[Ed.: Medicine is a disgraced profession. They cannot (and must not) be trusted any longer! Cultivate Nosocomephobia and iatrophobia.]
DeSantis Moves to Permanently Ban COVID Shot, Masks, More
January 18, 2023 – Once again, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is breaking rank from the global health cabal and declaring that his state will carve its own path to health and health freedom.
In this instance, he’s proposing a new policy that would permanently ban COVID vaccine passports, mask mandates in schools and mandated COVID shots as a condition of employment. It would also prohibit businesses from mandating masks.
In a news release, DeSantis said, “When the world lost its mind, Florida was a refuge of sanity, serving strongly as freedom’s linchpin. These measures will ensure Florida remains this way and will provide landmark protections for free speech for medical practitioners.”
CDC Aware of Hundreds of Safety Signals for COVID Jab Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola
Mind Blowing: CDC Forced to Tell How Deadly the COVID Jab Is
After refusing to release the data, they’ve finally been cornered: With these 770 deadly jab signals (myocarditis and pericarditis were just the tip of the iceberg) there’s no way they could ever say they didn’t know the shots were harming and killing millions.
- In September 2022, The Epoch Times asked the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to release its Proportional Reporting Ratio (PRR) data mining results. The CDC refused. A Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request has now forced the release of these data, and they are stunning
- The CDC’s PRR monitoring has identified several hundred safety signals, including for Bell’s palsy, blood clots, pulmonary embolism and death. In individuals aged 18 and older, there are 770 safety signals for different adverse events, and more than 500 of them have a stronger safety signal than myocarditis and pericarditis
- In the 12- to 17-year-old age group there are 96 safety signals, and in the 5- to 11-year-old group there are 66, including myocarditis, pericarditis, ventricular dysfunction, cardiac valve incompetency, pericardial and pleural effusion, chest pain, appendicitis and appendectomies, Kawasaki’s disease and vitiligo
- The proportions of deaths, which were only provided for the 18-plus age group, was 14% for the COVID jabs compared to 4.7% for all other vaccines
- The FDA is also required to perform safety monitoring, using empirical Bayesian data mining. The Epoch Times asked the FDA to release its monitoring results in July 2022 but, like the CDC, the FDA refused, only to admit in December 2022 they’d confirmed the Pfizer shot was linked to pulmonary embolism
47-Year-Old Elite Canadian Cyclist Dies Suddenly JD Rucker
They just keep dying.
Another young and otherwise healthy elite athlete has died at a relatively young age. Professional cyclist Kris Yip died suddenly last week and, as usual, the cause of death is unknown. According to his local news outlet, the Prince George Citizen:
Yip passing was also reported on in Canadian Cycling Magazine as he was known as an accomplished athlete and one of the country’s elite cyclists with a great enthusiasm for the sport.
The Prince George Cycling Club cancelled its Fatbike events this weekend and instead held a celebration of life in honour of Yip at Forest For the World. The group honoured Yip with a ride, barbeque, and refreshments. The cause of Yip’s death is not known at this time.
The frequency of these types of stories has definitely gone up recently. We started covering them in 2021 when we would get a few a month. In 2022, it happened every few days. Now, it seems to be a daily event for news outlets to cover people dying suddenly. That doesn’t include the many who die every day without news outlets taking note.
The good news is it appears more “normies” are waking up and finally starting to ask questions. The bad news is it took more people dying frequently and unnecessarily to get to this tipping point of awareness.
Dilbert Creator Scott Adams Admits “The Anti-Vaxxers Clearly Won – You’re the Winners”
By Joe Hoft
January 22, 2023 at 1:00pm – Dilbert creator Scott Adams released another tweet stating the obvious.
Dilbert creator Scott Adams came out before the 2016 election as a big supporter of then-candidate Donald J. Trump. He released numerous tweets in support of the candidate and then President Trump.
One of the most straightforward tweets from Adams came after the 2020 Election. He was so right.
The 2020 election was #NonTransparent by force. #Bullying to cheat. #StopTheSteal
— Dr. Kelli Ward (@kelliwardaz) December 5, 2020
Adams has done it again in a tweet today. Adams shares that the anti-vaxers clearly won. He says it over and over. He shared that the anti-vaxers basically didn’t trust the government and corporations and that is never wrong.
Adams shared that he took the vax and because he did he always has to wonder whether something bad will happen. He humbly admits the anti-vaxers won and this most likely will not change.
Scott Adams is right. There may have been good intentions from many Americans in pushing the vaccines but now that the data is in, clearly there is enough evidence to question the vaccine. With people dropping every day, those who took the vaccine have to wonder if something is going to affect them as well.
[Ed.: Scott Adams is still missing the boat. He should have simply come out and said ‘I was grossly mistaken about the death-jab,’ and left it at that. This was not a race or a sports game. Does Adams still not recognize the enemy?
The old adage ‘there are no winners in war’ comes to mind. The war was and is against the human race by those who want to destroy it. It is not between the jabbed and the unjabbed. What has been going on between the jabbed and the unjabbed is that the jabbed were calling the unjabbed ‘heretics’ and they shunned us. They are still pointing their fingers at us! But we have no victory over them, nor do they have over us. The winners are the pharmaceutical companies and the medical establishment who pocketed all that money, and those who aspire to depopulate the planet. We are all the losers.]
“I Want America to Wake Up and Pay Attention, Something Ain’t Right!” – Silk Describes How Her Sister Diamond ‘Died Suddenly’ in Her Kitchen (VIDEO) By Jim Hoft
January 21, 2023 at 10:18pm – At the Saturday memorial for her sister Lynette “Diamond” Hardaway, Silk told the crowd of supporters, including President Trump, that the vaccine may have been a factor in her sister’s sudden death.
Silk then called for an investigation. “There’s something going on!”
Silk spoke to the crowd on Saturday before President Trump took the stage.
Silk described how her sister “died suddenly” and how she tried to save her.
EXCLUSIVE: I just put the FAA in a “no win” situation. If there is not a PROPER investigation, heads should roll. Steve Kirsch
I just had a nice chat with Federal Air Surgeon Dr. Susan E. Northrup. By the end, she no longer can say, “I didn’t know.” If she doesn’t act now, she should be prosecuted for jeopardizing pilot lives
Executive summary
At 10:15am on Saturday Jan 21, 2023, I made a call to the private cell phone of the Federal Air Surgeon of the FAA Dr. Susan Northrup. The call lasted 2 minutes.
In the call, I referred to the news article where she basically said that she had seen no evidence that the COVID vaccines have incapacitated pilots.
At first I thought she was lying, but it turns out she was telling the truth. She’s seen no evidence because even though she admitted on the call that she knew about Bob Snow, nobody at the FAA ever bothered to call him. Ever!!! So they’ve never seen the evidence because they deliberately refused to look at the evidence!! Get it? That’s how science works.
So I asked Dr. Northrup if she was interested in speaking with pilots who have been disabled by the COVID vaccine. She indicated she was. After all, what could she say at that point? She had to say “yes.”
Japan Declares It Will Handle COVID-19 Like a Seasonal Flu By Jim Hoft
January 21, 2023 at 12:30pm – Prime Minister Fumio Kishida of Japan announced on Friday that he had instructed his cabinet to reclassify COVID-19, placing it in the same category as seasonal flu, rubella, and chickenpox in spring.
“Today, we held a press conference on the discussion on revising the new coronavirus infectious disease into category 5,” Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said Friday.
Update on Vaccine-Injured Girl on F&F Saturday Morning by Sharon Rondeau
(Jan. 21, 2023) — On Friday night, the mother of a severely vaccine-injured teenager announced she will be a guest on “Fox & Friends” at 7:20 a.m. Saturday to provide an update on her daughter’s medical condition.
Stephanie de Garay’s daughter Maddie, then 12 years old, participated in a clinical trial through the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital. After receiving the second injection, Maddie experienced a myriad of adverse events resulting in her inability to walk and ingest food normally. She remains wheelchair-bound today.
A video circulated on social media depicts Maddie as an active pre-teen prior to her participation in the trial. On January 11, , co-founder of the , posted the video in his Twitter under the hashtag, “” with the commentary, “Pfizer’s trial only vaccinated 1,131 children so a single serious injury would have made the vaccine too dangerous. Maddie’s story shows just how far medicine will go to betray and gaslight patients who threaten its narrative. We may never know who else was swept under the rug.”
Longtime Fox News Executive Dies After Suffering Heart Attack at 47 By ProTrumpNews Staff
January 21, 2023 at 7:45am – Longtime Fox News executive Alan Komissaroff died on Friday – he was only 47 years old.
Komissaroff suffered a heart attack in early January.
Nevada County To Ban Flu And COVID Vaccine
January 21, 2023 – Elko County Board of Health Commissioner Jon Karr said that Nevada County may ban the flu and COVID vaccines, which will be discussed at the Elko County Board of Health meeting on Wednesday.
According to the agenda, the board may also decide to stop local marketing of the COVID-19 and flu vaccines while waiting for “further investigation and results of the Florida Supreme Court case to investigate the wrongdoing related to COVID-19 vaccines.”
Florida’s Republican governor, Ron DeSantis, asked the Florida Supreme Court to summon a grand jury in December to look into potential COVID-19 vaccine adverse effects and to get more information from drug makers.
Elko County Board of Health commissioner Jon Karr stated that he believes the agenda items were placed on the agenda by mistake and should have never been there.
According to Karr, a worried resident raised the possibility that vaccines could cause cardiac issues and inflammation. The individual mentioned right-wing publications against vaccines as well as DeSantis’ efforts to look into COVID-19 vaccines, the person claimed.
American Idol CJ Harris Died Of Heart Attack
January 21, 2023 – CJ Harris, the former “American Idol” finalist whose abrupt death surprised friends and relatives, died from a heart attack, according to medical officials.
According to the Walker County Coroner, an autopsy is not required because Harris’ official cause of death was identified by medical staff as a heart attack, reports TMZ.
Pandemic Strategies: Lessons and Consequences [6:50]
As related by Dr. Robert Malone and summarized by filmmaker Mikki Willis, this stunning film tells the story of how the global cabal (don’t call them “elites;” it only inflates their egos) has spent decades trying to shatter all bonds, relationships and connections of the people of the world, in order to advance their agenda.
And the agenda? In order to control us they are working hard to advance their egocentric interests of their perception of humanity, and their manipulation of climate change to steal our freedoms so they can push their goals of transhumanism, the Forth Industrial Revolution and the Great Reset.
So how do we fight this self-anointed cabal? First, we seize on the reality that there are more of us than there are of them, and then to work with everything we’ve got to achieve the one thing we know is true: that freedom is our birthright. To do that, begin today, right now, by reading this and watching the film, and acting accordingly. The only thing that can stop us at this point is us.
Why COVID-19 Is Not the 3rd Leading Cause of Death Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola
Far Worse Than COVID-19, yet It’s Swept Under the Rug
The media is completely silent about this, despite the fact it harms more people than COVID-19 every single year. Has the former director of the CDC been called out for spreading fear propaganda while ignoring the elephant in the room?
- According to Dr. Thomas Frieden, former director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, COVID-19 is the third leading cause of death in the U.S., having killed 170,000 of the 5.4 million Americans who had tested positive as of August 2020
- Research shows anywhere from 250,000 to 440,000 Americans die each year from preventable medical errors, far more than COVID-19, especially if you exclude those with comorbidities. While unrecognized, medical errors have, for many years, been the third leading cause of death
- Many who died from COVID-19 were victims of medical error. As of May 2020, 42% of all COVID-19 deaths in the U.S. had also occurred in nursing homes, primarily in states where governors had forced long-term care facilities to accept infected patients, which is yet another mistake
- According to the CDC, only 6% of the total COVID-19-related deaths in the U.S. had COVID-19 listed as the sole cause of death on the death certificate
- Medical treatments showing significant promise have also been censored and even barred from use based on falsified and seriously flawed studies, thereby raising the death toll
Joe Rogan and Bret Weinstein: COVID-19 Blunder [1:59:09] Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola
Horrific Censorship: What Happens After 3 Doses of This Shot?
An evolutionary theorist dropped this bombshell on Joe Rogan, referring to it as the biggest blunder in human history. Just look at this ‘mind-blowing’ research published in Science Immunology regarding what happens to your immune system after just 3 doses.
- Bret Weinstein, an evolutionary theorist, discussed some of the most heavily censored topics today on “The Joe Rogan Experience”
- From the initial allowance of gain-of-function research to the botched pandemic response, Weinstein believes the COVID-19 pandemic is the largest blunder in human history
- Research published in Science Immunology reveals a “mind blowing” finding that after three doses of mRNA COVID-19 shots, your immune system may be triggered not to fight
- As SARS-CoV-2 spread through the population, fear was used to make the population compliant
- Weinstein explores the possibility that a select group may have had advance notice of the impending pandemic and used that knowledge to position themselves for a financial windfall
L.A. County Sheriff’s Deputy Dies After Suffering Medical Emergency While Driving
Chief Operating Officer of Twin Cities Largest Law Firm Dies “Suddenly”
“Anecdotals” Censored, Then Restored by Sharon Rondeau
(Jan. 19, 2023) — In a newsletter promoting the weekly Thursday-evening of the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation (), founder and entrepreneur Steve Kirsch reported that the film, “Anecdotals,” featuring individuals who lost loved ones to or were seriously injured from a COVID-19 vaccine, was “predictably” banned after its release on YouTube but that the decision was reversed for an unknown reason.
“For the past three years, we have been disheartened by story after story of brilliant, well-informed Americans canceled, censored, and deplatformed for sharing inconvenient and unfortunate truths about Covid policies,” Kirsch’s newsletter states. “This Thursday on the VSRF Weekly Update, we will hear the stories of three courageous individuals who are building a better, non-cancelable America.
“Jennifer Sharp is an award-winning filmmaker whose most recent documentary, Anecdotals, gives a glimpse into the lives of people (including herself) who face debilitating adverse effects from the Covid-19 vaccines. Something very extraordinary happened with this documentary recently. After YouTube predictably banned it, they then reversed this decision. This may be the very first documentary on Covid-19 vaccine injuries ever allowed on the platform.”
In memory of those who “died suddenly” in Kazakhstan, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, the Philippines, Australia and New Zealand, January 9-January 16, 2023 Mark Crispin Miller
Indian cricketer Sidharth Sharma (& a boy, 10, died in class); Thai singer Bai Khwan Ratchaya; Singaporean actor Timothy Nga; Filipino journalist Elias Baquero; Australian singer Renee Geyer; & more
In memory of those who “died suddenly” in the United States and worldwide, January 9-January 16, 2023 Mark Crispin Miller
Musicians in the US (2), Canada (2), Colombia, UK, Ireland, Germany, Thailand & Australia; politicians in the US, Canada, Bahamas, UK, France (2) & Malaysia; 10 fatal vaxxidents; & more
The Wealthy Want Unvaccinated Pilots Only – While The FAA Lowers EKG Requirements Necessary for Pilots To Fly By Pamela Geller
January 18, 2023
Wealthy businessmen have reached out to pilots organization in search of healthy unvaccinated pilots. They take care of their own.
Meanwhile, the FAA has loosened its EKG range for pilots making flying more dangerous while offering no explanation as to why to the public.
Related: FAA Quietly Indicates that US Pilots’ Hearts Are Damaged After Taking Vaccines