Daily Shmutz COMMENTARY / OPINION / ANALYSIS  1/17/23-1/18/22-1/19/23



Dr. Mordechai Kedar:Iran, Muslim violence on Temple Mount, and much more  [55:59]  Avi Abelow

Dr. Mordechai Kedar explaining the origin of Jerusalem as a Moslem Holy City.


Dr. Jerome Corsi Joins Tony Shaffer to Discuss Exposing Disinformation from Those Behind the Climate Change Agenda   By Joe Hoft

January 19, 2023 at 7:15am – Dr. Jerome Corsi was interviewed by Tony Shaffer with the London Center where they discussed the insanity of Climate Change as pushed by the radical left.

Dr. Jerome Corsi was harassed by the Mueller gang after the 2016 election.  This gang of corrupt Deep State actors attempted to get Corsi to lie.  He said he wouldn’t and he stuck to it.  Dr. Corsi refused a plea agreement, and the Mueller prosecutors declined prosecution.

This week Dr. Corsi discussed the climate change hoax with former U.S. Army Reserve lieutenant colonel Tony Shaffer.  In particular, they discussed Corsi’s book about the climate change fiasco.

In the discussion below, Corsi discusses how the Marxists jumped onto the climate change train and used it to blame capitalism for global warming.  Dr. Corsi shares:



1.    Saudi Arabia to END dollar dominance in global oil trade – OPERATION SANDMAN activated!  [1:35:22 – 0:00 Intro; 2:18 FAA; 18:15 Davos WEF; 20:08 Russia; 26:15 OPERATION SANDMAN; 51:10 Brian Festa]   Mike Adams  Situation Update, Jan 18, 2023

– Saudi Arabia declares willing to trade oil in currencies other than the dollar

– Operation Sandman has begun, and the dominoes will now begin to fall

– US dollar will head down path of hyper-devaluation as dollars flood back to the USA

– Those people left holding dollars instead of real assets will be wiped out

– Was the FAA subjected to a ransomware cyber attack that grounded all flights?

– The incompetent, illegitimate Biden regime can’t protect America’s infrastructure

– China already has a MAP of all cyber vulnerabilities across US infrastructure

– Russia preparing for major offensive against Ukraine and NATO targets

– Russia confirms it is facing an existential threat; will likely target NATO bases

– WEF leaders and attendees were likely told they might be targeted by missiles

– China set to coordinate cyber attacks with Russia’s kinetic attacks

– The era of western dominance over the world is coming to an end

– Russia to boost standing army to 1.5 million troops – mobilization under way

– Western nations begin sending tanks to Ukraine

– Ukraine cannot effectively deploy COMBINED ARMS, so the tanks hardly matter

– The world of low cost consumer goods is OVER – global supply chains will crater



2.  Local Sensitivity and the Value of Decentralization: Understanding Why Tyranny Is More Common in Centralized States   By Sukhayl Niyazov

In centralized countries, government officials mainly deal with numbers, not real people.

 In big and diverse countries, it is important that smaller units adapt their laws to the local peculiarities and specifics of the economic and public health situation. That is why Donald Trump, when announcing the plan to get America back to work, allowed for states to decide when to reopen, for a single nationwide lifting of restrictions will prove to be too early in some areas and too late in yet others.

However, the problem stemming from the centralization of decision-making power is not limited to the inability of bureaucrats in a distant capital to understand the peculiarities of a local situation. It is that civil servants in centralized states deal with abstract and theoretical numbers rather than interact with real people; they are detached from reality.

“Individuals, communities, and state governments make better decisions than bureaucrats in a distant capital thanks to local sensitivity.”  [Emphasis added]


1. The Biden Docs and WEF Plan for World Domination/Destruction   By Tom Renz   January 16, 2023

The 2020 election was one of the most contentious (and fraudulent) in American history. Trump and Biden were battling hard and Trump successfully found and shared immense amounts of, what turned out to be accurate information, about everything from Hunter’s laptop from hell, to the Russia collusion hoax, to every other sort of malfeasance imaginable. The media and their WEF handlers have spent nearly 3 years successfully covering up the greatest fraud in world history, COVID & the “vaccines”, but we are now to believe that the documents Biden stole years ago, while he was VP, are only now being discovered? Worse, that the same people that covered up COVID death-jabs couldn’t do a better job covering up these old documents?

Call me a conspiracy theorist, but big tech and the mainstream press hid and continue to hide everything on the death jabs, CBDC, the food crisis, the energy crisis, and the 9 trillion other Biden crimes but a quick Google search provides dozens of stories about this? The NY Post has provided a write-up on this that can be found here and is easy to find on a Google search? The fact that you can find ANYTHING on this in a Google search is evidence enough that there is more going on behind the scenes than we know.

Something about this stinks. I just cannot believe that this is a legitimate find by BIDEN’S PERSONAL lawyers, possibly working for Biden, that ended up being disclosed and reported on. Lawyers representing a President don’t find something like this and suddenly put it out where it blows up in the press like this. Legal duties to disclose aside, these guys would have done everything possible to do what they had a legal or ethical duty to do while providing the most cover possible for Biden.

While I do not see evidence either way pointing to Biden being aware of what is happening (anywhere) it certainly seems possible that the WEF/CCP people running the Whitehouse have decided Biden will need to go. Ultimately I do not know what the game is here but I don’t believe this is a natural thing and do believe the patriots and non-RINO GOP should be careful.

Total Page Visits: 348

About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.