Daily Shmutz | COVID-19 | 4/13/23


[Ed.:  FEAR YOUR DOCTOR!  Medicine is a disgraced profession.  They cannot (and must not) be trusted any longer! Cultivate Nosocomephobia and iatrophobia.  Spread ‘vaccine hesitancy!]


Vaccine production facilities are indistinguishable from bioweapon production facilities, and vaccines are indistinguishable from bioweapons.   KATHERINE WATT

Also new video, and updated PDF compilations.

APR 13, 2023

January 2010 – Seeking Biosecurity Without Verification: The New U.S. Strategy on Biothreats (Jonathan B. Tucker, Arms Control Association)

…During a December 9, [2009] speech to the annual meeting of states-parties to the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) in Geneva, Undersecretary of State for Arms Control and International Security Ellen O. Tauscher declared, “The Obama administration will not seek to revive negotiations on a verification protocol to the Convention. We have carefully reviewed previous efforts to develop a verification protocol and have determined that a legally binding protocol would not achieve meaningful verification or greater security.”

In effect, President Barack Obama has decided not to reverse the 2001 decision by the Bush administration to reject a draft BWC compliance protocol that had been developed over six years of multilateral negotiations from 1995 to 2001. The protocol would have created a legally binding inspection regime for the BWC, which still lacks formal verification measures….

The BWC, which was opened for signature in 1972 and entered into force in 1975, bans the development, production, stockpiling, and transfer of biological and toxin warfare agents, as well as delivery systems specifically designed for their dispersal…Although the BWC serves as the cornerstone of international efforts to prevent biological weapons proliferation and terrorism, it is widely considered a weak instrument…

At the third review conference of the BWC in 1991, several countries tried to launch a formal negotiation to bolster the treaty with a legally binding verification regime, but they failed to achieve consensus. The George H. W. Bush administration argued that verification was not possible with any degree of confidence because of the dual-use nature of biotechnological materials and equipment, which makes it easy to divert legitimate facilities such as vaccine plants to illicit production…

Advances in fermentation technology have also eliminated the need to stockpile biowarfare agents. Instead, a legitimate production facility, such as a vaccine plant, could be commandeered to grow seed cultures into militarily significant quantities of agent within a period of weeks. Given these technical realities, the detection of illicit biological weapons activities poses daunting challenges for any conceivable monitoring regime…


How vaccine advocates think   ALEX BERENSON

An mRNA skeptic went to the World Vaccine Congress last week to find out. What he saw will disturb you.

APR 13, 2023 – Last week, Dr. Madhava Setty, an anesthesiologist, decided – in his words – to go in “the belly of the beast” and attended the World Vaccine Congress, which bills itself as the “largest, most established meeting dedicated to vaccines.”

Setty didn’t find any conspiracy to depopulate the world or use nanochips to control humanity.

Instead, he discovered widespread ignorance about the data on mRNA Covid shots – combined with a deep arrogance among conference leaders toward anyone who questioned those jabs.

As Setty explained in an email to me:

It was supposed to be a fact-finding mission but within the first few hours I couldn’t hold my tongue and began to ask simple but thoughtful questions of the presenters who were clearly ignorant (willfully or not) of the vast body of evidence that demonstrates that these shots are neither safe nor effective.

He has now published what he saw in a Substack that is equally enlightening and disturbing (and well worth your time).


High School Students Have Cardiac Arrests at their Desks   by Dr. William Makis, COVID Intel, ©2023

(Apr. 12, 2023) — Spokane, Washington – 16 year old Justus Danielli, a student at Ferris High School, arrived early to his calculus exam on March 23, 2023. Suddenly, he collapsed and went into cardiac arrest. (click here)

Another student, 22 year old Taija Nelms, is credited with saving his life.

“In those seconds, someone had called 911, and Nelms answered the dispatcher’s questions — no, he wasn’t breathing, and she couldn’t find a pulse.”

“As I was speaking with the dispatch, they said, ‘OK, perform CPR right now.’ I went into action because it was shocking to everyone; no one knew what to do,” she said. “I was trained from the city of Spokane, and I was like, ‘I’ll do it.’ “

“Tay started performing CPR, and she had to have done it within seconds,” Warren said. “She had to pull him out from underneath his desk. What we were told is she performed CPR for about 10 minutes until the EMTs and Cheney Fire Department showed up. They then performed CPR on him and shocked him about five times.”

When he arrived, for the first 24 hours he was in a coma and on 100% life support,” Warren said. “They had a ventilator on him. After 24 hours, they were able to start reducing it.

“Nothing is wrong with him. They couldn’t find any reason that caused it besides arrhythmia. He’s always been a healthy kid,” Warren said. “The doctors came out and told us that situations like this often don’t end well. They weren’t sure if he was going to make it, and if he did make it, he’d probably never be himself again because of how long he needed CPR.”

After six days at Providence Sacred Heart Children’s Hospital, where he got a pacemaker-defibrillator device installed, Danielli is now home and recovering (click here)

2nd incident in past month

On March 31, 2023 I wrote an article about a similar incident that had occurred to a 16 year old Illinois High School student Maddox McCubbin who collapsed at his desk with cardiac arrest on Feb.24, 2023. (click here)

My Take…


JUST IN: Former NHL Player Dead of a Heart Attack at Age 38   By Patty Mcmurray

Apr. 12, 2023 5:05 pm

Raymond Sawada, a former NHL player for the Dallas Stars, has died from a heart attack at the age of 38.

100 PERCENT FED UP – Sawada was a second-round pick (52nd overall) in the 2004 NHL draft. He played for the Dallas Stars in the 2008-09 season and, following his retirement from professional hockey in 2016, became a firefighter in British Columbia for the City of Burnaby.

On Monday, the young Canadian athlete was playing in a hockey game with the Richmond Cowboys when he suddenly suffered a heart attack.

Sawada left behind his wife and two young daughters, ages 9 and 6, whom he coached in hockey.

Just before the game, he had been celebrating the birthday of his 9-year-old daughter Victoria.

[Ed. Another Fauci murder.  Not even a statistic!]


Anthony Fauci and the Public Health Establishment | Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.   Hillsdale College

“Anthony Fauci and the Public Health Establishment”

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Author, The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health

This speech was given on March 5, 2023, during a Hillsdale College CCA seminar on “Big Pharma.”


In memory of those who “died suddenly” in the United States and worldwide, April 3-April 10, 2023   MARK CRISPIN MILLER

APR 12, 2023  – Journalists: US, Brazil, UK, Germany (4), Bulgaria, Spain, Italy, India, Uzbekistan; cops: US (3), Brazil (2), Argentina (2); Spain, Italy (2), India (3); artists: US, Canada, Austria, Israel; & more


Is there any member of the medical community who is willing to explain to me how we got it wrong on the COVID vaccine?   STEVE KIRSCH

I’m looking for a faculty member at a US university, ideally in infectious disease or epidemiology, to answer the questions I have. I’m willing to pay any fair hourly rate for this.

APR 12, 2023 – Ideally, I’m looking for a faculty member at a US university, ideally in infectious disease or epidemiology, to answer the questions I have. I’m willing to pay any reasonable hourly rate for your time to do this.

If you are a public health authority who has been recommending the vaccine (i.e., everyone except Joe Ladapo), you can respond as well.

Or if you are a qualified expert who has publicly stated that COVID misinformation is a problem such as Ontario’s Nancy Whitmore (or any member of the College), you can respond as well.

Or if you are a “fact checker” for mainstream media, you qualify.

I will even include Susan Oliver and her dog Cindy in the mix.

And, just to be totally inclusive, if you have an h-index of 30 or more and you can answer my questions, you qualify as well.

Please respond here and specify your hourly rate in the Notes field.

My questions are enumerated here.

The reason you should do this is not for the money, but to show the public how we are misinterpreting the data.

We do not want to spread “misinformation,” but all the authorities are ghosting us instead of taking the time to show us how we got it wrong. This is counterproductive. A few hours of just one expert’s time can do more than all the censorship efforts of thousands of people.


An Honest Doctor’s Experiences on the Front Lines During COVID-19   A MIDWESTERN DOCTOR

This is an important testimony to add to the historical record.

APR 12, 2023When I originally made this Substack, I found myself in a very frustrating position—I had something I felt was essential for the world to know (that we were repeating the disastrous smallpox vaccination campaign, its cruel mandates, and the widespread counterprotests against them by the working class). Still, I had no way to get the message out. I tried to find a way to do so for a while, and eventually, Steve Kirsch generously gave me a platform to do so.

Because of this, I have a considerable degree of empathy with people who find themselves in a similar position to mine. Thus one of my goals in building the subscriber base here has been to make that platform available to those in a similar situation to me, and I periodically publish compelling things readers share with me I believe are accurate (e.g., this citizen’s survey of blood clots amongst the vaccinated).

Recently a longtime reader contacted me to share his story. Based on my previous correspondences with him over the last year, I believe he has accurately represented himself here. I also want to note that his story shares many parallels to the treatment of other doctors attempting to do the right thing throughout COVID-19 (e.g., Paul Marik’s experience).

One of the reasons we lack doctors everyone wants to see is because those who try to do the right thing get pushed out of the system. Because there is so much corporate control of medicine, even doctors who want to do the right thing know they have no recourse if the hospital turns against them. Those doctors thus have to choose between toeing the line and doing their best within those circumstances or leaving the system entirely.

Total Page Visits: 203

About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.