Daily Shmutz COVID-19  3/3/23


[Ed.:  FEAR YOUR DOCTOR!  Medicine is a disgraced profession.  They cannot (and must not) be trusted any longer! Cultivate Nosocomephobia and iatrophobia.  Spread ‘vaccine hesitancy’!]

At Least 1 Billion Dead or Disabled from CV19 Bioweapon – Dr. Betsy Eads   By Greg Hunter

February 4, 2023 – CV19 bioweapon vax truth warrior Dr. Betsy Eads has been warning of a “Tsunami of ‘vaccine’ deaths coming in the next two years.”  The number of people dying and getting permanent disabilities is increasing.  That is no surprise with 600 million CV19 injections being administered in America alone.  There have been about 13 billion CV19 injections given worldwide.  The estimation of dead and permanently disabled is stunning and criminal.  Dr. Eads explains, “In my personal opinion that a billion people will either die or be permanently disabled.  A new “Expose” article shows 5,162% increase in deaths (in Australia) from this bioweapon shot since 2020. . . . Those are just stunning numbers, and we are seeing it all over the world.  From the UK that is on shot number 6, to Israel that is on shot 7 with complete medical chipping. . . . The entire country of Israel is now medically chipped with portable medical records and vaccine records. . . . We are seeing death and permanent disability in huge numbers.  It is causing huge increases in all-cause mortality.  Just look at Ed Dowd’s numbers.  They are as high as 40% (increase of all-cause mortality) in that young working category.  We have never seen this many death and disability numbers.  There are over 7,000 a day, in America, with death and disability – a day.  This is incredible.  The CV19 injections are a true bioweapon. . . . this was never a vaccine, it has always been a bioweapon.”

Another ominous fact is the vaxed can shed some of the CV19 bioweapon poison onto people who are unvaxed.  This is called “shedding” or “transmission.”  Eads explains, “It’s really not shedding.  It’s really transmission, or transfection of spike proteins.  The spike protein is made up of virus inside it.  It has HIV and the Glyco-spike protein . . . .It can be shed from the nose or the mouth . . . and by skin on skin contact, and that’s been well documented by Dr. Ryan Cole and Dr. Peter McCullough. . . It is documented that there is no end point right now to stop the creation of the spike protein (in the vaxed).”


CV19 Bioweapon/Vax Bell Has Rung, CV19 Vax Dead Piling Up & Inflation Economy   By Greg Hunter

March 3, 2023 – The bell has rung on the fraud of the CV19 plandemic.  From infection to injection, it was all a bioweapon used to kill and disable an unsuspecting global population.  13 billion doses were shot into people worldwide, and it did not help one single person—period.  Woody Harrelson rang the bell that could not be unheard on Saturday Night Live when he said governments and media were bought off by Big Pharma.  They locked us down, and the only way to get out was to take their drugs (CV19 Vax) over and over.  People are waking up to the deadly and debilitating scam of Covid and the bioweapon/vax used to murder people.


Download I-RECOVER Post-Vaccine Summary
Download I-RECOVER Post-Vaccine Protocol
Post-vaccine syndrome is a complex disease. Treatment must be individualized according to each patient’s presenting symptoms and disease syndromes. Not all patients respond equally to the same intervention. Early treatment is essential; the response to treatment will likely be weaker when treatment is delayed.

This document is designed for healthcare providers caring for patients with symptoms following a COVID injection. While a handful of the therapies can be self-administered, we strongly recommend that patients consult with a healthcare provider before beginning any new treatment. (To find a provider, consult FLCCC’s provider directory.)


Is Long COVID Real?   Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Best Way to Reverse Long Covid and Jab Side Effects

Don’t let them make you feel as if the symptoms are all in your head – it’s likely both conditions are rooted in this dysfunction. The good news: You can follow these step-by-step instructions to reverse the attack.


  • There’s a growing trend to label long COVID and injuries from COVID-19 shots “functional neurological disorders” (FND), making some patients feel like the medical community thinks their symptoms are “all in their head”
  • Half of people with long COVID symptoms fit the criteria to be diagnosed with myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), which often flares up after viral infection
  • There’s a lack of consensus and definitions when it comes to FND and its potential treatments, even among those who are considered experts in the field
  • FND has also been used as a diagnosis to explain away adverse reactions to COVID-19 shots
  • Long COVID symptoms share many similarities with post-jab injuries, and it’s likely both are rooted in mitochondrial dysfunction; improving your mitochondrial function will help reverse the problems caused by the jab or the virus


Top 10 myths told by covid “experts” that are now completely debunked

By Ethan Huff | Read the full story

Covid “vaccines” found to be EIGHT TIMES deadlier than the disease itself — government data

By Ethan Huff | Read the full story

COLLUSION: Merck, Big Pharma trying to kill off all generic ivermectin production because it’s cutting into profits

By Ethan Huff | Read the full story

More clot shot cover stories run by fake news CNN blaming insomnia and erythritol for sudden deaths by heart attack and stroke
Ever since the Covid clot shots were administered to 270 M Americans, thousands of vaccine victims have suffered the vascular-clotting consequences, but just can’t seem to figure out …

America spent 11 trillion on covid-19 but nearly nothing on compensating those injured by the vaccines

The United States has spent over 11 trillion on the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, but has spent next to nothing compensating those injured by the vaccines. The amount the U.S. has spent …

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Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.