JNS TV – While Jewish Democrats kvelled over-representation at the DNC, there was a “quiet” riot happening behind the scenes. On today’s CG In Focus, we’ll look behind the curtain to figure out who is running today’s Democratic Party. We’ll also examine the terror coalition protesting in Chicago; Biden’s farewell address; AOC serving socialism; and the Hamas ally takeover of the party.

Chapter titles timestamps

0:00 Democratic National Convention

2:30 Protests & chaos

10:00 “They have a point”

14:30 AOC takes over

20:00 Israel at the convention

24:00 Gaza event at DNC

28:30 The outsiders go mainstream


VSRF Live #140: Down the Rabbit Hole part 3: Dr. David Martin

Vaccine Safety Research Foundation

This week’s guest, Dr. David Martin, PhD., is an expert in a wide range of scientific, historical and other forensic areas of study, he never fails to deliver eye-opening revelations of the well-orchestrated maneuvering which has occurred over the last decades between military groups, big pharma, world governments and clandestine cabals, all of which have created these chaotic times we now inhabit.

Join us for this mind-blowing discussion and as always, please share this link and bring some friends.

Dr. David Martin:


Rigged Polls Creating a False Narrative to Enable Election Theft   by Paul Craig Roberts

AUG 22, 2024  – I have repeatedly warned that rigged polls are turning Kamala into the leading candidate in order that the theft mechanisms Democrats have in place can be used to steal the election,. After the suspicions raised by the 2020 and 2022 elections, it is risky for the establishment to present a candidate trailing in the polls as the winner of the election. Therefore, the pre-selected winner is positioned as the leading candidate so that there is no controversy when the pre-selected winner “wins” the election.

The article below explains how it is being done. The polls are rigged by polling fewer Republicans and more Democrats.

Polling showing Harris in lead flagged by industry experts for voter samples

After threatened and actual prosecutions of Republicans, including Trumps’ attorneys, who provided evidence of the 2020 theft, Republicans are afraid to say anything about the obvious election fraud that is being set in place.

The Republicans will do nothing about the theft just as they are doing nothing about the establishment’s attempted assassination of Trump, and just as they are doing nothing about open borders and any other issue of concern to Republican voters. What can be said for Republicans is that they are not anti-white as Democrats are, and they do not have as their agendas the normalization of sexual perversity and replacement of white Americans.

Under Democrat leadership and with Republican complicity, white Americans have been marginalized and their constitutional rights impeded if not cancelled. The purpose of open borders–which is an outright refusal of the federal government to enforce US law–is to reduce the white population to a minority. The coup against America has been operating for many years and it is not permissible to mention it. Essentially, we have lost our country.

The purpose of the open borders is to usher in a collapse of the country from within as per the Cloward-Piven Strategy that the Intelligence Industrial Complex (the 4th Branch of Government that controls the other three) and their Manchurian Candidate Obama and his politrix puppets have been diligently perpetrating; the marginalization of the white population is but one of the many ‘positive checks’ in this scheme to destroy America, and other racial demographics will be targeted soon after, if they are successful…

They want you dead.

Do NOT comply.


Belgium has betrayed the Jews, but it is next   Giulio Meotti

Leon de Winter: “Hamas wanted to convince young people that the massacre of Jews was not a crime, but a consecration of the Prophet and that robbery and rape were permitted means of struggle.”   Op-ed.

Aug 21, 2024, 10:49 PM (GMT+3)  INN – “If we look at what is happening in Belgium there is reason to fear the emergence of an emirate in the heart of a contrite Europe, blinded by guilt and cowardice”, the Algerian novelist Kamel Daoud has just denounced in the weekly Le Point.

And even Jean Quatremer, the historic Brussels correspondent of Libération, goes so far as to say: “Belgium capitulates and has truly become the advanced base of political Islam”.

Now comes a scoop to confirm it.

The Journal du Dimanche reveals that the European Commission has financed the NGO Al Sharq for a total of 110,279 euros. On August 2, the international organization Al Sharq in Hagia Sophia in Istanbul paid a “last homage” to “martyr Ismaïl Haniyeh,” the leader of Hamas. Al Sharq presents itself as an NGO that aims to “consolidate the values of pluralism and justice.”

Are they stupid? Are they reckless people who give away public money to any Islamic NGO that asks for it, as blackmail? Are they colluding?

“There is a democratic taqiya in Western countries, the Muslim Brotherhood propagates Islam through political, associative and non-violent means,” denounces France’s most famous anti-terrorism judge, Marc Trévidic.

Belgium’s Minister of Justice, Paul Van Tigchelt, put it in black and white: Hamas is active in Belgium (and elsewhere in Europe) through “humanitarian” societies. Islamist tentacles also extend into the heart of old Europe.

One of the major Dutch novelists and intellectuals, Leon de Winter, has just written an essay in the Swiss magazine Neue Zürcher Zeitung:

“What is the central message of the 1979 Islamic revolution in Iran? Permanent war: there will be peace only when all non-believers on earth have been killed or have submitted to Islam. Many Iranians do not share this view, but in Iran there is no room for public dissent.

“According to the guardians of Shia political Islam, the Jewish state and all Jews in the rest of the earth must be subdued or killed in the name of Allah. The mandate has no expiration date nor does it include anything as anti-Islamic as the goal of a ‘two-state solution’. The leaders of the Iranian auxiliary armies Hamas, Houthis and Hezbollah are fanatical believers who think in the same time frame as the leaders of Tehran: Judgment Day is the inevitable end point.

“Shia leaders are the servants of Allah in a battle much bigger than the State of Israel: the apocalypse must be near. These fanatics think in terms and images that radically surpass the imagination of the materialist Western world. Average Western politicians and journalists, all children of thought since the Enlightenment and the Industrial Revolution, have no idea who they are dealing with in Tehran, Gaza, Lebanon or Yemen. They can only imagine the struggle of the religious elites in Tehran.

“It is not about the land. The Shiite revolution of 1979 was the first step towards the complete end of the Western world. So for these extremist believers Israel is a shame. But temporary. What took place in Israeli border villages on October 7 were ritual massacres by murderers in a religious frenzy, triggered in part by stimulants such as Captagon, made in Syria and composed mostly of amphetamines.

“Hamas wanted to convince young people that the massacre of Jews was not a crime, but a consecration of the Prophet and that robbery and rape were permitted means of struggle. Hamas wanted to show the Jews what they would expect if they remained in Israel: mutilations, rapes, burnings.

“But our enlightened leaders and useful idiots in the media cling to the suicidal idea that the conflict is over the land. This is a deception. Political Islam in Tehran is not just waging a war against Israel. The West is an even greater enemy than the Jews. An appeaser is someone who feeds a crocodile in the hope that the crocodile will eat him last, Winston Churchill once said.

“The US and the EU lead these peacemakers. Ursula von der Leyen, Kamala Harris: I fear that they too, deluding themselves that they can stay out of danger, will betray the Jews and deliver them to the fire.”

Meanwhile, as Quatremer writes, the Belgian and EU capital is the pinnacle of appeasement, as demonstrated by the funding of Islamic NGOs.

In June, the football match between Belgium and Israel scheduled for September 6 in Brussels was cancelled. The mayor of the Belgian capital, Philippe Close, had decided this, according to which it would be “simply impossible” to guarantee safety. Now Israeli Frisbee athletes are declared personae non grata in Belgium after authorities in Ghent barred them from an international tournament due to “security concerns.”

The European Ultimate Federation, organizers of the 2024 European Youth Championship in Ghent, announced that the Israeli team has been banned from the event. The reason given was an action by anti-Israel activists who wrote slogans on the tournament venue in the village of De Pinte near Ghent. The Federation stated that the municipality of Ghent “prohibits the participation of the Israeli delegation” and “the presence of the Israeli delegation”, as well as “any reference relating to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict”. A Ghent municipal decree states that “there is a high risk of disturbing public order due to the presence of an Israeli team” and that some “frisbee organizations oppose Israel’s participation in the tournament due to the ongoing conflict in Gaza ”.

In Le Figaro the former Belgian senator and head of Doctors Without Borders, Alain Destexhe, writes:

“The Brussels police are used to high-risk situations. European summits and NATO, violent demonstrations by farmers and trade unions that sometimes end in scuffles: never has an international event been canceled under the pretext of not being able to guarantee security.

“The explanation therefore lies elsewhere. The north of Brussels, where the majority of the population lives and where the Heysel national stadium is located, has a high concentration of Muslim population which is probably already a majority or on the verge of becoming one in municipalities such as Molenbeek, Anderlecht, Schaerbeek or the city of Brussels. 61 percent of Brussels’ population is now of non-European origin. Since October 7, almost weekly demonstrations have taken place in the streets of Brussels, some of which brought together tens of thousands of people, during which anti-Semitic slogans are often chanted.

“Most municipalities and the regional parliament passed resolutions hostile to the Jewish state and calling for immediate recognition of a Palestinian state without demanding the release of the hostages. The only large-scale demonstration against anti-Semitism brought together only a few hundred people. Arabic, Turkish and Urdu were widely used in election leaflets. A deplorable image of the ‘capital of Europe’”.

A tour to Brussels was enough for Charles Baudelaire to gain the vision of Belgium as the rotten nucleus of the European continent, as it is promptly demonstrating today. His “Pauvre Belgique!” is a corrosive book. But also prophetic.

Baudelaire writes that “the stupidity of Belgian people resembles the stupidity of all peoples”. Baudelaire saw the Belgians as a people who were easy to oppress but impossible to crush, thanks precisely to their mellifluous stupidity of being everywhere and with everyone and never anywhere.

Baudelaire visited Liège, Bruges, Namur, Malines, Antwerp, Ghent and concluded that it is a harlequinade, as well as a bâton merdeux, but also a spongy experiment that acts as the decline of the West, but without flags, and of a continent that today it pretends to be united by virtue of a simple numerical sum: the more we are, the more we count.

And the city that finances those who mourn Hamas and ban their Israeli victims shows us the Baudelairean theater of European self-destruction as a common future.


Winning the World’s Hearts and Minds   by Victor Rosenthal

August 21, 2024 – Israel is losing (some even say she has already irrevocably lost) the information war that is being waged in parallel with the kinetic one that she has been engaged in since 1948, but especially since 7 October 2023. The usual suggestions are technical: spend more money, react more quickly to enemy propaganda, utilize social media more effectively, and so on. All of these are worth doing, but there is one factor that is even more important than all of them together, and it is both simpler and more difficult. There are four paradoxes that can be found in our situation that expose it.

The Paradox of 7 October

On that day, Israel was attacked in the most atavistic, brutal and vicious way that can be imagined. Civilians were murdered, raped, sadistically tortured, and carried off to indefinite captivity under subhuman conditions. Their homes were looted and burned. It was war as practiced before the advent of civilization. It was the greatest mass murder of Jews since the Holocaust.

And yet, although there were many expressions of sympathy, both from people in general and from governments and international organizations, there was also an explosion of hatred for Israel as a nation and for Jews as individuals. Demonstrations were held around the world expressing support for the attackers, and incidents of Jew-hatred – beatings of Jews, anti-Jewish graffiti, attacks on Jewish-owned businesses, and so on spiked. How is this to be understood?

One answer is that people were primed by a decades-long campaign by the Soviet Union, both in the West and the Third World, to use anti-Zionism as a propaganda tool. The Soviets took advantage of the sensitivity that had developed in the West after (ironically) the racist persecution of Jews by the Nazis, and of the general recognition of the evils of the Western colonial empires. At the same time in America, people began to comprehend the horrors of slavery, Jim Crow, and the genocide of Native Americans. The struggle of the Jews for self-determination in their historic homeland was perversely portrayed as racism, colonialism, and now even genocide. The Palestinian Arabs, who were in fact invaders and migrants, were portrayed as an oppressed and colonized indigenous people. This inversion of reality, this “big lie,” was fed with a constant tsunami of propaganda that overwhelmed anemic Israeli attempts to refute or counteract it. The lies have always gone halfway around the world before the truth got its pants on.

Since the fall of the USSR, the campaign has been taken up by the Arabs, Iranians, and international Left who see Israel as an outpost of the hated USA.

The anti-Israel campaign has been disingenuously claimed to be “only anti-Zionist” and not anti-Jewish. But underneath the surface the message has been transmitted clearly and distinctly, and has triggered the closeted anti-Jewish hatreds that have been around at least since the year zero. It is not possible today to go back and undo this.

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We Can Win 2024: Joe Hoft Offers Advice on How to Overcome the Looming Election Crisis, Drawing on Global Auditing Experience   [VIDEO  12:14]   By Jim Hoft

Republished with permission – original article at The War Room by Kari Donovan

Aug. 21, 2024 7:00 am – As the 2024 election approaches, concerns over election integrity are reaching a fever pitch. Joe Hoft, a seasoned auditor with extensive experience in global financial audits, has sounded the alarm on what he sees as a critical need for transparency and accountability in the U.S. electoral process. In a recent discussion with Ben Harnwell, Hoft laid out his strategy for safeguarding the upcoming election, drawing on his professional background to underscore the situation’s urgency.

Hoft’s deep concern stems from what he views as significant flaws in the 2020 election, which he controversially describes as “the steal.”

Reflecting on the process, he argued, “The 2020 election never should have been certified, and therefore, it was stolen. We accepted fraud and wrongdoing, something we would never tolerate in the corporate world.”

With decades of auditing experience, including in countries like China, Hoft brings a unique perspective to the table. “I’ve done audits in places like China, where they handed me everything I asked for. But our elections right now are not certifiable because we can’t get our hands on all the necessary information,” he explained. This stark comparison highlights the lack of transparency and cooperation that Hoft believes plagues the U.S. election system.

Hoft’s approach to the 2024 election revolves around a meticulous strategy to “validate and reconcile the ballots,” ensuring that every vote is legitimate. Drawing from his auditing expertise, he emphasized the need for thorough checks and balances akin to those required in the corporate world. ”

“When you finish a financial audit, you bring in an external monitor to sign off on it. You provide them everything they ask for, without exception,” Hoft said, stressing that the same rigor should be applied to the electoral process.

To address these issues, Hoft and a coalition of groups, including True the Vote and United Sovereign Americans, are working tirelessly to implement measures that would make the election process more transparent and secure. One key focus is cleaning up voter rolls, a task that Hoft praises local Patriots for tackling effectively. “Voter rolls are one way to ensure election integrity. People like [Kris Jurski] with People’s Audit have been crucial in this effort, forwarding reports that identified inaccuracies in the voter rolls and working with local officials to correct them,” Hoft noted.

However, Hoft is quick to acknowledge the scale of the challenge. “We’ve got one hell of a task ahead of us,” he said. He pointed out that of the roughly 500 controls necessary to ensure a fair election, only about a third are currently in place. This, he argues, puts the U.S. at a significant disadvantage heading into 2024.

Hoft’s solution is straightforward but ambitious: a grassroots effort to monitor and validate every single paper ballot. He cited a recent international election [Venezuela] in which opposition groups were able to effectively challenge the results by securing copies of 80 percent of the ballots.

“If they can do it, so can we,” Hoft asserted. He called for the deployment of hundreds of thousands of observers across the country to ensure that “not a single ballot is entered into this election that isn’t legit.”

Despite the daunting nature of the task, Hoft remains resolute. He urged collaboration among all groups dedicated to election integrity, insisting that “we can win, but the task is high.”

His message is clear: the stakes are too significant to ignore, and the time to act is now. “We’re not going to let them certify another pile of garbage. That’s not the American way, and we shouldn’t accept it,” Hoft concluded.

Hoft’s professional insights and unwavering commitment to electoral integrity make it clear that the fight for a fair election is far from over.

Resources: Hoft’s site is at, Fair and Transparent Elections 2024 group

For more context, watch the full interview featuring Joe Hoft:

Hoft: “Guard, Validate, And Reconcile” Ballots Is Best Strategy For 2024

[Ed.:  76 days left until the election…]


Jonathan Pollard: Monkey Pox Plandemic + “Vaccine” Coming Your Way?  [10:46]

August 21, 2024  Machon Shilo


Obama’s Strategy of Socialist Conquest   By Alexander G. Markovsky

August 20, 2024

Few historical events can compare to the stark contrast between boundless optimism and harsh reality and grand aspirations and futile delusions, as seen in socialism’s proliferation. Its ascent and decline represent one of the most sorrowful chapters of the past century.

Socialism as a political movement took root in 1848 when Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels published “The Communist Manifesto.” In a nutshell, socialism is a philosophy of economic equality that promotes a doctrine of universal poverty. True economic equality can only be attained in a state of poverty, as the concept of equal wealth is inherently contradictory. Nevertheless, the illusory ideas of socialism transcend time and continue intoxicating people of all colors and races.

Even the Soviet Union’s dramatic collapse and Eastern Europe’s emancipation did not diminish the vitality of socialism and its Marxist ideology. In one of the most dramatic reversals in history, Marxism evolved with a new strategy and found a new home in the United States, gaining renewed vigor and influence within the Democrat party.

The architect of the new strategy was Barack Obama, an ardent Marxist who possessed a deeper understanding of Marxism than most of his modern counterparts. Obama has challenged fundamental tenets of the ideology.

Contrary to Karl Marx’s dogma that the transition to socialism must be accomplished through violent struggle by the organized working class—the proletariat who had “nothing to lose but their chains”—Obama recognized that the traditional proletarians no longer existed in the United States. Capitalism transformed them into the bourgeoisie or middle class with home ownership and two cars in their garages. Unlike Marx’s proletarians, they had a lot to lose and no motivation for revolution.

Obama also confronted Marxists’ postulate that the prime goal of socialism—abolishing private property and concentrating means of production in the hands of government—is wealth redistribution. Instead, Obama accepted Leon Trotsky’s interpretation: “In a country where the sole employer is the State, opposition means death by slow starvation. The old principle: who does not work shall not eat, has been replaced by a new one: who does not obey shall not eat.”

Obama ascertained that the main purpose for expropriating the means of production was not to redistribute wealth—in fact, no wealth has ever been distributed—but, instead, to take control of the economy and then to subjugate the population.

He concluded, quite correctly, that as long as government controls the economy, it controls profits. Most importantly, Obama concluded that to control the economy, the government must control only three vital sectors—health care, finance, and energy. Thus, by controlling profits, the government can gradually impose socialism. Hence, neither revolution nor expropriation is necessary.

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Iran’s Ayatollahs bully the US by destabilizing Saudi Arabia   Ambassador (ret.) Yoram Ettinger

August 20, 2024 – Since the February 1979 Ayatollahs’ Islamic Revolution – which transformed Iran from “America’s policeman in the Gulf” to the epicenter of anti-US terrorism – Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) has attempted to erode the US strategic posture, regionally and globally, including Latin America.  Thus, the IRGC has agitated and radicalized the Shiite communities in the pro-US, oil-producing, Sunni Arab countries, while training Shiite terrorists and providing them weapons and explosives. The IRGC has focussed on Bahrain and Saudi Arabia (Bahrain’s patron), and especially on Saudi Arabia’s Eastern Province, which is the home of the bulk of Saudi oil reserves, as well as, the main Saudi refinery and export terminal of Ras Tanura, where the Shiites – who are a 20% minority in Saudi Arabia – constitute a majority.  Moreover, the Ayatollahs claim title to the major offshore Al-Durra oil and natural gas field, currently controlled by Saudi Arabia and Kuwait.

The Saudi perception of Iran’s Ayatollahs

*The Saudi Crown Prince, Muhammed bin Salman (MBS), the de facto ruler of the kingdom, does not allow the March 2023 resumption of the Saudi-Iranian diplomatic ties to smother the reality of the inherently subversive, terroristic, anti-Sunni and imperialistic track record of Iran’s Ayatollahs. MBS is cognizant of the fact that the Ayatollahs’ 1,400-year-old Shiite ideology – as stipulated in their 1979 Constitution, school curriculum, mosque sermons, and documented in their systematic rogue policy – mandates the toppling of all pro-US, oil-producing, “heretic” Sunni regimes, especially Saudi Arabia, which controls Mecca and Medina, the two holiest Moslem sites, and rivals the Ayatollahs for the dominance of the Moslem World and the Persian Gulf.

*He is aware that Saudi Arabia is a top prize for the Ayatollahs, since it constitutes the chief component of the Persian Gulf’s 48% of global oil and natural gas reserves, a focal point of global economy, in general, and the price at the pump, in particular. Furthermore, toppling the pro-US Saudi regime would accord the anti-US Ayatollahs control of the Arabian Peninsula, which dominates much of the shipping route between Europe and the Far East.

*The Saudi Crown Prince does not allow the State Department’s alternate reality to befog the Middle East reality of tenuous and shifty regimes – which do not ascend to power through the ballot, but through the “bullet” – and therefore yield tenuous and shifty policies and agreements.

*Thus, the March 2023 Saudi-Iranian diplomatic agreement was not the first resumption of Saudi-Iranian diplomatic ties, which were previously severed in 1988 and 2016, and followed by the Ayatollahs-induced domestic and regional violence.

*Saudi Arabia is cognizant of the fanatic, religious vision of the Ayatollahs, which requires the exportation the Shiite Islamic Revolution, regionally and globally. They are aware that neither diplomatic, nor financial, short-term benefits showered by the West upon the Ayatollahs transcend the deeply-rooted, long-term Ayatollahs’ vision of toppling the “apostate” Sunni regimes and bringing to submission “The Great American Satan.”

*While the State Department is engrossed with the smooth Ayatollahs’ talk, which cushioned the 2015 JCPOA and the March 2023 diplomatic agreement, the Saudi Crown Prince is preoccupied with the rogue Ayatollahs’ walk in the Persian Gulf, Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, the Horn of Africa, north and west Africa and Latin America. This is demonstrated by the Ayatollahs’ track record of anti-US terrorism, drug trafficking, money laundering and the proliferation of military systems to anti-US entities.

*The Saudi Crown Prince is aware that the 14-centuries-old divide between the Sunnis (85% of the world Moslem population) and the Shiites (15%) has fueled Middle East conflicts, domestically (e.g., Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Yemen) and regionally (e.g., Iraq-Iran, Saudi Arabia-Iran). It has threatened the survival of all pro-US, oil-producing, Sunni Gulf countries (e.g., Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Bahrain), especially since the February 1979 Shiite Islamic Revolution, which transformed Iran from a pro-US stabilizing force in the Gulf to an anti-US destabilizing force, regionally and globally, exporting the Islamic Revolution, and expanding its strategic foothold all the way to Latin America – the soft underbelly of the US – threatening the US homeland security.

*The Saudi Crown Prince (MBS), the UAE ruler (MBZ) and all other pro-US Arab leaders are frustrated by the 45-year-old State Department’s self-destructive diplomatic option toward Iran, which has yielded a robust tailwind to the Ayatollahs’ anti-US and anti-Sunni strategy. They are perplexed by the State Department’s non-realization that Iran’s Ayatollahs are the head of the venomous anti-US global octopus, not partners to negotiation, but a critical target for regime-change.


The Political Matrix Sustains the Illusion of Freedom   By John & Nisha Whitehead

August 20, 2024

“When a population becomes distracted by trivia, when cultural life is redefined as a perpetual round of entertainments, when serious public conversation becomes a form of baby-talk, when, in short, a people become an audience, and their public business a vaudeville act, then a nation finds itself at risk; culture-death is a clear possibility.” — Neil Postman

What you smell is the stench of a dying republic.

Our dying republic.

We are trapped in a political matrix intended to sustain the illusion that we are citizens of a constitutional republic.

In reality, we are caught somewhere between a kleptocracy (a government ruled by thieves) and a kakistocracy (a government run by unprincipled career politicians, corporations and thieves that panders to the worst vices in our nature and has little regard for the rights of American citizens).  [Emphasis added]

For years now, the government has been playing a cat-and-mouse game with the American people, letting us enjoy just enough freedom to think we are free but not enough to actually allow us to live as a free people.

In other words, we’re allowed to bask in the illusion of freedom while we’re being stripped of the very rights intended to ensure that we can hold the government accountable to abiding by the rule of law, the U.S. Constitution.

We’re in trouble, folks.

This is no longer America, land of the free, where the government is of the people, by the people and for the people.

Rather, this is Amerika, where fascism, totalitarianism and militarism go hand in hand.

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The coming calamity of Kamala’s candidacy   Joan Swirsky

A cackling candidate is strange, but her changing policies are even more so.  Op-ed.

Aug 20, 2024, 1:06 PM (GMT+3)  INN – When my twin brother and I were children, we had a magical machine called a Victrola. We were able to put 33 and 45 and 78 records––I never learned what those numbers stood for––on the turntable and place the handle with the needle on each record to listen to the music we loved.

But every now and then, the needle, if not perfectly placed, would scratch the record, and that would result in the music being unable to go forward. I remember it once got stuck on Oh What a Beautiful Morning from the musical “Oklahoma,” and all we heard on an endless loop was morning, morning, morning, morning….

Now what in the world does this ancient factoid have to do with anything relevant to the present?

In fact, this is what the entire world has been witnessing in the peculiar behavior of Kamala Harris when she delivers a word that acts, in her brain, like the scratched record I just referred to and she is literally unable to get past that glitch.

Is this a neurological problem?

Is it a psychiatric problem?

Is it a deep-down feeling of insecurity about who she is and what she is capable of doing, and therefore she gets “stuck” and is unable to move forward?

How to explain the last four years––and probably decades before––of this, um, malady?

The Trump campaign has released a video that shows his competition in a less than stellar light. But these behaviors in the woman I have called Kalamity Harris for the past four years, are, pardon the adjective, all too accurate! They demonstrate the extreme oddness of this woman of Indian and Jamaican background––apparently not a drop of blackness in her heritage, although the granddaughter of a slaveowner—when speaking in public, expressing her views, being herself.

Exhibit Number One

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The real reason Iran has not yet attacked Israel a second time   Joseph Frager, MD

Israel has held back from what would be the quickest way to bring about regime change. The days of the current Iranian regime are numbered. They have caused enough destruction in the world. The Iranian People deserve better.

Aug 19, 2024, 4:21 PM (GMT+3)  INN – Iran’s propaganda mills are falsely claiming that they have not attacked Israel in retaliation for Israel’s targeted assassination of Ismail Haniyeh-Chairman of Hamas, because they do not want to interfere with ceasefire talks taking place. With an excuse like that, Iran is trying to garner legitimacy in world politics.

Once again it has to be pointed out that Iran is the “ head of the snake”. The cause of all of the instability in the Middle East falls squarely on Iran’s shoulders. October 7th could never have happened if it wasn’t for Iran. Hezbollah would not have one missile if it wasn’t for Iran. Iran does not hide from its intention of annihilating Israel. It also does not deny its goal of destroying America. They are evil to the core.

The riots, the protests, and the violence one has witnessed around the world, on college campuses, and soon at the Democratic National Convention have been funded in large part from Iran. Iran is exporting hate and terrorism in many shapes and forms.

Iran has benefited from the loosening of sanctions during the Biden/Harris years leading to greater oil wealth and the various infusions of cash they have gotten starting with the 150 Billion dollars from President Obama for the “Iran Accords”-The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action in 2015. President Biden and VP Harris gave Iran 6 Billion dollars for the release of five Americans held by the regime. The savage massacre by Hamas on October 7th occurred soon after.

Instead of stopping the transfer of money the Biden/Harris team shamefully doubled down and gave Tehran another 10 Billion dollars. This form of appeasement has only made Iran more resolute than ever. It also made Iran more determined than ever to capture Americans. It also potentially increases the bounty Iran has offered to pay its hit squads to Assassinate former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and former National Security Advisor John Bolton.

Recently it has been reported that a Pakistani businessman, Asif Raza Merchant who had spent two weeks in Iran was involved in a plot to assassinate President Donald Trump. Iran is also actively supporting the Harris/Walz ticket. The hacking of President Trump’s campaign is just one of the ways they are seeking to influence the upcoming election.

So why has Iran not yet attacked Israel a second time? There may well be multiple reasons.

The Coalition that was put together prior to Iran attacking on April 18th was successful in preventing a terrible tragedy. Iran could easily overcome this Coalition by firing thousands of missiles, drones and UAV’s and overwhelming the Iron Dome Defenses. They also realize that that could lead to a massive bombardment of not only their nuclear facilities but their oil fields as well. This still would not stop them.

The real reason Iran is hesitant to attack Israel a second time is that the Supreme Leader Ali Khameini and the Mullahs are afraid they can all meet the same fate as Ismail Haniyeh. The targeted assassination of Haniyeh showed that Israel was capable if they wanted to to penetrate the deepest and most clandestine hideouts of the Iranian Regime.

Israel has held back from doing so but this would be the quickest way to bring about regime change. The days of the current Iranian regime are numbered. They have caused enough destruction in the world. The Iranian People deserve better.


Air Lora system 

August 11, 2024 @ 8:33pm ET  𝗜𝗦𝗥𝗔𝗘𝗟 𝗟𝗜𝗩𝗘 𝗡𝗘𝗪𝗦 – Israel’s New Tiebreaker: IAI has revealed the Air Lora system, a ballistic missile that can be launched even from noncombat planes, well outside enemy airspace and detection range. The missile is guided by precise internal navigation systems to make it immune to jamming, and is stealthy enough to evade early warning systems. traveling at Mach 5 and striking from up to 90 degrees, it can be al but impossible to intercept and can neutralize critical assets with a single attack.  In a war increasingly full of long-range missile attacks and defenses between Israel and Iran, such  weapon could prove to be the deciding factor.


Jonathan Pollard: Kamala Harris’ Anti-Israel Appointments  [15:04]

August 20, 2024  Machon Shilo 


The Steep Cost of Ignoring Reality  [50:54]   Caroline Glick

August 19, 2024  The Caroline Glick Show

All one needs to do to understand the true intentions of the Western-backed Palestinian Authority and its leader, Mahmoud Abbas, is listen to what they say publicly.

And, yet, the Biden administration, as well as the Israeli left, continue to tell the public to not believe their lying eyes—or ears, in this case.

In this episode of “In-Focus,” JNS senior contributing editor Caroline Glick discusses how the left simply ignores reality when it comes to the P.A. and how doing so actually pulls the region into further turmoil.


0:00 Intro

1:30 Long-term plans for Gaza

4:00 Palestinian “moderates”

6:00 Abbas unmasked

22:00 A plan to feed the beast

28:00 Sanctioning Israelis

36:30 Censoring discourse

43:30 The cost of ignoring reality


Idol worship, Trump, and Kamala Harris   Jack Engelhard

When it comes to erecting an idol out of mud and straw, no one does it better than the Democrats.   Opinion.

Aug 19, 2024, 12:50 PM (GMT+3)  INN – A particular archaeologist, who I had been following on YouTube, surprised me when he went meandering around Israel wrongly in search of the real Mount Sinai.

Nearly every Biblical archaeologist wants a crack at this. They all want to discover the holiest spot on earth, and they then proceed, as many do, toward the tallest mountains.

That would be where the heathens constructed altars to their idols…and never in such a place would G-d give the Torah.

They would know this if they knew the Midrash, which explains that G-d’s choice would be a small mountain to bespeak humility and purity…a place untouched by heathens.

I bring this up in order to mention the longevity of idol worship. In one form or another, it is still with us. Idol worship is part of humanity’s DNA.

The signs of it are to be found throughout our culture, from entertainment to politics, from Washington to Hollywood.

Obama was an idol to Democrats, and think movie STARS whose celebrity reaches to the next level. George Clooney and Tom Cruise can’t go anywhere without being mobbed by adoring fans. Fame draws idol worshipers. It is nature from time immemorial. Bobby Soxers screamed for Frankie, and women fainted for Rudolf Valentino.

To be a Rock Star, for example, is to be someone like Bruce Springsteen, if you like senseless screaming and noise, which apparently many people do.

The former governor of New Jersey Chris Christie would drop everything just to be there for a Bruce Springsteen performance. This is true. This is fact. This is his idol.

This is nuts, but goes to show how some people, many actually, turn mere warblers into divinities.
Though he did no rock, Sinatra was our first real Rock Star, and entirely legit. He was the greatest American entertainer of the 20th Century, patriot, and lover of Israel.

For Rock Star status, he was followed by Tom Jones, and Elvis Presley, and if I started an argument, go, go ahead.

Because now I will argue that when it comes to erecting an idol out of mud and straw, no one does it better than the Democrats.

Here, they say, of a woman who is empty-headed, ignorant and clueless…she, Kamala Harris shall be your deity.

Never have we seen a make-over done so swiftly. Like magic, the conjuror’s cape has her strong on the border, this border czar VP who did nothing to stop the flow of illegal migrants.

The ads for her tell falsehood after falsehood, as if we are expected to believe that no taxes for tips was her idea, when in fact Trump thought of it first.

Plagiarizing Trump appears to be her modus operandi, from the border, to taxes, and whatever else she can swipe, with the media’s approval.

The media lets her get away with everything. The media weaves its spell to blind the public.

Earlier we wrote, The selling of Kamala Harris, only it keeps getting worse, this con job directed at the American Voter, who is being played for a sucker.

As the Democrat National Convention gets underway in Chicago, no wonder she is ahead in the polls, thanks to the stupidity of the American voter, and to Trump’s languidness.

Is it fatigue? Whatever it is, he needs to get his act together pronto for the sake of America, and for the safety of Israel. Imagine that in the hands of Kamala Harris.

Trump needs to get his message across to the other half of America, and to quit dithering for MAGA crowds. Them, he’s got. So why waste time preaching to the choir?

His crowds are bigger than hers? So what? They were also bigger than Biden’s, for all the good that did.

Show her cackling as people keep paying higher for gas and groceries, and laughing when people keep getting mugged by criminals she let in. She is all about joy.

So the media are selling this time around.

His team needs to hit where it hurts, like her alleged tendencies to serve as a communist. We are seeing none of this exposed, except when he appears on Fox News, which big as it is, is not big enough. He needs to sell voters on his vision of the American Dream, or face Kamala’s version of an American nightmare.

Quickly. There is no time to snooze.


The Words We Need to Win in ’24   By Joan Swirsky

August 19, 2024 – Living in one of the most far-left communities in the United States for the past many decades, I am intimately familiar with the mindset of the left — the liberals, leftists, progressives, or whatever they’re calling themselves today.

And as the entire world has witnessed over the past eight years, since the man they used to lionize and admire — and rewarded with a 15-year boffo success TV show, The Apprentice — descended the escalator in Trump Tower in 2015 and announced his candidacy for the presidency of the United States, a true mass hysteria erupted to denounce, vilify, degrade, reject, and ultimately try to destroy — including with a bullet! — one Donald J. Trump.


The primary reason was because America had just survived the eight-year hate-America regime of Barack Obama, whose communist leanings had successfully ushered in socialized medicine via Obamacare and socialized education via the Common Core Curriculum — both disastrous contributions to the devolution of America.  The left fully anticipated that presidential candidate Hillary Clinton would spend the next eight years completing the left’s hundred-year mission to turn our dastardly capitalistic system with its allegiance to the horrific Constitution of the United States into the communist paradise on earth they all so fervently believed in…and do to this day!

The Trump Imprimatur

In spite of non-stop harassment, bogus accusations, and vicious lawfare suits, President Trump ushered in — this is the very short list — low taxes, low regulations, low food prices, low gas prices, sky-high employment across all demographics, a challenge to our NATO partners to pay their fair share (which they had never done, but complied with immediately), energy independence for the next thousand years, unprecedented success with peace initiatives via the Abraham Accords in the Middle East, and — ta-da — no wars!

It will be amusing to watch this stellar record go up against the Harris-Walz slate, which features virtually not a single policy or action that has benefited America.

Yes, they will have non-stop positive coverage from a craven media, but the Trump team will have what to liberals is the most terrifying lethal weapon imaginable: cold, hard facts!

Just a Few Examples

Five words: Darfur, Yemen, Myanmar, Ukraine, Israel — all raging wars that did not exist four years ago.  These are the sole responsibility of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris — and are costing American taxpayers trillions of dollars.

Four words: Eleven million illegal aliens have crossed our southern border who were not here four years ago, again “thanks” to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.  All of these uninvited invaders were never vetted for disease, which may explain the bubonic plague in Oregon (preposterously blamed on a pet cat), tuberculosis surging in New York Cityepidemics of measles in 16 states, and God knows what is being withheld from the public about other potentially fatal diseases extinct in America before this Biden-Harris-created welcome mat.

Many of these illegals were found to be drug- and sex-traffickers, gang members, communists, Islamic terrorists, Chicom soldiers with tats of elite Chinese units, Venezuelan prisoners, et al., which prompted writer Kristen Ziccarelli to explain how our open-border policy leaves us even more vulnerable to terrorism and which prompted the Congressional Committee for Oversight and Accountability to call the border crisis “overwhelming.”

Meanwhile, this massive invasion is now draining our economy of, again, trillions of dollars and actualizing the Cloward-Piven Strategy of 1966 to precipitate a crisis that will result in a collapsed economy, total dependence on Big Government from cradle to grave, and a guaranteed annual income that would end poverty and usher in the socialist/communist state.

Two words: COVID-19 Shots. While “follow the science” leftists were wagging their sanctimonious fingers at us to keep our distances; wear our masks; and take not only the Covid vaccine, but every booster than came down the pike, journalists like Kelleigh Nelson were writing tomes about the deep corruption of Big Pharma and the “scientists” pushing what turned out to be highly dangerous inoculations.  They were dangerous that the founder of Vaccine Safety Research Foundation (vacsafety.org), Steve Kirsch, concluded that the virus was safer than the shots!

By now, everyone has read about the dire aftermath of the shots — the great number of pilots developing blood clots in flight, of teenage boys contracting myocarditis, the mountain of miscarriages, athletes at the peak of health and vigor dropping dead on playing fields across the world, much of which — but not all — has been reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) (hhs.gov).

Three words: October 7, 2023.

Liberals, including millions of Jewish liberals, are pretending that the virulent anti-Semitism vomited forth from the Democrat party — including traitorous Jews like the quisling Chuck Schumer, et al. — won’t affect their vote for a Democrat because…why?

My theory is because the stupid Jewish women who vote for Democrats, along with their “whipped” husbands, believe that nothing on Earth is more important than abortion.  Nothing quite beats the taking of a viable human life, in many states up to the moment of birth!

Two words: United Nations.

For decades, this rancid, anti-American, anti-Semitic organization has contaminated both our foreign and domestic policies, and now we know that it is deeply implicated in the terrorism in the Middle East, specifically in the mass murder of Israelis on October 7, 2023.  Hopefully, a newly installed President Trump will kick this monstrosity out of the United States for good!

One word: Trump.

Let’s face it.  If there is one thing we’ve learned since President Trump exposed the Deep State in all its nefariousness, it’s that the voters don’t really count.

It is the government, with its gigantic controlling tentacles — think State Dept., Dept. of Justice, the CIA, FBI, NSA, et al. — that really calls the shots, no matter which political party is in power.

And just think what this gigantic controlling machine has been doing — full time — for the past nine years, since Donald Trump descended that escalator.  They have been working — feverishly, fanatically, obsessively — to get rid of him.  As I mentioned, even with a bullet…and now with an emergency landing of his airplane!  Because of “technical issues.”  Right.

This machine comprises men and women, people with high I.Q.s, degrees from fancy universities, often impressive credentials, and reputations to uphold.  Can you imagine not only the embarrassment that this thunderous failure has caused them, but the fulminating fury that makes their blood boil every minute of the day, and often while tossing and turning in their beds at night?

I have no crystal ball, but I would not be surprised if this campaign season features more of the same — colossal dishonesty from the Democrat camp, a fact-saturated agenda from the Republican camp, and a late-August surprise, a September surprise, an October surprise, even an early November surprise from the Deep Staters who will go on to wonder why the one assignment they had was such a crashing failure.


Poll: Majority in US Disapprove of Israeli Action in Gaza

August 19, 2024  JBN News – A shocking new poll released reveals a dramatic reversal in American public opinion regarding Israel’s defensive actions in Gaza.

A majority of Americans, 55%, now disapprove of Israel’s actions in Gaza, while only 36% approve. Notably, this decline in support is not limited to any single political group but has occurred across all major political affiliations, suggesting a broad-based reevaluation of the conflict among the American public.

Democratic approval of Israel’s actions has plummeted to just 18%, with an overwhelming 75% now disapproving. Republicans, while still largely supportive, have seen their approval drop slightly from 71% to 69%.

The poll also highlights challenges for lame-duck President Joe Biden, whose approval rating on Middle East policy sits at a low 27%. Even among Democrats, only 47% approve of his handling of the Gaza war, which is significantly lower than his ratings on other key issues. Regarding Kamala Harris’ ability to handle the Gaza war as president, 40% believe she is up to the task.

With 74% of Americans closely following the conflict, including 34% “very closely,” pressure is mounting on both sides of the aisle to balance supporting America’s closest ally or placating their voters to stay in power.

Meanwhile, as support for Israel declines and antisemitism rises, Jewish communities in America are growing increasingly anxious about their safety and place in society. With near-daily reports of Jewish hate crimes, the question of how to protect America’s Jewish population and Israel in this year’s presidential election will be at the forefront of voters minds.

[Ed.:  In my not-so humble opinion, it is not true that “the majority of Americans disapprove of Israeli actions in Gaza.” It can feel like that, though, since the minority has descended to screaming violent ‘pro-Palestinian’ mobs.  Just because they scream so loud, does not make them a majority. In addition, like the Nobel Peace Prize, polls have lost all credibility.  Take for example the recent polls misinforming us that Kamala Harris is running neck and neck with Donald Trump!  This is pure rubbish!  This is a good example because in truth, the same actual difference of those in favor of President Trump, strongly support Israel.  Hence, the majority of Americans approve of Israel defending herself.  Those who are opposed are the small but loud-mouthed minority who have been antisemites all along and are now coming out of the closet. Polls are worthless except for their propaganda value!]


Think Twice Before Posting Anything Anywhere Anymore    JENNA MCCARTHY

It could land you in the slammer.   

AUG 19, 2024 – When it came to pandemic tyranny, it seemed as if Australia was driving the crazy train. From arresting a pregnant woman for promoting “freedom day” protests to medically kidnapping residents and imprisoning them in quarantine camps to passing a law that allows Aussie authorities to legally change peoples’ social media posts and alter their browsing histories, the draconian measures being implemented down under would have shocked George Orwell himself.

GEORGE, IN MY HEAD: “Unless you wanna cop a serve from Big Brother, best keep a lid on what you chuck online, mate.”

Canada was hot on Australian’s heels, arresting skateboarders for violating physical distancing mandateslocking up peaceful protesters by the dozens, and freezing bank accounts of people who participated in or supported said protests.

GEORGE, STILL IN MY HEAD: “Did you not catch what went down in Oz, eh?”

And don’t even get me started about the Ohio guy who was arrested for comparing COVID-19 to a zombie apocalypse on Facebook.

Three years later, the Authoritarian Express has rolled full-steam into the UK, and the conductor is promising that if you post something online that HMG doesn’t like they will hunt you down like a surfboard-stealing otter and lock you up on the spot.

Case in point: A twenty-eight-year-old Leeds man was sentenced last week to twenty months in jail for a social media post the court declared contained “threatening, abusive, or insulting words or behavior intending to stir up racial hatred.” In the post, Jordan Parlour wrote, “Every man and their dog should be smashing f*ck out of Britannia Hotel,” referring to the reportedly decrepit crash pad that’s opened its doors to hoards of illegal immigrants asylum seekers.

“You went on to say that you did not want your money going to immigrants who ‘rape our kids and get priority’,” the sentencing judge said. “You were encouraging others to attack a hotel which you knew was occupied by refugees and asylum seekers.”

Should Parlour have called for the destruction of private property? Yeah, probably not. Did he encourage or even allude to harming any humans? Not that I’ve seen. Should the right to express your outrage that non-taxpaying illegals get free housing, meals, cash, medical and dental care, education, and an extra bonus payment if they’re pregnant when last time you checked you didn’t be protected? Call me right-wingy or xenophobic or just plain old patriotic, but I believe it should.

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Will Democrats Repeat the Fraud of 2020?   By Matt Kane

August 18, 2024  American Thinker  – A plot to steal the 2024 election from President Trump is well underway, and not just by suppressing information online or dragging Trump through the court system. Those are instances of throwing anything and everything at the wall hoping something sticks, but not the master plan. The real plots have a much more direct impact on the election results rather than just swaying voter perception. We know this because those behind these plots are openly revealing them.

A recent joint CISA and FBI press release warned of potential “attacks on election infrastructure that support election operations, which could hinder public access to election information.” This was immediately followed by assurances that these attacks would “not impact the security or integrity of election processes.” Essentially, the same FBI that raided President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home and recently cast doubt on whether he was actually shot is now telling us that, although we may not have live access to election night results—an unprecedented situation in American history, especially just four years after a highly controversial election—we can trust the results whenever they eventually appear on our television sets without question.

Democrat Congressman Jamie Raskin has also revealed what appears to be a Plan B in the event the CISA/FBI election night plan that is disguised as a “warning” fails to prevent a Trump victory. In a clip that deserves far more scrutiny, Raskin painted a grim picture of how January 6th, 2025 (the day Congress would meet to officially certify Trump’s general election win) might unfold. According to Raskin, it will be “up to us (Congress) to tell the rampaging Trump mobs that he’s disqualified, and then we’ll need bodyguards for everybody due to civil war conditions.” Raskin alludes to language regarding insurrection found in section 3 of the 14th Amendment as a means of disqualifying Trump from taking office even if he wins the election. In layman’s terms, section 3 bars anybody who has ever engaged in insurrection from holding public office.

However, Raskin is either unaware (which is unlikely) or intentionally dismissive of other language in that same section, which states that for someone to be disqualified under these circumstances, they must be convicted by at least two thirds of the Senate. That threshold was already tested during President Trump’s second impeachment and was not met. Nonetheless, Raskin sharing this very specific and detailed scenario indicates that congressional Democrats (and perhaps some Republicans) are considering it. Despite Raskin’s plot being highly unconstitutional given Trump’s acquittal, he casts Trump supporters as the antagonists in this hypothetical scenario by ignoring how justified they would be in resisting such an overtly unconstitutional scheme.

Beyond these admissions, the Democrats’ current campaign strategy, which mirrors their “unconventional” 2020 approach, suggests they are relying on more than just winning over hearts and minds to stay in power. While many believe looking back won’t help Trump, those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

Given the Democrats’ overt hatred for President Trump, their lethargic campaigning throughout the 2020 election cycle should have set off alarm bells, as it was naive to assume they would punt away a general election to him. Even before Trump became president, the Uniparty establishment made their political and personal hatred for him well known and spent his entire term working to delegitimize his election and remove him from office. Despite these attempts, the Democrats 2020 campaign did not suggest they were serious about beating him. They nominated a feeble and fading, two-time failed primary candidate in Joe Biden, used COVID as an excuse to shield him from the public, and ran on a radically left agenda that was the antithesis of Trump’s increasingly popular America First one. It wasn’t until the early hours of November 4th, 2020, that it became obvious why that was the case: It wasn’t President Trump versus Joe Biden, but rather their election theft machine. Now, we are once again seeing them use similar tactics as we approach the 2024 election.

Democrats are even more desperate to prevent Trump from returning to power now than they were four years ago, making their familiar uninspiring campaign methods all the more suspicious. They are once again running on a platform that repulses moderates—an essential bloc for anyone seeking to win the general election. In fact, they didn’t even seek input from their own voters during this election’s “primary,” opting instead for party elites to undemocratically replace primary winner Joe Biden with one of the few people less popular than he is, Kamala Harris. Harris’s continuous avoidance of unscripted media appearances during the three weeks following her coronation is particularly notable, given how reminiscent it is of the Democrats’ 2020 Biden-basement strategy that miraculously resulted in a Biden “win.” Couple this with Kamala’s selection of equally radical leftist Tim Walz for Vice President—who, as Governor of Minnesota, changed laws to shield information about the deaths of abortion survivors, expressed a warmness to socialism, strongly advocated for child mutilation disguised as “gender-affirming care,” and vehemently opposes a border wall—and it once again appears that they have no interest in “winning,” which contradicts their obvious and desperate desire to remain in power.

Instead, it appears they still aim to benefit from schemes that influenced the 2020 election. Or, perhaps they plan for some of the 10-20 million new illegal aliens who have entered the country since then to vote, as evidenced by Biden’s opposition to the SAVE Act which would prevent illegals from voting. Many are still under the false impression that the main cause of election fraud was the exploitation COVID-centric voting laws. But with COVID no longer a factor, this thinking is exactly what those behind the schemes want, as it breeds complacency in correcting the many other mechanisms such as outdated voter rolls, an absence of voter ID requirements, missing ballot images from vulnerable electronic voting machines, signature verification errors, lack of chain of custody records, and much more that all still pose a serious threat to the 2024 results truly reflecting the will of the people.

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19 years later: Gaza ReJEWvenation – why not?   Tamar Adelstein

Going back to Gaza in mind, heart and on the ground. How could we not do otherwise?  Opinion.

Aug 19, 2024, 7:10 AM (GMT+3)  INN – We must returh to Gaza:

In Mind – believing in the possibility actively, b’poel mamash, and ignoring the naysayers;

In our Hearts – with achdus – unity and love for one another – ahavas Yisroel; and, finally,

On the Ground – going back, even better because, how could we do otherwise?

Three years ago in 2021, our organization, Crown Heights Women for the Safety and Integrity of Israel marked the 16th anniversary of the egregiously wrong Expulsion from Gush Katif and the Northern Shomron. We held an on-line event timed to coincide with the actual week on the Jewish calendar when, in 2005 on the day after Tisha B’Av, the State of Israel forced our fellow Jews, the over 8,000 people living there, to leave.

Today in 2024, there is no question that GOING BACK to GAZA is key to Israel’s present and future security.

Restoring the Gush Katif communities that flourished there for decades until 19 tragedy-laden years ago and building new ones using the master plan Tzedek L’Otef – See: עצומהצדק לעוטף has prepared are the best guarantee that Jews will be able to live safely not only in the Negev Southern Coastal region but throughout the entire country.

Tzedek L’Otef’s proposal preserves and honors the memory and ordeal of those who were savagely murdered al kiddush Hashem and those who were taken hostage on October 7th by Hamas and its allies.

The Memorial Forest’s soothing Nature will give grieving families and friends who lost their loved ones among the thousands who were murdered likewise in terrorist attacks, a peaceful place to walk through or sit in quiet reminiscence.

The beautiful new promenade along the Gaza beach will be a refreshing boon to the many thousands more who were wounded in one way or another by the PLO/PA/Hamas conglomerate of evil.

And, finally, Going Back to Gaza will demonstrate that our brave soldiers and reservists who fell in battle saving and protecting the Jewish People did not die in vain.

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Still overlooked connections: Israel, “Palestine” and regional nuclear war    Prof. Louis René Beres

A “Two-State Solution” would enlarge not “only” the jihadist terror threat to Israel (conventional and unconventional), but also prospects for major regional war. In these existential security matters, Israel doesn’t need more common sense. It needs disciplined and dialectical thought.  Opinion.

Aug 18, 2024, 1:07 PM (GMT+3)  INN – Though significant, connections between Palestinian Arab statehood and nuclear war remain generally ignored. For Israel, the seemingly discrete perils of war with Iran and Palestinian Arab statehood are potentially intertwined and mutually reinforcing. This means that continuing to treat these issues as separate security problems could represent an especially grievous policy error.

There are variously clarifying particulars. Once established, a Palestinian state could tilt the balance of power between Israel and Iran. For the moment, there is no law-based Palestinian state (i.e., no Palestinian Arab satisfaction of authoritative requirements delineated at the Montevideo Convention of 1934). But if there should sometime come a point where Palestinian statehood and a direct war with Iran would coincide, the effects could prove determinative. In a worst case scenario, the acceleration of competitive risk-taking in the region would enlarge the risks of unconventional warfare.

For the moment, any direct war between Israel and Iran would be fought without any “Palestine variable.” Ironically, however, one more-or-less plausible outcome of such a war would be more pressure on Israel to accept yet another enemy state. To be sure, Iran’s leaders are unconcerned about Palestinian Arab well-being per se, but even a continuously faux commitment to Palestinian statehood would strengthen their overall power position.

Additionally, any formal creation of “Palestine” would be viewed in Tehran as a favorable development regarding wars fought against Israel. While nothing scientifically meaningful can be said about an unprecedented scenario (in logic and mathematics, true probabilities must always be based upon the determinable frequency of pertinent past events), there are persuasive reasons to expect that “Palestine” would become a reliably belligerent proxy of Iran.

A “Two-State Solution” would enlarge not “only” the jihadist terror threat to Israel (conventional and unconventional), but also prospects for major regional war. Even if such a war were fought while Iran was still pre-nuclear, it could still use radiation dispersal weapons or electromagnetic pulse weapons (EMP) against Israel and/or target the Dimona nuclear reactor with conventional rockets. In a worst case scenario, Iran’s already nuclear North Korean ally would act in direct belligerency against the Jewish State.

In these complex strategic assessments, Israeli-Palestinian negotiations ought never be confined to “general principles.” Rather, variously specific issues will need to be addressed head-on: borders; Jerusalem; relations between Gaza and the “West Bank;” the Cairo Declaration of June 1974 (an annihilationist “phased plan”); the Arab “right of return” and cancellation of the “Palestine National Charter” (which still calls unambiguously and unapologetically for the eradication of Israel “in stages”).

Not to be overlooked by any means, any justice-based plan would need to acknowledge the historical and legal rights of the Jewish people in Judea and Samaria. Such an acknowledgment would represent an indispensable corrective to lawless Hamas claims of “resistance by any means necessary” and to genocidal Palestinian calls for “liberating” all territories “from the river to the sea.” On its face, the unhidden Palestinian Arab expectation is that Israel would become part of “Palestine”. But this ought not to come as any surprise. All Islamist/Jihadist populations already regard Israel as “occupied Palestine.”

“Everything is very simple in war,” warns classical Prussian strategist Carl von Clausewitz in On War, “but the simplest thing is still very difficult.” American presidents have always insisted that regional peace be predicated on Arab recognition of the Jewish people’s right to security in their own sovereign nation- state.

Concurrently, most Arab leaders in the Middle East secretly hope for a decisive Israeli victory over Hamas in Gaza and over Hezbollah in Lebanon. For these leaders, Hamas represents a foreseeably unmanageable scion of the Egyptian “Moslem Brotherhood” and Hezbollah a terror-surrogate of Shiite and non-Arab “Persia.”

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Making a Deal in Doha: US Hopes to Seal Ceasefire  [47:01]   Josh Hasten and Alex Traiman

August 18, 2024  JNS TV – The world’s attention is on Qatar this week, where Israel and Hamas are discussing a deal to pause hostilities, even as the fight against the Palestinian terrorist organization rages on in the Gaza Strip.

U.S. President Joe Biden continues to pressure the Jewish state into a deal in the hope of quelling tensions with the left wing of his base ahead of next week’s Democratic National Convention.

The Iranian regime also seems to be postponing its anticipated response to the killing of arch-terrorist Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran, hoping for a ceasefire to allow them to back down.

In this week’s “JLMinute,” JNS CEO and Jerusalem bureau chief Alex Traiman and Middle East correspondent Josh Hasten discuss every angle of the ongoing hostage release talks, and more.


0:00 Negotiations in Doha

5:00 Ready for Iran

9:00 Fighting continues

25:00 Leaving Gush Katif

30:00 Intelligence leaks

34:45 Violence in Samaria

41:30 Columbia President resigns


Ceasefire? In exchange for what?   Prof. Phyllis Chesler

It is as empty a term as the “two-state solution,” which the Palestinians have rejected time and again, and it certainly should not be one that endangers Israel’s future.  Op-ed

Aug 17, 2024, 11:04 PM (GMT+3)  (JNS) – The White House issued a joint statement on Aug. 16 from the United States, Egypt and Qatar about a hostage and ceasefire deal. Missing from those in agreement are Israel, Iran and its proxy armies, Hamas and Hezbollah.

Are these folks completely crazy? Egypt is the very country that refused to offer the slightest shelter to Gazan civilians who wished to escape—the same country that greedily profited for years from the weaponized, underground tunnels built by Iran/Hamas. Qatar? Iran’s paymaster and Taliban supporter does not bring clean hands to this statement. Who are they to have any say in this matter? America? Don’t even get me started.

A “ceasefire?” In exchange for what? What if there are only two Israeli hostages left alive; is that sufficient to justify a “ceasefire?” Israel cannot afford to free another 1,000 Palestinian Islamist terrorists in order to ransom another Gilad Shalit. Last time, senior Hamas leader and Oct. 7 mastermind Yahya Sinwar was one of those Israel released. See where that got us.

Also, the phrase “ceasefire” is a delusion; it is no guarantee that Iran/Hamas/Hezbollah will not commit massacres again and again, as they’ve sworn to do. “Ceasefire” is as empty a term as the “two-state solution,” which the Palestinians have rejected time and again.

Recently, journalist David Remnick spent 13 pages in The New Yorker on a too-positive portrait of the sadistic psychopath, Sinwar, whom even Remnick admits is hero-worshipped by the Gazans; even Remnick concedes that Hamas soldiers fight dressed as civilians and that the civilians support Hamas. Remnick portrays only the Israelis in a negative light, quoting only a handful of left-wing Israelis whose specialty is criticizing their own country.

There are no civilians in Gaza. With some very endangered and silent exceptions, they are all Hamasniks, all Jew-haters in their very bones.

OK, I get it. Israel screwed up beyond belief in not trusting the military intelligence they had before Oct. 7, maybe also by choosing a policy of “mowing the lawn” instead of launching a pre-emptive attack against Hamas and Iran long before now. But here we are. The entire world has propagated the filthiest lies against Israel and is now condemning the small nation for daring to fight back.

Enough! If I were the Emperor of Ice Cream, I would launch a pre-emptive attack against Iran’s nuclear facilities; institute a death penalty in Israel; and execute in battle every single fighter affiliated with Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthi, etc., fighter.

These suggestions are not out of bloodthirsty revenge. They are to demonstrate to our enemies that Israel is here to stay. It’s not going anywhere. Israel is strong enough and savvy enough to play by the rules of the Arab street—and not only by the “higher” ethical standards of defenseless, Diaspora Jews.

Israel must be victorious in order for the 2020 Abraham Accords between Israel and the Sunni Arab states to succeed. And succeed they must.


War of Words: Part VII: Fighting the War of Words Against the Jewish People Today   By Alex Grobman PhD.

14 Av 5784 – August 18, 2024 – Jews were parachuted behind enemy lines in Europe, after being trained by the British. In May 1943, wrote Yehuda Bauer. Peretz Rosenberg, a radio operator, was parachuted into Montenegro with the first British mission to the headquarters of Josip Broz Tito, the leader of Yugoslavia. For several months, Rosenberg was the only link to the outside world. In October 1943, he was sent to Italy.

Two parachutists, Bauer said, were dropped into Romania on October 1, 1943. In January 1944, Rehaveam Amir, another radio operator, was dropped onto the island of Vis to work at Tito’s headquarters until April. In May, he parachuted into Slovenia to establish radio contact between the Yugoslavs and the British in Italy. He returned to Bari, Italy in August where he was given equipment and dropped back again to Slovenia. After teaching a group of Yugoslav fighters how to transmit, he went back to Italy in September 1944.

In March 1944, four Jews were dropped into Slovenia Bauer added. Two were on their way to Hungary. Hannah Senesh, a young poet, was betrayed to the Hungarian authorities, and was arrested in June once she crossed the Hungarian border. After she was tortured and given a show trial, the fascist Szalasi government executed her on November 7, 1944. In May, two additional men were sent to Slovenia en route to Hungary. The Germans murdered one; the other escaped and found refuge in Budapest.

Ten parachutists were scheduled to go to Romania Bauer noted. One group of Communist Yugoslav partisans refused to help one of them to reach her destination, forcing her to return home. Two were mistakenly dropped where they were immediately apprehended by the Romanian secret police. Two more were caught before they reached Romania. Four arrived in late July and early August 1944, but by that time the Romanian king had already changed allegiances and began fighting the Germans. They helped an entire prisoner camp of American and British pilots escape Romanian captivity.

In September 1944, five parachutists were dropped into an area liberated by the Slovak National Rising Bauer noted. When the Germans occupied the town of Banská Bystrica on October 28, the commandos organized a group of Jews and fled to the mountains to fight as partisans. Two days later, Russians collaborating with the Nazis arrested four out of the five, and executed them. The fifth joined a Soviet partisan group until the Red Army freed the territory.

For the most part, Bauer opined, the project did not succeed as planned by the British. Most of the parachutists were apprehended. Seven were killed. Many did not engage the enemy in combat until the Russian Army liberated an area, and sometimes even later. Yet a number of military operations in Austria, Romania and Yugoslavia, and to some degree in Slovakia were successful. They were also able to help Jews immigrate, particularly from Romania and Bulgaria. After the war, they helped re-establish Jewish life and Zionist activities in these countries.

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RG911 on TNT’s “Weekends” – “Explosive WTC Evidence on 9/11  [6 VIDEOS]


AUG 17, 2024

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Big Shock! Hezbollah Shot Iran In The Back! The Massive Uprising In Tehran Could Not Be Suppressed!   [9:06]

August 17, 2024 Raptor News – In this news report, you can find information about the escalation of conflicts between Israel and Iran. It includes details of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) responding to Iran rocket attacks, indicating a deepening of the conflict in the Middle East and the potential involvement of Iran-backed groups like Hezbollah. Developments in Lebanon, Syria, Iran, and Yemen are also covered. The conflicts involve the use of missiles, drones, and naval forces. Additionally, it emphasizes the close monitoring of the situation in the region by the United States, NATO, and Russia. It is noted that Putin’s administration could escalate tensions between Ukraine and Russia, and attention is drawn to military movements in critical regions on the world map. Despite efforts by air defense systems, the conflicts persist. Our news also highlights the roles of leaders such as Netanyahu, Biden, Trump, and Zelensky in crisis management.


Jonathan Pollard: Why Iran Has Not Yet Attacked Israel  [9:54]   Jonathan Pollard and Rabbi David Bar Haim

August 17, 2024  Machon Shilo


CHAPTER 32: Transhumanism, Big Lies, and the Great Reset   by Linda Goudsmit
Space Is No Longer the Final Frontier—Reality Is*
August 18, 2024

Globalism is a replacement ideology that seeks to reorder the world into one singular, planetary Unistate, ruled by the globalist elite. The globalist war on nation-states cannot succeed without collapsing the United States of America. The long-term strategic attack plan moves America incrementally from constitutional republic to socialism to globalism to feudalism. The tactical attack plan uses asymmetric psychological and informational warfare to destabilize Americans and drive society out of objective reality into the madness of subjective reality. America’s children are the primary target of the globalist predators.

We begin our discussion of transhumanism with its 2018 description from the World Economic Forum (WEF), “What is transhumanism and how does it affect you?“:[i]

The central premise of transhumanism is that biological evolution will eventually be overtaken by advances in genetic, wearable and implantable technologies that artificially expedite the evolutionary process…. The result is an iteration of Homo sapiens enhanced or augmented, but still fundamentally human….

Some distinguished scientists, such as Hans Moravec and Raymond Kurzweil, even advocate a posthuman condition: the end of humanity’s reliance on our congenital bodies by transforming “our frail version 1.0 human bodies into their far more durable and capable version 2.0 counterparts”.

Transhumanism is the political ideology promoted by the globalist elite in their quest for immortality. “Humanity 2.0” is the biological objective of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and stakeholder capitalism is its economic engine.

Klaus Schwab, the premier 21st-century humanitarian huckster, is selling stakeholder capitalism as the central feature of the Great Reset, WEF’s economic recovery plan in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Schwab is selling enslavement dressed up as freedom, with the infamous slogan “You will own nothing and be happy.” In reality, stakeholder capitalism is a return to the binary sociopolitical system of feudalism, where you will be an indentured serf who owns nothing because the elite own everything, including you.

The reader will remember that ownership is an ambivalent word as it relates to private property. Ideological Marxism rejects private property and promises that the people will own everything. Of course, the elite leadership deceitfully omit the essential operating principle: that the elite control the production and distribution of everything. So, the Big Lie of Marxism is public, not private, ownership; “the people” have no agency over that which they “own.” Whoever controls the production and distribution is functionally the owner.

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Israel Waits on the Edge of War    by Victor Rosenthal

August 18, 2024 – Israel has been in crisis mode for two weeks, waiting for a promised attack from Iran. At the same time, the Biden-Harris administration is trying to force Israel to accept a cease-fire agreement with Hamas. How are these things related?

The US administration is heavily invested in stopping the Gaza war and preventing Israel from obtaining full security control over Gaza both for domestic political reasons, and in order to advance its long-term goal of unifying the Palestinian territories under the control of single authority that can be a candidate for statehood.

The US has no leverage over Hamas, so the approach is to apply pressure to Israel, its client state, and to Iran, which is concerned that the US does not interfere with its progress toward nuclear weapons, which is currently at an advanced stage.

Pressure on Israel is multifaceted, including both carrots and sticks. The carrots are promises of future military aid and protection against attacks from Iran and its proxy Hezbollah. The sticks include slowdowns in delivery of promised munitions and threats to abandon Israel in the event that the war blows up into a major regional conflict. There is also the continuing political activity against PM Netanyahu, including various forms of support for his domestic opponents.

To Iran, the administration promises further sanctions relief and protection against a possible Israeli attack on her nuclear facilities.

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The long-term consequences of U.S. intel leaks   Caroline Glick

August 16, 2024 – On Wednesday, Fox News and The Jerusalem Post ran stories based on a report from Kuwait’s Al-Jarida newspaper claiming that the U.S. had revealed to Iranian authorities the identities of 10 Mossad agents in Iran who allegedly were involved in the July 31 assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh.

Al-Jarida claimed its report was based on information provided by a member of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council. The alleged source told the Kuwaiti paper that U.S. officials had visited Iran secretly after the assassination with the goal of appeasing the regime. They told their Iranian counterparts that Israel had not informed them of its plans to kill Haniyeh and proceeded to provide them with the Mossad agents’ identities.

On Thursday, Fox News deleted the story and the Post updated its report. The updated article led with the news that the U.S. National Security Council denied the Kuwaiti story.

On Wednesday night, I shared the Post report on my X account. My post received well over one million views. Following the Post’s publication of its revision and Fox’s deletion of its initial report, I deleted my post and shared the Post’s revised story.

Given the severity of the charge, why were Fox News and the Post so quick to report the Al-Jarida story? Why was my initial inclination to lend credence the report? The answer, in short, is that the Biden-Harris administration, like the Obama-Biden administration before it, has a track record of leaking Israeli operations in Iran.

Consider just a few well-known and widely reported examples.

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Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.