Daily Shmutz | COMMENTARY / OPINION | 8/30/24




What’s the Plan to Save America – Part 2    TIERNEY’S REAL NEWS

AUG 30, 2024

This is Part 2 of my report called “What’s the Plan to Save America?”

If you haven’t read Part 1 yet – you can find it here.

I believe that President Trump’s Plan to Save America involves ENDING THE FEDERAL RESERVE and GIVING BACK control of America’s money to the people.

In Part 1, I summarized all the recent statements from President Trump, Bobby Kennedy, Elon Musk, Peter Thiel and others who are part of the new Lincoln-like Team of Rivals in Trump’s campaign about their plan to Save America by becoming AI and Bitcoin dominant.

Does that mean I want YOU to run out and purchase Bitcoin? NO. I want you to understand how this team will use Bitcoin – and other strategies – to END the FEDERAL RESERVE and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.

If you’ve been following Trump for years – like me – you know that he admires President Andrew Jackson above all other Presidents.

If you’ve been following Bobby Kennedy – you know that he admires his uncle, John F. Kennedy (JFK.)

What did Jackson and JFK agree on? THAT AMERICA SHOULD NOT BE CONTROLLED BY A CENTRAL BANK – like the Federal Reserve. John F. Kennedy gave his life because he tried to end the Federal Reserve. So have many others.

Some people tell me – well, why doesn’t Trump just END the Federal Reserve and be done with it? Well, it’s not that easy – which I will explain here – and many have tried – but Andrew Jackson proved that it can be done with a systematic, controlled approach. So far, Jackson was really the ONLY ONE who was able to accomplish ending the Central Bank in America.

So, instead of saying it can’t be done, let’s study HOW Jackson did that and HOW Trump, RFK & Musk will use what Andrew Jackson taught them and do it again! That’s Part 3 of “What’s the Plan to Save America” – coming soon.


Disgruntled Lebanese Citizens Bash Hezbollah for Bringing War to Their Country   by Hany Ghoraba

August 30, 2024  IPT News – For decades, Lebanese citizens have borne the brunt of Hezbollah hijacking Lebanese political decisions. The situation has worsened dramatically following the October 7th 2023 terrorist attack on Israel for which Hezbollah, as Iran’s agent, unilaterally joined forces with Hamas in launching attacks on northern Israel without any public or official Lebanese consent.

Amidst a total electrical blackout that struck the entire country on Aug 17 as a result of the depletion of needed fuel for power stations, the Lebanese nowadays feel more disgruntled as Hezbollah relentlessly drags the country to war with Israel.

A deluge of Lebanese social media accounts bashed the actions of Hezbollah and its recklessness in handling Lebanon’s fate. A video posted on Al Arabia News TV’s website shared some of these disgruntled voices. This video is a continuation of criticism directed to the leader of Hezbollah and the elements of his Iran-backed terrorist group inside Lebanon and abroad.

Openly criticizing Hezbollah can be dangerous to one’s health in Lebanon. Under the hashtag, “I will not sacrifice myself for you, sir,” many disgruntled Lebanese citizens wrote messages, such as the following:

  • “The Lebanese people do not deserve to have weapons and ammunition stores planted among their safe homes…How long will this horror continue?” wrote Aline Samed with a video of the explosion of a munitions storage depot near civilian areas on Aug 19.

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Is it time to prepare for America’s growing migrant population to become more violent? Two incidents this week indicate the answer is YES!   LEO HOHMANN

Apartment complex in Colorado taken over by Venezuelan gang members, while two school buses in San Diego are disrupted by adult males who have no business being in this country

AUG 29, 2024 – Don’t look now but angry migrants, having reached a critical mass, are starting to flex their muscles against Americans and American cities.

First, we had reports about a violent Venezuelan gang taking over an apartment complex with rifles and handguns in Aurora, Colorado.

The group of men are shown on video entering the apartment complex in the Denver suburb and breaking into a unit, a clip obtained by KDVR shows.

Then, a San Diego, California, school district notified parents earlier this week that two bus routes were disrupted after attempted hijackings by illegal aliens while they were on the way to school this week. These were male adult foreign nationals forcing their way onto a school bus full of children. That could have ended badly were it not for alert bus drivers.

The two school bus incidents occurred on the A and B bus routes for the Jamul-Dulzura Union School District in San Diego County.

Families were informed by Superintendent Liz Bystedt who in an emailed notice dated Wednesday, August 28, wrote, “Earlier today I notified transportation families about two recent incidents involving our school buses on Highway 94. Both incidents involved people either trying to stop or board a bus at a bus stop.”

Here’s a report from Fox 5 San Diego.

Notice Fox 5 felt the need to interview Pedro Rios, director of the left-wing American Friends Service Committee, who tells us that “asylum is a human right.”

Well, guess what, here is what he didn’t tell us.

International asylum protocols require people who are legitimately seeking asylum to do it in the first country they come to after escaping their homeland, where they must prove they have a “well-founded fear” of persecution based on their political, religious or ethnic background.

That’s international law.

Not only are these thugs not coming here to escape persecution, but most of them are not coming from neighboring Mexico. They’re coming from countries farther away, so they are not legitimate asylum seekers no matter what the Biden administration and its liberal allies like Pedro Rios tell us.

Get ready people. Because this is just the beginning of what is coming down on America following Joe Biden’s open-borders experiment that has allowed anywhere from 10 million to 35 million illegal aliens to enter the U.S. in less than four years. Our government has no idea who these people are, or how many of them are dangerous. But I have a feeling we are going to find out soon enough.

[Ed.:  10 million to 35 million illegal aliens under Biden plus another 10 million to 35 million from Obama until Biden equals roughly 50 to 70 million hostile invaders already inside our country. This almost matches the number of Patriots!  I don’t even have that many bullets...]


Trump Campaign Is Gaslighting You    OMEGA4AMERICA

There is something wrong, you feel it, we all do, they do too, but they need to bullshit you through whatever is next!

AUG 29, 2024

Where do we start?

There is a pervasive feeling – don’t deny it – something’s missing, something’s happening, something is not going right.

The knucklehead VP, for a dementia president, who is a national joke – with memes all over TikTok, who allowed the border to open and inflation to rage – is close or ahead in the key swing states.

Madame Prez is becoming a possibility.

If there is one fact everyone can now agree on, it is that Trump doing a June debate, taking out a guy who would have been dead on his feet in September, is the single most catastrophic political blunder in modern times.

Admit it. C’mon, you know we are right.

You won’t see a single member of the conservative press mention it – they are going to keep bullshitting you that the Trump Campaign is the most “disciplined campaign” in history.

Ask Dan Bongino.

Gaslighting isn’t just a Lefty thing.

There’s a bigger story here – it is the incomprehensible incompetence of the RNC and the Trump team – and their gaslighting of you – the committed voter – as well as the country.

That’s why you feel what you feel – that something’s wrong – that something’s not happening – something!

Your feeling, which you communicate to us in thousands of emails, texts and calls comes from that old thing – cognitive dissonance.

Your conservative media is telling you everything is swimmingly good, but more facts pop up showing how far out of touch Republicans, and their lapdog conservative press pals are with November disaster.

Let’s run through a few from the last couple of days – but any will do – perhaps more are coming today.

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What’s the plan to Save America?    TIERNEY’S REAL NEWS

AUG 29, 2024

People are wondering why all of a sudden President Trump has reached out to liberals and wealthy donors like Elon & RFK Jr. & Bill Ackman & Peter Thiel & David Sacks to form a Team of Rivals like Lincoln did. Trump has drawn together an alliance that includes a powerful and influential faction of Silicon Valley’s tech elite. I believe it’s because of BRICS, the dollar, AI, Bitcoin, energy and the New World Order’s desire to control us all with a centralized digital currency. They are ALL connected.

IMHO – there has been a HUGE shift in thinking by the deep thinker finance & tech guys on what this stuff all means for the future. Nobody really understands what prompted THAT shift. What’s their plan to Save America? I think I figured it out.

I’ve listened to dozens of interviews and read thousands of articles on this topic and here’s what you need to know in 15 minutes. First, I’m going to tell you WHAT they said out of their own mouths, then I’m going to provide you with data and information so you understand the current situation, and then I’m going to hypothesize on what they plan to do about it and how it will impact the wallets and lives of ordinary Americans.

ELON: “AI is the fastest advancing technology I’ve seen of any kind, and I’ve seen a lot of technology. AI hardware and computers that are coming online – dedicated to AI – are increasing by a factor of 10 every year, if not every 6-9 months. My guess is we’ll have AI smarter than any one human around the end of next year. Trump has become, by far, the best candidate on my top voting issue – AI. He understands the energy challenges we face. He also understands that if China reaches “super intelligence” before we do, our country would immediately become subservient to them. It’s existential.”

RFK JR: “Do you really think President Biden has the savvy to deal with emerging issues like blockchain and Artificial Intelligence? We need a president who is thinking about those things – one who works to mitigate risks posed by unregulated AI and who sees the value in blockchain companies – rather than forcing them to relocate overseas.”

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College students, follow the UNC frat bros this fall and stand up to campus hate  [VIDEOS]   By Aryeh Lightstone

Aug. 26, 2024, 6:32 p.m. ET – As university students arrive on campus for the new academic year, let’s give them one simple piece of advice: Be a frat boy.

I don’t mean just any frat boy, and I am not talking about parties, beer pong or Greek life in general.

What I mean is: Be like the fraternity brothers at the University of North Carolina, who this spring courageously stood up to an anti-Israel mob trying to tear down an American flag.

These students did not just defend the Stars and Stripes — they defended the most basic American values of liberty, patriotism and opposition to terror, in the face of those seeking to undermine these ideals in the heart of academia.

Following Hamas’ Oct. 7 massacre, the most heinous attack against Jews since the Holocaust, hundreds of pro-Hamas rallies swept American cities and universities.

Observers of Jewish history experienced a collective feeling of déjà vu. In short order, Jewish shops were vandalized, Jewish youths were chased by thugs in Brooklyn, and synagogue-goers in Los Angeles were assaulted on their way to services.

As antisemitic incidents spiked in American cities, pro-terror “encampments” popped up on college campuses across the country.

The vicious protests were spiraling out of control as violent anti-Israel demonstrators crossed one line after another, creating no-go zones for Jewish students, destroying property, assaulting police officers, and openly lionizing Hamas’ brutal attacks.

A prominent element of these anti-Israel protests was the desecration of American flags and the demonization of the United States.

It seemed like nothing could stem the tide of these demonstrations — until the pro-Hamas rioters arrived at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill.

As they vandalized the campus and intimidated fellow students, they also tore down the American flag from a campus flagpole and replaced it with a Palestinian one.

At this point, the frat boys of UNC stepped in: They saw a wrong and chose to right it.

A large group of fraternity brothers ran to the flag and held it aloft to keep it from touching the ground and to defend it from desecration at the hands of the pro-Hamas rioters. For nearly an hour, they were assaulted by flying objects as demonstrators screamed and cursed at them.

But they stood strong in a display that many considered a heroic act of patriotism, and the pro-Hamas, anti-America rioters gave up in the face of the young men’s strength and moral clarity.

What we have known to be true since middle school remained true at college: Bullies left unchecked continue to bully, but standing up to bullies makes them back away.

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WAYNE ROOT: The Easiest Criminal Case to Prosecute in History: Mark Zuckerberg Just Confessed in Writing, and Implicated Entire US Government & Biden Administration in Conspiracy to Commit Election Interference, Extortion, Treason, Mass Murder & Crimes Against Humanity   By Wayne Allyn Root

Aug. 28, 2024 1:20 pm – I have a life and death question for red state AGs and DAs. The most important question in modern history…

What the hell are you waiting for?

Because we just uncovered the greatest conspiracy to betray the citizens of America and commit treason since Benedict Arnold.

But this time we can add mass murder and crimes against humanity. And the confession is in writing, for all the world to see. This massive criminal case is gift wrapped with a bow on top.

So, what are you waiting for?

Mark Zuckerberg just confessed, in writing, in front of the whole world, to terrible crimes against America, the US Constitution and the American people- all because he was forced, extorted (and I’m guessing bribed, blackmailed or threatened too) by the US government and the highest officials of the Biden administration.

Just days ago, I made the case for red state AGs and DAs to go after “low hanging fruit” and indict Kamala and Tim Walz. The precedent has been set by New York AG Leticia James and NYC DA Alvin Bragg. A red state AG or DA can file any criminal case they want- even in the middle of a presidential election. If they think crimes have been committed, it’s their duty to indict and prosecute.

It’s easy to go after Kamala Harris for her role as border czar. Indict her for fraud, malfeasance, dereliction of duty, and treason. How many American have been murdered and raped, or died from fentanyl overdoses, because of her dereliction of duty?

Red state AGs and DAs- What are you waiting for? Indict Kamala Harris.

And of course, Tim Walz is the biggest fraud and conman in the history of politics. He’s guilty of “Stolen Valor” (lying about his rank and military service), not to mention lying about his wife using IVF to get pregnant (it never happened). And so many other lies I’ve lost count.

Red state AGs and DAs- What are you waiting for? Indict Tim Walz.

But those are no longer the “low hanging fruit.” We have a much bigger criminal case. It’s the world’s easiest case to prosecute. The star witness is one of the richest and famous men in the world- Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook and Meta.

And he just confessed, in writing, in front of the entire world, to terrible crimes against the American people.

But that’s only a small start. Zuckerberg implicated the entire US government, and top officials of the Biden administration. These government gangsters bullied, intimidated, threatened (and no doubt bribed or blackmailed) Zuckerberg and his staff to commit these terrible crimes against the American people.

These are the highest crimes- including election interference, mass murder, crimes against humanity and TREASON.

Zuckerberg is a witness to all of it. The government and top officials of the Biden administration intimidated Zuckerberg and his staff into rigging and fixing the 2020 election- by covering up the Hunter Biden laptop. This allowed Democrats to steal a presidential election from President Trump.

How many trillions of dollars changed hands in the form of government spending and government contracts because the election was rigged and stolen?

But then it gets worse. Zuckerberg admits the government and top Biden officials forced him to censor, silence and ban the truth about the lack of safety and effectiveness of the Covid vaccines, and cover-up the mounting deaths and injuries from the Covid vaccines…

And to hide the truth about Ivermectin, the one drug that was actually “safe and effective” for use against Covid 19. Hundreds of studies prove it could have saved millions of lives- with literally no side effects. But few Americans heard about it, because Zuckerberg hid the truth- upon order of this administration.

How many Americans died as a result?

That’s called mass murder and crimes against humanity. Not to mention the loss of trillions of dollars.

It’s time for modern day Nuremberg trials.

The case is so easy to prosecute. Just offer Zuckerberg full immunity to testify to the crimes and the names involved. Then offer each of them immunity for the names of their bosses. Then offer immunity to each of the bosses for the names of who gave the ultimate orders to rig and fix the election…and to condemn millions of Americans to death and injury, all in the name of greed.

Trillions of dollars were made as a result of election interference, and from vaccine sales and stock profits by Big Pharma and all their conspirators in the US government and Biden administration.

All roads lead to Biden, Kamala, Dr Fauci and the top officials of the FBI, DOJ, CIA, CDC, FDA, HHS and NIH. Everyone got rich and Americans died.

Here is the sum up of these developments…

*If this was Trump, he’d already be in prison for life, or given the death penalty. We all know that.

*Why did Zuckerberg suddenly confess? Because he knows how to read the tea leaves- Trump is about to win a landslide victory. Zuckerberg is trying to save his own hide from a prison cell.

*Do you believe Biden and our government did this only to Zuckerberg? This is the tip of the iceberg. They extorted, threatened and bribed every CEO of every media and social media company.

*This is the perfect criminal conspiracy case. If no red state AG or DA prosecutes them, then we know the entire system is rigged. They’re all either complicit, bribed, blackmailed, or cowards.

*Finally, if we can’t get indictments, then this becomes the largest class action lawsuit in world history. Class action lawyers are salivating. There are trillions to be made from suing the federal government, every Biden-Harris official involved, Zuckerberg, and every billionaire CEO of any media and social media company who censored, silenced, banned and covered-up facts that resulted in a stolen election, and death and injury to millions of American citizens.


“Not One Arab Is This Stupid:

Hamas has claimed that they released Farhan Qadi yesterday because he was a Muslim. Arab pro-Israel advocate Yosef Haddad told them in their own language what other Muslims think of the claim.

August 28, 2024  𝗜𝗦𝗥𝗔𝗘𝗟 𝗟𝗜𝗩𝗘 𝗡𝗘𝗪𝗦


Jonathan Pollard: Torah Defines Jewish Destiny  [12:56]

August 28, 2024  Machon Shilo


Will The Great Depression Happen Again?   Ben Shapiro

Aug 24, 2024 – The roots of the Great Depression have been debated for decades, but what if the real culprit was bad government policy? In this episode, Ben dives into the economic chaos of the 1930s, examining the theories of Keynes, Friedman, and the Austrian economists. From government overreach to monetary mismanagement, discover how different interpretations of the Depression still influence economic decisions today. Could these historical lessons be the key to avoiding future financial disasters?


Israel-Hamas War Misperceptions   Ambassador (ret.) Yoram Ettinger
August 28, 2024 – 
Western conventional wisdom is systematically baffled by the volcanic, violent, intolerant, unpredictable, despotic and frustrating Middle East reality, as evidenced by Western misperceptions of the Israel-Hamas war, which undermines the national and homeland security of the US.

For example:

*The State Department’s pressure on Israel to switch from the military option toward Hamas to the diplomatic/negotiation option, ignores the failure of the US diplomatic option toward Iran’s Ayatollahs, and the on-again, off-again Israeli diplomatic option toward Hamas since 2007 (the latest was in May 2023), which dramatically upgraded Hamas’ terror capabilities, paving the road to the horrific October 7, 2023 Hamas terrorism.  Moreover, Hamas is a branch of the Moslem Brotherhood and a proxy of Iran’s Ayatollahs, which are dedicated to the toppling of the regimes of all pro-US Arab countries and bring the Western “infidel,” and particularly “The Great American Satan” to submission.

*Thus, snatching Hamas from the jaws of obliteration would reflect a State Department and Israeli determination to repeat – rather than avoid – past critical mistakes. In the Middle East, it would be perceived as a major Islamic terrorism victory, undermining the US’ and Israel’s posture of deterrence, promoting more anti-US terrorism in the Middle Est and on US soil. This would intensify terrorism against the pro-US Arab regimes (which feel the Moslem Brotherhood machete at their throats) and against Israel, and cause a major setback to the Arab-Israeli peace process (which has been induced, mostly, by Israeli’s posture of deterrence, which was devastated on October 7).

*Israel is not fighting a Hamas terror organization, but the most fortified aboveground and underground Hamas terrorist state with an elaborate network of 60-80-feet-deep tunnels, equipped with the most advanced electronics, accommodating heavy vehicles and is longer than the NYC Subway system!

*The toll of Hamas atrocities on October 7, 2023 – 1,200 mutilated Israelis – does not fully convey the magnitude of Hamas terrorism. In proportion to the size of the US population (340 million), it was identical to 41,000 American fatalities, or 13 “nine-elevens” committed by terrorists, dispatched by a neighboring country. How would the US react to such a neighbor?!

*The number of Arab casualties in Gaza are issued by Hamas and Gaza-based branches of international organizations, who are controlled by Hamas, which is known for its horrific violation of human rights, hate education, despotism, ruthlessness and corruption. However, in the pursuit of the immoral “moral equivalence,” Western policy makers and public opinion molders reverberate Hamas’ numbers….

*Are most Gazans innocent civilians?  Hitler’s Mein Kampf has been a best seller in the Palestinian Authority since its establishment in 1993, including in Gaza. The Gaza population has considered “September 11” as a role model of Islamic heroism. Since 1994, Gaza parents have sent their children to hate-education-school – which have been the most effective production line of terrorists – while worshipping in hate-sermon-mosques, cheering and heralding daily acts of terrorism, and enticing their children to join the ranks of Hamas and other Palestinian terror organizations.

*As expected, Western and Israeli humanitarian aid to Gaza is controlled by Hamas terrorists, bolstering their terror capabilities; thus, dehumanizing the aid. Genuine humanitarian aid would be extended by the obliteration of Hamas’ terror capabilities, which could set Gaza on a humanitarian path.

*While Hamas considers its October 7 terror offensive as a divine mission to annihilate the “infidel” Jewish State, the State Department takes lightly the centrality of fanatic Islamic visions in the conduct of Middle East rogue entities. Foggy Bottom believes that terrorism is despair-driven and assumes that financial (“money talks”) and diplomatic bonanzas could induce moderation. However, Iran’s Ayatollahs, Hezbollah and Hamas interpret Western and Israeli gestures as weakness, which whets their terroristic appetite. They have demonstrated that fanatic Islamic ideology transcends financial considerations, and eclipses accords concluded with the “infidel.” They have diverted mega billions of dollars in Western gestures toward anti-Western terrorism, not moderated policy.

*Western policy makers have showered rogue Middle East entities with diplomatic and financial gestures, ignoring the precedents, which demonstrate that terrorists bite the hand that feeds them, as experienced by the US, which facilitated the rise to power of the Ayatollahs in Iran 1978/79 and the Mujahideen in Afghanistan (1980s). These terror entities emerged as chief anti-US terrorists, partaking in “September 11” and the bombings of the US Embassies in Lebanon (1983), Kenya and Tanzania (1998), as well as the Marines barracks in Lebanon (1983). Similarly, in 1993 and 2005, Israel overwhelmed the Middle East with dramatic gestures (never contemplated by Arabs) extended to the PLO, which yielded unprecedented waves of terrorism, as was demonstrated by the 2007-2023 series of Israeli financial and humanitarian gestures to Hamas, which resulted in thousands of missiles hitting Israeli civilian targets, and leading to the October 7, 2023 massacre.

*Israel’s wars on Hamas and Hezbollah terrorists are not only Israel’s wars.  These wars are largely designed, directed, supervised and financed by Iran’s Ayatollahs. The Ayatollahs’ strategic footprint stretches from the Persian Gulf through the Middle East at-large and Africa to Latin America – viewed as the US’ soft underbelly – and on US soil, as recently testified by FBI Director, Chris Wray. The Ayatollahs view Israel as the most effective US outpost/beachhead in the Middle East, and the first line of defense of the Western democracies against Shiite (Iran’s Ayatollahs) and Sunni (the Moslem Brotherhood and ISIS) Islamic terrorism.

*A nuclear Iran is not the only real and clear threat to global stability. In fact, the most pressing threat to global stability and vital US interests is Iran’s conventional military potency, which has its machete at the throats of every pro-US Arab regime, while constituting the global epicenter of anti-US terrorism, drug trafficking, money laundering and proliferation of weapon systems, They are training terrorists in the tri-border areas of Argentina-Paraguay-Brazil and Chile-Bolivia-Peru, and supplying underground tunnel construction equipment and predator unmanned aerial vehicles to Venezuela and to Mexican drug cartels.

*The 45-year-old US diplomatic option – and its bonus of hundreds of billions of dollars – failed to entice the Ayatollahs toward peaceful-coexistence, good faith negotiation and abandoning a fanatical ideology. In fact, the diplomatic option transformed the Ayatollahs from a secondary power in 1979 to a leading regional and global power in 2024, and to extend a most critical support to Hezbollah, Houthi, Hamas and Latin American terrorists – a chief threat to global sanity and US national and homeland security. Contrary to the prevailing misperception, for the sake of global sanity, Iran’s Ayatollahs are not a partner for negotiations, but a target for regime-change.


As the world burns, America fiddles    Jack Engelhard

A friend from Israel asks if Americans really know what is going on in Israel. On top of that, do Americans really know what’s going on in America?  Opinion.

Aug 27, 2024, 11:56 AM (GMT+3)  INN – Israel is under attack. How does America fit in?

A friend from Israel asks if Americans really know what is going on in Israel. On top of that, do Americans really know what’s going on in America.

Good question, on both counts.

He says, “In Israel, we used to feel the love from America. What happened?” I tell him, the Democrats happened.

He asks, “Can America really be serious about Kamala Harris?”

To answer those questions, he refers me to a column he came across in my book of Writings, and could I share some of those thoughts, more pertinent today than they were before.

Okay, as follows:

As the world burns, we fiddle.

We trifle along obsessed on race and gender. The Left stays up nights worrying about transgender people, who are 0.06 percent of the population.

Gender…you’d think that was figured out between Adam and Eve. Not good enough, and on race, it will never be good enough.

Given what’s going on, you’d think we’d be worried about our military preparedness. Are we up to speed? Leaderless, even the Taliban had us on the run.

Most of them who make the news are worried about Whiteness, and White Supremacy, as if that’s got anything to do with the price of potatoes.

Elsewhere, they don’t have time for such trivia. There, the game is life or death.

Only in America do we have the luxury to pursue lightness of being.

Or as my mother used to say…America, the land of silken worries.

Are we grateful?

Or are we spoiled rotten from over-abundance? Tyrants and criminals re-arm, we de-fund the police.

Too big, too rich, too much time on our hands to consider the consequences, we elect morons to lead us…up a creek without a paddle.

You wanted Biden, you got Biden…with Kamala into the bargain.

In the real world, like China, they rank number one in math. We rank 37th.

“That, my Israeli friend, is the big picture. Or, as another Israeli wrote to me…Hashem will have to step in to save us from ourselves.

God bless America. Am Yisroel Chai.


Germany is in serious Islamization trouble    Giulio Meotti

“Diversity” is more important than freedom and life in today’s democratic West. It’s really Islamic occupation and replacement, although I understand that it sounds better to call it “diversity.”  Opinion.

Aug 28, 2024, 9:04 AM (GMT+3)  INNIn the Die Welt, Peter Schneider, one of the most famous German writers, described the mentality of the cultural demi monde: “At a dinner in a foundation in Berlin, an artist told me that he didn’t understand the discussion about refugees. ‘Ten million refugees in Germany: I wouldn’t have a problem with that.’”

Yes, what’s the problem?

During the “festival of diversity” in the city of Solingen, Germany, nine people were stabbed and three died while the terrorist was shouting “Allahu Akbar”.

At the European Football Championships, the national anthems were played, as usual, before the matches, but a presenter from the German ZDF added: “And above all diversity”. “Diversity” is more important than freedom and life in today’s democratic West.

Even at the supermarket, you are no longer safe from the slogans of “diversity”. And then, if there were a problem with knives, the German government has just found the solution: blades no longer than six centimeters.

The city of Solingen in North Rhine-Westphalia also felt compelled to celebrate its 650th anniversary with a “festival of diversity.” Vielfalt in German.

Colorful puppets, slogans against racism, stands for friendship between peoples, fun, music, hearts, food. Who wouldn’t be happy to participate? And the motto could hardly have been more appropriate in the traditional “German knife capital,” the famous “Solingen”, and which unfortunately lived up to its reputation.

It feels like a bad joke.

But we’re in North Rhine-Westphalia, the most populous state in Germany, where more than a million Muslims live. Solingen is near Düsseldorf, where for the first time road signs in Arabic are being installed, as if we were in Gaza (or Israel, where road signs are in 3 languages to begin with).

Wow, what more “diversity” could they have done, renaming it the “Caliphate of North Rhine-Westphalia”? Maybe, considering that Muslims entered a swimming pool in Geldern, also in Rhine-Westphalia, shouting “Allahu Akbar”.

Germany’s most famous incumbent mayor, Boris Palmer of Tübingen, attributed the success of the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party among young people to the consequences of mass migration. “They experience what irregular immigration means on a daily basis,” Palmer wrote. “In the park, in the disco, on the street, on the bus, at the train station, in the schoolyard a”. And at diversity festivals.

But while in Solingen the “diversity festival” lasts a couple of days at the end of summer, in the rest of the country it never stops. About fifty knife attacks in Germany every day.

Journalist Julian Reichelt wrote after Solingen:

“Monday: Man stabbed to death in front of his apartment in Schwabach. Monday evening: Man stabbed to death in Hamburg train station. Tuesday: Police shoot woman with knife in supermarket. Wednesday: Execution with a shot to the head at Frankfurt central station. Friday: Three dead in Solingen due to knife terrorism. A completely normal week in Germany”.

Wangen im Allgäu: Syrian man stabs four-year-old girl in supermarket. On a regional train between Hamburg and Kiel, near the town of Brokstedt, two thousand inhabitants who certainly did not ask to end up on the geographical map of the clash of civilizations, a Palestinian Arab asylum seeker stabbed to death two girls aged sixteen and nineteen. Then three were wounded with a knife in a dormitory in Ravensburg. Then an asylum seeker in Illerkirchberg, a small town near Munich, killed a girl who was going to school (and seriously injured her friend). Meanwhile, a Chechen migrant killed a man at an LGBT festival in the city of Münster.

In Oggersheim, a Somali shouting “Allahu Akbar” stabbed twenty-year-old Jonas S, who happened to be walking past him, with a twenty-centimeter blade. When a friend rushed to help, the Somali stuck the weapon in the neck of thirty-five-year-old Sascha K. The man had no escape and died. He then attacked the 20-year-old again, stabbed him in the head and severed his right forearm. The Somali then entered a pharmacy and stabbed a customer at the cash register in the chest. The Somali said he “wanted to kill German men”.

Brokstedt, Illerkirchberg, Oggersheim, Mannheim, Solingen… They strike everywhere, in small and medium-sized cities, in the provinces and on the outskirts.

“In the course of the demographic change due to the Muslim majority population in the metropolises expected in the near future, other priorities than diversity may emerge,” writes Botho Strauss, the great German writer and playwright, one of the most important of his generation, included among the possible candidates for the Nobel Prize in Literature (he will never win it, lest they award a “racist”).

And yet they had done everything they could to rebuild society as a mega “festival of diversity”: Ramadan lights in cities, “no-go zones” for Jews, justices who use Sharia law, schools that ban miniskirts to avoid trouble from migrants, muezzins who call to prayer, the Bundesliga that allows Muslim footballers to break their fast for Ramadan on football pitches, publishing houses that censor books that criticize Islam, professors who are critical of Islam forced to teach in bulletproof vests, comedians indicted for mocking Erdogan, party leaders who open up to Islamic law, Islamic patrols, a boom in forced marriages

And while Solingen was counting its dead and had yet to catch the attacker, in front of the Nuremberg cathedral no time was wasted – with jihadist flags.

It’s called occupation and replacement, although I understand that it sounds better to call it “diversity.”

Rüdiger Safranski, author of bestselling biographies of philosophers, asked the question of questions to Spiegel: “It’s not a conspiracy theory that the decisive political task of the next 10 to 20 years will be mass immigration. And you have to ask yourself: can we still maintain liberal society in this situation?”

The answer is simple: nein nein nein.

But for our elites there is never enough “diversity” and their greatest concern is that reality does not “pour water into the mill of right-wing extremists.”

Aren’t the peoples of Europe tired of being subjugated, humiliated and stabbed to death by the bastard children of multiculturalism and because of those who live behind high walls? How long will we grease the cogs of our guillotine?


Is Divine Lightning Fighting Houthis in Yemen?   ADAM ELIYAHU BERKOWITZ

And Hashem will manifest Himself to them, And His arrows shall flash like lightning; My Hashem shall sound the shofar And advance in a stormy tempest. – ZECHARIAH 9:14  (THE ISRAEL BIBLE)

AUGUST 27, 2024 – Israel has been fighting a multifaceted war for its existence that has intensified since the horrific Palestinian Hamas attack on October 7. The threats have been from Iran and its regional terrorist proxies. While Hamas has been nearly eliminated in the south, and an Israeli airstrike preempted a massive attack by Hezbollah, the Yemenite Houthis have been strangely silent.

The Houthis began attacking Israel directly less than two weeks after the October 7 attack by Hamas and launching missiles and armed drones. The Houthis have since seized and launched aerial attacks against dozens of merchant and naval vessels in the Red Sea. The group has declared that they will not stop until Israel ceases its war on Hamas.

The Houthis remain intensely focused on attacking Israel. On Sunday, Hezbollah launched hundreds of rockets and drones at northern Israel. The attack was almost entirely repelled and did not approach the attack by more than 6,000 rockets that Hezbollah had planned on launching.

The Houthis praised the “large and courageous attack” in a Sunday statement. They warned that a Yemeni response to Israeli operations was “inevitably coming.”

The Houthis may have been preoccupied, coping with the most apparent and most iconic manifestation of Divine intervention: lightning.

It was reported last week that 14 people had been killed in a series of lightning strikes in Hajjah Governorate, western Yemen. Since early August, Hajjah Governorate has been grappling with torrential rains, accompanied by thunder and severe flooding, affecting 13 districts. These extreme weather conditions have caused significant damage to over 7,200 families, including internally displaced persons.

Over the past few weeks, according to unofficial statistics, more than 80 people, including women and children, have died or been injured due to lightning strikes across various governorates.

In addition, rains and floods in the northern part of Yemen earlier this month killed 45 people, damaged 12,584 homes, and displaced 3,640 people, according to a statement by the Yemeni Red Crescent. The rainy season in Yemen begins in late March and intensifies from July to mid-August.

Lightning is a sign of divine anger, as described throughout the Bible, most notably by the Prophet Zechariah:

And Hashem will manifest Himself to them, And His arrows shall flash like lightning; My Hashem shall sound the shofar And advance in a stormy tempest. Zechariah 9:14

Rabbi Yosef Berger, rabbi of King David’s Tomb on Mount Zion, noted that lightning figures prominently in the Bible as an accompaniment to the Messiah.

“The divine role of lightning is emphasized repeatedly in the Bible,” he added. “The Bible says clearly in Psalms that lightning will be like a spotlight, revealing the truth at the end of days.”

His lightnings lighted up the world; the earth saw, and trembledPsalms 97:4

“But for those working against God, lightning will indeed be an actual means of punishment,” the rabbi warned.

He referenced a well-known Biblical event involving lightning, explaining, “The lightning at Mount Sinai was a preview of what will be in the end of days when lightning will again play a key role.”

And all the people perceived the thunderings, and the lightnings, and the voice of the horn, and the mountain smoking; and when the people saw it, they trembled, and stood afar off…And Moshe said unto the people: ‘Fear not; for God is come to prove you, and that His fear may be before you, that ye sin not.’ Exodus 20:14

“Just as powerful lightning at Mount Sinai was not meant to harm, not divine retribution, also in the end-of-days lighting serves a specific purpose,” Rabbi Berger said. “For people who recognize the God of Abraham, it is like an alarm clock, waking them up, telling them to prepare for what is about to happen.”

Rabbi Berger explained that the message of the lightning was sent to all peoples, not only the Jews.

“This is a global warning and not just to Israel. Whoever recognizes God’s rule will be part of the geula [redemption] and will be gathered in from the far corners.”


Lebanese Filmmaker: The Palestinian Cause Is Fake; There Has Never Been a Palestinian Entity  [4:00]

August 22, 2024  MEMRI TV Videos – Lebanese filmmaker and writer Youssef El-Khoury said in an August 8, 2024 interview with Lebanon On (YouTube) that Lebanon has been destroyed for the sake of a “fake cause,” because there has never been a Palestinian entity. He asked: “When has this land belonged to Palestine?” El-Khoury said that Hamas is a criminal and terrorist organization and the reason that there are so many civilian casualties in Gaza is because Hamas fighters are hiding underground and letting their people die. He added that appointing Sinwar as the leader of Hamas exposes it as an organization that does not want peace and does not care about its people.

El-Khoury said that Nasrallah should shut up and that maybe this could save Lebanon. He said that Nasrallah should be ashamed of himself and that he pollutes the Lebanese mind, history, and heritage. El-Khoury added that he is a “Hitler type” following the model of Nero, Mussolini, and Hirohito, who let their countries be destroyed before they surrendered. It is worth noting that at the end of the interview, the host qualified that he and Lebanon On are not responsible for the views of the guests on the platform.

[Ed.:  Many of us who are old enough knew this all along; since Yassir Arafat invented it!]


Dear Democrats: Things Are Not Looking Good.       JENNA MCCARTHY

You might want to prepare yourselves for what is about to be (unburdened by what has been).

AUG 26, 2024

Dear Democrats,

I hope you’ve got your organic, ethically-sourced stress balls and fair trade lavender calming spray handy, because I think you’re going to need them. The anti-vax black sheep of Camelot has thrown his support behind the felonious, mean-tweeting Cheeto, and despite laughable heroic MSM attempts to convince the masses otherwise, the unlikely duo appears to be unbeatable. Even if you cheat harder than you did in the last election—and let’s be real, you set the bar pretty high for yourselves there—it’s looking like you might have to make good on that threat to move to Canada come November.

I can only imagine how that makes you feel. Probably like someone decided to mix peanut butter and ketchup and everyone else is like holy crap you have to try this it’s actually delicious but you’re allergic to peanut butter and ketchup and now you’re about to throw up.

I know you’re clinging to your MOMALA yard sign like Rose on that wooden door after the Titanic went down, and frankly, I don’t blame you. We both know the list of things you cherish *that’s about to vanish like socks in the dryer* is longer than a CVS receipt.

DEI? Yeah—Discriminate, Exclude, and Ignore

In an RFTrump administration, you can expect your beloved Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion to disappear faster than the free Italian meatball samples at Costco. How much do you want to bet that despotic duo will try to install some sort of transphobic meritocracy where pronouns, chromosomes, and sexual preferences don’t even matter, and hard work and talent will determine how successful you’ll be? I know! Imagine this dystopian future world where job promotions are handed out based on skills and accomplishments rather than skin color or relative neurodivergence or how well your beard compliments your breasts. Go get yourself a paper bag and breathe into it. I’ll wait.

Continue reading


“The Smoking Gun of Irrefutable Evidence – 3 WTC Skyscrapers Destroyed on 9/11” with RG911 on The Mark Attwood Show   RICHARD GAGE, AIA – ARCHITECT

Learn the Key Points of Evidence for the Explosive Demolitions

AUG 25, 2024

Join us for our latest and most effective 90-minute expose of the fraudulent NIST report on the “collapses” of the 3 World Trade High-Rises.

The Mark Attwood Show reaches tens of thousands in the UK. We are getting out there with the truth & facts about 9/11!

1. …that the third Tower, 47-story WTC Building 7, not hit by a plane, collapsed at 5:20pm on 9/11.

2. …that Building 7 fell at free-fall acceleration, which means that not one of its 81 columns gave any resistance. Where did they go?

3. …that Building 7 fell symmetrically — in the exact manner of a classic controlled demolition.

4. …that molten iron, the byproduct of the incendiary thermite, was found by first responders in pools throughout the debris pile of all 3 towers, and pouring out of the South Tower minutes prior to its collapse.

5. …that witnesses heard and felt explosions prior to the collapse of Building 7.

6. …that 186 First Responders were recorded hearing, seeing, feeling, explosions as well as flashes of light prior to the “collapses” of the Twin Towers.

7. …that the downward motion of the Twin Towers came down in 2/3 of free-fall acceleration, meaning that 90% of the structure was immediately removed.

8. …that most all of the 100,000 tons of steel in each tower was displaced laterally at 80mph, landing up to 600 feet in every direction, so it was not available to crush the building below.

9. …that most all of the 90,000 tons of concrete in each tower was pulverized to a fine powder and distributed laterally from river to river across Lower Manhattan in a 3″ thick blanket, so it also was unavailable to crush the building beneath it.

10. …that the US Geological survey and RJ Lee both independently confirm the discovery of what amounts to about 4 tons of previously molten iron microspheres in the WTC dust samples, indicating temperatures exceeding 2,800º F — and they don’t know where they could have possibly come from.

And, a bonus fact:

11. …that a team of 8 international scientists discovered what amounted to several tons of high-tech nano-thermite in the WTC dust samples, in the form of small red-gray chips that produce molten iron microspheres after ignition in a DSC at 850º F, with the same chemical signature as the iron microspheres discovered by the USGS.

Pass these fact around and help wake up the world!


“Strength through joy” Kamala’s message:


Attention “Pro-Palestinian ‘protestors’:


SHOSHANA BRYEN: Forget The Hostage Talks — Win The War   SHOSHANA BRYEN

August 24, 2024 – Not the hostages! Forget the so-called “hostage talks,” which are simply a mechanism for stretching out the war and increasing pressure on Israel. They are a sign of American desperation for a political victory. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, according to Egyptian sources, aims to “persuade both Hamas and Israel to embrace the American proposal without adding complications.”

Aside from the repugnant equation of “both” Hamas and Israel, “complications” are what are known as “war goals.” Israel had three at the outset: to secure the borders and the people of Israel; to uproot the Hamas military and governing capability in Gaza; and to get the hostages back. (RELATED: Israel Recovers Bodies Of Six Hostages From Gaza)

How is Israel doing?

If you want a political opinion about Israel’s war, ask a pol. If you want a military opinion, ask a military officer.

John Spencer, Chair of Urban Warfare Studies at the Modern War Institute at West Point, gives us a starting place. Writing in Foreign Affairs, he says: “War is the pursuit of political objectives … (and) has a start and a finish, so its progress can be assessed based on how close each side has come to meeting its political objectives. By this measure, it is Israel, not Hamas, that now holds the advantage.”

Political objectives? The United States told Israel it could not achieve political objectives through warfare. Spencer disagrees. “Brute force is what gives Hamas the ability to rule over the population of Gaza. If it succeeds (in eliminating Hamas’s military capabilities), Israel can prevent Hamas from reclaiming its pre–October 7 position.”

Andrew Fox, a former British paratrooper and Sandhurst senior lecturer, who is cognizant of strong U.S. opposition to Israel entering Rafah in southern Gaza, asks in The Spectator: “Why go into Rafah at all? Simply because the aim is to destroy Hamas. That involves finding and degrading their capability, and that capability hinges on the supply tunnels from Rafah into Egypt, some of which run 2 km beyond the Egyptian border … The alternative is to face inestimable casualties.”

(Digression: Now you know why the Egyptian “mediators” are opposed to Israel controlling the southern side of the Rafah crossing. It would: 1. expose the depth of Cairo’s partnership with Hamas, which is allied with Iran, and 2. prevent the restoration of that financially lucrative partnership later.)

Continue reading

[Ed.:  IINO’s military upper echelon takes their orders from the State Department, and that is why they will never win a war. ‘Israel’ is a ‘banana republic’ and not ” a light unto the nations” as God once said.  “Jewish life is cheapest in IINO!” (Quoting myself)]


Trump Will Win in a Landslide – Do NOT Believe the Main Stream Media’s Pollsters!   (VIDEO 36:51)   By Grant Stinchfield

Aug. 26, 2024 9:30 am – The mainstream media is back to its old tricks.

They are now pushing phony polls to show Kamala Harris has tightened the race and/or even pulled ahead.

Be warned, they are fake. These polls do not take into account a few factors that lead me to believe Trump is up by double digits.

I will show you why I believe Trump is up big, and we even found Democrats like James Carville, who unknowingly exposed the polls as fake.


[Ed.:  Yes (if there is an election in 73 more days,) Trump will win in a landslide!  But then, they will announce themselves the winner in another steal. Whoever wins, loses.]


One Choice: Fight to Win   by Victor Rosenthal

August 26, 2024 – Yesterday Israel preempted a potentially disastrous attack by Hezbollah on the center of the country. Thirty minutes before launch time, our aircraft destroyed literally thousands of launchers, rockets, and drones that were aimed at various targets including IDF headquarters in Tel Aviv and sensitive installations in the North.

Despite being an impressive technical and tactical achievement, it does not herald a new, more aggressive Israeli military policy. A column in the Israel Hayom newspaper this morning was titled “Preemptive operation, not preemptive attack,” and that sums it up. The 100 aircraft that were involved were simply a more elaborate and expensive Iron Dome. Admittedly the enemy lost more assets than the rockets and drones it had planned to use; launchers and installations were also destroyed. But the objective of the operation was entirely defensive. Great care was taken to ensure that it would be seen as a “legitimate” response to aggression. Israel waited until just before Hezbollah was expected to fire, and the attack was limited to southern Lebanon. As is always the case when we play pure defense, the enemy has learned lessons and will try again.

It was telling that Israel and the US both indicated that the US knew about it in advance, and that the attack was “fully coordinated” with the US. It’s well known that the US forbids Israel to preemptively attack its enemies, so it was important to present it as limited and “intended to prevent escalation.” But it should be noted that Hezbollah did succeed to launch some 300 weapons at the northern part of Israel, from which tens of thousands of citizens have become refugees. The defensive strike still did not enable them to return home. No purely defensive operation can.

American policy continues to have as its top objective the prevention of escalation. The pressure to reach a cease-fire agreement with Hamas continues at a high level. Although they are often presented as “hostage return” deals, no proposal has been seriously considered that allows more than a minority of the living hostages in the hands of Hamas to return. The Americans have made it clear that they intend for any temporary cease-fire to become permanent, or at least extended; and this implies the continued rule of Hamas and the abandonment of more than half of the hostages.

Israel cannot allow a situation to continue in which large numbers of her citizens from both the northern and southern parts of the country have been driven from their homes and can’t return for fear of rocket attacks and 7 October-style invasions. Essentially, a third of our country has been occupied by our enemies since 7 October. This is the status quo that American-brokered diplomatic “solutions” will perpetuate.

American forces have been sent to the region to prevent escalation by either side while they pursue diplomatic initiatives. But today Israeli deterrence is at its lowest point in years, and any American-brokered compromises with Hamas, Hezbollah, or Iran, will be disastrous to us.

If the Democrats win the US presidency, it’s expected that the pro-Iranian policy begun under Obama will gather steam. The Iranian regime is not sitting idly by, but is galloping toward the finish line in developing its nuclear umbrella. Israel can’t afford to wait and hope for a more friendly administration next January, which may or may not materialize.

Israel lost her way strategically at some point, when her military leadership buckled under American pressure, abandoned Ben Gurion’s philosophy of taking the war to her enemies, and began to fight, as Gadi Taub said, “with a shield but without a sword.” We have paid a huge price for this, and it’s not sustainable. Now we are at the point at which we have no choice but to fight to win.

[Ed.:  Under the present leftist military leadership, fighting to win is not in the cards, it’s not going to happen. They will continue to take their marching orders from the US State Department (the enemy).]


Trump Supporter WOWS Entire Audience With An EXPLOSIVE Speech, Gets A Standing Ovation  [19:14]

August 24, 2024


British and French ministers remove hostage pins before PA meeting, accused of racism   By MOSHE PHILLIPS

British and French ministers removed hostage support pins before meeting a Palestinian leader, sparking accusations of racism and appeasement.  Opinion

AUGUST 26, 2024  The Jerusalem PostThe decision by the British and French foreign ministers to remove the yellow pins supporting the hostages before meeting a Palestinian Authority leader was not only appalling and cowardly – it was also downright racist.

UK Foreign Secretary David Lammy and French Foreign Minister Stéphane Séjourné wore the yellow pins when they met with Israel’s foreign minister last Friday. However, they removed the pins before meeting with PA Prime Minister Mohammed Mustafa later that same day.

This fear of offending a Palestinian Arab leader naturally calls to mind the behavior of the British and French toward the Nazis in the 1930s. Obviously there are differences, but nobody can deny that the spirit of appeasement displayed by the British and French this past weekend echoes some of the worst periods in recent history.

The British and French officials last weekend had an opportunity to show that their government had learned the lessons of the 1930s and were ready to confront, rather than appease, a leader of a pro-terror regime. Instead, they demonstrated that they have learned nothing from history, choosing to echo Chamberlain, not Churchill.

The conduct of the British and French is also a slap in the face of the United States. There are at least eight Americans being held hostage by Hamas in Gaza. That yellow pin represents them as much as it represents the Israeli and other non-American hostages. Removing that pin is, in effect, saying that the British and French governments couldn’t care less about the fate of the American hostages.

Not only was this an act of craven appeasement and an insult to every American; it was also profoundly racist.

Meaning behind pin removal

By removing their pins, the British and French implied that a Palestinian Arab leader cannot be expected to oppose kidnapping, starving, and torturing innocent civilians. They’re saying there is something inherently barbaric about Palestinian Arabs that compels them to support evil hostage-takers and gang-rapists.

If the British and French foreign ministers had met with any other foreign leader, presumably they would have kept the pins on. But the minute a Palestinian Arab walked into the room, they said to each other, “This guy’s a Palestinian Arab – so he must support the hostage-holders. We better take off our pins so we don’t offend him! He can’t help it; he might get mad if he sees that we’re against holding innocent people hostage!”

If that’s not racist, what is?

Continue reading


Jonathan Pollard: Countering American Sanctions Against Israel  [28:39]

August 25, 2024  Machon Shilo – Rabbi David Bar Haim discusses with Jonathan Pollard.


All you need to know about this morning’s preemptive strike on Hezbollah    Caroline Glick

August 25, 2024  JNS TV – Israel this morning foiled Hezbollah’s planned barrage of thousands of drones and missiles on the entirety of the country. Was this the response from Iran that everyone was expecting or is there more to come? Should Israel now make strategic adjustments? We’ll discuss all this and more on today’s episode of Caroline Glick’s In Focus! Also, America’s role in developments; a regional view of the situation; defensive alternatives; and the importance of the Philadelphi corridor.


0:00 The attack this morning

3:00 Strategic assessment

12:40 Defensive alternatives

22:30 A regional view

28:00 American involvement

32:40 Negotiations and agreements

37:00 Importance of Philadelphi corridor


Coup has already Occurred, 2024 Election Will Not Happen w/ Naomi Wolf     SARAH WESTALL

AUG 24, 2024 – My latest show with Naomi Wolf has hit a nerve. It’s trending on many platforms and several people reached out to let me know that they have independently come to the same conclusion as Wolf.

I don’t know if they are correct. My own thoughts are that they will cheat if they think the public will believe it. Thus fake polls are being used to convince the public Harris/Walz are ahead and will win. Together the fake polls, ballot harvesting, rigging machines, etc… constitutes cheating. I believe this will be their first option.

However, if they think they cannot cheat in a reasonable fashion then I believe what Wolf and others are saying may come true.

Regardless, we are in for a lot more chaos if either scenario ends up being accurate.

In the show, we discuss much more than the election. She also explains why she says the coup has already taken place. That the country has already fallen. She explains what that means. It is really her main point.

Here are the details of the show:

Title: Coup has already Occurred, 2024 Election Will Not Happen w/ Naomi Wolf

Description: Naomi Wolf joins me to discuss the 2024 election season and all the strangeness. She predicts that the election won’t take place; that an event of some sort will cause it to be suspended. This will ultimately usher in a communist dictatorship led by the democrats. She claims that in reality the coup has already taken place and she elaborates on why she believes this. It is true that we are dealing with people who are irrational and power hungry. A combination that could ultimately lead to disasters of unimaginable proportions.

Link: Coup has already Occurred, 2024 Election Will Not Happen w/ Naomi Wolf

[Ed.:  I agree with Naomi Wolf.  But if we will have an election, Trump will win by a landslide. Then it will be announced that whats-her-name won the election. This is the new Democrat election process: Whoever wins, loses.]


A critical review of the Democrat Convention   Jack Engelhard

First, Kamala. Nary an original thought, she has been properly schooled in the language of blah, blah, blah.  Op-ed.

Aug 25, 2024, 10:55 AM (GMT+3)  INN – One speaker after another, blah, blah, blah

They all took turns making the case for Kamala Harris, a woman least qualified to be president of anything, least of all president of the United States.

Can they be serious? Of course not. In their hearts they know she’s a dunce, but she is all they’ve got, so they will do anything to sell her as the best and the brightest.

That is how it works in their politics. Dazzle the people with clichés and they will buy the Brooklyn bridge.

So they spoke, to the music of thunderous applause, not a word of truth, but one tall tale after another, during the monotonous speechifying.

They lie as naturally as they breathe.

All you heard was blah, blah, blah. Hoorah brayed the gullible believers. Sycophants united at the DNC.

Barack, Michele, Joe, Jill, Nancy, Pete, Chuck, Bill, Hillary, that guy Walz, and of course that woman AOC, who thundered louder than the rest of them a warning, that in order to save yourself from being branded a racist, a bigot, a threat to democracy, you, America, must embrace and adore Kamala Harris.

Strangely, Kamala’s pitch, her manifesto, harks on her undoing the damage that had been done over the past four years…her four years, that is, while she and Joe Biden ran the show!

Therefore, vote for Kamala for more of the same. That’s the deal?

Vote for Trump at your peril. they say…and by the way, should Trump (hopefully) win, how many times do you think they will they try to impeach him?

They did it before, they will do it again.

Joy at this Convention? Rather, anger, rage, and hatred…and since there is no fact-checking from the media, they can get away with anything and everything.

There is nothing to stop them, as there wasn’t back in 2020, when, later, in a column, Living with the crime of the century, we wrote, “The biggest losers are the American people. Had they known the unsavory facts about Hunter and his father, Joe, Trump would be enjoying his second term…and it does not matter if you love or hate Trump.

“What matters is that the 2020 election was cooked by the media to deny voters the right to the truth, so they voted eyes wide shut.”

So here we go again? Yes. So long as the Silent Majority remains silent, those politicians will continue to pontificate their time-tested baloney.

Blather like this, for example, from Kamala herself upon her acceptance speech Thursday night…promising to “unite America” and to “push for a new way forward.”

Where have we heard this before?

Platitudes like that go back to Cicero, and to Joe Biden who divided the country after he vowed to unite the country.

With the same malarkey, he passes the baton to Kamala Harris, the queen of clichés. Nary an original thought, she has been properly schooled in the language of blah, blah, blah.

No one did it better than Irwin Corey. Remember him? He was hilarious. His shtick was to step on stage in formal wear and sneakers and bill himself “professor,” plus, “the world’s foremost authority.” As such, he would commence to babble the most highfalutin phrases in academic-speak, spritzing nonsense after nonsense.

But this was the trick. It sounded real.

He even fooled you, until you caught on. There is the story about his being invited to address a convention of psychiatrists…who gave him a standing ovation.

They bought the shtick.

Sounds like Kamala and her Democrats. Only they are not comedians. They intend to run your life and your world, and they are deadly serious about this.

America, Silent Majority, you have been warned.


Israel-Hamas ceasefire would breach international law   Prof. Louis René Beres

International law has precise form and content. It cannot be invented and reinvented by terror groups. Such law does not support the hope-based adoption of cease-fire agreements between sovereign states and criminal gangs.

Aug 25, 2024, 12:25 AM (GMT+3)  INNIsrael and Hamas could still reach an agreement on a “cease fire.” But because the jihadist terror organization still regards all of Israel as “Occupied Palestine,” this agreement will almost certainly fail. Accordingly, for both Israel and the “international community,” there will be injurious consequences for international justice. Some of these consequences would be “force-multiplying” and irremediable.

It’s high time for realistic understandings of these urgent issues.

The immediate effect of any anticipated cease-fire agreement would be the defiling bestowal of legal legitimacy on insidious terror-criminals. The longer-term effect would be to undermine the authority of international law in general and to enlarge the prospects of a continuous regional war.

In principle, at least, even such grievous effects could be acceptable if accompanied by a return of hostages (criminally-abducted citizens from over twenty separate countries, including a one-year old Israeli child), but no such humanity should be expected from Hamas. If perchance Hamas did actually return some of the still-living hostages, it would assuredly compensate for this “generosity” by attempting to repeat October 7th atrocities at later dates and in different venues.

There are further legal details. No authoritative system of law can encourage or allow accommodation between a legitimate national government and a barbarous criminal organization. Though any promised cessation of hostilities could conceivably benefit Israel as well as Hamas, the cumulative costs for both Israelis and Palestinians would plausibly exceed anticipated gains. Even if Israel could expect the return of some hostages, Hamas (the Islamic Resistance Movement) would feel incentivized to launch future hostage-taking operations. Lest anyone forget, Hamas is motivated at its core by “criminal intent” or mens rea.

Hamas is an illegal organization. This inherent illegality is deducible from the far-reaching criminalization of terrorism discoverable under binding international law. Such a primal status can never be correctly overlooked by third party agreement brokers (e.g., the United States), however well-intentioned.

Before the ancient Hebrew laws of Deuteronomy, there already existed determinable rules of warfare. Today, these “peremptory” norms (rules that are over riding and ought never to be broken) bind insurgent fighting forces, not just traditionally uniformed national armies. Conspicuously, these rules stem from the St. Petersburg Declaration (1868), a codification that followed still-earlier limitations identified at the First Geneva Convention (1864).

Under longstanding international law, “the means that can be used to injure an enemy are not unlimited.” No matter how allegedly just the cause, the willful maiming, rape and murder of noncombatants is always a crime. The ends can never justify the means. Regarding the deaths of many Palestinian Arab civilians occasioned by Israeli bombardments, these harms are not witting violations of the law of war. They represent the wholly unintentional result of necessary counter-terrorist operations, not of “criminal intent.” In Gaza, such harms are the collateral outcome of Hamas’ resort to “human shields.” The technical name for this ongoing Islamist crime is “perfidy.”

Whenever Hamas or other Palestinian terrorists claim the right to “any means necessary,” they intend to deceive. Even if their corollary claims of “national self-determination” were in some way reasonable, there would still remain distinctly tangible limits on permissible targets and legitimate weapons.

Any calls to “Free Palestine from the River to the Sea” are exterminatory on their face. In law, such calls are always an expression of “intent to commit genocide.” Reciprocally, whatever one hears from so-called protestors, Israel-inflicted harms upon perfidy-shielded Palestinian Arab populations have nothing to do with genocide. These harms remain the unavoidable correlates of Israel’s inextinguishable right to self-preservation.

International law has precise form and content. It cannot be invented and reinvented by terror groups or by aspiring states (here, “Palestine”) to accommodate narrow geo-strategic interests. Back on November 29, 2012, the Palestinian Authority (PA) was upgraded by the U.N. General Assembly to the status of a “nonmember observer state,” but the PA subsequently declared itself nonexistent.

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Watch: Raw and Unfiltered  [13:18]   Brigitte Gabriel

Brigitte Joins Wayne Allyn in an Incredible Discussion on Current Events



CHAPTER 33: Weaponizing Children: The Gospel of Yuval Harari   by Linda Goudsmit
Space Is No Longer the Final Frontier—Reality Is*

August 25, 2024

Globalism is a replacement ideology that seeks to reorder the world into one singular, planetary Unistate, ruled by the globalist elite. The globalist war on nation-states cannot succeed without collapsing the United States of America. The long-term strategic attack plan moves America incrementally from constitutional republic to socialism to globalism to feudalism. The tactical attack plan uses asymmetric psychological and informational warfare to destabilize Americans and drive society out of objective reality into the madness of subjective reality. America’s children are the primary target of the globalist predators.

Klaus Schwab and fellow members of the World Economic Forum (WEF) embrace a vision for the future that is difficult to fully grasp, but it is essential that people attempt to do just that. Yuval Harari, Israeli historian, professor, and darling of the WEF, provides a glimpse of that future and of Humanity 2.0 in his books and lectures.

Schwab and Harari embrace globalism’s supremacist replacement ideology as an evolutionary inevitability, in the same way Marx and Engels believed it was a historical inevitability that a socialist revolution would overturn and replace capitalism.

The term historical inevitability was introduced by philosopher Isaiah Berlin in his lecture “Historical Inevitability,”[i]delivered on May 12, 1953, at the London School of Economics and Political Science. Berlin argued against historical inevitability because the view that “the world has a direction” requires deterministic laws. Berlin considered determinism implausible because it requires radical changes in people’s “moral and psychological categories.”

Berlin’s view does not dissuade the humanitarian hucksters at the WEF from hawking globalism’s Unistate and Humanity 2.0, the artificial expediting of the evolutionary process, as historical and evolutionary inevitabilities. In their arrogance, globalist supremacists insist that their ideology is superior to any other ideology or social infrastructure, and will inevitably dominate the world. It is a very convenient philosophy of life for megalomaniacs and sociopaths.

Let’s examine Yuval Harari’s views in his own words, delivered at the World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting in Davos, January 24, 2020:[ii]

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Man Hilariously Roasts Clueless DNC Attendees, Including Big-Name Politicians, to Their Face with Provocative Questions and Their Responses are Quite Telling   (VIDEO  20:00)   By Cullen Linebarger

Aug. 24, 2024 9:45 am = One brave individual decided to venture into the DNC Convention sewer in Chicago and brutally troll the delegates with the pressing questions that needed to be asked.

A man affiliated with the YouTube channel No Cap on God met with several prominent attendees this week and recorded his encounters on both X and YouTube. Some of the “famous” people he met up with included lead Trump persecutor New York Attorney General Letitia James, Senator Raphael Warnock (R-GA), Congressman Jerry Nadler (D-NY), former CNN propagandist Chris “Fredo” Cuomo, and Star Trek filmmaker J.J. Abrams.

The people the infiltrator spoke with had no clue they were being made fun of, and some even treated him like a member of the Democratic family.

He asked them a series of questions while occasionally saying, “That is so brat,” in the video to poke fun at them. For context, the Kamala Harris campaign has fully embraced the TikTok “BRAT” theme to make her more relatable to young Americans, particularly on TikTok. Singer Charli XCX coined the new slang in her album “Brat” and described it as “You’re that girl who is a bit messy and loves to party and maybe says dumb things sometimes. She’s honest, blunt, and a little bit volatile. That’s Brat.”

She went on to describe Harris as someone perfectly resembling “brat”, thus contributing to her image makeover.

The provocative questions the man asked included:

“Would you rather have democracy or access to abortion?”

“Can we please, this year, be so brat to have a tax rate for rich white men?

“Who are the cuties in the Democratic party who are speaking?”

“Child tax credits for dogs?

“Who has the bigger lightsaber, Donald Trump or Joe Biden?”

“Give me your best pick-up line.”

As one will see below, their responses to these pressing questions are VERY telling.



We Are Out of Our Minds   Sean Fitzpatrick

America is growing increasingly comfortable with the unaccountable and the irrational. Kamala Harris’s acceptance speech was just another piece in that scattered puzzle that threatens to be our national destiny.

August 24, 2024 – When Kamala Harris accepted the nomination for President of the United States on Thursday night at the Democratic National Convention, she wore black. Many were expecting her to sport the white pants suit that Hillary Clinton made “a thing” to signify the women’s suffrage movement as she attempted, like a bird against an office window, to break that “highest, hardest glass ceiling.” Many women in the crowd wore white for just this reason.

But Harris wore black, with square shoulders, wide lapels, and velvet bow, in a look that was far from the theme of joy shouted from the DNC rooftops. It was a somber suit, even a sinister one—which gets at the darkness of the political theater-of-the-bizarre unfolding in the United States. Harris’s suit was mournful, despite her now-signature “brat” grin. It was funereal, vampiric. And, yes, I just said vampiric, for this is a candidate and a campaign that is out for blood—and America has lost its collective mind to the point of voting for blood drinkers while hailing them as champions of freedom.

Kamala Harris is fond of beginning sentences with, “Let me be clear.” The one thing that is not clear about her is how she (and we) got here. What has Kamala Harris done to win such praise, to be hyped as one of the most qualified people to run for president in history? It just doesn’t add up when you consider her record of unpopularity, incompetency, and awkwardness. Her meteoric rise is totally fabricated, totally forced, and totally fake. While Harris and Walz relentlessly call Trump and Vance “weird,” what’s weird is all on their side.

But if weird is a watchword of this election, let’s remember the etymological Anglo-Saxon origin of that word: “wyrd,” meaning, fate. There is something like fate in this, and we might also recall Thomas Jefferson’s adage, the government you elect is the government you deserve. While the mind-bending contradictions are flying fast and furiously, America is growing increasingly comfortable with the unaccountable and the irrational. Kamala Harris’s acceptance speech was just another piece in that scattered puzzle that threatens to be our national destiny.

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Jonathan Pollard: Israel Needs An Arms Czar  [17:04]

August 23, 2024  Machon Shilo


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Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.