Daily Shmutz | COMMENTARY / OPINION | 9/4/24



Alone at the helm   Prof. Phyllis Chesler

PM Netanyahu is the sole world leader who is standing against radical Islam.   

Sep 4, 2024, 9:41 AM (GMT+3)  INN – As I’ve long feared, the entire world is now electrically pre-wired with Jew hatred. From coast to coast, on every continent, every day, pro-Hamas demonstrations disturb the world’s peace.

It has only gotten worse after 10/7. At every conference, on every holiday, and on every campus, the hoarse cries of “Free Palestine” pierce the air. The surging, keffiyeh-masked pro-Hamas mobs are seemingly everywhere. They are not stopping anytime soon, even if Democrats try to claim they are. They constitute Iran’s bought-and-paid-for global army.

Iranian, Qatari, and left wing billionnaire funding of both Jew, Israel, and America hatred for the last fifty years have accomplished this. Everyone absolutely refused to see the danger coming. One cannot blame only PM Netanyahu for this blindness, the entire world is guilty as Hell. This time, the Gates of Vienna have fallen and Europe has already reaped the deluge.

Think of it: Hamas massacres and wounds thousands and kidnaps many hundreds of Israeli civilians–and Israel gets cursed for fighting back.

Hamas sadistically executes six completely beaten-down, still shackled, Israeli hostages in cold blood–and pro-Hamas demonstrations take place in Bled, Slovenia (!), at a global conference which is just ending.

In Bled, a so-called “Ambassador” from “Palestine” and a Palestinian Arab soprano had speaking (and singing) slots–and only one Israeli, left-wing Tzipi Livni, a former Knesset member and the minister responsible for the failed 2006 UN Resolution 1701 which prohibits all armed militias from operating anywhere in all of Lebanon, and who has long been out of power, was there, telling the Europeans just what they want to hear.

Media the world over continue to lead with headlines which position Israel’s fighting back as pre-emptive overkill, as demonically genocidal.

Once again: Hamas sadistically executes six hostages, hours away from being rescued, and Israelis who want a very different kind of state, not the one they have, stop traffic in Tel Aviv, call a half-day strike, blame only PM Netanyahu for Israel being attacked by Iranian proxies on three fronts simultaneously.

These Israeli protestors, mad with grief and fear, (heartbroken too), do not march to protest at the Gaza border, or attack Iran demanding the release of the remaining hostages, dead or alive. They do not take on the mullahs. No one does.

PM Netanyahu is the sole world leader who is standing against radical Islam. Presidents Obama, Biden, and Vice-President Harris all enabled Iran to get this far. If Harris is elected, I have every reason to assume that she (and her handler, Obama), will take it even further.

If the world does not back PM Netanyahu–we will all be overrun by radical fundamental Islamists who yearn for the destruction of the West and for a Shii’a Caliphate.

My saying so a quarter century ago, led to mockery, dis-invitations, and the loss of publishing venues.


Is PM Netanyahu a perfect human being or politician? Of course not. As has been said, whoever is–let them cast the first stone.

Does Israel need a full-scale reckoning about how its intelligence failed on 10/7, on what PM Netanyahu knew and when he knew it, on who may have stayed his hand on 10/7? Of course it does. But not now, not in the middle of this particular war.

Israel must first win this war, not a single Hamas terrorist can be left standing, not an inch of the Philadelphi corridor can be returned to Egypt or to Arabs in Gaza.

My colleague, Dexter Van Zile, recently published an article about a recent August, 16th, pro-Hamas demonstration in Boston. A counter pro-Israel demonstration proved very successful because many of the pro-Israel demonstrators were Iranians and partly because they just kept chanting: “If you’re siding with Hamas, you support rapists and murderers,” over and over again. The Hamasniks actually retreated.

This tells us that, in terms of demonstrations, on campuses, and in general, we need Iranian expatriate allies; Indian allies (who have their own fearful problems with surging Islamists who kidnap, rape, convert, and forcibly marry Hindu girls); Christian allies (whose brethren are being butchered all over Africa and the Middle East by Islamist Muslims) and we need them all to march with us and to support Israel.

Dare I dream? Why not. It is time for the Sunni Arab countries to join us on the front lines as well. It is in their interest to do so. Perhaps Jewish progressives will also begin to wake up, not only use their money-power but also take to the streets.

Heroic alliances are our only option. Netanyahu, stand strong.

Prof. Phyllis Chesler is an Emerita Professor of Psychology and the author of 20 books, including “Women and Madness” (1972), “With Child: A Diary of Motherhood, (1979) and” “The New Anti-Semitism” (2003, 2014). She conducted and published four studies about honor killing. Her latest books are “An American Bride in Kabul, which won a National Jewish Book Award and is now in Arabic;“A Family Conspiracy: Honor Killing,” “A Politically Incorrect Feminist.” She is a founding member of Scholars for Peace in the Middle East (SPME).


Embattlement: How growing antisemitism will affect the American Jewish community   Dr. Chaim Cohen

Antisemitism in America is here to stay, and will probably increase The “golden Era of American Jewry ‘ is definitely over, not to return.

Sep 4, 2024, 4:59 PM (GMT+3)  INN – After a post-World War Two-post Holocaust ‘hibernation’, real, and often powerful, antisemitism is growing in America, to an extent that we post-war Baby Boomers ‘never, never dreamed could happen in the USA.’

The ‘Golden Era’ of American Judaism, (1950-1990) where Jews openly dominated many areas of culture, business, science and academic life, is definitely over, and will never return. Today ,due to antisemitism, to be openly and proudly Jewish, and at the same to seek success in these fields, has become a very difficult act. Being openly Jewish in these fields today requires one to be constantly cautious and on the defensive about key elements in your social behavior, and it is hard to be highly productive and originally creative, when at the same time you have to be cautious and defensive, and when ‘you are carrying around ‘a monkey on your back’ entitled “I am a proud Jew’.

The most likely reasons for the current emergence of American antisemitism

I do not have a definite sociological explanation why the ‘Bear’ of antisemitism has suddenly emerged from its ‘cave of hibernation’. I will mention a few of possible causes.

One, suffering antisemitism is the norm of Jewish history. Most societies/civilizations, throughout human history, have ‘placed Jews’ in social roles and social positions which have caused other parts of the population to feel threatened and uncomfortable. Throughout human history, ‘proud, successful Jews’ get on people’s nerves.

Two, throughout the 19th and 20th century antisemitism has been a prevalent part of both the political Left and the political Right (each in its own version). Today the increasingly dominant progressive Left is the main engine of antisemitism, but antisemitism on the Right is also strong.

Three, and this is the most relevant reason in America today, American society is becoming increasingly polarized and semi dysfunctionalAmerica ‘no longer believes in itself.‘ There is no longer a common American dream, a common American belief system that 80% of the population shares. Basic social institutions, such as stable families and communities, and organized religion, are becoming increasingly weakened. The number of individuals who feel isolated, vulnerable, lonely and depressed is increasing in an alarming rate.

And as the German Weimer Republic of the 1920’s (which gave birth to the Nazi movement) teaches us, a political society which has lost its self-confidence, and in which ‘the stable Center no longer holds’ is the most fertile ground for antisemitism. The Jews are historically everyone’s (Left and Right) most favorite and available ‘scapegoat ‘when a society begins to unravel.

So how will growing American antisemitism affect American Jewry?

I have a fairly simple answer to the above question.

1) There will be the ‘disappearing Jew’ response to antisemitism

American, self-identified Jews, for whom Jewish self-identity is not a highly prioritized factor in their overall self-identity, will simply downsize and weaken the Jewish factor in their overall self-identity till it almost disappears, because ‘being Jewish’ has now become such an onerous, social problem. Maintaining a Jewish identity is simply not worth the ‘sweat’, effort and even dangers that it may involve. Whether non-Jews will let them ‘get away’ with this ‘disappearing act’ is another question. (One hundred percent assimilation did not save German Jews.) According to my ‘semi scientific’ estimation close to a million self-identified Jews will try to cope with antisemitism using this ‘disappearing Jew’ method.

Most of these’ disappearing Jews ‘ are today under 40, the product of two generations of family religious-ethnic intermarriage, and probably four generations removed from their first generation (Ellis Island, 1890 to 1920) ethnic origins. They self-report that they have very minimal, if any, connection to Jewish religious practice or beliefs.

2) There will be the ‘reinvigorated-revved up’ Jewish response to antisemitism

(For the sake of clarification, in this category I am referring to nonOrthodox practicing Jews)

And, in contrast, there seem to be an equal, and maybe larger number of Jews, who are responding to growing antisemitism by strengthening, redefining, and reinvigorating their Jewish self-identity.

My discussion here of the ‘Reinvigorating- revved up Jew’ is basically speculative and tentative, yet based on expertise intuition.

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[Ed.:  If Israel would ruthlessly decimate and obliterate her enemies, antisemitism wouldn’t go away, but most of it would go back to the closet for a good 30 years or so. When Israel does win wars in a frightening and shocking manner, Jew-haters, like all bullies, shut up.  Since Israel is In Name Only, it won’t do that and the bullies will be increasingly emboldened.]


Jonathan Pollard: TRUTH BOMB: Gaza Tunnel Revelations  [8:25]

Sep 3, 2024   Machon Shilo – Watch the following discussion between Jonathan Pollard and Rabbi David Bar-Hayim on the Iranian Attack on Israel:


IDF Lieutenant gives more details on six found hostages in Rafah   [12:38]   Berel Solomon

Sep 1, 2024Details Emerge from IDF Lieutenant on Six Hostages Found in Rafah, hosted by Berel, Lieutenant Colonel Daniel Jacob from the IDF shares insights into a recent tragic discovery in Gaza. The IDF found six hostages who had been killed by Hamas inside a tunnel in Rafah. Jacob explains that these hostages were likely alive until a few days before the discovery. He describes the complexity and dangers of the operations to rescue hostages, emphasizing that Hamas often uses the hostages as human shields and kills them when IDF forces approach. The colonel also reflects on the broader situation in Israel, where the conflict spans multiple fronts, and expresses frustration with the high command’s handling of the war. He believes that the current leadership is not capable of winning the war due to their inability to adapt to the changing dynamics of the conflict.

Jacob further discusses the strategic and moral challenges Israel faces, including the difficulty of negotiating with Hamas and the risks posed by opening the Philadelphia route, which could allow more terrorists to enter Gaza. He emphasizes the need for stronger, more decisive action from Israel and criticizes the current government’s approach to the war. Jacob also touches on the importance of unity within Israel, particularly the need to integrate religious and liberal segments of society into the war effort. He concludes by urging a change in strategy to show strength and deter future attacks, highlighting the critical support from international allies like the United States. The video also underscores the personal sacrifices made by soldiers and their families, illustrating the deep impact of the conflict on those serving on the front lines.

Contact Daniel Directly: dantsj@gmail.com


A clever way to stop “misinformation superspreaders” like me    STEVE KIRSCH

I thought of a clever way for the US government to silence all of us for 5 years. Problem solved!

SEP 04, 2024

Executive summary

US law (18 USC 1001) makes it illegal to lie to the US government.  

So an easy way to stop “misinformation spreaders” is to subpoena them to testify in front of Congress and ask them whether vaccines are safe and how they know. If they lie, they can be put in jail for 5 years.

Problem solved.


Oddly, nobody in Congress wants to do this.

Congress and the Biden/Harris administration prefer controlling free speech by censoring speech they don’t agree with.


EU Should Condemn Iran, Not Israel, for West Bank Violence    by Con Coughlin
September 4, 2024 at 5:00 am

  • [T]he fact that the EU’s foreign policy chief [Josep Borrell] has even suggested imposing punitive measures against Israel, a country smaller than the state of New Jersey, when it is involved in a desperate fight defending itself against the world’s largest sponsor of state terrorism, Iran, and its proxy terrorist groups — Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis, Palestinian Islamic Jihad and Iraqi militias, as well as Iran’s powerful Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps — on at least seven fronts, shows a woeful lack of understanding of the conflict.
  • Borrell’s constant articulation of anti-Israeli views also raises questions about his suitability to continue holding such an important position in the EU. Earlier this year, he launched a blistering attack against the “Israeli occupation authorities” for imposing punitive measures against an openly genocidal Palestinian Authority (PA).
  • Even so, Borrell’s stance reflects the deep anti-Israel sentiment that exists within the EU bureaucracy… After Hamas terrorists murdered more than 1,200 Israelis, rather than receiving support for her gesture of solidarity by visiting Israel, during which [European Commission President Ursula] von der Leyen went to the Kfar Aza kibbutz (where at least 52 of 700 residents were murdered), she faced a barrage of criticism from EU insiders, with 800 EU staffers writing an official letter of complaint criticising her “uncontrolled” support of Israel.
  • [UN Secretary-General Antonio] Guterres’s willingness to focus his criticism on Israel, and not the Iranian-backed terrorists, is yet another example of the UN’s institutional anti-Israel bias. If the UN has any genuine interest in taking a balanced approach to the violence in the West Bank, then, instead of focusing its criticism exclusively on Israel, it would call on Iran to cease backing the network of terrorist groups it backs in the region, whose main goal is the destruction of Israel on the way to destroying the United States — the main representative of the West.
  • The failure of international bodies such as the EU and the UN to demonstrate any pretence of balance when intervening on vital international security issues such as the Iranian-sponsored conflicts taking place in Gaza, the West Bank and southern Lebanon not only makes a mockery of their claim to be independent arbiters on the issue. It also runs the risk of making them utterly irrelevant, to the extent that they suffer the same fate as the League of Nations in the 1930s, whose inability to confront fascism condemned it to abject failure.

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Iran’s Plan for the 2024 US Election   By John Mills

Sep. 3, 2024 1:40 pm – There are reportedly Iranian attempts to make sure former President Donald Trump does not return to office. There is reportedly both the high-end threat of direct assassination and malign influence activities through cyber and social media.

Walid Phares, a respected expert on Middle East matters, has said: “The Islamic regime in Iran is trying to assassinate former President Donald Trump, with hopes of doing so by Nov. 5, Election Day.”  [Emphasis added]

“Multiple governmental sources associated with U.S. allies across the Mideast have informed me of the danger.”

Even before the July 13 Butler shooting that injured Trump (which is not known to be linked to Iran), there was concern that Iran was plotting to kill the former president.

In addition, Iranian cyber units appear focused on the Trump campaign.

In the 2024 presidential election, there is allegedly a real and malign foreign election interference operation led by Iran. The Office of the Director of National Intelligence, the FBI, and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency have released a joint statement squarely blaming Iran for seeking to use cyber methods to break into the Trump campaign.

The statement reads in part: “The Intelligence Community (IC) has previously reported that Iran perceives this year’s elections to be particularly consequential in terms of the impact they could have on its national security interests, increasing Tehran’s inclination to try to shape the outcome. We have observed increasingly aggressive Iranian activity during this election cycle, specifically involving influence operations targeting the American public and cyber operations targeting presidential campaigns.”

The Iranian hacking operation reportedly has a face and identity. It is allegedly known as APT (advanced persistent threat) 42 or CharmingKitten. APT42 is thought to be embedded in and associated with the intelligence division of the Iranian military, the Intelligence Organization of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC).

Iran as a Proxy of China

There has been an evolution of the longstanding Iranian tension with the United States. Iran has become China’s premier worldwide proxy. China is the dominant provider of support to Iran, and Iran’s economy is beholden to energy exports to China.

Henry Rome of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy has said: “The economic relationship is fundamentally asymmetrical, so I’d call it a one-way strategic partnership. … It’s certainly strategic for Iran: China is Iran’s most important economic partner and is the lung through which the [Iranian] economy breathes.”

The connection between Iran’s IRGC, military, and intelligence activities and China has become pervasive. Chinese defense ministers have traveled to Iran to establish deep and formal relations with Iran, with a possible focus on arms transfers; drone, dual-use, and missile technologies; and cyber and intelligence capabilities. Iran is now reportedly seeking advanced Chinese spy satellites to give Iranian intelligence and influence operations a broader, worldwide reach.

With Russia decisively focused on the Ukraine War and now attempting to respond to a sudden Ukraine thrust into the Kursk Oblast of Russia, Iran has become the senior “colony” to China. It is not unreasonable to conclude that because of the defense and intelligence agreements between Iran and China, Iran’s objective of ensuring Trump does not return to office has at least the tacit approval of China if not some involvement in the planning and direction of the Iranian election interference operations.

Views expressed in this article are opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.

All viewpoints are personal and do not reflect the viewpoints of any organization.

This article first appeared in Epoch Times and was reprinted with permission.


Irish Teacher Arrested for the Third Time for Refusing To Give in to ‘Trans’ Agenda   By Margaret Flavin

Sep. 3, 2024 3:20 pm – Enoch Burke is a devout Christian teacher who formerly taught at  Wilson’s Hospital School in Co. Westmeath, Ireland.

According to their website, while the school is associated with the Church of Ireland, they appear to bow to the trans agenda.

In 2022, The Gateway Pundit reported that Burke was put on paid administrative for refusing to address a trans student as “they.”

Despite an order barring him from the campus, Burke continued to show up on campus and was arrested and jailed for contempt of court and spent three months in Dublin’s Mountjoy Prison.

Ultimately, the school board dismissed Burke.

Despite the firing, Burke continued to show up to the school, and in September 2023, he was arrested again.

At the start of the 2024 school year, Burke was arrested for a third time and taken into custody by Ireland’s Garda (police force).

Burke protested his right to be at the school and told arresting officers,  “I have a right to work here, I have a right to be here.”

“I’m not going to turn my back on my duty to my students.”

Following the arrest, Burke was sent back to Mountjoy Prison with a review of his case scheduled for October 11.

An account on X run on Burke’s behalf shared, “BREAKING: Teacher Enoch Burke arrested at Wilson’s Hospital School after refusing to endorse and affirm transgender ideology.”

“Judge Barry O’Donnell, who made almost €400,000 from 2016-2018 representing TUSLA as a barrister, ordered his arrest.”

“TUSLA is the Irish State ‘Child Protection’ agency, an organisation saturated with LGBT ideology, urging staff recently to learn about cross-dressers and drag performers, and making acceptance of LGBT and transgender ideology a condition for fostering children.”

“What a mockery to expect Enoch Burke, a Christian teacher, to sit before this man and expect justice.”



Victor Davis Hanson Video: ‘I Told You Something is Coming and Now It’s Here’   [8:52]

How universities are churning out graduates that are contributing to a national crisis.

September 3, 2024  Frontpagemag.comAug 12, 2024 – Are universities failing students and society? In this video, Victor Davis Hanson discusses the current state of higher education. He argues that universities are churning out graduates burdened with massive debt and insufficient skills, contributing to a national crisis.

Hanson explains how the push for diversity and equity has led to the dilution of academic standards and the devaluation of degrees. Many young people, especially men, are not marrying, buying houses, or having children, partly due to the financial strain of student debt. Hanson suggests that universities should be transparent about the true costs and potential earnings of different degrees and should take responsibility for student loan defaults.

He also highlights the problem of universities rejecting highly qualified students to meet diversity quotas, leading to a decline in the quality of graduates. Employers are now favoring graduates from less prestigious schools because they are better trained and less entitled. Hanson calls for a revolutionary movement in education to prioritize practical skills and accountability, moving away from the current system that prioritizes credentials over competence.


On petitions, hostages and hypocritical rabbis   MOSHE PHILLIPS

Refusing to call on Qatar and Egypt to pressure Hamas suggests that they are primarily interested in pressuring only Israel.

(August 29, 2024   JNS – More than 90 rabbis and cantors signed a letter this month to Israel’s prime minister, demanding that Israel cease firing at Hamas and release a large number of terrorists to gain the release of the hostages in the Gaza Strip. When the same clergy were asked to sign a letter calling on Qatar and Egypt to pressure Hamas to release the hostages, guess how many signed on?

Five. That’s right, just five.

The letter to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, which was organized by the “Bring Them Home Now” campaign, urged him to “finalize the deal on the table.” According to media reports, the two main components of that deal are that Israel will stop pursuing the gang rapists and baby-beheaders of Oct. 7 and will release many hundreds—perhaps even thousands—of terrorists who have murdered or attempted to murder Jews.
It’s peculiar to use the slogan “Bring Them Home Now,” which indicates that it is within Israel’s power to do so. A more appropriate slogan would have been “Let My People Go” because that would be aimed at Hamas, which is holding the hostages, and at the governments that support Hamas and could exercise leverage on it. “Bring Them Home Now” puts most or all of the onus on Israel.
That appears to have been the intent of the letter of the nearly 100 rabbis and cantors—to put pressure on Israel, to put the blame on Israel, to put all the responsibility for the fate of the hostages on Israel’s shoulders.
Nowhere in their letter did the 99 rabbis call on Hamas to surrender. Nowhere did they call for action by Qatar, which finances Hamas, or by Egypt, which controls Gaza’s western border.
So, we at Americans For A Safe Israel (AFSI) decided to organize a second letter to correct the imbalance. We sent it to all the rabbis and cantors who signed the first one.
As I explained in my cover note to these rabbis and cantors, our letter deliberately mimicked the language of the first letter, except ours was directed at Qatar and Hamas. We used the same language to make it as comfortable as possible for all 99 rabbis and cantors to sign on. If they were satisfied with the language of the first letter, then they should have been satisfied with the language of the second one—or so we assumed.

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FIDF Briefing: Lt. Col. (Res.) Dr. Mordechai Kedar, Israeli Scholar of Arab Culture – Sept. 1, 2024  [1:02:17]

Sep 1, 2024   Friends of the IDF – FIDF – FIDF Chief Executive Officer Steve Weil welcomes Lt. Col. (Res.) Dr. Mordechai Kedar, Israeli Scholar of Arab Culture, Lecturer at Bar-Ilan University, and Vice President of NEWSRAEL to offer his expert insight into Israel’s conflict with Iran within the broader context of Middle Eastern, Islamic, and world histories. Dr. Kedar elaborates on the various internal divisions within the Muslim world–particularly the Shia and Sunni sects–and how their conflicts are impacting Israel’s geopolitical reality and fueling wars throughout the Middle East. Steve and Dr. Kedar also discuss the dangers posed to Western societies around the world by the extremist ideology of the Muslim Brotherhood. Finally, Dr. Kedar provides his views on the current and future situation with Israel, Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran.Donate NOW at FIDF.org for the fastest and most direct way to give IDF soldiers what they need most. 100% of your contribution goes toward meeting their emergency humanitarian needs.


After Hostages Executed, Left Blames Bibi   [49:43]    Caroline Glick In-Focus

September 1, 2024  JNS TV – But why would Gallant blame Netanyahu—and more importantly, why does the premier continue to keep his defense minister on board?

On today’s episode of “In-Focus,” JNS senior contributing editor Caroline Glick discusses the motivations behind Gallant’s actions and how they connect to the larger effort to topple Netanyahu.

She also reveals the details of Hamas’s terms for Israel’s capitulation; the inner workings of the Jewish state’s establishment; and developments in the continued war against Palestinian terror.


0:00 Terror wave continues

10:10 Hostages found

14:00 Establishment left creates chaos

20:00 Terms of capitulation

25:00 Gallant goes to Washington

36:00 Breaking down the internal subversion

45:00 Why hasn’t Gallant been fired?


Jonathan Pollard: Torah Requires Constitutional Monarchy   [44:15]

September 1, 2024  Machon Shilo


We Are Facing the Breakup of America as We Know It   General Flynn

September 1, 2024 – We are facing the breakup of America as we know it, advancing into some of the most challenging times in U. S. history, including the days of the American Revolution.

After analyzing the messaging throughout the DNC, it’s important to understand that this election is not simply about policy, it’s an opportunity for every American to choose between competing ideologies.

Americanism is based on our constitutional republic, our bill of rights, the rule of law, our freedoms, and the idea that we the people have the absolute say in the direction of our country. In opposition is a totalitarian tyrannical oligarch running as a group of communists and managing our lives at the top by an overarching federal government. There is a stark difference.

It can feel as though our nation is divided into two camps, but one camp is substantially smaller. The ideology of communism pervades inside of our current government structure, particularly in the white house, the executive branch and even in parts of congress. The number of people in our country who truly believe in this is larger than you would think but it’s not half the country the way that the left will make you believe. It is a small group that has infiltrated the political class. The challenge is that they hold significant power.

An additional challenge that we face is that we have an establishment class on the conservative side. Republican Party leaders that don’t like President Trump because he’s not one of theirs. He continues to be an outsider and does not participate as a part of the establishment. Again, the establishment is a small segment of the Republican party, but they are prominent in the political class. They want to take care of our lives, and don’t want us to get involved.

Republicans are in charge of the House of Representatives right now, and should be fighting tooth and nail, but instead, they are out on vacation. We have an extremely weak Speaker of the House, who hasn’t done anything to speak of.  We have a Weaponization Committee, which has done even less.  Meanwhile, we continue to watch conservatives being thrown into prison with an Attorney General who recently announced that more J6ers would be indicted.

Never mind the recent news that Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Facebook, just acknowledged that his social media platforms participated in making sure that the people of this country were lied to for the purpose of swaying the outcome of the 2020 presidential election, which was won by less than 45K total votes. And apparently, we’re meant to simply forget about the 51 Intel leaders that signed a letter that clearly misled the public about Hunter Biden’s laptop (and likely swayed the outcome of the 2020 presidential election).

So, the question remains, where is the accountability? Will there be any action taken or does Zuckerberg get a hall pass offered by Jim Jordan and the judiciary committee? Congress should immediately call these people in and place them under oath, but congress in their illustrious way is still out on recess.

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CHAPTER 34: In a World Obsessed with Feelings, Whose Feelings Matter?    by Linda Goudsmit
Space Is No Longer the Final Frontier—Reality Is*
September 1, 2024

Globalism is a replacement ideology that seeks to reorder the world into one singular, planetary Unistate, ruled by the globalist elite. The globalist war on nation-states cannot succeed without collapsing the United States of America. The long-term strategic attack plan moves America incrementally from constitutional republic to socialism to globalism to feudalism. The tactical attack plan uses asymmetric psychological and informational warfare to destabilize Americans and drive society out of objective reality into the madness of subjective reality. America’s children are the primary target of the globalist predators.

Hidden deep within the Gospel of Yuval Harari is the question “Do children belong to their parents or to the state?” Harari’s position clearly favors the state, because the “intelligent design” he describes is an arm of the state body politic. To repeat what he said at the World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting in Davos on January 24, 2020:

In the coming decades, AI and biotechnology will give us godlike abilities to reengineer life, and even to create completely new life-forms. After four billion years of organic life shaped by natural selection, we are about to enter a new era of inorganic life shaped by intelligent design.

Harari’s “evolutionary” biology sees human beings as hackable animals whose future will be shaped by artificial intelligence, biotechnology, and the reengineering of life into new life-forms. The new life-forms Harari refers to are transhumanist beings totally controlled by the globalist elite—the “intelligent designers.”

To “transcend” means to go beyond the range or limits of something. Transhuman means going beyond the current limits of being human and acquiring the powers and abilities of an enhanced human being in what the World Economic Forum calls “Humanity 2.0″—the stated goal of “intelligent design.” Harari’s narrative is grooming your children for Humanity 2.0.

To understand the insidious plan to move humanity from Humanity 1.0 to Humanity 2.0, it is necessary to examine the tactical shift away from meritocracy—the traditional metric of achievement foundational to American life, progress, and success.

In a society that eliminates meritocracy by shifting its metrics from achievement to feelings, whose feelings actually matter? What is the political purpose of the shift?

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BREAKING: Don Jr JUST shared the CRAZIEST WARNING!!   [21:52]   Stephen Gardner

AUGUST 30, 2024


Love is choosing for another’s HIGHEST GOOD   TIERNEY’S REAL NEWS

AUG 31, 2024 – I wasn’t going to write another newsletter until next week, but one of my friends asked me this question this morning and I took it as a sign that I was supposed to tell you about it before the holiday:

Peggy, what do you say to people who answer the illegal immigration charge with “you can’t have illegal immigration with a country that stole from the Indians” & “borders are illegal” & “you stole from the Indians.”

Here is how I suggested he answer back:

If you believe in the idea that any one people have an inherent right to land because they were there first, then every nation on earth is on stolen land, because there is no country today that is inhabited by the same people that it was 2000 years ago. Or even 500.

Back then, Native American tribes would rape, murder and pillage the people of OTHER tribes and sacrifice their children. They would take land by force and hold other tribes under slavery. In fact, Native Americans were the ORIGINAL slave traders in what we call modern North America.

This is nothing new. Nobody is taught this truth in school. I wish people would do their homework before they start parroting propaganda about how bad America is compared to the rest of the world.

Today, there are still 45 million enslaved people on the globe – mostly in Africa, the Middle East, Pakistan and India. African slaves are sold for $200 on the streets and then mutilated and “cooked like kebabs” by violent African gangs. You must teach this truth to your children.

If you disagree with my answer or would like to add your own thoughts, send me an email by replying to this newsletter. If you have other questions you’d like me to address, reply to this newsletter or send me an email. Thanks!

As you prepare to spend the holiday weekend with friends and family, I’d like to take the time to briefly address something else.

I know many of you are parents, grandparents, uncles and aunts to children and young adults who have been indoctrinated into Communism and Satanism at our liberal schools and colleges…not to mention the daily assault on our children with lockstep propaganda from the fake news! They are all in on it together and it’s relentless – and the latest is all about fake JOY.

IMHO, you are NOT doing the next generation of Americans any favors by going along to get along or even accepting their new “learned philosophical mindset” in order to keep the peace.

If you LOVE THEM – you will set them on the right path – gently, calmly and intelligently – no matter what the cost to you. LOVE IS seeking the HIGHEST GOOD for another. LOVE IS NOT allowing another to be swallowed whole by evil under the guise of “joy.

In case you still don’t know – STRENGTH THROUGH JOY was a campaign line for the NAZI PARTY – otherwise known as the National Socialist Worker’s Party of Germany. The “fact checkers” are trying to dispute this – but it’s very very true.

This weekend would be a good time to start giving your friends and family a history lesson!

CS LEWIS: “Love is unselfishly choosing for another’s highest good.”


Mark Zuckerberg’s False Apology   JEFF CARLSON & HANS MAHNCKE

Zuckerberg’s actions over the years speak far louder than his words

AUG 28, 2024 – Mark Zuckerberg made some startling admissions in his recent “mea culpa” letter to Congress. He admitted that the Biden-Harris Administration “pressured” Facebook to censor stories on the origin of Covid.  He admitted that the FBI pressured Facebook to censor the Hunter Laptop story. And he admitted that Facebook did what the government asked him to – censor American citizens.

Zuckerberg also (sort of) addressed his personal financial contributions during the 2020 election. His letter gave the appearance of a public apology – he appeared almost contrite for his actions in the 2020 election and the Covid Pandemic, but is Zuckerberg really sorry? Or is he simply worried because he got caught? A closer look at the involvement of Zuckerberg & Facebook with the DNC over the years may answer that question.

A pattern of close collaboration between Zuckerberg/Facebook and the DNC goes back to at least 2012 — when Facebook shared their user data with the Obama campaign.

Obama’s Election Team was given full access to Facebook’s data in 2012. Access that was not – and would not have been granted to Conservatives.

As a result, any time people used Facebook’s log-in button to sign on to the campaign’s website, Obama’s data scientists were able to access their profile as well as their friends’ information. That allowed them to chart the closeness of people’s relationships and make estimates about which people would be most likely to influence other people in their network to vote.

Carol Davidsen, who was director of data integration and media analytics for the Obama Campaign, was surprisingly clear about what happened. “We ingested the entire U.S. social graph,” Davidsen said in an interview. “We would ask permission to basically scrape your profile, and also scrape your friends, basically anything that was available to scrape. We scraped it all.”

Davidson also highlighted the favoritism Facebook gave to Obama’s campaign, noting that Facebook “came to office in the days following election recruiting & were very candid that they allowed us to do things they wouldn’t have allowed someone else to do because they were on our side.”

Which raises an important question. If Facebook gave the Obama Campaign access to valuable data worth millions of dollars to bolster Obama’s chances of winning the election, why wasn’t this access counted as in-kind political contributions by the Obama Campaign?

We’ve all heard how Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg infamously privatized elements of the 2020 presidential election when he sent nearly half-a-billion dollars to local election boards in key states to turn out likely Democratic voters.

To put that amount into perspective, Zuckerberg alone spent almost as much money funding government election offices as the entire federal government spent on the 2020 election.

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Why Did Zuckerberg Choose Now to Confess?   BY JEFFREY A. TUCKER

AUGUST 30, 2024 – Consider Mark Zuckerberg’s revelation and its implications for our understanding of the last four years, and what it means for the future.

On many subjects important to public life today, vast numbers of people know the truth, and yet the official channels of information sharing are reluctant to admit it. The Fed admits no fault in inflation and neither do most members of Congress. The food companies don’t admit the harm of the mainstream American diet. The pharmaceutical companies are loath to admit any injury. Media companies deny any bias. So on it goes.

And yet everyone else does know, already and more and more so.

This is why the admission of Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg was so startling. It’s not what he admitted. We already knew what he revealed. What’s new is that he admitted it. We are simply used to living in a world swimming in lies. It rattles us when a major figure tells us what is true or even partially or slightly true. We almost cannot believe it, and we wonder what the motivation might be.

In his letter to Congressional investigators, he flat-out said what everyone else has been saying for years now.

In 2021, senior officials from the Biden Administration, including the White House, repeatedly pressured our teams for months to censor certain COVID-19 content, including humor and satire, and expressed a lot of frustration with our teams when we didn’t agree….I believe the government pressure was wrong, and I regret that we were not more outspoken about it. I also think we made some choices that, with the benefit of hindsight and new information, we wouldn’t make today. Like I said to our teams at the time, I feel strongly that we should not compromise our content standards due to pressure from any Administration in either direction – and we’re ready to push back if something like this happens again.

A few clarifications. The censorship began much earlier than that, from March 2020 at the very least if not earlier. We all experienced it, almost immediately following lockdowns.

After a few weeks, using that platform to get the word out proved impossible. Facebook once made a mistake and let my piece on Woodstock and the 1969 flu go through but they would never make that mistake again. For the most part, every single opponent of the terrible policies was deplatformed at all levels.

The implications are far more significant than the bloodless letter of Zuckerberg suggests. People consistently underestimate the power that Facebook has over the public mind. This was especially true in the 2020 and 2022 election cycles.

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Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.