Daily Shmutz  |  COMMENTARY / OPINION  |  8/4/23


Russia Has Eliminated 400,000 Soldiers Thus Far   [38:51]  Douglas Macgregor Straight Calls

39,004 views  Aug 4, 2023 – Colonel Douglas Macgregor Straight Calls – Analysis of breaking news and in-depth discussion of current geopolitical events in the United States of America and the world.

Interview with Jackson Hinkle on August 3, 2023.


“America has turned Ukraine into a GRAVEYARD” – Col. Douglas MacGregor   Redacted w Clayton Morris

Aug 3, 2023 – America’s proxy war against Russia has turned Ukraine into a graveyard. Colonel Douglas MacGregor joins Redacted to talk about how Ukraine has so many bodies piling up that it has no way of picking them all up. NATO’s strategy has been to push Ukraine into an armored assault against Russian forces. This has been an utter massacre.


Fitton SLAMS Leftists on CSPAN For Corruption Lies!  [26:33]  Tom Fitton,  Judicial Watch

Jul 27, 2023 – Judicial Watch President @TomFitton appeared on “Washington Journal” on C-SPAN to discuss the latest on the prosecution of former President Donald Trump, Hunter Biden appearing in court for tax charges, and much more.  WATCH NOW!


“Happy Indictment Day!”    DR NAOMI WOLF

In a Deep Blue State, Recoiling from the Celebrations

AUG 3, 2023 – I am in a deep blue small town in a deep blue state, here on the West Coast.

The natives are jubilant today.

“Happy Indictment Day!” shouted the neighbor of my host, as my host and I sat out on a balcony. The neighbor was emerging from a car, three stories below us. The building must have contained thirty apartments. The man was certain that everyone who was in earshot of his joyous shout, agreed with his sentiments.

He witnessed my silence. “Don’t you agree?” he goaded me, a near-stranger, still shouting. “Don’t you?”

Finally I responded, “I am not sure that this sets a great precedent. Every sitting President in the future will try to indict his or her political opponent.” He cut off the discussion — a reaction, from the Left, to which I am getting accustomed — and headed inside.


Most Soldiers Are Now Surrendering To Russia  [22:10]   Douglas Macgregor

Interview with Andrew Napolitano on August 3, 2023.

Colonel Douglas Macgregor Straight Calls – Analysis of breaking news and in-depth discussion of current geopolitical events in the United States of America and the world.



Humanity’s Ageless Struggle… What Is a Person Worth?   PETER AND GINGER BREGGIN

No human being should ever be required to submit to being treated as a non-human being.

AUG 3, 2023 – Beneath the surface of the oppressive COVID-19 “public health” policies and practices, another phase in the great human struggle emerged and continues to afflict us now. The struggle is nearing the tipping point that could set back humanity to something more dismal and unending than the Dark Ages.

The struggle grows from two distinct and competing answers to the questions, “What is a human being, and what value does each one have?”

The View that We Are Beings with Inherent and Inviolable Worth

One view says that humans are indeed “beings.” This means they are fundamentally spiritual in nature and, as individuals, possess inherent and inviolable worth. From this essential worth grows their right to take responsibility for themselves in making the most they can out of life while recognizing and promoting the equal inherent and inviolable value of all humans.

This view is inherent in our biological and social relations. It begins with the love of parents for their children and the love of individual adults for each other. The great strength of humans is rooted in this mutual concern for each other. From earliest times, humans were bound together in extended families that hunted and gathered together and who, together, survived and triumphed over the challenges of life within nature.

However, it took religion to enable humans to see beyond their extended families to believe that all human beings have inherent and inviolable worth. The concept begins to unfold in the Hebrew Bible with the concept that humans are made in the image of God and should treat each other with universal ethics and laws, beginning with the Ten Commandments, and the rudiments of what will become the Golden Rule: Treat others as you would have them treat you. It flowers in the New Testament with the more explicit declaration of the Golden Rule and then the concept — the incredible ideal — that we humans should love one another as God loves us.

This Judeo-Christian inheritance led the Founders of this nation in 1776 to write and sign the Declaration of Independence, finding in God our inalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. With the ratification of the Constitution in 1789 and the Bill of Rights in 1891, the United States of America came fully into being — the first government ever created for the preservation and advancement of the individual freedom of its citizens. To say that these principles have made America “exceptional” hardly captures the reality that no other nation in history had ever created a government based on the inviolability of individual human rights as expressed in its founding documents.


WATCH: Tucker Carlson Interviews Devon Archer, Biden Business Partner and Close Friend   [11:42]   By Pamela Geller

August 2, 2023 – Tucker Carlson presents an incriminating letter proving Joe Biden was way involved with foreign business deals. Joe Biden knew exactly what business Hunter was in and what it entailed. Archer tells Tucker Hunter Biden’s role in their business was “selling access.”

“He [Biden] is the Vice President of the United States, and he’s talking about foreign business deals with you [Devon Archer] and thanking you for that … He’s not allowed to be working on businesses with foreign governments while he’s Vice President.”



Lindell Explains How Smith’s Political Persecution Will Expose The 2020 Election The American Public   [11:38]    Steve Bannon

August 2, 2023 – ”Evil Is Greedy”: Mike Lindell Explains How Jack Smith’s Political Persecution Will Expose The 2020 Election The American Public


Stew Peters interviewed me today  [15:43]   MERYL NASS  

AUG 2, 2023 – During the next pandemic the World Health Organization is planning to enslave humanity.

Dr. Meryl Nass is back with Stew to sound the alarm about the tyrannical W.H.O. treaty.

Dr. Nass is now testifying publicly against the planned WHO global pandemic treaty.

The treaty aims to abolish national sovereignty and turn the World Health Organization into a de facto global dictatorship any time they declare a pandemic.

Dr. Nass is also warning about how global elites plan to use the disastrous “Operation Warp Speed” as a template for rapid approval of all vaccines in the future, to make more money and, of course, exert more biological control over the masses.

First, declare a crisis that requires a global effort to defeat.

Then, abolish basic rights in the name of stopping the emergency.

Finally, restructure all of society to build a New World Order, in the supposed pursuit of keeping the emergency from happening again and once it’s all said and done, everyone is a slave of the elites, whether the original emergency was real or not.

The Biological Weapons convention is a U.S. backed treaty that came into being in 1975.

The treaty was supposed to have enforcement mechanisms to be added after all countries signed on but that never happened.

This means the treaty designed to protect the world from biological weapons is totally useless.

The term “gain of function” was created to replace more nefarious sounding terms like “biowarfare” or “germ warfare”.

The W.H.O. will be voting next May on giving the Director General of the W.H.O. total authority during pandemics.

The Director General would then have the authority to dictate to countries which drugs they are permitted to use and which drugs are banned.

This would completely go against the American Bill of Rights.

Republicans in Congress have authored bills to withdraw from the W.H.O. and defund the corrupt organization.

“Pandemic preparedness” is really “pandemic manufacturing”.


This War Is Over, Russia Has Won   [40:55]    Douglas Macgregor   August 2, 2023


Digital oligarchs have weaponized the banks. Corporate behemoths are adopting the Chinese approach   MERYL NASS

This is an important article:  Jacob Siegel   https://unherd.com/2023/07/digital-oligarchs-have-weaponised-the-banks/

The debanking of Nigel Farage demonstrates the power of a law that is already being enforced without having been formalised. Found guilty of crimes by state censors, secret committees of bureaucrats, or inscrutable algorithms, individuals can be disconnected and de-personed by institutions that they didn’t realise possessed such powers. Today it is banks terminating customers for their beliefs; tomorrow it may be primary schools and hospitals. The powerful consensus that once upheld the neutrality of key institutions as essential to maintaining peace in liberal societies is collapsing.

Belief in the value of neutrality was a hard-won product of bourgeoisie political revolutions and religious wars. Having lasted for centuries, it is teetering today under attack from two directions. On one side, a brand of political activism condemns the very idea of remaining neutral as being a cover for subjugation and exploitation. In this view, the passive act of not denying someone banking services is recast as an affirmative endorsement of their entire political outlook. Simultaneously, digital networks are thrusting formerly apolitical institutions into the general arena of public surveillance, where failure to affirm new ideological mantras is seen as an act of treason against the whole system.


Over 50 Different Alien Species are here on Earth w/ Barbara Lamb (1 of 2)  [51:18]   Sarah  Westall

August 1, 2023  Barbara Lamb, a licensed therapist, joins the program to share what she has learned about the different alien species visiting earth and interacting with humans. Lamb’s knowledge has been formed from thousands of regressions with people who believe they have been abducted by alien species. Her efforts represent the largest body of work in the field to date. You can buy her books and learn more about her at https://BarbaraLambRegressions.com

[Ed.:  Yes, and then there are the aliens running the US government administration to be added to that number...]


Judicial Watch Statement on Trump Election Indictment  Tom Fitton

AUGUST 01, 2023    (Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton made the following statement regarding the indictment of former President Donald Trump for disputing the election of President Joe Biden:

The Biden administration has left the rule of law and the U.S. Constitution behind with its latest indictment of President Trump for daring to dispute the 2020 presidential election, as is his God-given right as a president, a citizen, and a candidate under state, federal and constitutional law.

This sham indictment is perfectly consistent with the partisan and political abuse I suffered at the hands of Jack Smith’s prosecutors for hours as they argued with me before their grand jury using Democratic talking points on the election controversy.

Let’s be blunt: This indictment is a naked threat and act of intimidation by the Democratic Party against any and all their political opponents. The message from the Biden regime is: “We will put you in jail if you dispute elections.” A free and fair 2024 election is officially impossible.

And, of course, Joe Biden and his political appointee Merrick Garland at the Justice Department want to distract from the conclusive evidence of Biden’s personal corruption by trying to jail and turn Trump into a political prisoner.

It is well past time for Congress to do everything possible under the law to undo this attempt to wreck our republican form of government.

Let’s hope the courts finally step up and shut down this unprecedented prosecutorial abuse.


Putin launches DEVASTATING assault on Ukraine as NATO plan crumbles | Redacted with Clayton Morris interviewing Scott Ritter

August 1, 2023 – 12,750 watching now  Started streaming 45 minutes ago  #redacted #claytonmorris #natalimorris

NATO has been pushing Ukraine to launch massive armored offensives instead of small scale pin prick attacks. This plan has been devastating to the Ukrainian army which has come under intense air and ground attacks by the Russian army. Is it NATO’s plan to finish off what’s left of Ukraine’s military? Former U.N. weapons inspector Scott Ritter joins us for tonight’s live show.


Trump’s Second Term: The First 24 Hours   By Sebastian Gorka

For starters, strip the FBI of its arrest powers

August 1, 2023 – Say we do it.

Say we prevent Mark Zuckerberg – or any other America-hating billionaire – from pumping hundreds of millions into the privatization of elections with drop-boxes and illicit “training” for local officials.

Say we deploy enough lawyers BEFOREHAND to monitor early voting and inspect suspiciously “harvested” ballots.

Say we prevent tens of millions of mail-in ballots being sent out unbidden under the cover of the latest Wuhan-generated demi-plague.

And say we actually mobilize enough pissed-off patriots to overwhelm the remaining election skullduggery that big democratic cities like, Philly, Chicago, Atlanta and Baltimore have become infamous for.

And then Donald Jonathan Trump wins. 45 becomes 47. What then?

Here’s one plan.

Ed.:  Sebastian Gorka is a brilliant thinker and writer.  He also has a great imagination!]


Biden Regime Allows Big Pharma To Loot Medicare   By Paul Craig Roberts

August 1, 2023 – Earlier this month I reported that my Medicare account has been billed by three separate labs for expired Covid tests sent to me as “totally free, paid for by the Government. Please Do Not Return.”

“Paid for by Government” means paid for by Medicare.  I now have 24 expired Covid tests for which Medicare has paid.

Since reporting this a few days ago I have now received Medicare notices that FIVE more labs have sent me AT MEDICARE’S EXPENSE Covid test kits.  These kits have not yet arrived, but the bill to Medicare has.



The “Reasonableness” Clause EXPLAINED  [35:43]  Caroline Glick

07/28/2023 – In my news analysis this week, I went through the uproar over the Knesset’s legislation of constraints on the Supreme Court’s power to overturn policies based on the “Reasonableness Clause.

I explained what the “reasonable clause is,” how it was invented, what the amended law will and won’t do and what it means for the Netanyahu government going forward.

I also described the likely impact of the law’s passage on the leftist insurrectionists in the streets, on the Supreme Court and on the Attorney General.

If you want to cut through the media hype and understand exactly what is going on in Israel’s fight over judicial reform, do not miss this show.

To watch the analysis on YouTube click below.


Time to Stop Toeing the Line   Caroline Glick

07/28/2023 – Tablet online magazine hosted a symposium on the desirability of continued U.S. military aid to Israel and asked that I weigh in. To read the entire symposium, click here.

What follows is my article.

AT THE HEIGHT OF OPERATION PROTECTIVE EDGE, Israel’s seven-week war with Hamas in the summer of 2014, then President Barack Obama imposed an embargo on a shipment of Hellfire missiles to Israel after the Pentagon approved the transfer.

A senior Obama administration told the The Wall Street Journal at the time that Israel could no longer expect automatic resupply of critical munitions in wartime. The decision to embargo the Hellfire missiles, the official averred, amounted to “the United States saying ‘the buck stops here. Wait a second … It’s not OK anymore.’”

The embargo was spurred by an IDF artillery round that fell on a United Nations school Hamas was using as a missile launching site. As is its wont, Hamas placed civilians at the site to serve as human shields.

The Hellfire embargo was meant to teach Israel a lesson.

But what lesson? If the administration wanted Israel to minimize civilian casualties, Obama should have been happy to supply Israel with more Hellfire missiles. Unlike regular artillery shells, the precision guided Hellfire missiles minimize civilian casualties.

By embargoing the Hellfire missiles, Obama was ensuring that all things being equal, more civilians would die. And that was the point. By denying Israel access to Hellfire missiles in the middle of a war, Obama was forcing Israel to choose between fighting Hamas with “dumb” artillery rounds at the cost of more civilian casualties and more U.S. and international condemnation, or standing down.

Under the circumstances, the IDF General Staff might have been expected to reevaluate the desirability of maintaining Israel’s dependence on U.S. military assistance over time. But no such reassessment took place then, or since. Over the five decades since the U.S. transformed Israel into a U.S. client state through military aid, the handful of senior IDF officers who opposed the aid found themselves denied promotions, marginalized, and out of the IDF.

To be sure, U.S. military assistance to Israel has a lot to recommend it. $3.8 billion annually in free U.S. military platforms and munitions is a lot of money. True, it’s less than a sixth of Israel’s military budget and Israel would survive without it. But it’s still a lot of money.


What is the regime in Washington thinking when it comes to war with Russia?   LEO HOHMANN

Viktor Orbán warns the West: ‘Russia cannot be defeated because it is a nuclear power.’ So what does Washington not understand?

JUL 31, 2023 – Russia would be forced to use nuclear weapons if a counter-offensive by the Ukrainian military was successful and led to the retaking of certain Russian territories, according to a post from Dmitry Medvedev, deputy chairman of the Russian Security Council.

Medvedev made the comments on his Telegram channel.

“If we imagine that the Ukrainian offensive with NATO support was successful and they took part of our territory, we would have to resort to the use of nuclear weapons under the rules of the decree of the Russian President of 2 June 2020,” the former president said, stressing that Moscow will have no other choice.

Medvedev was likely referring to the 2020 Russian nuclear doctrine, which states that in case of an attack with conventional weapons that threaten the existence of the Russian nation, nuclear weapons can be used in response.

Here is Hungary’s prime minister, Viktor Orbán, trying to explain the Russian position to his fellow NATO partners. It’s really not that hard to understand.


Vaetchanan – The Chosen People: Chosen for what?   RABBI PESACH WOLICKI


JULY 28, 2023 – One of the most common phrases used to describe the People of Israel is “The Chosen People.” We find the first mention of this idea in this week’s Torah portion. The term “chosen” was not used for the people of Israel until this point.

Because he loved your forefathers, He chose his descendants after him; and He took you out before Him with his great strength from Egypt. – Deuteronomy 4:37

To be “chosen” means to be singled out. But the purpose for which God chose Israel is not mentioned. The obvious question, then, is, “chosen for what?” A few chapters later, when this idea is mentioned for the second time, this question is answered.

For you are a holy people to the Lord, your God; the Lord, your God, chose you to be for Him a treasured people [heb. ‘am segula’] from all the peoples that are on the face of the earth. – Deuteronomy 7:6

[Ed.:  One additional interpretation is that the Jews were chosen to receive the Torah and to live by (keep) its principles.]


Douglas Macgregor – 400,000 Troops Advancing Straight to Kyiv   [24:39]   Douglas Macgregor Col


No Way Out   By James Howard Kunstler

July 29, 2023 – “…you put me right smack in the middle of the Diversion Agreement that I should have no role in… and you say Your Honor, don’t pay any attention to that provision not to prosecute?” — Federal Judge Maryellen Noreika

Of course, Hunter Biden’s fur-lined, gold-plated plea deal on firearm and tax charges got torn up this week by Federal Judge Maryellen Noreika, who discovered a sneakily hidden bit of legerdemain in it that would have left the First Son off-the-hook for any possible future charges such as a FARA rap for peddling his father’s influence to Ukraine, China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Romania, and who knows how many other foreign governments for zillions of dollars.

One thing the legal fireworks on Wednesday seemed to indicate is that the weaponization of the DOJ does not extend to every last court in America, not even the one in the Biden family fiefdom known as Delaware. The hearing left the lead US attorney in the case, David Weiss, looking like a chump hung out to dry — trying to pretend that there were “ongoing investigations” in the case when he was actually working overtime to shut them down. It’s rumored that the rascally, discarded plea deal was cooked up by alpha blobette, Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaca herself, the Blob’s consiglieri. Nice try, Sugar, but no cigar.

Lisa Monaco is in place, you see, as AG Merrick Garland’s puppeteer. For more than a decade Ms. Monaco has chiefly served as Barack Obama’s “fixer,” the clean-up gal who makes problems magically go away. The problem here is that sooner or later news will enter some legal channel that Mr. Obama was not unaware of all the grifting going on around his vice-president’s family, and might himself be inculpated as an accessory to acts of treason.

The former president suddenly has another new problem: the family’s onetime personal chef, Tafari Campbell, 43, was found dead around 10:00 o’clock Monday morning in the Edgartown Great Pond off the Obama’s Martha’s Vineyard estate after a paddle-board accident. Mr. Tafari allegedly fell off the board and… thrashed a bit… then just disappeared… a hundred feet off-shore in eight feet of water, according to another paddle-boarder as yet unidentified who was either with Mr. Tafari or who happened to witness the accident around 7:45 Sunday evening July 23. Somebody, also unnamed, then made a 911 from the Obama house. Who was that? Early reports said that the Obamas were not home at the time.

A later report said that Mr. Obama might have been present at the estate that evening without Michelle. Was he Mr. Tafari’s paddle-board companion? Did he make the 911 call? Mr. Tafari was reportedly no longer in the Obama’s employ and was writing a book about his experiences as the first family’s cook. One reported morsel attributed to the book is that Barack and Michele Obama almost never had meals together. What else was in it?  Possibly Mr. Tafari had a book deal. Has anyone located the editor and asked to see the manuscript or interviewed him/her/they about what’s in it? Mr. Tafari, who had videotaped his lap-swimming abilities previously, and was considered an able swimmer, was supposedly just visiting Martha’s Vineyard for the weekend. How did he get through the Obama’s Secret Service security to go paddle-boarding if the Obamas were out for the evening? Did he lug his own paddle-board to the scene, or borrow one from the Obama’s equipment shed? Who let him in there? My goodness, what a busy gal Lisa Monaco must be these days. So much that needs a good fixing!

Total Page Visits: 1444

About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.