Daily Shmutz COVID-19   2/10/23


[Ed.:  FEAR YOUR DOCTOR!  Medicine is a disgraced profession.  They cannot (and must not) be trusted any longer! Cultivate Nosocomephobia and iatrophobia.  Spread ‘vaccine hesitancy!]



February 9, 2023 

This is copied from an email sent to a medical professionals group called WDDTY (What doctors don’t tell you)

Doctors and scientists have had their homes invaded by police, faced imprisonment and lost their jobs because they questioned the Covid-19 narrative, a new study has discovered.

The true extent of the censorship and suppression of doctors and scientists who did not follow the mainstream narrative of the Covid-19 pandemic is finally coming to light. Scientists have lost their jobs and doctors have been barred for speaking out against lockdowns, mask-wearing and vaccinations or offering effective treatments.

One doctor has had a $1 million lawsuit filed against him for taking an alternate view, and another had his home raided by police, who didn’t even have a warrant.

Dr Jackie Stone, a doctor in Zimbabwe who successfully treated Covid patients with ivermectin and colloidal silver, faces imprisonment, and many other doctors—such as leading cardiologist Peter McCullough—may lose their licenses.

Scientific papers have been retracted and their authors have lost their posts at universities and research centers or been “named and shamed” by medical authorities.

These examples are just a snapshot of the backlash against dissenters and are based on interviews that Israeli researchers have carried out with just 13 doctors and scientists who have questioned the narrative. This superficial analysis suggests that many thousands more have lost their jobs and had their reputations trammeled by authorities who have worked hand-in-glove with governments, mainstream media and websites, including social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter, to silence alternative voices.


Splanchnic Vein Thrombosis with COVID-19 Illness and Vaccination   Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH™

Abdominal Catastrophe Carries High Mortality for Both Victims

Over the the course of the pandemic I received many calls from patients and their families. One of the most difficult symptoms to evaluate over the phone is abdominal pain. Most patients whether at home or in the hospital need a doctors exam to assess acuity, tenderness, peritoneal signs, distension, and incipient gastrointestinal bleeding and or perforation. Because the Spike protein on the surface of SARS-CoV-2 causes blood clotting, most venous thromboembolic syndromes are seen in both COVID-19 patients and those who took the vaccines. It is my experience that the highest risk patients are those who have cumulatively been exposed to the Spike protein via multiple injections and one or more occurrences of COVID-19 illness.



REPORT: Justin Trudeau Hijacks Canada’s Healthcare and Threatens Provincial Premiers to Cut Off Healthcare Funding Unless They Agree to Digital Health ID (VIDEO)


Safe States for Children: Here’s UPDATED List of States That Won’t Comply with CDC’s Recommendation for COVID-19 Vaccination of Kids for School

Total Page Visits: 335

About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.