Debunking Lies: 10 Reasons Why Israel Isn’t Committing Genocide  [4:21]    Hananya Naftali

Jan 9, 2024A CRUCIAL 101 Lesson for South Africa’s Government.


BREAKING: Israel on Trial in the Kangaroo Courtroom of the ICJ | The Caroline Glick Show   [50:42]   JNS TV

January 14, 2024 – Caroline Glick speaks with Professor of Law (Bar Ilan University, San Diego School of Law) Avi Bell on the inner workings of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) and what the accusation of genocide from South Africa is really about.

If you want an understanding of what this trial is and means for Israel’s future, you won’t want to miss this.



Past Time to Undo Obama’s ‘Fundamental Transformation’   By Clarice Feldman

January 14, 2024  – In 2008 the media lapped up the master of Shuck and Jive, Barack Obama and his high-falutin’ promise:

Now, Mizzou, I just have two words for you tonight: five days. Five days. After decades of broken politics in Washington, and eight years of failed policies from George W. Bush, and 21 months of a campaign that’s taken us from the rocky coast of Maine to the sunshine of California, we are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.

“In five days, you can turn the page on policies that put greed and irresponsibility on Wall Street before the hard work and sacrifice of folks on Main Street. In five days, you can choose policies that invest in our middle class, and create new jobs, and grow this economy, so that everyone has a chance to succeed, not just the CEO, but the secretary and janitor, not just the factory owner, but the men and women on the factory floor.

In fact, what he instituted, endorsed, and placed the federal government’s many resources behind was the Marxist division of America into oppressed and oppressor groups — using race and sex as substitutes for workers and producers. The destruction of national unity, the downplaying of merit and equal opportunity (in pursuit of equal outcomes) and the deliberate favoring of our enemies over our allies is now manifest.  Almost two decades later, we have seen how these policies have led to wars in the Middle East, the destruction of our educational systems, danger to our lives from poor management, and a substantially weakened military capability. From the personnel and policies that resulted in the wars in the Middle East to the appointment of the antisemitic Claudine Gay, I see Obama’s heavy hand.


Penny Pritzker, senior fellow of Harvard Corporation (in effect, its Board of Trustees), was instrumental in both the election of Barack Obama and the selection of Claudine Gay as Harvard’s President.

“Without Penny Pritzker, it is unlikely that Barack Obama ever would have been elected to the United States Senate or the presidency. When she first backed him during his 2004 Senate run, she was No. 152 on the Forbes list of the wealthiest Americans. He was a long-shot candidate who needed her support and imprimatur. Mr. Obama and Ms. Pritzker grew close, sometimes spending weekends with their families at her summer home.” (New York Times)

She chaired his 2008 finance team and aided in his re-election campaign. Pritzker also chaired the team that selected Gay as Harvard president. When Gay’s presidency was on the shoals after her disastrous congressional appearance, Obama lobbied the Corporation to retain her, but ultimately failed when the evidence of Gay’s professional lifetime of plagiarism was exposed and even Pritzker could no longer save her.  Gay, like Obama, had achieved a highly prestigious role, not on merit, but on the very characteristics DEI weighed more heavily, and Harvard suffers and continues to suffer from the departure from the norm of earned merit as a criterion for advancement.

The Middle East

Antony Blinken, Biden’s Secretary of State, is an Obama holdover. Under Obama, he was deputy national security advisor and then deputy secretary of state. When he assumed his position under Biden, Trump had diplomatically isolated Iran, which was under international arms embargos. Biden adopted pro-Iran, pro-Qatar, and pro-Palestinian policies. These policies empowered our most dangerous Middle-Eastern enemies that finance Hamas, Hezb’allah, and the Houthis, all of which are fanatically anti-American and anti-Israeli. To take one example, immediately upon taking office, Biden reversed Trump’s designation of the Houthis as a terrorist organization. Blinken’s explanation for the reversal was that designating the Houthis as a terrorist organization would cause famine in Yemen. In recent months, the Houthis, in violation of international laws, have fired upon and pirated ships passing through the Red Sea. This week, after countless provocations, the U.S., allied with the U.K., the Netherlands, and others, has been forced to attack Houthi assets to permit uninterrupted transit on the Red Sea. On Friday Biden said he considered the Houthis terrorists. Once again, the policies and personnel of Obama have created chaos and war in the Middle East.


Belief, belonging and immortality: true causes of Hamas terror   Prof. Louis René Beres

Because they are primal, these crimes can never be fully controlled by reason, law or diplomacy. What then? Israel has no choice but to respond militarily.  Opinion.

Jan 14, 2024, 7:47 AM (GMT+2) – To meaningfully understand what lies behind Iran-supported Hamas terrorism against Israel, we can learn more from the psychologists and anthropologists than the pundits and politicos. Inter-penetrating problems of religion, war and terror most deeply animate jihadist crimes. At their points of origin, such terror-violence expresses the result of mutually-reinforcing private needs and collective expectations.

Because they are primal, these crimes can never be fully controlled by reason, law or diplomacy.

What then? Informed explanations are finally in order.


US Jews for Hamas. Yes. Really.   Jack Engelhard

They are brainwashed, like the Manchurian Candidate was, this for S70,000 a year college tuition. An embarrassment. Op-ed.

Jan 14, 2024, 2:50 PM (GMT+2) – So, it’s come to this. Some Jewish grads from our finest universities have learned nothing from our finest modern playwright, David Mamet.

Some time ago, with vigor, he announced, “Why I am no longer a Brain-Dead Liberal.” He found out that people were generally not good at heart.

Currently, a highly regarded Jewish professor at MIT quit his job because the place is run by brain-dead liberals. From Prof Karchmer, we get the inside scoop about being Jewish on campus, post Oct. 7, when Jews expected a touch of world sympathy, but instead, find themselves “a people who dwell alone.”

Instead of the world coming around to us, the world chose the cannibals, Hamas. Go figure.

Jewish students know the feeling. They are being hounded, ostracized, and even terrorized.

Those are the many.

But among the few are the deniers, the heretics, and the scorners, and whatever their number, they are an embarrassment to themselves, and to the rest of us.

They march piously as “Jews for Gaza” or “Jews for Justice and Peace,” as yesterday and even today, they block traffic on roads, bridges and tunnels, with no concern for the thousands of motorists left helpless en route to a job or a hospital. The apikorsim have a point to make. The rest of us be damned.

“My son the doctor?” Not always.

Surprise, if you thought Jews with Ph.Ds could not possibly be hoodlums. But there they are, flourishing as part of the general riff-raff.

They are, The Pampered Generation, and the cost to turn them into brainwashed zombies runs at about $70,000 per year at, say, Harvard.


Setting the Record Straight: Part XVI: The Western Addiction to Bad News about Jews   By Alex Grobman PhD.

*Editor’s Note: This is the sixteenth installment in ‘Setting The Record Straight,’ the most recent series of articles from Jewish Press Online contributor, Alex Grobman, PhD

4 Shevat 5784 – January 14, 2024 – Arabs living in Israel have succeeded in convincing Westerners to believe that what they say in foreign languages is true, and disregard what they say in Arabic. [2]   When Arab leaders are questioned about a belligerent statement against Israel addressed to the locals, they will “simply revise or retract ill-considered remarks by claiming that they have been mistranslated.” [3]

There is no excuse for journalists or anyone else to claim ignorance of the hatred being transmitted against Israel to the Arab masses by their political, religious, academic leaders and educators. Since public opinion influences public strategy, it is essential the media provide accurate information to all. Two primary sources for understanding the Middle East are the Palestinian Media Watch (PMW) and the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI). PMW monitors, translates, and analyzes Palestine Authority (PA)-controlled newspapers, TV shows, radio programs, social media sites, and schoolbooks to identify the messages the PA and other Palestinian leaders transmit to their people. MEMRI monitor and reports on news in the Middle East and South Asia through their media. [4].

Yet despite these and other reliable sources of news, the mainstream media seldom reports the incitements by Arabs, leaving their readers with a steady stream of accusations of the daily humiliation as a result of the alleged “Israeli occupation.” The refusal of the Israeli government to refrain, halt, or freeze construction in Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria (“settlements”), is viewed an impediment to a peaceful resolution of the conflict. As Sahar Tartak, Editor in Chief of The Yale Free Press wrote, it appears “The Left Is Incapable of Condemning Antisemitism.”[5]


Jonathan Pollard: Why did Israel become dependent on America?   [20:29]   Machon Shilo

[Ed.:  Israel Should Not Trust America for its Safety]


South Africa’s Charge Against Israel is Attempt to Divert Attention Away From Its Own Miserable State   BY HUGH FITZGERALD

JAN 13, 2024 4:00 PM – The whole business of taking Israel to the International Court of Justice on “genocide” charges gives Pretoria an excuse to strut its stuff on the world stage, in an attempt to divert people’s attention from the miserable state of the economy, the skyrocketing crime rate, and the corruption at the top, among the leaders of the African National Congress (ANC) who run what is a one-party state. At the center of the web of corruption sits President Cyril Ramaphosa, whose private fortune was estimated in 2018 at $450 million. Now, however, the Christians of South Africa are rallying in support of Israel: “South African Christian leaders oppose ICJ charge: Cannot keep silent,” by Maayan Jaffe-Hoffman, Jerusalem Post, January 10, 2024:

In addition, the letter said that the slogan “‘from the river to the sea’ means Israel must become Palestine and Jews must be destroyed. Aside from denying the Jews a right to a homeland in the aftermath of the Holocaust, where does this leave us Christians?

It’s good to remind South Africans what those slogans really mean. “From the river to the sea” may sound innocuous to some, but it has only one meaning: the entire area from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea must be transformed from a Jewish state into the twenty-third Arab state, that of Palestine, and all the Jews must be either expelled or killed.

The letter from the Christians raises another key point: what happens if Hamas and the other Palestinian terror groups were to succeed and take over all of Israel? Will the Christian holy sites now protected by the Jewish state continue to exist, free of harm, in a Muslim state? Not likely, given what happens to Christians and their churches in many parts of the Muslim world. Won’t Muslim persecution lead to the last Christians living in the Holy Land — now Muslim “Palestine” — leaving as well? And what of Christian churches? Will the Muslim Palestinians treat them better than Muslims have treated Chaldean and Assyrian churches in Iraq, or Coptic churches in Egypt o Maronite churches in Lebanon? What might happen to the Church of the Nativity, or the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, in a state peopled, and ruled, by Muslims?


Jonathan Pollard: Dismiss President of University of Haifa   [13:34]   Machon Shilo

Total Page Visits: 181

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Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.