Daily Shmutz | COMMENTARY / OPINION | 9/27/24


America Must Side With Israel Against Hezbollah    Matthew Continetti

Column: No more diplomatic games from Biden and Blinken

September 27, 2024  Free Beacon – President Biden has seen enough. On Sept. 26, the United States joined nine other countries and the European Union to demand a three-week ceasefire across the Lebanon-Israel border. “It is time,” the group said in a statement, “to conclude a diplomatic settlement that enables civilians on both sides of the border to return to their homes in safety.”

I’ve consumed a lot of multilateral mush during the Biden years. Never have I encountered a statement as disingenuous, deluded, and feckless as this.

Notice who signed it: the United States, Australia, Canada, the EU, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Qatar. Not Israel. Not Lebanon. And, most significantly, neither Hezbollah nor Iran. The terrorist army and its patron aren’t mentioned. How do you negotiate a ceasefire without naming the belligerents?

Israel isn’t fighting Lebanon. Israel wants nothing to do with Lebanon. The IDF left there 24 years ago. Israel is attempting to restore deterrence against Hezbollah, the Shiite militia that functions like a state-within-a-state inside its Lebanese host.

Since the atrocities of Oct. 7, 2023, Hezbollah has used its safe harbor to fire rockets into Israel’s north. The shelling has forced some 60,000 Israelis from their homes. In July, a Hezbollah rocket killed 12 Druze children playing soccer. Hezbollah’s onslaught is unprovoked, indiscriminate, illegal.

Why? In 2006, Israel, Lebanon, and Hezbollah agreed to U.N. Resolution 1701. It said that Hezbollah would move its forces north of the Litani River, creating a buffer zone between Iran’s proxy and Israel’s north. Hezbollah never complied. And the multinational U.N. force that operates in southern Lebanon never bothered to enforce the agreement.

For 17 years, Hezbollah restocked its arsenal of rockets and ballistic missiles, waiting for orders from the terror masters in Tehran. The green light arrived on Oct. 7. Now, rather than a security buffer in Lebanon, there is one in Israel—a ghost zone of abandoned communities and uprooted lives.

The situation is intolerable. No nation would stand for it. No democracy would countenance it. That Israelis have put up with such disruption for so long is a reminder of their fortitude and clarity of purpose. Destroying Hamas and freeing the hostages came first. Hezbollah could wait.

But the wait is over. Hamas is devastated. The Egypt-Gaza border is secure. The IDF has control of the Gaza Strip above ground, as its forces methodically explore and collapse Hamas’s tunnel network below. The search for the remaining hostages goes on. Hamas won’t free them. They must be rescued. It’s slow, tough, grueling work under extraordinary conditions and relentless pressure. Work that requires fewer resources than before.

Which allows Israel to turn to Hezbollah. Last week’s remarkable device attack wreaked havoc on the militia’s operatives and communications. Sophisticated airstrikes took out the leadership of Hezbollah’s special forces and damaged its weapon stockpiles.

Preparations for a ground incursion have begun. No one wants it to happen. But it might have to. If Hezbollah doesn’t stand down, there is no other way to diminish the threat. No other way to make good on the promise of Israel to provide security for the Jewish people.

Diplomacy hasn’t worked. Biden’s joint statement reads as if negotiations haven’t been tried. On the contrary: U.S. special envoy Amos Hochstein has been traversing the region for months. He’s been as ineffective as Secretary of State Antony Blinken in the quest for a Gaza truce. It’s not Israel that has made Hochstein and Blinken look like fools. It’s the terrorist psychopaths they treat as good-faith interlocutors who won’t take yes for an answer.

In Hezbollah’s case, a deal has been on the table since 2006. Move your forces back. Stop trying to kill Israelis. Peace is elusive because Hezbollah’s not interested. Hezbollah doesn’t exist to make friends. It exists to destroy Israel and America. It’s an Iranian asset in a strategic location meant to deter Israel from attacking Iran’s nuclear program. Lebanon’s central government is either uninterested or incapable of challenging Syria and Iran. And the U.N. is worse than useless.


No, Bibi didn’t agree to the insane Biden-Macron proposal   Ruthie Blum

Hearing the initial report of a 21-day ceasefire, Israelis went as ballistic as the missiles being fired at them from every direction.

Sep 27, 2024, 7:04 AM (GMT+3) (JNS)  It was a great relief when the Israeli Prime Minister’s Office issued a denial of the rumor, cited on Thursday morning as a fait accompli, that the government of Benjamin Netanyahu had agreed to a three-week ceasefire—to go into effect “within the next few hours.”

Not only that. Certain pundits asserted that the P.M. had ordered the Israel Defense Forces to slacken off on striking Hezbollah targets in Lebanon. This caused most Israelis to go as ballistic as the missiles that have been fired at them from every direction for the past year.

“The report about a ceasefire is incorrect,” the PMO clarified. “This is an American-French proposal that the prime minister has not even responded to.”

Furthermore, it added, “the report about the purported directive to ease up on the fighting in the north is the opposite of the truth. The prime minister has directed the IDF to continue fighting with full force, according to the plan that was presented to him. The fighting in Gaza will also continue until all the objectives of the war have been achieved.”

The PMO announcement came as Netanyahu was en route to New York to address the U.N. General Assembly on Friday. It was necessitated by the brouhaha stirred shortly after he boarded the official state plane, “Wing of Zion,” late Wednesday night.

This was when the leaders of the United States and France put forth a ceasefire proposal, which was quickly endorsed by Australia, Canada, the European Union, Germany, Italy, Japan, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom and Qatar. In a joint statement, the above countries spelled out their objectives. In so doing, they exposed their inexcusable inversion and equation of victim and perpetrator.

“The situation between Lebanon and Israel since Oct. 8, 2023, is intolerable and presents an unacceptable risk of a broader regional escalation,” they wrote. “This is in nobody’s interest, neither of the people of Israel nor of the people of Lebanon. It is time to conclude a diplomatic settlement that enables civilians on both sides of the border to return to their homes in safety.”

No mention of Hezbollah, which launched and has continued to carry out an unprovoked military assault on Israel, in solidarity with its Hamas brothers. Not a word about Iran, the head of the octopus whose proxies are solely responsible for any and all bloodshed in Gaza and Lebanon. And nary a hint of the plight of the 101 hostages, among them American citizens, still held in brutal captivity since the terrorist attacks in southern Israel on Oct. 7.

“It is time to conclude a diplomatic settlement that enables civilians on both sides of the border to return to their homes in safety,” the statement continued. “Diplomacy, however, cannot succeed amid an escalation of this conflict. Thus, we call for an immediate 21-day ceasefire across the Lebanon-Israel border to provide space for diplomacy towards the conclusion of a diplomatic settlement consistent with UNSCR 1701, and the implementation of UNSCR 2735 regarding a ceasefire in Gaza.”

They forgot to include, of course, that the United Nations never honored these resolutions in the first place.

“We call on all parties, including the governments of Israel and Lebanon, to endorse the temporary ceasefire immediately consistent with UNSCR 1701 during this period, and to give a real chance to a diplomatic settlement. We are then prepared to fully support all diplomatic efforts to conclude an agreement between Lebanon and Israel within this period, building on efforts over the last months, that ends this crisis altogether.”

Crisis? That’s what they’re calling a multi-front war that Israel neither initiated nor wanted, and shockingly didn’t anticipate?

Omitting the culprits is outrageous enough. But talking about Lebanon as though it’s a functioning, rather than collapsing, country with the authority to reach agreements on Hezbollah’s behalf is not merely ridiculous; it’s as insane as the idea that Hamas chief Yahya Sinwar was prepared at some point to negotiate “in good faith.”

Upon landing late Thursday afternoon in the Big Apple, Netanyahu reiterated: “My policy, our policy, is clear: We continue to strike Hezbollah with full force. We will not stop until we achieve all our goals, foremost among them the safe return of the residents of the north to their homes. This is the policy and no one should mistake it.”

Despite his unwavering stance, residents and mayors of northern Israel are understandably skeptical about his ability to withstand pressure, in the form of blackmail, from the White House. Yes, the administration of U.S. President Joe Biden is up to its maneuver of withholding crucial weaponry from the ally whose “right to defend itself” is supposedly iron-clad.

And it’s not Bibi who’s saying so. This time, it’s Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) and Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.).

In a letter to Biden on Wednesday, they “strongly condemn[ed] [his] administration’s continued delay in providing critical military equipment and weapons to our ally Israel in the midst of an existential war.”

This, “compounded by statements by administration officials blaming Israel for escalation, undercut Israel’s efforts to restore deterrence by emboldening the Iranian-backed terrorists,” they stressed, going on to list MK-84 bombs, Apache attack helicopters and Caterpillar D9 tractor as the materiel in question.

“Further delays will endanger Israeli lives, increase the likelihood that the conflict will escalate further and harm American national security interests,” Cotton and McConnell concluded. “It’s far past time to transfer to Israel the capabilities it needs to win.”

(Has anyone noticed that no one calls on Iran to stop arming Hezbollah, as it is attempting to do as these words are being written, ed.)

Herein lies the problem: The Biden-Kamala Harris crew doesn’t want Israel to achieve victory. It wishes for the Jewish state to settle for defeat disguised as a diplomatic accomplishment.

Netanyahu has been illustrating that he has no intention of fulfilling such a desire. Israelis must learn to take a deep breath before falling prey to premature fake news “scoops,” especially those that run counter to common sense.

Ruthie Blum, is a former adviser at the office of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, is an award-winning columnist and a senior contributing editor at JNS. Co-host, with Amb. Mark Regev, of the JNS-TV podcast “Israel Undiplomatic,” she writes on Israeli politics and U.S.-Israel relations. Originally from New York, she moved to Israel in 1977. She is a regular guest on national and international media outlets, including FOX, i24News, ILTV, WION and Scripps TV.


Suicidal Jews   Joan Swirsky

It’s hard to be a Jew, and liberal Jews are simply not up to the task. The desperate need to be liked, accepted, admired, and embraced is the historical downfall of weak Jews as they embrace those who would gladly see them dead.  

Sep 26, 2024, 4:47 PM (GMT+3)  INN – When individuals take their own lives, G-d forbid, we look for answers in their DNA, their environments, their personal reactions to feelings of impotent rage, rejection, disappointment, heartbreak, and mental illness.

But how to explain group suicide? There are numerous examples, going back to 206 B.C., and some relatively recent cases:

In 1943, in the final phase of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, many of the Jewish fighters besieged in the “bunker” at Miła 18 committed mass suicide by ingesting poison rather than surrender to the Nazis.

In 1945, about 1,000 residents of Demmin, Germany, committed mass suicide after the Red Army had sacked the town.

In 1978, 918 Americans — including 276 children — ingested cyanide in the Peoples Temple, after being exhorted and compelled to do so by their cult leader, Jim Jones, in Jonestown, Guyana.

In 1997, 39 followers of the Heaven’s Gate cult in California died in a mass suicide, believing they would travel on a spaceship that followed comet Hale — Bopp.

Clearly, some groups took their lives en masse for ideological reasons, some because they were facing a fate worse than death, whereas others — particularly vulnerable people in dire need of a “leader” — simply followed orders. In all the mass suicides in recorded history, dozens, hundreds, and up to one thousand people took their own lives.

But today, when looking at suicidal Jews, the numbers could be in the millions!

Currently, out of a worldwide population of eight billion people, there are about 15 million Jews — approximately seven million in Israel, almost seven million in the United States (including those self-identifying as such) , and one million throughout the world. This is, by any measure, a few grains of sand compared to the massive total population of the world.

According to U.S. voting patterns, Jews are overwhelmingly liberal — up to 80 percent — which means they voted in huge numbers for leftists like Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Joe Biden. These people’s staffs included many career antisemites, who did everything in their power to effect anti-Israel policies like the Iran nuclear deal, despite knowing that the fanatical mission of the mullahs in Teheran was — and is to this day — to wipe Israel off the map and exterminate every Jew in existence.

As Karin McQuillan explained in “Leftist Jew Hatred Has Come to America,” “the Left began with blacklisting and boycotting conservatives. Now American Jews are in the crosshairs, no matter how liberal their politics.”

But they won’t jump off the bandwagon, she wrote, because that would mean “losing your friends, being shunned at synagogue, and stunting your career[.] … [C]hanging party affiliation is such a tall cliff, it feels suicidal, that is the loss of their entire identity.”

McQuillan quotes the estimable Daniel Greenfield: “There is no future for Jews on the left except as collaborators in anti-Semitism.”

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In 1917 Rudolf Steiner Predicted “Vaccines Will Destroy People’s Souls”

More than a hundred years ago, Rudolf Steiner wrote the following:

“Eliminate The Soul With Medicine”

“In the future, we will eliminate the soul with the medicine.”

                                                                                                                                                                Rudolf Steiner

Under the pretext of a ‘healthy point of view’, there will be a vaccine by which the human body will be treated as soon as possible directly at birth, so that the human being cannot develop the thought of the existence of soul and Spirit.

To materialistic doctors, we will be entrusted the task of removing the soul of humanity.

As today, people are vaccinated against the disease of that disease, so in the future, children will be vaccinated with a substance that can be produced precisely in such a way that people, thanks to this vaccination, will be immune to being subjected to the “madness” of spiritual life.

He would be extremely smart, but he would not develop a conscience, and that is the true goal of some materialistic circles.

With such a vaccine, you can easily make the etheric body loose in the physical body.

Once the etheric body is detached, the relationship between the universe and the etheric body would become extremly unstable, and man would become an automation, for the physical body of man must be polished on this Earth by spiritual will.

So the vaccine becomes a kind of arymanique force; man can no longer get rid of a given materialistic feeling. He becomes materialistic of constitution and can no longer rise to the spiritual.”  


The Truth Behind Calls for a Ceasefire | Caroline Glick’s In-Focus

September 26, 2024  JNS TV – Premiere in progress. Started 7 minutes ago  The Caroline Glick Show

After 11 months of ignoring Hezbollah attacks from Lebanon, Western leaders on Wednesday urgently called for the Israel Defense Forces to stop short of absolute victory against the Iranian-backed terror group.

[Ed.:  Caroline sums up the exact situation of the Hezbollah war in Lebanon.  Talk amongst yourselves/]


Jonathan Pollard & R’ David Bar-Hayim: Celebrating Downfall of Wicked?   [VIDEO 33:20]

Sep 26, 2024  Machon Shilo – Watch the following discussion between Jonathan Pollard and Rabbi David Bar-Hayim on the Iranian Attack on Israel:


UNBELIEVABLE: Pope Called For Israel to Do What?   [11:36] The Israel Guys

Sep 26, 2024 – Israel just started Operations Northern Arrows and is now working around the clock to erase the terrorist organization of Hezbollah from the face of the earth. You would think that the world would be happy that Israel is destroying evil right? Well unfortunately not.

12 countries are now calling for a ceasefire between Israel and Lebanon, yes, they’re saying Lebanon and not Hezbollah, as if Israel was at war with Lebanon!



Will WW3 Start Before The Election? | Drew Hernandez   By Drew Hernandez

Sep. 26, 2024 11:00 am – The United States, NATO, and the EU are all preparing for a WW3 scenario and increasing the war effort between Ukraine and Russia by escalating and giving the green light for Ukraine to use long-range missiles to target deep within Russia.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has announced this will be seen as an act of world war and will respond accordingly. This clearly is the outcome NATO and the American warmongers have been itching to accomplish for decades now, and a nuclear war is at our doorstep.

President Biden made this clear as he spoke to the U.N. Assembly one final time, well sort of. He mumbled and slurred through his speech as always, but one thing was clear, he wants a major escalation in Europe between Ukraine and Russia immediately.

Will a nuclear WW3 begin before the 2024 U.S. Election? Will it serve as a world wide global lockdown that “postpones” the U.S. election?

One thing is clear, the elites are pushing for this to become a reality very, very soon and America CANNOT sustain a war like this in our current fragile state. Maybe that was the plan all along. Watch as Drew Hernandez breaks this all down.  [VIDEO  10:56]

[Ed.:  This guy has obviously been reading too much Daily Shmutz!]


Rosh Hashanah guide for the perplexed, 2024   Ambassador (ret.) Yoram Ettinger
September 26, 2024
The evening of October 2, 2024 will launch the Jewish New Year of 5784.

Rosh Hashanah underscores the fallibility of human beings, and the potential of universal self-enhancement through the commemoration of critical precepts of Judaism:

1.  Self-examination.  Rosh Hashanah initiates a wake-up call of ten days of self-examination and repentance, which are concluded on Yom Kippur (the Day of Repentance). Thus, one should never underestimate one’s capabilities to enhance one’s fortunes, when guided by morality-driven tenacity, determination, humility and faith.

The root of the Hebrew word Shanah (שנה) is both “repeat” and “change.” Rosh Hashanah (ראש השנה) constitutes an annual reminder of the need to enhance one’s behavior through systematic self-examination, re-studying moral values and avoiding past errors.

The New Jewish (lunar) Year is the only Jewish holiday, which is celebrated upon the (monthly) appearance of a new moon, proceeding in an optimistic manner: from relative-darkness to a fully-illuminated moon in the middle of the month.

2. Genesis. Rosh Hashanah, the beginning of the Jewish New Year is celebrated on the 6th day of Creation, when the first human-being, Adam, was created.  Adam is the Hebrew word for a human-being (אדמ), which is the root of the Hebrew word for “soil” (אדמה) – a metaphor for humility. The Hebrew word for Adam is, also, an acronym of Abraham, David and Moses, who were role model of humility.

The Hebrew word Rosh (ראש) means first/head/beginning and Hashanah (השנה) means the year.  Rosh (ראש) constitutes the root of the Hebrew word for Genesis (בראשית), which is the first word in the Book of Genesis.

Rosh Hashanah is celebrated on the first day of the Jewish month of Tishrei – “the month of the Strong Ones” (Book of Kings A8:2) – when the three Jewish Patriarchs (Abraham, Isaac and Jacob) and the Prophet Samuel were born.

Tishrei means beginning/Genesis in ancient Acadian. The Hebrew letters of Tishrei (תשרי) are included in the spelling of Genesis (בראשית). Furthermore, the Hebrew spelling of Genesis (בראשית) includes the first two letters in the Hebrew alphabet (אב), a middle letter (י) and the last three letters (רשת) – representing the totality of the Creation.

3. Responsibility. The late Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz, the iconic Talmudic scholar, compared the calendar year to a human body, consisting of the head/brain (the epicenter of the thought process), the heart (the intersection of blood supply) and the liver (the crux of the digestion process). Thus, on Rosh Hashanah (head/brain) one contemplates the vision, strategy, tactics and norms/values of the coming year.  The rest of the year (the other parts of the body) facilitate the implementation of the vision.  An effective implementation requires responsible and balanced coordination between the head/brain, heart and liver of the year.

4.  The Shofar (a ritual ram’s horn).  Rosh Hashanah is announced and celebrated by the blowing of the (bent, thus humble) Shofar, the horn of the humble and determined non-predator ram.  The roots of blowing the Shofar are in the book of Leviticus 23:23-25 and the book of Numbers 29:1-6: “a day of blowing the shofar” and “the day of commemorating the blowing of the shofar.”

The Hebrew spelling for Shofar שופר)) is a derivative of the verb to enhance and improve שפר)), enticing people to persist in the eternal voyage of improved behavior.

The sound of the Shofar was used to alert people to physical challenges (e.g., facing military challenges). On Rosh Hashanah, the Shofar alarms people to spiritual challenges and enhancement. It serves as a wakeup call for the necessity of cleansing one’s behavior.

The Shofar represents “peace-through-strength,” as demonstrated by the peaceful ram, which is equipped with powerful and deterring horns.

In ancient times, the blowing of the Shofar was employed to announce the (50th) year of the Jubilee – the Biblical role model of liberty: “Proclaim liberty throughout all the land and unto all the inhabitants thereof (Leviticus 25:10).”

The Jubilee inspired the US Founding Fathers’ concept of liberty as inscribed on the Liberty Bell, as it inspired the US Abolitionist, anti-slavery movement.

The English word Jubilee is derived from the Hebrew word Yovel, a synonym for horn-Shofar.

5. Commemoration.  The 100 blows of the Shofar commemorate:

*The creation of Adam, the first human-being;

*The almost-sacrifice of Isaac, which was prevented by a ram and an angel;

*The receipt of the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai;

*The tumbling of the walls of Jericho upon re-entering the Land of Israel, which was facilitated by the blowing of the Shofar;

*Judge Gideon’s war against the Midianites featured the blowing of the Shofar;

*The reaffirmation of faith in God, the Creator (“In God We Trust”).

*From despondency (the destruction of the two Temples in Jerusalem and the resulting exiles) to fulfilled optimism (the ingathering to the Land of Israel);

The 100 blows of the Shofar are divided into three series, honoring the three Patriarchs (Abraham, Isaac and Jacob), the three parts of the Old Testament (the Torah, Prophets, Writings) and the three types of human beings (pious, mediocre, evil).

6. Pomegranate. On Rosh Hashanah, it is customary to eat seeds of pomegranate, which is one of the seven Biblical species of the Land of Israel (wheat, barley, grapes, dates, figs, olives, pomegranates), representing health (high in iron, anti-oxidants, anti-cancer, enhances cardiac and digestion systems), righteousness, fruitfulness, fertility, learning and wisdom.

7. Honey. Rosh Hashanah meals include honey, sweetening the coming year. The bee is the only insect which produces essential food.  It is a community-oriented, constructive and a diligent creature.  The Hebrew spelling of bee (דבורה) is identical to “the word of God” (דבורה’), and Deborah דבורה)) who was one of the seven Jewish prophetesses, as well as a military leader.

May it be a year of victory and liberation for the Gaza hostages.

[Ed.:  Rosh Hashana commences at sundown Wednesday, October 2nd, and finishes at sundown Friday, October 4th.]


World War II: A War of Survival for Germany   

September 26, 2024

For the Germans, WWII was perceived as a fight for survival. As historian Saul Friedländer noted, Jews were viewed as seeking to destroy the nations of the world by spreading racial pollution, destabilizing the basic foundations of the state, and by leading the principal devastating forces of the 19th and 20th centuries: “Bolshevism, plutocracy, democracy, internationalism and pacifism.”

Jews were also accused of dominating German professional life, noted historian Jeffrey Herf, and international finance (Börsenkapital). Political parties on the left were called “mercenaries of Jewry,” and parliaments and the League of Nations were similarly controlled by Jews, as historian Eberhard Jäckel informed us. By harnessing and exploiting these systems, Jews allegedly attempted to accomplish the disintegration of the fundamental basis of all the countries in which they lived—and especially that of the German Volk (people)—in order to control the world, Friedländer added.

Historian George Mosse said Jews were portrayed as a “spiritually barren people … devoid of profundity and totally lacking in creativity.” In contrast, the Germans, “who live in the dark, mist-shrouded forests, are deep, mysterious, profound.” In peasant novels, which sold in the millions, the image of the “alien Jew” was depicted as having moved from the city to the countryside to strip the peasant of his wealth and property. By depriving the peasant of his land, “he severed his bonds with nature, the Volk, and the life forces,” which would inevitably lead to his death.

At stake, Mosse explained, was “not race alone, nor nationality or religion.” Rather, an entire way of life was threatened by “alien values.” Judaism was “a materialistic fossil devoid of any ethical impulse, which, unlike the Germanic elements of Christianity, could not produce the virtues of honesty, loyalty, and forthrightness present in the German soul.”

An Anti-Jewish Congress

The certainty in their ultimate victory did not wane even as late as February 1944, when the Russians were at the Vistula River in Poland and the invasion of Western Europe was looming. Alfred Rosenberg, Nazi theorist and ideologue, received Adolph Hitler’s permission to convene an anti-Jewish congress, noted the late Max Weinreich, cofounder and research director at YIVO, and author of many scholarly articles and books, including “Hitler’s Professors.” Hans Frank, head of the General Government in German-occupied Poland, who was a keen supporter of the congress, explained his reasoning: “The time for such an anti-Jewish demonstration is particularly advantageous because it underscores at this juncture of the war the unbroken fighting will of Germany, which does not even for a moment think of giving in as an essential point in her war waging.”

Rosenberg’s office expected to invite 402 guests, of which 189 were to be sent to participants from Europe. Invitees from Germany and Europe were to include Nazi luminaries, German political figures, professors, government officials, jurists, physicians, artists, journalists and Amin al-Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, a valued member of Germany’s propaganda operation.

According to German political scientist Matthias Küntzel, The Mufti “acknowledged” that the ability to sustain the 1937-1939 “Arab Revolt” depended on the funds provided by Germany. The Germans also supplied the Arabs with weapons. The Germans established a special office for the Mufti in Berlin, with branches in Germany, Greece, Japan and Italy. Arabic-language broadcasts were transmitted to Turks, Arabs, Persians and Indians from Zeesen, a village south of Berlin, observed Küntzel. The Oriental Service, with a staff of 80, including announcers and translators, had “absolute priority” over all other foreign language service broadcasts. From 1939 to 1945, when most of the Arab world listened to radio broadcasts in cafes and public arenas, the Zeesen shortwave broadcasting service was the most popular. Küntzel added that antisemitic propaganda was cleverly mixed with Arab music and passages from the Koran, all supervised by the Mufti.

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Iran’s Ayatollahs driven by fanatic – not financial – anti-US ideology   Ambassador (ret.) Yoram Ettinger

September 19, 2024 – The US State Department has contended that the diplomatic option toward Iran’s Ayatollahs – along with hundreds of billions of dollars of financial benefits and lavish diplomatic gestures – could induce the Ayatollahs to accept peaceful coexistence with their Sunni Arab neighbors, become good faith negotiators, and abandon their fanatic religious ideology, which has traumatized the region and the globe.

Moreover, the State Department suspended and softened mega-billion-dollar worth of economic sanctions, eagerly seeking another nuclear accord, refraining from the redesignation of the Houthis as a terrorist entity. Furthermore, Foggy Bottom has feebly reacted to the Houthis’ closure of the critical Europe-Asia trade route, and has responded in a frail manner to the systematic bombing of US, Saudi Arabia and UAE installations by Iran and its proxies.

However, the US diplomatic option and its mega-benefits to the Ayatollahs, have accelerated the transformation of Iran from the “American Policeman in the Gulf” to a venomous octopus, stretching its hands throughout the globe, and increasingly in the American continent, including US soil.

In fact, the Ayatollahs have been the chief engine of a multitude of terror proxies, including Hezbollah, Hamas and the Houthi.

Since February 1979, when they toppled the Shah of Iran, the Ayatollahs have intensified their anti-US global terrorism, drug trafficking, money laundering, the proliferation of advanced military systems, and the development of nuclear military capabilities. According to the Ayatollahs’ value system, a 1,400-year-old ideology transcends dramatic financial and diplomatic benefits, chartering and navigating their rogue conduct in the Persian Gulf, the Middle East at-large, Central Asia, Africa, Latin America – which the Ayatollahs consider the soft underbelly of “The Great American Satan” – and the US mainland.

For example:

*Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Khamenei frequently issues a potential death sentence to all pro-US Sunni Arab regimes, especially Saudi Arabia, which is the site of the two holiest sites of Islam, Mecca and Medina, and is the rival of Iran over the hegemony of Islam and the control of the Persian Gulf oil (48% of proven global oil reserves), as well as the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain.

*Thus, Khamenei refers in his public pronouncements to the core of the Ayatollahs’ vision: the 14-century-old confrontation between the Front of Ali (the first Shiite Caliph) and the Front of Yazid (the Sunni Caliph), which mandates the toppling of all Sunni pro-US regimes, and then turning to the subjugation of the “infidel” West, led by “The Great American Satan.”

*The confrontation between the Front of Ali and the Front of Yazid was triggered by the 680 AD Battle of Kerbala, when the small military force of Hussein, son of Ali and grandson of Mohammad was massacred by the mighty military force of Yazid. For the Shiite Ayatollahs it is a role model of Sunni treachery, mandating Shiite vengeance. It has been commemorated annually by Shiites in Iran, Iraq, Lebanon and other Shiite centers, including major Western cities, featuring bare-chested males flagellating their chests and backs with iron bars.

*The Ayatollahs consider the 1979 Islamic Revolution – and the 1978 toppling of the pro-US Shah of Iran – as a crushing victory over despotism and the US, a prelude to global Shiite domination.

*This precept of Shiite Islam – which has dominated the day-to-day Ayatollahs’ policies – is bolstered by the 1979 Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran, which has been the roadmap of the Ayatollahs’ global strategy, laying the foundation of the systematic, rogue, fanatic, domestic, regional and global conduct of Iran’s apocalyptic Ayatollahs since assuming power in February 1979. It has been the guideline for the exportation of the Islamic Revolution through subversion, terrorism, fueling of civil wars, and the proliferation of ballistic technologies, drug trafficking and proselytization, aiming to establish a universal Shiite society, based on the teachings of Ayatollah Khomeini, and bring to submission the Sunni “apostates” and the Western “infidels.”

*As documented by the Ayatollahs’ Constitution, education system and the systematic rogue track record of Iran’s apocalyptic regime, it is driven by a fanatic, religious and megalomaniacal vision, which has always transcended the “money talks” approach.

*The Ayatollahs’ school curriculum has been – just like the Palestinian Authority school curriculum – an effective production-line for terrorists and suicide bombers. It is consistent with their constitution, domestic repression of ethnic and religious minorities, the subjugation of women, and the proliferation of anti-US terrorism in the Middle East, Africa and Latin America. It provides a roadmap for an apocalyptic commitment to a global, anti-US Islamic revolution.

*For instance: “Iran is fighting a global war and calls on oppressed Muslims and non-Muslims to unite under Islam and the Islamic Republic of Iran to overthrow the evil regimes [of the “infidel” West led by the US and the “heretic” Sunni regimes]. The Islamic Revolution knows no borders; it applies to the whole world (Literature and Humanities, Grade 12, 2021‒2022, page 110).

*Since the November 1979 takeover of the US Embassy in Tehran – which entailed holding of over 50 US hostages for 444 days – “The National Day of Fighting Arrogance [the USA]” is commemorated annually on November 13th, when the public, especially pupils and students, declaring their hatred toward “the bullying and oppressive USA” and chanting “Death to America.” “This disavowal and declaration of disgust yields unity and homogeneity, bolstering resistance of the enemy” (Islamic Education, Grade 6, 2021‒2022, page 33; Defense Readiness, Grade 9, 2021‒2022, page 31).

*The US is described as a Satanic enemy of Islam and the Ayatollahs’ Islamic Revolution (Defense Readiness, Grade 9, 2021‒2022, page 30).  [The US] must be defeated and humiliated, as demonstrated in Iran’s history (Qur’an Learning, Grade 2, 2021‒22, page 67; Persian Language, Grade 5, 2021‒22, page 60).

*The anti-US reality of the Ayatollahs, on the one hand, and the assumption that the Ayatollahs are amenable to negotiation and peaceful coexistence, on the other hand, constitutes an oxymoron. The reality of the Ayatollahs has been inconsistent with the diplomatic option and the alternate reality of the State Department. In fact, the prevention of geo-strategic volcanic eruptions mandates a reassessment of the diplomatic option, and the consideration of the regime-change option.


A note from Mark Twain about the Jewish people:

“If the statistics are right, the Jews constitute but one percent of the human race. It suggests a nebulous dim puff of star dust lost in the blaze of the Milky Way. Properly the Jew ought hardly to be heard of, but he is heard of, has always been heard of. He is as prominent on the planet as any other people, and his commercial importance is extravagantly out of proportion to the smallness of his bulk. His contributions to the world’s list of great names in literature, science, art, music, finance, medicine, and abstruse learning are also away out of proportion to the weakness of his numbers. He has made a marvelous fight in the world, in all the ages; and has done it with his hands tied behind him. He could be vain of himself, and be excused for it.

The Egyptian, the Babylonian, and the Persian rose, filled the planet with sound and splendor, then faded to dream-stuff and passed away; the Greek and the Roman followed, and made a vast noise, and they are gone; other peoples have sprung up and held their torch high for a time, but it burned out, and they sit in twilight now, or have vanished. The Jew saw them all, beat them all, and is now what he always was, exhibiting no decadence, no infirmities of age, no weakening of his parts, no slowing of his energies, no dulling of his alert and aggressive mind.

All things are mortal but the Jew; all other forces pass, but he remains. What is the secret of his immortality?”   – Mark Twain

[Ed.:  Answer:  Hashem’s Covenant.  He is not fickle and does not change his mind.]


Jonathan Pollard: Will Russia Attack Israel?  [VIDEO  20:15]

September 24, 2024  Machon Shilo – Watch the following discussion between Jonathan Pollard and Rabbi David Bar-Hayim on the Iranian Attack on Israel:


Attacks on Trump and RFK, Jr.–The Invisible Hand Becomes Visible     DR. PETER AND GINGER BREGGIN

This is the invisible hand of the Global Predator– a lascivious and undocumented libel psyop designed to derail Kennedy supporters...

SEP 24, 2024 – The predatory globalists — that worldwide cabal of control freaks who want to capture and enslave us all to increase their glory, control, and power — are getting sloppy. Or desperate.

In between taking cracks at assassinating President Trump, the Deep State has now targeted Robert F. Kennedy Jr. with a lascivious and undocumented libel psyop designed to derail Kennedy supporters who have been drawn toward voting for Trump.

Kennedy has been extraordinary and inspiring in identifying the grave dangers associated with continuing to install Democrat administrations, and he is redirecting voters to consider casting their ballots for Trump. Dr. Peter Breggin described RFK Jrs’ courage:

On August 23, 2024, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., known to all of us as Bobby Kennedy, told the world that, after deep prayer, he would support Donald Trump’s election to a second term.

Throughout his career, Bobby has been protecting children, including their brains and minds, from pollution, vaccines, and other threats. That is why he founded the Children’s Defense Fund. Although his work dovetailed with ours, we never connected, in part because of political differences and sadly because we lacked appreciation of the danger of vaccines in general.

Americans, we have now witnessed one of the few times in our lives when a man with a substantial amount of power and money is defying his constituency and the global powers by throwing his weight behind Donald Trump. His speech and actions are earth-shaking, not merely because he endorsed President Trump, not even because he explicitly exposed the corrupt death throes of the Democratic Party, and not even because he took a profoundly moral stand in defense of America and its children.

In supporting Trump, the first and only openly anti-globalist, pro-America president since George Washington, Bobby Kennedy is daring to defy the darkest and most deadly power in the world — powerful predatory globalists who corrupted and coopted the Democrat Party and who are trying to take America down.


We believe, because of his successful efforts, RFK Jr. is now suffering a coordinated media attack designed to discredit and distract him from his campaigning for Trump. Dr. Naomi Wolf eloquently described the strategy for attacking RFK Jr. and dissected the “story:”

It’s difficult even to follow the trajectory of the story, since legacy media propaganda and hit-piece campaigns are so co-ordinated now, and so universalized.

But on Friday Sept 20 2024 “the story” appeared all at once, in the constellation of news outlets guaranteed (developed?) to jump on any smear train that neo-Marxist globalists (yes, we need to coin that term) set in motion.

Puck.com ran a salacious summary of what the news site called, providing no evidence, “the sexting scandal”. The Daily Beast reported that the married RFK Jr had what the news outlet overtly and in a thoroughly defamatory way, termed an “affair.” A “source”, meaning an unnamed source, said that the Presidential candidate had also boasted that he had “intimate” photos of 31-year-old New York Magazine reporter Olivia Nuzzi. The word “Intimate”, also included in the headline, is not attributed to anyone. It is just floating around, as if RFK Jr said it, but there is no evidence presented that RFK Jr said it.


This is the invisible hand of the Global Predator. The Deep State players are acting cavalierly and in desperation as they watch RFK Jr skyrocket in popularity along with Trump. We see the orchestrated media, finely tuned, all singing together in their innuendo. There is a conductor. He used to be hidden, but his shadow is moving across the landscape of our lives, and he is leaving a trail.

We see you now, monster. We see your direction and your influence against your critics, Trump and now RFK Jr. We see your sloppiness in your two assassination attempts. The planning and coordination of the absence of standard Secret Service procedure has been so poorly camouflaged that the glaring omissions and mistakes make the US Secret Service a national embarrassment.

We see you in the ham-fisted oppression and dismissal of basic science and ethical medical principles and practices that have resulted in tens of millions of people being permanently wounded and at least two million persons killed in the first two years from the effects of the so-called COVID “vaccine.” The trail of dead and wounded grows, and still, your shadow moves. You are alarmed now as we, your targeted victims, become aware of your malevolent presence in our lives. Your growing desperation makes you careless. We see you, and we are now on the hunt. We are on your trail.

The gorgeous abundance of our natural world and our lives together has receded and feels remote to us now under your shadow and your influence. But we remember. Without your hulking presence, we can regain our freedom and our well-being. We can aid the sick, comfort the grieving, mend the shattered hearts, minds, and lives of friends, family, and fellow citizens. We can begin to rebuild our best lives and our best selves possible under the shining glow of a loving God.

We see you now, Monster, and we are coming.’

Primary Author: Ginger Breggin

Find us at X— formerly known as Twitter: @GingerBreggin @AmericanMD

Find us at our website: www.Breggin.com

Find us at www.AmericaOutLoud.com

Find us on Substack at: Breggin Alerts! Exposing Global Predators

Originally published on AmericaOutLoud.news


How To Spin A Fake News Story:

A man is walking around the Vincennes zoo, in Paris, when suddenly he sees a little girl who is a little too close to the cage of the big African lion.

Suddenly the lion grabs the little girl’s dress and brings her back to him in order to make a mouthful of her…..

all this under the eyes of the parents who scream in despair.

the man without hesitating for a second rushes at the lion and gives him a terrible punch on the snout, the lion backs away letting go and rubs his snout while growling, while the man returns with the little girl to her parents who cry with joy and do not stop thanking him.

A reporter saw everything and approached the man: “Sir, you have just made an extremely courageous gesture, I have never seen a man make such a gesture in the 40 years that I have been doing this job.

The man replied “But Sir, I did nothing extraordinary!…

The lion was in a cage, and I saw the danger that the little girl was in.

The reporter replied: ‘Sir, I guarantee that this will not go unnoticed, I am a journalist, and tomorrow you will be on the front page….

tell me what region are you from?

The man replied, I am a tourist, from Israel and I live in Hebron in Judea region!

The journalist leaves…

The next day the gentleman comes across Libération, looks through it to see if his actions of the day before are mentioned…


…and that’s how the News media ( French in this case) are transmitting the news to you today…

[Ed.:  So their news could be described as “gorf-a-rific”...]


Speaker Johnson Sells Out – AGAIN!   Tom Renz

SEP 23, 2024 – Wanna know how it feels to be stabbed in the back? Ask Donald Trump today. REPUBLICAN Speaker of the House – Mike Johnson – who Trump continues to support and work with has just agreed to pass the continuing budget resolution WITHOUT the SAVE Act or any real cuts. This is a profound betrayal and we need to ask ourselves why it matters if we elect Republicans when continue to pass whatever the Democrats tells them to.

For the last two years we have seen the Republicans cave on everything. It was so bad that a few of the real Republicans in Congress ousted McCarthy from his seat as speaker. At the time I supported this action but Mike Johnson may actually be worse. Under our GOP House we have:

  • Passed the green new deal;
  • Funded 87,000 new IRS agents;
  • Funded the FISA Court (to facilitate spying on Trump and MAGA Americans);
  • Continued to fund a weaponized Justice Department;
  • Paid for trans in the military;
  • Funded illegal immigration (yes – we are funding illegals coming here and being resettled through NGOs and many other mechanisms);
  • Ukraine (which also contributed to funding illegals);
  • Funded public/private partnerships with entities that participate in censorship;
  • Continued funding gain-of-function work and mRNA vaccine development so we can have more plandemics with their accompanying “cures” that are actually worse than the disease;
  • Spent more money on the WHO and UN who are actively working to destroy American sovereignty;
  • And a million other things that are devastating our nation.

Note that this CR does NOT include the SAVE Act – which would not have actually impacted this election but could have been somewhat helpful in future elections.

But don’t worry. Mitch McConnell approves because the ED Leader (sorry – I mean Minority Leader) of the Senate wanted to avoid a fight… he was worried the big bad dems might blame the GOP for the shutdown.

Using some clever language EVERY ONE OF THESE ISSUES could have been dealt with in this CR if the GOP had ANYTHING that remotely resembled a backbone. This CR could have been a tremendous opportunity to stop cheating in the election and reign in the weaponized Justice Department but Johnson was afraid.

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Hezbollah’s many friends in the West   Giulio Meotti

After October 7, it was clear how well Hamas had cultivated public relations in the West. The same goes for Hezbollah. And it gets worse. Op-ed.

Sep 22, 2024, 9:21 PM (GMT+3)  INN – Sometimes it seems that the UN Secretary General draws inspiration from George Orwell’s “1984” for his press releases. Like when he said that October 7 did not happen “out of nowhere”. In short, Israel was asking for it.

Regarding the explosions against Hezbollah in Beirut, Antonio Guterres asked “not to turn civilian objects into weapons”. It is not right to detonate pagers and walkie talkies in the pockets of Lebanese Shiite terrorists. It goes without saying that the Secretary General did not ask himself why the Iranian ambassador to Beirut, Mojtaba Amani, also had a Hezbollah pager. The UN does not do well on asking itself such questions.

And so many Westerners are too busy criticizing evil Israel to ask themselves why a high-ranking Iranian official was so close to a Hezbollah pager. We all know why.

Nor has Guterres ever asked Hamas not to “turn civilian objects into weapons,” as it has done every day since October 7 and with every civilian resource in Gaza: schools, homes, UN offices, mosques, water and electricity systems, hospitals, ambulances.

Guterres simply cannot say “Hezbollah,” not even when they fired a missile at the Majdal Shams soccer field in the Golan Heights at the end of July, killing twelve children. The secretary’s statement leaves no trace of who launched the missile.

After October 7, it was clear how well Hamas had cultivated public relations in the West. The same goes for Hezbollah.

The flags of the Lebanese “party of God” (a yellow banner with a Kalashnikov and a verse from the Koran in the center) now fly openly on American campuses, from Columbia to Hunter College in New York, to marches for Gaza in European cities from London to Berlin. Naim Qassem, Hezbollah’s second-in-command, encouraged student protests in the West, as did his godfather, the Iranian Ayatollah Khamenei.

Noam Chomsky, the famous American linguist and godfather of so much Western antagonism, even visited Hezbollah’s headquarters and met its leader Nasrallah.

“I think Nasrallah has a reasoned and convincing argument that they should be in Hezbollah’s hands (the weapons) as a deterrent to potential aggression,” Chomsky said. “Hamas and Hezbollah are progressive movements that are part of the global left,” said Berkeley philosopher Judith Butler in a video that caused a scandal. George Galloway, leader of the radical independent left in England, worked for Al Mayadeen, the pro-Hezbollah Lebanese channel (one of the many Islamist channels to which Galloway has lent his services). And with Galloway, Jeremy Corbyn’s group, which he called Hamas and Hezbollah “friends.”

Officials close to Hezbollah represent the group at meetings of the World Social Forum. An Italian academic delegation also left from Rome’s University of La Sapienza to meet Hezbollah.

And how much Hezbollah has been able to build bridges in the West was seen at the most prestigious Canadian university, McGill in Montreal.

First the partnership with the University of Tehran. Then McGill professors, like Soroosh Shahriari, who tweeted in support of the Islamic Republic’s brutal repression of the women-led uprising against the forced use of the hijab in response to the murder of Mahsa Amini. Then, in 2024, the university that was occupied in the name of Gaza, displaying Hamas and Hezbollah flags and even setting up student summer camps where they learned to fight Israel. Finally, the disinformation experts who found that the anti-Israel protests at McGill University were fueled by a social media campaign with ties to Iran.

And like Hamas, Hezbollah also benefits from the double standards of some of the press.

In late July, the Washington Post apologized for its front page the day before, which juxtaposed an image of family members grieving for a child killed in a Hezbollah rocket attack on the Golan Heights with a headline that read: “Israel Strikes Targets in Lebanon”. The subheading that accompanied the image didn’t even mention the Hezbollah rocket attack that killed twelve Druze children playing on a soccer field in Majdal Shams.

And with thousands of rockets fired by Hezbollah into Israel since October 7, with 43 Israelis killed, and 60.000 Israelis forced to evacuate northern Israel, one can imagine many more Western Nasrallah fans on the way.

[INN] Ed. note:   But facts are facts. Famed Syrian-Druze journalist, Faisal Al-Qassem, who has millions of followers on social media, including a program on Al-Jazeera, wrote the following about the pager operation: “What happened to Hezbollah today can be classified as the largest preemptive strike in modern history. It can be compared to Israel’s preemptive strike on the Egyptian Air Force before the Six-Day War. Today, Hezbollah has thousands of paralyzed members among its senior leaders and operatives.” And he adds: “If Hezbollah enters a war now, its wounded will not find a single available bed in Lebanon’s hospitals, as they are currently full of casualties. Worse yet, Hezbollah has lost its most important security and military communication devices. Checkmate.”


Zion: A Place Worth Defending   by Nils A. Haug
September 23, 2024 at 5:30 am

  • In essence, Zionism is simply an attempt to re-establish their ancestral home, their place of refuge and sanctuary in an alien world which largely despises them. Zion (now Israel), is a place they can gather to practise their faith without persecution. The six ancient cities of refuge were located only within the Land of Israel, just as, in a microscopic sense, the family is a city of refuge.
  • The world desperately needs Jewish values and wisdom — those detailed in the holy scriptures. Jewish wisdom was among the first, after the Babylonian Code of Hammurabi (c. 1,755 BCE), to present the world with social justice — not only in the Ten Commandments — but also in how we treat our fellow creatures:
  • “But the seventh day is a sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your male or female servant, nor your ox, your donkey or any of your animals, nor any foreigner residing in your towns, so that your male and female servants may rest, as you do” (Deuteronomy 5:14);
  • “Do not cook a young goat in its mother’s milk” (Deuteronomy 14:21);
  • “If you come across a bird’s nest beside the road, either in a tree or on the ground, and the mother is sitting on the young or on the eggs, do not take the mother with the young” (Deuteronomy 22:6);
  • “You shall not oppress a hired worker who is poor and needy, whether he is one of your brothers or one of the sojourners who are in your land within your towns” (Deuteronomy 24:14);
  • “You shall give him his wages on the same day, before the sun sets – for he is poor and counts on it” (Deuteronomy 24:15);
  • “You shall do no injustice in court. You shall not be partial to the poor or defer to the great, but in righteousness shall you judge your neighbour” (Leviticus 19:15);
  • “You shall not mistreat any widow or fatherless child” (Exodus 22:22).
  • Jews have historically defended liberty against tyranny and moral confusion…
  • The true calling of the Jews, with “the world’s most moral army,” as the IDF is referred to by military expert Col. Richard Kemp, as they now wage a war that was forced on them, is to bring eternal values such as those above, found in the Torah, to the world at large. The Jews remain, after all, a “kingdom of priests and a holy nation.” They are entitled to their land, a place historically theirs — Zion, Israel, their ancestral home. This land was promised to the Jewish nation forever. It is a place worth defending.

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Jonathan Pollard: How Can Israel Defeat the Hezbollah?   [42:22]

Sep 22, 2024  Machon Shilo – Watch the following discussion between Jonathan Pollard and Rabbi David Bar-Hayim on the Iranian Attack on Israel:


The US wants Israel dead and why the Jordan Option will ensure Israel’s Salvation   By Ted Belman

September 22,2024 – In a recent video, Francisco Gil-White made the case for the US wanting to destroy Israel. He said that there is only one party in the US and it supports the policy of destroying Israel. He argued there is no denying the fact that President Clinton forced Israel to accept Arafat and his terrorists into Judea and Samaria. Now President Biden is insisting that the Gaza War should end with a Palestinian State.

I have written many articles on the subject the most important of which is Since When are the Palestinians Entitled to a State.  In it, I pointed out that beginning with the Rogers Plan of 1969, every single US administration has pushed for a Palestinian state and protected Arafat so that he could be forced on Israel as Clinton did in backing the Oslo Accords which “rammed Arafat down our throats”.

As Gil-White eloquently argued, “there is no denying this fact”. No one who wants Israel to survive would do this.

So why is the Jordan Option Israel’s salvation?

It anticipates the forced abdication of Abdullah, and the changing of the Monarchy into a Republic to be led by Mudar Zahran. This will happen in the next few weeks.

That will not save Israel. But the creation of a Mid-East NATO will. Mudar Zahran introduced this idea in his video in 2022 titled  Jordan’s Future Between the Abraham Accords and an Arab NATO – Mudar Zahran.

It is an idea supported by Saudia Arabia.

What they envisage is that all Sunni states will be part of it, including Syria and Iraq. There is nothing that the US can do about it.

According to the The Washinton Institute, in an article published in 2022,

“More than two years ago, then-U.S. President Donald Trump announced that a “Middle East Strategic Alliance” would be established, quickly dubbed an “Arab NATO” by observers.

Then in my 2022 Webinar, JORDAN: PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE: The Jordan Option Revisited, Mudar Zahran, the Head of the Jordan Opposition Coalition, referred to what Trump had proposed.

And so, the idea of an Arab NATO was born. It took inspiration from the creation of NATO and after the destruction of Europe in WWII. NATO was a defensive alliance in which an attack on one was seen as an attack on all. In the wake of its creation, Europe enjoyed peace, prosperity and stability. The same is expected to happen in the Middle East by similarly creating a ME NATO.

In my article, The New Middle Eastpublished on August 12, 2024, I pointed out what was in store for Jordan, Syria and Lebanon.

Mohammed bin Salman (MBS), the heir apparent and current leader of Saudi Arabia, is financing the new Jordanian army making it capable of conquering Syria in 2025 and then Lebanon.  While in Syria, they will make certain that Iran is forced out of the country. Thus, MBS will not only control Jordan but Syria and Lebanon as well. He is also allowing Jordanians to enter Saudi Arabia without a visa bringing both countries closer together.

Jordan becomes one region with Saudi Arabia, and visa requirements for Jordanians are cancelled.

Mohammed bin Zayed (MBZ), ruler of the UAE, will be deposed as will al Sisi of Egypt. The culmination of these efforts will bring the Arab NATO closer to realization. In fact, it will not be an Arab NATO but a ME NATO which will include Israel in the mutual defense treaty.

So, the path to a strong ME NATO is set. Just as the European NATO brought peace and prosperity to Europe, so too will the ME NATO bring peace and prosperity to the Middle East.

The marriage of Saudi money and Israel innovation will ensure it.

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CHAPTER 37: Euphemisms, Propaganda, and “Losing Reality Bit by Bit”
Space Is No Longer the Final Frontier—Reality Is*
  by Linda Goudsmit

Globalism is a replacement ideology that seeks to reorder the world into one singular, planetary Unistate, ruled by the globalist elite. The globalist war on nation-states cannot succeed without collapsing the United States of America. The long-term strategic attack plan moves America incrementally from constitutional republic to socialism to globalism to feudalism. The tactical attack plan uses asymmetric psychological and informational warfare to destabilize Americans and drive society out of objective reality into the madness of subjective reality. America’s children are the primary target of the globalist predators.

September 22, 2024 – American-Canadian psychologist Dr. Kenneth Zucker, founder of Toronto’s Child Youth and Family Gender Identity Clinic (GIC), is an internationally acknowledged expert on children and adolescents with gender dysphoria. His cautious “watchful waiting” approach respected the natural maturation process in which the vast majority of gender dysphoria resolves itself without medical intervention. In 2015, Toronto’s Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, the hospital where Dr. Zucker’s clinic was located, accused him of practicing conversion therapy, and of shaming and traumatizing patients. Dr. Zucker, who was psychologist-in-chief at the time, was fired and the hospital closed the clinic. He was eventually exonerated and awarded damages in a lawsuit against the hospital, but radical gender ideology had won the battle.

Dr. Miriam Grossman writes about Dr. Zucker’s concerns about “iatrogenic persistence,” the result of medical intervention discussed in Chapter 35:

Dr. Zucker calls social transition a dangerous psychosocial intervention “with the likely consequence of subsequent (lifelong) biomedical treatments… (gender-affirming hormonal treatment and surgery).” He argues it’s an intervention often conducted by schools and other institutions unqualified to implement such a course of treatment.

In 2014, even the American Psychological Association still warned that “Premature labeling of gender identity should be avoided” and “early social transition…should be approached with caution to avoid foreclosing this stage of (trans)gender identity development.” (Lost in Trans Nation: A Child Psychiatrist’s Guide Out of the Madness,[i] p. 121)

Before sex assignment surgery takes place, there is a process known as social transition, in which the student adopts a new gender identity, a new name, pronouns, often new clothing, hair style, and use of opposite-sex facilities such as bathrooms and locker rooms. During this period of social transition, parents, friends, and teachers are supposed to endorse the student’s belief that he or she is in the wrong body. Dr. Grossman reminds parents that it is their responsibility to support objective reality, and advises parents that supporting a delusion is not a loving gesture, especially when it leads to harm:

“Affirmation” has a positive connotation, and when ideologues chose that word, it was a strategic move. Affirming your child seems kind and loving. Instead of distressed, she’s comfortable. She’s happy. But it’s not kind or loving to validate an untruth.

Adults have a responsibility to represent reality. The reality is your daughter’s sex was established at conception….

If you validate your son’s girl identity, you agree that his body is wrong, and should be rejected. You confirm the disconnect between his mind and his physical reality. You agree he knows best who he is, and what he needs…think of the impact on your son. He feels he’s a girl, and you agree! … He’s never felt so empowered. You’ve turbo-charged his self-esteem. Of course, it feels good, at least temporarily.

Consider also the possibility that your son’s social affirmation may affect the wiring of his brain. You heard me right. Neuroplasticity is the well-established phenomenon in which thinking, behavior, and experience alter brain microstructure. Each time your son hears his new name and pronouns it’s a learning experience that creates a memory. We all know repetition is key to learning. We know as well that the brain is constantly rewiring—its structure is changing—in response to life’s experiences. (Lost in Trans Nation, pp. 119–120)

Dr. Grossman also warns parents about euphemisms, explaining the objective reality that “top surgery” is bilateral mastectomy, or breast amputation. In 2023, while she was writing her book, there were 45,375 girls seeking donations on GoFundMe to pay for what gender surgeons euphemistically call a “masculinized chest.” She points out the staggering hypocrisy:

Mind you, these are the same people who insist that five-year-olds use anatomically accurate terms, not childish nicknames, for their genitals. They soberly instruct us to teach the words “scrotum” and “vulva” to kindergarteners. But the imprecise, trivial-sounding “top surgery”—that language is fine. (Lost in Trans Nation, p. 157)

Dr. Grossman is appalled by the explosion of “gender-affirming” surgeries on children:

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Trump Must Disavow Tucker Carlson   by William A. Galston

September 21, 2024   The Wall Street Journal – Donald Trump faces a defining choice: Will he allow his running mate, JD Vance, and his eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., to appear on tour with Tucker Carlson later this month? In the wake of Mr. Carlson’s recent interview with Darryl Cooper, an unabashed Holocaust denier, this is a decision that Mr. Trump can’t duck.

Mr. Cooper has said that the Nazis “launched a war where they were completely unprepared to deal with the millions and millions of prisoners of war, of local political prisoners. They went in with no plan for that and just threw these people into camps.” As a result, “millions of people ended up dead there.” Savor the phrase “ended up dead there.” Whoops. The Holocaust was a terrible accident, the consequence of poor planning—this from the man whom Mr. Carlson said may be “the best and most honest popular historian in the United States.”

Holocaust denial was only part of Mr. Cooper’s effort to rewrite the history of World War II. He has called Winston Churchill a “psychopath” and the “chief villain” of the war, who rejected Hitler’s proposal to reach “an acceptable solution to the Jewish problem.”

According to Mr. Cooper, the reason for Churchill’s unaccountable resistance to Germany’s Führer was that Britain was pushed into war “by people, the financiers, by a media complex, that wanted to make sure that [Churchill] was the guy who was representing Britain in that conflict.” And Mr. Cooper knows why: Churchill went bankrupt and was bailed out by “people who shared his interests in terms of Zionism.”

The reaction to this interview was revealing. Elon Musk, just named to head up Mr. Trump’s commission on government efficiency, promoted it as “very interesting” and “worth watching.” (He subsequently deleted his post, without explanation.) Republican members of Congress locked in tight races denounced the interview, as did several prominent Jewish Republicans and Republican operatives.

Dani Dayan, chairman of Yad Vashem, the World Holocaust Remembrance Center, responded with the unadorned truth: “Tucker Carlson and his guest Darryl Cooper engaged in one of the most repugnant forms of Holocaust denial of recent years. These far-fetched conspiracy theories are not only dangerous and malevolent, they are antisemitic.”

The Republican vice-presidential nominee, by contrast, contented itself with this statement from a spokesman: Mr. Vance “doesn’t believe in guilt-by-association cancel culture but he obviously does not share the views of the guest interviewed by Tucker Carlson.” Translation: Mr. Vance won’t utter a word of rebuke to Mr. Carlson, and he rejects the claim that Mr. Carlson shares the views of the “honest” popular historian to whom he gave a platform to spread his views.

Not so fast, Mr. Vance. Did your staff happen to tell you that while Mr. Carlson acknowledged that people could take issue with Mr. Cooper’s factual claims, he went on to say that “they’re certainly consistent with what I think I know to be true”? It is hard to discern any daylight between Mr. Carlson and his guest. There certainly is little distance between Mr. Carlson and Mr. Vance.

This isn’t a one-day media flap. It goes to the heart of what the Republican Party has become under the rule of Mr. Trump.

Tucker Carlson was given a prime-time speaking slot on the last night of the Republican convention. He sat with Mr. Trump in the former president’s VIP box. He was one of the most important voices urging him to select JD Vance as his running mate. Mr. Carlson’s X account has almost 14 million followers, which makes him perhaps the most prominent voice on the right other than Mr. Trump. His army of supporters has allowed him to cow most Republican officials into anonymity or silence.

In a recent analysis, Jonathan Tobin recalls William F. Buckley’s efforts to purge antisemites from the conservative movement he helped found. The only comparably popular commentator on the right today is Mr. Carlson, who is working assiduously to bring into the mainstream the sort of fringe voices Mr. Buckley worked to expel.

This brings us back to Donald, the only person left on the right who can put an end to this madness. He can denounce Mr. Carlson. He can tell his running mate and his son not to appear on Mr. Carlson’s tour. By reaffirming the truth about the Holocaust and World War II, he can draw a bright line between what’s acceptable and what isn’t. If he doesn’t do this, he will prove that he isn’t strong enough to stand up to the blatant antisemitism in his own party.

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Former CIA chief issues grim reality check on the Israel-Hamas war  [VIDEO 5:52]

Sep 21, 2024  Fox News – Former CIA station chief Dan Hoffman provides analysis of the growing war between Israel and Hamas during an appearance on ‘Fox News Live.’


Hezbollah Gets Their Balls Blown Off   [0:30]   Ruti Blum

[Ed.:  If a musloid gets his pecker blown off, what good will it do him to have his 72 perpetual virgins?]



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