Daily Shmutz | COVID-19 | 4/17/23


[Ed.:  FEAR YOUR DOCTOR!  Medicine is a disgraced profession.  They cannot (and must not) be trusted any longer! Cultivate Nosocomephobia and iatrophobia.  Spread ‘vaccine hesitancy!]

They won’t have to “vaccinate” us once they start to “vaccinate” OUR FOOD—which, “in several states,” will start THIS MONTH, according to Tom Renz   MARK CRISPIN MILLER

All eyes on Missouri, where an all-important bill—HB 1169—would require that all food be duly LABELED as to whether it’s a “gene therapy product” (for which God bless the “Show-Me State”)

APR 16, 2023 – Eat Your Vaccines: mRNA Gene Therapy Is Coming to the Food Supply This Month

They’ve given up on a needle in every arm. Now they’re coming for what you eat.

The Vigilant Fox



What Can a New Lawsuit Against Forced Vaccination Teach Us About Medical Ethics?  A MIDWESTERN DOCTOR

Medical Ethics is one of the most critical but neglected aspects of practicing medicine.  

APR 14, 2023Note: This article was initially published on Mercola.com. Since publication, recent events compelled me to add another section to the end of the article. I posted this a few days ago, but I felt given the nature of the content, it was appropriate to send it out on Easter Sunday.

One of the most significant challenges I have faced throughout my medical career is having watched physicians on so many occasions push dangerous and unnecessary treatments on patients, assuring them that they are safe. Some of these treatments inevitably injure those patients. When this happens, if the patient asks about causation, the doctor will tend to insist that the injury had nothing to do with the doctor’s therapy and instead attribute it to some other cause, like pre-existing anxiety.

This dynamic is commonly referred to as medical gaslighting (summarized here). One of the most perplexing things about it is that most doctors who gaslight their patients are intelligent individuals who sincerely want the best for their patients. Since this profound contradiction is so systemic throughout the medical field, the problem transcends the individual doctor, and the root causes must be examined to understand why it happens. For example, a significant issue is that physicians go through a medical training process that does not provide trainees with the capacity to be able to recognize most medical injuries.


Toronto Star Inadvertently Admits Covid “Vaccine” Failure to Stop Infections  ANDREAS OEHLER

Likely, Covid “vaccination” greatly “boosted” Covid infections in Canada. 

APR 16, 2023 – The article from Toronto Star (which squarely lies in the camp of ardent “everything vaccination” proponents) from Apr. 16, 2023, “Why aren’t we hearing about COVID waves anymore? Because COVID is at ‘a high tide’ — and staying there” inadvertently published a set of statements and statistics that should raise the eyebrows of pro-vaxxers up to the tops of their heads, if they had them. I find it bemusing to list:

  • “COVID hospitalizations in Canada are about six times higher today than they were at the lowest point of the pandemic.”
  • “The virus was the number one illness-related cause of hospital admissions for all of last year. And the trend appears to be continuing in 2023.”
  • “…since Omicron subvariants emerged, it’s a giant wave that’s lasted not only much longer, but is also just as high as those we saw in 2021 or even higher at some points.”
  • “Before the Omicron wave began in late December 2021, infection-acquired seroprevalence was around six per cent of Canadians. By this past February, it had jumped to a stunning 77 per cent. That means at least 27 million Canadians [Canada’s total population – about 38.5 million] were infected between Dec. 1, 2021, and Jan. 31, 2023, according to the COVID-19 Immunity Task Force.”
  • “There were an average of 70,000 new infections a day in the first half of 2022, he says. Since July, that’s slowed, but it remains at a rate of an average of 50,000 new daily infections.”
  • “If 70 per cent of the population in the course of the last year were infected, as opposed to only six or seven per cent over the first two years, even if the hospitalization rate is cut in half, you’ve got 10 times as many people being infected. So you’re going to have an absolute number of hospitalizations which is very significant.
  • “So far this year, Canada is seeing an average of 4,170 daily COVID hospitalizations, down from last year’s daily average of 5,621, but close to double the hospitalizations seen in 2021 and nearly triple what they were in 2020.”
  • “Those age 60 and over make up 70 per cent of all COVID hospitalizations in Canada to date.”
  • “…about 15 to 20 per cent of the population has yet to be infected with Omicron thanks to social distancing, masking and vaccination.”
  • “ After you’ve been infected the first time, if you are reinfected, then the risk of hospitalization is much lower.”
  • “A steady level of the virus — and recent increase — detected in Ontario through wastewater surveillance backs up this idea of an ongoing “churn” of infections that doesn’t drop back to the levels seen in 2020 and 2021 between waves.”
  • “If a new mutant appears that is able to escape immunity given by prior infection or vaccination, then there are plenty of people the virus could infect…”


Excess Deaths Back With a Vengeance in the UK and Germany  IGOR CHUDOV

After a lull, excess mortality 21% in the UK, 11% in Germany

APR 16, 2023 – This is a quick update on excess mortality – the deaths occurring in heavily vaccinated countries at rates exceeding historical averages.


Exclusive from Key Trump Economists: The NYT-Suppressed Story of Operation Warp Speed

by Casey Mulligan and Tomas Philipson  

April 16, 2023 – Following this Thinker prologue is an exclusive op-ed by University of Chicago Professors Casey Mulligan and Tomas Philipson on former President Donald Trump’s Operation Warp Speed. The piece was originally slated for publication in The New York Times, which catch-and-killed Mulligan and Philipson’s story by delaying its release before aborting it altogether.

Mulligan and Philipson were key members of Trump’s Council of Economic Advisers, with Mulligan serving as chief economist and Philipson as acting chair. Thus, in September 2019, Philipson watched now-infamous health official Anthony Fauci gleefully attend Trump’s signing ceremony for Executive Order 13887, which provided for “vaccine production process improvements to reduce the time required for vaccine production.” This decree was part and parcel of Trump’s wide-ranging effort to deregulate America and streamline the health bureaucracy.

Total Page Visits: 493

About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.