Daily Shmutz | COMMENTARY / OPINION | 9/11/24



September 11th: The End of Everything    By Pamela Geller

September 11, 2024 – This is a hard, terrible day. Looking back on the past quarter century, it is with a heavy heart. The truth of it is, if the Democrats succeed in stealing this election, the jihad force will have completed their defeat of this nation. The 9/11 attack was the casus belli, but it was the Democrats delivered the country into the cloven hooves of the global jihad.

Nothing happens for decades and then decades happen in a day. Everything changed on 9/11.

Biden: ‘Greatest Lesson of September 11’ Is That We Should Not Offend Muslims

What Do Americans Actually Know About This Terrible, Horrible Day?

“When the confrontation begins, strike like champions who do not want to go back to this world. Shout, ‘Allahu Akbar,’ because this strikes fear in the hearts of the non-believers. Allah said: ‘Strike above the neck, and strike at all of their extremities.’ (9/11 Muslim terrorists)

In all the coverage you watch today, the Islamic terrorists and their motive won’t be mentioned or discussed. Fearfully, this is in accordance with the sharia (do not criticize Islam under penalty of death), a horrible victory for the forces of Islamic supremacism.

The post-9/11 war on truth and reality was the successfully implemented template for the propaganda and misinformation machine the Democrats have employed to destroy our country and dismantle our freedoms. Censoring the truth while smearing, defaming and attacking anyone who dissented from the lie is now the daily business of the Democrat party and its running dogs in the media, academia, entertainment axis.

What American Children Are Taught About 9/11 Is Dangerous

Education Department Instructs Teachers To Avoid Teaching About Islamic Extremism On 9/11

Back in 2022, Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Mogadishu) was widely ridiculed and even reviled a few years ago for breezily characterizing 9/11 as the day when “some people did something,” but she has had the last laugh: the coverage of the attacks every year is a study in avoidance, with the establishment media focusing on anything and everything besides the motivating ideology and goals of the attackers. As always, the media’s favorite preoccupation is the persistence of Muslim victimhood: every 9/11 anniversary, we’re inundated with stories about how Muslims suffered on that day, and continue to suffer, from racist and unwarranted suspicion that has made their lives in America, a land to which they came with so much hope, a veritable living hell.

Robert Spencer: Another conspicuous omission is coverage of the persistence of the threat of which 9/11 was one manifestation. Most Americans assume that that threat, insofar as it ever existed, has passed, and no longer need trouble anyone. Recently an emailer taunted me by informing me that I was “very 2005,” and I got the point: sounding the alarm about the jihad threat at this late date? Really? It would seem passé to me also, in this age of the confidently advancing authoritarianism of the Left, to tout the global jihad as a threat to freedom today, were it not for the fact that there are still jihad terror attacks every day, more than I am able to report on. And for another reason as well.

What many people who are well aware of the menace the Left’s thirst to crush dissent poses for free people everywhere, fewer are aware of the reason for the persistent fact that puzzles so many people: why Leftists are generally so contemptuous of Christianity and determined to snuff it out, while so welcoming and even obsequious toward Islam. The answer lies in their shared tendency toward authoritarianism and totalitarianism. A hadith puts into Muhammad’s mouth the saying, “You should listen to and obey, your ruler even if he was an Ethiopian (black) slave whose head looks like a raisin.” (Bukhari 9.93.7142) This statement has become notorious because of its casual racism: the most outlandish ruler Muhammad can think of, and the one who appears to be least worthy of obedience, is a black man. Overlooked, however, is the absolutism of Muhammad’s statement: one must obey the ruler even when the ruler appears absurd and unworthy of obedience.

How convenient such a statement is for those forces in the world today who wish us to accept the Left’s absurd rule today, with all the reality-denying claims that go with it: men can become women, drag queens belong in primary schools, the ridiculous dementia patient in the White House is a competent and capable leader, and all the rest of it. Throughout its history, Islam has lent itself to authoritarian rule, with Turkey being the sole example of a secular republic in a majority-Muslim state, and a poor example at best, as modern Turkey was founded upon an explicit rejection of political Islam, and now Turkish secularism is rapidly eroding under pressure from its Islamizing president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

It’s understandable, then, that those who wish to crush all opposition to their rule would see that crushing religion itself is impossible, but that one religion above all the others will give them a docile, obedient population, as long as its own freedom to grow is respected. No problem there, as far as the Leftist political elites are concerned; they’re happy to foster Islam’s growth in the West, so as to break down the free societies they hate so much and complete their victory over the Judeo-Christian tradition that has given the world such inconvenient notions as the irreducible dignity of every human person. So the propaganda media establishment gives us endless stories of the benign and beneficial aspects of Islam, and of the victimhood of Muslims at the hands of white, racist, Christian “Islamophobes,” and the magnificent contributions of Islam to human civilization. It’s all meant to quiet resistance to their mass migration agenda, as well as ultimately to their crushing of the freedom of speech. And it’s working well.

As a result of all this, 21 years after 9/11, most people assume that sounding a warning about the jihad threat is as unwarranted and in poor taste as sounding a warning about imperial Japan would have been on December 7, 1962. But by 1962, imperial Japan was a dimming memory. The jihad, with help from its powerful Leftist friends, continues to advance. That advance will eventually become clear to everyone who dismisses and denies it now, but by then, there will be no time for reconsideration or recriminations.


Inside the Ohio Town Invaded by “Cat-Eating” Haitians   [26:03]   Tyler Oliveira

1,807,703 views  Sep 11, 2024


This video is for educational and documentary purposes only. It contains material that may be disturbing or offensive to some viewers, but it is presented in a truthful and non-exploitative manner. The views expressed in this video do not necessarily reflect the views of the creator or YouTube.

Those interviewed in the video do NOT represent either the creator, or YouTube.


Springfield, Ohio Migrant issue not FAKE NEWS.  [10:45]   Empty Pockets Garage, James

Sep 10, 2024 – Small conversation to address all the stories going around about the Haitian problems we are having to deal with in our little town.


Jonathan Pollard: Israel Security Heads Persecuting Settler Youth, Ignoring Anarchists   [15:52]

Sep 11, 2024 Machon Shilo – Watch the following discussion between Jonathan Pollard and Rabbi David Bar-Hayim on the Iranian Attack on Israel


Backlash Pours on Tucker Carlson for Hosting Holocaust Revisionist

September 11, 2024 JBN News – Conservative political commentator Tucker Carlson continues to face a firestorm of criticism following his controversial decision to host a Holocaust revisionist.

On a recent episode of “The Tucker Carlson Show,” the former Fox News host welcomed antisemitic podcaster Darryl Cooper by introducing him as America’s “most important popular historian’s” During the interview, Cooper suggested that the United States was on the wrong side of World War II, referred to Winston Churchill as the “chief villain,” and disturbingly characterized the mass murder of Jews as “humane” due to war food shortages.

Despite the interview airing over a week ago, the backlash continues to be severe. Yesterday, all 24 Jewish House Democrats united to issue a scathing joint statement condemning the interview.

‘This revisionist and morally repugnant retelling of history is an insult to the six million Jews who were methodically murdered at the hands of the Nazi regime and is especially dangerous now as antisemitism is on the rise globally. Americans deserve to know that their leaders will rebuke the cancers of antisemitism and Nazism whenever and wherever they appear,’ the representatives wrote.

Speaking to The Hill, conservative commentator Ben Domenech described the interview as “extremely disappointing,” while former Republican Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming accused Carlson of spreading “pro-Nazi propaganda.”

The White House also weighed in on the controversy, with senior deputy press secretary Andrew Bates blasting Carlson for insulting the memory of the millions who perished in the Holocaust.

“Giving a microphone to a Holocaust denier who spreads Nazi propaganda is a disgusting and sadistic insult to all Americans, to the memory of the over 6 million Jews who were genocidally murdered by Adolf Hitler, to the service of the millions of Americans who fought to defeat Nazism, and to every subsequent victim of antisemitism,” Bates told CNN.

Watch  [2:18:59]  

[Ed.:  You may have noticed that I have not posted anything from Tucker Carlson since shortly after October 7, 2023, when I first got a wiff of his deep-seeded antisemitism.  This post is an exception!]


Watch Now “Episode #1 — Public Orientation 9/11 Crime Scene to Courtroom”   RICHARD GAGE, AIA – ARCHITECT

It’s ready – the high resolution video of Episode #1!

SEP 11, 2024 – On this day, when we ponder the catastrophic events of 9/11/01 and the horrible loss of life, we at RichardGage911 and the Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry expose the truth about the destruction of the 3 World Trade Center skyscrapers on 9/11 in our new documentary film series. Over the last 2 days we premiered Episode #1 — Public Orientation of 9/11: Crime Scene to Courtroom to more than 6,000 viewers on 5 different social media platforms.

Our panel of the LC911 board members, with whom we partnered here at RichardGage911 to produce this vital work, spoke at the Livestreamed 2 1/2 hour Premiere Event which you can watch here.

Watch Now “Episode #1 — Public Orientation 9/11 Crime Scene to Courtroom”:

The full 30-episode series will be released to the public and, later, submitted to a New York Criminal Grand Jury. It’s a deep dive into the explosive evidence of the destruction of the 3 World Trade Center Skyscrapers on 9/11.  

Become Our Vital Partner and Co-Produce this historic film series with your partners RG911 and LC911.

Featured are key witnesses and technical experts interviewed by architect Richard Gage, AIA, and insightful legal analysis by attorney Mick Harrison, Litigation Director of the Lawyers’ Committee, who advises the Jurors on the legal relevance of each component of the evidence and how they can be used to identify and indict the real perpetrators of 9/11.

Watch the TRAILER to “9/11: Crime Scene to Courtroom”:

We’re Counting on YOU to Co-Produce this historic Film Series with your one-time or recurring monthly donation TODAY!

Thank YOU from deep in our hearts,

Your grateful LC911 Board Members:

Jane, Charlotte, Barbara, Bruce & Richard


9/11: the way the buildings collapsed provides the proof of what happened.   [1:11:53]   MERYL NASS

Madhava Setty and I get to the bottom of the events

AUG 24, 2024 – My buddy Madhava Setty, MD, was a mechanical engineer with an MIT degree, before he decided to become a doctor instead. Having believed the MSM narrative about 9/11 for many years, presumably because he was too busy doctoring (and not because he was ignorant nor gullible), he finally awoke a few years ago.

He did not just awake. He dove into the details of 9/11 the way an engineer would.

But he did something else. He tried to figure out why people like himself had bought the narrative. How could so many people be so gullible? And how might people be taught to cut through the propaganda, and examine their own thought processes to more easily reach the truth? Not just on this issue, but on many issues. And he wrote a book to help people do just that, titled “Woke.” It’s a very good book, very different from a self-help book. It’s not psychology. But IS helping us be smarter people. Very different from any book I have ever read. I’d give it 5 stars. And it has nothing to do with Wokeness, thank goodness.

Madhava and I sat down so he could explain the building collapses to me, and the following video resulted. Enjoy.


“The Smoking Gun of Irrefutable Evidence – 3 WTC Skyscrapers Destroyed on 9/11” with RG911 on The Mark Attwood Show   RICHARD GAGE, AIA – ARCHITECT

Learn the Key Points of Evidence for the Explosive Demolitions

AUG 25, 2024 – Join us for our latest and most effective 90-minute expose of the fraudulent NIST report on the “collapses” of the 3 World Trade High-Rises.

The Mark Attwood Show reaches tens of thousands in the UK. We are getting out there with the truth & facts about 9/11!

Here’s what you will learn — 10 Facts that you may not have known about 9/11:

1. …that the third Tower, 47-story WTC Building 7, not hit by a plane, collapsed at 5:20pm on 9/11.

2. …that Building 7 fell at free-fall acceleration, which means that not one of its 81 columns gave any resistance. Where did they go?

3. …that Building 7 fell symmetrically — in the exact manner of a classic controlled demolition.

4. …that molten iron, the byproduct of the incendiary thermite, was found by first responders in pools throughout the debris pile of all 3 towers, and pouring out of the South Tower minutes prior to its collapse.

5. …that witnesses heard and felt explosions prior to the collapse of Building 7.

6. …that 186 First Responders were recorded hearing, seeing, feeling, explosions as well as flashes of light prior to the “collapses” of the Twin Towers.

7. …that the downward motion of the Twin Towers came down in 2/3 of free-fall acceleration, meaning that 90% of the structure was immediately removed.

8. …that most all of the 100,000 tons of steel in each tower was displaced laterally at 80mph, landing up to 600 feet in every direction, so it was not available to crush the building below.

9. …that most all of the 90,000 tons of concrete in each tower was pulverized to a fine powder and distributed laterally from river to river across Lower Manhattan in a 3″ thick blanket, so it also was unavailable to crush the building beneath it.

10. …that the US Geological survey and RJ Lee both independently confirm the discovery of what amounts to about 4 tons of previously molten iron microspheres in the WTC dust samples, indicating temperatures exceeding 2,800º F — and they don’t know where they could have possibly come from.

And, a bonus fact:

11. …that a team of 8 international scientists discovered what amounted to several tons of high-tech nano-thermite in the WTC dust samples, in the form of small red-gray chips that produce molten iron microspheres after ignition in a DSC at 850º F, with the same chemical signature as the iron microspheres discovered by the USGS.


Uncovering the Painful 9/11 Truth with Richard Gage, AIA, Architect  [VIDEO 1:26:17]      RICHARD GAGE, AIA – ARCHITECT

The Best 90-Minute 9/11 WTC Explosive Evidence Compilation Anywhere

Share it with your most skeptical friends. Share it Everywhere!

AUG 05, 2024 – This is what we’ve gotten very good at over the last 18 years. Now run with it, or live in tyranny:

We checked out the new AI technology, and given all the facts and details, this is what it came up with! Pretty impressive, I must say!

“In this episode of Revolution Radio with host Robert Morningstar, join Richard Gage as he presents his extensive research and evidence on the controversial topic of the 9/11 World Trade Center collapse. Gage, a member of the American Institute of Architects, discusses the unreported collapse of Building 7 and presents a compelling case for controlled demolition.

He explores inconsistencies in the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) report, eyewitness testimonies, and scientific findings. The presentation delves into the physics of building collapse, evidence of thermite use, and the political implications that followed.

Tune in to uncover the hidden truths about one of the most significant events in modern history.

00:00 Introduction and Speaker Introduction

00:42 Revelation of the Third Tower

01:34 NIST’s Investigation and Findings

05:46 Controlled Demolition Hypothesis

11:29 Eyewitness Accounts and Explosions

22:21 Media Reports and Predictions

34:21 Thermite Evidence and Analysis

39:53 Nanotechnology and Superthermite

41:28 Molten Iron Microspheres and High-Tech Materials

42:55 Controlled Demolition Evidence

43:18 Architects and Engineers Demand New Investigation

46:26 Personal Reflections on the World Trade Center

56:44 Eyewitness Accounts and Explosive Evidence

01:00:12 Theories and Official Narratives Challenged

01:15:38 Destruction of Evidence and Call for Truth

01:17:59 The Broader Impact of 9/11

01:20:45 Concluding Thoughts and Call to Action”

[Ed.:  Our government attacked the American people and killed 3,000 of us in one morning!  And they all kept their cushy jobs…]


Jonathan Pollard to Netanyahu: Leftist High Command Must Go   [14:36]

September 10, 2024  Machon Shilo – Watch the following discussion between Jonathan Pollard and Rabbi David Bar-Hayim on the Iranian Attack on Israel:


‘I hope things change in the future’: Brazilians concerned over judge’s censorship attacks    By Ezra Levant

‘He’s closing our mouths,’ an attendee at a massive free speech rally in Sao Paulo told Ezra Levant. ‘He actually shut off 22 million people that use X here in Brazil,’ said another

September 09, 2024   Rebel News – “Impeachment of the dictator Alexandre de Moraes,” read an enormous banner on the outskirts of a massive free speech rally in Sao Paulo, Brazil. The banner also featured a caricature of Moraes, a powerful judge who has blocked the Elon Musk-owned social media platform X, formerly known as Twitter.

The reason these Brazilians call him a dictator is because he has unilaterally banned anyone that comes to his attention that criticizes the current left-wing regime.


He’s ordered the leader of the opposition, the Trump-like figure here, Jair Bolsonaro, to be banned from running again and he’s basically declared war on Elon Musk because Musk won’t go along with his censorship.

Things are so bad here that Moraes even banned Brazilians from using workarounds like VPNs with the threat of punitive fines.


It’s quite incredible to see all of this censorship personified in one man. He really thinks he’s some high emperor. And the trouble is, Brazil is not so far removed from a military dictatorship in its past.

“He’s closing our mouths,” one attendee told us. “He actually shut off 22 million people that use X here in Brazil,” said another.

We asked another woman if she thought Moraes actions would see him impeached. “I think he is, unfortunately, going to keep doing what he’s doing, which is a shame for us,” she said.


ruling in June by Brazil’s supreme court, which Moraes sits on, barred Bolsonaro from running for office until 2030. Bolsonaro’s supporters in the government, meanwhile, are “fighting to get back his rights to be elected as president again,” said a man we spoke to.

“I hope things change in the future,” a woman said. “I hope Donald Trump wins so he can help us, because it’s a terrible country to live in right now.”

What I learned from the 200,000-person free speech protest in Brazil   [Letter from Ezra Levant]

I’m back from Sao Paolo, Brazil, where I was the only English-language reporter covering the massive, 200,000-person street rally in support of freedom of speech. I’ve never been in a crowd that big in my entire life, and one person there told me that they’ve had rallies up to one million people strong. I was skeptical, but we sent our drone camera up in the air, and it really did look massive.

 Most people didn’t speak English, but we managed to speak to about 20 people who could, and one local supporter acted as an amateur translator. What was amazing to me — and inspirational — was that so many people from so many walks of life truly cared about freedom.

 My first question to everyone was as simple as it gets: “why are you here?” And, unprompted, almost all of them talked about censorship, including at the hands of a rogue judge who not only bans individual politicians and journalists who criticize the regime, but who recently banned the entire Twitter app, silencing more than 20 million users in Brazil.

Here, watch some of those interviews:

Brazil is so interesting, and this rally felt like a cross-section of the whole country — people from every ethnic and economic background. Frankly, I found it inspirational.

Only 40 years ago, Brazil was a military dictatorship. And their new socialist government, including extreme activist judges, seem to want to take it back to the bad old days. These 200,000 people met in the street to say “no”.

If they can fight for freedom, surely we can too. Because don’t think for a moment that our own political leaders aren’t watching to see what censorship they can get away with, too — all in the name of fighting “disinformation”.

Like I mentioned, no other English-speaking media company from anywhere in the world was there. I really believe our journalism was an important way to get the word out.

If you agree, please consider helping to crowdfund our expenses. Our videographer Efron and I flew economy class to Sao Paolo and we stayed one night at an affordable hotel, and we ate on the street. Still, the total bill is approximately $4,000. If you can help us cover that, please do — I really feel that covering unique things like this, that matter to freedom lovers, is what Rebel News was born to do.

You can check out all of our videos, and chip in to our crowdfund, at www.TheTruthAboutBrazil.com — thanks!

Ezra Levant / Rebel News

P.S. God forbid Justin Trudeau goes full dictator on our freedoms, I hope that Canadians will rally the way Brazilians did!

P.P.S. If you can help us crowdfund our journalism, please click here — thanks.

[Ed.:  In Spain, and around the Mediterranean and middle East, barbecued bull’s balls are a delicacy.  Moraes will soon have Ezra’s Jewish balls for lunch, hold the ketchup!]


“Like Being Asked to Die for the Telephone Company   JOHN LEAKE

Reflections on the modern nation-state

SEP 10, 2024 – A friend [probably Robert Malone,] just sent me an e-mail containing the following reflection by the Scottish-American philosopher, Alasdair MacIntyre.

The modern nation-state, in whatever guise, is a dangerous and unmanageable institution, presenting itself on the one hand as a bureaucratic supplier of goods and services, which is always about to, but never actually does, give its clients value for money — and on the other as a repository of sacred values, which from time to time invites one to lay down one’s life on its behalf. . . . it is like being asked to die for the telephone company.

It seems to me that MacIntyre’s observation is undoubtedly true. The only thing I would add is that supranational states like the European Union and the United Nations are no different.

Apart from administrative tasks such as maintaining infrastructure, basic law and order, and defending the homeland from invaders, what is the legitimate purpose of the 21st century nation-state?

Most people never seriously contemplate this question, and have consequently ended up suffering from something akin to Stockholm Syndrome in their perception of the U.S. federal government.

If you decide to risk being brain damaged by watching the debate this evening, consider that most of the problems discussed by the candidates were caused NOT by the people, but by the state. Kamala Harris’s performance promises to be especially baleful in this respect, given how many social, economic, and political problems have been aggravated during her term as Vice President.


The futility of Israeli concessions   Prof. Louis René Beres

Why an Israeli agreement on ceasefire would never be honored by its Jihadist foes.

Sep 10, 2024, 5:55 PM (GMT+3)  INN – Though there are many reasons why Israel’s enemies would never honor a cease fire agreement for Gaza, one reason is primal, overriding and immutable. Because Israel is a Jewish state, any concessionary commitments by Jerusalem would automatically be deemed invalid by these enemies. For Israel, ipso facto, the only “remedy” for this pre-determined enemy orientation would be to disappear.

Philosophically, it’s not complicated. In essence, these bitter conclusions do not require the multi-layered insights and expertise of authoritative legal scholars. For Iran and its proxies, Israel can never represent more than the individual Jew writ large.

From the standpoint of expected reciprocities, it matters not a bit to Iran, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah, etc., if Israel agrees to humanitarian interruptions of belligerency or to conflict-terminating pacts.

For such inherently recalcitrant foes, Muslims are obligated to “fight the Jews, and kill them…”[1] For these self-declared opponents of international law, a Jewish state in the Dar al Islam (the world of Islam) represents an intolerable abomination. For these deceivers, acts of Israeli good-will, however well-intentioned, are always immaterial.

In principle, at least, the grievously lawless enemy postures are fixed and timeless. Per such faith-based postures, anti-Zionism has never been anything more than a transparent form of anti-Judaism. Before Israel could expect tangible relief from jihadist war and terror, it would first have to acknowledge these force-multiplying sources of adversarial loathing.

These sources, prima facie, have nothing to do with Israel being an “aggressor” or “occupier.” By definition, Israel’s signature on cease-fire documents or on “follow on” agreements concerning Palestinian statehood would mean nothing to Jerusalem’s jihadist adversaries, Shiite or Sunni. Nothing at all.

There are variously relevant details. In the Islamic Middle East, doctrinal anti-Semites have steadfastly remained faithful to their most lascivious hatreds. This is because the anti-Semite, individually and collectively, responds not to any genuine qualities of “The Jew” or Jewish State. He responds only to his own personal fears and anxieties.

More generically, as Jean-Paul Sartre explains in Anti-Semite and Jew (1948): “If the Jew did not exist, the anti-Semite would invent him.” And further on: “The anti-Semite is a man who is afraid, not of the Jews, to be sure, but of himself, of his own consciousness, of his liberty, of his instincts, of his responsibilities, of solitariness, of change, of society, and of the world – of everything except the Jews.”

Continue reading


Tucker Carlson – The anti-William F. Buckley   Gary Willig

Where Buckley worked to kick the crazies, the conspiracy theorists, the bigots, and the antisemites out of the Conservative movement and thereby the Republican Party, Carlson has made it his mission to bring them back.

Sep 10, 2024, 3:00 PM – Since October 7, 2023, the antisemitism on the political left has been impossible to ignore. The widespread demonstrations, not in protest of anything, but in celebration of the worst massacre of the Jewish people since the Holocaust, began immediately. Accusations of genocide against Israel began not in response to anything Israel had done, but in anticipation of Israel’s acting in self-defense, with the goal of facilitating a real genocide by Hamas.

The behavior of the leaders of the Democrat Party in response to genocidal hatred has been, to put it very, very mildly, shameful. From US President Joe Biden declaring that liars and bigots “have a point,” Vice President and Democratic presidential nominee declaring that people motivated by nothing more than hate and anger “are showing exactly what the human emotion should be, as a response to Gaza,” to the recent statements by her running mate Tim Walz, who said that the genocidal antisemites are “are speaking out for all the right reasons,” those who lead and are seeking to lead the free world have displayed nothing but cowardice in the face of the world’s oldest hatred.

As bad as things are in the Democratic Party, the events of the last week have demonstrated that neither Jews nor people of conscience can afford to be complacent about the state of the Republican Party.

Two former rising stars of the American Conservative movement, Tucker Carlson and Candace Owens, deliberately waded into the mud of antisemitism and crackpot conspiracy theories. Owens, who has never seen an antisemitic conspiracy theory she did not immediately believe without question, railed against the late Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, in a debate with Rabbi Shmuley Boteach on the Piers Morgan show, claimed that the Rebbe “preached Jewish supremacism, the hatred of all non-Jews.”

Owens, who recently converted to Catholicism, went on to suggest that those Chabad followers who consider the Rebbe to be the messiah should just accept her messiah, Jesus. This has become the norm for Owens, who has claimed without evidence that AIPAC assassinated JFK, that Muslims in Jerusalem are restricted to the Muslim Quarter of the Old City, and that Zionists and influential Jews are secretly satanic Frankists, among other loony conspiracy theories.

While Candace Owens is more explicitly and obviously antisemitic, Tucker Carlson is likely the more dangerous of the two. He continues to enjoy enormous influence with the Trump wing of the Republican Party, and is credited with influencing Trump’s decision to pick J.D. Vance as his running mate.

Carlson last week held a two-hour interview with a pseudo “historian” Darryl Cooper, who is nothing more than a crank Holocaust denier. In this interview, Cooper defended Hitler and the Nazis, laid the blame for the Second World War on Winston Churchill, and defended the Holocaust as accidental.

An intellectually honest interviewer would at least challenge such outrageous claims. Piers Morgan had Rabbi Boteach on to do just that with Candance Owens. But challenging Cooper was the farthest thing from Carlson’s mind. He was there solely to promote Cooper, who he claimed “may be the best and most honest popular historian in the United States.”

Tucker Carlson is the anti-William F. Buckley. Where Buckley worked to kick the crazies, the conspiracy theorists, the bigots, and the antisemites out of the Conservative movement and thereby the Republican Party, Carlson has made it his mission to bring the crazies, the conspiracy theorists, and the antisemites back into the movement and the party. His decision to host Candace Owens in another sympathetic interview after her love of antisemitic conspiracy theories began to get her in trouble at the Daily Wire, was just one more example.

This was always the danger that Trump represented, beginning when he began to recreate the Republican Party in his image, that he would ultimately make the party safe for crazies again, and with the crazies would come the bigots, the racists, and the antisemites.

The radical left and the radical right always end up being shockingly similar, at least in their views about Jews. Owens and Carlson are closer in outlook to the most radical members of the Democratic Party on the issues of Israel and the Jews than they are to the mainstream Republican Party or even to the views of Donald Trump and J.D. Vance.

Jews Trump likes the most, the Jews who are proud of their religion and their ethnicity and stand up for themselves and their people, are the Jews who Owens and Carlson have the biggest problems with.

If Tucker Carlson’s influence continues, if it grows, the future of the Republican Party could look a lot like the present of the Democratic Party. All of the accomplishments of William Buckley could be undone, leaving Jews facing a party that tolerates Louis Farrakhan and Ilhan Omar’s antisemitism on the one side, and a party that tolerates the antisemitism of Candace Owens and Darryl Cooper.

Since October 7, American antisemites have largely targeted Democratic politicians in their demonstrations, because they know their antisemitism will have a more sympathetic audience and greater influence there than it would if they demonstrated against the Republican Party right now. That could change if the Republican party moved in the direction of Tucker Carlson. If antisemitism became mainstream in the Republican party, the antisemites, the flag burners, the ‘Death to America’ mobs would have new targets ripe for pressuring the way they now pressure the Democrats.

For their own sake, and for the sake of the entire country, American Jews cannot let this happen. Jewish Republicans, especially, must lead the effort to continue the work of William Buckley and exile the likes of Tucker Carlson and Candace Owens to the fringes of the party and the conservative moment where they belong. Republicans, from Donald Trump to the youngest congressman, should recognize that Carlson’s path leads to the appeasement of the people who burn American flags, the destruction of history, and the mainstreaming of antisemitism, and reject him and his influence.

One party falling prey to antisemitism is already too much. Two would be catastrophic, both for the Jewish people and for the United States of America.


Israel’s True Enemy: Hamas, Not Netanyahu   By Bassam Tawil
September 10, 2024 at 5:00 am

  • More than 30 years ago, these “elites,” overwhelmingly on Israel’s political “left” (think “peace,” as if most people in democracies do not want peace) played a significant role in convincing the Israeli government to sign the Oslo Accord with the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), headed by Yasser Arafat. The assumption back then was that if you bring Arafat’s PLO from the Arab countries to Gaza and the West Bank and help them create a government and police force, the Palestinians would renounce terrorism and give up their dream of destroying Israel.
  • The Palestinian Authority, established in the West Bank and Gaza Strip in 1994, had no intention of making peace with Israel, and still has not.
  • Palestinian leaders continue to praise terrorists as “martyrs” and “heroes” and pay monthly salaries to their families.
  • Many Israeli “elites” chose to turn a blind eye to the Palestinian leaders’ support for terrorism and incitement of violence and hatred against Israel. Some Israeli peace activists continued to argue that Abbas who, since 2014 has refused to resume peace negotiations with Israel, is somehow a credible peace partner.
  • “He [Arafat] did not negotiate in good faith; indeed, he did not negotiate at all. He just kept saying no to every offer, never making any counterproposals of his own.” – Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak, quoted by Benny Morris from interviews in late March and early April 2202.
  • The Israeli pullout from the Gaza Strip in 2005 to enable the Palestinians to create a Dubai on the Mediterranean, instead enabled Hamas and other terror groups to turn the coastal enclave into a huge base for Jihad (holy war) against Israel. With the help of Iran, the terror groups smuggled weapons into the Gaza Strip from Egypt in tunnels dug under the border, and were taught to manufacture rockets and missiles. The Gazans also built a vast network of tunnels throughout the Gaza Strip, with many extending into Egypt.
  • It turned out the belief of Israeli “elites” that the expulsion of Jews from the Gaza Strip would contribute to peace with the Palestinians was a catastrophic mirage.
  • The Palestinians did not see the “disengagement” as an indication that Israel wants peace. Instead, many Palestinians viewed the withdrawal as an Israeli display of weakness and retreat in the face of rockets and suicide bombings. The thinking among the Palestinians became, “Oh, it’s working! So let’s do it more!”
  • In a similar way, Iran, Qatar, Hamas and Hezbollah have been gaining more confidence from the current anti-government protests in Israel, especially since the Biden-Harris administration began pressing Israel to make concessions, but never Hamas, Hezbollah, Qatar or Iran.
  • “Continue to exert psychological pressure on the families [of the hostages], both now and during the first phase [of the ceasefire] so that public pressure on the enemy government increases…. Arab forces should serve as a buffer to prevent the enemy [Israel] from entering after the war in Gaza ends, until they [Hamas] have reorganized their ranks and military capabilities.” — Hamas document, written in March for the terrorist group’s leader Yahya Sinwar, discovered on a computer allegedly belonging to him that was seized by the IDF.
  • It is wrong for Israel’s anti-government demonstrators to blame Netanyahu for the deadlock in the hostages-ceasefire negotiations. As the Hamas document shows, it is actually the terror group that is not in a rush to reach a deal. Hamas and the Israeli demonstrators seem to hope that the protests will succeed in overthrowing Netanyahu, so that the Israelis can elect a new prime minister – one who will allow Hamas to rearm, regroup and attack again, and one who will allow on Israel’s border a Palestinian state committed to Israel’s destruction and free of Jews who might prevent further attacks.
  • Sadly, many demonstrating in Israel today appear unaware that they are being used by Hamas; that they have walked into Hamas’s trap: to force out a leader, Netanyahu, who is finally succeeding in defeating Hamas.

Israel’s self-appointed “elites” governed Israel during the first few decades after its independence in 1948, and, after an unfortunate track record of calculating and assuming things incorrectly when it comes to Israel’s policies towards the Palestinians and other Arabs, are evidently dismayed that they have not been voted back into power. These Israeli “elites” are now blocking Israel’s streets to try to bring down Israel’s duly elected government. They seem to have forgotten their past mistakes and are still pushing for the same failed policies that have resulted in the deaths of thousands of Israelis.

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WATCH: Wayne Root Warns of a Jobs Catastrophe that Few Understand… Venezuelan Gangs Taking Over Big Cities Across the USA… and Gives President Trump Debate Advice that Could Change the Course of History!    [48:01]   By Wayne Allyn Root

Sep. 9, 2024 6:40 pm – Wayne Allyn Root with the most important stories in America: Wayne warns of a jobs catastrophe that few understand… Venezuelan gangs taking over big cities across the USA… and gives President Trump debate advice that could change the course of history!

Watch Wayne’s “America’s Top Ten Countdown” with his World-Famous “Final Four” airing every Friday at 10pm ET and Saturday at Noon ET on Real America’s Voice TV Network. Also watch Wayne’s new nightly show, “The ROOT Reaction” every night at 10pm ET on Real America’s Voice TV.



It’s Not About ‘Peace’ and This Proves It | Caroline Glick In-Focus  [1:07:31]

September 9, 2024  JNS TV – In this episode of “In-Focus,” JNS senior contributing editor Caroline Glick investigates and exposes the real intentions of the Biden administration’s insistence on the “two-state solution” for Israel and the Palestinians.

Tune in and learn about the history of the Palestinian Authority, the propping up of warlords disguised as statesmen and the insidious nature of the left’s behavior during the ongoing war against the Hamas terrorist organization.


0:00 Intro/terror wave

9:15 U.S. Ambassador Jack Lew

11:00 A Judenrein “Palestine”

15:00 Background: Mohammed Dahlan & the P.A.

28:00 Why Dahlan?

32:30 Corralling Israelis

40:30 Two-state delusion

50:00 Leftist fervor


Jonathan Pollard: Hostage Deal or Welfare of the Jewish Nation?  [18:02]

September 9, 2024  Machon Shilo – Watch the following discussion between Jonathan Pollard and Rabbi David Bar-Hayim on the Iranian Attack on Israel:


Iran’s Ayatollahs challenge the US in Mexico   Ambassador (ret.) Yoram Ettinger
September 8, 2024 – The US State Department determination to suspend and soften economic sanctions on Iran’s Ayatollahs has added – since February 2021 – some $175bn to the Ayatollahs’ national income. This added-income has bolstered the Ayatollahs’ anti-US global terrorism and drug trafficking, while the US persists in its feeble responses to the frequent assaults on US installations in the Persian Gulf, Syria and Jordan by the Ayatollahs and their proxies in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Yemen. These rogue activities by the Ayatollahs have undermined the safety of the main trade route (the Red Sea) between Europe and the Far East, while causing a severe economic setback to the pro-US Egypt, and threatening the survival of all pro-US Arab regimes.

At the same time:

*Mexico’s expanding alignment with anti-US, pro-Iran Latin American governments – such as Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua, Colombia, Bolivia, Ecuador, Brazil and Chile – attests to the erosion of the US strategic posture in its own hemisphere, as well as the dramatic inroads made by Iran’s Ayatollahs – in collaboration with their Hezbollah proxy – into the soft underbelly of “The great American Satan.”

*Mexico has followed in the footsteps of the tri border area of Argentina-Paraguay-Brazil, becoming an arena for Iran and Hezbollah drug trafficking and terror-financing money laundering. For example, Iran’s Ayatollahs and Hezbollah have trained Mexican drug cartels in the areas of car bombs and improvised explosive devices, supplying them equipment for the construction of underground tunnels, as well as  predator unmanned aerial vehicles..

*The collusion with Mexican drug cartels has provided Iran’s Ayatollahs and Hezbollah a potent staging ground to severely undermine US homeland security, while establishing a multitude of dormant terror cells in the US.

*The Ayatollahs’ and Hezbollah’s deep involvement in Latin American terrorism and drug trafficking was initiated in the early 1980s, shortly after toppling the Shah of Iran with the ardent support of the US State Department.

*The Ayatollahs’ and Hezbollah’s penetration of Mexico and the US has been bolstered by their deep entrenchment in Ciudad del Este, Paraguay, the capital of the Argentina-Paraguay-Brazil tri border area and the global epicenter of narco-terrorism, in general, and cocaine trafficking, in particular.

*According to an October 25, 2023 House Homeland Security Committee testimony by Nathan Sales, a former US Coordinator for Counterterrorism: “The United States and Israel have common enemies. For the Islamic Republic, Israel may be the Little Satan, but America is the Great Satan, and the Iranian terror proxies that want to slaughter Israelis want to slaughter Americans as well…. The Islamic Republic manifestly bears responsibility for the October 7, 2023 Hamas attack….

“The Islamic Republic of Iran is the world’s worst state sponsor of terrorism. Acting through the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and numerous terrorist proxies, the regime has murdered countless innocent civilians, taken hostages remorselessly, and shed blood on an industrial scale. The threat it poses is not confined to the Middle East but extends across the entire world—including the United States….

“the Islamic Republic is actively plotting to assassinate a number of former senior US officials here on American soil. Last year, the Justice Department announced charges against an IRGC member believed to be the ringleader of a plot to murder John Bolton, the former national security advisor. The would-be assassin reportedly also was targeting former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. These former officials and others like them now live under constant, twenty-four-hour government protection because of the Iranian threat to their lives….

“In the attempted assassination of John Bolton, Tehran planned to use a Mexican national with ties to drug cartels. It likewise attempted to use a Mexican drug cartel in the 2011 plot against the Saudi ambassador to the United States. There is a significant risk that Iran-backed terrorists might take advantage of these vulnerabilities again in the future. The US Customs and Border Protection field office in San Diego recently warned that [Iran-sponsored] Hamas and Hezbollah and other terrorists ‘may attempt travel to or from the area of hostilities in the Middle East via circuitous transit across the Southwest border….’

“The Iranian regime targets Americans abroad as well as at home. The IRGC was responsible for killing 603 American soldiers in Iraq…. That is one-sixth of all U.S. fatalities during the war in Iraq. In Afghanistan, the Islamic Republic reportedly paid Taliban fighters a one-thousand-dollar bounty for every American soldier they killed….

Hezbollah, the Lebanese terrorist group was responsible for the 1983 attacks on the US embassy and Marine Corps barracks in Beirut, Lebanon, which killed sixty-three and 305, respectively. Today, Hezbollah is the Islamic Republic’s proxy of choice for terrorist attacks on Israelis and Jews around the world…. In the past several years, the group has been caught planning attacks or stockpiling explosives in Western Europe, Latin America, the Gulf, Southeast Asia, and elsewhere…. Between 1997 and 2020, 128 suspected Hezbollah members were arrested in the United States. In recent years the FBI arrested three suspected Hezbollah operatives who were conducting surveillance on the Panama Canal and casing potential targets in New York City, including the Statue of Liberty, Empire State Building, Times Square, and Rockefeller Center….

“The US should resume robust sanctions enforcement to deny Iran resources to fund terrorism around the globe. The Iranian regime is richer today than it has been in years…. The bigger problem, in my view, is the fact that the regime has been able to dramatically increase its energy exports, and thus dramatically improve its economic strength.  As a result of crippling sanctions, by the end of the previous Administration, Iran’s economy was hobbled, its coffers were drained, and its ability to project power abroad was reduced. Tehran is in a substantially stronger position today. By 2021, the regime’s accessible foreign currency reserves were down to four to six billion dollars—roughly the same as Haiti…. Energy analysts assess that, since 2020, Iran’s oil exports have increased by a factor of four or five [from 500,000 barrels per day to 2-3 million barrels), with the lion’s share of sales going to China….

Sanctions deny terrorists the money they need to plan and carry out attacks. For years, Hezbollah could count on its patrons in Tehran to provide it with upwards of seven hundred million dollars annually, and Hamas and other Palestinian terrorists received one hundred million dollars a year….”


Why don’t more Christians vote?   TIERNEY’S REAL NEWS

SEP 08, 2024 – I’ve only been involved in “politics” for the past 9 years. Before that, I paid little attention to what was going on in DC. I voted Republican because my Dad did. That’s about it.

One thing I have learned in the last few years is that many Christians do NOT vote at all – nor do they consider it their duty to vote. I find that very odd. I am a Christian. I know that God is in charge – His Will be done – but I don’t think He wants me to stay home and let Satan elect our leaders, shape our culture and groom our children while we pray for deliverance. If you think I have that wrong – reply to this newsletter and let me know your thoughts.

Lance Wallnau is a Christian leader who is touring across America to encourage Christians to vote AND to vote for President Trump. He says not enough Christians vote. Why?

CBS News spoke with Christian Lance Wallnau about President Trump. CBS, of course, mocked God and mocked the Christian faith but Wallnau was not swayed.

Wallnau compared President Trump to the Cyrus of Isaiah 45. In the Old Testament book of Isaiah, Chapter 45, the prophet wrote decades before about the rise of a leader named Cyrus, a Gentile, who would free the Jewish people from their Babylonian captivity around 538 B.C.

Wallnau wants people of faith to see the parallels between Cyrus and Trump and vote for President Trump.

If you are a person of faith – please listen to this clip from CBS! I also transcribed much of it below if you’d rather read it.

WALLNAU: “I’ve heard some people say, from their vantage point, that Trump is a chosen one. Others say he’s anointed. And people like me would say Trump becomes a once-in-a-thousand-year meteor that shoots over. You’re not going to find a whole lot of future politicians that come out of private enterprise, have a media background and somehow capture the popular zeitgeist and are able to actually come from the outside as a novice and then become a President.

That’s kind of where you’re getting Biblical. Like, you know, you’re praying and there emerges a person. I caught that idea in 2015 when I first met Trump. I met him at Trump Towers. At that time, I ran across Isaiah 45 and said “Oh my gosh – this guy is like Cyrus in the Bible in that he’s a deliverer who God raises up prophetically. Isaiah is prophesying a future deliverer named Cyrus.”

And he’s not even Jewish. [Emphasis added. Ha-ha-ha, LOL!]  I wrote in a book that there will be Trump Derangement Syndrome, TDS will happen, I used that term before it became popular, because this guy has a Cyrus-like quality that I believe means he’s an outsider.

Continue reading

[Ed.:  They’re not laughing in Israel, but the video is correct.]


Au revoir, France: your synagogues and churches are burned   Giulio Meotti

This week I read a chilling article by historian Marc Knobel about burned synagogues. Meanwhile, in France, a church burns every two weeks, while 15 mosques go up.

Sep 7, 2024, 9:45 PM (GMT+3)  INN – Just a week ago, a man with a Palestinian flag and a keffiyeh set fire to the Beth Yaacov synagogue in La Grande-Motte, in the south of the country. In May, they burned the synagogue in Rouen.

And this week I read a chilling article by historian Marc Knobel about burned synagogues:

“It all started on October 1, 2000. What happened that day? A synagogue in the 19th arrondissement of Paris receives threats. A Molotov cocktail is thrown into the courtyard of the synagogue. The same day, a Molotov cocktail is thrown into a kosher restaurant in Paris. And, during the service, an unknown person leaves another in the courtyard of the Chnei Or school in Aubervilliers.

“The same type of explosive reached the synagogue in Clichy-sous-Bois. That day, three Molotov cocktails were thrown at the Ulis synagogue. The first level of the synagogue was completely destroyed, the rabbi went up to the first floor to escape death. In Trappes, the synagogue was completely devastated by a fire.

“A few days later, two incendiary devices were thrown at the Creil synagogue. During the night of October 12-13, 2000, one or more people broke two windows of the Bondy synagogue and threw one or more incendiary devices into the synagogue. In the capital, at 1:00 a.m., the door of a synagogue in the 20th arrondissement was set on fire. In the evening, a Molotov cocktail was thrown at the Tenoudji school in Saint-Ouen. Two incendiary bottles were thrown at the Chevilly-Larue synagogue. On the night of the 15th to the 16th, in Meudon, two Molotov cocktails were thrown at the synagogue. Someone who was there reportedly shouted ‘Allah Akbar’”.

That’s how it started, and since then dozens of synagogues have burned: from Bondy to Toulouse and Marseille to Trappes, and again and again.

Given the levels of anti-Semitism, “the Jews will not have more than a decade in France before they have to leave,” Rabbi Yaacov Bitton of Sarcelles has just denounced.

The churches fare no better.

The church of Saint-Omer, in the Pas-de-Calais, Inaugurated in 1859, has been devastated by flames. It had just been restored. The fire broke out at 4:30 in the morning. They wanted to destroy it. Despite the intervention of 120 firefighters sent to put out the flames, the bell tower and the structure collapsed. The municipality had just spent 5 million euros to restore it.

The culprit taken into custody this time is Joël Vigoureux, a left-wing militant already convicted for other attacks on churches, who published pro-Palestinian, pro-Islamic, anti-Christian and Black Lives Matter comments on his social media.

A textbook case of self-hatred.

The Coptic Jean Messiha is right when he writes: “When a slice of ham is thrown at a mosque, the media calls for the rebirth of the Republic against the return of fascism and sings the partisans’ anthem over and over again. But when 40 churches are burned in less than a year, not a word is said by the media. Self-hatred as a prerequisite for love of one’s neighbor?”.

The news is merciless: “In Martigné-Briand, between Anjou and Mauges, in the church of Saint-Simplicien, the second arson attack in two months took away the confessional. In Dannevoux, in the Meuse, the altar of the church was targeted, burned on the day of Pentecost…”.

“In France, a church burns every two weeks,” declared the president of the Observatory of Religious Heritage Edouard de Lamaze to the website 76actu. Two-thirds of religious building fires are caused by arson, Lamaze told the Catholic News Agency. He also said that in France a mosque is built every 15 days while “a Christian building is destroyed at the same rate”.

When the church of Saint Louis in Fontainebleau was burned, Le Figaro commented: “Every day in France, nearly two places of worship or Christian burials are vandalized. But what is most revolting is that this massive destruction of our heritage systematically benefits from the most total indifference, both on the part of our political leaders and the main media channels. Many great figures have passed through the church of Saint Louis over the centuries. Between 1611 and 1614, Marie de Medici and Henri IV laid the foundations of this church. In 1661, Louis XIV and Anne of Austria built a chapel there. In 1868, Napoleon III completed the site. Now it burns, silently. Will ours be a century of destruction and indifference?”.

It might be worth keeping in mind Siegmund Freud’s warning: “A civilization that leaves so many of its members dissatisfied and drives them to revolt, neither has nor deserves the prospect of a lasting existence.

When the cathedrals and synagogues of a nation burn, the pillars on which it was built are shattered with them, and the void opens up in which the devils of endless political correctness sleep and stir.

[Ed.:  Their ‘religion’ is that your religion must be replaced by theirs.  Additionally, if you don’t convert to their ‘religion’, they must cut off your head.  Their ‘religion’ must be eradicated.]


When is criticism of Israel legitimate?   Dr.  Alex Grobman

No democratic states should consider themselves immune to rebuke but no one should be discussing their right to exist either. Op-ed.

Feb 20, 2023, 4:14 PM (GMT+2)  INN – Clearly, not all criticism of Israel is antisemitic. As the late American sociologist Seymour Martin Lipset explained, no democratic states should consider themselves immune to rebuke. “Israel is a liberal democratic state,” he said, recalling that, “in ancient Israel, the Biblical prophets devised the art of self-criticism.”

A useful key in determining whether the criticism in question is legitimate or just antisemitism disguised as such was offered by journalist Edward Rothstein, who suggested examining the “standards of justice.” When they are “applied in profoundly distorted fashion, when those distortions put the literal survival of a society at stake, and when murders are taking place and explicitly encouraged declarations are being made that may even fit university standards for ‘hate speech,’ it is safe to say the rhetoric is no longer honest criticism, but, rather, antisemitism,” he said.

Recognizing What It Is

Like pornography, antisemitism is recognized as such by those who know what it looks like.

The late-Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. did not hesitate to label anti-Zionist remarks as antisemitic. On one occasion when speaking to African-American students at Harvard, he heard an anti-Zionist remark from one of them. According to reports of the incident, Dr. King “snapped at him” and said, “Don’t talk like that! When people criticize Zionists, they mean Jews. You’re talking about antisemitism.”

The late leftist literary scholar Hans Meyer understood this as well, writing that “whoever attacks Zionism, but by no means wishes to say anything against the Jews, is fooling himself and others.” “The State of Israel is a Jewish state. Whoever wants to destroy it, openly or through politics that can affect nothing else but such destruction, is practicing the Jew-hatred of yesterday and time immemorial,” he said.

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We’re in Brazil covering the HUGE anti-censorship protests!  [VIDEO  7:48]   By Ezra Levant

Brazil’s authoritarian president is throwing his critics in jail and censoring his opposition, but today’s independence day and the country is fighting back!

September 07, 2024

WATCH  https://rumble.com/v5e1hn1-were-in-brazil-covering-the-huge-anti-censorship-protests.html?e9s=src_v1_ucp

Late last night, we landed in Sao Paulo, Brazil, one of the largest cities in the world, with a population of about 20 million- it’s really a whole country in the form of a city! We’re here because we want to see what’s going on in Brazil. There is a kind of civil war, it’s not really violent yet, but it feels like it could go that way.

Brazil is dealing with the authoritarian President Lula, and his right-hand man, a crusading judge, Alexandra de Moraes. The judge has decided to censor and silence critics of Lula, and he does this through social media. He has secret trials of political figures, of journalists and orders that their Twitter accounts be silenced, censored, banned, suspended, and deleted.
The only reason we know about this is because when Elon Musk bought Twitter and renamed it X, he decided to make it a free speech platform, not a censorship platform. And so when this out-of-control activist judge started having secret trials and saying, “You’ve got to suspend this political opponent of Lula, but you can’t say anything about this trial, we’re having a secret trial with secret evidence, and the outcome is secret,” Elon Musk said, “No, that’s not why I bought Twitter. We’re not going to go along with it, and we’re going to publicize this.”

Well, you don’t defy authoritarians in this part of the world easily, so they banned Twitter.
What’s going on here in Brazil isn’t just of interest to Brazilians, it’s of interest to everyone around the world because I promise you that other leaders, whether it’s Keir Starmer in the United Kingdom, Kamala Harris in the United States or Justin Trudeau in Canada, are all looking at Brazil to see what can they get away with.
Now, the good news is there is opposition in Brazil, that’s why we’re here. Today is the Independence Day. Brazil and the chief opposition figure, Jair Bolsonaro, the former president, is having a massive rally in the massive city of Sao Paulo.
Lula, the communist authoritarian who’s doing all the censoring, is having his own counter-rally in the capital city of Brasilia. So in Brasilia, you’ve got the big Lula censorship rally, and in Sao Paulo, you’ve got the freedom rally for Bolsonaro. It’ll be interesting to see how important Twitter is in that conversation, I look forward to finding that out.
We just got here. We haven’t gone to the protest yet. We’re going with an open mind. I speak no Portuguese. A lot of Brazilians don’t speak English, but I’m sure we’ll find people to help us figure out what’s going on.
You can follow along with us at TheTruthAboutBrazil.com, and the only way we’re able to do that is because, in this censorship jurisdiction, where they have a China-style Great Firewall, we’re using a VPN. And I’m afraid that other tyrants around the world are watching the censorship here. It’s sort of a lab experiment.
I hope freedom rules today, and I’m glad that Elon Musk is throwing the weight of his companies and his own convictions behind the freedom side.


Is Brazil rising up against censorship? I flew overnight to Brazil to find out   By Ezra Levant

Will Brazilians rise up? Or will they accept this lurch back to a dictatorship? Brazil’s democracy is very fragile; it was a military dictatorship just 40 years ago.

September 07, 2024

WATCH  [3:54]

I just landed in Brazil.

Because their government is censoring political opposition and I want to see what that looks like.

Because they’re doing things Trudeau says he’s going to do to Canada under his Bill C-63 censorship bill.

Today is Brazil’s Independence Day, and it’s the day the opposition here has chosen for massive rallies against the left-wing president, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva — Lula, for short.

Lula is a close ally of the world’s worst dictatorships, like Iran and China. And he’s following their example, cracking down on any opposition. You could say that, like Trudeau, China is the country he most admires.

Lula has a powerful ally: a bizarre judge with a God complex, known for wearing black capes, named Alexandre de Moraes. Moraes has been holding secret trials of Lula’s opponents and ordering the social media company Twitter to censor anyone who criticizes Lula, or Moraes himself.

These trials are held in secret; and Moraes not only orders Twitter to censor Lula’s opponents, he orders Twitter to keep the orders themselves secret.

It’s a secret trial with a secret verdict — and Twitter is ordered to do the punishment secretly.

All other social media companies have gone along with that. But not Twitter, which was recently acquired by U.S. industrialist and free speech champion Elon Musk. Not only is Musk refusing to go along with Brazil’s orders, he’s publicly releasing internal documents showing how Lula and Moraes are actually the ones breaking Brazilian law.

That has caused Lula to go berserk — banning Twitter from Brazil and threatening any Brazilian who tries to access Twitter through a technological work-around, like a VPN. They’ve even started seizing assets belonging to Musk, such as his Starlink internet company.

Will Brazilians rise up? Or will they accept this lurch back to a dictatorship? Brazil’s democracy is very fragile; it was a military dictatorship just 40 years ago.

What will happen today? And will the mainstream media report it?

I don’t know — but I want to find out. So I flew overnight from Canada with our head of video, Efron Monsanto. We’re going to spend the day in these rallies, talking to ordinary people.

And, yes, we intend to publish our findings on Twitter — even though Lula and Moraes say that’s illegal. We’ve also set up a special website at www.TheTruthAboutBrazil.com.

So tune in all day to our citizen journalism — hopefully we won’t catch the eye of authorities.

If you think this is important work, please help us cover our costs — our plane tickets were about $1,500 each, plus taxis and we have one night’s hotel, for a grand total of about $4,000.

I promise you it’s journalism you won’t find anywhere else.

And while it’s obviously about Brazil, it’s really about Canada, too. Don’t think Trudeau isn’t watching and thinking about what he can get away with, too.

The CBC has actually reported on the battle between Musk, Lula and Moraes. And it won’t surprise you, they are 100% on the side of censorship. I’m here in Sao Paolo to find out what the Brazilian people have to say.

You can follow along at www.TheTruthAboutBrazil.com. And if you can, please chip in to help crowdfund the cost of our journalism. Brazil is a laboratory for social media censorship — what happens here today could happen in Canada, the UK and even the U.S. tomorrow.



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About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.